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September 8, 1957
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,##, Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C�31,712 3.3(h)(2) %// / 3.5(c) / 6 September 1957 / 0 T LL TI __ F011E31E:ft 0 DA-1-E. / / / 0 / 0 / LLI /40/000; Copy No. 136 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Tor SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 ,4,f* Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Approved for Release: 20119/12/10 C03153712 Nor' 71--0 5 CONTENTS 1. OPPOSITION TO BATISTA BREAKS OUT IN CUBAN ARMED FORCES (page 3). 2. VIOLENCE BY TURKISH CYPRIOTS FEARED (page 5). 3. BOURGES-MAUNOURY GOVERNMENT FACES INCREASED OPPOSITION (page 6). 4. SOVIET LECTURER CLAIMS AGREEMENTS REACHED AT TITO-KHRUSHCHEV MEETING (page 7). 5. MEETING OF SOVIET PARTY AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS POSTPONED (page 8). 7'-k-c0 6. EGYPT FACILITATES MOVEMENT OF COMMUNISTS TO KUWAIT (page 9)0 ANNEX--Conclusions of the Watch Report of the Intelligence Advisory Committee (page 10). 6 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Ywr' I. OPPOSITION TO BATISTA BREAKS OUT IN CUBAN ARMED FORCES Comment on: Revolt against the Batista government spread into the armed forces early on 5 September when the naval garrison at the south coast port of Cienfuegos at- tacked police and army posts. The at- tackers were said to be distributing arms to the many Fidel Castro sympathizers in the city. Government troops were reported to be moving on Cienfuegos and other pos- sible centers of revolt,and the navy in Havana was put on alert status. Fidel Cas- tro's headquarters in the Sierra Maestra is at the eastern end of the island. The Cienfuegos outbreak may have been meant to coincide with an attack on the government report- edly planned for 5 September by military and civilian revolu- tionary groups in Havana but postponed at the last minute. According to several sources, the plan included use of the MARIEI o 0 HAVANA CUBA 6 SEPTEMBER 1957 190 200 MILES 4, 11.A-, __CIENFUEGOS 6 Sept 57 �000, tAAESTRA SANTIAGO DE CUBA 70905 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 crir-Dr"T Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 )...,4{-.1 IL 11.../ naval air base at Mariel by air force and navy planes flown by revolutionary officers. Disaffection is evidently spreading within the armed forces. According to embassy information, many offi- cers are convinced Batista cannot last much longer and are anx- ious to get on the revolutionary bandwagon. However, Batista has been able to put down many recent attempts to oust him be- cause the plotters have been handicapped by lack of oraaniza- ton, cooperation, and security. 6 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 cr rP Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 'rW41 2. VIOLENCE BY TURKISH CYPRIOTS FEARED The discovery by police of unexploded bombs and bags of gunpowder following an explosion in the home of a Turkish Cypriot on 31 August is causing fear of new violence on Cyprus, according to the American consul in Nicosia. The explosion resulted in the death of one Turkish Cypriot and injury to three others. According to security forces, those involved are leading members of a new Turkish organization, the "Ninth September Front!' The explosives found on 31 August were reportedly intended for use against Greek Cypriots on 9 September, a Turkish Cypriot holiday. British authorities on Cyprus believe ex- tremists among the Turkish Cypriots are willing to force a breach between the Turkish and Greek communities on Cyprus in an effort to justify the Turkish demand for partition of the island. In preparation for possible violence on 9 September, the Brit- ish have rearmed the police and doubled the number on duty. Comment This report indicates that the Turkish minority on Cyprus, 18 percent of the total population, may be planning to assume a far more active and violent role in Cypriot affairs than in the past in an attempt to influence the disposition of the Cyprus problem. British secu- rity forces are probably capable of coping with any large-scale program of violence but will be unable to prevent isolated acts of terrorism. Greek officials have charged that a Turkish terrorist organization is being created on Cyprus and that arms and military personnel are being dispatched from Turkey. The British have recently warned Turkish Cypriot leaders against adopting the tactics of EOKA. the Greek Cypriot underground organization. 6 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 ILA N.J1.v2 .1.1./111 V 1. 