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frf:�,1);t7fey1); Release: 212,1204,?317F,;71/7/M70,,/,, i/ / 13 September. 1956 Q / 3.3(h)(2)/ / Copy:No. 1)5 3.5(c) / .�/ /), DmoocctENNGTENg.61,,,,,,,_ 0/ . . % CURRENT INTELLIGENCE // 7 BULLETIN 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS ://f) e/4/4 No4EXTI:EVIE-W DATE: AUTH: 704 / REVIEWER / / 7/ I/3.f / OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE 0 /#5, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ,// 4/Y / 004 4 /4/ 4/ 0 / / /TOP SECRET / fe / Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 valp, Nuri Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 vi ItLI CONTENTS 1. EDEN PROPOSES USERS' ASSOCIATION FOR SUEZ ) (page 3). 2. SUEZ PILOT SITUATION (page 4). 3. NASR SAYS REVOLUTION PLOTTED IN SYRIA (page 5). 4. SHAH OF IRAN SUPPORTS US ON SUEZ CRISIS (page 6). 5. REPORT CLAIMS VENEZUELAN TROOPS WILL TAKE OVER ARUBA ON 15 SEPTEMBER (page 7). 6. U NU GOING TO PEIPING TO DISCUSS Spin-IATTRMESE BORDER DISPUTE WITH CHOU EN-LAI ( (page 8). 7. BELGRADE MAY ADOPT ATTITUDE MORE CRITICAL OF SOVIET BLOC (page 9). 8. HONDURAN CHIEF OF STATE RESIGNS 13 Sept 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 12) page 11). Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 l".1 x....71:41L4AILL:i 1. EDEN PROPOSES USERS' ASSOCIATION FOR SUEZ Eden's announcement before the House of Commons of plans for a users' asso- ciation to control transit through the Suez Canal has been quickly followed by signs that transit may break down within a few days. In Egypt, a spokesman for a majority of the non-Egyptian pilots announced they plan to quit Friday night. In anticipation of an early breakdown in traffic, Brit- ish oil companies in London announced a halt to the charter- ing of tankers carrying oil from the Persian Gulf to Britain. Foreign Minister Pineau on 12 September told Ambassador Dillon that the old canal company had agreed to keep those pilots who return to France available for the new users' association, and is already sending to Cyprus 60 pilots who have completed their vacations in Europe and have not returned to work. Faced with Laborite demands for his res- ignation, Eden announced he would seek a vote of confidence on the proposed users' association. Laborites were evidently particularly disturbed by Eden's statement that Britain has no intention of relaxing its military build-up in the eastern Med- iterranean since military action may still be necessary. 13 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 `111111, 2. SUEZ PILOT SITUATION Cairo apparently intends to keep canal traffic moving if possible despite the expected departure at the end of this week of the bulk of the pilots. The Egyptians presumably hope to be able to utilize fairly quickly the services of new pilots now being recruited. 30 pilots are available trom me ubbit, about a dozen from the European Satellites, 10 from Yugoslavia and 10 to 15 from Greece. Press reports have in addition re- ferred to some 40 Chinese Communists, about 100 Western Europeans, and a sprinklinz of Indians and .TaDanese as in- terested in Suez jobs. Should the Egyptians find that available pilots cannot keep ships moving through the canal at some- thing close to their present rate of about 30 to 45 per day, they may enforce their 31 August order that all ships must pay tolls in Egypt in Egyptian pounds, and close the canal to ships which refuse such payment. This might reduce traffic to a volume that could be handled by a much reduced pilot corps. In view of the danger that such action might be used by the French and British as justification for military action, however, it seems unlikely thwould adopt such a plan except as a last resort. 13 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 1 1..." I b.JL.J�... � IL J�I 3. NASR SAYS REVOLUTION PLOTTED IN SYRIA Nasr claimed that some American embassy officials in Beirut, the rightist Syrian Social Nationalist Party, and Syria's former dictator Adib Shishakli were involved in the plot. Nasr added that he sends the Syrian government all the information he receives on the plot. Comment Shishakli was in Lebanon in the early summer reportedly planning a return to power. His coup did not materialize, however, and he was last reported to be in Paris. A small Iraqi force has been stationed near the Syrian border since July. 13 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/110/23 C03178369 Nue v.* 4 SHAH OF IRAN SUPPORTS US ON SUEZ CRISIS 1 11G 0114,11 els that Egyptian president Nasr must go, but opposes the use of force on the Suez issue, The Shari apparently favors the stand taken by the umtea States, and believes it advisable to give Nasr "enough rope to hang himself!' The Shah said he would try "to open King Saud's eyes" to the threat Nasr poses to other Arab, coun- tires on his visit to Riyadh in the winter of 1956-67. Comment the Shah urged Saud to "give the necessary the pres- ident of the Egyptian Republic" to prevent Communist exploi- tation of the Suez crisis; Saud answered only that he was do- n g everything within his power "for reconciliation and peace!' 13 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 5. REPORT CLAIMS VENEZUELAN TROOPS WILL TAKE OVER ARUBA ON 15 SEPTEMBER According to a report received by the American consul on Aruba, revolu- tionary action on the island will be sparked by a strike at power and water p an s at midnight t on 15 September. The report asserted that within four hours, ten companies of Venezuelan troops would arrive to take over on the pretext that the govern- ment has lost control. The local police have informed the American consul that they would be powerless in the face of the reported plan, but additional Dutch police and ma- rines are on the way to the island. The consul notes that Irausquin, presi- dent of the Aruba legislative council, and Jonckheer, another political leader On Aruba, have had private meetings with the Venezuelan president in recent months. He adds that Venezuelan troop maneuvers with ferry boats have recently taken place in Venezuela on the Paraguana Peninsula, 15 miles from Aruba. Comment Despite nationalist sentiment in Vene- zuela which advocates the eventual in- corporation of the island into Venezuela, there is no indi- cation that Venezuela has ever contemplated direct armed action against the island. Irausquin has been known as the chief advocate of closer economic relations between Aruba and Venezuela. He sponsors a workers' group which-early this month reportedly planned to seek recbgnition as a union at the Lago refinery on Aruba. The refining facili- ties on Aruba are second only to those of Abadan, Iran, and, according to a July 1956 US navy report, supply over 50 per- cent of the fuel for the US navy and air force. 