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October 11, 1956
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� - Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 717P�SECRE'1' r 11 October 1956 3.5(c) �� 3.3(h)(2) 14/ Nioly o�j1 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 / CURRENT INTELLIGENCE / BULLETIN Copy No 112 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. SIJ DECLASSiFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: HR 70- DATE: REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 No, Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 N.Noir CONTENTS 1. WEST GERMAN CABINET SHAKE-UP MAY BE IMMINENT (page 3). 2. BELGIUM SEEN REDUCING MILITARY SERVICE TERM (page 4). 3. RESIGNATION OF MINC PORTENDS RETURN OF GOMULKA TO POLISH POLITBURO (page 5). 4. SHAH STRIVES FOR CLOSER TURKISH-IRANIAN COLLABO- RATION (page 6). 5. BURMA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA AND THE USSR AGREE ON PAYMENTS ARRANGEMENT (page 7). 11 Oct 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 8) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 SECRET N./ %se 1. WEST GERMAN CABINET SHAKE-UP MAY BE IMMINENT A reorganization of the Bonn cabinet will soon be announced In the main shifts, Vice Chancellor Bluecher would be replaced by Karl Arnold, former min- ister president of the important industrial state of North Rhine Westphalia. This shift would conciliate the left-wing element of the Christian Democratic Party and offset the demotion of unpopular Defense Minister Blank, a trade union man, to the Labor Ministry post. Blank is to be replaced by Minister of Atomic Affairs Strauss, a move possibly fore- shadowing greater emphasis on atomic rather than conven- tional weapons for the West German army, Meanwhile. Minister Blank is u r may give o increasing pressure to replace him. Blank made no mention of any de- cision having been reached at the recent cabinet meeting, and states that the whole matter of a cabinet reshuffle will be discussed by Adenauer and coalition leaders on 11 October in Berlin. 11 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SF.CR T Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 44-4/A44:-Th - Nor NftP7 2, BELGIUM SEEN REDUCING MILITARY SERVICE TERM The Belgian government may follow West Germany's example and reduce the compulsory military service term to 12 months, according to Ambassador Alger in Brussels. Several Belgian defense officials have told Alger that Belgium might be unable to maintain its 18-month service period beyond 1 Janu- ary. Prime Minister Van Acker is quo e y ium's NATO representative, De Staercke, to the effect that Belgium "must be the first" to follow the German lead if attacks from the Social Christian opposi- tion are to be avoided in the 1958 elections. De Staercke considers the prospect of a general reduction in military service a more serious threat "to NATO and to peace" than the Suez question, Comment Political competition on the military service issue is likely in view of the fact that a promised reduction in the service term helped the Socialist-Liberal coalition in the 1954 Belgian elections. Current Belgian proposals for a reduction in force goals are attributable in part to this promise. The Norwegian government, which is un- der similar pressure, is certain to make some move toward reduction of the term of service prior to the parliamentary elections next fall, and Denmark would follow Norway's ex- ample. The Dutch fear that similar pressures will develop in the Netherlands, 11 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 Nue' vilef 3. RESIGNATION OF MINC PORTENDS RETURN OF GOMULKA TO POLISH POLITBURO The resignation of Hilary Mine as vice premier and politburo member removes the last member of the former ruling triumvirate of Bierut, Berman, and Mine which purged the nationalist Communist leader, Wladyslaw Gomulka, in 1948. It is probably a pre- lude to Gomulka's return to the politburo, which may be an- nounced at the central committee plenum reportedly sched- uled to be held on 15 October. Various reports have indicated that nego- tiations have long been in progress between Gomulka and politburo members concerning his return to participation in party affairs, and Gomulka reportedly was demanding the re- moval of Mine as one of the conditions for his return. Gomulka has widespread popularity among the Polish people as one who opposed Polish subservience to Moscow and pressure for col- lectivization. His strength stems from his popularity with the lower echelons of the party, and he will probably be a strong proponent of policies designed to improve the Polish standard of living and continue the liberalization program. Gomulka was reinstated as a party mem- ber by the seventh plenum of the Polish United Workers Party in July, although he had never fully recanted his opposition to party policies and his refusal to condemn Tito in 1948. The Polish regime may feel that in recalling him it would demon- strate its stability and would convince the motile that it is adopting more liberal policies. 