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Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 CURRENT / INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TO RET 13 April 1957 Copy No. 134 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) .00 'DOCUMENT NO %NS NO CHANGE IN CLASS. DECLASSIFIED S Ooze 4:0 NEXT REVIEW DATE: CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE)11A5131._ REVIEWER OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP RET , e Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 S ET 1. THE SITUATION IN JORDAN (Information as of 2300 EST) Comment on: � King Hussain's reported designation on 12 April of Senate President Said Al-Mufti to form a new government suggests that the king may be unable to obtain a new cab- inet except on the terms of the coalition of leftist parties which dominated the Nabulsi government. Egyptian press reports state that Al-Mufti, King Hussain's third designee since the resignation of Nabulsi, will at- tempt to form a government of independents who are probably not members of the legis- lature. His chances of securing parliamen- tary support appear slim, and the king may be forced to attempt to dismiss the legisla- ture and rule by martial law in order to in- stall a government acceptable to him. Earlier,on 12 April, ,Abdul Halim Nimr, � minister of defense and interior in the outgoing ,Nabulsi cabi- net, abandoned attempts to form a new cabinet. Nimr, a� � National Socialist, initially appeared to have the support of the leftist anti-Western coalition of the National Socialist, Baath and National Front Parties, which dominated the -Nabulsi cabi- net. This coalition, which also controls the legislature, has operated on the assumption that no cabinet could be formed with- out its support. Meanwhile, according to unconfirmed press reports from Israeli-controlled Jerusalem, � Syria has announced that it is reinforcing its 3,000 troops in Jordan because of the threat of an Israeli invasion. Such a move would probably also be intended to support the leftist forces. Cairo radio which has charged that Nabulsils resignation was engineered by "imperialist influences," has de- clared that Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia are in constant consul- tation on means to protect Jordan against possible Israeli: -or. Iraqi moves. 13 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 0 CRET CONTENTS SITUATION IN JORDAN 02. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS IN EGYPT " (page 4). (page 3). 1103. UNEF CHIEF HAS REPORT ISRAEL MAY SOON ATTEMPT TRANSIT OF SUEZ CANAL (page 5). 4. EGYPT ORDERS SPECIAL PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN AGAINST ISRAEL (page 6). SITUATION EN INDONESIA DN. NEW ATOMIC EXPLOSION IN USSR 0167. USSR REPORTEDLY OFFERS AID TO TUNISIANS (page 9). 0 \41 8. SINO-POLISH COMMUNIQUE INDIC AT NIST ENDORSEMENT FOR GOMULKA (page 7).. (page 8). OMMU- (page 10). }1\3. NEW ZEALAND ARMY FAVORS AMERICAN EQUIPMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN (page 11). 13 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin �Page 2 TO CRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 � 13 Apr 57 S ET � Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3a Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 � S ET 2. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS IN EGYPT � Comment on: limited new troop movements into the Sinai Peninsula, ap- parently including an armored zar battal- ion and infantry brigade, are taking place. The destination of these units is uncertain. Regular army troops already in eastern Sinai are estimated to be no more than 1,800; there are in addition approximately 1,000 Frontier Corps troops deployed throughout Sinai in small detachments, and probably at least 1,000 Palestine army troops in or near the Gaza strip. the Egyp- tians desire to conceal the mission and presence of the limited new forces being sent into Sinai. On 11 April, in an appar- ent attempt to play down the troop movements, Cairo announced that the Egyptian army had started annual maneuvers three days earlier. 13 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 SE Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 COM' IAL � . 3. UNEF CHIEF HAS REPORT ISRAEL MAY SOON ATTEMPT TRANSIT OF SUEZ CANAL General Burns, chief of the UNEF, has informed the American embassy in Cairo that he has a reliable report that Israel plans to attempt to send a ship through e uez Canal e very near future. Burns believes that reported Egyptian troop movements are probably defensive and evoked by the possibility of a French-Israeli follow-up should an Israeli vessel be barred from the canal. � Comment Israeli leaders have stated repeatedly that they intend at an appropriate time to as- sert their right to transit the canal. The Israelis have given the impression that they would await the outcome of Western efforts to obtain a favorable settlement of the canal question, but they have also evidenced some concern that their claims might be overlooked in connection with such a settlement. 13 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin � Page 5 CONFIs IAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 � TOP ET 4. EGYPT ORDERS SPECIAL PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN AGAINST ISRAEL The rEgyptian Foreign Ministry ordered a daily propagincm- paign against Israel e o jec ives of the campaign are to emphasize� e aggressive and expansionist aims of Israel against Egypt" by publicizing provocative statements by Israeli of- ficials and border incidents perpetrated by Israel, and "to prepare world-wide opinion" to accept Egyptian preventive measures against Israeli attempts to use the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Aqaba. Comment This campaign will fit in with the Egyp- tian military alert and the reopening of the Suez Canal. Cairo apparently believes that its position oppos- ing Israeli shipping through the canal and Aqaba is most vul- nerable to Western diplomatic attack. Cairo presumably wants to prepare its position in case the Suez issue is again brought into the UN or Israel attempts to send a test ship through the canal. On 11 April the commander of the Egyp- tian navy stated that some naval units had been ordered to move from Alexandria to Port Said: According to another re- port, .two freighters loaded bulk cement at Alexandria or 10 April under army orders, and this method of loading would be used only if the ships were intended for scuttling. 