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Publication Date: 
June 19, 1957
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"/Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702e .7er 1117/ /100/ / 1/41/1/ / 1/4/3 4/ e ije 10# Ve/ez 7 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Copy No. cl()(2),Itiq:3\IT NO GI IN GLASS. L',I=CL.A.SS.FiEt) (1.'1 Cdr-4 iEr Tr) -Ts s u �gi . . OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3.3(h)(2) 19 June 1957 3.5(c) '47, e",/ 0 -TOP SECRET zzzzz,;r:/;4pv/A Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 111�4,111IMMINIIMINISIO Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 I U 1 1.1-4 A CONTENTS . PEIPING RELEASES OFFICIAL VERSION OF SECRET MAO SPEECH (page 3). \\,2. PEIPING PLANS LARGE WITHDRAWALS FROM TIBET (page 5). r-, 3. MOCH RESISTS SOVIET NUCLEAR TEST SUSPENSION PROPOSAL (page 7). 4. YEMEN AND USSR IN NEW ARMS DEAL AS SOVIET TECH- NICIANS ARRIVE (page 8). 5. COMMUNIST ARMS PROBABLY DESTINED FOR ALGERIAN REBELS REACH NORTH AFRICA (page 9). '1 6. JAPANESE UNITED ON KISHI MISSION TO US (page 10). 7 JAPAN RESENTS SOUTH KOREAN STALLING ON DETAINEE EXCHANGE (page 11). 8. PAKISTAN SEEKS UN SECURITY COUNCIL MEETING ON KASHMIR ON 8 JULY (page 12). 9. NEW IRAQI PRIME MINISTER (page 13). \-1 10. GREEK PRIME MINISTER CONTEMPLATING VISIT TO EGYPT (page 14). 19 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 1. PEIPING RELEASES OFFICIAL VERSION OF SECRET MAO SPEECH Comment on: The text of Mao Tse-tung's 27 February speech released by Peiping on 18 June was described as being "based on the verbatim record." In the interests of intrabloc har- mony, Mao seems to have edited out cer- tain passages and made some additions, with a view to minimiz- ing differences in doctrinal viewpoints between the Chinese and other Communists. References to Hungary in the speech reflect the sharp impression the East European disorders made on the Chinese. Those disorders may have been the primary stimulus to Mao's introspections on the so-called contraclictions in Chi- nese society. As previously stated in press articles appearing in Communist China and other countries, Mao stressed that these contradictions were in the main "nonantagonistic" and could therefore be resolved by education and persuasion rather than by terror. Despite this promise of a softer hand, the text just released by Peiping shows that Mao was far from sound- ing any retreat from Communist principles. By and large, he supported Moscow's viewpoint on Hungary, laying the major blame for last fall's events on "domestic and foreign counterrevolution- aries." He justified past terrors employed by the Chinese Com- munists as necessary to the times, although he admitted that excesses had been committed in condemning innocent people. The underlying mood of the speech is one of unbounding confidence in the socialist system, which Mao called "far superior" to other systems. In the course of his analysis, Mao revealed that considerable segments of the Chinese population are dubious about Communist tenets and policy. He admitted that some in- tellectuals are reluctant to accept Marxism-Leninism, but urged 19 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 -CONFB9EN-Tkffr Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 -G�tttrithb�ti-ht-b� that they be given opportunities to work "as long as they com- ply with the requirements of the state." Referring to cynicism among Chinese students, Mao observed wryly, "Marxism, once all the rage, is not so much the fashion now." After discussing popular complaints concerning the hard lot of the peasants, Mao promised that the amount of grain taxes and state grain would be stabilized over the next few years. He confessed that student and worker strikes had taken place in China last year and that there had also been some "disturbances" among the peasants. Mao accepted the principle that Marxism could be criticized in China and affirmed his faith in the policy of let- ting different schools of thought contend. But criticism was ac- ceptable only if it came from friendly quarters; proper punish- ment was to be meted out to those who "deliberately put forward unreasonable demands...or spread rumors to create trouble." Perhaps as a counter to the anti-Soviet over- tones in unofficial versions of Mao's speech, the official text closed with a tribute to the Soviet Union. While urging that the Clhinese learn from all countries, socialist and capitalist, he declared that the "main thing is still to learn from the Soviet Union." 19 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 -69-N-FIDEN-71-171- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 yr 3r.ura, 1 2. PEIPING PLANS LARGE WITHDRAWALS FROM TIBET Comment on: Peiping has decided to withdraw at least 25,000 Chinese Communist troops, specialists, and "workers" from Tibet t estern China, Peiping has been maintaining 47,000 troops, 20,000 specialists, and numerous construction workers in Tibet, where resistance to the regime has been widespread. Housing facilities for approximately 25,000 persons are being arranged for at Lanchou, Chengtu and Hsining, -72 70418 4 /mos AM 4Chg. NIVANG 41.1rONOMOIIS REGION 19 June 57 B E CHINA 18 JUNE 1957 148^ s s R Saye NORTH VIETNAM THAiLA1 040:0 1011000)S tv . Paolo: c;:0 OOP Hatoteing�;Naikou me � e�.0.0s kit6C' eeeef0".9 4 , NklINkTeiikkao, ..E,'ementhon 0041 W51 apes - Y,1 040 \ R1RgiSO � 'ty.2145. LHWAV; "Weaborf 11VCItN � 4sesisii Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153702 SLCI