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fir ,if,pe:iizio, Arovec4,f674gii0.g91/10/2,p169,43rdeez 34 Od 6 December 1956 04 ,ZI �fd Copy No. 4 k------ 112 3.3(h)(2) 3.,5(c) (/ rfj fZi rfj rtz CURRENT BULLETIN INTELLIGENCE 0000,10'5,.',�,4.clos.,� �40 Ci4P` C3 1::eCt.P.SSOE.0 CLASS. CIAPAGWO: IS S C / lioagettENVDP'2..-Ce' --- WV' OW RE.VIONE. / 4 frf ef rj "j rj ej Z rolj ff Z 7Z, OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY r/ r/ e/ r/ rf oy e4 rif ff ej ,j ej I This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections /./ ef Z: r/ ef ei ef "4'0' /4 authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States ej f/ if ef rtj FA/o.o, or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. Z ef rfj 9f1' �',0 ff ej ej ro /4 r(/ r/# Z rfj /./ riff rtZ 7./ Z 7 71� e F SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 NeS � al Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 vi L.A....1%.L4 A Nrall Nee CONTENTS I. g'UNGARIAN WORKERS CALL FOR NEW ANTI-SOVIET DEMONSTRATIONS (page 3). 2. BOHLEN ASSESSES SOVIET INTERNAL SITUATION (page 4). 3. VATICAN APPOINTMENTS IMPLY RECOGNITION OF POLAND'S RIGHT TO GERMAN AREAS (page 5). 4. BRITAIN MAY CONTINUE SUBSIDY TO JORDAN (page 6). NASR REGIME MOVES AGAINST POTENTIAL OPPOSITION LEADERS (page?). 6. AFGHAN-PAKISTANI TALKS 6 Dec 56 (page 8). Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 Approved for Release: .2019/10/23 C03169435 'NNW 1. HUNGARIAN WORKERS CALL FOR NEW ANTI- SOVIET DEMONSTRATIONS Following four days of public demon- strations against the Kadar regime and Soviet domination, worker groups in Hungary have called for a "mass demon- stration" on 6 December, "St. Nicholas Day!' Some observers fear that this might lead to an outbreak of armed conflict. Some leaflets circulating in the capital have called for a new armed uprising, but others appear to be aimed primarily at renewing the general strike in protest over Kadar's rebuff of the political demands of the workers councils. Kadar has announced abolition of the revo- lutionary councils which had come into being during the revo- lution. These apparently have acted as "opposition groups" to Kadar and have fought his efforts to reassert control over gov- ernmental ministries, local government organs and youth and intellectual groups. Resistance has been stimulated by Soviet conduct in attempting to disperse a group of demonstrators on 2 December and the strong-handed manner in dealing with the women's demonstration on 4 December. Many workers con- tinue to believe that further concessions can be wrung from the government and thatiheir_be cmsA______Irse is to continue anti-Soviet demonstrations. 6 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 E. NEW 2. BOHLEN ASSESSES SOVIET INTERNAL SITUATION Ambassador Bohlen, assessing the im- pact of Eastern European events on the Soviet internal situation, believes that these developments pose a long-term problem for the Soviet leadership rather than an imminent threat necessitating radical changes in domestic or foreign policy. Bohlen reports that the Satellite situation has produced no discernible threat to the stability of the re- gime. He believes, however, that symptoms of restlessness among the intelligentsia and particularly among the students could presage greater difficulties, particularly if new explo- sions occur in the Satellites. The embassy sees no significant change in Soviet domestic policy as enunciated at the 20th party congress. There are indications, however, particularly in the ideological, educational and cultural fields, of a tendency to crack down on any "excesses!' There have also been some inconclusive indications that less attention is being given to heavy industry and somewhat more to the consumer goods pro- gram. Bohlen believes that the combination of workers' grievances and discontent among the intelligentsia in the Satellites constitutes a warning to the Soviet leaders in regard to policies at home. As a result, some form of economic concessions along with stricter party control over the intelligentsia may be forthcoming. The regime does not appear to envisage a return to Stalinist methods, however, as part of its general policy. While the current crisis makes personnel changes in the leadership much more likely than at any time since Malenkov's demotion in February 1955, the embassy has no reliable information on this possibility. Recent Soviet ac- tions indicate that any division within the leadership has not been so critical as to paralyze it. There has also been no sign that the Soviet military, despite its action in Hungary, has per- manently enhanced its influence in policy making, and "certainly none" that the military is developing or seeks to develop into a cohesive political force in opposition to the party. 