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June 21, 1960
// ZZA V, Z/ZZ/ Approved 610 Release: if3189340 � - / Nome 21 June 1960 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Lopy tj% INTELLIGENCE DOCUMENT gst Lk.tJ cOss, r 9 JUN 1960 :111trEi REVIEWER,: TOP SECRET jrnydr,deMIWZ,ZZApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 rjeZZZZA Wirrn, j --- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 IGegior RIG. -41W Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 SECRET 21 JUNE 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR deposits $2,000,000 in New York bank against $100,000,000 line of credit for Ethiopia. II. ASIA-AFRICA Japan--Kishi appears increasingly iso- lated; press and public hold him respon- sible for recent chaos. Algeria--Rebel leaders still skeptical of Be Gaulle's ability to provide adequate guarantee on a referendum. III. THE WEST New British formula for Cyprus bases, to be presented to Makarios shortly, would still leave several problems out- standing. 0 Austrian newspaper campaign on the South Tirol increases likelihood that Vienna's dispute with Italy will be brought to UN. SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 21 June 1960 DAILY BRIEF L THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR-Ethiopia: The Soviet Union, departing from its usual policy of not extending cash loans to nonbloc coun- tries, has deposited in a New York bank $2,000, 000 to the account of the Ethiopian Government. The sum is to be deb- 1_/ ited against the Soviet $100,000,000 line of credit previously 0 fc-- extended to Addis Ababa. Moscow presumably hopes this gesture of good faith will prompt Ethiopia to utilize more fully and quickly Soviet and other bloc economic aid credits, use of which thus far has been handicapped by lack of effective Ethio- pian cooperation in the planning stages. Page 1) I I. ASIA-AFRICA Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340SECRET � Sue Nor CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN � *Japan: Prime Minister Kishi appears to be increasingly � \ isolated, both politically and personally, as leftists and contend- , 0 (1 ing groups within his party accelerate demands for his resigna- ,\ tion. The press is continuing to excuse leftist violence as justi- ,\ /0"drftends to be responsive to efforts to make Kishi the scapegoat for iably provoked by Kishi's policies and blunders, and the public the recent chaos. Continuing demonstrations planned for this ,LLA week will have the ouster of Kishi as their principal immediate /. jbjective. Kishi told the secretary general of his ry,,,441-' party that after the security treaty with the US went into effect, 6.1-2yA.,- he would make an announcement that he would be prepared to resign as prime minister. (Page 2) Algeria-France: The decision of the Algerian rebel govern- ment to send a delegation to Paris to explore the possibility of cease-fire negotiations appears in part to have been influenced -sEeRE-T-_ NApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 ' sx, Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340' Nor" by popular opinion in Tunisia and Morocco, he rebel leaders reportedly hope for agreement on some form of association be- tween Algeria and France, to be ratified by referendum, but are believed skeptical of De Graulle's ability to provide adequate guar- antees concerning the administration of any referendum. IDe Gaulle is unlikely to recognize the rebels as the sole spokesmen for Al- geria's Moslems and probably will not depart radically from his plan for a self-determination referendum. (Page 3) 1:-Cyprus: III. THE WEST Even if the proposed solution in the formula on the cession of British bases is accepted, several other problems re- main to be resolved�both between the Cypriots and British and be- tween the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities. (Page 4)3 0 Austria-Italy: A vigorous newspaper campaign being waged in Austria to detach the South Tirol from Italy is likely to bring to a head the Vienna-Rome dispute over the territory and increases the likelihood that the issue will be brought to one of the UN agencies. Austrian authorities have apparently approved the campaign in the be- lief it will support their demand for full regional autonomy for the South Tirol within the framework of the Italian constitution--a de- mand unacceptable to Rome. (Page 5) , 21 June 60 DAILY BRIEF ii SEGRE-T- lApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C0318934k Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 %Mr Moscow Extends Cash Lean to Ethiopia The Soviet Union, in a rare departure from its usual policy of not extending cash loans to nonblcio.: countries, has deposited in a New York bank $2,000,000 to the accourit of the Ethopian Government. The loan is to be debited against the Soviet $100,000,000 line of credit agreed