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October 27, 1957
r _ Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394F kJ A. LP A.J J 5i) z -60 13S 3.3(h)(2) CURRENT /4 INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN AUTH HR 7 -2 DATE. fr4 27 October 1957 Copy No. DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ; DECt AFnrEIED NEXT REVIEW DATE: .. CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS 21_516 IEVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 A4, Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Nor o CONTENTS 7,HITKOV REPLACED AS SOVIET DEFENSE MINISTER (page 3). 2. POSSIBLE EARLY LAUNCHING OF SOVIET ICBM TEST VEHICLE OR EARTH SATELLITE (page 5 3. USSR REPORTEDLY SENDS ARABS "DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE" OF TURKISH PLANS (page 6). 4. 5. EGYPTIAN COMMANDER IN CHIEF TO VISIT USSR page 7). AGGRESSIVE EAST GERMAN ACTIONS CHALLENGE STATUS OF WEST BERLIN :pa0 o 6. EAST GERMANY REDUCES ECONOMIC GOALS (page 9). OK- 7. MAO TSE-TUNG'S VISIT TO MOSCOW (page 10). l)o 8. BURMA SET FOR LONG DELAY IN REACHING BORDER ACCORD WITH PEIPING (page 11). 9. SITUATION IN LAOS 10. (page 12). INDONESIAN COMMUNISTS REPORTEDLY DEMAND MILITARY CONQUEST OF NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA (page 13). 11. MANAHAN'S CHANCES FOR WI HILIPPINE PRESIDENCY SEEN GROWIN (page 14). 12. HEALTH MAY FORCE OUSTER OF TOP SOUTH 70REAN LIBERAL PARTY LEADER (page 15) 13, EARLY WEST GERMAN-POLISH INFORMAL TRADE TALKS REPORTED (page 16). 14. THE SITUATION IN GUATEMALA 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin (page 17). Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 V-4 V-, .4. 1 J. 1-4.1. V -IL A.. L.&4 1. ZHUKOV REPLACED AS SOVIET DEFENSE MINISTER There has been no official statement from the Soviet Union on the replacement of Marshal Georgy Zhukov by .MarshalRodion Malinovsky as USSR minister of defense other than the 26 October' radio announce- ment of the shift late Saturday evening, Mos- cow time,, followed by a brief item pub- lished on the back page of Pravda on Sunday morning. Whether Zhukov has been demoted or whether he relinquished the defense post in order to assume broader political responsi- bilities is not yet clear. The longer the delay in clarifying Zhukov's position, the greater is the tendency to speculate that the change 'amounts to a demotion for him. Western Communist correspondents in Mos- cow state that a central committee meeting will convene within the next few days, possibly on 28 October, to discuss Zhukov's status. Zhukov reportedly hurried to a meeting with party leaders immediately after he arrived back in Mos- cow from his state visit to Yugoslavia and Albania. Khrushchev, Bulganin, and Mikoyan, :who are normally very punctual, ar- rived nearly an hour late at the Iranian embassy, after having had the Iranian ambassador twice change the hour of his recep- tion. It may have been at this party meeting that Zhukov first learned of the decision to replace him as defense minister. American correspondents, whose attempts to report speculation concerning Zhukov's status were cut off by Soviet censors on the 26th, are now permitted to hint at a possible demotion. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 a"' d�-k ilf-12-11^% Vi rrinT Air Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 J. .a. JL.E.P.IL11 .L.431.1-4 American service attaches noted an extra- ordinary number of security and militia personnel and one armed MVD patrol at the Iranian reception on the 26th, and report that a large number of military officers entered and left the Kremlin on the nights of 22, 23, and 24 October. Policy differences may have figured prom- inently in the decision to relieve Zhukov of the defense post. General military policy-=for example, the question of economic priorities as they affect the Soviet military establishment, and perhaps particularly Khrushchev's policy with regard to the Middle East situation--may have been an area of serious dis- agreement. There have been confirmed reports of recent differences over long-range economic planning in high echelons of the party and government. Ambassador Thompson points out that in re- cent weeks the military press has been carrying a conspicuous number of references to the leading role of the party in military affairs, and he considers it possible that Zhukov has overreached himself in .attempting to establish the independence of the mili- tary. The above evidence, while suggestive of Zhukov's demotion, is still not conclusive, and must be weighed against the evidence cited in the CIA intelligence memorandum of 26 October supporting the view -That the Kremlin would be hesitant to demote Zhukov on the eve of the 40th anniversary celebration. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 --A144T-PsICX7AT71T-71-r--- Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 - LA,Laiii. Nor 2. POSSIBLE EARLY LAUNCHENG OF SOVIET ICBM TEST VEHICLE OR EARTH SATELLITE Operational activity of an as yet unde- termined nature resumed on 25 October on the Tyura Tam-Klyuchi guided-mis- sile test range. This activity marks the first date since the 3-4 October period, when the Soviet satel- lite was launched, that activities have been noted involving the local Tyura Tam network, the Klyuchi complex, � Evidence does not allow assessment as to whether the activity on 25 October was a valid countdown or only practice; October is not available. Complete data as to activity on 26 The first firing at Tyura Tam on 21 August was preceded by prarticA fltraci r an extended period of time Assuming that the reported activity is valid, however, from the pattern of the cur- rent operation, that the activity on 25 October probably was practice and could Indicate preparation for the early launching of either an ICBM test vehicle or an earth satellite. