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December 16, 1955
Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 e TOP SECRET 7 - 16 December 1955 Copy No. 103 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO ea NO CHANGE IN CLASS ; DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE k 20/ AUTH: HR 70ACP) DATE: ..�1.4�Et_... REVIEWER: Offit`e of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 See Nigro Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 � - NNW CONTENTS 1. SOVIET REVERSAL ON UN MEMBERSHIP (page 3). 2. JAPANS UN DEFEAT MAY SPUR TOKYO-MOSCOW RE CONCILIATION (page 4). 3. NEW SOVIET BUDGET REPORTEDLY WILL MAKE NO CHANGE IN DEFENSE EXPENDITURES (page 5). 4. SOVIET OFFER OF ECONOMIC AID TO INDONESIA (page 6)w 5. KABUL PLAYS DOWN ARRIVAL OF KHRUSHCHEV AND BULGANIN (page 7). 6. FRENCH INTERIOR MINISTRY FORECASTS ELECTION RESULTS (page 8). 7. PLOTTING AND TENSION REPORTED IN PARAGUAY (page 9). THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 10) 16 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 OrY IL41.0 .11111.1 Nor Now 1. SOVIET REVERSAL ON UN MEMBERSHIP The Soviet proposal of 14 December to postpone consideration of the ad- mission of Outer Mongolia and Japan to the United Nations until the next session of the General Assembly has placed the USSR in a position to claim credit for making the concession which broke the long membership deadlock and, at the same time, to continue to manipulate Outer Mongolia's candidacy as a lever in efforts to force the expulsion of the Chinese Nation- alists and the seating of the Chinese Communists. Soviet delegate Sobolev's statement that the USSR assumes that "measures will be taken by united action" before the next General Assembly session to permit the entry of Outer Mongolia and Japan is a clear indication that the USSR will make Japan's admission contingent upon the simultaneous entry of Outer Mongolia, and that it will encourage such countries as India to lead a movement to un- seat the Chinese Nationalists as the only way to secure the admission of Outer Mongolia and Japan. Moscow probably believes that its offer to vote for Japan on condition that Outer Mongolia also be admitted will eventually confront the United States with a choice between agreeing to seat the Chinese Communists or continuing to support the Nationalists at the cost of Japan's continued exclusion. The Russians also probably calculate that their move will weaken Japan's position in the Soviet-Japanese talks which are to be resumed in London next month and will strengthen Prime Minister Hatoyama's argument that Japan's admission to the UN now depends on the early conclusion of these talkE 16 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 -SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 an gm... ma.. .�� ea /ma 2. JAPAN'S UN DEFEAT MAY SPUR TOKYO-MOSCOW RE CONCILIATION Defeat of Japan's bid for UN member- ship has led Prime Minister Hatoyama to state publicly that Japanese admis- sion to the UN now depends on the early restoration of relations with the USSR and that he is willing to visit Moscow if necessary. The establishment of Soviet- Japanese diplomatic relations before territorial and other issues are settled, as proposed by the USSR during the Lon- don talks, has been opposed by the Tokyo Foreign Ministry on grounds that Moscow could then use these issues to ex- tract future concessions. Foreign Minister Shigemitsu told Am- bassador Allison on 15 December that he may be forded to resign for having advocated too close dependence on the United States and for stubbornness in dealing with the Soviet Union, which the Socialists say caused the Soviet veto. The Socialists plan to introduce a motion of no confidence in Shigemitsu in the Diet on 16 December; although this move will probably fail, Hatoyama may use the opportunity to shelve the foreign minister for having differed with his own more conciliatory policy toward Moscow. Meanwhile, public criticism in Japan is being leveled principally against Taipei for torpedoing the original 18-nation proposal, but also against the United States and the USSR. Nationalist China's action is likely to lead to greater official support for relations with Communist China. 16 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CQWJENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 3. NEW SOVIET BUDGET REPORTEDLY WILL MAKE NO CHANGE IN DEFENSE EXPENDITURES that the 1956 Soviet budget will contain "no surprises," and that defense expenditures will apparently remain at about last year's level. They also said that the draft of the sixth Five-Year Plan will probably be published in the first half of January and, while it will not de-emphasize the priority assigned to heavy industry, will provide for increased out- put of consumer goods. � Comment The 1956 budget is scheduled to be presented in the Supreme Soviet ses- sion beginning on 23 December, Directives for the sixth Five-Year Plan are on the agenda of the 20th Party Congress which will be convened on 14 February 1956. Maintenance of published military expend- itures at the 1955 rate would keep them at a postwar and peace- time high despite the announced intention to reduce troop strength by 640,000 men. (Prepared by ORRY, 16 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 IAL Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 'wee' 4.. SOVIET OFFER OF ECONOMIC AID TO INDONESIA The fact that Soviet leaders Bulganin and Khrushchev did not visit Indonesia on their tour of South Asia may reflect disinterest on the part of the present Indo- nesian government for closer relations with the USSR./ The next Indonesian cabinet, which will probably be formed in April and is expected to