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April 16, 1955
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PY////MA:mved;r7:-ao1;zi,7 �# C07119:f FTh 3.3(h)(2) 16 April 1955 3.5(c) Copy No. 94 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS. F.1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: .e0LCI AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE:CV/Ma REVIEWER. Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET /34 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 Noe Nary SUMMARY SOVIET UNION 1. New large-caliber field guns observed in Moscow (page 3). FAR EAST 2. Hatoyama reported willing to resign (page 3). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3. Comment on situation in Syria (page 4). WESTERN EUROPE 4. Comment on results of Soviet-Austrian talks (page 5). 5. Faure insists on meeting on East-West talks before deposit of Paris accords (page 6). THE FORMOSA STRAITS (page 7) 16 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 -= TOP SECRET EIDER Now SOVIET UNION 1. New large-caliber field guns observed in Moscow: The American army attach�n Moscow reports that a new model Soviet field gun was observed on 12 April in what appeared to be a rehearsal for the annual May Day parade. The new weapon is estin(ated to be of 240mm caliber, with a barrel length of 30 to 34 feet. It is mounted on a carriage with four dual wheels, towed by a new, heavy prime mover. Comment: The USSR is considered capa- ble of having a nuclear projectile by mid.-1955 which could be fired from a gun of this caliber, but such a projectile is not believed to have been tested as yet. The new gun appears to be larger than any field gun previously used by the Soviet army, although howitzers up to 305mm have been employed. Czech-made 210mm guns, with a barrel length of approximately 33 feet and range up to 20 miles, were used by the Soviet army during World War II, but have not been in evidence in recent years. -Con- curred in by OSI) FAR EAST 2. Hatoyama reported willing to resign: The American embassy in Tokyo reports that Prime Minister Hatoyama may be ready to retire if necessary to bring about conservative unity. The embassy believes that the 12 April statement to this effect by Buldchi Mild, a key official in Japan's Democratic Party, was made with the prior knowledge of Hatoyama and may have been a serious offer to facilitate a merger with the Lilberals. Several other persons close to Hatoyama report the prime minister is prepared to turn his office over to 16 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 ___PL111 r-% Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 Irmo? T6P�SEeft&T *me Liberal Party president Taketora Ogata if satisfactory terms can be arranged. Comment: The government is expected to face bitter attacks during the current Diet session, and the Democratic offer could be intended to soften Liberal criticism. Hatoyama may feel that his popularity is on the wane, and success in bringing about a conservative merger would enable him to retire with honor. While many Democrats as well as Liberals would support an Ogata-led coalition, it is unlikely that a complete merger of conservative forces can be effected. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3. Comment on situation in Syria. Reports from Damascus and Baghdad indicate that neither a coup in Syria nor Iraqi military intervention is likely at this time, although the situation remains highly volatile. The leftist, anti-Western forces sup- porting Syrian foreign minister Azm's pro-Egyptian policy appar- e ntly have for the time being gained the upper hand in their struggle with conservative forces. Azm, who is backed by army chief of staff Shuqayr, the extremist Arab Socialist-Resurrectionist Party and the Communists, seems to have compelled the cabinet to approve plans for concluding a defense pact with Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Pro-Western Syrians apparently remain too factional- ized to oppose Azm and his clique effectively. Iraq, having failed to obtain Western approval, will not intervene militarily for the time being. How- ever, Turkey believes that, in concert with Iraq and the West, it must take measures short of armed intervention to reverse the trend of events in Syria. 16 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 ApprTve-d�for-Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 TOP SECRET The situation is expected to remain quiet at least until after the Arab delegations arrive at the Afro- Asian conference. There, Syrian, Egyptian and Saudi Arabian officials will probably continue to discuss Cairo's projected pact, and Turkey expects them to sign it. WESTERN EUROPE 4. Comment on results of Soviet-Austrian talks The Soviet Union made several major con- cessions to the Austrians during the Moscow talks, while leaving vague the nature of its demands for four-power guarantees of Austrian independence and neutrality. Any new obstacles which Moscow might raise to a treaty in a conference would probably concern these guarantees and perhaps sanctions to enforce them. Austria agreed not to join any military alliances or permit foreign bases on its territory. The Soviet Union had originally sought an Austrian pledge of "neutrality," but finally accepted an Austrian commitment to pursue "in relation to all states a policy of independence.,, The Soviet press chief, however, inter- preted "independence" to mean political, economic, diplomatic, and