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Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 /.#7 3.e 3.5(c) 13 November 1955 / Copy No. 1UU c9/c--10 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE Pd CLASS. 217 Li DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS 5 C NEXT REVIEW DATE. 2010 AUTH: HR 70.2 DATE:k VAEVIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY , 'Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 *NNW :44.07 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 h CONTENTS 1. ARGENTINE PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT RESIGNS (page 3). 2. THREAT OF CIVIL WAR RECEDES IN BRAZIL (page 4). 3. ORBIT SPOKESMEN EMPHASIZE DOOR STILL OPEN TO GERMAN SETTLEMENT (page 5). 4. REACTIONS OF WEST GERMAN BUNDESTAG DEPUTIES TO SOVIET POSITION ON REUNIFICATION (page 6). 5. LEADERSHIP COMPROMISE PAVES WAYS FOR JAPANESE CONSERVATIVE MERGER (page 7). 6. COMMENT ON SENATOR LAUREL'S DECISION TO LEAD ANTI-MAGSAYSAY FORCES (page 8). 7. EGYPTIAN INTELLIGENCE CHIEF GIVES VIEWS ON FOREIGN POLICY (page 9). 8. LIBYA MAY ACCEPT ARMS FROM EGYPT SOON (page 10). THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 11) 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 I �:.11-Pi....01%.1.-I A Noe, 1. ARGENTINE PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT� "RESIGNS" The 'iresign'ation''of Argentine prbv- sional president Lonardi on 13 Novem- ber appears to have been precipitated by strong military and civilian protests against his appointing as ministers of interior and justice two men associated with extreme nationalist Catholic groups. Previous appointments from this sector had already antag- onized the more liberal elements. Although there was no show of military force, the appointments of 12 November prompted night long meetings of military and top officials, a noisy demonstration, and the resignation of most of the members of the National Consultative Council made up of representatives of various political parties. Lonardi's successor, 52-year-old General Pedro Aramburu, is a career soldier and was appointed chief of staff of the army after the September revolt which ousted Peron. He has been described as moderate, "com- pletely democratic" and free from nationalist leanings. The vice president, Admiral Isaac Rojas, and the army, navy, and air ministers will continue in office, according to an offi- cial broadcast. Sweeping changes in other cabinet posts are expected. After taking his oath of office on 13 Novem- ber, Aramburu explained the change of chief executive in conciliatory tones apparently designed to appease Lonardi supporters. Although Aramburu's address carefully stressed the unity of the armed forces, the army will probably try to increase its relative influence over the administration. In contrast with the junior officers' strong support for Lonardi, the top army generals are said to view some of Lonardi's pol- icies on economic and labor matters as rash and ill-considered. Also, they believe capable civilian advisers have been discour- aged from joining the government by Lonardi's pledge that no official will participate in the next elections. Considerable skill will be required of the new administration to reduce interservice rivalries and to alleviate the country's pressing economic and labor problems. 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Page 3 Approved for1Release:,2019/09/16 CO2996965 ',err 20 THREAT OF CIVIL WAR RECEDES IN BRAZIL Ousted Brazilian president Carlos Luz and powerful Air Minister Eduardo Gomes abandoned their resistance early on 12 November to the new gov- ernment installed on 11 November by General Teixeira Lott, according to press sources. The threat of civil war posed by the original adherence to Luz of part of the armed forces and at least two important state governors was thus substantially diminished. The new Brazilian president, Nereu Ramos, told the nation in a broadcast on 12 November that his brief term would not permit any administrative accom- plishments and that he planned to devote his time in office to re-establishing "an atmosphere of mutual understand- ing!' Although Nereu Ramos opposed President-elect Kubits- chek in the October election, he is now expected to work for a peaceful inauguration of Kubitschek on 31 January 1956. 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 �...1 1-1IN.L.4 1 NEW 3. ORBIT SPOKESMEN EMPHASIZE DOOR STILL OPEN TO GERMAN SETTLEMENT Comment Soviet charg�udriavtsev in Vienna told an Austrian official on 9 November that the USSR would never agree to a unified Germany within NATO. He hinted that the Soviet position at Geneva on Germany was not necessarily final, however, and said he could imagine a possible solution along the lines of the Austrian settlement. These statements appear intended to off- set the impression created by Molotov at Geneva that the USSR has relegated German unity to the distant future. The USSR probably hopes that statements of this kind will convince the West Germans that talks with the East Ger- mans and the USSR can bear fruit toward unification based on neutrality, in line with the recent statement of V. A. Zorin, who will be ambassador to Bonn, that negotiations with West Germany on unification are "entirely possible." 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 I V I \La 1 �110, Nee 4. REACTIONS OF WEST GERMAN BUNDESTAG DEPUTIES TO SOVIET POSITION ON REUNIFICATION According to American observers in Bonn, Bimdestag deputies in Adenauer's coalition believe that the German popu- lation will grasp the general implications of the Soviet position on reunification and will support the Western stand at Geneva. Adenauer's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) deputies are not particularly concerned over the prospect of public pressure for closer relations with East Germany. In a meeting of the CDU foreign policy committee working group, which discussed this problem on 10 November, a large majority favored the toughest possible position in deal- ings with the German Democratic Republic. CDU leaders re- portedly feel that a continuation of the military build=up on 'schedule is the logical reply to Molotov's position. they are convinced now that the abandonment of German membership in NATO would not be enough to bring about reunification. Comment The Soviet position on reunification may serve to stimulate more support for re- armament legislation in the Bundestag and may assure the pas- sage of the law transferring a substantial part of the Border Police into the new army during its initial training stages. 