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12ri0 C03178394 - in��di NLIO 3. USSR REPORTEDLY SENDS ARABS "DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE" OF TURKISH PLANS Comment on: The Soviet embassy in Washington is reportedly sending Arab embassies and UN delegations "documentary photo- stats" purportedl showin the Turkish e same me, an 1.%ypt.14.11 news 4.1101JuLLA.,11 trom New York asserted the USSR told Arab delegations that it had received accurate informa- tion that the United States on 21 October sent 300 saboteurs to join the Turkish forces on the Syrian border. Since mid-October, Soviet spokesmen have claimed to possess documentary proof of a US-Turkish plan for an attack. Khrushchev told the Syrian ambassador in Moscow on 16 October that he had "irrefutable documentary evidence" and the TASS statement of 18 October declared that "not only the existence of such a plan, but even its concrete content has been learned authentically." In his letter to the president of the UN General Assembly on 16 October, Gromyko referred to "verified data in hand" and strongly reiterated his charges to a private meeting of selected Asian UN delegations on 20 October. Moscow may believe that a dramatic move such as publication of _alleged "documeiltary evidence" is now necessary to maintain the momentum of its campaign against the United States and Turkey in view of widespread suspicion of Soviet motives in the General Assembly, the Saudi mediation offer, and Ambassador -Lodge's challenge Qn22Otber that Gromyko cannot prove his charges. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 TOP SECRET N.01 4, EGYPTIAN COMMANDER IN CHIEF TO VISIT USSR Comment on: General Abd�al-Hakim Amir, minister of defense and commander in chief of the Egyptian army, will visit the USSR from 1-19 November Amir's recently announced trip, delayed since last summer when the Soviet invitation was first received, will include 12 days devoted to military "visits" and 5 days for "general con- versations." Amir will � submit requests for an as yet undetermined quantity of military items, including night fighters, radar, and possibly artillery. discussions will also be held on the training of high-ranking staff officers and pilots. Amies projected absence from his post as head of the Egyptian-Syrian joint command during the present Syrian crisis suggests that Egypt does not expect hostilities on the Syrian-Turkish border. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 *Roo Noie 5,. AGGRESSIVE EAST GERMAN ACTIONS CHALLENGE STATUS OF WEST BERLIN Comment on: A new, harder East German policy is de- veloping which appears designed to strength- en East Germany's claim to sovereignty and to erode away the quadripartite status of Ber- lin. The regime, apparently with Soviet backing, has taken a number of steps in recent weeks aimed at forcing Bonn and the Western powers to recognize East German rather than Soviet authority over the territory of the German Democratic Republic. Probably as a consequence of Khrushchev's strong endorsement of the Ulbricht regime last August, the government has recently shown markedly greater assurance, both in its tougher domestic policies and its more aggressive attitude toward West Germany and West Berlin. Strong actions affecting access to Berlin taken by the regime include: increased controls over interzonal road and rail traffic, including confiscation of parcel post and freight shipments; generally more stringent controls on Berlin intersec- tor traffic in violation of four power agreements; the disruption of plans for a church coriference scheduled for both parts of Ber- lin on 26 and 27 October; and threats to assume control over the Berlin air corridors used by allied aircraft. The East German government reportedly de- cided not to go through with a plan to seal the Berlin sector borders for two weeks beginning at dawn on 26 October, because of the disruption of interzonal trade, which is very important to the East German economy. While most measures to date have affected primarily German interests, the US mission in Berlin con- siders it likely thatiAlliedinterests will be increasingly affected if the trend continues, whether or not the Russians add direct harassmentS, of their own to those of the East German regime. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SE'CRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/1-2710 C-63178394 itio0 '%ftsi 6, EAST GERMANY REDUCES ECONOMIC GOALS Comment on: oals of the East German Five-Year Economic Plan (1956-60) for industrial production have been reduced from a planned increase of 55 percent in output by 1960 to 34 percent, according to a 17 October speech by Party Secretary Walter Ulbricht which has just been released. Since the inception of the Five-Year Plan in 1956, East German industrial production has fallen behind plan, largely because the goals for investment, labor pro- ductivity, and raw materials output were set too high. The revised production goals appear to be feasible, but the in- ternal resources of the East German economy are not ade- quate for the planned investments, which have been only slightly reduced. The Soviet Union will continue to assist East Germany, which has received a total of $785, 000, 000 in credits since 1953. