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CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 2.�12�l 0/23 CO3l (77_ 21 September 1956 #e" 3.5(c) r;/,/ 3.3(h)(2) /e,;# � /e? //77707../ 07/7/17:4 Copy No. 105 DOCUMENT NO. 11 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. vioje DECLASSiFiED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS NEXT REVIEW DATE: .AUTH: H 70-2 DATE: REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 *le CONTENTS 1. BRITISH LABORITES ADVISE NASR ON SUEZ I (page 3). 2. NASR SAYS HE WOULD OBSTRUCT ANY USERS' ASSOCIA- TION CONVOY �I (page 4). .3. SATELLITE PRESS REVEALS CONTRASTING REGIME ATTITUDES TOWARD SOVIET CONTROL (page 5) 4. US CONSUL GENERAL AT HONG KONG COMMENTS ON PEIPING'S EIGHTH PARTY CONGRESS (page 7). 5. NEHRU SENDS LETTER TO PREMIER CHOU ON BURMA BORDER DISPUTE ) (page 8). 6. USSR WILL AID INDONESIA IN DEVELOPING PEACEFUL USE OF ATOMIC ENERGY (page 9). * * * * 21 Sept 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 10) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 1. BRITISH LABORITES ADVISE NASR ON SUEZ British Labor Party leaders have sent word to Nasr that the chief hope for a solution of the Suez crisis rests with the United States, In advising Nasr to resolve promptly any outstanding difficulties with the United States, the Labor leaders cautioned that should the United States sup- port the use of force, all the Conservatives and even many �Laborites would back Eden. At present, the Conservative Party is seriously split on the issue of using force, they reported. Comment while �Diasr Deileves tne umtect States is against the use of force in the Suez crisis, he believes the United States intends to force his removal by economic means. 21 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 2. NASR SAYS HE WOULD OBSTRUCT ANY USERS' ASSOCIATION CONVOY Egyptian president Nasr told the Ethiopian ambassador in Cairo hat lithe Western users' association should seek to send a convoy of ships through the 'Suez Canal, Egypt would not shoot at them but would simply move an- other convoy into the canal. If a ockage occurred as a result of this move, the blame would fall on the Western association for having acted without clearance of the Egyptian canal authority. Comment It seems doubtful that the Egyptian authorities have yet decided on an exact means for preventing the passage of a users' association convoy, the trend of Egyptian thinking at present is to avoid the use of force, which might give the British and French a clearer excuse for military action. 21 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 �SEGRE-T-- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 3. SATELLITE PRESS REVEALS CONTRASTING REGIME ATTITUDES TOWARD SOVIET CONTROL Recent articles appearing in Satellite newspapers express contrasting official attitudes concerning relations with the Soviet Union. Polish press coverage of the current Polish-Soviet Friendship Month is stress- ing "the independence of countries in the socialist camp" and playing down refer- ences to the USSR. One Communist au- thor went so far as to write that, in his belief, Polish relations with "Socialist multinational Russia" are not yet "fixed" and that "these re- lations are only being formed and will find their proper equi- librium!' An almost opposite point of view is re- flected by recent statements appearing in Albanian and Czech party newspapers. Albanian officials, also celebrating Soviet Friendship Month, came close to an open attack on the doc- trine of "many roads to socialism:' Similar treatment was accorded the question by an article in the Czech party daily, Rude Pravo, on 7 September, which claimed that since the present Czech regime is based on its alliance with the USSR, attitudes toward the Soviet Union are not a fit subject for dis- cussion, Every slander of friendly Czech-Soviet relations, the paper said, is aimed against the existence of Czechoslo- vakia. These articles have all appeared since the reported 3 September warning of the Soviet Union to the Satellites which stressed that the USSR and not Yugoslavia was the correct socialist model and which attacked the Yugo- slav concept of the "independent roads" doctrine. The Polish 21 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 regime apparently has not deemed it necessary to revise its nationalist line. many Polish Communist officials, who are willing to discuss frankly with Westerners relations with the USSR, believe that there is a need for a modification of Soviet-Polish relations, within the framework of an alliance with the USSR. 21 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 414sW 4. US CONSUL GENERAL AT HONG KONG COMMENTS ON PEIPING'S EIGHTH PARTY CONGRESS The most significant feature of the Chinese Communist eighth party congress, currently meeting in Pei- ping, is its atmosphere of satisfaction with past achievements and confidence in future progress, according to Consul General Drumright in Hong Kong. Complete endorsement of the present party leadership as well as of domestic and foreign policies has been qualified only by the admission of minor errors which have been or are now being corrected. The