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June 27, 1960
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ZAZZA Approved for Release. 2020/03/13 C03160553 *Aft� OP�SEICRET� yaw 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 27 June 1960 Copy No. C TRAL IYTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT HO. NO ONANGE IN D DECLASSIFIED CLIASS, NE.41::: TO: tis: lid DATA JUN 19%) REVIEWER TOP SECRET for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553WZZW/W/WW Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 IV I� .OP i01.04� 116 I Alk Approved fo7kete-as;:762F-07/13 C03160553 _Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 ',.dI 1.111-44,....l %LA I 27 JUNE 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC East German police have instituted a series of strong harassing actions against Western military liaison missions. II. ASIA-AFRICA New Congo Government has strong leftist tinge. Japan- lkeda encountering strong opposi- tion in contest for post of prime minister.� Group of senior Lebanese Army officers discussing necessity for military regime. 0 Malayan anti-Communist orientation un- changed despite prime minister's advocacy of UN membership for Communist China. 0 Philippines- -President Garcia's veto of three major bills gives opposition effec- tive ammunition. III. THE WEST 0 Cuba seeks long-term Polish credit; Raul Castro mission presumed in search of military aircraft. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 � . V-1- Jr E.I%11 /1100 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 27 June 1960 DAILY BRIEF THE COMMUNIST BLOC i East Germany: East German police have instituted a series of strong harassing actions against Western military liaison missions in East Germany. Since 9 June several inci- dents have occurred, with East German police forcing mission vehicles to stop, threatening mission personnel with loaded 10 Afirearms, and engaging in acts of physical violence against them. 1\1 .p.�,() The most serious of these incidents was the physical assault on the chief and other members of the British mission in an unre- stricted area near Potsdam on 21 June. The three chiefs of the 6,1 Western liaison missions believe that the deteriorating situation may result in further serious incidents, possibly involving even the loss of life. They also believe that the East German actions are bein taken with the approval of high-level Soviet authorities. (Page 1) IL ASIA-AFRICA Belgian Congo: 'The government formed by Congo Premier- designate Patrice Lumumba is "weak" and has a "strong leftist tinge," according to the consulate general in Leopoldville. Mem- bers of opposition parties named to the cabinet are described as Little known and likely to be dominated by Lumumba. Among ten 0 secretaries of state,� however, five--including the secretary for economic coordination and planning�are Communist inclined. rMeanwhile, a spokesman for the majority Conakat party in Katanga Prnvinrp hng Plenrchqcwad elPtPrminatiOn to secede. (Page 3) 14 v Japan: Political maneuvering is continuing as factions of the ruling Liberal Democratic party attempt to reach agreement on a single candidate to succeed Prime Minister Kishi, Hayato Ikeda, leading contender for Kishrs post, is encountering strong opposi- tion from part of the press and from leftist groups, with the Socialists NApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C0316055-3 � Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 *sof vil hinting they might support one of his conservative rivals for prime minister. The Socialists plan to organize a joint front for long-range opposition to the security treaty. ['They also are reported planning to promote the establishment of a left-wing Socialist party in South Korea.]( (Page 4) Lebation: A number of senior Lebanese Army officers, dig- satigied with the results so far of the parliamentary elections, are discussing the necessity of installing a military regime to prevent the meeting of the new parliament, The group, presumably mostly Christians, is said to fear that the election of pro- and anti-UAR extremists to the new parliament will lead to new outbreaks of religious strife. There is no indication that the group intends immediate action, although the new parliament could meet as early as mid-July. A further indication of political instability is the existence of wide- spread discontent with President Shihab and the army because of the army's blatant intervention in the election. (Page 6) [Malaya: Prime Minister Abdul Rahman's recent public advo- cacy of UN membership for Communist China apparently results from his belief that the summit breakdown was solely the result of Chinese pressure on the Soviets, and that its membership would ease international tension. In addition, Rahman is said to believe that US policy toward Communist China will change as the result of French and British pressures. Rahman's views, however, do not represent a real softening of the Federation's anti-Communist orientation, and they specifically do not portend any earlyslinlo- matic recognition. of Communist China by the Federation. kinnippines: vresictent uarcia's veto oi tnree major mils wnicn he had