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' Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 TO SECRET P CURRENT / INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 0/4/4 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 2 February 1957 Copy No. 131 DOCUMENT NO. ....,-.:1 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ?; .11 I 1 DECLASSIRED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S NEXT REVIEW DATE: �'ikluATA -eREVIEWER, OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY V/7/7/107/7//7 /e Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO3161988 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 Aseu 40. Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 CONTENTS . FAILURE OF NEHRU AND CEIOU EN-LAI TO ISSUE COM- MUNIQUE SUGGESTS SINO-INDIAN DISAGREEMENT (page 3). 2. INDIAN FOREIGN EXCHANGE RESERVES RESUME SHARP DECLINE (page 4). 3. ALL-OUT EFFORT BY CUBAN GOVERNMENT TO OVER- COME INSURRECTIONISTS REPORTED IMMINENT (page 5). 4. LOCAL MASJUMI LEADERS ARRESTED IN INDONESIA (page 6). �5. BRITAIN FEARS JORDAN MAY EXACT HEAVY PRICE FOR TERMINATION OF TREATY (page 7). k\i 6. INDIA DECIDES AGAINST PURCHASE OF SOVIET CIVIL AIRCRAFT (page 8). . HANOI DIFFERS WITH USSR ON VIETNAMESE UN SEATS (page 9). 2 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 L../ 1. FAILURE OF NEHRU AND CHOU EN-LAI TO ISSUE COM- MUNIQUE SUGGESTS SINO-INDIAN DISAGREEMENT Comment on: The failure of Nehru and Chou En-lai to issue a joint communiqu�efore Chou left India for Ceylon on 31 January sug- gests that disagreement on world prob- lems exists between the two leaders. In all of the nine other countries he has already visited on his current tour, Chou and his hosts issued communiqu� Thirincr Chou's many talks with Nehru which began in November The two leaders reportedly disagreed in their November and December talks on Chou's insistence that American policy in the Far East continued to be warlike and that Soviet intervention in Hungary was justified. Nehru's ap- parently favorable reaction to his visit to the United States in mid-December may have contributed to a reluctance to asso- ciate himself with Chou in a pronouncement on world affairs at this time. 2 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 07-'1"11 r�r Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 ������ �����.- ��� � � � 41, 1 2. INDIAN FOREIGN EXCHANGE RESERVES RESUME SHARP DECLINE ndian foreign exchange reserves de- clined by $27,200,000 during the week ending 25 January, according to the figures of the Reserve Bank of India. ese reserves now stand at only $1,072,000,000. Comment Although Indian foreign exchange re- serves fell by nearly $440,000,000 from 1 April through 30 November, they had appeared to be par- tially stabilized by the recent measures taken by the Indian government to curb imports. They fell by only $19,000,000 during the next six weeks, but during the past two weeks they have fallen by an additional $36,000,000, and now stand below what is considered to be the minimum safe level re- quired for currency backing and for working capital for for- eign trade. Although India has approached the Inter- national Monetary Fund for $200,000,000 in assistance, the IMF has not yet agreed to grant the full amount. The gov- ernment may therefore be forced to reduce the foreign ex- change held as backing for the currency, or reduce the scope of the Second Five-Year Plan. Since the Congress Party has made its management of the economy and plans for fu- ture economic expansion the key elements in its election campaign, such actions would reduce its chances of winning a workable majority. 2 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFTDENTTA 1, Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 A 3. ALL-OUT EFFORT BY CUBAN GOVERNMENT TO OVER- COME INSURRECTIONISTS REPORTED IMMINENT kbout 2,000 Cuban military are now oncentrated in and around the south- astern city of Santiago in Oriente 3rovince for an all-out drive against nsurrectionists in the Sierra Maestra Jountains according to a reliable The rebel force, Jssibly number- ing 300, includes remnants of the group belonging to the "26 of July" movement of Fidel Castro which landed on 2 December 1956 and a considerable number of residents of the Santiago area who have joined the group. New clashes between the revolutionaries and the military in Oriente were reported in mid-January, and information received by the American em- bassy in Havana indicated that the "26 o July" movement has been planning a series of new disturbances throughout the island. The government's inability to put an end to a wave of terrorist acts which have occurred since the 30 November 1956 revolutionary outbreak in Santiago and its use of strong repressive measures have caused public unrest to increase. While the bulk of the armed forces has been considered loyal, in the past year there have been re- ports of dissatisfaction and possibly plotting, particularly within the army, a key factor in the situation. Over 100 members of the armed forces have been arrested for refusal to fight the rebel forces, according to a Cuban government official. 