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Publication Date: 
August 12, 1958
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� Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987863 WI' LKLI -TOP-SEC-RET- 0O2987883/// 12 August 1958 copy NO. U� CENTRAL 7 INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TO: T 161z) /Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987883 � 0111%, Alit) Approved for Release: CO2987883 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987883 \LA A 12 AUGUST 1958 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Two additional airfields in Taiwan Strait area may be preparing to re- ceive Chinese Communist aircraft. Khrushchev's 10 August letter to Macmillan tries to rationalize switch from summit meeting to General Assembly session. IL ASIA-AFRICA Moroccan Premier Balafrers abil- ity to continue in power doubtful; French considering supporting Vice Premier Bouabid; he advocates evac- uation of all foreign troops, including US forces. Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987883 VA CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 12 August 1958 DAILY BRIEF L THE COMMUNIST BLOC 2 / Communist China - Taiwan: activity at two more coastal airfields--Nantai and .H.man�suggesting that these fields, in addition to Lungtien, are being readied to receive Chinese Communist aircraft. Swatow, Lungchi, and possibly Liencheng airfields have be- come operational since 27 July. Chinese Communist prop- aganda calling for the "liberation" of Taiwan remains at a low level of intensity. The Nationalists, for the time being, continue to operate under orders not to engage Communist aircraft,. (Page 2) (Map) *Khrushchev,letter to Macmillan: Khrushchev's 10 Au- gust letter to Prime Minister Macmillan reaffirms Moscow's bid for a summit meeting on global issues. Most of the letter is devoted to rationalizing the USSR's sudden switch to a spe- cial session of the UN General Assembly. Khrushchev seeks to reinforce Soviet charges of Western "maneuverinff" to ore- ITPTIf Pn rl v reRnlution of the Middle East crisis., IL ASIA-AFRICA Morocco: French Ambassador Parodi in Rabat believes that Moroccan Premier Balafrej has completely lost the abil- ity to govern and will fall from power by October at the latest. Other evidence tends to support the view that Balafrers posi- tion is in jeopardy. Parocii is considering throwing French support to Vice Premier Abderrahim Bouabid. Bouabid rep- resents the left wing of the dominant Istiqlal party, demands the evacuation of all foreign troops, including US forces from the five bases in Morocco, and advocates a policy of neutrality. (Page 4) Z1TA� Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987883 %we �SEeREL-T-14 VA , 4Approved for Release: 2020/01/23-0O2987883 17,x/ , 4 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987883 12 Aug 58 'Approvedi r' o VeTialisell7TOk216-/C71/12:13 la-9-8171883 Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987883 rah,, TOP SECRET Area of major naval activity 000 Communist troop strength 000 Nationalist troop strength Ground-attack � SELECTED MAJOR AIRFIELDS 2 �-fp Piston fighter Jet fighter + Piston light bomber + Jet light bomber UGUST 1958 ' Hankow n Hengyang, (1 � r.i311 �Canton Nanchang 568,000 LIENHENG CHENGHAI Swato HONG KONG SOUTH CHINA SEA Nankin, Hangehow NINGPO Chuhsien. itin99*: NGYANGE TAIWAN IA NSTRAIT CHIANG mov is 000 anghat 'Ohl SHAN I. EAST CHINA SEA STATUTE MILES 300 80806 80806-6 80811-4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987883 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987883 iurbLCI