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July 17, 1959
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Z/ZZ/Z/Z/Z/Z7Z/ZZ/Z/Z � - . Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726.I'1 errnr / 1401 '11010 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CONTINUED CONTROL 17 July 1959 Copy No. C 63 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 71 10-P-5-EMU DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CL SS. t DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: ,S, NEXT REVIEW DATE: �W_C,01 AUTHL DATE. REVIEWER: Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 -TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Approved for Re1Q-s-e72-6-2-6/02/21 C03190726 NO_ 17 JULY 1959 L THE COMMUNIST BLOC IL ASIA-AFRICA Renewed plotting against Shah in Iran. Cameroun--French officials fear out- lawed extremists may form govern- ment-in-exile and obtain recognition from West African States. Yemen--Delay in Imam's return will give crown prince more time to strengthen his position. Ceylon--Government's firmness in handling strike puts leftist opposition at disadvantage but does not alter Bandaranaike's shaky position. Thailand--New security controls may be imposed following discovery of Communist underground apparatus. III. THE WEST 0 French authorities highly exercised over proposed US and Norwegian arms deliveries to Tunisia. 0 Finland plans to join little free trade area. 0 Argentina--Navy discontent may weaken Frondizi's military support. 0 Guatemala--Rioting likely if govern- ment annuls municipal electoral victory of Revolutionary party. Honduras--Government has yet to curb Communists, whose role enhanced fol- lowing abortive 12 July rightist revolt. SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 440 .Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 CO3190726 SECRET ,4�10, 410., CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 17 July 1959 DAILY BRIEF L THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA Iran: kahere is apparently renewed plotting against the Shah in military circles. Two groups seem to be seriously exploring coup possibilities and attempting to de- velop more support, but their activities are not believed to constitute an immediate threat to the Shah. Meanwhile Soviet propaganda attacks against the Shah continue at a high level and Iranian officials are showing some concern over the domestic repercussio.lig (Page 1) � Cameroun: Irench officials in Cameroun fear that out- lawed-nationalist extremists may announce the creation of a Cameroun government-in-exile during the current meeting in Liberia of President Tour d of Guinea, Prime Minister Nkruma,h of Ghana, and President Tub man of Liberia. The French officials have asked Paris to make an immediate de- marche to President Tubman to head off recognition by Liberia and frustrate the Cameroun exiles' reported plan to gain favorable diplomatic action by the three nations. Both Guinea and Ghana in the past have shown sympathy for the extremis12.4 (Page 2) Yemen: The likelihood of several weeks' delay in the Imam's MTurn to Yemen from Rome, because of further ill- ness, will give Crown Prince Badr still more time to Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C0319072/ Napi �SteRET vir // � 14 7 strengthen his position with the aid of UAR military and ?./,' civilian missions. It will also permit dissident pressures 444 '1. to build up further in Yemen and these may increase if the impression is received that the Imam's health is failing. 4 -4 4 44 4 (Page 3) Ceylon: The powerful leftist party opposing Prime Minister Bandaranaike�the Trotskyite Lanka Sama Samaj-- has been maneuvered into a defensive position. The govern- ment's unusual firmness in dealing with strikes, including the formation of a strike-breaking volunteer labor force, has neutralized the leftist challenge. This has not, however, basically altered the shaky position of the Bandaranaike gov- ernment. The unsettled situation apparently has stimulated new plans by various conservative leaders to seize power. Com- manders of the armed forces and police, are preparing such a move at an early date, although ere is no indication of imminent action. (Page 5) Thailand: The recent discovery of Communist under- ground centers in Bangkok and in southern Thailand has ap- parently led the Sarit regime to re-examine Thailand's in- ternal security controls. Among measures that may be taken Is the introduction of a new antisubversive bill to replace the 1952 Anti-Communist Act, which has provided an inadequate basis for the successful prosecution of suspected Communists. (Page 6) III. THE WEST *France: fthe American ambassador in Paris reports y French authori s are "in a highly charged state" over pro- posed US and Norwegian arms and ammunition shipments to Tunisia. Premier Debre, probably under strong pressur27 /// //Z, 17 July 59 DAILY BRIEF ii 7/7 / -4 .4, Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 AApproved for Release: 2020/02/21 CO3190726 , /./ 'N�01 rf;om the French army in Algeria, has raised the issue with NATO Secretary General Spaak and with General Norstad, and is considering taking the issue to the NATO Council. Meanwhile, on 16 July, the Norwegian NATO representative said that Norway has decided not to grant export licenses for the arms delivery. Debre, who had warned that the shipments may raise the question of France's continued association with the alliance, will probably continue to press the US to withhold its shipment. Tunis can be expected to react sharply to any ob- vious delays in materiel shipments it expects to obtain from the US, especially if it becomes aware of the latest French de- marches7/ Finland: The Finns now intend to join the little free trade area consisting of Britain, Scandinavia, and other non-Com- mon Market countries, provided the organization is solely economic and has no political implications. Finland has been apprehensive about the attitude of the USSR but has lately re- ceived indications that Moscow would not object to Finnish participation. Moscow apparently feels that Finland's partic- ipation would increase the influence of the neutrals in the group and that the little free trade area might undermine the Common Market. (Page 7) Argentina: The outburst of discontent within the navy over President Fronclizi's refusal to replace Navy Secretary Estevez has shattered a facade of navy unity, which served as a stabilizing factor in several past crises involving the armed forces. The issue will probably be smoothed over, but it may weaken Fronciizi's military support, which is nec- essary to counter continuing Peronista and Communist efforts to exploit popular discontent over living costs. (Page 8) Guatemala: A showdown between President Ydigoras and the leftist but anti-Communist Revolutionary party (PR) is almost certain if the government annuls the decisive PR victory in the 5 July mayoralty election in Guatemala City. ,kk There is mounting evidence that the government may do so. U The American Embassy reported on 15 July that Ydigoras 17 July 59 DAILY BRIEF iii lifeRE/T- Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 D\( V74 4. A M1:7 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 '401 was under heavy pressure from rightists, including some army officers, to stop the PR, which has rapidly been gaining popular strength, "before it's too late." (Page 9) Honduras: Ambassador Newbegin is concerned that the failure of Honduran President Villeda Morales to take prompt action in curbing Communist activity will result in serious trouble for the government. Communist-led students who took part in quashing a revolt in the capital on 12 July now control a radio station and are performing some of the functions of the national police, who had supported the revolt. The Communists and their followers probably do not now have the capability to take over the government, but they may try to prolong tension by promoting friction between the army and civilians who were armed by the government during the revolt. (Page 10) IV. SIGNIFICANT INTELLIGENCE REPORTS AND ESTIMATES (Available during the preceding week) Political Prospects in Ceylon During the Next Two or Three Years. SNIE 54-59. 14 July 59. � 17 July 59 DAILY BRIEF iv Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 L THE'CtIVIMONIST BLOC IL ASIA-AFRICA Shah of Iran Facing New Domestic Threats /influential Iranian Army officers, claiming control of a preponderance of military power in the Tehran area, are re- ported to be seriously exploring the possibility of ousting the Shah. Two separate factions are conspiring. Nevertheless, In the absence of an irresistible opportunity or the threat of exposure, these groups do not appear to be an immediate dan- ger to the regime3 ljte leader of one of these factions appears to be General Teimur Bakhtiar, chief of the Iranian Intelligence and Security Organization (SAVAK), who is reported to be carefully cultivating an army following. He has held several private meetings with army and security officers who have troop command responsibilities to discuss possible operations in the event of an emergency situation in Tehran. Bakhtiar is con- cerned over possible chaos if something were to happen to the Saalg Ogme leaders of one of the conspiracies are apparently encouraging Bakhtiar to believe they would follow him, while in reality they continue to seek some other prominent leader who could give direction and stability to a new governmerlg dtanwhile the Shah remains firm in the face of sustained sharp propaganda attacks from the USSR. Despite the increas- ing nervousness among Iranians over the domestic impact of the Soviet propaganda, Ambassador Wailes does not believe there will be any radical change in Iran's policy toward the USSR, nor any immediate serious domestic disturbances