on in 1959, and is the first cash loan extended by Moscow through its economic aid program to an Afro-Asian or Latin American country. Although it is not known to what use the loan will be put, the fact that the deposit was made in a US bank would tend to suggest that Addis Ababa is considering purchases with these funds in the US or some other hard-currency country. The loan conceivably may be used to purchase agricultural equip- ment for the Emperor's land reform grogram. Use of bloc credits thus far has been handicapped by lack of effective Ethiopian cooperation in the planning stages. An estimated 40 percent of the Soviet credit has been committed in principle for an oil refinery, a gold-ore processing plant, geological surveys, and a feasibility :study for a metallurgical complex. No portion of the Czech $10,00g000 credit has yet been obligated. Moscow presumably hopes the recent loan-- as a gesture of good faith--will encourage Ethippia to utilize Soviet and other bloc economic aid credits more fully and rap- idly. In addition, Moscow, whithkrnay plan economic overtures to Somalia may intend 1he loan to minimize Ethiopian reac- tion. -CONFIDENTIAL 21 June 60 CENTD Al IINITDI I inckircDliii TIM Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 SECRET Japan Prime Minister Kishi appears to be increasingly isolated, both politically and personally, as leftists and contending groups within his party accelerate demands for his resignation. He is widely held responsible for the present crisis by the press and by a large segment of the public, who tend to excuse recent left- ist violence as provoked by Kishi's "high-handed" methods in rat- ifying the security treaty. Kishi told the secretary general of the Liberal Democratic party that after the new US-Japanese security treaty went into effect, he would make an announcement that he would be prepared to resign as prime minister. Former Prime Minister Yoshida, who has been a supporter of Kishi but who now believes that new leadership is necessary, is pressing faction leaders to forget personal ambitions in the national interest and to agree on a successor. Ambassador MacArthur is convinced that Yoshida, frequently mentioned as an interim prime minister, does not aspire to the position. The Japan Socialist party (JSP) meanwhile is planning to sup- port nationwide strikes called by Sohyo, the pro-Communist labor federation, for 22 June. These are to be the largest held during the campaign protesting the treaty and demanding the resignation of the Kishi government, The "mainstream" faction of Zengakuren, the radical student organization responsible for the violent demon- strations which forced postponement of President Eisenhower's visit, is also expected to participate. In an about-face on 19 June the JSP decided to retract the mass resignations of its Diet members, originally submitted as a prop- aganda maneuver against ratification of the treaty. The JSP now appears to be broadening its program to include repeal of the treaty. For consistency's sake, the Socialists are asking for dissolution of the Diet and a general election, although it is questionable that they actually desire an election in which the more moderate Democratic Socialist party (DSP) would probably gain. 21 June 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 -9Eeittur� *le Algerian Rebels Accept French Invitation to Cease-Fire Negotiations The decision of the rebel Algerian Provisional Govern- ment to send a delegation to Paris for cease-fire negotiations has revived hopes for a settlement of the rebellion--now in its sixth year--even though prospects for an early settlement are slight. The statement by rebel Premier Ferhat Abbas on 20 June characterized De Gaulle's invitation as represent- ing "some progress in relation to his earlier positions," but still "far removed" from the rebel position. Despite their mis- givings, the rebels remain committed to a negotiated settle- ment, and have been under pressure from Morocco and Tu- nisia to meet with De Gaulle. Publicly the rebels continue to demand full independence. Their doubts concerning De Gaulle's ability to assure a free choice in an Algerian referendum, however, may lead them to explore the possibility of agreement on an "association" relationship with France. Certain rebel leaders reportedly envisage a bilateral agreement concerning some form of association, to be ratified by a referendum. De Gaulle is unlikely to recognize the rebels as the sole spokesmen for Algeria's Moslems, and to date has given no indication that he is willing to discuss matters other than the terms of a cease-fire. Despite their differences, both sides will prob- ably strive to avoid an early breakdown in the talks. In any negotiations, the rebels will be handicapped by the need to placate their more intransigent military com- manders, while De Gaulle's freedom of maneuver will con- tinue to be limited by the far right. Tension reportedly has mounted in Algiers following the rebel acceptance. 