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Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TOP SECRET DOCUMENT NO. If G) NO CHANGE IN CLASS dtcl U DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE. 2 010 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: 11.774,4 86 REVIEWER 14 March 1956 Copy No. 03 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET C03161852 ) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 mirk Amiga Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 1....11 .._.71��....111.11-4 1 _JO CONTENTS 1. STALIN'S "CRIMES" REPORTEDLY AIRED AT SECRET SESSION OF 20TH PARTY CONGRESS ( (page 3). 2, GREECE SEEKS TO ENLIST ARAB STATES IN ANTI- BRITISH CAMPAIGN (page 4). 3. NEW LEBANESE GOVERNMENT EXPECTED SOON (page 5). 4. EGYPT, SYRIA AND SAUDI ARABIA OFFER TO REPLACE WESTERN AID TO LIBYA (page 6). 5. USSR REPORTEDLY HAS OFFERED ECONOMIC AID TO THE SUDAN (page 7). 6. FRANCE TO EXPAND CONTACTS WITH COMMUNIST CHINA (page 8). 7. DEATH OF POLISH FIRST SECRETARY BIERUT (page 9). 8. LAOTIAN GOVERNMENT CRISIS * * * * 14 Mar 56 (page 10). THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 11) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 CVIVI /AL 1. STALIN'S "CRIMES" REPORTEDLY AIRED AT SECRET SESSION OF 20TH PARTY CONGRESS Ambassador Bohlen reports that he has heard from two different sources, and has received indirect confirma- tion from others, that Khrushchev delivered a lengthy speech on Stalin's losed session of the 20th Party Congress at which no foreign representatives were allowed. In order to justify the attitude of the present leadership, Khrushchev discussed in considerable detail Stalin's actions during the purge period, charging him with having decimated the party and executed many of its outstanding leaders without cause. He said Stalin "murdered" 5,000 of the best Soviet military officers, thus undermining the defensive capacity of the country, and dis- regarded repeated warnings, including some from Churchill, of the imminence of Nazi attack. Khrushchev is said to have announced that statues and other signs of the glorification of Stalin will be gradually eliminated, and Bohlen comments that there is some confirmation that statues of Stalin are begin- ning to be removed in Moscow. Bohlen believes the reports are probably accurate in substance and thinks it logical that the party elite would receive more convincing justification for the attacks on Stalin than were contained in the formal speeches at the congress. Comment It now appears that Stalin's entire career will eventually come under critical re- view. Thus far, however, official public criticism of Stalin since the party congress in both the Soviet Union and the Satellites has been aimed primarily at the tyranny of his later years. Only in the Soviet republic of Georgia, where the people took great nationalist pride in Stalin, did the party newspaper mention the anniversary of his death. On 9 March the Georgian radio announced that a new monument to Stalin would shortly be erected in a Georgian village. 14 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 F./11_441_41_1UL! 2. GREECE SEEKS TO ENLIST ARAB STATES IN ANTI- BRITISH CAMPAIGN Greek prime minister Karamanlis has ordered Minister without Portfolio ICassimatis to start on an official tour of the Middle East within a week 7ICassimatis reportedly will discuss future relations with the Arab states on the basis of a "proposal as already re- ceived from them." cultivation of relations with the Arab countries was proposed at a meeting of the Greek cabinet as an additional means of "supporting the fight against Britain." Comment Athens apparently believes London can be forced by such pressure to reconsider its position regarding Cyprus. Greece traditionally has had close ties with Egypt and Jordan, which both have large Greek communities and Orthodox patriarchates. Egypt has already begun relaying Greek broadcasts to Cyprus, at least temporarily defeating British efforts to jam Radio Athens. 14 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 iLE-T Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 A 1 Ur ,JLUEL 3. NEW LEBANESE GOVERNMENT EXPECTED SOON Lebanon's President Chamoun has "given the green light" for parlia- mentary attacks to begin on the gov- ernment of Prime Minister Rashid Ka,rame, The govern- ment is expected to fall soon. The president reportedly intends to ask ex-prime minister Abdullah Yafi to form the next cabinet in order to keep Egypt and Saudi Arabia from be- coming "too excited." Chamoun has assured Solh he will be summoned to form the new government. The American embassy regards Solh as the only Moslem leader in Lebanon who could with- stand the increasing Egyptian-Syrian-Saudi pressures. It considers Yafi, a regular recipient of Saudi money, weak and vacillating, and unlikely to give Lebanon the kind of resolute leadership it needs in the difficult months ahead. Comment Lebanon, though preferring to main- tain its traditional neutrality, may be forced toward the Egyptian-SyriAn-Saudi bloc. The director of Lebanon's security service stated on 6 March that Egypt and Saudi Arabia were conducting a campaign to take over the country through a puppet government. 