sparked by the Soviet attacks7 -SECRET- 17 July 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 yr' Cameroun Government-in-Exile May Be Imminent (The outlawed nationalist movement, the Union of the Cameroons Population (UPC), may proclaim a government- in-exile and secure recognition by several West African states. Announcement of the formation of such a government might be timed for the current meeting of President Toure of Guinea and Prime Minister Nkrumah of Ghana with Presi- dent Tubman in Liberia where they are discussing the form of a future West African association. French officials in Cameroun have requested Paris to warn Liberia of the consequences of such diplomatic recognition') roclamation of an exile government would probably evoke favorable responses from Guinea and Ghana, which have shown considerable sympathy for the UPC. They have recently led an effort to have another review of the Cameroun situation by the United Nations before the trust territory receives its independence in January 1960 under its present moderate, pro-French govern- ment. Both Ghana and Guinea would probably be willing to risk French diplomatic retaliation. Accra's relations with Paris are tense because of Ghana's recent recognition of the Algerian rebel government; Conakry has experienced a general lack of rapport with Paris since gaining independence in October 1958. Liberia, however, probably would be reluctant to arouse French hostility by recognition, although it will be under considerable pressure to show its devotion to the African nationalist caue2), Recognition of a Cameroun exile government might also be- come a subject at the August meeting of nine independent African states in Liberia when they are expected to discuss the Algerian situallo.29 17 july 59 -CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 "lase Yemen Developments The Imam's continued absence from Yemen will give Crown Prince Badr more time to strengthen his position with the as- sistance of UAR military and civilian missions. It will alsos _b_owever, permit dissident pressures to build up further in Yemen. As a precaution against further disloyalty in the army and possible loss of tribal support, Crown Prince Badr is hastily forming a heavily armed elite military unit of brigade size--about 3,000 men-- personally loyal to him. This force will be equipped with mod- ern Soviet bloc weapons, including tanks. Members of the Egyp- tian military mission, which numbers at least 100 men, now are moving the tanks from storage near the coast to the northern capital at Soma. As a major sponsor of Yemen's arms deal with the Soviet Union in 1956, Badr arranged for acquisition of mod- ern tanks, artillery, and aircraft, which in the hands of loyal troops would permit him to press his claim to succession against expected opposition from important tribal leaders. 13adr's growing reliance on the UAR and his intention to initiate reforms have increased the resentment of the xenophobic tribal chiefs. They have grown more restless in the last two months as internal order has declined but thus far have sup- ported Badr in return for heavy subsidies, and out of fear of the authority of the regime, which holds their sons as hostages. The government's ability to continue subsidy payments, however, is chronically uncertain. 13adr's enemies in the Imam's entourage:, foremost of whom is Prince Hasan, the Imam's brother, have sought to convince the suspicious Imam that Badr and the UAR are plotting to curtail 17 July 59 TOP SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 NMI the Imam's absolute authority. The Imam evidently planned to assert his authority fully upon return home, since from Italy he had reportedly ordered Yemeni workshops to turn out one thousand iron shackles. A serious failure in the Imam's health would accentuate the succession struggle in Yemen. TOP SECRET 17 July 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Major Leftisirlarty in Ceylon Suffers Labor gtittack The Trotskyite Lanka Sama Samaj party (LSSP), Ceylon's leading leftist organization, appears to have been maneuvered into an untenable position as a result of the Bandaranaike gov- ernment's firmness in dealing with strike activity. About 9,000 LSSP-controlled dock and clerical workers in Colombo port--more than two thirds of the total harbor labor force--remain on strike, and some LSSP unions in Colombo's mercantile firms have walked out in sympathy. A group of less powerful dock unions controlled by the Communist party and a smaller Trotskyite group accepted Bandaranaike's terms two weeks ago and returned to work. The LSSP, however, realizing that it was involved in a significant test of power with the shaky Bandaranaike government, refused to modify its de- mands and threatened to extend the port walkout into a general strike. These tactics only strengthened the government's deter- mination to make no further concessions. The