13 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 6.. U NU GOING TO PEIPING TO DISCUSS SINO-BURMESE BORDER DISPUTE WITH CHOU EN-LAI Former premier U Nu has agreed to go to Peiping to discuss the Sino- Burmese border dispute with Chou En-lai at the latter's convenience, Nu will make the trip in an unoffi- cial capacity and will not represent the Burmese govern- ment in his discussions with the Chinese. Comment The proposal that Nu undertake this mission was apparently first advanced by the Burmese ambassador in Peiping in late August and agreed to by Chou. Its subsequent endorsement by Indian prime minister Nehru probably was instrumental in caus- ing Rangoon to move forward with the project. The stress put on Nu's unofficial ca- pacity indicates that he will go to Peiping to probe Chinese Communist intentions without prejudicing the firm position taken on the border problem by Prime Minister Ba Swe. 13 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 V.1 1LFJ1LN .C1.11.4 NNW 7. BELGRADE MAY ADOPT ATTITUDE MORE CRITICAL OF SOVIET BLOC According to British ambassador Rob- ert 8 and' other Western diplomats in Belgrade, Yugoslav leaders, including Vice President Kardelj, now realize they have "gone too far" in their uncritical sympathy with the Soviet bloc and in their disrega..rd of the West's.driticism of Yugoslavia's posture. Specifically, Yugoslav foreign under secretary Prica told Roberts that the USSR's unfavorable press treatment of Yugoslavia's recent trials of former "Cominformists" had caused the Yugoslays to question their interpretation of "favorable developments in Eastern Europe' Prica said that a recent Yugoslav editorial at- tacking Cominform supporters, which had mentioned "var- ious foreign papers," had in fact been directed specifically at Pravda. The latter had inaccurately reported the trials, and had sparked a series of articles on Yugoslav policy throughout the Satellites. The American embassy notes that this is the first significant issue on which Belgrade has chal- lenged Moscow since the joint Yugoslav-Soviet declaration in June. Comment The dispute over the Cominformist trials harks back to the question of who was at fault in the 1948 Tito-Soviet split, hence is part of the large controversy between Belgrade and Moscow concerning the meaning of "national Communism!' Belgrade feels that if Moscow means what it says about "many roads to socialism," 13 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 C-F-L 1./5124/ 11 I .ILZILLI Igor the trial of Yugoslav Cominformist "traitors" is none of Moscow's concern. The Yugoslays were probably dissatis- fied with the midsummer Soviet statements about the need for international Communist unity, especially since one Pravda editorial in mid-July attacked the "national Commu- nism" concept by name. The "many roads to socialism" concept and its concomitant, Satellite independence from Moscow, will probably be a long-term subject of pulling and hauling between Belgrade and Moscow. Although for the present the dispute does not appear serious enough to endanger the basic rapprochement, the Yugoslays may take a less pro Soviet line to obtain further concessions toward Satellite independence. This would have the corollary advantage of impressing the West that Belgrade is not being "taken in" by the USSR. 13 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOMIDEALTITAL� Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 I...13LJ A.A.ol A ikee .019 8. HONDURAN CHIEF OF STATE RESIGNS Comment Julio Lozano resigned as de facto chief of state of Honduras on 11 September after a second heart attack. Former president Juan Manuel Galvez, though reluctant, will probably agree to assume control of the government. Foreign Minister Mendoza believes the elections for a constituent assembly, set for 7 October, may now be postponed. Galvez was a popular president, enjoys the support of key army officers, and will probably be able to maintain public order in a period of transition from de facto to constitutional government. He shares with Lozano the goal of forming a three-party consti- tutional government and may be able to reach agreement with political elements recently antagonized by Lozano. An indefinite postponement of the constit- uent assembly elections might increase political discontent. 13 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 12 September) Jordan charged on 12 September that Israeli troops crossed the frontier during the night and killed 19 Jordanians in an attack on a police post and that four addi- tional Jordanians were killed when reinforcements attempted to reach the post. The Israeli attack took place south of Jerusalem in the area where the Jordanians killed six Israeli cnlcliPrs and vonnnrierl thrpp on 10 Spntpmhor A clash was also reported on the gener- ally quiet Lebanese border. An Israeli spokesman reported that one Israeli soldier was wounded when a Lebanese patrol crossed the border and opened fire, It is unlikely that the al- leged"Lebanese patrol" was part of the regular Lebanese army. The attack may have involved Egyptian-sponsored fedayeen or have stemmed from another of the "family quarrels" which fre- quently ignore local political divisions. (Press) The Israeli cabinet was called into special session on 11 September to discuss foreign affairs and the na- tion's security, according to a press report from Jerusalem. There was no official announcement of the agenda, but the meet- ing may have been prompted by the recent increase of border incidents and by the Suez crisis. (Press) , the Soviet Union has agreed to sell radar and infrared equipment to Syria. Syria probably ivants ihfiared equipment c- cesses in night military operations. 13 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 /.;)41e//zi --T-013-SEGRE-T Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178369