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r eipproved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432, 1 J.Lit.41C.ed .4 ,�`�"'/1 .//4 2/4 � efr ;-1 er TOP SECRET fe'l/ CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. 1 December 1956 Copy 1 12 5(h)(2) (c) opy Noo , DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CL, SS. 71%,�. CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C 13 DECLASSIFIED NEXT REVIEW DATE: ------- DATE: REVIEWER: / 0/ I 70 0,11371, 74 oViroffte# 0 ,A Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 Novi Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 -*DO' Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 'vase CONTENTS 1. USSR TIZRNISH SYRIA WITH TRAINING PERSONNEL (page 3). 2. USSR TO SUPPLY EGYPTIAN AND SYRIAN FUEL NEEDS (page 4). 3. ANTIGOVERNMENT DEMONSTRATIONS SPREADING IN IRAQ (page 5). 4. rBRIhrAIN MAY LOAN JET FIGHTERS TO LEBANON (page 6). 5. USSR DETAINS. AMERICAN ARMY TRUCK CONVOY AT BERLIN CHECK POINT (page 7). 6. REVOLUTIONARY OUTBREAK IN CUBA 7. POLES READY TO NEGOTIATE US AID (page 8). (page 9)0 8. EAST GERMAN PARTY NEWSPAPER ATTACKS POLISH WRITER FOR IDEOLOGICAL ERRORS (page 10). 9. SOUTH KOREA SEEKS MILITARY ALLIANCE WITH NATION- ALIST CHINA (page 11). 1 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 1 CH " bi:LI,CIL I Veser ISH SYRIA WITH TRAINING PERSONNEL The Soviet Union will supply Syria with 160 Soviet training personnel, but has "not agreed" to provide technicians to "fight with the equipment" as requested by Syria. At least 52 men will be furnished to train Syrian air force personnel. This includes eight air- craft instructors, four of them specifically for MIG-17 air- craft. The inclusion of 15 specialists for assembling air- craft indicates that the MIG-17's which Syria has requested from the USSR will be delivered by sea. The Soviet group also includes about 40 navy specialists, which suggests that Syria has recently de- cided to place increased emphasis on the development of naval units. The USSR has already agreed to supply. Syria with at least six motor torpedo boats. The remaining personnel are assigned to ground force training. Specialists for weapons include a large number of maintenance men as well as instructors for artillery, communications and radar equipment. 1 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 -TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 TOP SECRET 2. USSR TO SUPPLY EGYPTIAN AND SYRIAN FUEL NEEDS On 15 November, Syria concluded a contract with Moscow for fuel oil, and Moscow stated that the first delivery would be made at Baniyas by 3 or 4 Decem- ber. Comment Although the number of tankers deliver- ing cargoes to Egypt in November and December represents no increase over the rate of delivery in August, September and October, the cargoes will be composed exclusively of fuel oil and kerosene, whereas at least 25 per- cent of former deliveries were composed of crude oil for the Suez refinery. Soviet shipments to Egypt were resumed in mid-November when two Soviet tankers delivered fuel oil and kerosene to Alexandria. These deliveries are probably being made under the existing Soviet-Egyptian contract for large quantities of fuel oil concluded in August. The first Soviet delivery to Syria will in- clude 11,000 tons of fuel oil to be discharged at Baniyas. Re- liable sources report that facilities for storing 50,000 tons at this port are being prepared for the receipt of Soviet petroleum products. Continued monthly shipments of 50,000 tons would practically eliminate Syrian dependence on other sources. 1 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 -SEtttt-i� �ripoi 3. ANTIGOVERNMENT DEMONSTRATIONS SPREADING IN IRAQ Antigovernment and pro-Nasr demon- strations in Baghdad, which were touched off by the Anglo-French inter- - i azention n Egypt, have now spread to other sections of Iraq. The govern- ment has reinforced military units around the city and moved troops south to support local police. Baghdad radio announced on 30 November that martial law had been proclaimed in four northern provinces. A change of prime ministers reportedly is under discussion in Baghdad. Since no former prime minister appears willing to assume the liabilities of Null.% pro-British policies, the palace may try to ride out the storm with Nuri Said. Crown Prince Abdul Illah told Am- bassador Gallman on 26 November that even if Nun i were replaced, there would be no change in foreign policy. He said membership in the Baghdad pact should be maintained as well as close relations with the West. The Iraqi government has the police power available to control antigovernment demonstrations. The American army attach�eports that the Iraqi air force has been "buzzing" Baghdad with jet planes for several days, probably to intimidate the populace against further demonstra- tions. 1 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169437 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 AN JET FIGHTERS TO LEBANON The British embassy in Beirut has recommended to London that 12 Hunter jet fighters be loaned to the Lebanese air force to replace its present seven Vampire jet fighters. The British of- ficial who gave this information to the American army at- tach�n Beirut believes London will approve immediate delivery of the Hunters, and also an increase in the size of the British training mission in Lebanon. Comment As a consequence of recent develop- ments in Syria and Jordan, the British are anxious to strengthen Lebanon's military position and to improve their relations with Beirut. The proposed "loan" of jet fighters would be in addition to the recent de- livery of 300 rifles and 3,000,000 rounds of ammunition. Tanks are reportedly also awaiting shipment in London, and the British have agreed to supply a total of 500 Sten guns, 500 automatic rifles, and some 17-pounders. 