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June 24, 1959
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'cott /0({/Z/ZZ/Z407.4007.00Ka< " -41�Estow ewe 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 24 June 1959 Copy No. C 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN' DOcilmFAT tjr) PJO Ci-iANCIr: fr..; C1-1A.OF'D TO: Tc" NEXT 173:7VIEW DATE: DATIr. AUTH:lit O-2 REVIEWE -TOP-SECRET- zirderlirjrZ/ZZ/ZIWZZApproved for Release: 2020/02/21 C031633417,,,, Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163341 �.4m. 2 Nei 2 *ilia ilhor 2 it 201. 2 Approved fo741e-ase7551676717 C03163341 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163341 --1u-s..4 1,14 24 JUNE 1959 /- 7 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Further reorgknization of Soviet econ- omy may be considered at party plenum opening 24 June. II. ASIA-AFRICA Japan�Leftists opposed to revision of US-Japan Security Treaty planning strikes and demonstrations beginning 25 June. Sihanouk to meet with Diem in Saigon next month, but significant agree- ment unlikely. I I L THE WEST Austria considers purchasing jet fighters from Czechoslovakia. Argentina--Certain military elements continue pressure on President Frondizi. Brazilians considering pressure tac- tics in bid for US aid. 0 Dominican Repubiic--Government mobilizes reserves as fighting con- tinues. SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163341 / / / / Approved for Release 2020/02/21 C03163341 , , , � of i tir O\L" CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN e-� 24 June 1959 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR: e Soviet central committee plenum, which opens 24 June, may consider a further reorganization of the Soviet economy as well as the expansion of the chemical industry, automation, and mechanization, which comprise the announced agenda. Some top party and economic officials in the Soviet Far East were ordered to be in Moscow by 20 June, possibly for a series of closed meetings prior to the plenum. The tone of the plenum itself will probably reflect Ithrushchev's recent statement that industrial output this year is running 5 percent above plan. Although the published agenda would indicate that the plenum will be concerned exclusively with economic matters, it is quite likely that political affairs will also be discussed and that Khrushchev will use the occasion to review Soviet foreign 0 Japan: A leftist campaign opposing the proposed revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty is scheduled to begin on 25 June with a "demonstration of force" under the guidance of the labor federation Sohyo and the Socialist and Communist parties. Na- tionwide strikes, rallies, and demonstrations are planned for that date and are to take place periodically until the time of the treaty's ratification next fall. The movement has not yet acquired widespread public support, and there is no likelihood that the leftists can block revision of the treaty and achieve its abroga- tion. The Japanese police are believed capable of maintaining order in the face of the scheduled disturbances. (Page 1) Ad VA dzo, T r /OA vezz/z/zzzzzzyzwrolzrargaz/r '020/02/21 C031633w4WZZMZ,ZZ/YJMJZZ/ZZA - SMIFIN .Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163341 TOP SECRET � Cambodia - South Vietnam: Cambodian Premier Sihanouk will visit Saigon in July br direct talks with President Diem aimed at easing Cambodian-Vietnamese differences. Sihanouk proposed the meeting to Diem and has given it broad piblicity. There is little likelihood of significant agreement. (Page 2) III. THE WEST Austria: Defense Minister Graf is considering the pur- chase of MIG-TI aircraft which Czechoslovakia has offered to sell to Austria on very favorable terms. In explaining the offer, which follows Soviet Defense Minister Malinovsky's recent visit to Vienna, Graf emphasized to American officials that Austrian technicians would be trained in Czechoslovakia and that no Czech personnel would be sent to Austria. At present, the Austrian Air Force has approximately 60 aircraft of which only three are jets�British-produced Vampires) (Page 3) Argentina: President Frondizi faces a new political crisis in his cabinet reorganization and in the increasing confusion among the armed forces, whose support he needs to preserve order. (Some military groups are warning that Frondizi's new abinet hnd policies must provide stronger measures against eronista and Communist influence, or they will seek to oust im.) Although the military leaders pledging support for consti- tidnal government have thus far prevailed, the situation re- ains tense. (Page 4) *Brazil: /Ultranationalist advisers of President ICubitschek have drawn IIpan anti-US "disaster plans!' which they threaten to publicize in the hope of forcing the US to reconsider Brazil's request for an emergency balance-of-payments loan. This ma- neuver is strongly opposed by the foreign minister and the act- ing finance minister--both of whom hope for an amicable corn-, promise solution. The American Embassy considers that this 24 June 59 DAILY B � Ft 49! rnr FPOrT r7A Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163341,,mmaznw,,z,==13=MZ�..11.1"1' , .. . � rA/13