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Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 r CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TOP CRET 11 April 1957 Copy No. 134 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS [7 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS NEXT REVIEW DATE: IA )IJA REVIEWER OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 TOP SECRET � CONTENTS 4 3 1. THE SITUATION IN JORDAN do 2. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS IN EGYPT page 4). (page 3). 06 3. THIRD EXPLOSION IN CURRENT SOVIET ATOMIC TEST SERIES (page 5). o kyl. USSR MAY BE CUTTING ITS NUCLEAR ELECTRIC POWER PLANS (page 6). 1,. USSR SEEKS COMMERCIAL TREATY WITH MOROCCO (page 7). /16 6. SOUTH KOREAN VICE 7RESENT MIGHT SEEK ASYLUM IN SUCCESSION CRISIS (page 8). 11 Apr 57 THE TAIWAN STRAIT page 9) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 � SE ET 1. THE SITUATION IN JORDAN Comment on;/ � The resignation of Prime Minister Nabulsi and his leftist-dominated cabinet on 10 April after 11 days of intensive political maneuver- ing does not necessarily indicate a victory for pro-Western Jordanian forces. It has been accompanied thus far by at least two other key personnel shifts which appear un- favorable to Western interests and may ac- tually curtail the power of King Hussain. By resigning, Nabulsi may have given the king an opportunity to "save facer while assuring that there will be only limited changes in the new cabinet. The Nabulsi cabinet will remain in office until a new government is formed. The pro-Hussain director of public security and police, Bajat Tabbara, was granted extended leave on 10 April, according to Damascus radio. Tabbara's removal had been a key leftist objective. The loyalty of Tabbara's replace- ment, newly promoted Major General Muhammad Maayta, more- over, seems doubtful. Maayta is reported to be a supporter of the pro-Egyptian left-wing Baath Party, and of the ultranation- alist "free officers" group. He was recently Jordan's military attach�n Beirut, where he worked with Egyptian and, Syrian in- telligence against conservative refugee Syrian and Jordanian politicians. Despite this background, the king recently expressed confidence in Maayta's loyalty. Statements by Damascus radio suggest that the directorate of police and public security has been placed un- der army chief of staff General Nuwar. Although Hussain is re- ported to have planned to fire Nuwar, the general remains on the job and is consulting with the Nabulsi cabinet. The loyalty of the Jordanian army also remains uncertain, although Hussain has professed confidence in its support. The king did not have the support of Nuwar and the "free officers" in his dispute with the cabinet. The moves under- taken thus far appear to have concentrated Dower in the hands of the army. 11 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SE Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 pproved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 � '1,31Pat' 2. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS IN EGYPT Comment on: � Following institution of a general "alert" of Egyptian military and diplomatic per- sonnel on 4 April, a large-scale rede- ployment of Egyptian army units has been undertaken�apparently to disperse these forces as a precaution against possible Anglo-French-Israeli moves. Some re- serve and national guard personnel have been called up, and units are being deployed to field positions in the environs of Cairo. Some movement eastward toward the Suez Canal and possibly into Sinai has been reported. While limited additional forces may be deployed into this area, movement of major forces to eastern Sinai near the Israeli border would be unlikely at this time because of inadequate logistical prep- arations for such a move. Egyptian air force units are also reported to have been alerted, luairows desire to have a limited number of pilots returned from Syria and the Soviet bloc in the near future. 11 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP RET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 S T � 3. THIRD EXPLOSION IN CURRENT SOVIET ATOMIC TEST SERIES Comment 11 Apr 57 This is the third atomic test to be con- ducted by the USSR in the past eight days. Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SEPT Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 S ET 4. USSR MAY BE CUTTING ITS NUCLEAR ELECTRIC PCIW1.14 PLAN'S A recent official Soviet response to a questionnaire from a subcommittee of UNESCO suggests a significant reduction of Soviet nuclear electric power plans. The USSR, according to this information, now plans to con- struct only three 400-megawatt plants, and to obtain several years of experience with these prior to launching a more ex- tensive program. Plans announced a year ago called for con- struction of four 400- to 600-megawatt nuclear power plants by 1960. Both the original plan and the new plan call for con- struction of four smaller experimental power reactors. The Soviet nuclear power program now planned for the Sixth Five- Year Plan (1956-1960) apparently calls for a capacity of only 1,400 megawatts, rather than the 2,100- to 2,500-megawatt ca- pacity announced last year. The USSR also revealed in the question- naire that it plans to reduce the cost of