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pproved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431, I (H C4itt i z CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 19 September 1956 Copy No. 105 COVENT NO. Al'AGE C11 DECLASSI.VE0 CLASS. CHANGED TO: TC, C NEXT BEVIEW DATE: Atill-L till 70-2 DATE: REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3 3 ( ) a5 /11 Mr SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Nft..d Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 %se CONTENTS 1. SUEZ CONFERENCE PROPOSALS (page 3). 2. NASR REPORTED SEEKING BRITISILLABORITES' AID TOWARD SUEZ COMPROMISE �(page 4). 3. SOME BRITISH SHIPPING BEING DrVERTED TO AVOID SUEZ CANAL (page 5). 4. KHRUSHCHEV VISIT TO YUGOSLAVIA (page 6). 5. BURMESE PRIME MINISTER REMAINS FIRM ON SINO- BURMESE BORDER ISSUE (page '7). 6. MALAYAN CHIEF MINISTER MAY ACCEPT ROLE IN SINGAPORE SELF-GOVERNMENT (page 8). 19 Sept 56 TI7 ARAB-ISRAELI pITUATION (page 9) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 P Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Approved for Release: C03170431 %are 1. SUEZ CONFERENCE PROPOSALS Comment on: Preliminary indications of the atti- tudes of the 15 countries meeting with the United States, Britain and France in London beginning 19 September sug- gest that a majority have strong reser- vations about the proposed Suez Canal users' association, and that only Aus- tralia and New Zealand are entirely favorable to the plan. The Scandinavian countries, Norway in particular, appear highly skeptical, and all have indicated the belief that the long-term problem is a matter for the UN. Iran has stated it will oppose the users' association plan unless it is amended to eschew the use of force and include referral to the UN if Egypt re- fuses to co-operate. Pakistan has also Indicated it will oppose the proposal. According to the press, West Germany is maintaining a noncommittal attitude, as is Japan, pending clarification of the views of the sponsors. Italy has dis- played reservations about the plan in its present form. Spain is sponsoring a plan similar to that put forth by India at the first London conference on the Suez. Meanwhile India, which has accepted Egypt's invitation to a 45-nation meeting, is reported recom- mending that each conference should proceed as scheduled and name delegates to a subsequent negotiating group which would seek a solution acceptable to both sides. 19 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Approved for Releas;:r2.0-17/17/2"3 C03170431 +isle 2. NASR REPORTED SEEKING BRITISH LABORITES' AID TOWARD SUEZ COMPROMISE Egypt has no intention of "building an empire" in the Near East and that Egypt would never attack Israel. Nasr asserted, however, that the day of British "stooges" in the area has passed, and that it is to Britain's interest to co-operate with Arab nationalists in or- der to prevent Communist influence from replacing British, Comment Nasr is to have been in contact with Labor Party leaders in Britain for some time, and it is not unlikely that he has made an approach of this kind. 19 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Page 4 crenrr Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 3 SOME BRITISH SHIPPING BEING DIVERTED TO AVOID SUEZ CANAL Comment on: 19 Sept 56 British shipowners have begun to route around Africa passenger ships normally passing through Suez. Diversions of cargo ships will presumably be ordered if delays occur in transit of ships through the canal under Egyptian management. London shipping rates to the Far East have been increased 15 percent in antici- pation of the cost of delays at the canal or possible rerouting. The American naval attach�n Colombo reports that 11 passenger ships have al- ready been rerouted. Two British pas- senger lines were reported on 14 Septem- ber to have said that all their ships would avoid the canal. Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SEC-JR-ET-- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 7' Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Nose 4. KHRUSHCHE V VISIT TO YUGOSLAVIA Comnrnt on: TASS has announced that Khrushchev will visit Yugoslavia on 19 September for a few days' rest, but Yugoslav of- ficials have announced that he would hold talks with President Tito. In the light of recent re- ports that important differences have arisen between the two countries over developments in the Satellites, Khrushchev may seek to persuade Tito to stop pressing for more liberal- ized policies in the Satellites. parties slavia. Moscow reportedly warned the Satellite ember against