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 lJU 1.71.4..,1%.1_4 V411F Noir 5. LEADERSHIP COMPROMISE PAVES WAY FOR JAPANESE CONSERVATIVE MERGER The success of the proposed merger of Japan's conservative Democratic and Liberal Parties on 15 November appears assured as a result of Liberal Party pres- ident Ogata's agreement to compromise on the leadership of the new party. The compromise provides that Hatoyama will remain as prime minister, and that election of the new party's chief will be postponed until next spring. In the in- terim, a committee composed of Hatoyama, Ogata and pos- sibly two other senior party officials will collectively direct the new party. The opposition of former prime minister Yoshida's Liberal faction still poses a problem, but pressure of rank and file party members for unity and the probability of offers of posts in a new cabinet may persuade Yoshida's supporters to accept the compromise. Conviction that the merger will succeed has prompted Hatoyama to set the resignation of his cabinet for 21 November, the day before the extraordinary Diet ses- sion is tentatively scheduled to convene. The Diet is then expected to re-elect Hatoyama as prime minister. The en- suing cabinet will probably include Foreign Minister Shig- emitsu to emphasize Japan's friendship for the United States and firmness toward the USSR. 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/091/16 CO2996965 V I 1,1 L.4.II. 1.1 NINIP4 6. COMMENT ON SENATOR LAUREL'S DECISION TO LEAD ANTI- MAGSAYSAY FORCES Although' the landslide victory of the Nacionalista Party in last week's Philippine elections all but wiped out Liberal Party representation in the senate, Senator Jose Laurel's 12 November statement that he intends to lead the opposition ensures that :President Magsaysay's pro- gram will continue to encounter heavy fire from old-guard politicians. Laurel's defection may foreshadow the forma- tion of a new ultranationalist political party which would be strongly inclined to be neutralist in international affairs. In opposing Magsaysay, Laurel can count on the support of Senator Claro Recto, whose re- election he strongly supported, and a handful of other senators. He will also probably be backed by a sizable bloc of both Nacionalistas and Liberals in the lower house, of which his son is speaker. Although these forces are distinctly in the minority, they are financially strong and are likely to become a more cohesive onnosition than presently exists. 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 FL a.".11�,06.41XL.a *WI 7. EGYPTIAN INTELLIGENCE CHIEF GIVES VIEWS ON FOREIGN POLICY Egyptian minister of interior Zakaria Muhieddin took the position that Soviet 'interest's in the Middle East are compatible with those of the Arab states, whereas those of the United States are not. Muhieddin believes the USSR is unlikely to engage in subversion or clandestine activity in Egypt in the immediate future because it has too much to gain by continuing its present friendly course. ocal Communists are beginning to support the Egyp- Ian regime, but felt there is no danger of growth of the Communist parties while the regime remains successful. Muhieddin estimates that Israel will probably use force in the next few months to gain limited objectives which would be useful for the government's do- mestic position, but that it will not venture on a preven- tive war. However, in the event that such a war takes place and the West supports Israel. Eaynt would Eratefully accept any Soviet offer to help. Comment Muhieddin is also head of the Egyptian general intelligence agency, and his views presumably carry some weight with the other leaders of the Cairo regime. 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 %we 8. LIBYA MAY ACCEPT ARMS FROM EGYPT SOON Libyan prime minister Ben Halim has no alternative but to accept Egypt's arms offer unless acceptable counter- proposals are made by Britain or the United States, Egypt had offered "anything Libya wants" without charge and "with no strings attached." American ambassador Tappin, commented that if Libya ac- cepted such an offer from Egypt, the British military mission in Libya and the Iraqi training mission would be forced to withdraw in favor of Egyptian missions, Egypt would gain control of the Libyan army, and American air base rights could be jeopardized. Comment Prime Minister Ben Halim has prom- � ised to take no action on the Egyptian offer before 15 November. He has stated that he wants to continue the British military program, but that if Britain does not meet his arms requirements he will have no polit- ical basis for rejecting Egypt's offer. 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 �..11 .../L.A.,zuc., Nwe Now- THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 13 November) No significant military activity has been reported on the Arab-Israeli borders. American military attaches in Cairo and Damascus report no large-scale ac- tion is anticipated there, and the large number of Sabbath leaves granted in Israel appears to indicate no major activ- ity on the Israeli side for the next several days. The at- tach�n Israel notes, however, that the existence of very large dumps of petroleum products, ammunition and other supplies in the Negev area makes it possible for the Israeli defense force to resume the initiative on very short notice. The Arab states' reaction to British prime minister Eden's 9 November speech urging new efforts to settle Arab-Israeli problems has been varied. The Egyptian foreign minister is reported by the British to have taken a "constructive" line in commenting on the statement, while Prime Minister Nasr said it was the first time that a West- ern statesman had taken a "just attitude" and mentioned the United Nations resolutions on the question. The Lebanese prime minister, however, admitted only grudgingly that he could see any step forward in Eden's proposals. 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965 Approved for Release: 2019/06/16 CO2996665 L-4 VI-4 I Awe The Jordanian under secretary of foreign affairs dismissed Eden's direct approach to the problem as offering small hope, but urged the desirability of Jordan's early adherence to the Baghdad pact instead. Both British officials in Jordan and the Turks= on the basis of reactions to President Bayar's visit�apparently feel that Jordan can be brought into the Baghdad arrangements soon. 13 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2996965