3. BOURGES-MAUNOURY GOVERNMENT FACES INCREASED OPPOSITION Comment on: Widespread popular opposition to French Premier Bourges-Maunoury's anti- inflation program, coupled with deep- seated conservative resistance to the proposed basic statute for Algeria, suggests that his cab- inet may not long survive the return of the National Assembly from its summer recess. He has called a special session of the National Assembly for later this month, seeking quick ap- proval for his proposed Algerian statute before any debate of the issue in the UN General Assembly. The National Assem- bly had not been scheduled to return until 1 October. Farmers demonstrated against the new price ceilings on 1 September, and strikes planned by bakers and farmers for 15 September may force the government to take strong measures to maintain order. In the meantime, the Com- munists are championing labor's demands for wage increases, and there are indications that free labor unions feel they will have to go along to hold their following. Finance Minister Gaillard's earlier insistence on budget cuts makes it appear unlikely that he will compromise on wages and prices. Right- wing parliamentary groups, disliking the proposed Algerian , statute, may use the broader economic issues as a means o scuttling the government. 6 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 lay...."1 NI .1211.4 �twe' Noolj 4. SOVIET LECTURER CLAIMS AGREEMENTS REACHED AT TITO-KHRUSHCHEV MEETING In a public lecture at Gorki on 2 Septem- ber, the Soviet speaker described the recent meeting of Tito and Khrushchev in Rumania as of great significance. He claimed that Yugoslav leaders had made five major declarations in a "still unpublished" docu- ment. According to the speaker, the Yugoslays "fully with- drew" from their position on events in Hungary, stated that Yugoslav experience in building socialism had no greater value than Soviet, Chinese or other socialist experience, and agreed that closer contacts between Communist parties and an organ- ized center for such contacts were necessary. They also ac- cepted the Warsaw pact under present circumstances and stated their intention to recognize East Germany "in the near future." The embassy believes that the Tito-Khru- shchev meeting may have resulted in unpublished statements of positions on these issues, but assumes that the speaker's state- ments are a Soviet interpretation. Comment The failure of the two participants to issue a formal communique at the conclusion of the meeting suggests that their basic differences were not re- solved. There have been no recent signs that Yugoslavia is about to recognize the East German government, an action which would jeopardize Yugoslavia's favorable trading arrangements with West Germany. 6 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 - 1,11al 5. MEETING OF SOVIET PARTY AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS POSTPONED A meeting of oblast party secretaries and sovna,rkhoz chairmen has been "in- definitely postponed without reason," although all the participants are already in Moscow for the event. about 500 officials were in Moscow for a meeting to be held two days later to discuss the USSR's 1958 economic plan. Comment The sudden postponement may indicate reconsideration of policy or dissension at high levels over basic problems--including the industrial reorganization, the Sixth Five-Year Plan, and the impact of the agricultural and housing programs on the economy. It might also mean that a plenum of the party central committee had been called to deal with these issues. 6 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 1.114.04-UOT !kw, 6. EGYPT FACILITATES MOVEMENT OF COMMUNISTS TO KUWAIT Seven Palestinian Arabs, blacklisted as Communists by the Egyptian police, have been granted permission by the Egyptian authorities in the Gaza strip to travel to the oil-rich Persian Gulf sheikdom of Kuwait. At least three of the Communists are among sev- eral hundred Arabs hired in Egypt by the Kuwaiti government as teachers. The Communists were to transit Egypt under police escort or surveillance. Communist party activity in Kuwait, ma- jor source of Britain's oil, was set back in late spring of 1956 by a series of arrests of Kuwaiti Communist leaders, carried out somewhat reluctantly by Kuwaiti authorities under British prodding. The Kuwaiti Communist movement has been dom- inated by Iraqi and Palestinian Arabs, who comprise nearly half of the sheikdom's 200,000-man population. Kuwait's oil produc- tion, and its proved reserves, conservatively estimated at 50 billion barrels, are the largest of any country in the Middle East. 6 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 -Z. FL kJ 1.-JILIAILLI A. ANNEX Watch Report 370, 5 September 1957 of the Intelligence Advisory Committee Conclusions on Indications of Hostilities On the basis of findings by its Watch Committee, the Intel- ligence Advisory Committee concludes that: A. No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against the continental US or its possessions in the imme- diate future. B. No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against US forces abroad, US allies, or areas peripheral to the orbit in the immediate future. C. Although the deliberate initiation of hostilities in the Middle East in the immediate future is unlikely, tensions stemming from recent developments in Syria and unstable conditions in the area continue to create possibilities for conflict. 6 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712 "7 1 Viziom (017W031:7TOP SECRET Przy/007://e/y/7 'Approved foj:,17,ejeam.92/221/10 Zo/: � Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153712