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Publication Date:
December 14, 1977
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
CE ERN 9569
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(Formerly FS-413)
January 1975
Dept. of State
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(Formerly FS-413A
January 1971
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Classification MRN
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
(Formerly FS-413A)
January 1975
Dept. of State
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(Formerly FS-413A}
January 1975
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Tan aila he very
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(Formerly FS-413A)
January 1975
Dept. of State
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New of the September 15 habeas corpus petition
requesting freedom for former LA OPINION editor Jacobo
Timerman was leaked to the Argentine press in mid-October.
The press stories carried resumes of the Timerman petition
See Buenos Aires .) that the vacating of the PEN
decree by the Supreme Court removed the only basis on which
the Executive can continue to detain Mr. Timerman as the
Acta Institucional does not give the Executive detention
authority. The Attorney General's office has responded
to the petition and Timerman's lawyers are now preparing
their final rebuttal. TimucIaKtmaf
The last of the Timerman children, Hector, left
Argentina for Israel on October 7. Mr. Timerman has
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requested Ambassador Castro and the Israeli Ambassador
for their support in seeking his expulsion from Argentina.
The message relayed to this Embassy by Timerman's Rabbi
Marshal Meyer stated that Timerman would not object to
the GOA's removing his citizenship and immediately
expelling him from the country. He stated that he would
be happy to leave Argentina and to start his career again
in Israel. Timerman stated that he would not petition
for the right of option as the Supreme has declared that
he is not legally held under Executive detetion decree.
He feels that acceptance of the right of option would
legitimitize his detention and amount to an admission
of his guilt. If the government is only willing to
release him under the right of option, then he feels he
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has no alternative but to remain under house arrest. He
stated that people have paid greater prices and it is
something that he must do for "dignity of the Jewish
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Cf d e /0-1A
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.� .� ExcLustvE REPORTS BY EN TINE :
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
Cartas de Argentina
See page -95 �
! . �
:Sent by courtesy of .
Address '
F loor ...1,..Apartment . ,
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
. , .. � � .
. . . .
As a:result of an Upsurge in the foreign slander campaign against Argentina; prin-
cipally keyed to the anti-guerrilla fight and 'alleged VlolatiOns'of hurrian'rightaie group!
of Argentine. journalists has decided to come together to give a genuine and' untrarn-
nieled Viewotwhat la going on here. � �� � ' -. . � - � .
The professional journalists who are with me.weric In the, mott'important:newa-
�papers and magazines in Argentina. This Country Ida melting pot of immigration and.
. . those of us who produce this publication belong to Various races, various faltfie;� and
er Front � various political and social philoiephies. .:*. ' ; ... . � .. ' *
� . - In Argentina, whethe(froin conviction .or�becaUse It sounds. goect;:everybody mut-'
rgentina � .
.... tersihings about the, government and blame's the people in charge foieverything�that
. . gees wrong: � � � � � � � .. � " . ,. � � . .,.... .
..- But above" all-thie:We're-patrietiC 'and the-elandiirtarriplign' hurts.. It'triiii it'
r � � � -
Exclusive reports., prepared by Argentine �
. .
Journalists for journalists In the US
� Av. Santa Fe 4134�Plso 8�."0"
� Telefono 71-3668
1 42 5 - Buenos Aires -
Repittlica Argentina
:Editor i Antonio Rodriguez Carinona
: .� � . �
;Gesk.E.dlter,.� :Martin Attica
� �
:Associate Editor: Rosa Julia Bellizi
Contributors to this Issue:
Orbarto Beladrich
Claudio Bramanti
. � .
generated by spurious Interest And this is one thing In which prefeeelonatiournalists
worthy of the name won budge. We brUmble, but were not traitors: Seme.'unfor-
tunate economic circumstances affect us,, but we're not starving. We have some res-
triQtlons on information', because afterall� a state of war. but Wedon't live. under.
any dictatorial censorship-. On the. contrary, the. amount of news padereand.Mage
. .
zlnes in Argentina grows all the time:,
in this travail which we have been through as a result of the guerrilla attack coor-
dinated by. the Fourth international in Paris, the public supported the fOrrner'Peronist
goVernMent and the' Current' one. Peronlim as a mass force alwayS frontally. rejk3cted�
. subversion arid fought iton every front, refusing to support If politically. � �
Nor are we anti-Semitic; as has been said. 'No government ever campaigned agaldf'.�
Jews. because Aroentina we have alWavs lived In freedom and tolerance from much.
longer ago than many other, see find criticize us from theirinfor.-
. Mahon centers. * - ���� . , ' � �
. . .
