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rffpf./. .d,"fd/of evjaed for Release: #14#4 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE - BULLETIN 4 June 1957 Copy No. ,14 3:(27 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. X; /4/ "/ �il - 3.3(----- n DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS ADU:THE:14 74LREvIEwsit NEXT REVIEW DATE: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 pApproved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 JII:CL�11!%_" 11�4 irs nry Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 CONTENTS ASR STATES VIEWS ON COMMUNISM (page 3). 2. SOVIET SUBMARINES LEAVING BALTIC MAY BE HEADED FOR EGYPT (page 4). 3. CHINESE NATIONALISTS WARN OF POSSIBLE INCIDENT IN QUEMOY AREA '(page 5). 4� DEPUTY PREMIER KATAY CHOSEN TO FORM LAOTIAN 0 GOVERNMENT (page 6). 5. WEST GERMANS EXPRESS FEARS ON AERIAL INSPECTION 0+1\ PROPOSALS (page 7). 6, KING SAUD SEEKING TO POSTPONE VISIT TO JORDAN OUT OF FEAR OF ASSASSINATION (page 8). 7. USSR PLANNING LARGE MOSLEM PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA (page 9). R 8, AFGHAN KING TO VISIT USSR IN LATE JULY 9. WORLD PEACE COUNCIL MAY LOCATE IN FINLAND r\ page 11). 0\*S10� ANNOUNCEMENT OF BRITISH NUCLEAR TEST (page 12). 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET (page 10). Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Nose 1, NASR STATES VIEWS ON COMMUNISM Reference: In a lengthy interview with Ambassador Hare on 28 May, President Nasr reit- erated his opposition to the growing strength of Egyptian Communists, who, he said, feel that he will not move against them for fear of harming Soviet Egyptian relations. He stated that the Egyptian government appreciates Soviet assistance, /but that to avoid too close an identification with the USSR, he had refused an offer three months ago to exchange 10,000,000 Egyptian pounds ($28,000,000) for the equivalent in gold to pro- vide Egypt with foreign exchange. Nasr also said that despite the present satisfactory relationship with the Soviet Union, his govern- ment "understands the .expansionist aspect of international Communism and wants none of it in Egypt." However, he added that because of America's "hostile policy," Egypt can run the risk of taking an all-out stand against the Corn- munitits and then find itself facing the US on a "second front." Nasr intends to visit Moscow in September. Plans for a visit were originally announced in August 1955, but the trip has been repeatedly postponed. 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 400 2. SOVIET SUBMARINES LEAVING BALTIC MAY BE HEADED FOR EGYPT A Soviet naval force consisting of two long-range submarines, one short- range submarine, a minesweeper, and a tanker left the Baltic on 31 May. Af- ter refueling operations on 2 June in the North Sea, the tanker reversed course and the remainder of the force con- tinued toward the English Channel. Comment The most likely destination of this force is the Mediterranean area, where one or more of these units may be transferred to Egypt. An attempt to deliver a short-range submarine to Egypt last fall under Polish colors failed because of the hostilities in the Suez area. At least two submarines were ordered by Egypt in the initial arms agreement with the Soviet bloc in 1955, and Egyptian naval personnel have received submarine training in Poland. 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 �NEeff-LP Now Teo, 3, CHINESE NATIONALISTS WARN OF POSSIBLE INCIDENT IN QUEMOY AREA The Chinese Nationalist foreign and defense ministers have sep- arately warned American officials of the dangers to British ships which might attempt to enter Amoy and Foochow. Foreign Minister Yeh told Ambassador Rankin that the recent relaxation of trade con- trols by the British might result in increased shipping into these two ports, and that Britain should understand that such movements might heighten tension in an already tense area. Defense Minister Yu asserted that the Chinese Communists have intensified their artillery fire in the Quemoy region and increased their reconnaissance of nearby Tatan and Erhtan Islands, possibly in preparation for an assault. Comment Two Chinese Nationalist warships on patrol near Quemoy Island claim to have "crippled" a vessel identified as a 1,500-ton "Commu- nist transport" on 31 May. This ship may have been a British merchantman, possibly the 1,288-ton White Bee, which is re- ported to have run past Nationalist-held islands into Amoy har- bor on the night of 27 May. Yu mentioned the 31 May incident in his presentation and his description of it suggests that the Nationalists either know or suspect that the ship was British and are trying to justify their action. The Admiralty has in- formed all British-flag ships declaring for Amoy of the dangers of the passage and warned them not to make an attempt. There is no evidence that a Commu- nist attack on Erhtan and Tatan is imminent, although the Com- munists have the capability to take both islands with little or no warning. If a British ship was involved in the 31 May incident, strong official reaction from London is improbable. 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Nere Nor 4� DEPUTY PREMIER KATAY CHOSEN TO FORM LAOTIAN GOVERNMENT Corn ent on: uty Premier Katay, Nationalist arty leader and advocate of a tougher Pathet Lao policy, has been chosen by the crown prince to form a new govern- ment. Although the situation remains uncertain, Katay's prospects of obtain- ing the required two-thirds vote of ap- proval in itte National Assembly appear to be fairly good. He is apparently assured of Independent Party support, and there is a reported disposition within the Democratic Party to join the Nationalists and Independents in a strong anti-Communist policy. Outgoing prime minister Souvanna Phouma, who controls a large faction of the Nationalist Party, has evinced little desire to succeed himself. He reportedly has stated that he would support Katay, who has been his most vigorous critic, if the latter would follow the policy of accommodation of the Pathet Lao. Katay has refused to enter into such a deal, but would probably be willing to offer Souvanna a prominent post in his cabinet in view of the latter's strong bargaining position. 