1 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 _CONFIDENTIAL 5. USSR DETAINS AMERICAN ARMY TRUCK CONVOY AT OINT An American army truck convoy return- ing from West Germany to Berlin which had cleared the East German border check point at Marienborn without dif- ficulty was detained at the check point near Berlin on 29 November, according to a report from the American mis- sion in Berlin. A Soviet lieutenant colonel stated that the vehicles would have to be inspected, and that he had in- structions to search vehicles to look for concealed persons. The convoy commander refused to permit inspection. The convoy was finally allowed to pass, but the Soviet officer in charge of the check point stated that in the future con- voys would not be permitted to proceed without inspection of the interior of the vehicle. Comment Soviet authorities have not been demand- ing the right to inspect military truck convoys traveling between West Germany and Berlin. Since the night of 24-25 November, Allied military trains have passed Soviet check points with only short delays upon presentation of Russian translations of travel orders and identity documents. 1 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 orA...rcr, 1 "Nal 6. REVOLUTIONARY OUTBREAK IN CUBA The fighting in Santiago de Cuba, the second largest city in the island republic, on 30 November may have been intended to trigger a full-scale revolutionary at- tempt against the Batista regime. Par- ticipants in the attacks on government buildings included many persons identi- fid with the "26th of July" movement of revolutionary exile Fidel Castro, who has been actively plotting against Presi- dent Batista for some time. The Cuban army claims to have the situation under control although uprisings in other areas have been rumored. all military and police are on alert, and authorities are ex- pecting a landing attempt by revolutionaries. The Santiago outbreak may be related to a revolution which is to begin on 4 December at strategic Camp Columbia in Havana involve simultaneous uprisings throughout the island. all insurrection groups, united under Castro, were well organized and had sufficient arms; he added that the conspiracy included elements in the navy, the police, and the military at an army post in Havana. Planes and ad- ditional men and arms were expected from Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica. While it appears that Batista retains the loyalty of a majority of the armed forces, there have been reports of dissatisfaction and plotting, particularly within the army, a key factor in the situation. 1 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 0 NEGOTIATE US AID Polish deputy foreign minister Winiewicz on 29 November told American ambassa- dor Jacobs that his government was pre- pared to send experts to the United States in the near future to discuss economic aid. He stressed again that Poland was unwilling to accept any American "controllers or advisers" in relation to aid, though this did not preclude Investigation of Polish capabilities to repay purely commer- cial loans. Winiewicz added that the experts to be dispatched to Washington would also like to discuss with of- ficials of the International Bank and the International Mone- tary Fund the possibility of Polish membership. Comment Winiewicz had told Jacobs on 13 Novem- ber that Poland was interested primarily in receiving short-term credits (two to five years) from the United States for the purchase of grains, fats and oils, cotton, fertilizer, and coal mining machinery. The Kremlin reportedly agreed during the Moscow discussions with Gomulka that Poland might seek aid from the West. 1 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 Nor' Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 -CONFIDENTIAL 8. EAST GERMAN PARTY NEWSPAPER ATTACKS POLISH WRITER FOR IDEOLOGICAL ERRORS The East German party newspaper Neues Deutschland bitterly attacked Polish writer Edda Werfel on 27 Novem- ber for her recent article in praise of the Polish road to socialism. Her article was attacked for holding up the Polish "revolution of 1956" as a model for all brother parties, and representing it as beginning a "new period in the inter- national workers' movement!' The paper also accused Werfel of associating lierself with those who wish to slander the Soviet Union by identifying the personality cult with the Soviet system, and put her in the same category with Ruth Fischer, Koestler, and "other renegades!' Comment On 28 November, Moscow radio repeated the East German criticism in its Polish broadcast as a warning to the Poles and others against going too far. This is the first public response by Moscow to the recent spate of Polish articles critical of the USSR. Gomulka in a speech of 29 November in- dicated that the Polish regime's attitude is hardening toward the present outspokenness of Polish journalism. He warned against "reactionaries trying to ride the wave of democratiza- tion," and said that anyone who opposed the Communist program of socialism is on the "other side of the barricades." Attacks against party members as Stalinists, he said, are in reality at- tacks against the party. 1 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432 101 � ,NLCIEL / Nior Noy' 9, SOUTH KOREA SEEKS MILITARY ALLIANCE WITH NATIONALIST CHINA Ambassador Rankin in Taipei reports that South Korea has again proposed a military alliance to Nationalist China. As a basis for such an alliance, South Korea requested Nationalist China to agree to consultations on possible simultaneous military action against the Chi- nese Communists and North Koreans, to press for the abro- gation of the Korean armistice, and to adopt an anti-Japanese policy. A provisional reply by the Nationalists-- given even before reference to Chiang Kai-shek- -noted that Taipei has no present plans to launch an offensive against the Communists and that it preferred not to link its Korean and Japanese policies. The reply indicated receptiveness, however, to an open military alliance which would take ac- count of obligations to the United States and assured Seoul that Taipei would continue to support its opposition to the armistice agreement. Comment An attempt by Taipei to conclude a good- will treaty with Korea last August fell through when President Rhee included unacceptable condi- tions. While the Chinese Nationalists share Rhee's distrust of Japan, they have adopted a policy of friendship and co- operation with Tokyo because of the need for its political support and the importance of mutual trade. 1 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169432