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November 17, 1960
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2058873 rlariMrarVIT NNW 17 November 1960 Copy No. C y CENTRAL TELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT MI. 45- WANEE IN CLASS. X E-1 WTI 4SV9F1) C-0 TI 5 1EXT e!E.Y1E+.,..! DATE; A1014_ HO 10,1 LartEg JUN 1980 aviEviER5 -TOP-SEC-RET- jifcprovfdfo 'rRelease: 2020%0/3VC2658'8737 �stW' Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2058873 -�10? Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2058873 Approved forkerese-:-2E0/03/13 CO2058873 17 NOVEMBER 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA USSR to provide Morocco with jet air- craft, reportedly within six weeks or a month. Negotiations between Iraqi Government and IPC at an impasse, with some nation- alization of present oil concession a pos.- ez, sibility. Chinese Nationalists reorganizing their irregulars in Bui.ma. III. THE WEST Guatemala�Communists now trying to capitalize on the revolt by agitation in the capital; government forces recapture Puerto Barrios. Bolivia sending mission to Europe to ex- plore possibilities for Soviet and West European aid. Denmark--Governing Social Democrats to face difficulties in reconstituting coali- tion government following general elec- tion, but no basic changes anticipated in foreign or defense policies. Lc!) Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2058873 117/ r;V . Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2058873 . . CENTVAL INTELLIGENCE BULLEYN 17 November. 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC IL ASIA-AFRICA Morocco-USSR: Moscow is reliably reported to have I ti 7\ offered Morocco MIG�-17s and an unspecified number of _ other aircraft, presumably IL-28 twin-jet light bombers, In response to an 11 November request from Crown Princed,,,/,,,, Moulay Hassan. The aircraft and technicians are expected _ to reach Morocco in four to six weeks by ship. Rabat's 15 ir November communique on the provision of Soviet aircraft, ir ' 4,4,114,,4 coupled with the news blackout on the arrival of US arms last week, Is symptomatic of its extreme sensitivity to left ist charges that the King's government is dominated by "colonialists." The announcement was made on the eve of the three-day national holiday when the recently arrived American equipment is being exhibited. Rabat probably hopes it will serve somewhat to balance both the receipt of American economic and military aid and the continua- tion of US and French base rights through 1963 and to prove that the King is following his professed policy of nonalign- ment. (Page 1) Iraq Oil:ELengthy negotiations between Baghdad and the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC) over changing conces- sion terms have reached an impasse, and unilateral gov- ernment action against the company is being considered. Earlier this month, the company reluctantly agreed to meet Prime Minister Qasim's harsh terms for surrendering much of its concession area. Qasim, however, has sharply in- creased his demands, and IPC now doubts that the government is interested in any agreement. Possibly sensing some weak- ness in the company's stand, Qasim may even go so far as to try to secure his terms by legislation, including "nationaliz- ing" more than 90 percent of the company's present conces- sion area) (Page 3) SECRET AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2058873/ -t9 F/7 4r � / Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2/058873 %,a00 44a � Nationalist China: ite government is attempt- ing to reorganize the Chinese Nationalist irregulars Y.n Burma into an effective military force capable of tactical missions. An important element in the Na- tionalist program for supplying and controlling the irregulars has been the transfer of junior officers and enlisted men with special-forces training from Taiwan to the Burma border area�possibly 1,000 this year. On 2 November Chiang Ching-kuo told a group of irregular commanders, then in Taiwan for orientation, that the Burma area would be the first line of counterattack a- gainst the main1an5.1.:-.1 (Page 4) 0,k III. THE WEST Guatemala: Communist and pro-Communist groups, apparently surprised by the revolt launched on 13 Novem- ber by disaffected army officers, now are seeking to cap- italize on the uprising by agitation in the capital. An anti- government demonstration there on 15 November was dis- persed by the police, but new ones are planned nightly "until the government falls." The regime's position in the capital has been weakened by the withdrawal of troops to 6 fight insurgents outside the capital. *Although government forces yesterday recaptured the Caribbean city of Puerto Barrios, a number of the rebels who had held that city still remain at large. (Page 5) Bolivia: The Bolivian Government has announced that a commercial mission will leave within 30 days for Western Europe, Czechoslovakia, and the USSR to seek credits for the national mining company and to investigate Soviet overtures concerning a tin smelter for Bolivia. The President has told the US Embassy the mission will also investigate Soviet talk of a $60,000,000 credit for Bolivia's national petroleum company. An upsurge of pro= Communist agitation which was stimulated by the Soviet 17 Nov 60 DAILY BRIEF Ii 61