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WiffeAr"" foZaesSeAZT CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN C03185124, r7/ 21 July 1956 Copy Noo 105 DOCUMENT NO. _ NO CHANGE IN CLAS ; DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S NEXT REVIEW DATE D4'�REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 `tool A Lir 3Lig�IVG71 Nive' CONTENTS 1. SHAH COMMENTS ON VISIT TO USSR (page 3). 2. FRENCH GOVERNMENT THREATENED BY STRONG ASSEMBLY OPPOSITION TO NEW TAXES (page 4). 3. SHISHAKLI REPORTEDLY DEPARTS FROM MIDDLE EAST (page 5). 4. RIOTS REPORTED IMMINENT IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA (page 6). 5, TITO-NEHRU-NASR COMMUNIQUE (page 7). 6 JAPAN LIBERAL-DEMOCRATS_Sill' My PROBLEM OF SUCCESSOR FOR HATOYAMA (page 8). 7. BRAZILIAN OFFICIAL WARNS OF POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC DETERIORATION (page 9). 21 July 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 10) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SE Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Ult.Ed %ftee 1. SHAH COMMENTS ON VISIT TO USSR Khrushchev "more than once" told the Shah of Iran during the latter's recent trip to Moscow that the Soviet Union did not want war but that it was prepared, if war were a certainty, to take the offensive, according to a conversation between the Shah and Ambassador Chapin in Tehran. Khrushchev said that England could be put out of war with seven of the latest nuclear bombs and Turkey with eleven. He added that the USSR would not have to use conventional forces in Turkey. The Shah said he sup- posed these remarks were indirectly addressed to Iran, though he was convinced that the USSR did not want war. The Soviet leaders said their policy toward Turkey and Iran in the past had been faulty and blamed it on "that damn crowd of Georgians!' The Shah was also told that as an indica- tion of the USSR's "new policy of friendship" toward Iran, the Soviet ambassador would be replaced. Foreign Minister Shepi- loy said he was confident that no other Arab state "under any circumstances" would ever join the Baghdad pact. Soviet leaders told the Shah they were making no specific offers of assistance at this time "lest they embarrass" him, but they assured him they were prepared to "give assistance of any kind and in any amount should the Iranian government so desire." The Shah said that the only economic aid that he had ac- cepted was for the common development of resources along the Iranian frontier, including power and irrigation works. 21 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin -TOP-SECRET- Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 LFi JI.A.J.E.JJ. 7 AL -11-1-1-1-/ NI101 2., FRENCH GOVERNMENT THREATENED BY STRONG ASSEMBLY OPPOSITION TO NEW TAXES Premier Mollet will face his strongest opposition to date in the assembly de- bate on 24 July on his tax proposals to finance the Algerian campaign, in the opinion of the American embassy in Paris, and the outcome seems highly iincertain even if he makes the issue a vote of confidence. In addition to expected Poujadist and Communist opposi- tion, there is general dissatisfaction in the assembly with the new tax proposals on top of those for increased old- age benefits and much uncertainty as to the government's over-all economic and financial policy. The assembly finance committee is ex- pected to recommend rejection of the proposed direct tax increases on income and corporate profits, which are also strongly opposed by the employers' association and criti- cized by the labor unions. Comment The mounting inflationary spiral in France has increased the importance of financial issues as a threat to the government. The cabinet has authorized Mollet to declare the tax proposals an issue of confidence and he is likely to make a patriotic appeal for support. Unwilling- ness to upset Mollet at this juncture of the Algerian cam- paign continues to be a strong factor in the National Assem- bly. The opposition may therefore try to employ delaying tactics on tax legislation until after the summer recess, when the situation in AlReria may have become clarified. 21 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 -CONFIDENTIAL- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Nr. 3. SHISHAKLI REPORTEDLY DEPARTS FROM MIDDLE EAST 21 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 -SECRET-- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 ur Nolo 4 RIOTS REPORTED IMMINENT IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA a tense situation in Czechoslovakia is "capable of developing into serious, Poznan-type riots:' Public dissatisfac- tion is described as increasing, with Prague University becoming a center of antigovernment ferment. The government allegedly is intensify- ing public security measures, but serious conflicts report- edly exist within party headquarters, and in the present state of affairs "responsible authorities are unable to make impor- tant decisions for fear of possible