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, Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN ' ECR 13 13 January 1956 Copy No. 1103 DOCUMENT NO CHANGE I. N CLfg-7-F4 CI DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS $ 0 NEXT REVIEW DATE- 20i0 MOH: HP 70-2 bt,1 DATE: .1...�5.110TEVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 I gal 1 CONTENTS 1. MOSCOW MAKES NEW ECONOMIC OFFERS TO INDIA (page 3). 2. PAKISTANI GOVERNOR GENERAL WILLING TO VISIT AFGHAN KING (page 4). 3. RECOGNITION OF COMMUNIST REGIMES IMPLICIT IN SUDANESE NOTES (page 5). 4. RADIO FREE GREECE STOPS BROADCASTS (page 6). 13 Jan 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 7) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Top .srrnr1H Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 Nor 1, MOSCOW MAKES NEW ECONOMIC OFFERS TO INDIA Comment on: ndian officials in New Delhi an- ounced on 11 January that Moscow as offered to build a complete luminum industry and a 100,000- ilowatt hydroelectric plant in south India. These offers appear to be the irst results of the economic discus- sions held in New Delhi during the ulganin-Khrushchev tour. The Indian overnment is probably inclined to ac- cept both offers. The New Delhi announcement is proba- bly closely connected with the interest shown by Hungary in building an integrated alumi- num combine consisting of a 25,000-ton alumina plant and a 10,000-ton aluminum plant in India. The two plants would cost a total of almost $20,000,000. It is likely that Moscow would supply the necessary rolling and electric power equip- ment and that the Hungarians would supply the machinery for production of both alumina and aluminum. An integrated aluminum industry of this size would more than double India's 7,000-ton capacity and supply roughly half of the increase India needs for fulfill- ment of its Second Five-Year Plan goal for aluminum pro- duction--30,000 tons of aluminum annually. Moscow's offer to build a 100,000-kilowatt hydroelectric plant is probably limited to supplying the tur- bines and generators, estimated to cost about $89000,000. (Prepared by ORR) 13 Jan 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 1.-J' �.JLJ4..LL4 A 2. PAKISTANI GOVERNOR GENERAL WILLING TO VISIT AFGHAN KING Pakistani governor general Iskander Mirza has decided to accept an Afghan invitation to visit King Zahir Shah in Kabul if such an invitation is formally extended and if hostile propaganda ceases. This decision was communicated to Am- bassador Hildreth and the British high commissioner in Karachi in a meeting with Mirza, the prime minister, and the foreign minister. The Pakistani officials indicated that they feel the meeting will be futile because Afghan prime minister Daud has already made terms with the USSR. Hildreth believes, however, that the Pakistanis will make a strong effort to make the meeting successful. Comment Present hostility and conflict of interest between Pakistan and Afghanistan make it unlikely that any easing of relations would result from such a meeting. Mirza, however, might attempt to use a visit to influence the king and other members of the Afghan royal fam- ily against Prime Minister Daud. 13 Jan 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 "9219P-Psirre�P42-W Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 �...A./1 I 1 11,1.4 11 I 1 ,412, 3. RECOGNITION OF COMMUNIST REGIMES IMPLICIT IN SUDANESE NOTES In response to congratulatory notes from Sino-Soviet bloc regimes on the Sudan's achievement of independ- ence, Sudanese prime minister Azhari has sent loosely worded replies which Imply diplomatic recognition by the Sudan of East Germany, North Korea and Communist China. The note to East Germany granted per- mission to open a commercial office in the Sudan, adding "we anticipate further co-operation." According to the Pyongyang radio, Azhari's note to North Korea anticipated "the establishment of the most amicable relations," and Peiping has broadcast that Azhari wishes to determine the "level and extent" of diplomatic relations between the Sudan and Communist China. Comment It is not yet clear whether the Sudanese government is aware of the implications contained in the prime minister's replies to the some 30 congratulatory messages it received. Cairo radio felt com- pelled to assure its listeners that Azhari's thank-you note to Tel Aviv did not mean that the Sudan recognizes Israel. No state outside the Sino-Soviet bloc has extended diplomatic recognition to East Germany or North Korea, although several have commercial relations with East Germany. Sudanese recognition of Communist China would mark Peiping's first success in its campaign to es- tablish diplomatic relations with the Moslem nations of Africa and the Near East. 13 Jan 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 003020481 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 LoP Lalt... 1.1.1 A 4. RADIO FREE GREECE STOPS BROADCASTS Radio Free Greece, the Communist "clandestine" radio in Bucharest which has operated in support of Com- munist activities in Greece since 1947, discontinued its broadcasts on 31 December. Moscow may have terminated Radio Free Greece in order to strengthen leftist claims that the USSR is not interfering in internal Greek affairs. Soviet activity in Greece and concilia- tory moves by the Satellites toward Greece have recently increased, probably with the aim of influencing the Greek elections in February. The shutdown of Radio Free Greece is apparently not merely a pre-election maneuver. Transmis- sion schedules had been gradually reduced over a period of months, and the time formerly allotted to Radio Free Greece was turned over to Radio Independent Spain on 2 January. Radio Free Japan also suspended opera- tions on 31 December, probably with a view to the resump- tion of Soviet-Japanese negotiations on 17 January. 13 Jan 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 gFPRFT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481 I j1a...11.4%+.1%/1.4 A N." � THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 12 January) No significant military activity has been reported. No casualties were admitted following an hour's ex- change of mortar and machine gun fire between Israeli and Egyptian forces on 11 January in the El Auja area. (Press) Israeli prime minister Ben-Gurion and Foreign Minister Sharett met with Ambassador Lawson in Tel Aviv on 9 January and made a strong plea for quick and favor- able action by the United States on arms. The officials stressed again Israel's alarm over the growing Egyptian air advantage. Ben-Gurion expressed the opinion that Egyptian premier Nasr would be ready for general hostilities in six to eight months but might launch an air attack at any time. Ben-Gurion did not, however, give Lawson the impression that Israel was threaten- ing action if it did not get arms. Lawson felt also that Ben- Gurion was making a dramatic plea for understanding on the Tiberias raid, implying that in the future he would be more cau- tious. Following Israel's receift parliamentary debate on foreign policy and its "sober reappraisal" of the Ti- berias raid, Tel Aviv appears to be moving more cautiously but at the same time building up its defenses as rapidly as finances and materiel permit. On the Arab side, events in Jordan have temporarily diverted the attention of Israel's Arab neighbors. UN truce supervisor Burns' statements that develop- ments are leading toward general hostilities between Egypt and Israel probably reflect increasing hopelessness over his inabil- ity to bring the Israelis and Egyptians to some sort of agreement. The Arab-Israeli situation is such that war could occur through miscalculation by either side, but top Israeli leaders are appar- ently opposed to preventive action at this time and are continu- Ma to seek a diplomatic solution. Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03020481