American official observes that Mao Tse-tung and Liu Shao-chi have provided no evidence of significant change in China's international policy. The United States is portrayed as almost the sole obstacle to lasting world peace. The subject of Taiwan's "liberation" has been played down. Mao has not mentioned it, and Liu only briefly reiterated Peiping's conventional formula of using peaceful means if possible and resorting to force only if these means fail. In view of the consul general, the speeches have shown that the Sino-Soviet alliance remains firm, on the basis of ideology and a mutually beneficial partnership. The Chinese affirmed that this alliance was the "pillar of peace in the Far East and the world." On behalf of the USSR, First � Deputy Premier Mikoyan paid effusive tribute to the Chinese for their "contribution to the theory of Marxism-Leninism:' 21 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 -gar 5. NEHRU SENDS LETTER TO PREMIER CHOU ON BURMA BORDER DISPUTE a note written by Nehru to Chou En-lai on the Sino-Burmese border dispute, Nehru told Chou that he had discussed the border problem with the Burmese foreign minister and that, while he did not wish to become involved with the specific points of difference between the two countries, he hoped China and Burma could settle the matter peacefully in accordance with the "five principles," Nehru had felt that a "very informal" approach by him might have to be made at some time in the future because the issue of coexistence and other broader principles were involved. Comment Nehru, is sensitive about his relations with Communist China, with 'which India has unsettled border problems. He has presumably be- come convinced of Burmese determination to resist Chinese encroachments and has therefore felt it necessary to make this mild intercession in Burma's behalf. 21 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 \Nei 6. USSR WILL AID INDONESIA IN DEVELOPING PEACEFUL USE OF ATOMIC ENERGY An agreement to co-operate in the peace- ful use of atomic energy was included in the $100,000,000 Soviet-Indonesian aid agreement signed in Djakarta on 15 Sep- tember. Under the terms of the agreement, the USSR will train Indonesian technicians and co-operate in the use of radioactive isotopes for medicine, science and engineering. Announcement of the agreement may have a propaganda im- pact favorable to the USSR in view of continuing Indonesian concern over the Pacific nuclear tests. The USSR began offering early in 1955 to train Indonesian technicians in the uses of atomic energy, and Soviet ambassador. Zhukov indicated last April that the USSR would conclude such an agreement "if the Indonesian government so desires." Indonesia is aware that it can participate in the regional atomic and training center to be built by the United States in the Philippines. The US offer was made and accepted at the Colombo conference in Singapore in Octo- ber 1955. Indonesia probably regards its acceptance of the Soviet offer as balanced by the Colombo Plan project. Indonesia has a Western-trained nuclear physicist who has been designated to set up a technical center at Bandung. 21 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 'mewl THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 20 September) Jordan's army chief Nuwar believes the next Israeli attack in force against Jordan will come from the Beisan area, near the Jordan River about 20 miles south of Lake Tiberias, according to the American army attach�n Amman. Nuwar said the Israelis have been sending patrols into Jordan from that area. Iraqi chief of staff Ratiq told the American army attach�n Baghdad on 18 September that he was under con- siderable pressure as a result of the Iraqi-Jordanian talks on military aid to Jordan of 14-16 September. He said he would have to decide in a few days whether to cancel the fall maneu- vers of the Iraqi army and send a full reinforced division to pipe- line station H-3 near the Syria-Jordan border as a political boost to King Hussain. Rafiq said Iraq had reiterated to Hussain that It would send a division to assist Jordan in the event of an Israeli attack. The Iraqis feared, however, that to station a division in Jordan now might provoke an Israeli attack. An increase of Iraqi troops at H-3, where there are now between 2,500 and 3,000, would serve not only to reassure the Jordanians, but also to place Iraq in a position to intervene in Syria or Jordan in the event of political developments in either country unfavorable to Iraa. The Canadian cabinet was expected to approve on 20 September the sale of 24 F-86 jet fighters to Israel. Sev- eral months will be required to complete delivery. The American air attach�n Rome reports that seven French Ouragan jet fighters with Israeli markings 21 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP SECRET EIDER Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373 :Awe passed through Rome and Athens in late August and early Sep- tember en route to Israel. The attach�lso said that uncon- firmed information indicate' l fhQ+ Tai1 hd1",=,1gliIrd3r1 filvaP �Meteor jets from Britain. 21 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178373