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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 CO2703783
Research Study
International and Transnational Terrorism:
Diagnosis and Prognosis
PR 76 10030
April 1976
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So far, at least, the efforts of various terrorist
groups to promote broad regional and inter-regional
coordination through the holding of periodic
conferences and the formation of such umbrella
organizations as Latin America's Revolutionary
Coordination Junta (JCR) seem to have generated
more smoke than fire.* But at a lower level, a growing
network of overlapping ad hoc alliances and mutual
assistance arrangements have added an ominous new
dimension to the terrorist threat.
*The JCR is composed of Argentina's Revolutionary People's Army
(ERP), Bolivia's National Liberation Army (ELN), Chile's Movement
of the Revolutionary Left (MIR), Paraguay's National Liberation
Front (FREPALINA), and the remnants of Uruguay's National
Liberation Movement (MLN/Tupamaros). Backed by the ERP's
overflowing coffers, it has grown more active in recent months and has
the potential for becoming an effective and dangerous organization.
pproved for Release: 2018/10/01 CO2703783
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 CO2703783
"The Following Commentary is a ward advertisement"
"The Following Commentary is a paid advertisement"
Bunge and Born Ltd. wishes to clarify that it has been forced to publish this an-
nouncement by the imposition of the Organization which holds in its power its
executives Jorge and Juan Born. In no circumstances should its publication be
1. la aregniina for the last 20 years salaries have., established by collective wage bargaining committees
with the respective national trade union.
2. The Company has always respected these agreements. It has been the permanent policy of the company to
, maintain income levels above thoseestablished in the collective agreements.
.3. In the areas of its activities the Company pays the highest wages and offers the best working conditions in
the country. The related conf irmatory information can be obbined horn the relative trade unions.
4. Leaving aside the definition of the term "muttinational monopoly," no Argentine has the right to deprive
another Argentine of his rights as a citizen.
S. The act that a Company has activities in various countries by no means implies that its shareholders or its
executives disown their own.
6. The Company is the most important one in the Argentine Republic and that which has effected the greatest
investments. This casks doubt on the assertion that it has transferred its capital abroad.
deemed to imply agreement with its content.
In relation to the judgment made by the Organization against the company the
following clarifications are in order:
7. On the contrary the Company is the only one in Argentina which export, technology and ingresses the
corresponding royalties.
8. It has always been the consistent policy of the Company no/ to finance investments in one country with
resources derived from another. On the other hand the Argentina Central Bank prohibits such transfers
and the Company respects the law
9. Peron was ovenhrown in 1955 by a military putsch in which the Company neither directly nor indriectly
Played a no Pr'
to. The company resoullely opposes anyattempt to impose ideas by methods of violence.
17. The Company's riles contain correspondence with General Peron which bears ample witness to the high
level of respect and esteem felt by the General towards the Company
"In September, 1974 the Montoneros decided to submit the company Bunge y Born to
F9FIHIIIi��9r, trial. The antecedents relative to the Company's activities were studied
frorn its point of origin veto the present day, both in the country and abroad, and it was
decided to make Bunge y Born respond to the following charges:
1. Exploitation of the Working Class:
For years this company has expanded thanks to the exploitation of its workers, by
paying them low salaries and appealing to police repression when mobilizations took
place demanding justice in the distribution of profit.
2. Monopolistic Practices
In addition to exploiting its workers the company has used on numerous opportuni-
ties with differing devices strangling rnaneuvers to liquidate the small and medium
sized national company.
3. Agression against National IntereSts
In addition to the foregoing Bunge y Born has committed permanently attacks
against specific national interests. Through the decapitalization which it generates by
using the profits earned in the country for foreign expansion, Bunge y Born has
ceased to be a national company to convert itself into a multinational monopoly
thanks to exchange irregularities, thinking in the interests of the company and con-
spiring against the national interest. Additionally iv, participation backing the reac-
tionary and pro-imperialist coup-d'etat that in 1955 overthrew the Peronists, linking
itself permanently to the illegal goVernments that succeeded it, places the company
in the position of enemy of the Argentine Republic in the political terrain. This fact
was clearly demonstrated when the Peronists government came to power on March
or, 1973 by its practice of creating supply shortages to provoke chaos and facilitate
the detraction of the popular triumph.
With the object of carrying out the trial the Montoneros realized a military operation
and proceeded to detain Jorge and Juan Born, both owners and directors of the com-
pany. Following extensive interrogation and an analysis of the magnitude of the respon-
sibility of the company in the charges formulated the Montoneros imposed on Bunge y
Born the following penalties:
a) One year's prison for lorge and Juan Born, later commuted to 9 months when the
company fulfilled the remainder of the obligations.
b) Payment of a very large sum in dollars as bail for the freeing of Jorge and Juan Born,
and fine for the crime of exchange irregularities, this sum being handed over to the
Montoneros as the representatives of the national interest and to whose uses it will
be applied.