21 June 60 CENZp-p'ro.ved i7FRela-sW-20-20703/157Oi189340 Page 3 Cyprus NegOtintiAPproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 new instructions containing a proposed formula for solving the dispute between the British and Cypriots over dis- position of British military bases on the island in the event of ultimate British withdrawal. Archbishop Makarios has insisted that London give unconditional assurances thatithe bases would re- vert to Cyprus. The British, however, fear that such assurances would invite a Cypriot campaigmto force them out. the new formula has been accepted by both the Greek and Turkish governments and was to be presented to Archbishop Makarios within two or three days. has described the proposed plan as consisting of the following three steps. First, the British will send an official letter to Makarios stating that negotiations over the future of the bases are without purpose as the British will never leave them. Secondly, Makarios will reply that Cypriots will not raise the question of British departure but that if the British were to leave, the bases should revert to the future Cypri- ot government. Finally, the British will agree with Makarios' statement, government will exert pressure on Makarios to accept the plan. Success of the new pro- posal to remove the "cession issue," which has deadlocked the Cyprus negotiations for weeks, will depend largely on the tactics used by the British in presenting the formula to Makarios and on the degree of pressure Athens may be willing to exert on the Archbishop. Other issues will remain even if the question of bases is re- solved. There has been no agreement on the form of a declaration on administration of British sovereign areas, on the location of corridors between Cypriot enclaves in the base areas, or on the extent of financial aid to be given the new republic by the British. Communal problems which must be settled prior to independence-- such as implementation of a 7040 ratio between Greek and Turk- ish Cypriots in the future civil service, also are unresolved. Un- less all of these problems can be eliminated within the next few days, it appears unlikely that independence will be possible be- fore late fall. _sEGREF 21 June 60 CEsITD Al IKITCI I IrICAIrC MI II I CTIkl Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 CONFIDENTIAL �111111r. Austrian Agitation for South Tirolean Self-determination An influential Austrian editor and publisher, long an ardent advocate of the South Tirol's cause, has started a campaign to detach the area from Italy. On 15 June, all three of his news- papers prominently featured the results of an opinion survey con- ducted by a West German polling organization reputedly showing that 82 percent of the German-speaking population in the South Tirol favored its return to Austria, that only 7 percent favored its retention by Italy, and that 26 percent would support compatriots "resorting to force." In a subsequent conversation with an Amer- ican Embassy official in Vienna, the publisher "as much as ad= milted" that his objective is self-determination for the South Tirol and its return to Austria. Embassy officials believe that Austrian authorities knew in advance and approved the editor's campaign, feeling it would sup- port their present demand for full regional autonomy for the South Tirol under the Italian constitution. [Vienna is expected to reit- erate this demand in a letter from Chancellor Raab to Rome. The letter, which will probably declare further bilateral talks useless but may nevertheless propose a meeting of "confidential represent= atives" of both sides, is generally believed preparatory. for an Austrian appeal of the issue to the UN General Assembly:3 Rome's suspicions of Vienna's ultimate intentions will be deep- ened by this evidence of Austrian public support for self-determina- tion. Officially, Vienna still bases its case on the 1946 agreement which confirmed Italian sovereignty over the South Tirol but gave cultural guarantees to the German-speaking population. Italy is not likely to grant the South Tirol even regional autonomy and will strongly oppose any attempt to set up a plebiscite.; The Tambroni government has recently seemed inclined to propose that the issue be taken to the International Court in order to forestall an Austrian appeal to the UN Assembly. 1 21 June 60 CErs'""' IblTI I IklP n' " ' "4" Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 CONFIDENTIAL :we THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign.Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340 V/Zzzszzzzz z z �e Approved for Release: 2020103113C03189340 � mow � wir IRE Nur �11.= �TOP�SECRET� f�,�,,,Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189340mmmzzrnm