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Publication Date: 
September 1, 1953
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r I Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270, TOPS ET SEC INFORMATION 'At 1 September 1953 r, Copy No. is) I CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOOLJME7 IT NO. ti CHi.NCE CLASS, CLA:T.IS. CHANGED TO: NEX.f REVIEW DATE: AUTH: HR 70-2 DATES 41 41 REVIEWER; TS S topic Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOPS ET SECURI NFORMAT1ON MO 3.5(c) 35(c) Y Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270 Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270 mAkr, SECURITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 4:"./..French may break off talks with Cambodia (page 3). 2. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3. Change in Iraqi premiership expected soon (page 4). tiOr Egypt reports some progress in Suez base talks (page 5). WESTERN EUROPE t,Italian premier modifies initial strong stand on Trieste issue crisis (page 5). -2 TOP 1 Sept 53 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270 I Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270 i kir 1 SECURITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) SOUTHEAST ASIA I. French may break off talks with Cambodia: 2. Commissioner General Dejean is pessimistic regarding the outcome of negotiations with the Cambodians as the latter continue to in- sist that their five battalions now serving in the French regular army be incorporated into the Cambodian national army. Dejean says that General Navarre needs these battalions and that it might be necessary for the French to break off negotiations to retain control of the strategically important area west of the Mekong River. 3.3(h)(2) Comment: The Cambodians are very sensi- tive to the French charge that they are incapable of defending themselves, and are likely to interpret French refusal to turn over Cambodian troops as a deliberate attempt to perpetuate Cambodian weaknesses. The cur- rent mobilization program in Cambodia is being undertaken with intense seriousness and strong popular support. A probable factor in the French attitude is the precedent which return of the five battalions would set in Vietnam, where some 50,000 Vietnamese troops are still in the French regular army. 3 T01>K4ET 1. Sept 53 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270 w.1 Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270 SECURITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3. Change in Iraqi premiership expected soon: Several high Iraqi officials predict a change 3.3(h)(2) in the Baghdad government within the next two weeks, according to the American embassy. Factors producing such a change would be Prime Minister Midfai's long desire to resign, etarrels in the present cabinet, and the failure of the government to Initiate urgently needed reforms. Among the three leading candidates for the premiership is elder statesman Nun i Said, for many years premier and now defense minister. Comment: A cabinet change at this time would probably strengthen the position of the pro-Western rightist group led by Nun!, who has already indicated his readiness to deal harshly with nationalist as well as leftist activitities. Nun i Said has� played a prominent role in the Midfai cabinet since it was formed last Ianuary following an election which installed a pro-Nuni parliament. Rumors last spring that Midfai would yield the premiership to Nun i or a Nun-approved candidate increased after King Faisal II acceded to the throne on 2 May. -4 1 Sept 53 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270 Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270 .1 lit' Name SECURITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) 4. Egypt reports some progress in Suez base talks: Egyptian vice premier Nasr considers hat an "understanding" on the question f the future availability to the West of e Suez base was reached during the 27 ugust meeting between British and Egyptian representatives, according o the American embassy in Cairo. Naar stated that no progress, however, was made on the matter of duration of an Anglo-Egyptian agreement or the time required for the withdrawal of British troops from the base. He indicated that Egypt would accept a five-year agreement but could not go to the public with a proposal for a longer period. On 28 August the Egyptian ambassador in Washington told the Department of State that Nasr believes the next Anglo-Egyptian meeting scheduled for 3 September will decide the success or failure of the talks. Comment: Despite reported progress on the question of future availability of the base, there is no indica- tion that Britain will readily modify its demand for a ten-year agree- ment. WESTERN EUROPE 5. Italian premier modifies initial strong stand on Trieste issue crisis 3.3(h)(2) Although Italian premier Pella on 29 August 3.3(h)(2) had threatened to resign should Yugoslavia annex Zone B of Trieste and Italian troops be prevented by the American and British occupation forces from taking over Zone A, he appeared much calmer the following day. He had also stated earlier that it would be "most difficult" for Italy to remain in NATO following a Yugoslav annexation of Zone B, but on 30 August he stressed to an American embassy official his full Intention to carry on a strong pro-NATO policy. - 5 - TCE7' Sept 53 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270 Approved for Release: 2-019/07/10 CO2872270 'Kt SECURITY INFORMATION 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) /Under this proposed solution, on which Italy and Yugoslavia have in the past agreed in principle but differed on details, the territory would be divided roughly along present zonal boundaries, with certain adjustments along ethnic lines. - 6 - ECRET 1 Sept 53 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/07/10 CO2872270