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r9,717,77/0,A1 f�r litre221212221 3.3(h)(2) DIt_DJODUE:rS_s. 0 CHANGE N CLASS. CHANCED TO: TS NEXT BEVIEW DATE: -- AUTN: FIR 70-2 EWE. RE\ftEVVEFt /./ 40/ CW�1/711/74: CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 28 November 1956 Copy No. 112 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. /01:"Zo zTOr �57 Approved for Release: 2019/1 /23 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 **rid Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 TOP SECRET Nod CONTENTS 1. THE SYRIAN POLITICAL SITUATION (page 3). 2. TURKEY'S CONCERN OVER SYRIA (page 4). 3. JORDAN DECLARES INTENTION TO ABROGATE ANGLO- JORDANIAN TREATY (page 5). 4. TURKEY RECALLS MISSION CHIEF FROM ISRAEL (Top (page 7). 5. BRITISH AND FRENCH POSITION ON SUEZ SETTLEMENT (page 8). 6. HUNGARIAN DIPLOMAT FEARS MORE EXTREME SOVIET REPRESSION (page 9). 7. POPULAR DEMONSTRATIONS REPORTED LIKELY IN RUMANIA AND BULGARIA (page 10). 8. IrTinosT,Av-s7VIET IDEOLOGICAL FIGHT CONTINUES (page 11). 9. LIBYA PLANS REVISION OF TREATY WITH BRITAIN :page 12). 10. NEW SOVIET JET ATRCRAFT DELIVERIES TO AFGHANISTAN REPORTED ) (page 13). 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Are Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 SteRET I. THE SYRIAN POLITICAL SITUATION The "national coalition" cabinet of Syrian premier Asali appears about to be replaced by a cabinet dominatec by leftists and probably headed by Khalid al-Azm. Such a development would bring nearer foreign interven- tion in Syria. Khalid Bakhdash, Syrian Communist leader, and Akram Hawrani, leader of the leftist Arab Socialist Resur- rection Party. (ASRP), tried to bring down the Asali government. ASRP Foreign Minister Bitar called for a takeover by a military group would retain Asali and President Quwatli in office. Quwatli himself asked the Syrian army strong man, Lt. Colonel Sarraj, to mount a coup against the govern- ment. Arrests of opposition elements in Syria continue. While Asali ridiculed reports of wholesale arrests of narliamentary deputies and army officers, he admitted that four deputies have been arrested and tnat a warrant was out for the leader of the Druze, Emir Hassan al-Atrash. Asali also indicated that some army officers had been arrested. Meanwhile, a vitriolic Syrian press and radio campaign charges Iraq with smuggling arms into Syria and promoting an antileftist coup with the co-operation of Britain, France, Turkey, and Israel. The Syrian leftists appear to be seriously concerned that their moves to power might be prevented by outside action. 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 --TOP-SECRET 2,. TURKEY'S CONCERN OVER SYRIA Turkey intends to present to the North Atlantic Council the "very serious view" which it takes of the situation in Syria and point out that a hostile Syria would outflank NATO and imperil the Baghdad pact. Turkey is also considering a public statement warning the USSR a- gainst establishing a base in Syria, Meanwhile, Turkey is strengthening its armed forces on the Syrian frontier. The American embassy in Ankara, however, believes that Turkey is not likely to take military action without previously consulting the United States, NATO and the Baghdad pact. While Turkey normally has preferred collective action to counter Soviet efforts in the Middle East, the Turkish government regards current developments in Syria as a direct threat and may feel forced to intervene. 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 TOr � efiLE-T 3. JORDAN DECLARES INTENTION TO ABROGATE ANGLO-JORDANIAN TREATY Jordan's Prime Minister Nabulsi, in a policy statement to the lower house of the legislature on 27 November, declared that his government intends to abrogate the Anglo-Jordanian treaty, terminate British base rights, and ask withdrawal of British forces MEDITERRANEAN SEA Alexandria � Cairo EGYPT 28 Nov 56 � - CYPRUS � LEBANON Beirut 6!) / j� *Damascus �,..���". � SYRIA IRAQ ISRAEL! Tel Aviv� CANAL SUEZ Amman r "Auj. JORDAN\ SINAI/ � Aaa n Aqaba � � ..��� SAUDI ARABIA 0 28 NOVEMBER 1956 190 290 300 MILES Current Intelligence Bulletin AMIN\ Page 5 TerP-SEGRE-T Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 -70/3-SteREP 411.S from the country. An actual date of implementation was, however, not given. On 22 November Cairo had urged Nabulsi to delay abrogation of the treaty until foreign troops had withdrawn from Egypt. Nabulsi stated that his government had agreed in principle to accept financial support offered by Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria, which would replace the British subsidy. Nabulsi also announced that his govern- ment would co-operate with other Arab countries in strength- ening Jordan's armed forces, "particularly the air force!' He reaffirmed that Jordan refuses to recognize or make peace with Israel and would "reject all projects for liquidation of the Palestine question!' Sabotage efforts against