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r/r Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 .L FL 11-7 k4 I%. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.3(h)(2) 5 May 1957 3.5(c) o#4 oVe e4 /4/ /// / Copy No. DOCUMES1 CV1PSGE IS GLASS. DV--L.CLASSIfeD CLANOP SS. CV�ASGE.0 TO-, TS SEXT KA 70-2. DATE:. 4 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 0.111 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Noe CONTENTS . NEW SOVIET PLANNING CHIEF APPOINTED (page 3). FIGHTING NOT RESUMED IN HONDUIAN-NICARAGUAN BORDER DISPUTE (page 5). 6 yl 3. ATOMIC WEAPONS ISSUE REPORTEDLY SPLITS BONN CABINET (page 6). I) 4, SYRIAN BY-ELECTIONS D (page 7). 6)) 5. SARAGAT SOCIALISTS REPORTED WITHDRAWING FROM ITALIAN CABINET (page 8). 66 6. GHANA PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATION MAY VISIT MOSCOW (page 9). 5 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Now 1. NEW SOVIET PLANNING CHIEF APPOINTED By appointing I. I. Kuzmin, a behind- the-scenes party administrator expe- rienced in day-to-day control over industry, to the key post of chief of the USSR State Planning Commission (Gosplan) the Soviet leaders are apparently attempting to solve the problem of maintaining tight party control over industry after decentralization of the economic administra- tion. The selection of a relatively obscure person for the position may reflect some disagreement among the top leaders over the appointment. However, the fact that Kuzmin was brought in from the party appara- tus--the administrative organization within the central com- mittee secretariat under Khrushchev, suggests that Khru- shchev has again manipulated key personnel appointments in order to strengthen his influence over the reorganized economic system. Khrushchev's prestige is intimately tied up with the success of the economic reorganization. Kuzmin has been serving in the central apparatus of the party since at least 1945. In September 1953 he was head of the Industry and Transport Department of the party central committee and has recently been head of the Machine Building Department of the party apparatus. Kuzmin was not made a member of the party central com- mittee at the 20th party congress, however, but instead was placed on the less important and essentially honorific Cen- tral Auditing Commission. Kuzmin's new appointment reflects the fastest rise to prominence of any Soviet official in recent history. As head of the new planning organization under the forthcoming economic reorganization, he will have wide responsibilities and powers, not only in national planning, 5 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 but also in co-ordinating and supervising the activities of the 80-100 National Economic Councils to be organized throughout the country. The importance of Kuzmin's new post is emphasized by his appointment as a first deputy premier--a rank held by only five other leading figures in the Soviet hierarchy, all of whom are full members of the party presidium. Moscow also announced that the pre- vious USSR Gosplan chief, N. K. Baibakov, has been ap- pointed to the important positions of first deputy premier In the Russian Republic (RSFSR) and chairman of the RSFSR Gosplan. His removal from the central planning post, there- fore, does not suggest that the Soviet leaders were dissatis- fied with his past performance. (Concurred in by ORR) 5 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin -7-015--SEGRE-T Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 NtiO 2. FIGHTING NOT RESUMED IN HONDURAN-NICARAGUAN BORDER DISPUTE (Information as of 2100, 5 May) Comment on: Fighting between Honduran and Nic- araguan forces is still confined to limited skirmishes and apparently some minor air action in the disputed area. Both sides have promised to co-operate with the special committee of the Organ- ization of American States (OAS) named on 2 May to investigate and help settle the dispute. The American ambassador in Honduras, however, believes that Honduran forces may be continuing to move in the disputed area despite ambig- uous instructions from the Honduran government to do nothing which might further aggravate the situation. The OAS committee, which conferred with Hondu- ran authorities in Tegucigalpa on 4 May, flew to Nicaragua the next day. Feeling is running high in both countries and each government has threatened drastic action if further provoked by the other. The danger of full-scale hostilities is lessened, however, by the presence on the scene of the OAS committee. An indication of the stand Nicaragua will probably take before the OAS came in a 2 May message sent to all OAS members. The Nicaraguan foreign minister declared that the 1 May Honduran attack on the Nicaraguan garrison in the disputed area was "treacherous" and "deceit- ful" and occurred after Honduras had requested OAS interven- tion to settle the dispute. He said this was "an unspeakable travesty...of the lofty aims of the OAS which, if not dealt with by sanctions, could undermine" the peoples' and governments' faith in the OAS. 5 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 TL_A -ff. IL A-.1 3. ATOMIC