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February 18, 1975
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Memorandum from the Acting Secretary of State (Ingersoll) to President Ford,
Washington, February 18, 1975
Ingersoll updated Ford on efforts to combat terrorism and highlighted continuing
[State, CIA]
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy Files, P750037-0744. Secret.
A copy was sent to S/CCT. Attachment 1 is not published. Attachment 2 is published as
Document PLosiernber6-,-1-974]. Attachment 3 is published as Document
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4.. �
PP 5-0. 03 p..0,7 yy,
February 18, 1975
SUBJECT: Combatting Terrorism
In his September 25, 1972, memorandum establishing
the Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism, President
Nixon requested periodic progress reports. There fol-
lows a resume of the work of the Committee since the
report of June 27, 1973.
The Committee itself has been convened only at its
installation. There has been no compelling reason to
convene more frequently since its ten statutory Cabinet-
level members are kept fully informed by its dynamic
WOrking Group, which is in close contact as issues
arise and incidents occur. The Working Group now
includes as participants ten additional agencies which
cooperate in seeking "the most effective means by which
to prevent terrorism here and abroad," to use the
language of the original mandate.
For working purposes, we consider terrorism as
violent attacks or threats by politically motivated or
mentally disturbed individuals or groups against inno-
cent bystanders who fall under our protective respon-
sibility. We are concerned primarily with protection
of Americans at home and abroad and with foreign offi-
cials and dependents in this country. But since this
is a global problem requiring international remedies,
we as A government assume an international leadership
role in pursuit of multilateral remedies. At the same
time, the Committee watches violence in this country
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BY_S/S4 '
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-TF.R. rah.
thrs.tgh the eyes of the FBI, the Department of Trans-
-portation, and other domestic agencies and is particu-
larly alert to any domestic cases with international
terrorist potential.
Individual departments and agencies continue to
manage programs dealing with terrorism under their
respective mandates. Therefore this paper will con-
centrate on the essentially coordinating role of the
Cabinet Committee/Working,Group, which ensures that
these programs are fully dovetailed and that government-
wide resources focusing on this problem are used to
beet advantage.
The emphasis remains on prevention and on diplomacy,
but the Cabinet Committee/Working Group is also pre-
pared to cope with emergencies. I am convinced that
this. bureaucratic innovation has, over the past two and
a half years, reduced the risk to our people and is well
worth continuing.
A. Continuing Programs at Home
You will have received reports through the tradi-
tional channels on the performance of individual depart-
ments in the counter-terrorism field. The following
essentially domestic programs are however worth high-
-- The Department of Transportation/Federal
Aviation Administration in cooperation with other
agencies continue to strengthen the United States
Civil Aviation Security Program now required of
operators of US airports and US scheduled domes-
tic and flag air carriers operating large air-
craft. Mandatory screening of all passengers and
their carry-on baggage, including foreign airports
e permitted, and the US/Cuba bilateral ag:ee-
At have effectively deterred hijacking of US
aircraft from the United States. However, we are
still vulnerable to hijackers at many foreign
airports where proper screening is not permitted.
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Another serious gap lies in the fact that many
foreign Carriers entering the United States do
not regularly screen their passengers, thu
le-lei** US airports vulnerable to torro
attacks. The Departments of Transportation and
State are working to close these two security
-- The Department of state has created a
new position of Security Coordinator, who will
ensure that protection of foreign officials and
installations is optimum. He will work closely
with the Secret Service, the Executive Protective
Service, and the Department of State as they pro-
vide supplemental protection to that which is
furnished by local authorities.
-- The rw is the primary source of intel-
ligence on domestic violence and assumes primary
responsibility should an act of terrorism occur
involving foreign officials and installations
sod requiring a Federal respons.a. Pursuant to
an agreement with the Attorney General, the
Department of Defense is providing assistance
to the FBI in the form of equipment loans and
security measures.
-- The Department of Justice monitors
Public Law 92-539 which specifies Federal crimi-
offenses for various acts against foreign
els, thus supplementing legal protection
cestomarily provided under local jurisdictions.
-- Visa, immigration, and customs procedures
remain tight. A deeper screening of visa appli-
cant* of Arab origin has shown some useful
results. Japanese applicants have been given
1 attention following the seizure of
0 JA0 the Preach Embassy in Holland by �
Red Army terrorists.