13 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin � Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 � S ET � 5. SITUATION IN INDONESIA Comment on: � The possibility of conflict in South Sumatra appears to be increasing as a result of the build-up of both Sumatran and Javanese forces in that province. In addition, an Intense propaganda campaign for popular support is being waged by pro- and anti- Djakarta elements. Following the abortive countercoup in Pal- embang by Javanese troops on 31 March, which reportedly narrowly escaped becoming a "military action:' opposing forces have largely broken off contact. Javanese troops are reliably re- ported to be concentrating in the southern part of the province, and can count on support of the air force and navy, which are loyal to Djakarta. Sumatran troops and reserves, on the other hand, are located north of the town of Baturadja. Lt. Col. Hussein in Central Sumatra is said to be ,sending reinforce- ments to support these troops under Col. Barlian, the South Sumatran commander. An official of the Central Sumatran govern- ing council has stated that President-Sukarno's new cabinet will nolbe supported by the outer islands or trusted fully by the people. He said provincial and military demands that former vice president Hatta be included in the cabinet had been dis- regarded and that the participation of fellow travelers had.dis- appointed religious groups. In Djakarta, meanwhile, Sukarno has in- formed the American ambassador that the cabinet's relation- ship with parliament would be normal and that parliament retained the power to vote the cabinet out of office. He also sought to give assurances on its political orientation by re- peatedly asserting that it contained no Communists, but only "left-wingers" like himself. 13 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SE Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 S ET 6. NEW ATOMIC EXPLOSION IN 'USSR � Comment This is the fourth atomic test to be con- ducted by the USSR in the past tif days. 13 -Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SE Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 7. USSR REPORTEDLY OFFERS AID TO TUNISIANS Comment Tunisia is seeking economic aid from var- ious sources and might be receptive to Soviet aid if France continues to withhold credits and the eco- -nomic situation deteriorates further. Although the Soviet del- egation might have alluded to economic aid projects to induce Tunisia to engage in further talks, any offer made was prob- ably a generalized one and smaller than the one reported. The delegation is reported to have called on the Tunisian minister of national economy, but the Bourghiba government scrupu- lously avoided other high-level contacts. Tunisian trade with the Soviet bloc is con- ducted within the framework of French trade agreements with the bloc and in 1955 amounted to about 1 percent of Tu- nisia's total trade, or $2,000,000. Potentialities for expand- ing this trade are limited. Tunisia is heavily in debt and un- der its present trade setup could not repay a normal loan. Hence the terms of any. Soviet credit would have to be uniquely favorable to Tunisia. 13 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 pproved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 CONUDENTIAL � 8. 'MO-POLISH COMMUNIQUE INDICATES CHINESE COMMUNIST ENDORSEMENT FOR GOMULKA � The joint statement issued in Peiping during the visit of Polish premier Cyrankiewicz is a Chinese endorsement � of the Gomulka regime and its moderate course. The Chinese express gratifica- tion with Polish Communist Party achievements since last October, hail Gomulka's leadership, and express confidence that the Poles will make "increasingly important contribu- tions" to strengthening the "great family of Socialist coun- tries." The communiqu�tates that local condi- tions must influence the internal development of Communist countries, but that this development is to be in the context of Marxism-Leninism. The communiqu�alls for consist- ent opposition to all deviations, "whether doctrinaire or re- visionist:' an implicit criticism of extremists in both Warsaw and Moscow: On matters of foreign policy, the commu- niqu�ticks close to the bloc line on most major points. It urges the necessity for reinforcing bloc solidarity against the West and calls the Warsaw treaty an "entirely necessary" defensive measure. The communiqu�oes not make the custom- ary reference to the USSR as head of the Communist world, � and while approving the Kadar regime, omits the Soviet view that counterrevolutionaries instigated the Hungarian rebellion. Peiping's willingness to overlook such Polish divergencies is in keeping with the announced Chinese Communist policy of exploiting areas of agreement while resprvina differences. Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 pproved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000 � S ET � 9. NEW ZEALAND ARMY FAVORS AMERICAN EQUIPMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN According to the American army attach� in Wellington, the New Zealand army is considering converting its single British- type infantry division to a corps witlf.two infantry divisions, each divided into five suborainate combat teams, on the new American "pentomic" pattern. This would require some increase in New Zealand's 7,000-man regular army as well as its 35,000-man territ0- � riarforces. Army officials have also proposed that these units be re-equipped with American materiel. The attach�oints out that this thinking is a result of recent defense policy decisions taken by Britain and Australia, and may foreshadow the development of a mu- tually supporting defense structure with Australia. Comment Australia's recent decision to re-equip its armed forces with American rather than British materiel undoubtedly has had a strong impact on New Zealand defense planning. New Zealand's limited dollar re- sources, together with the government's reluctance to spend money for defense--which received only 7 percent of total expenditures in the 1956 fiscal year--raise the likelihood that American assistance will be sought to implement any de- cision to purchase US equipment. 13 Apr 57 �Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 � S ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814000