repercussions:' Presi- dent Zapotocky's status is said to be increasingly insecure because of his connections with the Stalin era and because he is not now in Khrushchev's favor. Comment This report appears to exaggerate current dangers to the Czech government. There is little doubt, however, that the party high command is seri- ously concerned with the possibility of labor demonstrations and further student unrest. Since last month, when the regime admitted that considerable ferment existed within the party and among university students and announced that a counteroffensive had been mounted against all threats to party unity, the Czecho- slovak scene has been characterized by outward calm. The re- gime presumably has taken precautions against open displays of dissidence and will probably attempt to present an appear- ance of complete unity at the top party level at least until the possibility of serious unrest diminishes. 21 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 cum IDEA 11AL Novo v 5. TITO-NEHRU-NASR COMMUNIQUE The vagueness of the Tito-Nehru-Nasr communique of 20 July reflected the desire of all three leaders to avoid antagonizing either the West or the Sino- Soviet bloc. It stressed the need to work through the United Nations ,and personal diplomacy to relax world tension. Nasr's acceptance of Nehru's proposals for a cease-fire in Algeria to be followed by direct nego- tiations is a departure from the Arabs' previous stand that the issue should be brought to the UN. The direct reference to the "great impor- tance of removing embargoes and obstacles to the normal flow and extension of international trade" is an obvious slap at Western strategic trade controls. Nasr presumably does not intend his statement to refer to the Arab boycott of Israel, however. 21 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Jr. LIA.C. Nei 6, JAPAN LIBERAL-DEMOCRATS STUDY PROBLEM OF SUCCESSOR FOR HATOYAMA Agriculture and Forestry Minister Kono has informed Ambassador Allison that Liberal-Democratic Party Waders intend to select a successor to Prime Minister Hatoyama during August. He said party secretary general Kishi is a likely choice, but that there is considerable oppo- sition to his selection which would require time to overcome. He added that in any event there would be a cabinet reshuffle in the next few months, with Kishi enter- ing the cabinet. Kono himself would resign to take over Kishi's present post. Comment Government party leaders have become in- creasingly aware that Hatoyama's failing health and enfeebled leadership have created a pressing need to designate his successor, and the retirement of the prime minister prior to the next regular Diet session in December is more and more likely. Kishi, who is a prominent contender for the prime ministership, has often asserted that he favors co-operation with the United States but on a basis of greater "mutuality." Many conservatives, however, consider him too inexperienced for the post, and the contending party factions may agree as an interim measure on some older and less con= troversial conservative. 21 July 56 � Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 --SEER-E-T---- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 ULF/ NT 1.LF/A1 N Nor 7. BRAZILIAN OFFICIAL WARNS OF POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC DETERIORATION Secretary General Souza Gomes ,of ' the Brazilian Foreign Ministry told American charg�rimble on 19 July that if Brazil's economic and political situation continues to deteriorate, there that either the military with their "narrow nationalist outlook" will become the dominating force or that Communist influence will assume threatening propor- tions. He referred to the Communists' intensive efforts to control Brazil's atomic energy policy just as they had joined with ultranationalists to establish the national petro- leum monopoly. President Kubitschek has recently adopted firmer anti-Communist measures because of growing concern over Communist exploitation of economic difficulties and na- tionalist attitudes, especially among the opposition. Extreme nationalist tendencies also extend into Kubitschek's Social Democratic Party but have been openly denounced by Kubit- schek and the dominant faction of the party. Trimble comments that while the political situation is confused and the economy increasingly threatened by growing inflation, Souza Gomes' views are colored by the fact that the Foreign Ministry has been losing influence in re- cent months. 21 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 CONFIDE Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124 OE. LIAM-1--- � Nay' THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 20 July) An Israeli military spokesman charged that Syrian gunners fired on two Israeli fishing boats and a police launch on Lake Tiberias. No casualties were reported. (Press) j//5e 21 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page.10 -SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185124