01 The delivery in townships, factories, schools and hospitals of merchandise to a value
of 1,000,000 dollars as punishment for the supply shortages the company inflicted
on the people.
d) Immediate solution of the union conflicts produced during the period of imprison-
ment of both directors, accepting the demands of the workers.
e) As retribution for the affront to the Argentine people that its participation in the 1955
coup d'etat represented, the placing in all its factories in the country of a bust of
both General Peron and Eva Peron, granting the workers authorization to suspend
activities and effect acts of homage when these are unveiled .
f) The placing of the present announcement on the notice boards of these factories, ex-
hibiting it for a period of 15 days.
This operation of the Montoneros constitutes one of the most transcendental political
events of the country and is effected in the context of a situation really dramatic for the
Argentine People.
During the last 30 years our people have been waging a heroic struggle against imperial-
ism and its local allies. The national interests against those of imperialism; the forces
which fight for liberty combating those that favor dependence. Imperialism or the Na-
tion, Dependence or Liberation�these define the principal terms of the confrontation.
One of the most important elements in this long fight is the emergence of the Peronista
movement as the political identity of the Working Class and small urban and rural pro-
ducers, and as the organizational framework inside which the people engages in as
global battle against the monopolistic interests.
The struggle against the pro-imperialist coup d'etat which in 1955 overthrew Peron, the
popular resistance which the people carried out for 18 years against the successive vari-
ants with which the system tried to frustrate the popular will, the resonant popular tri-
umph that on 11th March 1973 terminated the Military Dictatorship of General Lanusse
�these had as their central protagonist and the unifying axis of all sectors of the nation
the Peronista Movement led from exile by General Peron.
Sons of these 18 years of resistance, matured by multiple popular struggles, as the ex-
pression of the highest levels of confrontation and as a synthesis of this long experi-
ence, there evolved the armed organizations of Peronism which then converged into
the present politico-military organization of the Montoneros.
All methods were tried by Imperialism to destroy the Peronista Movement as the Move-
ment for National Liberation: persecution, gaol, torture, shootings, exile�these
clashed magatnst a movement which maintained its unity around General Peron and
which was intransigent in defense of the popular interests.
With its attempts at destruction a failure, imperalism fell back on the ploy of joining the
regime, trying to convert it into a liberal structure that co-exists inside the system, em.
plying it of its content of the masses, depriving it of its revolutionary essence and de-
stroying it as the Movement of National Liberation. It prepared and promoted a double
strategy: through bribery, infiltration, ideological penetration, the incorporation into
the very economic structure of monopolies�through these, imperialism began to
spawn a layer of business, union and political leaders who abandoned the defenseof the
interests of the Peronista people to convert themselves into the instrument of the impe-
rialist strategy for the destruction of the Peronista Movement as tlie Movement for Na-
tional Liberation; traitors to the fatherland and the movement, the supporters of the
monopolistic interests, these sectors chose in the confrontation the battle Camp of De-
pendence. Simultaneously they savagely repressed all those leaders, militants and ag-
grupations which continue loyal to the interest of the working class and the people, and
which, faithful to the Fatherland and the movement, never abandoned the war for Lio-
eration. There is invented on "institutional" Peronism, empty of the masses and lull of
traitors who accept docilely the rules of play of the system at the same time that they
attempt to annihilate the Authentic Peronism.
Following the popular triumph of 11th March 1973 the imperialist strategy maintained
these principles and, far from confronting globally the Peronista government, proposed
as its objective detracting from that triumph deposing from the government structures
the authentic Peronists and filling them little by little with the traitors.
With General Peron dead, this strategy entered into its final phase, and in a few months
one of the greatest of popular triumphs became transformed into one of the most dicta-
torial, repressive and pro-impenalist governments that the Argentine people has had to
From the 11th of March 1973 nothing remains, neither Peron as head of the Movement.
nor Ca mpora as President, neither the provincial governors, nor the Mm isters nor even
the program voted for by people. A small group lusting for power, pivots of the imperi-
alist strategy, has been accumulating in their hands the control of the institutional appa-
ratus of the Peronista Movement and the Government. From there they defend thein.
of the monopolies vaunting the shirt of Peron ism. They consist of the President
Isabel Martinez, Minister Lopez Rega, Raul Lastiri, President of the Chamber of Depu-
ties, with all their unconditional followers.
