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PDF icon THE COMMUNISTS ABILITY TO[15617848].pdf564.49 KB
?L U1l1J� Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 !arch sT771,1T:cro The Cormunists' Ability to ecoup Their Mct ilitary Lonses Irtrocluction 1. 17e have oxarined and assessed in kletaLl the evidence Learing on the ability of the Coranlunistn to renlace their military losses sustained in the Tot offensive. e are able to Offer only a very terlious judrrnent concerning the time frame within w*:lic-A they right accomplish a full recovery in numbers of zreops. 2. At a naxim�m, it appears that this y411 tahe then no longer than six months. This iscumes that the rate of combat will he sustained at ,110e normal levels, but that no new ground effort on a scale iiie that at Tet will be mounted. It is possible, however, that they night he al.le to accomplish full recovery in o much shorter ti-le and that iithin six ronths their troon .-firote: This memorandun was produced by CIA. I waa ntly prepared by tha Offios.of Current Tntelenco and the nffice of Economic Research. Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 3.5(c) 3.5(c) C2 f !PACT Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 jrcater than it us prior to 'et. Pvvthinq ';'inge- on the real e%tent of their "rt 1-,-17es a,n: on their al)114t.7 to recruit is -,ersonnr,1 in the countryside. (in 'oth of the-:c.- evi.,enc-� Ls vory spotty at nresert. 'et. 3. In raRing our assessment, -e included the enemy villed-in-action (IA) reported US military authorities in Vietnam from the period 3n 'Tan- nary through 21 Fenrua--y--some 33,600 ren. This reriod covered the mass urban attacl:s and ti-o 'sec- ond rollner on 12-19 :February, as well as its f= (7iate aftermath- We e=ludea the fighting since 21 February on the gronns that, although enemy losses have continued heavy, they have leen overall at a more "normal" level for the war. 4. We have based the assessment on our judg- ment that roughly 77,0fli0 enemy were involved In the attack'. This nclucie9'7orth Vietnamese (7m,) units and main and local forces of al-out 52,Orq. (This latter figure ias reached in-sleperd,ent1N- a 01A analysis and is also roughly accented 1,v -est OL authorities vino have studied the o"fen-;iva, eluding the ITS "AC7). The additional 20,Tn on in our connutati.on of the forces involved in the -2- STTIRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 offcnr.ive wf?re, :olieve, members of inenondont (Tnerrilla_ 7:ni_ts or imerrillas added to local force, unitr.; for t7-,e attac.ks. Table Strength of Participating Conmunist rorcos -in the Tot Attackf7 Strc,nr-4-h Percent of Total Total 77,000 100 NVA 21,600 27.R VC rain 7orce 16,00 21.c VC Local Force 10,300 24.0 (11:7erril1as 20,000 25.7 9. rl'-lero is goeC evidence of oNten-zi�c! participation in tl-,,T! offensive. Ca;.)tIlreC docrients have nc'7 1-rovirlod us with some (-etailc,1 planning for the :Ittacks in a few provinces. "'-ose sugcTr?st that the enemy 1-.0:1o,:l to use from one half to to thirds of is (:;7,1errilla force in an offensive role. It apnars that about 20,000 guerrillas thall77 paric4pated in tho urban attacks. mainder were used in offensive roles against smaller targets such as lines of conunicat;on, etc. C. The (-ii1en.7.713 with respect to the casun.7. arises when the re7orte:1 enemy TiA (32,00) is si.'ernel against t!-:e ton/ offensive force egti.11-,t&l SE Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 to "have 1)e:Tm involver7. (77,000). Taen at face value, thi7 ri2ap!