14 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 1. %so 4. EGYPT, SYRIA AND SAUDI ARABIA OFFER TO REPLACE WESTERN AID TO LIBYA Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia have offered to provide economic aid to Libya to replace American and Brit- ish assistance, according to the ish em assy in Tripoli. The Libyan ambassador to Britain returned to London on 12 March to discuss this offer and the Soviet aid offer with British Foreign Office officials. Libyan prime minister Ben Halim's prin- cipal concern at present is to obtain secret assurances of continued British and American support. British prime minister Eden has inquired whether the United States could give the assurance the Libyans seek. Comment An Egyptian-Syrian-Saudi offer could be intended to complement earlier re- ported Soviet offers of aid to Libya, to exclude both Soviet and Western aid, or to help Ben Halim get what he wants from the West. When Ben Halim was seeking Western arms aid last fall, he asserted that Egypt had offered Libya all the arms it needed. After Western aid was as- sured, the Cairo press claimed Ben Halim had obtained Egypt's permission to use an Egyptian arms offer to spur Western agreement to his requests. 14 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 5. USSR REPORTEDLY HAS OFFERED ECONOMIC AID TO THE SUDAN The Czech ambassador in Cairo, during a visit to the Sudan in Janu- ary, told Prime Minister Azhari that the USSR was willing to loan the Sudan enough money to construct the Roseires and Atbara dams or other desirable Droiects. Representatives of East Germany, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia reportedly called on the Sudanese minister of defense in February and indicated general willingness to furnish whatever equipment is needed. Comment Following the Sudanese announcement of independence on 1 January, several bloc countries made overtures for diplomatic relations. The USSR was reported last fall to have consulted Egyptian prime minister Nasr regarding a Sudanese request for arms, Prime Minister Azhari stated publicly on 22 January that the Sudan had sent delegations to Czechoslovakia and other Eastern and Western European countries to shop for arms. The Sudan is seeking financial aid from Western sources for water projects which depend in large part on Sudanese-Egyptian agreement on division of the Nile waters. In the last few days, Prime Minister Azhari has denied rumors that the USSR is offering the Sudan a long-term loan which can be paid back in cotton or other products. 14 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 6a FRANCE TO EXPAND CONTACTS WITH COMMUNIST CHINA France has decided to set up a commercial agency in Peiping, and Communist China may estab- lish one in Paris, Foreign Minis- ter Pineau informed Secretary of State Dulles on 7 March in Karachi. Pinea,u affirmed that France would not recognize Communist China "under present circumstances." Peiping has agreed "to receive an engineering mission which is to study on a long-term basis French participation in the construction of indus- trial complexes," Comment Such missions would be the first of their type to be sent to Communist China by a non-Communist industrial country. The only permanent non-Communist trade mission now in Peiping is that of Egypt. The French trade group came back with orders for $2,000,000 worth of iron and steel prod- ucts which the government plans to license as an exception to the CHINCOM embargo. The mission also had "defi- nite requests--for cement works, refineries, sugar re- fineries, etc." The French Foreign Ministry has subse- quently disclosed that a contract is in prospect for a cement plant and that about 10 percent of the equipment for the plant is machinery, valued at $100,000, of types which are on Western control lists. (Prepared jointly with ORR) 14 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 in cr. A if& 7. DEATH OF POLISH FIRST SECRETARY BIE RUT The death of Boleslaw Bierut, first secretary of the Polish United Workers (Communist) Party� in Moscow on 12 March is