�� And�dUr7inal.cornment to out U.S. colleagues and brotners Isinetwe ire-neither an
�offl�i flora government-sponsored publiCatien.� Thiele a-vicirli of fajth;�the tier:VW'
�� thing.that leso nooulat In the�United States: The most sianifIcant financial support
Lester from Argentina corrieS�from�US Buns which operate here. �-� � r ��� � .
:. If WehaVe financial' difficulties. It Is because there is no support from Argentine!
companies nor from government Offices and departments .� The Arg'entine.Cltizen'e
. 'classic "What, me wotryr attitude is probably the reason Why there leholcicat:s0p-
� pert. We hope that we can give some sort of an example,' not merely to defend Our-
.;selyes.against,the aggressive attack of autiversidn, but also go out and attack in turn �
.'shorving all the good thingo In Argentina. � . �
...This is�What Letter from Argontina�,
. .
. � � . � .
- Ante ei-reCrudedimienteliela-campafta-eitranjerade-desCrecilto-contralithrgentina,
'--??"-7--7!-- � os-A Live nal
.M�a Mateos
Ana Maria Mattas
Jorge 02 Patacios
Noted.� Raffled
� Fernando Sanchez Zinny
�'Eduardo Torhasai
dprechoe�humaripe; 4171�"grupade p,eriodtstat Argentines nes haMoS propUbatO der une�
� .. irhageri reai y verdade.ra de la activIdad _nacional.. Les PeriodidteeprofeSIOnales�que
,, tratiaian en los principaies diaries y revIstaeargentinee,�y en este :razes nuestrci, pertenecemos los que ?lace:M.06.1
� "cARTAs .DE. ARGENTINA�. a distintes. razas, credos; filosOfias politIcad"socials;'
Los argentinos, somos por�conviCcion O. pot qua queda eihiges.'de Murrnurer
contra el gobierno y atribuirtodos nuestros problernas a los.que mandenl: �
� Pero por sobre tbdo..somos argentinos y nos dueid la camParle internacional centre,'
nuestro pais. PorqUe ho es cierta. Es tette* Interesada yen eso los..beriedIstas- .
profeSionales que hecemoe este amide informative, no transartroe.'Noa quejamOs,.
.per.o. no somos traidores;� nos ckielen algunas CircunstanClas econemicasdesfaver.
pero no nos morimos de-haMbre; sufrimos algenasitmitoclohei.en Ia intor-�
rnacidn; . per la guerra en la Otis estambs empeflados contra la gUerrilla,. prim no vi-
virnosbajo una censure dictatorial. Cada velhey mas periddlcot y revistasen. Argon-,
tina En todo este proceso," en 'que nos hemos %fist() Inmersod per el ataque de le
'� � geerrIlladIng.idedesde pans perla IV InternaCional, el puebto.estukie con el goblernia
peronista. anterior y con el � gobierno actual, apoyando a sus fuerzas armadas,- La
� masa" popular perOniste, rechazo.siempre frontaimente a la subversion Oa cOtnbati6
en�todds los Rented y restandole.apoye politico. Tampocia somos antlsamitaa, come
se ha dado en deck per�ahl. NingUn goblerno reek� campaltealguna; porqUe en Ar-
gentina viVimos siernpre.�en una liberted anti-cipade en muchos Arles, a.:la de taiga'
naciones que ahora permiten qUe se nee desprestigle desde� skis' centre's de infer-
� Mack*. .
� � Per Ciltimo- les decinios inuestros hermanoi y colegas nortearhericanos(no Samba.