11 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 eltiVEIBEAT-T-F-4-1. Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 TDP-SteRE-T rimir 4. SHAH STRIVES FOR CLOSER TURKISH-IRANIAN COLLABORATION The Shah stressed the need for greater Turkish-Iranian collaboration the railways of the two countries should be "unified" immediately, an oil pipeline should be constructed from Iran through Turkey to the Mediterranean, and arms and ammunition should be "co-ordinated." The Shah also sought assurances of Turkish assistance in Iranian air defense. Comment Iran feels insecure in its new Baghdad pact defense role and wants assurance that its territorial integrity will be guaranteed. It is especially anxious to acquire additional American aid and the early ac- cession of the United States to the pact. The Shah regards Turkey as one of the strongest military powers in the Middle East and was greatly impressed by Turkey's show of air strength during his visit there last May. The Shah is also seeking closer co-opera- tion with Turkey through exchanges of students and officers and through an exchange of training officers. 11 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 la�cge�SLET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 -4.1w1 5. BURMA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA AND THE USSR AGREE ON PAYMENTS ARRANGEMENT Burma, the USSR and Czechoslovakia signed a protocol on 9 October provid- ing for "convertibility of currency" in trade relations with each other, accord- ing to a TASS announcement. This agreement, which Rangoon has been seeking for some time, will probably go a long way toward overcoming Burma's dissatisfaction with its barter trade with the Soviet bloc. During the first half of 1956 the USSR absorbed approximately 40 percent of Burmese exports to the bloc. Czechoslovakia, on the other hand, was the source of over 50 percent of Burma's imports from the bloc while taking almost nothing in exchange. The currency converti- bility agreement will permit Burma to use its credits with the USSR to obtain goods from Czechoslovakia. This is the first time the USSR is known to have made such an arrangement with a non-Communist country, which attests to the importance Moscow attaches to its economic offensive in Burma. 11 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 1),1- CA.AXE, THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 10 October) wo Israeli citrus workers were killed by Arab in- filtrators near an Israeli village about 6 miles from the Jorda- nian border. Israel is convinced that many of the recent actions of this sort have been carried out by terrorist bands under &Evo,. tian direction. According to a press report from Amman, an Israeli plane flying over the Jerusalem district in Jordan was forced to retreat when Jordanian forces opened antiaircraft fire. According to the report, Israeli ground forces in the area then opened fire on Jordanian forces with automatic and light arms in an exchange lasting about one hour. (Press) The Israeli foreign minister told the Ain@r. ican ambassador on 9 October that Israel is withdrawing its con: ditional acquiescence in the movement of Iraqi troops into Jordai until a number of facts are made known to Tel Aviv. According to the foreign minister, Israel wants assurances that Iraqi troop movements are not connected with an Iraqi-British program to force Israel into negotiations which would involve territorial con- cessions, or with an Iraqi-Jordanian treaty detrimental to Israel's security. An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman charged on 10 October that the real objective of Iraq's recent proposal for a peace settlement with Israel on the basis of the 1947 UN reso- lutions was to jeopardize Israel's "sovereignty and entity" and was only a cover for Iraqi territorial expansion. The American army attach�n Amman has been told that the movement of Iraqi troops into J ()radii woula pronamy result in Arab fight- ing Arab. The attach�elieves that Iraqi troops will be stationed not only at Mafraq but also at Amman, with the purpose of stopping 11 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 ri,./71 I-1 C /Mt', Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381 Approved 'froThrelear's"e:'-'2.07167:113/23 C03178381 'Nwoi civil outbreaks while the Jordanian army is deployed on the west bank of the Jordan River. The attach�lso considers that Egypt may direct an effort to overthrow King Hussain as a result of his inviting Iraqi troops into Jordan. A press report from Amman stated that the second consignment of Iraqi military supplies in two weeks arrived in Jordan aboard two large transport planes. The Iraqi embassy there said it intended to "pour military and fi- nancial aid" into Jordan to help protect Jordan from any future Israeli attacks. (Press) II Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin .Page 9 TO19-S15_,CRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178381