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January 20, 1955
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Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03017658, TOP SECRET 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 20 January 1955 E-3) CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS ft H DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: JQ AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: 1 liktO REVIEWER Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03017658 ApproveTlfc:TreleTse7.1071g7019/17 C03017658 \toe ggie SUMMARY FAR EAST 1. Communist leader to run in Japanese election (page 3). 2. 'Taipei orders naval force north to aid Tachen defense (page 3). SOUTH ASIA 3. Probable Indian reaction to Communist occupation of Ichiang Island (page 4). EASTERN EUROPE 4. Hungarian people welcome American flood relief (page 5). WESTERN EUROPE 5. USSR invites high Finnish defense officials to visit Moscow (page 5). 6. France reported no longer pressing for permanent arms pool (page 6). 7. British Foreign Office favors Western study group on East-West talks (page 7). LATIN AMERICA 8. Comment on apparent failure of Costa Rican revolt (page 7). * * * * 20 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03017658 Approved for lieleaasne':-2-517/79/17 C03017658 Niue FAR EAST 1. Communist leader to run in Japanese election: CINCFE Telecon Yoshio Shiga, third-ranking leader of 18 Jan 55 the Japan Communist Party, who has CONFIDENTIAL been underground since June 1950, will run for the Diet in the forthcoming elec- tion. The Far East Command reports that the party has ordered its previously endorsed candidate in Shiga's district to withdraw. Shiga, who won an impressive victory In the 1949 Diet election, apparently is running openly as part of the Communist effort to convince the public the party is not a clandestine conspiracy. The Far East Command notes that Japanese security authorities are expected to keep "hands off" to avoid Communist propaganda charges of police interference in elections. Comment: In 1950 Shiga was the lead- ing advocate in Japan of a separate peace treaty with the USSR and Communist China. He also emphasized that the Japanese Communist struggle must concentrate its attack on American "imperialism." The present trend toward closer Japa- nese relations with the Orbit would make this an opportune time for the Communist Party's outstanding exponent of this policy to reappear. Shiga's prominence and vote-getting ability could be an important factor in attracting popular support to the party in the election. Reports indicate several second-echelon underground leaders are also planning to run for office. 2. Taipei orders naval force north to aid Tachen defense: Two Chinese Nationalist destroyers and three destroyer escorts left Formosa for the Tachens area late on 18 January, 20 Jan 55 Far East time, CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 efrr."1TELZ1."r ry ore Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03017658 " Fr Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03017658 '4101 Comment: This move commits five of the remaining eight major Nation�gist vessels to the Tachens and suggests that the Nationalist high command currently plans a serious effort to hold at least the two principal islands of the group. Meanwhile, the Nationalist Defense Min- istry conjectures that the Communists may soon renew operations near the Quemoys, to the south; in an effort to divert Nationalist forces from the Tachens area. SOUTH ASIA 3. Probable Indian reaction to Communist occupation of Ichiang Island: The reaction of Prime Minister Nehru and the Indian press to the forcible Chinese Communist occupa- tion of Ichiang Island on 18 January is almost certain to be strongly adverse, as it was when the Communists broke the peaceful post Geneva atmosphere in early September by shelling Quemoy. Nehru's suspicion of Peipin0 past declarations of peaceful intent will proba- bly be strengthened by this new demonstration of military initiative. One important result of Peiping's action, therefore, may be to increase the likelihood that India and other non-Communist Asian nations such as Pakistan, Ceylon, and Burma will attempt to prevent China from seizing the initiative at the Afro Asian conference and to put Peiping once more on public record as having no territorial ambitions in South and Southeast Asia. 20 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 WM--cir-rnryrr Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 003017658 et v., .ry i Pro Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03017658 \NW vsturi EASTERN EUROPE 4. Hungarian people welcome American flood relief: US Leg Budapest -3.15-' The American legation in Budapest is 11, 18 Jan 55 -134' impressed by the "overwhelming grafi- UNCLASSIFIED tude" of Hungarian peasants for Ameri- can flood relief. The legation reports that the origin of this aid is widely recognized despite the fact that the regime has published only one brief acknowledgment. One source stated that American aid has been distributed with less discrimination than Communist assistance, which was given out on a political basis. The legation comments that the willing- ness of the peasants to express their appreciation to American observers and to criticize the Communist regime reveals the depth of the antagonism which exists between the peasants and the state authorities. Comment: The Red Cross representa= tive in Czechoslovakia hasalso reported that a large part of the population of the villages receiving American flood relief crowded around the distribution centers and held brief informal meetings to express their gratitude. In contrast to the method of distribution in Czechoslovakia and Hungary, where