LSSP made much political capital out of the strike tech- nique in 1957 and 1958. Since the leftist element in Bandaranaike's government coalition withdrew in mid-May, however, the mod- erates have forced the prime minister to take firm action against striking unions. Apparently the most effective measure has been the recent recruitment of an army-controlled volunteer labor force to replace striking workers in essential services. In ad- dition, growing public resentment over the detrimental effect strikes have had on the economy has bolstered the government's position and jeopardized the LSSPs popular support. The leftist party probably will be forced to beat a strategic retreat for the present. However, its considerable following and effective organization, coupled with the government's pre- carious position in Parliament, will ensure the LSSP's continu- ance as a potent opposition force. Erhe present unsettled political and economic conditions continue to cause various conservative groups to consider ac- tion to take over the government. A group including the com- manders of the armed forces and police is now reported taking steps in preparation for coup action at an early date, although other sources do not indicate that such a move is imminen 17 July 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 New -coo Sarit Government Re-examining Thai Security Controls The recent discovery of Communist underground centers in the Bangkok area and in southern Thailand has reportedly led the Sarit government to re-examine Thailand's internal security controls. Thai authorities are said in particular to be consid- ering a stronger law to replace the 1952 Anti-Communist Act, which has provided an insufficient basis for prosecution of sus- pected Communists. Prior to his summary execution on 6 July, the leader of the Communist center discovered in the Bangkok area is said to have been openly derisive of Thai security controls. His scorn, together with the eVidence of Communist activity uncovered in the recent police raids, has undoubtedly strengthened elements in the government who have long argued for tightening internal security. The recent raids were apparently the most effective in sev- eral years. In the Bangkok area, 15 suspects in addition to the executed leader were arrested, and weapons, documents, com- munications equipment, and printing equipment were seized. In southern Thailand, 24 were arrested, and the police report- edly have some evidence that these individuals had been in con- tact with Soviet Embassy officials from Bangkok who occasionally toured the south. Sarit has ample powers under martial law and the interim constitution to deal summarily with Communists and other "anti- social" elements. However, he would probably prefer to use these powers only in the most glaring and dramatic cases. CONFIDENTIAL 17 July 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 III. THE WEST Finland Plans to Join Little Free Trade Area Finland definitely intends to join the little free trade area, consisting of Britain, the Scandinavian countries, Switzerland, Austria, and Portugal, according to a high of- ficial of the Finnish Foreign Ministry, provided the organiza- tion is solely economic and has no political implications. A decision has been delayed because Finland feared Soviet objections. Now, however, according to another high official in the Finnish Foreign Ministry, it has been given a good indica- tion by a Soviet official that the USSR would not object. Moscow apparently hopes that the little free trade area will create problems for and in the long run undermine the Common Market, which So- viet propaganda has described as an adjunct of NATO and an instru- ment of West German imperialism. In addition, Moscow may feel that Finnish participation will increase the influence of the non- NATO neutrals--Sweden, Switzerland, and Austria--as opposed to the four NATO members--Britain, Denmark, Norway, and Portugal. The Finns feel they must participate in order to maintain the competitive position of their goods in West European markets. They wish to avoid any implication, however, that they are relinquish- ing their sovereignty, and they would oppose any statements link- ing the little free trade area to the Common Market or other West- ern organizations. SECRET 17 July 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Argentine Navy Dispute Adds to Military Discontent The outburst of navy discontent over President Fronditzi's refusal to replace Navy Secretary Estevez has shattered the facade of navy unity, which has been a stabilizing factor in several past crises involving the armed forces. The strong but previously muffled opposition to Estevez erupted when Vice Admiral Baroja, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the defense minister that a group of important naval of- ficers had agreed privately at a social gathering on 11 June that Estevez