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VP The Department of Treasury/ATF, with the
cooperatiou of other Departments and agencies,
continues to search for cost effective techniques
to detect the presence of explosive materials,
and to "tag" explosives for identification.
-- The FBI, the Secret Service, and the
Department of State are training negotiators and
other profeszionals for use in hostage situations.
-- All Departments concerned, including the
Washington Metropolitan Police Department (which
cooperates with the Working Group), are agreed
on guidelines to be used in domestic incidents
with international ramifications. (Attachment
2.) The Philippine Embassy incident of November
saw an effective initiation of these guidelines,
which have been refined since then.'
-- The ERDA and Defense have tightened safe-
guards and security measures designed to fore-
stall terrorist seizure of nuclear materials or
attacks upon nuclear weapons storage, on the
civilian and military sides respectively.
Defense has established a Physical Security
Review Board responsible for policy and standards
pertaining not only to the protection of nuclear
weapons but to DOD conventional arms, weapons,
and explosives as well.
-- The Postal Service operates a well-tested
surveillance for letter bombs and has developed
good international connections.
D. International Efforts
We seek wherever possible to inspire the broadest
multilateral consensus in responding firmly to inter-
national terrorists. Ideally, if governments will
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agree on arrest or extradition of such offenders, ter-
rorists will find that the price for their crimes will
be intolerable and they will desist. Unfortunately
most countries do not show the firmness or political
will Which the US manifests in standing up to terrorist
threats and in too many cases find reasons to permit
the terrorist to get away and to strike another day.
Nevertheless, there are hopeful sigma -- such as new
firmness of Mexico, Dominican Republic, Algeria, and
even the PLO in some cases of international terrorism --
which gives us hope that common sense will eventually
prevail and international terrorists will be restrained
in the process. In any event, it is important that the
US continue to set the best example and to show the
right sort of leadership internationally in the face of
this continuing challenge. Some areas of activity
which we support:
-- Under the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO), three international con-
ventions have been adopted which provide for
arrest or extradition of aerial saboteurs.'
Regrettably the Air. Security Conference in
Nome in the summer of 1973 was unable to agree
on further sanctions against countries which
violated this principle. The ICAO Council in
Montreal, however, continues its quiet and
good work in improving airport and airline
technical security.
-- While we failed in 1972 to achieve agree-
ment at the UN on a convention to outlaw the
expert of violence from one country to another,
the General Assembly in December, 1973, adopted
a Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of Crimes Against internationally Protected
Persons, including Diplomatic Agents. This
Convention provides for, among other things,
the prosecution or extradition of terrorists
lite Strike at diplomats. The climate at the
IN General zioseftly was such that no prbf-
itOble, initiative in the terrorism field was
feasible. We are therefore obliged to await
a change in that climate before attempting
new initiatives there.
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-- Over the years our delegates to INTERPOL
have achieved what has been possible, in that
essentially non-political organization, to track
down terrorists.
-- Members of the Cabinet Committee/Working
Group cooperate with the International Associa-
tion of Chiefs of Police in a wide variety of
counter-terrorist matters.
-- NATO has been hesitant to engage in com-
batting terrorism, largely because of divergences
over Middle East policies, but the US has taken
initiatives regularly to attempt to overcome
this unrealistic reluctance.
-- The Department of State engages in steady
bilateral diplomacy to supplement multilateral
efforts to convince governments that they should
stand together or they will hang separately.
State also makes demarches to a wide variety of
governments in cases where leniency toward ter-
rorists can only foster new terrorism. We have,
e.g., been firm with the Sudanese and Egyptians
in the matter of the terrorists who killed our
Ambassador and his Deputy in Khartoum in March,
- CIA plays an important role in collecting
and analyzing intelligence abroad and in main-
taining appropriate liaison with friendly foreign
services in this field. CIA and NSA are indis-
pensable, as is FBI domestically, in intelligence
support of task force operations.
-- The Departmew. of Treasury/Customs in
their daily working relationship continues to
exchange information and review Customs tech-
niques on a one-to-one basis with their foreign
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-- The Department of Transportation/FAA
have offered a variety of technical assistance
to foreign governments to help improve their
airport and airline security. The FAA school
at Oklahoma City is but one opportunity for
foreigners in this program.
-- LIMA funds anti-terrorist activities
of other Federal agencies such as the FAA
school in Oklahoma City and an FBI symposium
on international terrorism.
