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240.0. � Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.3(h)(2) 25 April 1957 Copy No. DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE. IN CLACS. 0 DECLAGE3F:E,:ij CLASS. CHANCT-IYTO: 7:7') NEXT REV:EW DATE: AUTH: DAT . "iEZEINI: 134 3.5(c) OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 SO, Nad Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 `4..� a-.4 � .1.1 Nal CONTENTS .EVELOPMENTS IN JORDAN (page 3). SAUDIS CON7RNED T1V AT,T,EaRn RGYPTIAN ARMS SMUGGLING ) (page 5). 0 ENS NEW RESTRICTIONS ON BERLIN TRAVEL (page 6). 0 BULGANIN'S LETTER TO MACMILLAN (page 7). 1435. FORMER GUATEMALAN PRESIDENT ARBENZ ATTEMPT- ING TO MOVE TO URUGUAY (page 8). (44 6 6. LEFTIST CANDIDATE IN SY7TAN 1W-REFPTION RECEIV- ING SOVIET FINANCIAL AID page 9). 25 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Nine 1. DEVELOPMFN'TN TN .TORT)AN (Ac nf 99M) 94 A nri 11 Comment on: he reported resignation of Premier alidits cabinet following demonstra- ions and strikes on 24 April, and King ussain's readiness to proclaim mar- ial law and suspend parliamentary overnment, mark the most critical oint yet reached in the Jordanian risis. Hussain reportedly plans to eplace Khalidi with Samir Rifai, a lose palace adviser. Jordan's strong nti-Western groups would regard ap- ointment of Rifai as a deliberate chal- enge by the king, and the appointment ould probably incite the "street" to urther violence. At midnight on 24 pril, according to Jerusalem radio, 11 police and security forces were laced under army command, and a urfew was proclaimed in Amman, rbid, Jerusalem and Ramallah--pos- ibly in anticipation of new demonstra- ions which have been called for 25 prilo his situation has been brought about y the determination of antimonarchical ationalist groups, together with Egypt d Syria, to press an all-out campaign against King Hussain. hey apparently hope to develop a situa- tion in which Hussain will be compelled to use force to main- tain control--thus alienating him and his loyal Bedouin troops from the majority of Jordan's population. The leftist-dominated National Guidance Committees in various towns in West Jordan, representing the National Socialist, Baath, National Bloc (Communist), and Arab 25 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 le a %a���� Mae 111....� Nationalist Parties, have denounced "Western imperialist in- trigue" in Jordan, and demanded resignation of the }Mandl, cab- inet, reappointment of the Nabulsi cabinet, reinstatement of all nationalist army officers, ousting of the American ambassa- dor and army attach�and rejection of the American proposals for the Middle East. The outbreaks on 24 April forced the king to move additional troops into Amman and to assemble 4,000 armed Bedouin tribesmen on the outskirts of the city. the king had distributed large quantities of arms to members of the militant right-wing Moslem Brotherhood, which has accused Egypt and Syria of plotting against King Hussain, and is prepared to support the king "in any dis- turbances which the people may cause," klieapons were being smug- gled into Jordan from Syria, and that "approximately 100 feda- yeen under orders of Syrian G-2 entered Jordan and dispersed throughout it." Cairo's decision to move forcefully against Hussain is indicated Egyptian-directed fedayeen "sabotage organizations would be ready in five days by which time they will have been supplied with explosives," At least three groups were to operate in Jordan and another group was being prepared in Lebanon. As the situation grew more serious in Jordan, the American army attach�n Tel Aviv on 24 April reported signs of limited mobilization in Israel. According to a press report, Israeli chief of staff Dayan cut short his vacation in Europe to return to Israel on 25 April. 25 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 4 Nor% 2. SAUDIS CONCERNED BY ALLEGED EGYPTIAN ARMS SMUGGLING King Saud has asked Egyptian president Nasr to send two officers to Saudi Arabia to "discuss" the discovery by Saudi authorities in Riyadh on 18 April of a cache of weapons and explosives :They were lit the possession of a Palestinian who said he had been given them by the first secretary of the Egyptian embassy in Jidda. Nazi.% emis- saries, his chief political adviser Ali Sabri and Anwar Sadat, head of the Islamic congress, are to arrive in Jidda on 25 April. The weapons found consisted of a number of bombs, two machine guns, six pistols and ammunition. The Palestinian, who is said to have participated in the assassina- tion of Jordan's King Abdullah in 1951, claimed his instruc- tions were to take the weapons to Iraq. Two Egyptian teachers reportedly were arrested in Riyadh, also on 18 April, for stating that the Jordanian and other monarchies eventually would disappear. Six other persons were arrested for distributing handbills demanding that the Saudi government reform. Comment Nasr is planning to retaliate for Saud's support of Jordan's King Hussain by fomenting trouble among Palestinian elements in Saudi Arabia. 