demanded earlier from the Philippine Congress as part of his anticorruption and "Filipino first" drives, has raised a storm of protest within his own Nacionalista party and alienated many of b r"' his congressional supporters. The widespread belief that the Pres- ident bowed to pressure from profiteering special interest has un- dermined the prestige accruing to Garcia from the Philippine 27 June 60 DAILY BRIEF ii TOP SEC Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C0316055k Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553' va .4%.'J L4 reception of President Eisenhower and has given the opposi- tion, looking toward next year's oresidential election, some effective ammunition. (Page 7) III. THE WEST Cuba: The Castro regime continues its efforts to secure industrial goods and technical assistance through the conclu- sion of trade and aid agreements with the Sino-Soviet bloc. Havana is seeking a long-term Polish credit for industrial development similar to the agree- ments concluded with the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, and that Cuban visas have been authorized for a Chinese Communist commercial mission. A Cuban mission, headed by Armed Forces Minister Raul Castro, is en route to Czechoslovakia and the UAR, presumably in search of military aircraft which Cuba has not pro- cured from other sources. Thus far the bloc has not provided mil- itary aid to the Castro regime. (Page 8) 27 June 60 DAILY BRIEF lii -TOP SECRET � \ \Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553L Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 16 LI %LAT- '4�1110- East German Police Harassing Western Military Liaison Missions East German police are conducting a series of harassing actions against the three Western military liaison missions ac- credited to the commander of the Group of Soviet Forces in Gprmany (GSFG). The three chiefs of the Western liaison mis- sions, believe that the East German actions have been taken with high-level Soviet approval. Several incidents have occurred since 9 June and surveillance has been markedly stepped up: East German police have forced mission vehicles to stop, threat- ened mission personnel with loaded firearms, used insulting lan- guage toward Western officers, and engaged in acts of physical violence against members of the American and British mission,s. A- letter of 16 June from the chief of the British mission to the commander of GSFG protesting the harassments remains unan- swered. The most serious incident occurred on 21 June when East German security police halted the chief of the British Military Liaison Mission, Brigadier Packard, in an unrestricted area near Potsdam. The East Germans struck Packard and another officer, injured an enlisted man,, and seized at gun point all equipment in the British cars. When a Soviet liaison officer ar- rived several hours later, the East Germans refused to allow the British vehicles to follow his car as he had directed; only after the Soviet officer returned an hour later did the East Germans permit the British cars to proceed. Since this incident, East German surveillance has been con- centrated on British mission vehicles; French and American mis- sion personnel have noted only one instance of being followed closely in the period 21-24 June, On 20 May, while Khrushchev was in East Berlin, East Ger- man party boss Ulbricht launched a propaganda campaign that is 27 - 27 June 60 CFKITRAI IkITFI I inpkirr RI III PTIKI Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 La %AT-LT still continuing against the Western military liaison missions. He claimed that East German security police had obtained maps and other intelligence material "from American officers" which proved that they were spying against East Germany. The chiefs of the Western missions consider that the deteri- orating situation may result in further, serious incidents�possibly involving the loss of life. The harassments appear to be part of a coordinated effort to limit severely the activities of the missions, to force them to accept documentation indicating East German per- mission to travel, or to suspend travel entirely. Soviet military authorities sought to force the missions to accept such documen- tation last winter, with the explanation that East German police could then know that they were not to molest mission personnel. 27 June 60 CFMTDAk I IKITFI I IMFKICF RI III FTIKI Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 Lumumba Moves to Consolidate Power in Congo The government formed by Congo Premier-designate Patrice Lumumba is "weak" and has a "strong leftist tinge," according to the consulate general in Leopoldville. Members of opposition parties named to the cabinet are described as little known and likely to be dominated by Lumumba. The premier-designate al- located to himself the key post of defense minister, which carries with it control over the Congo's 24,000-man security force, whose Belgian officers are expected to remain after the Congo's independ- ence on 30 June. Among ten secretaries of state named by Lumumba, five�in- cluding the secretary for economic coordination and planning-- are Communist inclined. Anti- Lumumba leaders continue to em- phasize