-1 tat approximately one ]alf of the at- 1:i1c7:1rni force was ilic1 in the offem7Aive ar;.1. afternat7J. This, in itself, is m:cceding1%.,iffict to necet--.7fivon tie estaction recyrts we already '1,Ti1e on status of ';o!,.e enem-7 units 71i.7. to. cur- rent level of enemy activity throuq!lout th47, � country. The reports surflost the Co-inunists cro badly hurt, but do not indicate that their Thad -eael'Ierl 50 Percent. A numl,or of the attner'ing units, -iereover, 'oave already reappeared in effensil-o co:1')at. some*-hinq they woulJ hardly have been &plc, t.o o if their losses had been on the order of 5r1 ccnt 7. The retorted .�TA becare oven nore unac- ceptable 1.7hrl an atterpt was made to account for those who were proably disabled. ven if the standard, conservative factor of .35 died of v-onns or iero permanently disabled is a7In1iee, for evnry 17IA, over 13,0(10 more nen arc aale.3 to the The total casualties computed in this conservative Inanner, would be nearly to tirels of our 4-777e1 estimate of those involved in the attacks. The total enemy casualties would be about )f.) percel-%t of the assault 'force, if this force is corleve of only as composed of regular forces (s 5F.,G00). ST;' Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 3.5(c) 1 3.5(c) e"r1.1 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 Possii)le Casualties 9. Assurin,rJ that the 1.7.12\ figure itself le c- curae, t t1i.ot certainly rut include a su7)- stantial pronortion of ot-Jver organi7.ational clel7ents the onerlY apna,-atun :.11f7L nonparticioating cil inns who anpenet1 to 7')e caut in the nran 1,att-le 77111ita-7 officials in Vietnam aciree that Lorlo are probai-217 included. 7,7e now know, in addition, 1-at tho Communists made a najor effort in tile few months prior to Tot to fill no their irrem.12a,- rans (guerrilla and militia) and to recruit n:71n,J- laborers for logistic support, particularly the so-calle "assanit youth." Tlani of the P7,7:::3 from the of!ennive Iderf, individuals virtually taken from street corners and presser1 into tYle attacl-zs s'--)v the enemy. Fyewitne.sses, moreover, re- , port that larcTo nurners of civilian-type po=onnl were used as "shcon troops" in many of the 1373an assaults. 9. Analysis of the available evidence coos not provide a good enough base from T:Ihich to J!.:7sign .even a tenuous percentage to the total numer of individuals like those above who might have rartici- pated in the attacks and became casualtie onoOf Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 "771 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 ovidc,nco, for =ample, sugests tThe casualtien i;lvinq7ilitia-civi1iann-1aborers, etc, 7av have rin aout 2r; percent of the total; evicionce, however, inicates such caivaltie ciay have run higl, as 5'.! percent of the total losses in sone areas. 10. Therefore, in adopting a 1)ase for juin: the Co.c�rlunist recurerative ahility, we can on'1,- acce-vt the re-oorted figure as it stands-- questionable as it is--and view future enemy ,ana- 1,ilition against it. In contrast with the i-oirt of view of the US nilitary in Vietnam, that the rmenv's losses ar. canability to recoup should be weichetll ar- innt his offensive military strencrtt-, e 70111-1 he inclinefl to judge these factors fran the sti,r:1- reint of his total organized ranpowe, base. 'or - this reason, we -7�111,1 include enemy i1itia and even political infrastructure as sources for trcnn ; re-qacer-ent and as part of the roraininc: uist 11. In our view, the organize(1, enemy 'orco structure in South Vi::.