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December 14, 1957
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Avr2ved forAR6vsg20121E/A1 0 74 0/2 CURRENT / INTELLIGENCE / BULLETIN # /A CONTINUED CONTROL Copy No. 135 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE. IN CLASS. DEC. LASSIPED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS NEXT HEVIEIN DATE: AUTH: 7 DATE t&to REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 15(c) 14 December 1957 3.3(h)(2) /// , Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 `46�1 CONTENTS eh 1. INDONESIAN PRESIDENT APPARENTLY PREPARING FOR DEPARTURE (page 3). 2. PINEAU THREATENS NEUTRALISM I C TERMS NOT MET AT NATO MEETING (page 4). 3. SINO-SOVIET SCIENTIFIC PACT ANNOUNCED (page 5). de-16 44/Pai , , , 4 442,,,,j:4241-4 ip . BOMBING OF US IN ALLATIONSI IN GREEC (page 6). /105. ISRAELI DIPLOMAT SUGGESTS US JOIN BAGHDAD PACT TO OFFSET SOVIET GAINS IN MIDDLE EAST (page 7). ic 6. IRAQI CABINET SHAKE-UP RUMORED (page 8). e A7. DISPERSAL OF PATHETS THROUGHOUT LAOS TERMED GRAVE DANGER (page 9). o fi 8. TRUCE COMMISSION IN SOUTH VIETNAM BU CASE AGAINST US MILITARY AID PROGRAM (page 10). 14 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 �Ter�SEC�Rg Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Approved for Release: 2019712/10 CO2988537 Nor/ 1. INDONESIAN PRESIDENT APPARENTLY PREPARING FOR DEPARTURE Comment on: Latest reports indicate that President Sukarno will shortly leave Indonesia for an indefinite period, although his destination has not been disclosed. During his absence, army and moder- ate political leaders apparently will try to redress Communist gains of the last few months, which have been greatly accelerated by the anti-Dutch drive. A government spokesman is reported to have indicated that Chief of Staff Nasution "will be in charge" during Sukarno's absence despite provi- sion for parliament speaker Sartono to be acting president. Nasution announced on 13 December that the army will review all past seizures of Dutch property and will be solely responsible for carrying out future seizures. He threatened punish- ment to any persons or groups disobeying these orders. The leftist-inclined West Irian Libera- tion Committee, which had planned and implemented the anti-Dutch drive, apparently is now intended to be of sec- ondary importance. The army, nevertheless, has as- signed two 'officers to the committee. Nasution has also assumed personal leadership of the aggressive Commu- nist-permeated Youth-Military Cooperation Committee and has relieved the Communist-influenced officer who had served as its chairman. No reaction from the Communists to these developments is yet evident. General Gatot Subroto, the deputy army chief of staff, is reported to have said in November that the Communists are better organized now than they were in 1948 when they staged an abortive revolt at Madiun in Central Java. 14 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Nome v. led 2. PINEAU THREATENS NEUTRALISM IF FRENCH TERMS NOT MET AT NATO MEETING Comment on: 7 French Foreign Minister Pineau told an American journalist in an off-the-record talk on 2 December that Paris will insist at the forthcoming NATO meeting that all members agree to support each others' policies fully. He also threatened that unless the United States agrees to a $300,- 000,000 loan, France would go neutralist. He alleged German Chancellor Adenauer would support such an approach. Paris has been exploiting French indigna- tion over the American-British arms delivery to Tunisia to get renewed Anglo- American consideration of France as a great power. France's pre-NATO-meet- ing diplomacy is aimed at establishing its right to have a major national nuclear weapons program and, meanwhile, at controlling any nuclear weapons stationed in France, The French upper house has passed a resolution calling on Premier Gaillard to refuse any IRBM base construction on French soil without National Assembly approval. Considerable public backing for Pineau's posi- tion is also indicated by the French press and by a poll taken a few days after the arms delivery to Tunisia. 14 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 %.6�04 3. SINO-SOVIET SCIENTIFIC PACT ANNOUNCED Comment on: The five-year scientific cooperation agreement between the Academies of Science of the USSR and Communist China signed in Moscow on 12 Decem- ber culminates negotiations that have been under way between Chinese and Soviet scientists since 1 November. The full extent of the agreement has not been disclosed, but the 85 Chinese scientists who made the trip to Moscow represent almost all fields of science. The Chinese probably pressed hardest for Soviet assistance in atomic energy, electronics, and propulsion techniques-- the fields of research which have top priority in China's 12-year (1956-196'7) scientific plan. The pact calls for joint research and coordination on technological problems, and emphasis is also given to Soviet assistance in training "young experts." Peiping intended to stop sending undergraduates to the USSR for study and to send only students for training on the postgraduate level or higher. 14 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 �Te113�SEGRE-T Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 JAI Ankla YTTN-IriCW-1711TPNIT A Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Soo' *NO/ 4. BOMBING OF US INSTALLATIONS IN GREECE Cotament on: The explosions in Athens on 13 Decem- ber which virtually destroyed the USIS library in Athens and damaged two gen- erators at the US air base Were probably the work of Greek or Cypriot aational- ists, although Greek officials have suggested they were set off by Communists. Three years ago, in December 1954, strong popular sentiment on Cyprus in Greece resulted in mob attacks on USIS property in both Athens and Salonika. In the latter city, considerable damage was caused to the USIS library and offices. The Greek government is fully aware of the explosive aspects of the Cyprus issue and the threat it poses to good relations With the US. The professional skill revealed in the demolition operation suggests competent planning and organization. The government has accordingly taken extensive security precautions which should prevent any large-scale demonstrations. Isolated attacks against American installations and persons will remain a possibility. 