Lumumba's Communist contacts, and in conversation with US officials have deplored the failure of the United States to check "Communist forces" in the Congo. Available evidence indicates that Lumumba is a leftist-oriented "neutralist" who has ac'eepted financial aid from Communist sources. I_Leaders for the majority Conakat party in Katanga Province continue to threaten secession and have� expressed dissatisfaction at the inability of the United States to offer armed support, if needed, to an independent Katanga state. A Conakat spokesman has indicated to American officials that Katanga is prepared to secede from the Congo on 30 June unless Conakat is griapted three cabinet seats instead of the one offered by Lumumba and unless they are convinced that the Congo Government will not evolve into a "Lumumba dictatorship." -SECRET--- 27 June 60 CFKITD A II IKITFI I InFKICF RI II I FTIKI Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 ',Raw The Japanese Situation Leaders of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic party are en- gaging in vigorous backstage maneuvering in an effort to reach agreement on a successor to Prime Minister Kishi. Minister of International Trade and Industry Hayato Ikeda is still regarded as the leading contender, but the strong opposition he is encountering from the leftists�Socialists, Sohyo, and the extremist student or- ganization, Zengakuren�and from part of the press is encouraging his competitors' efforts to block his succession. Former Prime Minister Yoshida continues to exert a strong influence for party unity behind Ikeda in order to establish an ef- fective conservative government. He has endorsed Ikeda in letters to leaders of the principal factions now supporting Kishi. The sit- uation within the Liberal Democratic party, however, is still fluid, and a compromise candidate may be required to put off major dis- sension in the party. The Japanese Socialist party is attempting to aggravate the fac- tional maneuvering over the selection of Kishi's successor and has already developed a campaign to discredit publicly any new head of the Liberal Democratic party. The Socialists have indicated they will end their boycott of the Diet in order to vote for the next prime minister and have hinted they might support Kenzo Matsu.mura, one of Ikeda's conservative rivals. They have publicly reaffirmed their opposition to any candidate involved in the Diet's "forced" approval of the security treaty. The Socialist party has also stated it will continue efforts to neutralize the security treaty by making it diffi- cult for the United States to maintain its bases in Japan. The Socialist party may be planning to extend its proneutralist and anti-American activities to South Korea in the belief that it can exploit the unstable political situation following the fall of the Rhee regime. Fusao Yamaguchi, secretary of the party's international bureau, is reportedly planning to dispatch a Korean leftist, Kim Sam-kyu, to South Korea to establish the nucleus of a left-wing Korean counterpart of the Japanese Socialist party. South Koreans are strongly anti-Communist and at least nom- inally anti-Japanese, but some left-of-center groups now emerging 27 June 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 may be receptive to Kim's overtures, providing he is well fi- nanced. Also, the Federation of South Korean Trade Unions, which was formerly largely financed and controlled by Ethee's Liberal party, must find a new source of financial support. The lederation's leadership is divided by factionalism and the membership has hoodlum elements. 27 June 60 rEkITD A II 11.ITC1 I letektee DI II I CTIkl Page 5 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 orinDrrr Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 Lebanese krthy Clique Considers Military 'reticeover several senior Lebanese Army officers discussed the 'necessity of installing a military regime in order to prevent the assembly of the new parliament now being elected. The group, believed largely composed of Christian officers, expressed bitter dissatisfaction at the outcome of the voting so far, feeling that the election of a number of pro- and anti-UAR extremists will in- evitably lead to bitter strife between Christians and Moslems. Previous reports have indicated that General Adil Shihab, Lebanese Army commander, has been greatly disturbed by the inept intervention in the elections by the chief of staff and the head of army intelligence. The results of the voting over the past two weeks may have increased his alarm. Several Moslem extremists already have won seats, and in the remaining two election phases-- the one held on 26 June and the one on 3 July in predominantly Mos- lem areas--other extremists were expected to be elected. The gen- eral is thought to be included among the conspirators and may be their leader. The group is believed to be in contact with disgruntled Christian politicians. :The conspirators apparently intend to try to persuade Pres- ident Fuad Shihab to suspend the constitution, install a military regime, and rule by decree. There is no indication that the group intends immediate action, although the new parliament could