�tn,7:1 prior to ?et and fol- lowing an extensive recruiting drive set-, up op-roNi- -latrgy as follows: - 6 - S :c----- Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 Table 11 flstinated Comunist Organized lanpowel Te - as of 30 January 1960 7.7C/7VA 7,1th and Local Forces 160,000 guerrillas 10o,000-1.20,000 A(Iministrative Services 7,000-100,000 Self-defense Militia 100,000 Political Cadre 20,000-120,000 515-600,000 12. Tl-e above table of organized I strength in- cluetefl the additional north Vietnane-ie forces that know are in country, hut which have not vet been added to MACV's 01', as well as a number of serialized units and small elements--eitv forces in some cases--whicl, have been fairly well identified, but not yet included in the OB. The table also in- eludes a higher strength figure rio!1 for tile guerrillas, hut io than PAA,CV no7; car- reflective, yo hove, of 1-1,e reality of the situation and the -re- Tot recruiting. The self-defense militia is also included in the table since it is an element of enemy defensive strength at least, and one which furnishes some of the nannower for higher level enemy units. The a(aministrative services and political we believe, also reflect more roanstic 1evel:3. -7-- Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 13. ,t.;7e(J'nu7.orically tnis losss, 2art7cularly in of ein local force stron,7t, con1,1 be relati-,7ely loncj-term ro)10T.I. It woia1,7. see:1 rea::-Jon- a;)le that, if the '..7e7o.unists have ,l(anacje(1 in the v)acit to ;.aintain an orcranize .),asg of ti size 1)ostu1atet:1 in ?able IT, the-7 could a.asily re- coup their Tet losses in a rc..lative1,7- short perio of time, :loth by.recrIlitent-conscription into no lower level rdlitary cletagnts, and b ul_yjraclin7 to the 74-ef-Tular forces fron the lower level units. 11. Thgn--:, is a'!.:-)nndant evidence that the Comr-m- -to - strentloui effort to r:lc-r/-, ih-17 ]osses anl, in lar:t., to rais- their ,)vr-all military force stren(ith ,')ove the (--:cer.t3 from of t'in ra-torts on a-:tivit-.7 are contained in Annem rportl in- . u1-17!r -Jay in a1no-7,t all T)opulons areas �rc, the ene7qy c:an perwtrate, r)articularlv in the elta, hns lon;) been a reservoir f'or 15. .ir.-rce is little Tuestion that the c.-t of fenve has opend a ne,1 rc2cru1tm:-2nt base to the 'it Cz7s11 in the outh Vie.tnaese countrysie. Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 recruLtont nool becau3e of rofue _:ove- n,.7!nt to zlrons was pa,-tially responsile '701- V"c rocruitont shortfalls .in 1)67. consit3nrj of the. 7)oulalLions of lam1et:7; the countryside rhre-tIt VC formor17 :�rtvo ha,]iJ or no inf.luonce, can :)o t;) bo22it 1:)5C ro- r-rnitment groatly. ;,/-foun,.7, influence. in rural aroas--if only in the or: of incra;oH. o2ular -;7,oct For 10 power--will "TC recruiter: acce-1-1 to hamlets and a r^aftv audience of yontA3. 16. Tvidence ained from a recent field inciicates that 70 rocruit.-ent in a c;:)=_toific are i; irect1y related to /C inf1uoce in that area. stated cliff=ontiv, in aro; of :Itrone7 :;,:tclu-ttco v]ommuniqt7, are ablo to :,oilizo inificentiv ,Irg,ater sharos of t1,--t ,I-traila!)1e.ponulation. fh Z-,t offensive has ,na.)lecl, the -1(2/;:\ forces to ,-- ten,2 their influence Aflj., nreS.2r1C., iuto :)oth rural and url)an until recent -,ont't, (A,- control. 17. South vietn'7; countrysie offers a ;-)nol for Snuth 7ietnam's total ponulation of ,1out 17 illion, -:oro. than 31 :Anion live in rural areas--- in .1a--,1.,.;t1 outside of ,-yroviroe capital-;, Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 ,Ittono-on7.cit i.c' 3roxi1ao1' to oC nro ili3 hr-twf-,en ti -�t7Cs5 of ) �ond an al-itional :;80,030 rrol-1 25 to 1). \!thc:41(j1 tho VI ar; 20-43 tixis r(!cruit...