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April 7, 1957
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fl 3.3(h)(2) / 0 7 April 1957 // 3.5(c) / 0 "PY 1 N � � 131 / CURRENT 7 INTELLIGENCE ' - ) 7 N E X T R E: V Ett,ILLETIN AUTH HR 70- 4 i E VJ DAT E : DAT REVIEWER: # OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE / / CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY / # / Ifro / / / / 0 / / / / / / // 71 7 i I '31 2 -7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 ir, LiPX- #3.1t:/x-ri,L.av Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 Aok Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 vr c,t-ri.E. 1 CONTENTS Jo . MIDDLE EAST DEVELOPMENTS " (page 3). 062, BULGARIAN REGIME RE70113.TED HIC7._,Y CONCERNED OVER PEASANT UNREST (page 5). 6 153. GOMULKA'S RESIGNATION RUMORED AS IMMINENT (page 6). 4. SITUATION IN INDONESIA M 5. SECOND SOVIET ATOMIC EXPLOSION IN WEEK (page 8). page 7). 6. SYRIAN AMMUNITION READIED FOR SHIPMENT TO ALGERIAN REBELS (page 9). 7 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 �TOP�SEettET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 gilk TOP SECRET 1. MIDDLE EAST DEVELOPMENTS Comment on: Apprehension and uncertainty over Israeli intentions, and over repeated Western-backed attempts to remove pro-Egyptian factions from control in Syria and Jordan, appear to have been responsible for Nases reported deci- sion on 4 April to institute a "general alert" of military and civilian employees of the Egyptian government. An air raid drill in Cairo on 5 April�the first since hostilities in Sinai--is reported to have been part of this alert. Reports of new Egyptian troop move- ments into Sinai have not been confirmed; they may refer to the deployment in mid- March of a, 1,800-man battalion combat team to El Arish. Egypt probably intends to ex- pand this force to an infantry brigade group of about 3,500 men--still only one tenth of the force in Sinai in October 1956. American service attaches in Israel report that as of the afternoon of 6 April,there were no unusual activi- ties in the Tel Aviv area or in the southern sector. Introduction of tighter control measures in Egypt together with heavy press denunciation of Israeli "provo- cations" and"threats" could facilitate suppression of pro-Western 7 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 1 'Jr MICTM-I elements in Syria and Jordan as well as in Egypt, and may presage a new Arab initiative opposing the American doc- trine for the Middle East. A Syrian foreign ministry offi- cial informed an American embassy officer in Damascus on 6 April that the Arab states�presumably Egypt, Syria and Jordan�would in a few days make a "dramatic" announce- ment of an "Arab doctrine" to counter the American doctrine. Meanwhile, Jordan's progressive integra- tion with Egypt and Syria into an anti-Western bloc is evi- denced by the Nabulsi cabinet's announced intention to estab- lish diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union; by a reported agreement that Jordan will receive arms from the Soviet bloc by means of Egyptian and Syrian credits; by King Hussain's inability thus far to obtain support for an alternative to the Nabulsi cabinet; and by current moves to unify the Syrian and Jordanian military staffs. In this situation a desperate attempt by the king to dismiss the anti-Western cabinet could precipitate a breakdown in internal order� which would in turn invite an Israeli move on West Jordan and possibly Aqaba. The king does not, however, appear to have sufficient political or mil- itary support to initiate effective action. 7 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 r IAL 2. BULGARIAN REGIME REPORTED HIGHLY CONCERNED OVER PEASANT UNREST he Bulgarian cabinet and the party cen- ral committee have met recently to con- ider emergency measures to deal with ulgarian peasants who are forcibly re- sisting intensified government "terrorist tactics" aimed at accelerating collectivization, according to the Greek lega- tion in Sofia. Two central committee members were dis- patched to supervise operations in troubled areas. The Greek legation reported that peasants were fighting police and mil- itia in northeastern Bulgaria. Comment These steps by the government and the confirmed large-scale deportations of "unreliable elements" from Sofia in March indicate the Bul- garian leaders are taking strong action to keep unrest from becoming a serious problem. Although there has been no previous in- dication that the regime is pressing the collectivization drive so strongly as to cause major unrest, many of the peasants among the 20 percent who have so far escaped collectiviza- tion are probably more rebellious than those already in col- lectives. They may, therefore, be offering strong resistance to the government's efforts to make Bulgaria the first Satel- lite with fully socialized agriculture. 