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April 26, 1955
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7/747esexdroved for Releas-: 20:19/09/17 $1, 01/ � CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO / r NO CHANGE IN CLASS. DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: nh16?0, _REVIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WO/. 1147/10134 Copy No. I, 4 �*11// �// 26 April 1955 -T-0-12-SE-C-RET" Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03131198 SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Saigon embassy comments on Bao Dal plan for new Vietnamese government (page 3). 2. Thai foreign minister reported to have become more neutralist at Bandung (page 4). SOUTH ASIA 3. Comment on Indian reaction to Afro-Asian conference (page 4). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 4. French agreement seen unsatisfactory to Tunisian nationalists (page 5) WESTERN EUROPE 5. USSR reportedly submits commodity deliveries list to Austrian government (page 6). 6. Comment on the Lower Saxony elections (page 7). 7. Bao Dai planning "to act" on 27 April (page 7). THE FORMOSA STRAITS (page 9) * * * * 26 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198 Approve-CI for Release: C03181198 Nose SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Saigon embassy comments on Bao Dai plan for new Vietnamese government: The American embassy in Saigon notes that Bao Dal's plan for a new government in South Vietnam closely resembles French proposals previously regarded by the em- bassy as undesirable and unworkable. The embassy suspects that the French and Bao Dai have collaborated on this plan, and advanced the name of Phan Huy Quat for premier as "sugar-coating" for an otherwise bitter dose. The requirement that France and the United States adopt a hands-off attitude after agreeing in principle to the plan, it points out, would leave the French in an infinitely better position to influence Bao Dai, the sects, and other groups through long-established channels. The embassy fails to see how the impres- sion can be avoided under Bao Dates plan that Diem has lost and the sects have won. Bao Dal's proposal that the sect problem be resolved by the integration of the sects' forces into the national army ignores the fact that the financial and practical impossibility of doing exactly this lies at the root of much of the current crisis. The embassy is firmly convinced that Bao Dai's proposal to appoint army representatives to the "Council of National Union" is unde- sirable. Comment: Bao Dal's plan, as outlined to the American embassy in-15a-71-20 April, would establish two policy-making bodies--a cabinet of about 12 nonpolitical technicians, to be headed by Phan Huy Quat, and a council of some 18 members representing various groups including the army, the peasantry, and "the artisanry." The respective powers of these two bodies would be determined by negotiation. Bao Dai saw his own role as that of an "arbitrator and catalyst." 26 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Rerease: 2019/09/17 C03181198 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C031 81198 *gni Neof 2. Thai foreign minister reported to have become more neutralist at Bandung: Prince Wan, the Thai foreign minister, became progressively more "neutralist" at the Bandung conference, attributed this shift to Chou En-lai's assurances that Thailand had nothing to fear from the "Free Thai" movement and that former Thai premier Pridi Phanomyong would be restricted to Peiping and its immediate environs. Comment: Wan is a leading advocate within the Thai government of close relations with the United States. His opening speech at Bandung was strongly pro-Western but he did not figure importantly in subsequent debates. In view of his elec- tion as rapporteur of the political committee, he may have felt com- pelled to assume a nonprovocative role. A leading Bangkok newspaper has reported speculation in Bandung that Chou, who recently referred to Pridi as a "political refugee," might offer to restrict the latter's activi- ties in return for Thai support for Communist China's entry into the UN. SOUTH ASIA 3. Comment on Indian reaction to Afro-Asian conference: rime Minister Nehru's failure to domi- ate the recent Afro-Asian conference as even more marked than his lack of uccess at the first Colombo powers meeting in April 1954. He is likely to increase his earlier oppo- sition toward any permanent organization developing from the conference in Bandung. The initial satisfaction expressed by the Indian press over the "good start" of the conference gave way to 26 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198 Nu, sharp criticism of the pro-Western countries in attendance, as well as of the United States, when Nehru's repeated efforts to keep the sessions on a noncontroversial course were thwarted by effective anti-Communist speeches. General Indian press approval of Chou's "restraint and moderation" suggests that Communist China's tac- tics at Bandung impressed Indian public opinion. Nehru's failure to comment on Chou's proposals on Formosa suggests, however, that he is irked because Chou's proposals seemed offered in re- sponse to Kotelawala's strong anti-Communist speech, whereas nothing had resulted from the earlier talks which he and Krishna Menon had had with the Chinese premier. The irritations which developed at Bandung between Nehru and the Ceylonese and