should resign. Informed of this opinion, Estevez placed the group under arrest until he learned their views were not intended as an ultimatum. Side issues growing out of this incident have probably con- tributed to the reported requests for retirement by the majority of ranking officers. As in the case of the recent army dissidents, however, the situation will probably be smoothed over through compromise, with most of the retirement requests rejected and Estevez' resignation eventually accepted. At the same time, this bitter incident may have weakened Frondizi's military support, which is necessary in the face of continuing Peronista and Communist efforts to exploit popular discontent over living costs. An important reason for navy criticism of Estevez has been his failure to press Frondizi for stronger measures against the Peronistas and Communists. 17 July 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 *al Guatemalan Government May Provoke Showdown With Leftists There are mounting indications that the Guatemalan Govern- ment may be preparing to annul the 5 July mayoralty election in Guatemala City, which was decisively won by the leftist but anti- Communist Revolutionary party (PR). PR partisans would almost certainly react with demonstrations likely to result in bloodshed. The office of mayor of the capital city is generally regarded as the second most important elective office in the country. The 5 July election was a re-run of the election last Decem- ber. Both were won by the same PR candidate, the moderate Dr. Luis Galich. The government, under strong pressure from extreme rightists including some army officers, annulled the earlier election on a legal technicality. The Guatemalan rightists, who try to monopolize the anti- Communist label and consider even the moderate PR leaders Communists, noware pressing President Ydigoras for a second annulment. They are alarmed by growing PR strength and feel it necessary to stop the PR before it is too late. Ycligoras lacks an effective political machine of his own, and from time to time rightists have threatened to overthrow him if he does not take a strong stand against the leftists. He may feel impelled to pro- voke a showdown with the PR at this time, against the advice of his more moderate counselors. Galich won more votes in the July election than both his right- ist opponents combined and a larger total vote than he gained in December, despite the fact that Communist and pro-Communist elements had in the meantime split from the PR. The rapidly mounting PR strength suggests that the party will make a strong bid for control of the congress in elections scheduled for late this year. 17 July 59 SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Page 9 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 lupe Nur Communist Activity Poses Threat to Honduran Government Ambassador Newbegin fears serious trouble in Honduras unless President Villeda Morales acts to curb Communist ac- tivity following the suppression of the revolt which broke out in Tegucigalpa on 12 July. By 15 July the revolt--which was led by retired Colonel Armando Velasquez, an inveterate plotter anxious to become president at any cost--had been crushed by the army and by civilians who were armed by the government. alost of the several hundred national policemen constituting the bulk of Velasquez' support have been made prisoner.!..7 Communist-led students control a radio station in the capital and have taken over some functions of the national police. and are reportedly joining with Communist labor unions an members of the administration Liberal party in demanding that a new police force, presumably built around a nucleus of Communist-advised students, be organized un- der civilian contr,29, The Liberal party regards the army as a threat to Honduras' first popularly elected government and has repeatedly sought to remove the police from army control. The revival of the civil-military feudq.nd the arbitrary arrests and intimidations of members of the opposition National- ist and Reformist parties by armed civilian_sima,y lead to more violence unless Villeda Morales takes firm steps to curtail the Communists andto restore the responsibility of preserving order to the army. The Communists probably have neither the intent nor ability to attempt to take over the government at this time and will most likely be content to continue fomenting disorders. 17 July 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Page 10 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 Nepre Nue THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Commandant, United States Marine Corps The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of the Interior The Secretary of the Interior Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director United States Information Agency The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03190726 rvzzzzzr Zr