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October 22, 1955
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77/treM/0(e. iikiprovedfor ReIeas 2019/09/16 Y/17 -"dor/ /717Z 'f#A/ 51 ": V';1 r7 22 October 1955 Copy No. 100 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN NO CHANGE IN CLASS DOCUMENT NO OE0LAS8IFIED CLASS, CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REViEW DATE: a- 0.10 AUTH: HR 70-24,010 DATE. 30- REvtEwEF Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET 3. 3.5(c) 3(h)(2 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 Numil Niro' Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 migie CONTENTS 1. NEW THREAT OF AFGHAN-PAKISTANI CLASH REPORTED (page 3). 2. BRITAIN URGES US AID TO EGYPT IN ASWAN DAM PROJECT (page 4). 3. 4. DELAY IN FORMATION OF MOROCCAN GOVERNMENT (page 6). 5. INDONESIAN NATIONAL PARTY MAY ACCEPT COMMUNIST SUPPORT (page 7). 6. JAPAN DETERMINED TO PROPOSE REDUCTION IN CHINA EMBARGO LIST (page 8). 22 Oct 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 1 (JI" JLA-AL, 1 Nur 1. NEW THREAT OF AFGHAN-PAKISTANI CLASH REPORTED claim to have evidence that Afghan- istan is attempting to incite the Pushtoon tribes to an outburst against Pakistan. The tribes live along both sides of the border, is on his way to the frontier area to take charge of countexpreparation. Afghanistan has the capability of pro- voking a small-scale tribal uprising and, stung by recent diplomatic defeats in its dispute with Pakistan, it may attempt such action. Kabul is reported to have ordered on 18 October resumption of the Pushtoonistan propa- ganda which it had agreed to curtail in its settlement with Pakistan on 15 September. A local disturbance could be handled easily by Pakistan's quasi-military security forces and loyal tribes without involving either country in war. It is not likely that Kabul will order regular Afghan forces to violate Pakistan's border. 22 Oct 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 X�CIP-4P-10�ALF�T� Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 003002335 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 l../1 .31:.A...1%14 I vow' 2. BRITAIN URGES US AID TO EGYPT IN ASWAN DAM PROJECT Foreign Secretary Macmillan has instructed the British embassy in Washington to explore on an urgent basis prospects for getting American aid in financing Egypt's Aswan high dam project. Macmillan emphasized the necessity of early action to fore- stall Soviet moves. Britain, he in- dicated, cannot supply all of the needed funds because of its precarious balance of payments position. Prime Minister Eden has informed the American embassy in London that he regards this proposal as of major importance. He stated that a British-French-German consortium and Nasr were ready to enter into a contract immediately and he felt that if possible this should be done within the coming week. Eden said the Russian arms offers con- stituted the "most sinister" event in the East-West con- flict "since the Soviets took over Czechoslovakia," and that a Soviet deal with Egypt on the Aswan project would be a "major blow" to the entire Western position in the Middle East. Comment As part of its intensified effort to in- crease influence in the Near East, the USSR recently offered to help Egypt finance the Aswan high dam by means of a 30-year loan for an unspecified amount at 2-percent interest payable in Egyptian rice and cotton. Nasr has continuously been pushing for Western financing of the Nile development project and, in view of his acceptance of Soviet arms, would probably like to counterbalance Soviet influence by obtaining the loan from Western sources. 22 Oct 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 T-er SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 I l..11 JEJLIXE.d 1 22 Oct 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 ICILP�TFAC-ALF-T Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 --11,1"�SEL1LT 4. DELAY IN FORMATION OF MOROCCAN GOVERNMENT Fathmi ben Slimane, Moroccan premier- designate, agreed to consider forming a Moroccan government only because he believed Resident General Boyer de Latour would be replaced, as o � e American consul general in Rabat. Ben Slimane is reported to believe it would be impossi- ble for anyone to make a government function with Boyer de Latour as resident general. much of the difficulty in forming a govern- ment arises from France's insistence on some ministers being French, Such a plan would have no chance of popu- lar acceptance. Comment The designation of Ben Slimane as pre- mier followed by several days the an- nouncement that he was Paris' choice to head the Moroc- can government. This maneuver, together with the obvious French attempt now being made to isolate the nationalist Istiqlal party, apparently is backfiring. Both the Lstiqlal and the extremists are increasing their agitation against France's present policy, and terrorism has substantially increased in the past week. 22 Oct 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Prkr, cPrrIP Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 tfr 3LA.,1(L', I Noire 5. INDONESIAN NATIONAL PARTY MAY ACCEPT COMMUNIST SUPPORT Although National Party leaders have rejected Communist participation in a new cabinet, they apparently are not excluding the possibility of Communist support, according to the American embassy in Djakarta. The embassy believes the main line of Nationalist think- ing is to negotiate with the anti-Communist Masjumi while leaving the door open for a coalition with the Nandlatul Ulama with Communist parliamentary support. There appear to be three factions in the National Party which are struggling for leadership. The main differences among them seem to be their atti- tude toward Communism and the extent to which they are willing to co-operate with the Masjumi. Comment If final official returns show the National Party retaining its slight lead, one of its members probably will be given the first opportunity to form a new cabinet. His identity, however, and hence the success of negotiations with the Masjumi, will be determined by the outcome of the struggle for party leadership. The All cabinet, which held office from 1953 until July 1955 and was led by the left wing of the National Party, included members of the Nandlatul Ulama (NU), and had strong Communist support. The NU, although a conservative Moslem party, appears less concerned over Communism than the Masjumi. 22 Oct 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002335 6..J -"me low 6. JAPAN DETERMINED TO PROPOSE REDUCTION IN CHINA EMBARGO LIST Japan appears determined to propose some relaxation of China trade con- trols at the next meeting of the Con- sultative Group of COCOM in Paris in December. A high Japanese official informed the American embassy on 19 October that Japan was obliged to take this position because of domestic pressure. Great Britain, France, and most of the other COCOM members are also pressing for a relaxation of trade controls. Japan feels that the China trade is potentially more important to it than to any other COCOM member, and that the government would lose face domes- tically and internationally if Britain and France were allowed to Stake the lead. The Japanese have shown willingness to delay final action for several months pend- ing a re-examination of the problem in CHINCOM. Such re-examination would aim at adopting a single embargo list for the entire Sib-Soviet bloc. (Concurred in by ORR) 22 Oct 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TQP .SCRFT Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 003002335