� publIcacien Oficial ni gubernamental, Este es una'obra de fe, a la quo uatedee son,
' tan propenses en sueobjetives. El mayorrespaido financier!) a nuestrotostoso.ser-
� vicio de informaciOn en .:"CARTAS. DE ARGENTINA" proviene de las empresas, nor--
tearnerIcanis .que .opetan en nuestro medic?. QuIza tenemos dIfIcultadee financleres;
.por que no hay respald.o eh las ampresas argentInas ni en las repartrciones.oficiales.0
gubernarhentales El claslco "que me importa" del argentine, tarfiblenle.hace retaceaif
� la cola.boraciOn a nueatra publicaciem.�EsPeremos que nosotres demos�el ejemple.a
los argentines para pasar no.a defendemos del ataque levede; agresiOn�periodistica
International, sino que tOmemosja ofenshia demostrar todo�lo bueno que�tiene nues-
tro pais: Ese es lo que quiere haCarro."CARTAS�DE�ARGENTINA'-��� lo noi; � ,
cl.!: �
. . � � � ' � �ELDlbiliii
, .
Rag istrO Nacional de' la, Propiedad%-� �
InteleCtUal. N� -1'392.664 ��� � . ��� �
' � : ."
ConCedidn del ' Correo', Argentino;
. F(educida; 2877 � Fran-
.2-queb Pagado:'N16
� . � �..
. �
, hereby authorize our US colleagues
to treeiy:reprint; completely or in part, any
'of.theseepecial reports. We *Quid be hap-,
py to receive the publications which "Let-
tar from Argentina", is sent to, on an ex-
� ;.chtiage. basis.:.Rlease. address correspon.
,dence or send 'exchange, copies to "Letter
Argentina",; Avenia Santa Fe 4134,
8/.0,' 1425 BUENOS AIRES, Argentina.
: �
; For additional information on Argentine,
/ please write "LETTER FROM ARGEN-
TINA", Avenida Santa Fe 4134 8/0, 1425
Letter from Argentina Page 2
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
Letter From
_ .
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
Current Eventa
' . 4 -
"We'll forge ahead", by Monsignor Derisl ' '' 6
A Jesuit's opinions, by Giovanni Ruin S.J....: .. : ' . 7'
Interview with Brigadier General
- Orlando Agosti , � �
Pslcopathy ob subversion ' 9 ,
Agony and ecstasy (1973-75) * ' ''10 �
The end of a montonerq captain 11,
� Timerman and Campora: two crooks 12 -
'A victorius general: Luciand B. Menendez 13
Who wants kill Campora? 14
New York Times, Juan dEiOnis and I
4 �. �
'Nobody persecutes psychiatry ' .
In Argentina 18 '
Three women 20 -.
The antl-Semitism question 22, ..
10th Congress of Jewish Communities 23. � '
One million argentine muslimS '24 ,
"The way I Think"� '25.
. �
1.0 years after "Populorum Progressio" 26
A reply to Me. Carter '27
US Chamber of Commerce '
�L-l2Leta_he1p_Argenitn.a...---�.� � � � � ��-� � ��� � � .: � � ; � � 29 - '-,
___�___,LIntentiewwittktneloreigirmin ister----- _�_,.-,...: 32�:........,..._
.� -..�
"La Nader," newspaper 34
� � -
"Cinema is a means of. expression', by � .
L.Torre NIlason , . . - 36 '
Momentoes of the Past 39.
The tango:, a.syrionym for Buenos Aires ........, _41, ,..
Art. Gallery � � ' - 43' -
"liandru"', humor always, In fashion
44 '
. .
Better jourrialists and commentators ' � `"' � ' 45
� �
ATANOR, a furnace stippiying Argentina ..' :.
"For things to be more than things"' .. ... : . ........." 50.
The Revolutionary objectives � �' .- - � '62'
A giant project: Saito Grande ' � �'' 53
Governor Saint Jean's performance in office . 54
Reople,- � 55
TheANOrld Cup steersMan ' ' 58
Peter Heinlein and the World CUP 59.
Jose Maria Munez, . �
"the sportscaster athe Americas"60�Plate, Metropolitan Champion . 61
Wings for the World Cup. ' '' ' 62
. . . _ .
i3Oca Juniors in the American
Soccer Championship? 63.
Reutemann's last chance .� ' 6,4'
Polo: Moore's School 66
Hunting the ferocious wild board' 67
Aragon Hotel Chain 70.