nuclear power pro- duction by using the plutonium obtained from the operation to replace the enriched uranium-235 seed in the power reactor cores. It had been assumed previously that the plutonium produced would be used for nuclear weapons. This new pro- cedure would reduce appreciably the amount of plutonium which would be made available by this source for nuclear weapons af- ter 1960, but would cause only a slight decrease in the total amount of nuclear materials estimated to be available at that time. 11 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SE ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 � S ET � 5.. USSR SEEKS COMMERCIAL TREATY WITH MOROCCO A Soviet commercial delegation arrived in Rabat on 9 April to discuss the sign- ing of a Soviet-Moroccan commercial treaty. Moroccan officials admitted to a French diplomat that negotiations had already been going on "for several days" in Paris. Press dispatches state that the Rabat discussions are expected to end on 12 April. Moroccan foreign minister Balafrej as- sured the American ambassador that Rabat, conscious that its national interests lie with the West, will "hold the line" and try to limit the talks to strictly technical matters. He appeared uneasy, however, and acknowledged that the Soviet delegation might come forward with "other propositions." Comment Moroccan trade with the USSR, hereto- fore carried out within Soviet-French trade agreements, has been insignificant. Since Morocco is a member of the franc bloc and all clearing arrangements are made in Paris, France as a practical matter probably would participate in any agreement, as it did in the Moroccan- Czech trade agreement of December. The delegation will probably be prepared to offer economic inducements calculated to make it difficult for Rabat to hold the line against establishing full diplomatic relations with Moscow. A disagreement is reported within the Moroccan cabinet regarding expanded trade relations with the Soviet bloc. 11 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 � TO RET � 6. SOUTH KOREAN VICE PRESIDENT MIGHT SEEK ASYLUM IN SUCCESSION CRISIS Far East commander General Lemnitzer believes South Korean vice president Chang Myon lacks the resoluteness necessary to cope with a succession crisis in South Korea. He notes that plots by the Rhee administration constitute "a very teal threat" to Changis safety, and warns that if Rhee dies or is incapacitated, Chang may well seek asylum in an American Installation. Such a move, Lemnitzer notes, would damage Chang's prestige with the Korean people, aggravate the insta- bility which would accompany any succession crisis, and pos- sibly endanger the American position in Korea. Lemnitzer has received reports that opposing Liberal Party officials have ordered the Korean army CIC to maintain 24-hour surveillance of Chang lest he seek asylum with US forces. (NOFORN) Comment Although Rhee lately appears to have un- derscored his desire that Assembly speaker Yi Ki-pung succeed him�which would necessitate getting Chang out of the way�there has been no indication that a move in this direction is imminent. Chang previously has sought American pro- tection in times of political stress. 11 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 _1(41"- ECSET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 pproved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 SUMMARY 13 March - 10 April 1957 THE TAIWAN STRAIT Report of the IAC Current Intelligence Group for the Taiwan Strait Problem 1. There were no significant combat operations in the area during the period. � 2. The suggestion was made that an oceanographic expedition scheduled for April or May be postponed until 1959 because of the "present state of se- curity in the Yellow and East China Seas." Peiping may feel that, for the near future at least. the exnedition would re to risk harass- ment by hostile patrols. 3. Chinese Communist propaganda on Taiwan has been of rou- tine character in recent weeks with the usual appeals for "peaceful liberation" of the island. The propaganda stresses the "unity" of Chinese on Taiwan and on the mainland and attempts to drive a wedge between the United States and Chiang Kai-shek. 11 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 pproved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999 � TAIWAN STRAIT SITUATION CHINESE COMMUNIST AIRFIELD LEGEND: 10 APRIL 1957 SECONDARY AIRFIELD PRIMARY AIRNELD DESIGNATIONS ACTIVE BASE FOR MILITARY IL ofiuAN *M- OLAR. SOME BASES USED BY PISTON EWES MAY ER USABLE BY JETS 'AUXILLART OR EMERGENCY RAMS CONSIDERED PION IMPORTANT IN 0s REL/0 0/ Lima. IMPORTANCE. ARE* WITH PREPARED RUNWAY RUNWAYS GENERALLY � LESS THAN GENERALLY SCOO FEET OR LONGER. 3000.FEEr. INACTIVE BASES CAPABLE Of USE By AIRCRAFT CURRENT STATUS UNDETERMINED � OPERATIONAL A e SERVILIEASLE A 0 UN OWN A USABILITY 4. I ? 1* FLEWS NOT CONSIDERED CAPABLE Of SuPPORTINO SUSTAINED OPER- ATIONS AT PRESENT. TU-2. IL-10 LA-9111 LI-2 ETC. I 1 t. H HANKOW ') p. NANCHA CHANGJING /1 CHUN HINHUA X WENCHOW HIENOU NANTAI 53,0 MATSUS 22,000 9iNGTIEN QUEMOY 83,000 db, T TIBNOHU 16,000 IMUVIC41 SO BOO -4-1-1. Railroad 1110 110 IT.,ure MIL'S -1-0-0-1- Under cons on or proloctod *NAT1ONAUST AIRFIELD Primary roads Secondary roads SE Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06813999