US markings appeared on the food gifts, the East German government used the infestation of some of the American grain as an excuse for destroying all US marked bags and distributed the aid without crediting the United States. The representative of the League of Red Cross Societies reports that individual German peasants he spoke to were sur- prised when told that the grain was an American gift. WESTERN EUROPE 5. USSR invites high Finnish defense officials to visit Moscow: US Emb Helsinki- V The defense minister and the commander 18 Jan 55 in chief of the Finnish defense forces have TOP SECRET both received invitations from Soviet 20 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 ApprovecIforRelease: 2-079/09/17 C03017658 Approved for Release: 2079/09/17 C03017658 *Nor' Nose defense minister Bulganin to visit Moscow, according to the Finnish trade and commerce minister. Contrary to rumors, the USSR has not suggested that Finland establish a permanent military mission in Moscow. The Finns fear, however, that such a suggestion might result from the proposed visit. Leaders of the Finnish Social Demo- cratic Party, which is part of the government coalition, favor stalling on the invitation. They feel that if some one must go, it should be a politician rather than a military man, in order to avoid dealing with specific military matters. Comment: The Finns recognize that some kind of visit will eventualryThe necessary in order to avoid needlessly antagonizing the Soviet Union. At the same time they will strongly resist efforts to involve them in any Soviet-inspired "security arrangements!' Last November the Finns successfully resisted Soviet efforts to seek their inclu- sion in a proposed "European security organization." �6. France reported no longer pressing for permanent arms pool: US Emb The Hague A French delegate to the current talks 18 Jan 55 q 3 in Paris on a Western European arms SECRET production pool has admitted that France expects agreement only on a two-year "probationary" period, after which the arms pool could be dropped If nothing practical resulted, according to the secretary general of the Dutch Foreign Ministry. .The Dutch official commented that his ministry tended to interpret Premier Mendes-France's absence from the talks as an indication that France is now placing less em- phasis on the arms pool. Comment: France's apparent willingness to drop major elements of its original proposal so early in the arms pool talks, which began on 17 January, may be an indica- tion Mendes-France believes he has impressed sufficiently on the French parliament his efforts to control German rearmament by this method. It is unlikely, however, that France has given up all hope of stronger controls over West Germany; Paris may con- tinue insisting that American military aid to all the Western Euro- pean Union countries should be distributed through the WEU. 20 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03017658 Approvercro'rRerearlse.73019/09/17 C03017658 %iste' 7. British Foreign Office favors Western study group on East-West talks: US Emb London - it�, Although Prime Minister Churchill is 18 Jan 55 61;5 strongly opposed to the establishment of SECRET �a Western group to study the question of *iCtjt- talks with the Soviet Union, the British Foreign Office is now recommending that he and Foreign Secre- tary Eden give sympathetic consideration to Chancellor Adenauer's proposal for such a group in which West Germany would partici- pate. Eden told the French ambassador in London on 14 January that "action among ourselves" to show a de- sire for talks with the USSR would be better than an approach to Moscow. Comment: The Foreign Office advocated a study group last week primarily to offer Premier Mendes-France a way out of his dilemma about further demarches to Moscow. The premier felt it necessary to make a unilateral demarche if Britain and the United States refused to join him. That London is espe- cially solicitous of Adena,uer is shown by the fact that Britain is willing, should the German internal situation require it, to con- sider allowing the Bundestag to ratify the Paris agreements with a condition that agreement with the USSR on reunification be sought again. In addition to these tactical considera- tions, the Foreign Office may regard a working group as a sound- ing board for their own and other Western views about four-power talks. It may believe that existence of such a group would also tend to discourage approaches for talks which might be untimely, uncoordinated, and unproductive. LATIN AMERICA 8. Comment on apparent failure of Costa Rican revolt: The revolt in Costa Rica appears to be failing. The estimated 500 rebels still in the extreme northwest of the country 20 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03017658 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C0301658 44100 US Emb Managua 18 Jan 55 UNCLASSIFIED near the Nicaraguan border are opposed by about 12300 government troops and volunteers in the area., Nicaraguan president Somoza implied to the investigating committee of the Organ- ization of American States on 18 January that the conflict would gradually "peter out" because of the air superiority enjoyed by government forces. Nevertheless, plots and counterplots involving Costa Rica and Nicaragua are likely to continue. The Nicaraguan and Venezuelan governments, which are known to have sponsored the Costa Rican revolt, are expected to continue their efforts to eliminate Costa Rican president Figueres. Meanwhile, Somoza himself is threatened by die-hard members of the opposition party in Nicaragua who are reportedly planning an attempt against him and who may seek the aid of Figueres. 20 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03017658