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Publication Date: 
May 29, 1956
Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 rid CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN uP SECR � DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. y DECLASSIFiED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C 2.601 NEXT REVIEW DATE. AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE..1 liREViEWER; OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRE1- 29 May 1956 Copy No. I U 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 1 ff f Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 � Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 r ,)ckenn./ *Noe CONTENTS 1. EGYPT URGING OTHER ARAB STATES TO RECOGNIZE PEIPING (page 3). 2. AUSTRIAN BUSINESSMEN MAY ACCEPT INVITATION TO VISIT COMMUNIST CHINA (page 4). 3. EAST GERMAN STUDENTS STAGE ANTIREGIME DEMON- STRATIONS (page 5). 4. MARSHAL ROKOSSOWSKY MAY BE REPLACED Noforn) (page 6). 5. ALBANIA REFUSES TO MAKE CONCESSION TO TITO (page 7). 6. BURMESE PREMIER COMPLAINS OF FOREIGN INTER- VENTION IN ELECTIONS (page 8). THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 9) 29 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 CEA.411..C. / Noe 1. EGYPT URGING OTHER ARAB STATES TO RECOGNIZE PEIPING Libyan prime minister Ben Halim told Ambassador Tappin on 23 May that the Egyptians were applying pressure on Libya and other Arab states to follow Egypt's lead in recognizing Communist China. The Egyptian ambassador, Ben Halim said, had told him that other Arab states, including Lebanon and Syria, were giving the matter serious consider- ation. The prime minister said he had told the Egyptians Libya would not recognize Peiping. The government-controlled Cairo radio reported on 25 May that the Arab League secretariat had been informed Saudi Arabia would soon recognize Communist China and had nearly completed arrangements for re-establishing diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. Comment Although Egypt is almost certainly work- ing to bring other Arab states to follow its lead, only Syria and possibly the Sudan are likely to recognize Communist China in the immediate future. 29 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 IJEALL/L ILJILi Nimo, 2, AUSTRIAN BUSINESSMEN MAY ACCEPT INVITATION TO VISIT COMMUNIST CHINA Austrian businessmen will accept at east one of several invitations they have received to visit Communist China. An invitation from the Peiping govern- ment through its trade representatives in East Berlin for a delegation of Austrians to come to China in June is said to have been discussed with an Austrian Foreign Ministry official who expressed the view that Austrian businessmen could go anywhere as private individuals. Comment East German proposals, reportedly made last February. that Austria accept sub- stantial orders for deliveries of industrial items to Commu- nist China, were discussed within the Austrian government in March. Despite great interest expressed in such trade by spokesmen for the Chamber of Commerce and the League of Industrialists, it was decided to take no action until after the 13 May elections. The Austrian government has indicated that it will try to keep trade with China in harmony with es- tablished control procedures. (Concurred in by ORR) 29 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 1 OLLA-414.4 I 3. EAST GERMAN STUDENTS STAGE ANTIREGIME DEMONSTRATIONS East German university students demonstrated in Dresden between 24 and 27 May to 'protest the regime's opposition to students taking vacation trips to West Germany. Comment Keeping East German youth in line has been one of the major problems of the regime. Other reports indicate that university students have been increasingly critical of the party and its policies since the Soviet Twentieth Party Congress. 29 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 LI C.,' l' . _1 .L.C1.1LI *IS 4. MARSHAL ROKOSSOWSICY MAY BE REPLACED Polish minister of defense Marshal Konstanty Rokossowsky was to be re- placed by Lt. Gen. Zygmunt Berling at a plenary meeting of the central committee of the Polish United Workers (Communist) Party scheduled to meet on 27 May, according to rumors reaching the American embassy in Warsaw on 25 May. Comment The removal of Marshal Rokossowsky, a World War II Soviet general, would be a logical part of the present campaign to build up the ap- pearance of Polish independence. Such a move would be welcomed by the Polish people to whom he symbolizes Poland's subservience to the USSR. He was in command of the Soviet forces that refused to come to the aid of the Poles at the time of the Warsaw uprising against the Ger- mans in 1944. General Berling, presently under secre- tary of the Ministry of State, was the commander of the Kosciuszko Division which was organized in the Soviet Union during World War II. He was removed from this position late in 1944, reportedly for attempting to send forces to aid in the Warsaw uprisin&and has occupied only minor posts during the past decade. However, he was recently awarded the Banner of Labor First Class. 