25 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Litia A 11.51:41 1' 3. USSR THREATENS NEW RESTRICTIONS ON PIRPT TM TT? AV"' Continued Soviet interference with West- ern travel into Berlin may be reaching a new stage, in the opinion of the US embassy in Bonn. The Soviet deputy commandant in Berlin has presented Allied officials there with a demarche calling for new restrictions on Allied personnel traveling in Berlin by rail or autobahn, effective 1 May. The proposed Soviet restrictions are designed to give the Russians, and possibly later the East Germans, substantial authority in deciding the categories of Allied personnel which would be permitted to travel to Berlin. One of the new requirements is that travel orders must have German as well as Russian translations. This demand has caused the American embassy to believe that the USSR may be preparing to turn over to the East Ger- mans authority over rail and autobahn checkpoints for Allied travel and responsibility for processing Allied travel docu- ments. In reply to a question regarding the German transla- tions, the Soviet official stated that it would be in the Western powers' interest to avoid difficulties with the German Dem- ocratic Republic. 25 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 k_Alurl _LI,FILLL � A. Nair 4.. BULGANIN'S LETTER TO MACMILLAN Comment on: Bulganin's 20 April letter to Prime �Minister Macmillan is intended to further Moscow's efforts to rehabili- tate the "Geneva spirit" and is a major bid for an improvement of relations with Great Britain. The letter implies that the Soviet leaders strongly favor a top-level meeting with the British or with all the Western leaders. Bulganin's insistence that disarmament is closely linked with European security suggests that Moscow may propose talks on both subjects at a high level. The letter is friendly and reasonable in tone and is mainly a restatement of Soviet policy on the Middle East, European security and disarmament--espe- cially the banning of nuclear tests. Bulganin again held out the prospect of increased trade and said the USSR might purchase as much as one billion pounds worth of goods from Great Britain over the next five years. 25 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page? EON-HEWN-HAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 1LJ-4 vine 5. FORMER GUATEMALAN PRESIDENT ARBENZ ATTEMPTING TO MOVE TO URUGUAY Comment on: The director of Uruguayan immigration has told the American embassy that higher authorities have decided to ap- prove the entry of former Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz, who has applied for a residence permit. His return to the western hemisphere would pro- vide the Communists and other anti-American elements in Latin America, who sympathized with Arbenz during the 1954 revolution in which his pro-Communist regime was overthrown, with a new rallying point for attacks on the United States. His admission to Uruguay would be a viola- tion of the spirit of the anti-Communist resolution adopted at the Tenth Inter-American Conference in Caracas in March 1954. Ambassador Patterson commented on 23 April that the Guatemalan minister in Uruguay shows a marked indifference to the troublemaking potentialities of Arbenz' res- idence in Uruguay and intends to take no action with the Uru- guayan authorities unless instructed by his government. The ambassador believes that any formal United States approach to the Uruguayan government on this problem would undoubt- edly be unproductive. Arbenz, who now lives in Europe, has spent a year since 1954 in Soviet bloc countries, and two of his children are reportedly attending school in Moscow. 25 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294 Page 8 Approved for Release: 201.9/12/04 C03003294 Nue 6. LEFTIST CANDIDATE IN SYRIAN BY-ELECTION RECEIVING SOVIET FINANCIAL AID The Communists and the Socialist Resur- rection (Baath) Party are receiving finan- cial support from the proceeds of the showings of Soviet films and the sale of Soviet bloc material exhibited at the 1956 Damascus Fair These funds reporte y are being used by mad Mallu, the Communist-Baathist candi- date in the 4 May narliamentary by-election in Damascus. Colonel Sarraj, the head of Syrian army intelligenceding over large sums of money for Malki.'s campaign. Comment Syrian prime minister Sabri al-Asali has told the American ambassador that much pressure is being exerted by a number of countries, including the USSR, in connection with the by-elections to fill the seats of the four rightist deputies who were convicted of having plotted with Iraq against Syria last year. 25 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 -SECRET - Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003294