AID's Office of Public Safety has
accomplished a great deal of good over the years
in the counter-terrorism field with its programs
abroad and in this country for foreign police
administrators. This Office was abolished by
the last Congress.
-- Businessmen with overseas interests
have been in mild panic in such areas as Latin
America, where they are often terrorists' tar-
gets. State's Coordinator for Combatting Ter-
rorism has made a special effort to share with
such Americans techniques, intelligence, and
counsel which can reduce the risk to these
-- Following the murder of our diplomats
in the Sudan, Congress was asked for special
fund* for additional personnel and materials
to Water security at our diplomatic and con-
sular 'Wits. $19.6 million was appropriated,
and has been disbursed to the most needy posts.
-- The Department of State, in coordina-
tion with members of the Cabinet Committee/
working Group, has recently instructed all
diplomatic and consular posts on management
of hostage situations abroad. (Attachment
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,Polisy and Tactics
- -
Our principal desire is to deter a terrorist from
striking by placing legal, physical, or other barriers
before him. Should he strike, we seek to apprehend
him and ensure that he pays a sufficiently high penalty
to discourage other potential terrorists.
In a hostage situation, our primary objective is
to secure the safe return of the hostages. Collaterally
we Seek to apprehend the terrorist(s). This is easier
said than done since in some instances we may be obliged
to acquiesce to the terrorist's freedom in return for
the safety of the hostages. In order to facilitate the
decision-making in such instances, the Cabinet Committee/
Working Group have included in their operational guide-
lines probable demands of terrorists at home and abroad,
various options with pros and cons, and certain recom-
mended actions. The thorny problems of monetary ransom
(the US has not paid ransom for release of its person-
nel), release of prisoners, and amnesty for terrorists
are reviewed in those 9uidelines in the interest of
facilitating the excruciating, and often life-and-death,
decisions which must be made in hostage situations.
On the management side, all Departments and agencies
have improved their task force and other procedures for
emergency actions connected with kidnappings, hijackings,
and other terrorist actions. These procedures are kept
under continuing review and constitute yet another deter-
rint to terrorists. By prompt and effective management
of hostage situations, we hopefully can overcome ter-
rorists by one device or another.
Handling of publicity is an important element in
any counter terrorism program. In a rescue operation,
the task force commander sees to it that the media
receive information which does not jeopardize his opera-
tiOn or further endanger the fragile security of the
hostages. In the longer run, the various agencies in
their public relations roles attempt to place the ter-
rorist in his proper context -- terrorists are not
heroes but rather criminals who strike at innocent by-
standers. Political passion no matter how deeply held
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_cannot be justification for killing innocents, and
governments have a continuing and overriding obligation
to safeguard the most fundamental right of all -- the
right of life.
D. C ntinuiUg Concerns
I regret to report that the outlook is not bright
for an early termination of representative incidents
such as are listed in the attachment. Our primary
-- Terrorist groups and individuals of dif-
ferent nationalities are working more closely
together, are moving farther and farther afield,
including toward North America, and are generally
amply financed by ransoms collected or by govern-
ments which for one reason or other are sym-
pathetic toward certain terrorist groups.
-- As progress is made toward a political
settlement in the Middle East, there remain so-
called rejectionists who wish to sabotage that
progress and to kill Arabs and others seeking
a settlement. These rejectionists often receive
encouragement if not support from Iraq and
-- While the PLO and its more moderate
supporters have disavowed foreign terrorist opera-
tiOns except for Israel or Israelis, this does
nOt preclude continuing raids in Israel, which
in turn triggers sharp Israeli reaction in kind
and further cycles of violence, particularly
across the Israel-Lebanon frontier.
-- The Jewish Defense League has resumed an
aggressive nation-wide campaign against Soviet
.installations and others (French, Indians) with
potentially serious diplomatic consequences.
4�101111141 �
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-- Terrorists benefit from improved tech-
nology, including communications and weaponry.
We have attempted to restrain the Soviets and
the Syrians from making a portable surface-to-
air missile (SA-7) available to Fedayeen groups
who might allow this weapon to be diverted to
use against civilian airliners as was the case
in Rome in the winter of 1973.
-- In Latin America, where kidnapping is
endemic, there have been epidemics of this
extremism from time to time. Argentina gives
us particular concern as our people are peri-
odically targeted in the terrorist process.