British installa- tions in Jordan have been stepped up, and the Jordanian army is believed to have taken over some unguarded British mili- tary stockpiles. In another move to reduce British influence, Nabulsi is reported to have asked for withdrawal of the Iraqi brigade group now north of Mafraq. King Hussain and Army Chief of Staff Nuwar, who is now suspected by Egypt of collaboration with the West, recently told that they would attempt to delay severing the tie with Britain. British financial aid to Jordan totals about $33,000,000 annually, including $26,000,000 in military aid. British military forces now in Jordan include a reinforced tank battalion task force of about 1,400 in the Maan- Aqaba area, and an equivalent number of air force personnel with 17 Venom jet fighters at the new Mafraq air base. 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 New, 4. TURKEY RECALLS MISSION CHIEF FROM ISRAEL Turkey's withdrawal of its minister from Israel is probably intended to demonstrate its solidarity with Iraq, to increase Iraqi prime minister Nun's prestige, and to attract further Arab support for the Baghdad pact. The action probably is the result of consid- erable pressure on Turkey during the recent Baghdad meeting of .Moslem 'members of the pact and may have been offered by Turkey as an alternative to assuming a strong position against France and Britain. Baghdad, immediately inquired following the return of the Turkish pre- mier to Ankara as to whether the Turkish minister was being recalled from Tel Aviv. The Turkish action was presented publicly as a rebuke to Israel for its attack on Egypt. Turkey may also believe that this action against Israel would preclude charges of Turkish-Israeli collusion in the event Turkey became embroiled in any ac- tion against Syria. 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 11111111 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 SECRET t�NO 5. BRITISH AND FRENCH POSITION ON SUEZ SETTLEMENT The recent British and French restate- ments of position on settlement of the Suez Canal issue present qualifica- tions unacceptable to Egypt. French foreign minister Pineau informed the US UN delegation of a draft plan for a settlement evidently designed to concili- ate French public opinion, but which would � e una o Nasr. The plan calls for an Egyptian au- thority charged with daily operation of the canal and an as- sociation of users to collect and distribute the tolls. Clear- ance of the canal and its future development would be inter- nationally financed, perhaps through the International Bank. British foreign secretary Lloyd was in- structed to tell Secretary General Hammarskjold that Britain is prepared to establish a definite schedule for withdrawal of its troops, according to Permanent Under Secretary Kirk- patrick. Before announcing a terminal date for evacuation, however, the British want an assurance that Nasr will allow clearing operations to proceed under UN auspices with all "available" equipment. British and French equipment now at the canal or on the way there evidently is sufficient to per- form the entire clearing operation without further additions. Kirkpatrick alleges that discrimination against Britain is already evident in the UN and that he is ap- prehensive that it will continue "in relation to further steps necessary in the Middle East!' Ambassador Aldrich believes that Kirkpatrick clearly accepts the possibility that matters in the Middle East could develop "so that such a drastic step as British withdrawal from the UN would be inevitable!' 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 �StEreft&T 6. HUNGARIAN DIPLOMAT FEARS MORE EXTREME SOVIET REPRESSION if the Hungarian government is una le to bring the general strike to an end during the coming week, the USSR may be forced to eliminate Hungary as a nation. even if the general strike ended, the government would be unable to provide the necessary raw materials to get back into production. Comment Kadar addressed the Hungarian people on 26 November in the most threatening and harshest terms since becoming premier. He probably fears that the USSR will resort to more extreme measures if his government is not soon able to gain control. The Soviet deportation of ex-premier Nagy, however, has vir- tually stripped Kadar of any chance of gaining a popular following. Kadar gave scant reference in this speech to wide-sweeping economic and political concessions. He said that counterrevolutionaries must be "hunted down and rendered harmless" and openly attacked Nagy and "antidem- ocratic" elements in offices and factories. This suggests a possible purge of the revolutionary and worker councils es- tablished during the past month. Worker resistance continues high and a regime leader, Minister of State Marosan, admitted on 25 November that the workers' councils are "more or less masters of the situation" and that these organizations, in almost all cases, have the "masses at their disposal." 