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Publication Date: 
February 1, 1955
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rer)07/717/70:, ved Rtypse:R90,1/ C031p62,V13,Ar74 ./ 1 February 1955 Copy No. 7 9 D CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS El DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: _2-..�.4:21.9 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: ..1S.J.41,0 REVIEW:. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS CODE WORD MATERIAL Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TO CRET 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c)-' 4 0:0; .6 VA mr," , Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03157462 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03157462 � � � � Ara �fte � .1.11 � *re SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 1, Viet Minh may submit formal complaint on General Collins' mission (page 3). 2. Nehru determined to use Indian influence to maintain Cambodian independence (page 3). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3. Comment on Israel's reaction to Egypt's execution of two Zionist spies (page 4). LATE ITEM 4. Imminent Chinese Communist offensive operations in Tachen area seen possible (page 5). * * * 1 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03157462 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03157462 SOUTHEAST AMA. 1. Viet Minh may submit formal complaint on General Collins' mission: There is a strong possibility that the Viet Minh will shortly submit a formal com- plaint to the International Control Com- mission concerning General Collins' mis- sion, according to a Canadian commission member. The complaint would probably charge the French with permitting American mili= tary advisers to enter South Vietnam to train the Vietnamese army. It would also charge that French adherence to the Manila pact guar- antee-for free Vietnam is incompatible with the Geneva agreement. Comment: Such a move would appear to be primarily designed for propaganda. The Geneva agreement pro- hibits the introduction into Vietnam of "any troop reinforcements and additional military personnel" but does not forbid rotation of those already assigned. Although under the truce terms South Viet- nam may not adhere to any military alliance, it presumably is free to accept such protection as is extended by the Manila pact signa- tories without violating the letter of the agreement. In early December, the Viet Minh sent similar complaints to Eden and Molotov, in their capacity as co- chairmen of the Geneva conference. The British refused to ac- cept the complaint saying that it should be addressed to the Inter- national Commission. 2. Nehru determined to use Indian influence to maintain Cambodian independence: Prime Minister Nehru is determined that Indian influence shall be used to the utmost to assist Cambodia to maintain its independence, according to the Indian chairman of the truce commission. He said his government was happy to see Indian and American policy coincide with respect to this endeavor. 1 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 ./1 rib " ir� Iry 14 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03157462 , Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03157462 %El `4410 Comment: The state visit of the Cambo- dian king to India on 16 March will be a tangible expression of India's concern with the future of Cambodia, which New Delhi re- gards as within its sphere of influence. The Indians are not likely, however, to take any action in Cambodia that will openly offend the Chinese Communists. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3. Comment on Israel's reaction to Egypt's execution of two Zionist spies: ory measures ag states. Egypt's execution on 31 January of two of the condemned Zionist spies may in- duce the moderate Shared government to yield to popular clamor for retalia.- gypt which might also involve other Arab Ambassador Lawson reported from Tel Aviv on 29 January that the death sentences imposed by the Egyptian court were generating progressively more serious popular resent- ment, with a resultant public tendency to condemn the government's policy of moderation. Lawson also reported that Israeli moderates fear extremist elements may take drastic action against members of the present government or inaugurate a series of border raids. The Sharett government appears capable of retaining control over any popular demonstration or demand for an all-out war with the Arabs. Recent statements by Sharett and Foreign Ministry officials, however, suggest that the government is likely to yield to extremist and "activist" groups by permitting border reprisals. 1 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Reirace:20.19/09/17 C03157462 ( Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03157462 ) %toe "%vie LATE ITEM 4. Imminent Chinese Communist offensive operations in Tachen area Seen possible: Eight Chinese Communist LSrs, loaded with an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 fully armed troops, left Tsingtao and moved south toward Shanghai on I Comment: If the report of the troop- laden landing craft is true, it wourd seem that the targets for any Communist invasion attempt would be the two major islands in the Tachen group--Upper and Lower Tachen. The number of troops reported aboard these vessels approximates current estimates of the strength believed necessary to capture the Tachens. The 209000 to 309000 troops are far in excess of the number required to over- run the smaller lightly defended islands in the Tachen group. Chinese Nationalist report that the Communists increased their bomber strength in the area on 29 January by transferring as many as 28 TU-2 piston light bombers from the Tsingtao area to Shanghai. Such a move would raise the number of bombers in the Shanghai area to about 150. 1 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 _ Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03157462