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7/14 h/eApprove TO-P-SECRET d for Release. 2019/10/21 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN C�2Pr tiff/ 7 April 1956 3.5(c) . 103 UOC:UNALN I. NO. NO CHANOE IN CL 1)LCLASSIF-iII0 NEX1 PLVILkiv E: To of CLASS', GHANGEn Tfi: Ts S Ain Hi; .4134LOMFREVIEWEFV. OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY �d4e, /// Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 %PO �11110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 vi %ono' CONTENTS 1� SOVIET PRELATE REPORTEDLY DENIES GERM WARFARE WAS USED IN KOREA (page 3). 2, CEYLON ELECTIONS RUNNING STRONGLY ANTI- GOVERNMENT (page 5). 3. WELCOME FOR SYRIAN PARTY LEADER SYMBOLIZES COMMUNIST GAINS (page 7). 4. REGULAR AIR FLIGHTS REPORTED BETWEEN TAIPEI AND CHINESE IRREGULARS IN BURMA (page 8). 7 Apr 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 9) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 ernrititA"ffit *ate 1. SOVIET PRELATE REPORTEDLY DENIES GERM WARFARE WAS USED IN KOREA Metropolitan Nikolai of the Russian (USSR) Orthodox Church, when questioned about bacteriological warfare in Korea on 6 April said, "I do not believe such warfare took place in Korea," according to the Swedish newspaper Expressen. In the past, Nikolai, as a member of the World Peace Council, which led international exploitation of the germ warfare charge, has faithfully parrotted Moscow's charge that the United States used bacteriological warfare. In a recent interview with the Norwegian paper Arbeiderbladet, Nikolai was still quoted as saying that he believed such warfare had in fact taken place. According to Expressen, the metropolitan followed his disclaimer of belief in germ warfare with a com- ment that "I believe the United States and the Soviet Union will both be able to live and prosper without waro" While this sug- gests that his interview might be a calculated move in the Soviet "new look" of coexistence, an attempt by Reuters to obtain con- firmation from the metropolitan of the Expressen interview brought the response that "our church does not deal with polit- ical problems." The charge that the United States used germ warfare originated with the North Koreans on 22 February 1952 and immediately developed into a major campaign on the initia- tive of Peiping. If Nikolai actually made the remarks attributed to him in Stockholm, and did so with Moscow's consent, this represents a unique departure from the support Moscow has '7 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 erref1ickFFSFF14-1, Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 (4(// Nit iiiLI'N'-ti744,, consistently given Communist China on international issues. It appears unlikely that Moscow is prepared to embarrass Peiping by officially reversing its position on this issue to which both have been so deeply committed. The Chinese Communists are unlikely to admit that their charges were spurious. Peiping is ex- pected to remain silent on the subject unless challenged, in which case the Chinese would probably reaffirm their original position. 7 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Noe Imre 2. CEYLON ELECTIONS RUNNING STRONGLY ANTIGOVERNMENT Sweeping opposition victories on the first of three days of balloting in Ceylon's national elections for 95 seats in the lower house of parliament sug- gest that a united front dominated by S. W. R. D. Bandara- naike's independent Sri Lanka Freedom Party will be in a position to demand that it be allowed to form a government when the elections are over. The united front has won 28 out of 42 seats contested on 5 April, The United National Party, which heretofore has controlled the government by a com- fortable majority, won only eight seats. The Trotskyite Nava Lanka Sama Samaja party won four seats, the Commu- nist Party one seat, and an independent one seat. The re- maining seats will be contested in elections on 7 and 10 April. The front is pledged to avoid involvement in power blocs; to abolish British bases in Ceylon and to oust all foreign troops; to nationalize all key industries as well as foreign-owned plantations and transport, banking, and insur- ance interests, and to put the trade of Ceylon into Ceylonese hands. The American embassy in Colombo re- ports that Governor General Goonetilleke will ask Prime Minister Kotelawala to form a government even if his United National Party has a minority in parliament. There are also rumors that if this government fails to win its first test of strength, the governor general will dissolve parliament and call for new elections, which only the UNP