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September 7, 1957
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forAR�ejrske,:aj.1121i 0 3.3(h)(2) / 7 September 1957 03.5(c) /0/ o�4 / "Pyo. 136 /// g ?:;" CURRENT I: ) ' ' -. 5 $ :..:),;: TS 0610 INTELLIGENCE -' 2 m>e // 0/ # 0/ BULLETI14 AL; i II: Ilii 7 2 DATEP -REVIEWE 0 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY i //,/ 10 / � 0 /// / .W / ../57/07AtET / //did offzff. lid,r/ TOP SECI Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 *ftof CONTENTS 04, 1, TURKEY PREPARING FOR MANEUVERS NEAR SYRIAN BORDER (page 3). (g.42___ 2. CUBAN SITUATION REMAINS TENSE 91-0 (page 4). 3. PROPOSAL FOR EXCHANGE OF GREEK-TURKISH MI- NORITIES RECEIVES HIGH-LEVEL SUPPORT (page 5). 6-41- 4. HUNGARIAN DIPLOMAT ASSERTS UN NOMINEE WOULD BE PERMITTED TO ENTER HUNGARY (page 6). 6-47� 5. WEST GERMANY TO SEEK PERMISSION TO PRODUCE ANTITANK MISSILE (page 7), "fe--- 6. JORDANIAN TRIBAL LEADERS REPORTED IRKED WITH PALACE OFFICIALS (page 8). 6-it 7. INDONESIAN OFFICIALS U1sTR".1STAI LON_OUTCOME OF NATIONAL CONFERENCE (page 9). 8. COMMUNIST CHINA APPARENTLY RELUCTANT TO CON- CLUDE NEW RICE-RUBBER AGREEMENT WITH CEYLON (page 10). 7 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 NO01 ,i.Lr *of 1. TURKEY PREPARING FOR MANEUVERS NEAR SYRIAN BORDER Turkey's Fifth Armored Brigade and elements of the 28th Infantry Division located near Ankara are preparing to move by rail to the vicinity of the Syrian border, according to the American serv- ice attaches in Ankara. These units had returned to home stations only last month from similar movements undertaken during the Jordanian crisis last spring. According to Ambassador Warren, Turkey's concern over the security of its southern border may be the cause for these movements. Officers of the Turkish general staff denied that the intention is to pose a threat to Syria and said extensive military maneuvers have been ordered for Sep- tember and late October prior to annual NATO maneuvers. All military leaves have been canceled for the maneuvers. The Turks have increased irregular air patrols along the Syrian border and plan to deploy fighter squad- rons to bases in southern Turkey "in a realistic maneuver to determine actual capabilities' There is no evidence available to indicate that the Turkish navy is planning any unusual movements. 7 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 i.-712.14,74-c7=1"7- 'ver* 2. CUBAN SITUATION REMAINS TENSE Late on 5 September the American em- bassy in Havana reported persistent unconfirmed rumors of serious discord within the Cuban government and the army. Despite the loyalty shown by army and air force units in drastic action against insur- gent forces in Cienfuegos on 5 September, some dissident elements probably do exist within the armed forces, which have been the bulwark of Batista's strength. Cuban officials insist that naval personnel did not join the revolt but most observers disagree. The navy has been sus- pected of disaffection since Batista's 1952 coup. Batista has again demonstrated his willing- ness to use ruthless measures against revolt and can be ex- pected to act quickly to ferret out possible disaffection in the armed forces. Recent events will increase resentment against him, but he will probably be able to maintain his position unless sizable segments of the opposition, including those elements possessing effective arms, coordinate their attacks. 7 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 3. PROPOSAL FOR EXCHANGE OF GREEK-TURKISH MINORITIES RECEIVES HIGH-LEVEL SUPPORT Turkish Ambassador Vergin in Athens has informed Ambassador Allen that he believs the time may have come for another large-scale exchange of popula- tions between Greece and Turkey. Citing tensions over the Turkish minorities in Greek Thrace and on Cyprus and the Greek minority and Orthodox Patriarchate in Istanbul, Vergin indicated that Turkish Prime Minister Menderes is beginning to consider a transfer of populations as a solution to Greek- Turkish problems. Greek Foreign Minister Averoff, in a subsequent conversation with Allen, said he personnaly would accept the plan for an exchange of populations. Although Averoff warned that a "sentimental" problem would be created were the Patriarchate of Constantinople moved, he believed_that even this issue could be resolved. Comment A large-scale Greek-Turkish exchange of populations in 1923 involved some 1,300,000 Greeks from Turkey and nearly 400,000 Moslems from Greece. At present, there are about 90,000 ethnic Turks on Cyprus and over 100,000 in Greece. Approximately 80,000 Greeks live in Istanbul. A transfer of minorities would eliminate a constant source of friction in Greek-Turkish relations and might pave the way for a settlement of the Cyprus dispute. The Turks, however, have previously argued that continued British presence on Cyprus is essential to the security of their southern coast. 