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pproved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 r � CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN fi/e; (7/ /1/71/07/03/007A Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18� Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. TO SECRET 9 December 1956 Copy No. 112 ..35(C11%) 1/1 DOCUIakfc _ s. NO GIANNGIE CIA � tae\I e ON00:071:107 is c 01,itikey,S.TS. Orttro7c-V.0 � eviewevt-- / 7/00;0, Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 Nye Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 I kir Lat. I Name CONTENTS 1. HUNGARIAN REGIME DECLARES MARTIAL LAW TO COMBAT WORKERS (page 3). 2. JORDANIAN CHIEF OF STAFF SEES NO AGGRESSIVE ISRAELI DESIGN AT PRESENT (page 5). 3. YUGOSLAV ATTITUDE TOWARD HUNGARY (page 6). 4. NEW DELHI ORDERS PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN AGAINST PAKISTAN (page 7). 5. GUATEMALAN REVOLT AND PRESIDENT'S ASSASSIN TION REPORTEDLY PLANNED FOR 20 DECEMBE (page 8). 6. LAOTIAN PREMIER PUSHES COALITION WITH PATHET LAO (page 9). 7. CHINESE COMMUNIST RAILWAY OPPOSITE TAIWAN COM- PLETED (page 10). 8. LIBERIAN PRESIDENT SEEKS AUTHORIZATION FOR DIPLO- MATIC RELATIONS WITH COMMUNISTS page 11). 9 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP CRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 .11-AiaL V _IL 1.111-4 Now' NNW 1. HUNGARIAN REGIME DECLARES MARTIAL LAW TO COMBAT WORKERS Warned by the workers that its policies could lead to renewed fighting and another "national tragedy" the Hungarian regime on 9 December declared a state of mar- tial law throughout the country. Simul- taneously, it ordered the dissolution of the Central Budapest Workers' Council-- the leading force of the opposition--and all district workers' councils, which allegedly have engaged in "counterrevolu- tionary" activities. The regime also ordered all citizens own- ing "unlicensed arms" to surrender them to police authorities by the evening of 11 December or face "summary jurisdiction." These drastic moves will probably lead to new outbreaks of violence and fresh waves of refugees. This in turn might lead to the dismissal of Premier Kadar and a severe tightening of Soviet control over the Hungarian government and people. The Kada,r regime has met with a succession of fail- ures in its five-week attempt to restore civil and economic or- der; its authority is based almost entirely on the presence of Soviet troops. The workers' councils, on the other hand, apparently have the support of the vast majority of the general population. Virtually all production workers except those in certain public service industries will probably go on strike. According to press sources, the Central Workers' Council of Budapest had issued a call for a 48-hour general strike on 9 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 tau,/ 1" X' .11-P1:41.1 114111.4 Nu, Nue 8 December, even before the government decreed martial law, in protest over the arrests of council representatives, workers, students and intellectuals. Normal telecommunication contact be- tween Budapest and the West was severed, presumably by the regime, during the morning (Budapest time) of 9 Decem- ber, 0 9 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 vow' vire' L JORDANIAN CHIEF OF STAFF SEES NO AGGRESSIVE ISRAELI DESIGN AT PRESENT Jordanian chief of staff Nuwar told a UN truce officer on 3 December he does not believe Israel has aggressive de- signs on Jordan at present. Nuwar said he does believe there is a scheme afoot "to put pressure on Syria;' but he appears to have a generally relaxed attitude. The UN officer told the American consu- late general in Jerusalem that UN teams ire making daily inspections of the Israeli frontier opposite Syria and similar tours every other day of the frontier op- posite Jordan, and that these inspections continue to indicate there are no unusual Israeli troop concentrations in the area. The American army attach d in Tel Aviv now estimates Israeli active strength at 80,000, including paramilitary units. This is approximately the normal level at which Israel maintained its active duty force prior to the mobilization for the attack on Egypt. 9 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 VI-, NNW' 3., YUGOSLAV ATTITUDE TOWARD HUNGARY In a conversation with Western ambassa- dors on 5 December, Tito said he was in the midst of negotiations with the Soviet Union on Hungary and asked for more faith in Yugoslav policy. Tito advised the West to keep hands off at this time because Western efforts to help would only be harmful. Tito said that the Hungarians were being punished for having defeated the Soviet army. The Soviet leaders had a real fear of war, particularly after the rebels had demonstrated their power. Under these circumstances the Yugoslays could not have supported a solution involving Hungarian neutrality. He added that the Yugoslays would continue to support greater liberty for the Hungarians, but that "socialism" must be preserved. On 7 December, Yugoslav vice president Kardelj told the National Assembly that Yugoslavia had ac- cepted the second Soviet intervention in the hope that it would lead to a Hungarian regime, including Nagy elementsattuned to the desires of the working masses. Such an orientation, he said, could have been accomplished through the workers' councils, which represented true socialist tendencies. He said the Kadar government had displayed other tendencies, as illustrated by the violation of the agreement on Nagy, and he clearly implied that the Yugoslays might eventually drop all support for Kadar as well as their acquiescence in the Soviet intervention. Comment Belgrade apparently intended the withdrawal of its ambassador to Budapest to put pressure on the Soviet Union over Hungary, and it is continuing the ex- change of notes with the Kadar government over the Nagy ab- duction. 