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Publication Date: 
November 8, 1989
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Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826781 EAST GERMANY: Government Falls, Plenum Opens The resignation of the entire gorernment yeste:Way and East German leader Krenz's anticipated purge of additional hardliners at a Central Committee plenum opening today probably will not stop the demonstrations or mass emigration to the Irot that are undermining Krenc's position. Cabinet Resigns Initial reactions were negative to the announcement that the cabinet had resigned and the legislature would soon convene, perhaps as early as tomorrow. to elect replacements. A sookc.mnn for th�pposition group New Forum and thousands or demonstrator's in several East German cities labeled the move inadequate and called for free elect ion;. Demonstrators in East Berlin last night marched on party headquar ens as the police ��atched. Meanwhile. a legislative committee yesterda!� rejected as too restrictive the go ernment's draft regulation easing travel to the West. A Central Committee session slated to go three days begins today against a background of demands t.nan: local party officials. Communist academics. and the party's own �nth newspaper that the Politburo step down. Cm lllll esti: Krell/ undoubtedly engineered the cabinet's resignation. a move that leaves his position as head of stz.te intact. He probably will appoint more non-Communist ministers from members ofthe four allied parties to try to appear responsivs to demands that the Communists share power. Currently there is only one member from each. It is possible. although less likely. that he will appoint a non-( 'ommunist as premier. The legislative committee's rejection of the proposed tras-el reforms suggests that the normally ruhherstamn legislature may contest proposed cabinet choices Krim/ will has e to move fast to maintain control over a rapidly changing situation. At the party plenum. whi..:h is likely to be contentious. Inc piohabls will try to purge more hardliners beyond the seven already removed to consolidate his hold on the leadership. I le also may move up the date for the next pilly congress�now scheduled for Nlas I990�as some party members have demanded. �Vithoot lncc elections. new opposition parti( S. or greater assertiveness by the allied parties, none of thse moves will convince East ciermans that the part is ready to share power. II East Germans r(PM/Mted "TRY4i4CLE1 T( 'S 2g50/89 ti No cm her Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826781 Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826781 I I�I I�I I I n �I Role of The Wall Changing keep neeing to the West. the increasing damage to the fragile C01151 mer economy and growing public demoralization probably svill build pressure for Kren7 to step down. The Berlin Wall has lost most of its functional significance as a barrier to disgruntled East Germans seeking freer travel and cmigiation. part of the Wall's function will become "illusory becaLse of liberalized travel regulations. the East Germans appear reccptive o expand by four the number of checkpoints available for publy use, including the Glienicke Bridge. which has been the site of severd spy swaps. The Wall retains great symbolic value, however, as an aging relic of the Cold War and Communist tyranny and�for the E ist Germans�as a border that bolsters East Berlin's claim to sovcr:ignty in the eastern sector of Berlin. a claim that violates Four-Power agreements on the city. Comment: Because it remains a potent symbol. the Wall could be used for attention-getting gestures. including an announcement by Kren7 to tear it down to show that he is serious about change. It could also be the scene of a destabilizing incident, such as a protest that gets out of hand or a terrorist-style car bombing The Last Germans have put their border troops along the Wall on heightened alert presumably to prevent such an incident. If East Berlin reimposes travel restrictions or�less likely for now�attempts to crack down. the Wall would regain much of its odium as a barrier to freedom. "vs 29Owxy S No, ember I 955 Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826781