Pakistani prime ministers are likely to hamper the success of forthcoming conferences of the Colombo power d leaders. Difficulties may thus arise in May both at the proposed India-Pakistan meeting on Kashmir and at the Asian economic conference at Simla. NEAR EAST AFRICA 4. French agreement seen unsatisfactory to Tunisian nationalists: The agreement in principle announced in Paris on 22 April by the French and Tunisian governments is nothing more than an armistice and fails to settle vital issues, Salah ben Youssef, secretary general of the nationalist Neo-Destour party, will probably refuse to accept the arrangement. The American ambassador in Paris points out that further hurdles may be expected when the agree- ments are drafted as well as in connection with their ratification by the National Assembly. A meeting to initial several as yet un- drafted conventions is scheduled for 30 May. 26 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 or" rs t rg r� rr Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198 Tan P C 1"1" 0-FT Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198 vow Comment: Other reports also state that both the Tunisian and FrerViiegotiators, in their desire to termi- nate the talks which commenced last September, finally agreed in principle so that they could recess during Ramadan, the month of religious fasting which began on 23 April. The agreement has already been denounced by Ben Youssef, leader of the extreme wing of the Neo-Destour, and by French settlers in Tunisia, who declared on 23 April that they would fight it in every way possible. WESTERN EUROPE 5. USSR reportedly submits commodity deliveries list to Austrian gov- ernment: Soviet high commissioner Ilichev on 20 April gave Chancellor Raab a list of goods which Austria is to deliver in the next six years to cover the projected payment of $150,000,000 stipulated in the draft state treaty, Scheduled annual deliveries would include 5,000 tons of sheet steel, 5,000 tons of galvanized sheets, 2,000 tons of copper sheets, 1,000 kilometers of power-line cable, and 2,000 tons of rolling mill equipment. Comment: Copper sheets and rolling mill equipment are subject to 1Friargo under East-West trade controls9 and some of the specific items which would be delivered under other commodity categories are probably also subject to controls. In the past, however, the Soviet bloc has been obtaining annually larger quantities of these or equally strategic goods from Soviet-controlled enterprises in Austria. (Concurred in by ORR) 26 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 WW1 cFrI7CT Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198 6. Comment on the Lower Saxony elections: The results of the Lower Saxony elec- tions, in which the Social Democrats won a plurality, should not be interpreted as an indication of a significant increase in West German senti- ment against rearmament. The election returns follow the gen- eral pattern set in other West German state elections during 1954, the issues and personalities being essentially local. Debate on foreign policy did not occur until the last stages of the campaign when Chancellor Adenauer and Social Democratic chairman 011enhauer entered the campaign. The Social Democrats gained 35.2 per- cent of the vote this year as compared with 33 percent in the last state elections in 1951. In 1951, Adenauer's Christian Democrats were in an alliance with the rightist German Party, and together they polled 23.8 percent. This year, the two parties, running separately, garnered a total of 39 percent, or 15.2 percent more than in 1951. Both the Communists and extreme rightists made a very poor showing in the latest elections. f No decision has yet been reached on the formation of a new state government. Another Socialist coalition government would merely mean the continuation of an anti-Adenauer representation in the Bundesrat. Lower Saxony's five Bundesrat votes, however, will probably not be necessary for future federal legislation on rearmament. � 7. Bao Dai planning "to act" on 27 April: Bao Dal is proposing "to take action" on 27 April and hopes that the American re- action to his suggested plan will be re- ceived before that date, according to guyen De his chief adviser. Bao Dal believes the urgency of the situation is such that he must act "before it is too late." 26 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Tt5P-SEeRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198 Approve-CI Tor7Re-le�as�e72.65/09/17 C03181198 Comment: The action referred to is presumably an order to Phan Buy Quat to come to France to start negotiations for the formation of a new government. In outlining Bao Dai's plan last week, Nguyen De said that Bao Dal believed the tension in Saigon would end as soon as it was known that his plan was being acted on. At that time, however, De stated that American agreement was a prerequisite to implementation of the plan. 26 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Fret ry Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198 Approved for7Reiese-:-2ui 9/09/17 C03181198 'MOW THE FORMOSA STRAITS Report of the IAC Current Intelligence Group for the Formosa Straits Problem This report is based on information received in Washington up to 1100 hours 25 April 1955. 1. No significant developments have been reported. 26 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 yr, Yr, Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181198