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Publication Date: 
June 4, 1952
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Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2684305 TOP SECRET SEC INFORMATION 4 June 1952 Copy No. 53 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 000411444T NO OtteW* 114 oactASSIFIE0 0. otAss, evigai3ETYJ � NEAT BEV1EW DAT � Apt., 7 Ct' ,EVIEWE Office of Current Intelligence cop,,,Tel. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP CRET SEC INFORMATION 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2684305 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2619/05/08 CO2684305 TOP SECET SUMMARY FAR EAST 1. 2. New Chinese aid program for Viet Minh 3. Outgoing Vietnamese premier asks for direct receipt of US aid (page 4). WESTERN EUROPE 4. Germans react favorably to proposed Allied countermoves in Berlin (page 4). 5. East German Border Police expands (page 5). 2 T(*) SE ICErli 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2684305 Approved for Release: 2619/05/08 CO2684305 lv)P SECRET FAR EAST 1. 2. New Chinese aid program for Viet Minh identified a Chinese "summer plan" to aid the Viet Minh which went into effect on 1 May. During that month, a known quantity of 635 tons of military materiel, including signal and auto- motive equipment, arms, and clothing, was delivered to a main supply depot on the China border, near the Tonkinese town of Caobang. Comment: Chinese logistic support of the Viet Minh reportedly declined during recent months. The establish- ment of a new program may indicate an acceleration of such aid, thus Increasing Viet Minh offensive capabilities. - 3 - TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2684305 Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2684305 3. Outgoing Vietnamese premier asks for direct receipt of US aid: Alb 3.5(c) Premier Tran Van Huu told the American 3.3(h)(2) Minister in Saigon on 2 Iune that he hoped any additional American financial aid for the Vietnam Army obtained by Minister of Associ- ated States Letourneau during his coming visit to Washington wouldbe granted directly to the Vietnamese Government. American aidwhich passed through the hands of the French, Huu said, gave the latter too much power to intervene in internal political affairs and to maintain excessive privileges in Vietnam. Comment: Bao Dai abruptly dismissed Huu on 3 June and appointed Interior Minister Nguyen Van Tam as his suc- cessor. Factors underlying this move appear to be Hull's limited ability and his increasingly open opposition to French power andprivi- leges in Vietnam. Tam has been praised by the American Legation for his energy and ability. He possesses a long record of close and harmonious collaboration with the French. WESTERN EUROPE 4. Germans react favorably to proposed Allied countermoves in Berlin: West Berlin's Mayor Reuter approves of the 3.3(h)(2) American proposal to increase stockpiles in Berlin to provide a 12-month rather than a 6-month reserve of fuel and food, as a demon- stration of willingness to assist Berlin. Reuter points out, however, that such a program would entail heavy costs and additional construction, since all available depots are already full. Meanwhile, a report from the High Commission- er's office in Bonn states that the US proposal to stage a brief display of American air power in Berlin in the near future would have a salutary effect in West Germany. The report adds that even the small demon- stration of power involved in the recent movement of several truckloads of armed American troops along the Berlin autobahn was favorably received. - 4 - TOP ET 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2684305 Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2684305 5. East German Border Police expands: A reorganization of the East German Border 3.3(h)(2) Police, begun on 1 January, has resulted in a strength increase of approximately 17 percent, with an authorized increase in the strength of e average border unit from 820 to 960 men. The expansion appears to have affected only those units employed on the zonal border. 3.5(c) Reinforcements have been furnished by other civil police organizations as well as by the Alert Police. the Alert Police are to hold all key positions and are to act as military drill and weapons instructors. Comment: The sudden East German decree increasing border security measures on 27 May, and the subsequent establishment of a three-mile security zone, had been carefully planned. In February of this year the Socialist Unity Party was already talking of the necessity of curbing the infiltration of the German Democratic Republic by Western agents. It is indicated that measures were taken several months ago to build up the border police, which are now reported- ly replacing Soviet rifle battalions on frontier duty. - 5 - TOP SECRET 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/08 CO2684305