-nt :Inpow,r. I- 3 la-3 7ot to 70C.�.-1 thl:t.15 to 19 .roup; yotas ;Ire -)ri;.0 tarc;,?ts for 'C. cr 13� Te 1nto.-1-3ity of t:le current 17-!.cruitInc; Lhcl awlilrIlity 07 -an )04 .111 c�arrn.t. :r-to,'o,1 off the ciov in 'orl,..,r17 cont23ted JInt: ;0:o ,;,,curc. lrcta3 of thc c'o,intry, to L11, ;.Thorr-3-14on th-tt ,:ovrinni_f;ts Lo 1o33r,-; n-17-7,ricallv in r o-77 cffanniv, oa tI ate,1 mi.litrtry authcr; !tnrt t .et.,-oen P tont:1. It 1.--; zio,7 ,lowever, t_ht t:11,1 rate 'tad ';11.nt_ -Int;17.1i; intCI7 DTCC.Lfl( t vial of tito rcrating '-riv(7, and access to tho countr75, it ,005 11.0t 17.7.1roba31e tilat n0%-7 .nn3t13E3t clou'Dlo this rate to .y_t,.7m 6,003� A.0,9 a ':ont'a, at:loa:;t ovor t-no short torm. :Inch a rate, it woulrfi taa the :.7o71..ylunists no oore SECIF4T Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 r than six months, at a ma:,:ium, to replace their re.- ..)orted !a7, losse- Auring the Tot offensive. 19. This co717-)utation, of course, does tai:e into account the -normal� Co-lunist losses sin(;..e 21 1--'orudr..p, or the 7utur.,, losses iurinq t.4(2 -J::ecupo.ra- tion oerio. ).,)%:1-7- a sL-1*--7onth tic friYle, 5LC loses .i naps doul'..i) the total roolace;qent ncce:.:sary. )-aring certain periods within the past year, for ex- ample, .:ommunist losses have run at a rate of around 4,000 ;,len r month. 2n the other hand, the replac2- ent rate described a:)ove for the losses ,_ocls not ta&e, into account t!lo continuinis infiltration of nanoower from jorth Vietnam into the South. has been running at a rate of about 4,000 to (,;,000 men a ronth on the averaT7... during the past year and conceivably could offset the additional combat losses during the Tr:t recovery period. InFiltration would clearly tend, over a six-month period, at least, to of nt TI;7\ unit lvsse'3 in r3outh Vietnam. The .11alitative _ rrom tse standooint of tr000 quality, the Com-)unit losses ;7i.11 be sorlew�lat harder to r.:.laco, and a ti-e frame for su:-.711 recovery cannot be assigne(1. however. it is 1-)ro'Da'ale that the over�:11 qualitative less to t'In r:urinr; the Tt f.:cen- stv was not as schst-Intial as the i:ntal ti-nr(.1 -11- S'C.C1-217T Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 indicat7A. noted above, anyw'he 2ercnt of the I. ooriceivahiy ioro net -art of horos]ular o.-qunist snlJaratus. ere- over, thorr, ore everal other hsnects to coni'or in asry-Ar:sn- the Tlalitative loss. Jne is the .7(-- plent of well-trainel .clre in th:, person oc non-cot;, an,1 technical h-,cialists. -nother as;)ect is the Lenlace ient of trained 5n- fantrymen. In the case, our judgment that the lcxes ran aroun,1 20 to 30 nr-,rc3nt of the net ':1\--Derhapq 12,000 .en. woul(1 tnclut ht- trition renresentin.r the norrial ratio of non-coml, anC, rr--)ecaM.hts in Jo:1-,111 unit; ,n' alr.-;c, hole adlitin-,a1 Allowance for hih ion on Lrained as s,--r),,rs set: ce:tnstely in tie ohrly sta,jes o' the urban offon3ive, 21 hi lols in rany w-AY-1 ny be the o' rAerious aspect of the :27.o=1-Anist cas'halties, the o-ffonsive, since the trai.nincs of renlacoents for these (7roups tale 77re777 captured documents, or e:!'ampTh, that the: nunistr; have been rainin larcje :'eers '; p during the past year n courses ::'ie up to onths. -12- Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 3.5(9) 3.5(c) 72. Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 renlacet of traihe,:t infantry 1.1.