WEAPONS ISSUE REPORTEDLY SPLITS BONN CABINET SC definite split between the views of Defense Minister Strauss and Foreign Minister Brentano developed at a heated cabinet session on 30 April which had been called in preparation for the 10 May Bundestag debate on atomic weapons, A umteci government position on equipping the West German army with atomic weapons was not reached. While Chancellor Adenauer and Brentano agreed that the Federal Republic should take no initiative to ac- quire atomic weapons, Strauss violently defended his own con- cept that an army must have atomic weapons to survive and Bonn must therefore acquire them. Strauss, whose own ex- tensive political ambitions are tied to this issue, has shown no signs of bowing to the chancellor's instructions to tone down his demands. He had predicted that if the Adenauer-Brentano view prevails the Bundestag debate will be a fiasco, with seri- ous effects on the Christian Democratic Union's prospects in the September elections. The 10 May Bundestag debate has been called by the opposition in an effort to exploit the differences in the government on the atomic weapons issue and the shift- ing positions taken by Adenauer since his 5 April statement that West Germany must have parity in such weapons. The government's fears of prolonged distusgion of this emo- tionally charged issue have been increased by a recent unpub- lished public opinion poll which shows 57 percent of those re- sponding as opposed to the equipping of West Germany's forces with atomic weapons or the stationing of such weapons onWest German territory. 5 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin -SECRET Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 --- � ����������� -,�-������ 4, SYRIAN BY-ELECTIONS Reference: According to unofficial returns, leftist candidates have won three out of four contests in the Syrian parliamentary by- elections held on 4-5 May. The elections were held to fill the posts of four con- servative deputies convicted of conspir- acy with Iraq. In the important Damascus constituency, leftist Riad Malki won over his conservative opponent Mustafa Sibai, Moslem Brotherhood leader. At Homs and at Suwayda, in the Jebal Druze region, leftist candidates are reported to have comfortable margins. The fourth seat,which Went to the� kightist candidate, is in the Hauran tribal area, where ideology played almost no role. The turnout of voters was about the same as in the 1954 parliamentary elections. The outcome apparently resulted from the leftists' domination of the government and, hence, of the voting machinery. 5 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 �capir-Fm-ENT4AL- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 J11, UV J1-.1 N NNW 5. SARAGAT SOCIALISTS REPORTED WITHDRAWING FROM ITALIAN CABINET Comment on: Speculation of an early overthrow of Italian premier Segni's coalition govern- ment has followed press reports on 5 May that Vice Premier Saragat has announced that his Democratic Socialist Party will withdraw from the cabinet. The reports do not agree on how soon this move might take place. Refusal by the 19 Democratic Socialist deputies to support the government would erase Segni's slim majority in the 590-man lower house, reducing his assured support to his own 265 Christian Democratic deputies and 14 Liberals. Strong pressure within the Democratic So- cialist Party for withdrawal from the government has been evident for some months, stemming partly from a general party belief that the Segni government is not radical enough in its reform program, and partly from a belief on the part of many party members that withdrawal would facilitate re- union with the Nenni Socialists. The most likely countermove by the Chris- tian Democrats would be the formation of a single-party gov- ernment, relying on the left for parliamentary support on some issues and on other occasions on the Liberals and most of the 40 Monarchist deputies. Too close an association with the right, however, would antagonize the reform-minded Chris- tian Democratic left wing and might lead to its breaking away. If it is decided to hold new national elections, it is unlikely that they would take place before September. 5 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 CONFIDEN7711, Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391 sio-ssa. .� � .�� 6. GHANA PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATION MAY VISIT MOSCOW Comment on: The American embassy in Accra be- lieves there is a distinct possibility that a Ghana parliamentary delega- tion will be sent to Moscow in response to a Soviet invitation. The permanent secretary of external affairs says he will try to have a "sensible" delegation chosen with no ministers included who could commit the government. A trip by a parliamentary delegation to Moscow would probably be the beginning of increasing so- cial, political and economic contacts between Ghana and the Soviet bloc. Both the British Foreign Office and the Amer- ican charge at Accra believe that Ghana will exchange diplo- matic representation with the USSR within a year. 5 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03178391