2 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 r Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 'LA 4,1 1 JII. .4 .a..a.a 4. LOCAL MASJUMI LEADERS ARRESTED IN INDONESIA Seventeen local Masjumi leaders in a West Java city were arrested on 29 Janu- ary, according to a Masjumi spokesman. Party leaders fear that further arrests will be made e interest of depriving the Masjumi of local leadership and intimidating its supporters. The Amer- ican embassy comments that all political groups expect a political showdown soon, possibly accompanied by demon- strations or violence. Comment The arrest of these Masjumi leaders, and of 30 other persons in Djakarta, at a time when the government is hard pressed by a series of political and military crises may be the beginning of a cam- paign to suppress critics of the Ali regime by force. 2 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 C(W$T117WNT1A 1. Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 5. BRITAIN FEARS JORDAN MAY EXACT HEAVY PRICE FOR TERMINATION OF TREATY Comment on: The British expect that in negotiations on termination of the Anglo-Jordanian treaty of 1947 beginning at Amman on 4 February, considerable equipment and installations will have to be handed over in the hope of forestalling a demand for everything the British have ac- cumulated in Jordan. The Foreign Office told the American embassy in London that British stocks in Jordan are con- siderable, including large quantities of materiel removed from the Suez base two years ago, and referred to certain stores and equipment worth $19,500,000 as among the prob- able objects of Jordanian demands. The British want to retrieve the bulk of their materiel in Jordan, and at the same time, according to the Foreign Office, retain Jordan's good will. London doubts, however, that treaty provisions obligating Jordan to purchase the British installations at a fair valuation are likely to be honored, especially since Jordan's allies, Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia, are unlikely to furnish money for such a purpose. The British want the negotiations conducted entirely by their ambassador at Amman in order to avoid calling too much attention to the talks. 2 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 C' 171"D Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 6. INDIA DECIDES AGAINST PURCHASE OF SOVIET CIVIL AIRCRAFT India has decided not to purchase civil aircraft from the USSR, according to the Indian director general of civil avia- tion. He says that the proposal has been discussed with two groups of Soviet ex- uring recent months, but that New Delhi has decided the parts and repair difficulties would make the use of Soviet aircraft uneconomic. Comment The USSR has been trying to break into the Indian aircraft market, which is ex- pected to become lucrative in the future. The Indian govern- ment plans to expand its airlines and replace most of its planes during the next few years. India is hesitant to purchase Soviet civil aircraft because of reluctance to diversify further the types of aircraft it operates. The USSR has also offered to supply IL-28 jet light bombers at about half the cost of the British Canber- ras that India has been planning to purchase. A contract for Canberras has been ready for signature for several months, but there have been recent reports thtindia is renrisidering the purchase of Soviet jet bombers. 2 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 �ACVVIPT-1411-1ATTT A T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988 Or 7. HANOI DIFFERS WITH USSR ON VIETNAMESE UN SEATS Comment on: Hanoi has differed with the USSR in connection with the Soviet Union's pro- posal, defeated in a General Assembly committee on 30 January, to admit both North and South Vietnam to the UN simul- taneously� one day after the proposal, Viet Minh premier Pham Van Dong, al- though he directed his protest at the US resolution for unilateral admission of South Vietnam, de- clared that neither zone should be considered for member- ship separately, only a unified Vietnam. any proposals for simultaneous admission of North and South Vietnam would be "contradictory to the principles to which both the North and the South are committed!' South Vietnam's acting foreign secretary told the US ambassador that he considered the Soviet proposal gratifying in that it would create psychological difficulties for the Viet Minh. 2 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 cv Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161988