-puld so to : les ser1aus, althougA still sicrrfict, us .7:Ct of the loss. MY-771al1y, t7:10 trainin,j cycle :(Jrrue.2-1 eu in r-1, ;oxo thorn essunjst unit runs J.I.out throe -.Ionths. Th i.s nrol(:r:: enerly to eoe ext!--'t, hoew,r, by his;)*rle-ss of upgrading to ki.-F11,.:1r eche/ons 17:en have already receive-T artial or rudintary nilitarv trainin ::',rom the nature of th re7.Dortia7 fe far, it ,7ou3d appear that the Communists plan to continue this course in re.nlacin their Tet 1035 's. The regular forces -gill be fille,1 out by levies from among t71,-, irr7u1ars, who will in turn receive the new conscri2t:3 and recruits. 23. Perhaps the rost I ortant as,a-c,ct cf tb ua1itati77e loss amonc7 th,f! will he in the youl-;Ifill age o -7,rvr of the inco-:,Anj recruits ani.1 consori?ts. It is clear that a 7re-Jin ')roportion of the Coml.:tnist f7o::ccs over th year hav,7_..1..K2cin in the lcie qrou froo 16 to 16 exact proportions oe? currnnt- proscti7o ago rax of Cormunit rank-and-f; soldiers, is far fron clear and will pre!.)afuly rc7.ain SO. The fi7.-21T1's Loses 24. Thr, V.Itnamose :''srmv and paramil.i.t-v forces also suffered sif,stantial c,7=alties urLn -13- Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 recent o(fonsiva. 7ror:, 30 .Inuary tillroug,1 27 .'ehrunr-r, ry iet over 3,23 hii1e en wonn,lef.. �Its1o3i rat,11 Ls -;:nproxill.utely threet3.Pe3 the 1,or-la1. ront'dy rAte can:ta1- 1:ies ,Airinc, the p-I.ct 7V 10 have no accounting 0' i:roops. '7,10 Ti ,urin the1-,Jc=t Tht of.fensive. 23. :Attie :Ian] inf-or-.1ation i ruilaeie to U9 on the :Oility of the ,7,V1i to n-colln its ln- 7ower losses. do %nr-Jw th3.�,1 �1,711 'peen able, despite i'f.n 1033 JE iUifl0 10')7, to sustai.n its o'.for-all CO: t throu and the Jraft. It 11-1-1, in f-act, increar4e,1 slIt in stren,;t1t during latter el of 1267, the :sesertion .1rop. ;0e-s hwever, 1o31 rate rr-latn3 it anything like Crle le v1sustained urin1 the oonth, the Drny 4i1l he,'n,a')le to :aintain its mrilr- ical strength. It is ?-e'-)a')le that the loss rte ;7;_11 sir07) 3ub5tantiallv t Icv-215 of t'lc, rZ5t alt'-,0110 not to l'he 11)37 ra'zrl. 26'. 'the current ,plans of the 3aio-on (-overn-lent f.or th.,n aurpnntation :if the .-\..2V; p--oJablv enable the ''.1VAo raintai:1 Its co-3n:It stren7tIl at rctl-:tly the current nomerical 1%,_!ls, a p,-,r-;A2s Lo -14- Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 it,unless no 'i-Thtin7 a.uain flares to :'ajor 30v,-21s. ;:now little in , tail about t,Itese plan:, althiluTi the(.overn '1;ts annousc-2d that it intemisto Inurting 12- (mil 1)-year-ola youtt19 in riu first half of 1r)(3`3.fe recall of ;,any len 0.n,.1 a Freeze cm qscllargos of Lose now in se-:-v- _ice will also, if fully iYplennnte3, help in re- cowninrT ani a-Idinq to the ;CT; 3tren.qth. Lhis point, it 13 ipos3i*31e to predict the time ,ram^ in .71-lich this will take plac. 27. eportinq also is incom-31ete on the impact oF therf4 offensive on the regional and pooular forces, the paramilitar7 arm of thrt south '.-ietnaesn! esta'AishInt. There are inJications, ever, tat these forces, whic'l operate ?ri-aril in thr, conntr7si,le, are currentiv.beinrj subjected l to a substantial inf.:1i rivc aine.i at ,3e-lorali7An-r o7fort ap7ears to e achicvinc :oe succels, es2ecially in the Delta, whore rocjalar have oulleJ in to Clfen,1 district an arovicia1 towns. There are .:,any reports of ontposts _ormcrly held by eqional rtnfl popular forces that have now 'been o.:Iandoned. -15- SW.P7,01- Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C05007925 3.5(c) 3.5(c)