7 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 %.00 IL411,1111 1 Lill' 11.Z1L4 _ Nor, 4. HUNGARIAN DIPLOMAT ASSERTS UN NOMINEE WOULD BE PERMITTED TO ENTER HUNGARY the Hungarian government would not refuse admission if the UN General Assembly decided to send one outstanding personality to Hungary, such as Prince Wan of Thailand. The Hungarian delegation, however, would oppose any debate of the special committee's report and, if the decision went against it, denounce the committee as a tool of the American govern- ment. It would also vote against any Western-sponsored res- olution. Comment This is the first explicit statement on proposed Hungarian action at the Gen- eral Assembly from a high-level representative of the Hun- garian government, although Premier Kadar previously indi- cated that Secretary General Dag Hammarskj old would be per- mitted to visit Hungary. There has been no other indication that the regime would, in fact, allow the entry of the UN nominee, and the minister by appearing cooperative may hope to influence the uncommitted countries against a strongly condemnatory res- olution. Bebrits, long a high-level Hungarian offi- cial,was minister of transport and communications prior to the uprising. 7 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CONTI .NTT AT. Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 5. WEST GERMANY TO SEEK PERMISSION TO PRODUCE ANTITANK MISSILE The Bonn Foreign Ministry has informed the American embassy that West Germany wants to manufacture an antitank missile now prohibited by the WEU treaty. The British and French governments and the WEU armaments con- trol agency were informed of this request several weeks ago. According to a Bonn Foreign Ministry official, the British and French "hinted" they would support the German request. Bonn plans to submit a formal request to WEU within a few weeks. The missile in question is the Cobra I, which can be operated by one man. The Boelkow engineering firm in Stuttgart is prepared to produce a prototype, and the manufactur- ing cost is alleged to be considerably under the cost of purchase abroad. Comment In April, Ludwig Boelkow was quoted by the West German press to the effect that his firm had been engaged for some time, within the limits of the London and Paris agreements, in research on missiles for the German Home Defense Forces. The Cobra I reportedly has a range of up to about one mile and can be guided to a visible target. The Federal Republic has not previously asked for modification of any of the Paris treaty clauses regulating its armament. The present WEU restrictions on German missile production can be modified on request of the SHAPE commander with approval of two thirds of the WEU council. 7 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 eft-ET� Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 6. JORDANIAN TRIBAL LEADERS REPORTED IRKED WITH PALACE OFFICIALS There is widespread dissatisfaction among Jordanian tribal leaders over the attitude of the Jordanian court toward the tribes, Comment King Hussayn would almost certainly be forced to depend on tribal support should another political crisis occur in Jordan in the near future. Even if the tribes were not to consider the King personally responsible, their resentment against his officials could be a serious handicap if rapid and drastic action were needed to support Hussayn's position. 7 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 -SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 AJILA-1N.L.:# I 7. INDONESIAN OFFICIALS UNCERTAIN ON OUTCOME OF NATIONAL CONFERENCE Comment on: Prime Minister Djuanda has told the American ambassador that he is "def- initely not pessimistic" about the out- come of the national conference set for 10 September in Djakarta. Both Djuanda and former vice president Hatta, however, continue to feel that about the best that can be hoped for is a temporary compromise which would create better understanding between the disaffected provinces and Djakarta and would lay the basis for further discus- sions. Djuanda has expressed fear that failure to reach a compromise will result in Sukarno's taking "drastic action." So much provincialS resistance to Djakarta's authority exists that President Sukarno is reported worried that his concept of "guided democracy" may be totally rejected. He is reported to have stated privately that if it be- comes obvious at the conference that there is no possibility of agreement, he is willing to eliminate certain foreign exchange regulations, remove army chief of staff General Nasution, and reorganize the present cabinet. Such concessions, however, probably would not satisfy regional objectives of greater polit- ical and economic autonomy, the elimination of Communist in- fluence in Djakarta, and increased regional representation in the central government. On 6 September, Lt. Col. Hussein in Central Sumatra had still not announced whether he would at- tend the conference. He feels Djakarta should have invited disaffected Colonels Simbolon and Lubis and the former armed forces chief of staff, General Simatupang, 7 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SEGRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842 1./L.I a 8. COMMUNIST CHINA APPARENTLY RELUCTANT TO CONCLUDE NEW RICE-RUBBER AGREEMENT WITH CEYLON Comment on: the Chinese plan to purchase only 30,000 tons of rubber annually rather than the 50,000- ton quota of the previous agreement. In addition, the Chinese no longer offer pre- mium payments and have proposed burden- some packaging and inspection standards. Prime Minister Bandaranaike will face strong opposition attacks if--as appears likely--he cannot ob- tain a renewal of the favorable terms of the expiring agree- ment. Since Ceylon, a high-cost rubber producer, often finds it difficult to sell its rubber on the world market, the elimi- nation or reduction of assured Chinese purchases at premium prices would have unfavorable repercussions on its already de- teriorating foreign trade position. 7 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 --T-61)-SE Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03161842