29 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Let,/ NT LIMELL **re Ned 5. ALBANIA REFUSES TO MAKE CONCESSION TO TITO Albanian Communist Party boss Enver Hoxha announced on 25 May to his party's third congress that the execution in 1949 of Koci�Xoxe, former interior minister and the leading Albanian Titoist, was "completely justified." He denounced Xoxe's activities as having been hostile to the party and state, and claimed that Xoxe's crimes, along with fabrications by Beria and other "misunderstandings," were the cause of the bad relations with Yugoslavia. Comment The failure to rehabilitate Koci Xoxe in- dicates the extreme sensitivity with which the Tirana regime still regards its relations with Yugoslavia. Albania's refusal, unique among the Satellites, to make any significant concessions to Yugoslavia presumably stems from a fear that any move in this direction would be interpreted as an invitation for the resumption of Yugoslav influence in Albania. The strong support of Xoxe's condemnation suggests that no major effort to placate Tito, such as demo- tion of Tito's archenemy, Premier Mehmet Shehu, will be made at the congress. 29 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 -CONFIDE1V Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 I.J1 01-A.,1�1-4 'NINO Nee 6. BURMESE PREMIER COMPLAINS OF FOREIGN INTERVENTION IN ELECTIONS Comment The Burmese government has publicly attributed much of the good showing by pro-Communist candidates last month to intimidation of voters by the Communist underground. There are strong indications, moreover, that Burmese leaders are particularly disturbed because the Chinese Communist embassy, both directly and through the local branch of the Bank of China, has been subsi- dizing the activities of the pro-Communist Burma Workers and Peasants Party and its satellite fronts. Some Burmese officials also nbelieve that the United States has been financing opposition parties which are sympathetic to Karen insurgents and the Chi- nese Nationalist irregulars. Whatever advice Nehru may give, the Burmese are unlikely to take any overt action that would an- tagonize Peiping. 29 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin 7122�SEeitr7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 1 WI A./-� I THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 28 May) An Israeli army spokesman stated on 28 May that Israeli troops in the El Auja area were fired on by Egyptian forces on the night of 27 May. No casualties were reported. (Press) Egyptian ambassador to the United States Hussein, now in Cairo for consultations, told Ambassador Byroade, following his meeting with Prime Minister Nasr last week, that (1) he personally was completely reassured that Nisr had no, intention of attacking Israel but that (2) Nazi.% feelings "were intense" on the question of arms for Israel and he be- lieved there was a definite decision made to try to keep Israel as strong as the Arab states. Nasr apparently feels that the British are behind the rumors of a plan for a UN arms embargo, and that they envisage a plan whereby Israel could circumvent it as in the past. Hussein, on Nasr's orders, stated that Egyp- tian recognition of Communist China was not "to slap the United States' but was related -solely to establishing a new source of arms because of Nasris feelings on the question of arms Tor Israel. Major General Ntiwak, new commander in chief of the Jordan Arab Legion, told the press on 25 May that the days of meeting Israeli aggression with complaints are gone forever. Hereafter, aggression would be met with force. ine American air attac,ne in Amens reports that Greece on 27 May granted clearance for landing and refuel- ing of six French-built Ouragan jet fighters en route to Israel. These planes have not yet been reported as landing in Athens. They are apparently French deliveries to Israel in addition to the 24 Mysteres already agreed upon. A strong Arab reaction,par- ticularlv from Egypt, is likely should this become public. Accoramg to a usually rename source with Egypt has concluded a deal with Poland for /IN 29 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin "TOP-SEeRE-T Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260 1'_./I- a supply of gun tubes and spare parts for British-made field artillery0 flew of this deal was released by mistake by the Egyptian radio A usually reliable source'reports that the 66 Soviet air technicians who arrived in Egypt on 9 May de- parted on 16 May0 the technicians may �have come to Cairo regarding plans for a proposed Moscow- Cairo direct commercial air connection. The field comments there is a possibility that this report may be an official cover- up explanation for the Soviet crews who accompanied the recent delivery of IL-14 transport aircraft.- Syrian thief of staff Shuqayr told the American army attach�n Damascus on 25 May that the Syrian army was in the process of reepiv-ina Pnnii rzeCh SU-100 assault guns for a regiment. Syria had been tentatively offered more T-34 tanks but he had refused and had selected the SU-100's instead, presumably to use as tank de- stroyers. The attach�omments that a Syrian armored regi- ment has 54 tanks or tank destroyers. 29 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2027260