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Publication Date: 
April 13, 1956
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Fff1 - /I_ _ _:kriproved forr oRepleasse: 9D1 CO2^;pz d" f -61?1:74 7- /*/* 04//, 3.3(h)(2) 13 April 1956 3.5(c) / if/ Copy No. 103 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS 1, DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH; HB 0 DAT OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 4, S.1:4 #114 :3�0� # z P-SEGRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 AskPft Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 CONTENTS 1. TERRORIST ACTIVITY IN ISRAEL CONTINUES (page 3). 2. USSR MAKES BROAD OFFER OF ECONOMIC AID TO TURKS page 4). 3. ITALIAN OFFICIALS SAY USSR MIGHT SOON OFFER ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE TO ITALY (page 5). 4. USSR REPORTED REAFFIRMING SUPPORT FOR ARABS IN UN :page 6). 13 Apr 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 7) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 rori-.sEefiLET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 Approved for. Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 -1-bt"'"Jirtirrr" 1. TERRORIST ACTIVITY IN ISRAEL CONTINUES "commandos" based in Syria were still operating inside Israel, since they had left before the order halt operations was received. order sabotage targets around the port of Haifa and against the Haifa-Tel Aviv railway line, as well as raids on vil- lages. 13 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 -.T-e-ti="9"PelrF-T, � Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 &ITAL./MEd/ 2. USSR MAKES .BROAD OFFER OF ECONOMIC AID TO TURKS Turkish foreign minister Koprulu con- firmed to the American embassy on 11 April that the Soviet commercial attach�ad stated that the USSR is will- ing to be more generous with economic aid and technical assistance for Turkey than for India, Burma or Afghanistan. The Soviet attach�nvited the president of the Turkish Cham- ber of Commerce and his friends to come to the USSR and see for themselves what the Soviet Union could do. American officials in Ankara believe Turkey's desperate financial condition, which has brought popular and parliamentary pressure on the government, may force Koprulu and Prime Minister Menderes to accept Soviet economic assistance. The embassy feels that Menderes may remember Ataturk's acceptance of Soviet aid and feel that he, Menderes, also can "sup with the devil without losing his soul." Comment Moscow appears confident that Turkish ties with the West can be weakened by ex- ploiting Turkey's economic need. Some Turkish officials have expressed frustration and disillusionment over the limitations of United States aid to Turkey in contrast to the aid going to the "neu- tralist" powers. Ankara has been increasingly concerned over popular reaction to the Soviet propaganda campaign in Turkey, which it describes as "brilliant." 13 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 3. ITALIAN OFFICIALS SAY USSR MIGHT SOON OFFER ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE TO ITALY Alberto Rossi Longhi, secretary gen- eral of the Italian Foreign Ministry, told Ambassador Luce on 10 April that the USSR might soon offer economic assistance to Italy which the Italians might find hard to re- fuse. The head of the Christian Democratic Party, Amintore Fanfani, told the ambassador he and President Gronchi felt that if the World Bank fails to extend loans to Italian land reform agencies, the Russians will make a loan offer. Comment Gronchi's interest in securing financial aid is centered on his ambitions with re- gard to Italy's land reform program. The Italian Foreign Ministry has never confirmed or denied rumors that Soviet ambassador Bogomolov offered economic assistance in con- versations in January with Premier Segni and President Gronchi. (Concurred in by ORR) 13 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 Ne_ 4, USSR REPORTED REAFFIRMING SUPPORT FOR ARABS IN UN he Soviet minister in Lebanon is re- orted to have told the Lebanese foreign mister on 9 April that the USSR will ack Arab demands vis-a-vis the Israelis nd will not accept any proposals Secre- ary General Hammarskjold may make if hey are contrary to Arab wishes. lthough the Soviet Union has taken an ition in the dispute, it has directed its criticisms primarily at the Western powers rather than Israel. Moscow has maintained that the tripartite powers intend to send troops into the area to force a settle- ment without the participation of the Arabs and the USSR. the USSR will oppose strongly any use of Western military force in the Near East; Moscow continues to insist that the correct place for finding a solution to the problem is in the Security Council, and it is probably in this body that Moscow would op- pose any Western move that did not meet with Arab approval. 13 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 -MP-Ste-RE-7" Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 A THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 12 April) UN secretary general Hammarskjold re- ported to the Security Council on 12 April that both Israel and Egypt have agreed to comply with Article II of the General Armistice Agreement, which bars warlike or hostile acts. How- ever, both reserved their right to act in self-defense. (Press) Israeli officials, when notified of Egyptian prime minister Nasr's agreement, stated that Nases assurances were "utterly worthless and false," as Arab terrorist activities were continuizg in Israel at that very moment. The American army attache in Tel Aviv reported that as of early 12 April there were preliminary indi- cations of a "heavy" Israeli mobilization. Jordan also has moved all Arab Legion combat units into West Jordan except for a regi- ment or two. The Arab Legion announced on 11 April that Jordan was not harboring Egyptian terrorist raiders and is taking 13 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Tv-Wi c'POLIVT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 ( Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598 - - every mea!sui to prevent their activity within Israel. Accord- ing to the Britis am assador in Amman, the Legion has detained several terrorists who had escaped into Jordan after marauding activities in Israel. A later repor states that a group of terror- ists was flown Jpackito Cairo fronlJor The tour soviet-type mine crart wmcn ieit the Baltic on 28 March accompanied by a Polish merchant ship arrived in Alexandria Egypt,. on 10 April. 13 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995598