14 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Nia 5. ISRAELI DIPLOMAT SUGGESTS US JOIN BAGHDAD PACT TO OFFSET SOVIET GAINS IN MIDDLE EAST Comment on: During a review of the situation in the Middle East on 10 December, Israeli Charge Alon in Ankara sug- gested that the United States should join the Baghdad pact to offset increased Soviet involve- ment in the area. Alon prefaced his comment by re- peating his governments contention that creation of the Baghdad pact had prompted Soviet interest in the Middle East, upsetting the balance of power. He said, however, the he now felt no overt US security guarantees need be given Israel if the Baghdad pact were strengthened by US adherence. Increased Soviet interest in the Middle East as the champion of the Arabs against Isra- el threatens to offset Israel's previous military advantage over the Arabs andhas induced the Israelis to seek greater United States commitments in the area. In addition to seeking US protection via the Baghdad pact, Israel has sought security guarantees from the United States, either directly or in the form of a NATO guarantee of Middle Eastern boundaries. Alon's suggestion may also reflect Israeli concern over recent efforts by Baghdad pact mem- bers to obtain adherence by Saudi Arabia,' Jordan, and Lebanon, and the consequent danger that the pact will become increasingly a vehicle of anti-Israeli Arab polic in the absence of United States membership. 14 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Nrs.4 6. IRAQI CABINET SHAKE-UP RUMORED Comment on: 1 Iraqi Prime Minister li Jawdat will be replaced shortly, Leading candidates to replace him are Arshad al-Umari and Tawfiq al-Suwaydi, both former prime ministers and members of the ruling oligarchy. The reports suggest that Nun i will not assume the premiership, although he may begome a member of the cabinet. Changes in Iraqi cabinets are normally made with the approval or at the wish of pro-Western Crown Prince Abd al-Ilah. Since al-Umari, an able vigorous lead- er who is friendly toward King Saud, is also persona grata with the crown prince and Nun, he might be given the past rather than al-Suwaydi, whom Abd al-Ilah reportedly dislikes. Either individual would maintain Iraq's pro-Western policy and might possibly take a tougher attitude toward Syria. 14 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 vire Nose' 7. DISPERSAL OF PATHETS THROUGHOUT LAOS TERMED GRAVE DANGER Comment on: he British ambassador to Laos, who itnessed the 8 December ceremonies arking the formal return of Sam Neua rovince to royal government authority, as struck by the discipline and alert- ess of the Pathet Lao troops and offi- ials, and believes that their dispersal hroughout Laos presents a grave danger . The populace showed that it had been organized along Communist lines, Communist signs and slogans were still in evidence, and both school children and troops greeted the delegation with clenched-fist salutes. The ambassador was favorably impressed, however, by the decisive manner in which Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma conducted the ceremonies and by his private reaffirmation of plans to destroy the instruments through which the Pathets exercise control over the population. Economic conditions in the province were dismal. Few goods were on display in the shops, and there were rumors of a rice crop failure and possible famine. A severe food shortage would offer the royal government an opportunity to demonstrate its concern for the welfare of the population but would also probably be a severe test of its limited capabilities. Pathet Chief Souphannouvong's last-min- ute efforts to postpone the ceremony at Sam Neua and the failure of Pathet Defense Minister Kayson to participate suggest confusion and possible conflict among the Pathet leaders over tactics. Unconfirmed reports have identified Kayson as leader of a "radical" wing of the Pathet Lao who may refuse to accept the settlement terms negotiated by the "moderate" Souphannouvong. The British ambassador thought it possible that Kayson might head a "hard-core" group which, in the event the integration goes against the Pathets, would begin guerrilla warfare. 14 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 --SEERET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537 Approved for Release: 2-C:71-6712/10 CO2988537 %moil 8. TRUCE COMMISSION IN SOUTH VIETNAM BUILDING CASE AGAINST US MILITARY AID PROGRAM Comment on: The American military aid program in South Vietnam is being subjected to in- creasing criticism by the International Control Commission (ICC) in Vietnam, apparently in connection with an accelerated Communist campaign to persuade the ICC to label this'assistance as a violation of the 1954 Geneva armistice. During the past two months, the Diem government has received numerous strongly worded complaints from the ICC and requests for detailed information on the status and functions of various American military missions in South Vietnam. Saigon's responses have been termed "inadequate and unsatisfac- tory." During the same period there have been attacks on American personnel The commission's investigations are being spurred by the Polish delegation to the three-man supervisory body, acting on repeated Viet Minh charges of an American-led military build-up in South Vietnam. T. N. Kaul of India, who holds the pivotal position of commission chairman, is believed closely allied with the Poles on this issue, while the Canadian delegation is in opposition. 14 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 CO2988537