6 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 Aare 4444441114E2NEFAL �110 3. VATICAN APPOINTMENTS IMPLY RECOGNITION OF POLAND'S RIGHT TO GERMAN AREAS The Vatican's appointment of five bishops in Poland's western territories and in that portion of former East Prussia now occu- pied by Poland, implies Vatican recogni- tion of Polish sovereignty over these ter- ritories. The Vatican since 1945 had refrained from appoint- ing bishops in these territories because such action was considered contingent upon a final settlement of Germany's boundaries. This action of the Vatican, which the Polish news agency has described as "confirmation of the inviolability of the frontiers of the republic on the Oder and Neisse and the Baltic," will strengthen Polish popular support for the Gomulka regime. These appointments followed the reinstatement of Cardinal Wyszynski as primate of Poland, and represent a ma- jor step in the re-establishment of normal relations between the Vatican and a Communist state. A Polish radio announce- ment of 4 December that religious instruction will be intro- duced in the public schools goes even further in lulfilline the aspirations of the predominantly Catholic Poles, 6 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 Nor/ 4. BRITAIN MAY CONTINUE SUBSIDY TO JORDAN Comment on: The British government appears likely to continue its subsidy to Jordan, at least until Jordan's intentions regard- ing termination of the Anglo-Jordanian treaty become clearer. According to the American embassy in London, the Foreign Office working level supports the British ambassador's recommendation that Britain provide the sterling equivalent of $2,240,000 to cover the Jordanian army's December requirements. While the Jordanian government announced on 27 November that it would abrogate the treaty, the British ambassador at Amman has said that any negotiations for termi- nation could be "dragged out" if desired. While high British officials have recently displayed pessimism about Britain's position in Jordan, Lon- don may calculate that it is desirable for the moment to retain a means of influencing Jordanian policy as it has done in Lebanon by filling some of the urgent requests for military equipment. The British have recently been paying the subsidy to Jordan in weekly instead of monthly installments. The Jordanian government is reported to be in financial straits and dependent on the subsidy to meet its army payroll. Al- though King Hussain is resigned to eventual termination of the treaty, he does not appear anxious to take any action now which might end the subsidy. He has privately expressed doubts of the reliability of Egyptian, Syrian and Saudi offers to replace the subsidy, and King Saud has said that he has counseled Hussain against abrogation. 6 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 Approved for Release: 201,9/10/23 C03169435 NW" 5. NASR REGIME MOVES AGAINST POTENTIAL OPPOSITION LEADERS During the past week Egyptian police have arrested about 150 persons on the charge of "spreading rumors" against the Nasr regime, Among those arrested were a number who were prominent politically under the monarchy, particularly in the old Wafd party. Those arrested were released after an hour's detention, the arrests were intended as a warning. Possible reasons for the Nasr regime's increased concern for security at this time are suggested that the general public finally appears to comprehend the ex- Egyptian military fiasco. that public attitudes toward the regime are fatal- istic, and there is no appreciable group which would support the return of the monarchy or Wafdist rule. 6 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435 -eifilVIDEIN 1111.4 �de 6,, AFGHAN-PAKISTANI TALKS The visit of Afghan prime minister Daud to Karachi from 24 November to 2 Decem- ber, although carried on in a spirit of mutual cordiality, has apparently resulted in no progress toward settling outstanding issues between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The American embassy in Karachi points out that, contrary to expectations, no decision was made to ex- change ambassadors and the talks apparently never got beyond Pushtoonistan. The embassy states that Daud insisted on "settling" this issue before discussing other problems, such as transit and economic relations between the two countries, The Pakistanis refused to agree to self-determination for the Pushtoons, but in the joint communique of 2 December agreed for the first time to official mention of Pushtoonistan. The American embassy feels, nevertheless, that neither side wishes, to close the door. Pakistani prime minister Suhrawardy has been invited to visit Kabul sometime after King Zahir's visit to Pakistan in January. 6 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169435