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April 12, 1955
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Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 # TOP SECRET f Copy No. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS. El DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: REVIEWER' Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3.3(h)(2) 12 April 1955 3.5(c) 4 �0 1; 94 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 `r.100 SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Comment on Bao Dai's maneuvering against Diem (page 3 2. Indian official suggests"neutralization" of Laos (page 3). WESTERN EUROPE 3, Bonn plans "quiet" pressure on East Germans in truck tax case (page 4). 4. French seen adopting "chip on shoulder" attitude toward United States (page 5). THE FORMOSA STRAITS (Page 6) 12 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 NNW SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Comment on Bao Dai's maneuvering against Diem: Bao Dal's principal adviser and spokes- man, Nguyen De, delivered to the American embassy in Paris on 9 April a long statement critical of Premier Diem. Although Nguyen De argued that Diem had developed megalomaniacal tendencies and that Vietnam could no longer afford the luxury of his incompetence, there was no sug- gestion that Bao Dai planned to take the initiative in removing him. Instead, Nguyen De proposed that France and the United States create a Vietnamese executive body of which Bao Dai would remain the supreme arbiter. It is apparent from this statement that Bao Dai hopes to avoid personal responsibility for removing the pre- mier. In following these tactics Bao Dai is using a technique which over a period of years has preserved his own authority. Throughout Nguyen De's statement there emerges Bao Dal's fear that the Binh Xuyen gangsters, the mainstay of his local support, may be crushed by Diem. 2. Indian official suggests "neutralization" of Laos: Indian ambassador Parthasarathi, chair- man of the International Control Com- mission in Cambodia, considers the only solution to the situation in Laos to be the neutralization of that country. Recently returned to Phnom Penh from a visit to Vientiane, he told the American ambassador there on 8 April he will probably recommend to Nehru that the oppor- tunity be taken at Bandung to suggest that the Geneva powers un- derwrite the permanent neutrality of Laos. Parthasarathi said the chief Polish representative in Laos was amenable to this idea, provided the Pathet Lao is integrated into the national community and that dem- ocratic elections are guaranteed. 12 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 �TeFLSEGR-ErT Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 \NO Comment: Laotian premier Katay is planning to protest strongly at Bandung the Pathet Lao's refusal to accept royal authority in the northern provinces. An Indian proposal of neutralization would largely nullify such a protest and Katay himself might accept neutralization as an effective device for ensuring Laos' continued independence. WESTERN EUROPE 3. Bonn plans "quiet" pressure on East Germans in truck tax case: Ambassador Conant reports that the Fed- eral Republic shows no inclination to meet the new East German tax on Berlin trucking "head on" for fear of precipitating a new blockade. Bonn's strategy is to ex- ert a quiet but steady economic pressure on the East Germans in interzonal trade negotiations. Bonn is reluctant to hold up steel shipments already approved, but has stopped further approvals, and about 15 April will start charging fees on all shipments to East Germany. This will yield as much revenue as the truck tax, The chief of the West German interzonal trade office believes that countermeasures in the field of inter- zonal trade will be ineffective, and may result in the cessation of East German deliveries of brown coal to West Berlin. He takes the view that the truck tax was imposed chiefly to gain recognition for the East German govern- ment. Both he and West Berlin mayor Suhr feel that action by the Western allies is necessary. Comment: If Bonn is forced to deal with this matter by itself, it may 'Riling to enter bilateral discus- sions on a fairly high level, perhaps even at the ministerial level which the East Germans are asking, thereby approaching de facto recognition. 