military neutrality between East and West. The Austrian press is enthusiastic over the results of the talks and the Austrians will be impatient to con- firm their diplomatic success at a four-power conference. There will be considerable pressure against any Western attempt to delay a conference, particularly in view of the USSR's expressed willing- ness to discuss the Austrian treaty separate from the German question. In Bonn, coalition politicians feel that the Soviet concessions on the Austrian treaty have been largely adopted for their impact on the West German people. These politicians fear that Western endorsement of an Austrian treaty based on 16 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 r ApprovedforE'Rrelea�se7F019/09/17 C03181192 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 TOPL SECRET would cause domestic neutralist sentiment to soar. Despite their fears, such a reaction in West Germany would probably be short-lived unless Moscow is also willing to yield its hold over East Germany through free elections. 5. Faure insists on meeting on East-West talks before deposit of Paris accords: French premier Faure insisted to British minister Reilly on 14 April that in no event would he deposit the French instru- ments of ratification of the Paris treaties until a threepower working group had begun preparation for talks with the USSR. Ambassador Dillon believes this statement by Faure "must be considered seriously and not treated as a bluff," Earlier on 14 April Faure had given Dillon an aide-memoire proposing a three-power working group meeting as soon as possible this month, with French deposit of the Paris treaties to follow on 7 May. Comment: Faure maintains that in order to get Council of the Republic approval of the Paris agreements, he undertook a commitment to press for early East-West talks. It is probable, however, that his main concern is to leave the Mendes-France faction of the Radical Socialist Party no grounds for attacking his record as premier when the party congress is held on 4 May. 16 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 _P_LvD c. rrr Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 TOFSEGRET THE FORMOSA STRAITS Report of the IAC Current Intelligence Group for the Formosa Straits Problem This report is based on information received in Washington up to 1100 hours 15 April 1955, 1. Photography of 14 April has confirmed the presence of 39 BUTCHER (IL-28) jet light bombers and 42 BAT (TU-2) reciprocating engine light bombers at Hangchow. The original movement of BUTCHERS (IL-28's) from Manchuria to the Shanghai area was reported in Formosa Straits Report No. 22, 10 April 1955. The presence of this number of jet light bombers, more than normally assigned one bomber regiment, means that in all probability a full division of 65 light bombers is moving south from Manchuria, and will operate from Hangchow. This new count is almost double the number (22) of BUTCHERS (IL- 28's) previously believed to be at this base it means that the Chinese Communists 1.ave moved their latest bomber equipment and most experienced combat crews into position from which direct attacks on Formosa or the offshore islands can be made. 2. The new Communist airfield in the Quemoy area re� ported yesterday will probably be operational by September. Photography of 14 April reveals the airfield area to be about 8850 x 1390 feet. This would permit an installation comioarable to the newest Chinese Communist air base at Luchiao. 3. Photography has revealed more jet fighters in the Shanghai area than previously estimated The 14 April Tonotographs s owe FALCONS (MIG-15's) on Chiangwan and 56 FALCONS (MIG-15's) on nearby Chiahsing. This count at Chiangwan indicates that the 2nd Division, which has been based there for over a year, has equipped its second regiment with jet fighters. 16 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 tri r�,,rw. Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 TOP�SECRET 16 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 , Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 MINA -FORMOSA SITUATIM 15 April 1955 Nautical miles � Stdtute miles 0 50 100 100 , AC) 1.50 Selected road I ill Railroad + _I_ Proposed railroad � A � A � A � A OTHFR -22 OPEN AT I ONAL SERVICEABLE UNKNOWN 4,104 111 V ., Hong Kong 'r� � - (G.B.) 144o � ...;� COMMUNIST AIRFIELD LEGEND USEABILITY MIG-15, BIG-I?, TU-4, IL -28 TU-2, IL-10, LA-9/1I, LI-2, etc. unknown Fields not considered capable of sylaport leg at present. sustained operations * NATIONALIST AIRFIELD r � EH HANKOW NA CHANG SUICHUA � 'Port.) (� HUAINING DESIGNATIONS PRIMARY: considered most important in area, with prepared runway generally 5000 feet or longer. SECONDARY: auxiliary or emergency bases, or fields of lesser importance- runways generally less than 5000 feet. OPERATIONAL: consistently used by military & civilian aircraft. SERVICEABLE: capable of use by aircraft. UNKNOWN: current status urtdetermincd. OTHER: under cons tract ion, abandoned, or unserviceable. CHUH SHANGJAO der) st ru4 SO T 120 KIANGS ����� 122 32- _M\IGHAI Cti I NGWA CHOUSH&N _ IS. � CHINHUA IANG LUCHIA (. \ WENCHOW I. r. P"' (�C CHIENOU 7.) EAST NANTAI under crest ructi sod- construct! CHINA SEA HIANG UEMOY ?MATSUS ,) 0 e F 0 PESCADOR a-- 02> CHANG- 0 TAcHENS 28 C If I NA SEA TACYUA THIAYI AINAN AINGTUNG 26- 22 114 AMMMIMMII. PRESENTATIONS DIVISION 116 118 120 122 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181192 50331