9 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 HI Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 "%Ape 4.. NEW DELHI ORDERS PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN AGAINST PAKISTAN The Indian message charges that Pakistani prime minister Suhrawardy in a 2 December speech had defended the British-French invasion of Egypt and had justified Pakistan's membership in the Baghdad pact on the basis of the danger of an attack by India. � Comment Pakistan and India have for some time been engaged in an open struggle for in- fluence in the Middle East. The Indian Foreign Ministry ap- parently decided to use Suhrawardy's speech as the occasion for an all-out campaign to discredit Pakistan among its Moslem neighbors. New Delhi has also recently indicated it is increasingly concerned about a possible Pakistani at- tack in Kashmirl but there is no evidence to support such concern. It appears likely that the Indian campaigns against Pakistan both at home and in the Middle East are intended as propaganda preparation for Prime Minister Nehru's visit to the United States and Pakistan's presentation of the Kashmir Issue to the United Nations in January. 9 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP T RET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 ..)L'.fL1 I Novi NIS 5.. GUATEMALAN REVOLT AND PRESIDENT'S ASSASSINATION REPORTEDLY PLANNED FOR 20 DECEMBER A Guatemalan exile, is ready to enter Guateilictld 11 UM actiVador to kill President Castillo' Armas, The as- sassination attempt is to coincide with a revolt now set for about 20 December. Exiled Guatemalan colonel Elfego Monzon, re- portedly to become chief of a military junta if the revolt suc- ceeds, said on 4 December that $1,000,000 worth of weapons are presently cached in Guatemala near the Mexican border. Comment Leaders in the current plotting belong to a faction which has opposed co-operation with the Communists. Nevertheless, there probably are some pro-Communists working with them. Activities among the Guatemalan exiles in Costa Rica and Mexico since mid-November suggest that an effort to oust the Castillo regime is planned for the near future. Castillo's assassination is probably the only way in which the exiles might seize the government. Even then, however, it is probable that army associates of Castillo. -would retain power. The majority of active officers are loyal to Castillo. The exiles have probably overestimated the strength of local opposition to Castillo. 9 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 (Ji LLILI NW" NINIPO 6, LAOTIAN PREMIER PUSHES COALITION WITH PATHET LAO Laotian premier Souvanna Phouma is determined to push ahead with his plan for a coalition government with the Pathet Lao. Despite the cabinet's earlier rejection of his coal- ition proposal, Souvanna considers it the "only answer" to the Pathet problem and plans to ask assembly approval on 10 or 11 December. Souvanna has indicated he is willing to risk loss of American aid to achieve this goal and has threatened to resign if rebuffed by the assembly. Crown Prince Savang seems confident that the assembly will reject coalition and that Souvanna will be forced to step down. Savang has also referred to acute dis- content in the Laotian army over Souvanna's concessions to the Pathet Lao and has hinted at the possibility of a coup. .. the Pa nets nave been vigorously courting sup- port among the assembly deputies. Tending to offset this strong influence is the assembly's fear that admission of the Pathets into the cabinet may compromise Western support of Laos. 9 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 N.1_, I %INV 7, CHINESE COMMUNIST RAILWAY OPPOSITE TAIWAN COMPLETED Tracklaying on the railway running across Fukien Province to the coastal port of Amoy opposite Taiwan was completed on 7 December, according to a Peiping announcement. The railway will probably not be in full operation, how- ever, until some time early next year. The line will greatly increase the Chinese Communists capability to deliver military supplies to the Taiwan Straits area. Completion of the railroad also enhances the value of Amoy as a commercial port, but use of the harbor by merchant vessels would require the neutrali- zation of Nationalist artillery positions on Quemoy and Little Quemoy Islands 9 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438 4.4 V" ./1- A-IL/ -J. JILL .11-111-4 Nese 8. LIBERIAN PRESIDENT SEEKS AUTHORIZATION FOR DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH COMMUNISTS President Tubman, in his annual message to the Liberian legislature on 30 November, recommended authorization for the progressive establishment, "as resources permit;' of diplomatic rela- tions with a number of countries, including the USSR and Communist China. Tubman indicated that financial prob- lems arising from Liberia's development program would not permit the opening of all the new diplomatic posts at once, "not even in the immediate future:' Tubman subsequently informed the American embassy that he did not want the Communists in Liberia and that he will proceed carefully. The embassy believes Tubman will not exchange missions with the USSR in the near future. Comment In a joint communiqu�ith the USSR last January, Tubman agreed in prin- ciple to an exchange of diplomatic representatives subject to the legislature's approval and appropriation of the neces- sary funds. Although Tubman apparently still hopes to defer indefinitely the actual establishment of diplomatic ties, he will probably be under increasing pressure to com- plete the arrangements, especially if the Gold Coast, Liberia's chief rival for prestige in West Africa, enters into formal re- lations with the USSR after it gains independence next March. 9 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169438