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Publication Date: 
November 2, 1955
rr,;17 Zroved "'ReLeae:.2919/09/16 c�37/3/ 773/ .4' 3.5(c)e4 1 / 2 November 1955 3.3(h)(2) 0 /4 Copy No. 100 I4 $ CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. . L_..L7Z.: NOCHANGE IN CLASS. C1 DECLASSIFIED ../.#/ CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C 1AEVIEWER: NEXT REVIEW EHVRIEW70D-2AT% �/ 0 /PATE:A, tt Aff, / /4 Office of Current Intelligence i#d . CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY / TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 c0 :02344 sox/A � Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 .Nm.04 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 A Now* CONTENTS I. EAST GERMANY REPORTEDLY CURTAILS TRAVEL TO BERLIN (page 3)0 2. ISRAEL MAY FAVOR SYRIAN ADHERENCE TO BAGHDAD PACT (page 4). 3. PINAY SEES NO OBSTACLE TO BEN YOUSSEF'S RETURN TO MOROCCAN THRONE (page 5). 4. COMMUNISTS IN JORDAN EXPLOITING EGYPTIAN- SOVIET BLOC ARMS DEAL (page 6). 5. CHINESE NATIONALIST GUERRILLAS MAY BE JOINING BURMESE INSURGENTS (page 7). 2 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 / XL, I 1. EAST GERMANY REPORTEDLY CURTAILS TRAVEL TO BERLIN Travel from East Germany to Berlin was subject to new limitations as of 24 October, A zone has been set up with- in a radius of 50 miles from Berlin and tickets to localities within this blockaded area are to be issued only to holders of special permits. The American mission in Berlin re- ported on 31 October that the number of refugees arriving in Berlin in the preceding week was only 3,839, or 1,113 less than the week before. Comment The reported move, evidently aimed at curtailing the refugee flow to the West may be a prelude to the long-expected formal estab- lishment of East German armed forces after the foreign ministers' conference in Geneva. The sharp decrease in the flow of ref- ugees to West Berlin follows nine months of generally steady increases. Factors believed principally responsi- ble for this refugee flow are the fear of conscription and mounting pessimism regarding German unification� '2 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 VI-4 Noppe 2. ISRAEL MAY FAVOR SYRIAN ADHERENCE TO BAGHDAD PArT Israel would now like to see Syria join the Turkish-Iraqi pact, Israel now feels the Baghdad pact Is becoming "more Western" and "less Arab" and, there- fore, the threat to Israel is decreasing. he pact might be used as an instrument for dividing the Arab League. Comment Israel initially strongly opposed the Turkish-Iraqi pact, signed on 24 Feb- ruary 1955, and said it was directed against Israel. In reappraising its approach to Middle Eastern problems, Israel is now apparently exploring ways and means of di- viding the Arab world for its own protection. 2 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 3. PINAY SEES NO OBSTACLE TO BEN YOUSSEFS RETURN TO MOROCCAN THRONE French foreign minister Pinay is now willing to have former sultan Mohamed ben Youssef return to the Moroccan throne. He said on 30 October he hoped to negotiate a new treaty with the Moroccans in time to permit withdrawal of recent troop reinforcements before the French elections. Pinay said he believes strongly in the necessity for a real rapprochement between France and Spain. If Spain showed a conciliatory attitude toward France, he would be willing to go to Madrid to try to set- tle outstanding French-Spanish questions with Franco. Comment Faced with Moroccan unanimity on the throne issue, the French govern- ment has taken several positive steps to appease the na- tionalists, probably largely because Premier Faure con- siders national elections imminent. If a new treaty with Morocco enables him to bring the reservists home, pub- lic resentment over their transfer to North Africa would be mollified before the elections. There are indications that Madrid, despite its proclaimed support of Ben Youssef, does not want his immediate return to the throne. Spain appears more intent on posing as champion of the Arab world against the West than on improving its relations with France. A workable agreement between the French and Ben Youssef would threaten such a role and also exert pressure on Madrid to match reforms in French Morocco with similar action in the Spanish zone. 2 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 I 101 1 New 4. COMMUNISTS IN JORDAN EXPLOITING EGYPTIAN- SOVIET BLOC ARMS DEAL The Jordan Communist Party is win- ning public support as a result of the Soviet bloc's arms agreement with Egypt, party mem- bers have been called to Amman for the opening of par- liament and the 3 November visit of President Bayar of Turkey, presumably in order to foster demonstrations. Comment The press and public opinion in Jordan have generally approved of Egypt's arms deal with the Soviet bloc. The Communists, the best-organized political group in Jordan, even though they number only a few thousand, can probably mobilize widespread support for Jordanian action to obtain Soviet arms, either directly or through Egypt. They will also try to block Turkish efforts to secure Jordan's adherence to the Baghdad pact. King Hussain is probably already un- der Saudi pressure to abandon his position of neutrality between Turkey and Iraq on the one hand, and Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia on the other. He cannot rely on strong pro-Western support in his government. Public demand abetted by the Communists could push him closer to the Egyptian alignment. 2 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344 �-� 1 1-4 WINIPt -�111111, 5. CHINESE NATIONALIST GUERRILLAS MAY BE JOINING TITTRIVESE INSURGENTS permission had been granted for the southward movement of 2,000 Nationalist guerrilla troops into Karen and Mon territory. PAK Myitkyina � CHINA Lashio � � Mandalay THAILAND Rangoon BURMA 2 NOVEMBER 1955 Area of Karen concentration, Area of KMT activity _ miles SECRET Bangkok 51101 3 Comment A movement of 2,000 guer- rillas would involve approx- imately half of the National- ists estimated still in Burma. Such a reinforcement of the Karens would not strengthen them enough to threaten the Rangoon government. The Burmese government would undoubtedly hold the United States responsible for its in- creased difficulties with the insurgents,arguing that they could only be maintained in strength by aid from Thailand and Formosa, which Burmese officials regard as under American guidance. Although Taipei has formall, disavowed the Nationalist rregulars in Burma, during the past few weeks revealing the close collaboration of both Bang- kok and Taipei with the insurgents. 2 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002344