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 LJA-,/ "L.11 ILJL.1 Noe \we 5, WEST GERMANS EXPRESS FEARS ON AERIAL INSPECTION PROPOSALS Comment on: Commenting on the current London disarmament talks, Wilhelm Greve, chief of the Political Department of the West German Foreign Ministry, told the American charge that Bonn is worried over the implications of any proposal for aerial inspection of West- ern Europe. He added that Germany's chief problem is that such an inspection would probably involve a multilat- eral treaty in which the USSR would insist that the East German government take part. Grewe said his govern- ment was still not entirely clear on the details of the US proposals and wanted more time to consider them. He said Bonn hopes that the United States, in initial talks with the USSR, will not go beyond discussing aerial inspection of Arctic regions. Embassy officials comment that Bonn is faced with a dilemma on this issue, since in the current Bundestag election campaign Chancellor Adenauer must sup- port disarmament but at the same time oppose any disarma- ment agreement for which German reunification is not a pre- requisite. Adenauer said on 31 May that Bonn would agree to an inspection zone comprising areas of East and West Europe, but that the zone would have to be "consider- ably larger than Europe," which is "only a fraction of a de- fense belt." 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approv711o7Re-2-619-)12/04 C03169426 Noe New 6. KING SAUD SEEKING TO POSTPONE VISIT TO JORDAN OUT OF FEAR OF ASSASSINATION Comment on: King Saud fears possible attempts to assassinate him on his projected visit to Amman, scheduled to begin on 8 June. King Hussain and the Iraqis are believed eager to have Saud's visit take place as soon as possible in order to strengthen the prestige of Hussain's new regime in Jordan. Saud's apprehension however, indicates that he has been deeply impressed by recent signs of Egyptian and Pales- tinian conspiracy against the Arab monarchies. 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 �3-LhttMt Nov 7. USSR PLANNING LARGE MOSLEM PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA Comment on: The Soviet government is planning to send 500 to 750 Soviet Moslems to Mecca for the annual pilgrimage in June and July The pilgrims would go by air via Cairo. Last year only 20 Soviet Moslems went to Mecca in the pilgrimage. During the past year, however, more Moslems from the Sino-Soviet bloc have visited the Moslem world than in any recent comparable period. Mos- cow undoubtedly sees in the pilgrimage a useful means of convincing Islam of Soviet religious freedoms, despite con- tinuing criticism of Moslem religious rites within the USSR by the Soviet provincial press. Moscow may also consider the problem of transporting such a large group as a useful means for in- creasing its pressure on Greece and Yugoslavia for regular flight corridors between the Soviet bloc and Egypt over one of these countries. 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 -SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 I-J J-1 '1,-.4.11..11-11-4 8. AFGHAN KING TO VISIT USSR IN LATE JULY Reference: The Kabul press announced on 29 May that King Zahir Shah will visit the _USSR for two weeks beginning on 15 July. The king plans to vacation in Western Europe in early July. His visit will follow shortly after Foreign Min- ister .Naim's, previously announced for June. 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 -SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 L4LFi �L 1ULAIL:11. _121.1Li �alif 9. WORLD PEACE COUNCIL MAY LOCATE IN FINLAND The French ambassador in Helsinki believes the World Peace Council (WPC) is planning to move its headquarters to Helsinki in the near future. As evidence to support this belief, he cites the arrival of 30 WPC func- tionaries in Finland in mid-April to work on preparations for the WPC's plenary session in Ceylon, and the construc- tion by the Finnish Communist Party of two large buildings costing approximately $3,000,000, in which Soviet engineers are installing equipment for simultaneous translations into eight languages. The French have suggested a combined approach to the Finnish government by the West, including the Scandinavian countries. Comment Since the Austrian government expelled the WPC from Vienna in February, it has had its headquarters in Prague. The WPC would pre- fer to be located in the free world, thereby avoiding close association with the Communist bloc. The Finns decision will be based pri- marily on how it will affect their relations with the USSR-- not by any pressure or suggestions from the Scandinavian governments, which in any case would be reluctant to inter- fere in Finnish affairs. 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426 Ave Not 10. ANNOUNCEMENT OF BRITISH NUCLEAR TEST The second explosion in the current series of British nuclear tests oc- curred about 400 miles south of Christ- mas Island on 31 May, according to an official announcement. As it did follow- ing the first test on 15 May, the UK announced that the de- vice had been exploded at "high altitude." According to the US Atomic Energy Detection System, preliminary analysis indicats that the device yielded approximately twice the explosive power of that detonated on 15 Mv which is now estimated to have yielded about 270 KT. 4 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 Approved for for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169426