The recent kidnapping in Managua of members
of the Nicaraguan establishment causes us to
fear repetition of that atrocity even in
countries where security is considered to be
good. The anti-Castro FLNC has struck in
this country and abroad at governments which
are considering resumption of relations with
-- Our vigilance has spared the US many
of the atrocities whiTh we see committed
abroad, but international terrorist threats
continue to aim at the US. The bombs in
Manhattan during Mrs. Golda Meir's 1973
visit, the letter bomb at the British Embassy
14 August, 1973, and the murder of an Israeli
Military Attache in July, 1973, were all
believed to be of foreign origin and are
dramatic reminders that international ter-
rorists have already arrived. Moreover the
Petty Hearst case and others contained an
international potential and illustrated the
passibility of domestic and foreign ter-
rorist groups' collaborating operationallY-
-- Last but not least, there seems to be
no shortage of political, economic, and social
frustrations to spawn terrorist: on all
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Priority Arq40 of ConCentraied.Etfort
Appreciating as we do the importance of preventing
terrorism as opposed to an after-the-event response,
all agencies and Departments have concentrated on
iiproving their intelligence and their standard operat-
ing procedures for dealing with this phenomenon. More
-- Research is given high priority. State
and Defense have hired the RAND Corporation to
prepare a Confidential study to advise on the
optimum management of hostage situations. Four
or five agencies, including LEAA, are collabo-
rating in a study to determine where municipal
and international law may permit additional
legal deterrents against terrorists. We are
examining the possible utility of independent
research to ensure that all possible gaps are
being filled with counter-measures against
terrorists who may wish to employ nuclear er
biological-chemical weapons. ERDA is accel-
erating its research effort to develop more
advanced physical security systems for the
protection of nuclear materials intransit
and in plants. Bilateral technical discus-
sions on nuclear materials protection have
been held with France, the United Kingdom
and Ismael. Defense has engaged a firm of
consultants to analyze the political dynamics
of Palestinian terrorist movements.
Tha Working Group is giving increased
priority attention to a more systematic
utilization of behavioral science techniques.
-- Justice continues to monitor Federal
and other legal protection of foreign offi-
cial*, to ensure that prosecution is vigorous
and that terrorists are deterred by efficient
law enforcement in pending cases.
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�f4L 2.
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� -- We remain gravely concerned over the
gaps in the security screen surrounding foreign
officials and installations in this country and
have presented various recommendations to the
White House calling for increased Federal
resources to supplement, on a periodic basis,
the traditional local protection accorded our
foreign guests. Of particular concerr ic New
York City, where it is imperative that we do
something more and soon to assist the good
work of the New York City Police, who have
done remarkably well in such situations as
the Arafat visit. Other communities also
periodically deserve additional limited
Federal assistance.
-- On the Hill, we continue to press
for implementing legislation on the UN
Convention for the Protection of Diplomats
as well as for a similar convention adopted
in the OAS.
-- The Treasury and Transportation
Departments, with State participation, are
attempting to devise a joint program which
would mechanically examine both incoming and
outgoing hold baggage.
-- FAA is considering regulations which
would impose on foreign airlines serving this
county the same restrictions on security of
hand baggage and persons boarding their in-
coming and outgoing aircraft as prevail with
domestic US airlines.
-- State is preparing a major revision
of its task force procedures for dealing with
overseas kidnappings of official and unoffi-
cial Americans.
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mt. 03
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The challenge of international terrorism is still
great and we have no choice but to meet it. Some
countries lack the political will to face up to it and
dhoOse instead to transfer the problem to the inter-
national community. We set the opposite example -- am-
nia* With terrorists while at the same time compassion
tor the hostages, a responsive system which removes
legitimate grievances, collaboration with other nations
to find the broadest international consensus to counter
the continuing threat, and improvement of management
and other techniques to outwit or to overcome the
The Cabinet Committee/Working Grou is unique
among governments as a mechanism for coping
. Tnei-w iv- no danger that the Committee/Group
will rest on its several laurels. On the contrary,
its membership is the first to admit that there remains
much we can and should do to cope with this continuing
problem. This report outlines the course which-is
charted for so doing.
1. Representative Incidents, July, 1973, to the Present
2. .Guidelines for Dealing with Terrorism with
International Ramifications
3. Revised Procedures for Responding to Acts of
Terrorism Against Americans Abroad
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