being influenced by Yugo- 19 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Approved7oTkele-a;e:-2-61-9710/23 C03170431 NNW 5. BURMESE PRIME MINISTER REMAINS FIRM ON SINO- BURMESE BORDER ISSUE Peiping, Burmese prime minister Ba Swe wel- comed Chou En-lai's promise to withdraw Chinese Communist troops from the Wa States in northeast Burma. He agreed to Keep Burmese troops out of the area, but insisted on the valid- ity of the boundary of the Wa States as accepted by Britain and China in 1941. Ba Swe denied Chou's allegation that Bur- mese troops were violating Chinese territory in the area of the Kachin State in northern Burma, and countered by stating that Chinese troops had crossed the border at the northern tip of the state and should be withdrawn. The prime minister re- iterated his contention that his government was responsible for administering all areas inherited from the British, and pointed out that the border of the Kachin State was a de facto line of 50 years' standing. He indicated a willingness, however, to accept the establishment of a joint boundary commission which would "examine" the Kachin frontier and make "recom- mendations to the respective governments' Comment little disposition to make concessions either in the Wa States or the Kachin State. While both he and Chou have sought to appear conciliatory, they are still far apart on the substan- tive points at issue. The outlook would appear to be for a con- tinuation of the impasse, which may prove embarrassing to Pei- ping and fan further anti-Chinese Communist Sentiment in Rangoon. The matter presumably will be discussed when Chou visits Rangoon for eight days beginning 11 December. 19 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Approved for�Re--le-a-s7.--25-1 97117EC63770431 Nogol 6. MALAYAN CHIEF MINISTER MAY ACCEPT ROLE IN SINGAPORE SELF-GOVERNMENT Comment on: Chief Minister Rahman told the Amer- ican consul general in Kuala Lumpur that despite apprehension among cer- tain elements of his party, he believes his government must accept a role in aoiisnment of self-government for Singapore. He is willing to run the risk of involvement in the Singapore situa- tion because of fear that an independent Malaya might be caught between the Communists in the jungle and a Communist- controlled government in Singapore. Rahman said the British had suggested that he and Singapore chief minister Lim Yew Hock come to London at the same time in December to work out a com- mon approach to the Singapore situation. Talks on Singa- pore self-government last spring ran aground over Britain's refusal to cede control over internal security to the local government. The British are now considering limited self- government for Singapore with joint British-Malayan respon- sibility for internal security until the long-range objective of a Malaya-Singapore merger can be achieved. Specifically, the British now want to appoint a federation minister to serve on the proposed Singapore internal security council. Rahman has long been convinced it would be dangerous for Malaya to become involved in Singapore's complicated problems, which arise primarily from Commu- nist subversion of the colony's predominantly Chinese popula- tion. His willingness to risk such involvement should con- siderably relieve the difficulties surrounding Singapore's demand for self-government. 19 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Approved7W14;le-a-2-0-1-971-0/23 C03170431 -Nee' THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 18 September) The Jordanian-Israeli mixed armistice com- mission has condemned Jordan for the death of 6 Israeli soldiers in the Jordanian attack of 10 September. The chairman of the commission stated that while Jordan was responsible for the in- cident, Israeli patrolling near the demarcation line greatly in- creased tension on the border 19 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SE Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431 Approved TOr--14-elese.:Y1/16/23 C03170431 lupe Iraq is not known to have made any agree- ment to station Iraqi troops in Jordan. Prime Minister Nuni Said in fact told King Hussain on 14 September that Iraq "could not do much alone" and suggested a joint Iraqi-British-Jordanian olannina oneration Kim" Migtaain was discouraged at the Iraqi response to /us request tor military aid. Hussain said the Iraqis advance many objections. Hussain's impression was that Iraq could not and would not do much at nresent 19 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 ,4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03170431