include strong elements from the leftist-inclined National Party,may be more interested in Soviet aid offers. (Concurred In by ORR) 16 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 v Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Ise 5. KABUL PLAYS DOWN ARRrVAL OF KHRUSHCHEV AND BULGANIN The reception for Khrushchev and Bulganin in Kabul on 15 December was relatively small and undemonstrative, as had been predicted by the Afghan foreign minister. Afghan press and radio silence regarding the visit until 14 December indicates the government's desire that there be a mini- mum impact on the Afghan populace. It is possible, however, that a previously reported Afghan request for a loan will be granted by the Soviet Union. Immediately prior to the Soviet visit, the Afghan government made official denial of the existence of its arms deal with Czechoslovakia, presumably to avoid an international reaction similar to that which followed publica- tion of the Egyptian-Soviet bloc agreement. The Afghan em- bassy in Cairo has issued a communique stating that Afghani- stan intends to remain outside both Eastern and Western blocs. 16 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Niue 6, FRENCH INTERIOR MINISTRY FORECASTS ELECTION RESULTS The French Ministry of Interior esti- mates on the basis of reports from the departmental prefects that the Commu- nists' share of the vote in the 2 January elections will fall from the 25 percent they won in 1951, and probably will not exceed the 2L7 percent they received in this year's cantonal elections. The ministry nevertheless ex- pects the party to increase its representation in the National Assembly from 98 to 122 deputies. The ministry anticipates 149 seats will go to Mendes-France's Republican Front, 272 to the present coalition, and 11 to the extreme right. Algeria and the over- seas territories are excluded from this estimate. Comment While most observers agree that the Com- munists' popular vote will be slightly be- low their 1951 figure, some estimate they will nevertheless win up to 140 seats in the new 626-member assembly. Mendes- France admits privately that his Republican Front can win only about 150 seats. While a surprisingly large number of new voters have registered in the past two weeks and this could re- sult in a considerable change in the assembly line-up, there is little likelihood of a stable majority in the next assembly. 16 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 -*NW Nov 7. PLOTTING AND TENSION REPORTED IN PARAGUAY The stability of Paraguayan president Stroessner's regime is threatened with new plotting by important political and military figures and by the conflict among various factions of the ruling Colorado Party. There are reports that an antigovern- ment plot was quashed on 3 December and that the regime has since arrested the alleged leader of the plot, Epifanio Mendez Fleitas. Mendez is an important Colorado politi- cian and president of the Paraguayan central bank. all members of the cabinet submitted resignations on 14 December to give Stroessner a free hand. Pressure for the removal of Mendez and other pro-Peron officials is reportedly being exerted also by the Argentine government as a prerequisite for the Argentine co-operation Paraguay urgently needs--trade be- tween the two countries having virtually ceased since the anti-Peron revolt in September. Buenos Aires is said to have demanded specifically the removal of Defense Minister Morinigo, who is reported to be the focal point of unrest in the Paraguayan army, and Major Virgilio Camila, Mendez' friend and commander of the strategic First Cavalry Divi- sion. Stroessner still appeared in control, but the situation was "fluid" and further important government changes were likely. 16 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 ET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION SInformation aof 1700, 15 December) Israel has moved reinforcements into the area near the scene of the 11-12 December raid against Syria " Qyrian retaliation " The American military attach�n Tel Aviv believes that violent rains and flood conditions in Israel probably preclude military action for a few days. As of 13 December Syrian chief of staff Shuqayr appeared ill-informed about the Israeli raid and unde- cided as to what to do. He told the American military attach� in Damascus he was considering calling up reserves, but had not consulted President Quwatli on this. Prime Minister Nasr's public statement that Egypt and Syria will attack Israel on two fronts if the Israelis commit "further aggression" indicates that Egypt plans no immediate military action to support Syria. Egyptian for- eign minister Fawzi told Ambassador Byroade on 13 December that Egypt had urged Syria to take the matter to the UN Security Council, but claimed this course was only a "lesser evil" since he feared the USSR might use a UN debate to "work mischief." 16 Dec 55 Nasr's announcement will, however, make it more diffi- cult for him to avoid taking military action should another major Israeli raid occur. UN truce chief General Burns told the American consul general in Jerusalem on 13 December that he was wor- ried over the possibility of such a raid as a result of his talk with Israeli prime minister Ben-Gurion two days earlier. Burns thought Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Sfeiter Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464 ire Ben-Gurion's attitude, especially the prime minister's inquiry as to Egypt's intentions regarding UN cease-fire proposals, had "sinister overtones," and Israeli charges of a "wave of Eovptian aggressions" added to Burns' concern. 16 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020464