Economically the country is bankrupt, virtually in crisis. The inflation has reached a rate
of 10% per month and already the people have lost the capacity for shock; the real wage
of the workers, continually deteriorating, makes it necessary to perform acrobatics to
survive; investment is zero, there is no offtake of the labor force, and unemployment
aggravates the decline in salaries; the external debt has climbed from 6.500 million dol-
lars in 1974 10 9.300 million today; the balance of payments loin deficit, the hard cur-
rency reserves fall alarmingly daily; the devaluation of the Argentine currency is really
outstanding�in six months the black market dollar has tripled in value; small and me-
dium-sized industry is being liquidated. The world crisis of capitalism is thrown onto
the shoulders of the dependent countries; to that the multi-national monopolies may
save themselves from the disaster the Argentine people will, together with the other de-
pendent countries, suffer the consequences.
The complement of this economic policy is d repression that has no parallels in the re-
cent history of the country. With the objective of simulating a popular government,
which governs nourishing itself on the majority and with the consent of the minority, it
is necessary to abort every kind of opposition bell justified 01 001. The most advanced
repressive legislation has been imposed, making possible the joint action of the forces
of repression headed by the armed forces. Completing this institutionalized repressive
machinery there has been mounted from the very government the parapolice organiza-
tion, A.A.A., which has comrnited hundreds of savage assassinations with total impu-
nity. Integrated by police, military and mercenaries, it imposes the politics of terror,
blasting with bullets, dynamiting and setting on fire the popular militants, journalists,
political leaders, priests, etc. At the head of this repressive machinery the Minister of
Social Welfare lose Lopez Rega pretends in his madness for power to emulate Hitler of
Nazi Germany. Similar in his methodology. Lopez Rega aspires to the control of all the
apparatus of repression to invest himself with power and will never rest till he achieves
his objectives.
Apart from repressing those who confront the government, there is necessary the si-
lence of the press. To that legislation which chokes the lreedcm of expression to the
closure of newspapers and magazines, there are added threats, persecution and the as-
sassination of those journalists who dare to make any criticism or simply gather the
truth and publish it. To the censure imposed by law there is added the autocensure
which terror imposes upon the media.
In the face of all this the majority of the liberal political leaders�where Dr. Ricardo Hal.
binstands out�play at "constructive opposition based on dialogue and respect for the
institutions". Masters of all the skills to make the popular struggles their own without
ever representing their interest, these gentlemen prefer to fall silent or speak ambigu-
ously rather than provoke a confrontation they cannot control. They defend the same
interests as the government, they differ in that they are liberals, they disagree with the
way in which the present policies�with which essentially they agree�are implemented
only because they are left to the side in the execution. Enemies of the process of Na-
tional Liberation, they are allies of the imperialist strategy of annihilating the Authentic
Peronism to frustrate the organization of the Working Class and the People to castrate
the revolutionary process.
'To overcome this critical situation into which the country has been dragged we cannot
count on any nationalist coup d'etat or anything similar; the Armed Forces will never
defend the popular interests and at every moment they prove this. Nor can we hope
that the mom distinguished liberal political leaders abandon their posture of many years
HI emulating the regime, helping to leave the people isolated from the decisions. The
most heroic defenders of the "democratic institutions"�always provided these serve to
continue in a state of dependence�they have no hesitation .in supporting constantly
more this totalitarian government.
Today moth than ever before there ry fulfilled the pronouncement of General Peron:
"Only the People can save the People".
The Montoneros have accepted the historic challenge. To continue the process of Na-
tional and Social Liberation has a concrete meaning, one path only to follow. It implies
deepening a process which can only be consistent to the extent it is hegomenised by
the Working Class. Which will be possible when we construct a Popular Power which
liquidates the political, military and economic power of the imperialism which will be
definitize when we destroy the dependence on capita/ism and constr. � socialism.
We assume the responsibility of the moment and we commit all our . Les tor
1. Reconstruct the Peronist Movement as the authentic expression of the interests of
the Working Class and the People avoiding that these are destroyed by treason. The
Authentic Peronism will arise from this crisJs strengthened by its experience of strug-
gle, converted into the Movement of National Liberation by means of which the Peo-
ple will wage its definitive war against imperialism.
2. To promote the construction of the National Liberation Front which, led by the Per-
onist Movement, joins together in the fight for National Liberation small and me-
dium sized businessmen and all those sectors which are in contradiction with impe-
3. To continue without truce the resistance to the present government, laying bare its
anti-popular, repressive and pro-imperialist essence, attacking without respite the
forces that sustain it until we achieve its annihilation.
Figure 3. The notice inserted in the Washington Post by Bunge and Born Ltd.
condition for the release of Jorge and Juan Born
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