unlikely to have any significant effect on the stability of the party, whose present leaders have co- operated smoothly since World War II. There does not appear to be any strife or factionalism within the party important enough to prevent an orderly transfer of au- thority to a new first secretary. The principal power in Poland has been concentrated largely in the hands of Bierut and polit- buro members Jakub Berman and Hilary Mine. The fact that both of the latter are Jewish may make it undesirable for either to succeed Bierut in the light of Poland's anti- Semitism. Berman may continued to wield his power from behind the scenes and Mine is concerned chiefly with eco- nomic, rather than political, matters. Logical candidates for first secretary are Edward Ochab and Franciszek Mazur. Both were active in the prewar Communist Party, and both have been prominent members of the politburo and secretariat for several years. Bierut was 64 years old at the time of his death and had reportedly been in poor health for some time. There is no evidence that he was in disfavor in Moscow. 14 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 LYJEivl_41.11.0-/ JL - 8. LAOTIAN GOVERNMENT CRISIS Prospects for establishing a stable government in Laos have diminished as a result of Premier &tars sec- ond failure to form a cabinet, nearly mon a er e resigned following the installation of a ewly elected assembly. Personal enmities among the ajor party leaders in the 39-man national assembly have een skillfully exploited by Bong Souvannouvong--a minority deputy who is sympathetic to the Pathet Lao--to engineer ICatay's defeat. Bong has accomplished this despite Katay's superior strength as leader of the largest pro-Western party. Bong, who refers to the Pathets as "our compatriots who wish to work with us for the good of the nation," seeks the premiership on the pledge that he will solve the Pathet Lao issue within three ,months or resign. Although he is not likely to become premier, his activities have tended to stimulate a latent neutralism in the assembly. Meanwhile, general impatience over the unresolved Pathet Lao situation is moving toward the point where overtures from Peiping or Hanoi to arrange a settle- ment might appear more attractive to the assembly. 14 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 I Ui L,C4.1:, I THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 13 March) Jordan has accused Israeli forces of killing one woman and injuring three members of the Jordan national guard in the 13 March clash at the border village of Barth,. Israel claimed Jordan troops had fired the day before killing a policeman and injuring two others. Israel also charged that Jordanians fired on vehicle traffic near Magal, 25 miles northeast of Tel Aviv. Firing was also reported between Egyptian and Israeli patrols near the Gaza strip. (Press) An Israeli army maneuver in the Negev area reportedly was to start on 12 March, some troop movements, probably in connection with this maneuver. Israeli men and women of the class of 1938 have been ordered to report for registration and examination between 14 and 21 March. Other persons previously found eligible who have not yet entered military service have b7en ordered to renort diir- ing the same period for active duty. Eleven tanks, probably mediums, and numerous vehicles on flatcars crossed the Suez Canal to the Sinai Peninsula on 5 March, 14 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852 _ _ 4rnsie Egyptian-Soviet bloc arms negotiations are continuing in Prague. the Egyptian arms pur- chasing mission notified Cairo that antitank mines, oil for motor torpedo boats and towing vehicles for an jaireraft and antitank guns would be delivered by 20 March. Cairo furnished the Egyptian mission in Prague with a list of prices, presumably those which Egypt is willing to pay, for various types of artillery ammunition. The prices inclue delivery to the Egyptian port of Alexandria. the mission in Prague informed Cairo that the tank experts would leave on 13 March by KLM. It added that the air force tactical training program would be discussed in Cairo, and also re- quested proposals for training in the use of heavy antiaircraft guns. The Soviet freighter Kronshtadt, which had passed Istanbul coming out of the Black Sea on 6 March, arrived at Alexandria on 9 March and began unloading in the port's security area. Its deck cargo reportedly consisted of 16 heavy tanks. This makes 17 arms cargoes which have been transported by Soviet freighters from Black Sea ports to Egypt since deliveries began in late October. 14 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161852