7 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 BENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 NNW 3. GOMULKAYS RESIGNATION RUMORED AS IMMINENT First Party Secretary Gomulka reportedly will soon resign for one year ostensibly for reasons of health omulka will be re- placed by Premier Cyrankiewicz after tendering his resignation at a plenary ses- sion of the party central committee in late 'April. He reportedly is prompted by an internal economic crisis and by Soviet pressure on Poland to change its policies. Comment It is possible that Gomulka has threat- ened to resign as a means of giving greater force to his efforts to establish discipline and unity within the party. He is unlikely to resign, however, unless a combination of pressures from within the party and the Soviet Union forces him out. These circumstances probably do not exist at present. The economic situation, while not good,probably is not sufficiently grave to force Gomulka out; and his recent actions, particularly the crackdown on ex- treme liberal elements and his statements on Hungary, have suggested that he is following; a line more acceptable to Soviet leaders. Gomulka still retains a high degree of popularity with the Polish people, and any efforts to force him out at this time could lead to a revival of the explosive tensions of last October. 7 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 CONEWENTIAL #11% 4. SITUATION IN INDONESIA Comment on: The government reportedly is laying plans to deal with any insurgent action after President Sukarno announces his cabinet, which he has promised to do "in a few days." To this end, a joint planning board composed of mem- bers of the army, navy, air force, na- tional police, and the attorney general's office, has been established in Djakarta. Sukarno is continuing his consultations with various political figures in an effort to form a workable "emergency cabinet." He apparently is still determined to have leftist representation in the cabinet; there are reports that he has included in the talks more Nationalists, Commu- nists, and Communist sympathizers than other party repre- sentatives. He doubtless expects that Moslem opposition to Communist participation in the cabinet could erupt into vio- lence. General Nasution, the army chief of staff, reportedly gives every indication of supporting Sukarno. Al- though Nasution does not have the personal support of all the territorial commanders, whose reactions will determine the success or failure of Sukarno's plans, none of these disaffected commanders is reported willing to make a personal denuncia- tion of Sukarno. 7 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 �ei-kNaT-F-Firi+WW-71-77 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 ltL, 1 %Ned '404 5. SECOND SOVIET ATOMIC EXPLOSION IN WEEK an atomic explosion occurred in the vicinity of the Soviet nu- clear weapons proving ground near Semi- palatinsk at about 0825Z on 6 April. (NOFORN) Comment This is the fourth atomic test of the cur- rent Soviet test series and the geennri to be reported in the past wee. 7 Apr 5'7 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441 ANN TOT" SECRET 6. SYRIAN AMMUNITION READIED FOR SHIPMENT TO ALGERIAN REBELS 4,000,000 rounds of ammuni- tion would be at the port of Latakia ready for loading on 28 April. The arrangement had been made pursuant to instructions to reach an agreement with the Syrian general staff to send arms and ammunition to Cairo for transshipment to Algeria. a ship to transport the cargo, or permission to divert one of the Egyptian ships expected at Latakia. Comment Such a shipment would be offloaded prob- ably at Libya or Tunisia where facilities would be provided for overland transportation to the hinter- land of Algeria. Syria made 12 tons of munitions available to the Algerian rebels last summer. the Syrians were quibbling about transportation arrangements for an unspecified "consignment" to Egypt. The Syrians were demanding a method to guarantee secrecy to pro- tect Syria should the shipment become known. 7 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP SECRE 71 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160441