meet as early as mid-July.) In early June the President, expressed disgust with Lebanese politics, stating "the Lebanese cannot govern themselves�they must be governed." Shihab, in his exasperation with affairs, might be receptive to a greater role by the military in running the government. A further indication of political instability is that President Shihab and the army are also objects of widespread discon- tent. Responsible Lebanese of all shades of political opinion are reported concerned over the blatant and open intervention in the elections by the army, which in past elections has remained neutral. -SECRET__ 27 June 60 6p_proved for_Release: 2020/03/13 CO3160553 pave, 6 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 IL,,JUIN 1 SIMLA Noe Philippine President Blocks Anticorruption Measures Philippine President Garcia's recent last-minute veto of three congressional acts he had requested in furtherance of his "antigraft" and "Filipino first" platforms has seriously embar- rassed his Nacionalista party and further damaged his. national stature. Violent criticism of the 'President's "weak and flimsy" reasons for vetoing the bills--a bill to strike at government cor- ruption, a measure to tighten loopholes in Japanese reparations procurement, and a bill to curb alien monopolies in rice and corn distribution--is based on the widespread inference that Garcia has yielded to pressure from special interests, including local Chinese businessmen. in the face of growing unpopularity, Garcia has been vigor- ously publicizing his determination to clean up his administra- tion and to carry out a policy of constructive nationalism under the "Filipino first" slogan. He has further sought to soothe the irritations and alleged "grievances" against the United States in the hope of identifying himself with American favor. His recent actions, however, have tended to raise strong public doubts of his sincerity and to undermine the prestige accruing to his adminis- tration from the country's enthusiastic reception of President Eisenhower. Garcia has thus offered new ammunition to the parties which will oppose him in next year's presidential election. The opposi- tion may also benefit from the reopening of the rift between Garcia and other influential Nacionalista leader i3 which mayAffect his fu- ture ability to command maiority support in Congress. CONFIDENTIAL 27 June 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 ...el a..11-41...+1%.,L4 1� ,�J110i Cuba Continues to Tighten Soviet Bloc Ties The Castro regime continues its efforts to secure indus- trial goods and technical assistance through the conclusion of trade and aid agreements with the Sino-Sokriet bloc. the government's foreign commerce bank ask Polish officials to authorize the Polish commercial mission in Havana to negotiate a long-term credit for industrial development sim- ilar to the agreements concluded by Cuba with the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. the Cuban Foreign Ministry authorized visas for a Chinese Com- munist commercial mission. General discussions have taken place with Soviet officials on the possible construction of a steel plant, a petroleum refin- ery, and probably also smaller factories under the $100,000,000 Soviet credit agreement concluded last February. A large num- ber of Soviet technicians has already arrived in Cuba. A team of Soviet geologists is reported by a high Cuban official to be inves- tigating the extraction of nickel in Cuba. It is possible that the technicians are working with the Cuban Government on a move against the US �Government� owned Nicaro Nickel Corporation or the _American privately owned Moa Bay company, the only nickel companies operating in Cuba. The departure oi a Cuban mission, headed by Armed Forces Minister Raul Castro, for Czechoslovakia and the UAR indicates that Cuba is continuing to seek military aircraft which it has been unable to procure from other sources. It is not known whether agreements for the supply of bloc military equipment were con- cluded during the recent Cuban= Czech trade talks, but a high- level Czech official often associated with bloc arms deliveries is now in Havana. The Sino-Soviet bloc thus far, however, has not provided military aid to the Castro regime. Meanwhile, the Cuban Government's oil-storage facilities are full, and further shipments of Soviet petroleum are en route. This 27 June 60 CFMTDAII IkJTPI I inrkirp RI III PTIKI Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 1 WA L71-.A...,1%.1:J may well precipitate seizure of the country's major refineries, American and British owned, which have refused to process Soviet crude. 27 June 60 CkITD A II IkITCI I IftCkle`C DI II I CTIkl Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 Page 9 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 CONFIDENT1A L THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160553 ,vzzzz.rzzzmzmzmzz.,zzzzzzz.zzz.zzzzzz Approved for Release: 2020163/13-603160553 � � III MIN MI 0 4/ 7,I 4,00 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /74 0 0 0 0 7/ 0 0 / 0 0 0 0 0 '4 r. d / jApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 co3160553""zzrnmrnm, �MP�SECRET� 4, ... 4: 4'