is financially equipped to face. Such action by the governor general, which would resemble earlier actions taken by the governments of 7 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 sTIThI17VTT '7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Now' both Pakistan and India, probably would only temporarily stabilize the situation. It would not end what is apparently a growing feeling on the part of the Ceylonese people that it is "time for a change." Constituencies voting on 5 April were chosen by the government because of their supposed loyalty, and they were intended to start a favorable UNP trend which would be reflected in subsequent voting on 7 and 10 April. It was generally recognized that many constituencies vot- ing on the third day would be antigovernment, and it was hoped that early results favorable to the government would Influence voters in these constituencies to alter their vote. 7 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 �7 IN timplert-A-r7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 I1( JT1I� Nuy, 3. WELCOME FOR SYRIAN PARTY LEADER SYMBOLIZES COMMUNIST GAINS Over 25,000 people went to Damascus from all over Syria and Lebanon to wel- come Khalid Bakhdash, leader of the Syrian-Lebanese Communist Party, on is return rom e 20th Party Congress in Moscow, ac- cording to Syrian chief of staff Shuqayr. Shuqayr said the turnout was the largest in Syria in 20 years and indicated a leftward turn of Syrian public opinion much greater than Syrian officials had estimated. Comment There has been no effective barrier to the increase of Communist prestige and influence in Syria since the overthrow of the Shishakli dic- tatorship two years ago. Communist influence now eitends into all spheres of Syrian public life--bureaucracy, army, labor, press and education. Local Communists have ac- quired additional respectability from the Soviet bloc-Egyptian arms deal and from Soviet statements interpreted as support- ing the Arab cause against Israel. One Syrian conservative leader has stated that if parliamentary elections were to be held in the near future, they would produce a solid bloc of 50 deputies, out of 142, serving Communist aims and would render the situa- tion "irretrievable." 7 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 QV I 'Ft VT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Nee Iry 4. REGULAR AIR FLIGHTS REPORTED BETWEEN TAIPEI AND CHINESE IRREGULARS IN BURMA A leader of the Chitiese Nationalist ir- regulars in Burma recently told mai that there are regular monthly flights a guerrilla airstrip located in Burma near the borders with Laos and Thailand. Comment Taipei has continually denied having con- tact with the irregulars, but there is good evidence of close liaison between the irregulars and Chinese embassy officials in Bangkok. The Burmese government tends to hold the United States responsible for Taipei's activities It has so far given no indication of being aware of the reported flights. 7 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 _TOP--,SEC-RE-T Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 6 April) A resumption of artillery fire between Israeli and Egyptian forces near the Gaza strip occurred on the morning.of 6 April following yesterday's battle. A second cease-fire has been agreed to, and the border is reported quiet. (Press) A Syrian patrol was ambushed in Syrian territory just east of Lake Tiberias on the night of 4 April, ac- Two Syrians were wounded, one probably fatally. believes the ambush may have been an attempt by Israel to provoke retalia- tions in advance of the arrival of the United Nations secretary general. rifteen young boutn Africans arrived in Israel on 4 April from Johannesburg to serve one year in "na- tional service," according to an Israeli broadcast from Jerusalem. A second contingent was scheduled to arrive at the end of the week, and additional South African volunteers were reportedly being or- ganized. This is the first report of arrivals in Israel's campaign for foreign volunteers to help defend its border settlements. (FBIS) The Soviet freighter Smela arrived at Alexandria with large crates on deck on 3 April and berthed in the port's security, area. When it passed Istanbul coming out of the Black Sea, the Smela made the usual false declaration of Soviet ships carrying military equipment to Egypt�machinery for Albania. Its arrival at Alexandria brings to 18 the number of arms cargoes transported by Soviet freighters to Egypt since de- liveries began last October. #- 7 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995594