12 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 4,"\ vi et iry r. nirr, Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 Approved for Release: 201,9/09/17 C03179875 �44100 French seen adopting "chip on shoulder" attitude toward United Mates: Ambassador Dillon in Paris reports that the Faure government is acting as if it believes the United States will forget France as soon as the Paris agreements are deposited. The secretary general of the French Foreign Ministry is working on a timetable which, as outlined to Dillon on 8 April, will propose a date for a meeting of a three- power working group on East-West talks prior to the depositing of the Paris treaties. The timetable may include a July or August date for four-power talks. Ambassador Dillon believes that Premier Faure is capable of carrying out his threat to state publicly that he will not deposit the Paris treaties until after a three-power work- ing group has met. Comment: Both the United States and Britain oppose any three-power meeting on East-West talks until the Paris treaties have been deposited by all signatories. Reports suggesting that the French gov- ernment intends to ask authorization from parliament, which does not reconvene until 3 May, to deposit the treaties are probably part of the pressure which the French are applying to get their way. 12 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 Approved for 2019/09/17 C03179875 mie;r �THE FORMOSA STRAITS Report of the IAC Current Intelligence Group for the Formosa Straits Problem This report is based on information received in Washington up to 1100 hours 11 April 1955. 1. Photography on 9 April revealed 76 jet fighters on Chuhsien airfield, 175 NM northwest of the IVIatsus. This is the largest num- ber of such aircraft yet photographed on any of the East China air- fields. If this number remains fairly constant, it will indicate de- ployment of a fullfighter division on the base. Information is as yet insufficient to determine whether these aircraft represent augmen- tation of the East China air strength or were transferred from r one of the fighter bases in the Shanghai-Hangchow area. 2. The Chinese Communists are expected to maneuver at the Asian-African conference at Bandung to obtain support for res- olutions, relating to Formosa Straits questions, of the same type adopted by the Communist-dominated New Delhi conference on 10 April. These included calls for the removal of foreign bases and troops from Asian territory, the withdrawal of all US forces from the China area, and the convocation of a 10-nation Formosa conference excluding Nationalist China. The Chinese, at the Bandung conference opening 18 April, will be dealing with national representatives of Asian-African coun- tries rather than primarily with Communist and Communist-front delegates as at New Delhi. Nevertheless, the Communists may be able to get at Bandung some expression of support for certain of their claims, in which case they will probably feel in a stronger o- sition for both political and military action. 12 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 FCRT _Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 �n-IINA -FORMOSA SIT UATP5N Nautical miles 7 Statute miles 5p 150 510 100 1&3 Se I ected road I Railroad Proposed railroad � � A OPERAT ONAL � A SERVICEABLE � A UNKNOWN � A OTHER COMMUNIST AIRFIELD LEGEND U SEA BILITY DESIGNATIONS PRIMARY: considered most important in area, with prepared runway - MIS-17, TU-4, IL-28 generally 0000 feet or longer. ITll-2, IL-ID, LA-9/ I I, LI-2, etc. SECONDARY: auxiliary or emergency bases, or fields of lesser � unknown importance- runways generally less than 5000 fee L. * Fields not considered capable of OPERATIONAL: consistently used by military & civilian aircraft. support i ng sustained operations at present. * NATIONALIST AIRFIELD SERVICEABLE: capable of use by aircraft. UNKNOWN: current status undetermined. OTHER: under construction, abandoned or unserviceable. H 0 N �hk.-����� � H U HENC7TANC L EH HANKOW K W AN CA TON NA CHANG SU IC HUA UNG AN FOU SWATO Hong Kong -22 7 (GIS.) e a4o. (Poi-0 114 HUAINING KIANGS 13- HANGCHOW HINHUA ING Lu C HIA WENC HOW r r�. CHIENOu ,,- - 14,418 1 � / WU 4111,, Yrpfl ,..., ANHW SHANGIA0 15? SHUT II CHINA SEA IWO /ch HIANG `'e7 UEMOY ee/ 12 32- GHAI CHOUSHAN IS. C HA NG- CHIA 0 1. TAcHENS EAST CHINA SEA MATSUS 0 /,t2F 0 +PESCA1115OR H CHO TAICHUNG M S CHIAYI TA I NAN P I NCTU G 28- 26- 24- 22 116 118 130 12,2 PRESENTATIONS DIVISION Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179875 50331