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 AN Ali It ririTTI TM 7771T A T Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 C411_./11 A' ALP 1-4.1. I 1 .11..C/JL4 N1104 *Sr 7. MAO TSE-TUNG'S VISIT TO MOSCOW Comment on: Peiping's announcement that Mao Tse- tung will visit Moscow early next month in connection with the Soviet anniversary celebrations on 7 November paves the way for a Communist "summit" confer- ence among Khrushchev, Mao, Tito, and Gomulka, who rep- resent the four principal points of view on relations among "socialist" states. Now that Mao's presence is assured, Tito and Gomulka are almost certain to be there. Both Tito and Gomulka regard Mao as sympathetic to certain features of their individual positions on "different roads to socialism," and will look to Mao for some support in their contentions with Khrushchev. On the other hand, Khrushchev can count on Mao's support for the central issue of "socialist" solidari- ty against the West. Last January and February, Chou En-lai visited Moscow and Warsaw with the aim of preventing fur- ther deterioration in Soviet-Polish relations. Since then, Moscow's relations with both Warsaw and Belgrade have im- proved considerably, in line with Peiping's advice to avoid invective and work out problems quietly and gradually. Mao will encourage the Communist leaders to continue this course, Mao may follow his visit to Moscow with a tour of the East European satellites, and there have been re- ports he will also go to Belgrade. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 .drcevikik-rirtVV1-1r1111:77TIT A Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 SLCRkT Noe* Nrioso 8. BURMA SET FOR LONG DELAY IN REACHING BORDER ACCORD WITH PEIPING Comment on: Burmese officials appear resigned, in the light of Chief Justice Myint Theints recent unsuccessful mission to Peiping, to a pro- tracted period of negotiations before a de- finitive border settlement with Communist China can be achieved. The Burmese are deeply disappointed over their failure to nail down a definitive border settlement, In the absence of new Chinese incursions into territory claimed by Burma, however, Rangoon is in a poor position to take drastic steps, such as a renewed press campaign, in an ef- fort to incline China toward early settlement. 27, Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 . Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Noe 9. SITUATION IN LAOS Comment on: Laotian Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma's efforts toward a quick set- tlement with the Pathet Lao hit a snag on 25 October when the council of ministers--the cabinet plus Crown Prince Savang�de- cided the communique proposed by Souvanna and Pallet chief Souphannouvong required major revision to safe- guard the government's interests. The council also dis- avowed the political agreement signed on 22 October by government and Pathet Lao negotiators which had been described by the American ambassador as a "sell-out" to the Communists. The councils revision of the communi- qu�ightens loop-holes the Pathets would probably have exploited to evade their commitments regarding restora- tion of the government's authority in the disputed prov- inces. It also serves to reduce the effectiveness of the communiqu�s a propaganda vehicle in the Pathetgl neutrality campaign. The crown prince believes the revised communiqu�ill be unacceptable to the Pathets. They may, however, consider that the original draft was so favorable that they have latitude in which to negotiate further. It seems unlikely that they will react to this set- back by breaking off negotiations. In any event, the Pathets can be expected to launch an intense propaganda campaign portraying the United States as the only obstacle to the unification of Laos. In addition, Souvanna may react by threatening to resign, charging that America has frustrated his efforts, and thus raise the prospect of another prolonged government crisis if a settlement is not quickly achieved. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 orvonn r Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 10. INDONESIAN COMMUNISTS REPORTEDLY DEMAND MILITARY CONQUEST OF NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA Comment on: Indonesian Communist Party leaders are urging their followers to demand the conquest of Netherlands New Guinea by force of arms if the UN d the question in Indonesiatsa favnr stallations. :ne tone ot speeches akiD�fch residents and in- This report fits into a pattern of official government policy aimed at stimulating a powerful popular reaction if Indonesia's demands are not approved by the UN. Foreign Minister Subandrio, who has just returned from New York, has stated publicly that if Indonesia's claim to West Irian fails at the UN, "other ways and means must be found." In addition the government has proclaimed a "West Irian week" and has delegated its preparation to the Youth- Military Cooperative Body, a quasi-official organization which has branches all over Java and includes Communists at every level. The official program to emphasize the West Irian issue has probably been adopted largely at the direction of President Sukarno with the full support of the Communists. The emphasis on armed force is unlikely to result in an invasion of New Guinea, but it may stimu- late attacks against the Dutch and pnihh st other Westerners on the island of Java. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 Cref"D 7' Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release:-2019T12/10 C03178394 %we vqwe 11, MANAHAN'S CHANCES FOR WINNING PHILIPPINE PRESIDENCY SEEN GROWING The American embassy's latest survey of the Philippine political campaign in- dicates that although President Garcia may hold a lead in the race for the presi- dency, his lead is small and appears to be diminishing. The presidential candidates of the Liberal and Progressive par- ties, Jose Yulo and Manuel Manahan, are, in the embassy's judgment, running neck-and-neck. Manahan's popularity, in particular, continues to rise and should this popularity be converted into votes on 12 November, he may run ahead of Yulo and conceivably could win the necessary plurality. Although Garcia and Yulo are supported by long-established party machines--traditionally the decid- ing factor in Philippine elections--the embassy believes that voters will exercise morejinctependence.of judgment this year than ever before. The increased price of rice and other basic commodities as well as chronic socio-economic pressures are probably playing a major role in electing a "new order" to power. Manahan may also be able to play on the continuing popular de- sire for a "clean new force" which manifested itself in the 1953 election of the late Ramon Magsaysay. Liberal party candidate Yulo reportedly has the support of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in the Philippines. Unless this support involves instructions to parish priests, how- ever, the embassy believes the parish-level clergy and popular Catholic action groups will back Manahan. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 14 crrni r"T' Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 "WiNtfli#ENTIAE 120 HEALTH MAY FORCE OUSTER OF TOP SOUTH KOREAN LIBERAL PARTY LEADER Yi Ki-pung, the leader of the ruling Liberal party in South Korea, may soon be forced to retire from active politics because of his rapidly failing health. Yi has been observed to have great difficulty in walking or even in standing for more than ten minutes at a time. Many of his associates reportedly are urging him to relinquish leadership of the party. Yi's retirement would almost certainly lead to the fragmentation and possibly the disintegration of the large but poorly disciplined Liberal party. Many party members were recruited by Yi from the opposition Democratic party of Vice President Chang Myon and from independent circles. Subsequent maneuvering by the var- ious factions for political advantage could precipitate po- litical instability which even President Rhee may have difficulty in containing. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 15 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 *,fte `r���1 13, EARLY WEST GERMAN-POLISH INFORMAL TRADE TALKS REPORTED Comment on: Informal trade talks between West Ger- man and Polish officials will begin on 29 October in West Berlin Bonn has indicated many times that a "first step" in improving relations with Poland would be the establishment of a West German trade mission in War- saw. The government has been strongly criticized by both the political opposition and the independent press on the groundsthat its diplomatic, break with Yugoslavia creates ob- stacles to a rapprochement with Poland. An official gov- ernment periodical recently stated that the break with Belgrade did not mean that Bonn would never establish rela- tions with countries which had recognized East Germany "under different circumstances." Members of the Polish delegation are emphasizing the nonofficial status of the meeting. In re- cent weeks, the Polish leaders have insisted that the re- sumption of full diplomatic relations must accompany any exchange of trade missions. 0 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 16 crrp r-r Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Noe 14� THE SITUATION IN GUATEMALA Comment on: Constitutional government was tenuously restored to Guatemala late on 26 October, but Communists may benefit from the bitter divisions among anti-Communist political and military forces which were revealed in the violent disturbances last week. The military junta resigned on 26 October and the congress installed Guillermo Flores Avendano as interim president until a perma- nent president can be elected and inaugurated. Flores is the constitutional successor to Luis Arturo Gonzalez, the president ousted by the junta on 24 October after two days of rioting over the disputed, and now annulled, presidential election of 20 Octo- ber. His installation was the result of an agreement between the beleaguered junta and Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, whose fol- lowers had nearly succeeded by mob action in forcing the junta to relinquish power directly to him. A new presidential election is promised for the "near future" and Ydigoras seems confident of winning it. He has been assured that, this time, the election will be really free. The army, formerly a decisive power in Guatemala, is now weakened by internal factionalism. The 26 October "solution" to the political dilemma probably does not have the support of more than a bare majority of officers, Guatemalan Communists are "delighted" with last week's events. They exercise influence in the leftist Revolutionary party (PR) and in various labor and student groups which were active in the mob action. The PR, which has been promised the right to participate in the new election, is confident. Many observers believe it might win, especially if given time to organize. 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 17 crtritt rpm Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394 Approved for Release:-2-0T9P12-5.0 C03178394 Norl Noe CORRECTION Current Intelligence Bulletin 26 October 1957, Item 3, p.5. EGYPTIAN REINFORCEMENT OF SINAI REPORTED The last sentence in the second paragraph should real: "Egypt had about 35 000 troops in Sinai at the time of the Israeli attack in late October 1956." 27 Oct 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 18 ci-rievrs rwrry, Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178394