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 70 POPULAR DEMONSTRATIONS REPORTED LIKELY IN RUMANIA AND B L Popular demonstrations agains e regime will begin in Bulgaria shortly before the end of the year, after which they will start in Rumania, where or- ganized resistance exists, \ Trouble in Rumania, \will not begin in Bucharest or the large cities, but will start in the countryside where peasant rela- tions with the agricultural authorities are at a breaking point. Continued heavy agricultural quotas, along with lack of food and fuel, are the main cause of discontent Comment Popular unrest in the two countries has reached a high point and local antiregime demonstrations are possible. The American legation in Bucharest con- tinues to report that although outward calm prevails, the Hungarian situation and increasing privation have led to the growth of unrest among the populace, particularly in the coun- tryside, and popular uneasiness has been manifested by some worker and student demonstrations. Similar economic privations exist in Bul- garia, where the regime has demonstrated increasing concern over popular discontent. The current talks in Moscow between Rumanian and Soviet leaders will undoubtedly include discus- sion of Rumanian unrest and methods to combat it. The Rumanian leaders may appeal for increased Soviet economic aid in order to alleviate privation during the winter. 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 SEeRE-T-- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 -CONFIDENT-La 8. YUGOSLAV-SOVIET IDEOLOGICAL FIGHT CONTINUES Yugoslavia's leading paper Borba on 27 November vigorously challenges Pravda's most recent editorial on the Soviet-Yugoslav controversy. Borba accuses Pravda of failing to offer any comment on Tito's charge that the bureaucratic system is the "root of Soviet difficulties!' It condemns the attack on Yugoslav economic ties with the West as interference in Yugo- slavia's affairs and an attempt to "undermine its inter- national prestige." Borba rephrases Tito's charge that the Soviets have failed to apply the principles of equality in their relations with the countries of Eastern Europe, and declares that anti-Soviet feeling in these countries and the threat of rebellion will not disappear until the Soviets do so. The "old conceptions of the socialist camp are of necessity linked with conceptions of the hegemony of the leading country," according to Borba. The Borba article, in an apparent effort to thwart any Soviet efforts to isolate Yugoslavia, solicits independent views from other socialist states on the issues raised and quotes Peiping's remarks on 1 November regard- ing damage to socialist solidarity from "big-nation chauvinism!' 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 9. LIBYA PLANS REVISION OF TREATY WITH BRITAIN par forces are of to accelerate centers. Comment Prime Minister Ben Halim plans to press for revision of the Anglo-Libyan defense treaty of 1953 along two main lines. He wishes to achieve a reduc- tion of British troops in Libya with a se in size of the Libyan army until the two approximately equal size. He also wishes the removal of British troops from populated British military action against Egypt has resulted in a considerable upsurge of anti- British attitudes in Libya, including some sentiment in the Libyan cabinet to abrogate the treaty of 1953. British con- cern over a reported Soviet military aid offer has already re- sulted in initiation of talks with the Libyans on implementa- tion of the British promise to help expand the Libyan army of 1,500 to 5,000 by 1961. Britain is supplying $11,400,000 in aid this year under the treaty. In view of the strategic need for a base in Libya, where about 9,000 British troops are now stationed, London will probably make some concessions. Ben Halim can probably control the extremists in his government if the British are responsive to his proposals, but can be expected to make tougher demands if rebuffed. 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431 �SECRET� � 10. NEW SOVIET JET AIRCRAFT DELIVERIES TO AFGHANISTAN REPORTED as delivered 100 jet aircraft to Afghanistan, There are reportedly 65 at Mazar- i-Sharif and 35 at Kabul, the majority in crates. 35 Soviet technicians are working on the new air- field at Mazar-i-Sharif. The main runway of the new field is to be about three miles long, concrete surfaced. Radar installations, 10 hangars and three housing areas are also to be constructed. Comment This remain unconfirmed. However, it is possible that the USSR is supplying more aircraft to Afghanistan than the 11 to 17 jets and 48 trainers flown into Mazar-i-Sharif and Kabul in late October, and that the Soviet Union is to play an extensive role in training and organizing a new Afghan air force. 28 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 -SEC-RET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169431