TheSouthern Lakes: �
Temptation fortravelers . 72 '
[Let's go eat out! - � � .; 74
Franzosi, master of masters .��..5.:i. :.1011��..� -7.5
Casares,1Grey.&ASS9Ciates . . , . � .. . ri et)sv ia.riei.a. ,,1113 , .
Selection of features ir.t.apaRIMI,::.�:::fil�eAT:FAE)".'����iqr- '
AG,EN.94+w..0 9
� . �
. �
Guest Editorial's
by Atexerider Perry tik. � . .
President Of the American Chamber
Of .Carrimerce in Argentina.
As president of the American Chamber of Commerce In Ar-.
�gentina :,-and as an Am,erican:cltizen carrying out business
:IkArgentina� I fully share the optimism, concerning Argen.r.
� tina's..potential and economic possibilities, .w_hich has .been
'generated in .business circles,�botn herepand abroad, :by the
adoption-in:Argentine�government circled:of airee4nterprise_
approach. . . . ,
I am fully 'aware that this. approadh, ban only .be implemen-
ted gradually;.-..that, thanks to years (and, in some reOiCte..
.decades)' of ,economic mismanagement, the country's rise to
*edonom lc soundness end-indeed greatness has to begin frOm
a considerable depth into.whichlt had fallen:, and that the
road- ahead � is difficult and not Without pitfalls', economic,
social and political.
.,Argentina, the country where I have chosen to...carry out
muy. businessilfe,. the country to which I contribute muy ef
fortSboth in :a private capacity and as a Chamber of Commer-
ce official, and which I am certain will repay these efforts I .
Mention.; is one of the countries which' constitute exceptions
to that, overall..trend towards paternalism and Interference by
thestate-A-think that all of us who: have for years: been urging
the' rollback of �the state and the freeing .9f-the Market, as a
general principle, should give aur backing to the place where
our policies have been put into practice. I aan express It even
More'clearly: I think' foreing companies.which believe in free
enterprise should actively abnelder investing- In Argentina,
-not only for the material rewards which It will bring as a
business operation, but to help 'strengthen the econoMic.
leaders.hip which put into practice the principles these com-
panies stand for. If that leaderahip falls,.through lack of sup-
port, it will in all probability be claimed that; the reason it.dld
so,..was that the, principles were faulty �it will be forgotten
'that. 'What Was missing was appropriate, backing at the right
� time � " � - - �
�Ing-.--ztttrans tatedlzintoarnoreziimmediateterinszzi
� Not thatra'decision to. invest In Argentina and its future
need only be taken as a kind of gesture of solidarity With the
� free. enterprise principles where it is being brought intO'full
being:-Far- frorn it. I believe that it will also bee- a paying
� proposition. ,..For this adoption .of a .market -4esonomy��
philosophy� this unusual event nowadays�',.took place-ln. a
coirritW.which has a lot going foc it. . . - �
�� -Argentina ja a large, viable,country. its area is equal to a
third Of.. that .otthe continental United States:. in.drable land,
ranks Jiftfr in the world, and much of is. not frie-
realy arable.; fits prodigiously fertile. Argentina has a�don= �
. siderable, diversified industrial Infraestructure; it'is virtually
;Self7iiifficlerit�in oil and natural. gas, and the recent reversal
of, eponomic'policies has pet in 'motion the.thalkof events
'whIckwill shortly allovilt to become fully self-sufficient, as
indeed it 'already was at one point twenty years ago. The
population has a high level of general education and 'many in-
dustrial skit* manpoWer is an Argentine plus in the same.
way as its alniost untapped mineral Wealth :and its tourist
potential: � � � � � .- � . . �
In rrivy Own'business life I have been connected with the �
Ceinent Industry and With�mining in the Andes range. But in-
.vePtmerit opportunities in Argentina range overa wide sppeC-� �
trurn, from farming'and cattle' raising: to � Industry in all its
branches, Vilthout neglecting the "industry without chimney-
s'!, tourisni. Bright opportunities beckon, for instance, in.'
food. processing and-other agro-industrial activitiea, as well
as in energy_ develobrefent in its various toertis; and in ccin't's
muniCatiOnS. Especially favored are'Investments which make'.
good use of local resources 'and manpower, Increase exports
Improve existing technology, etc. �
Are you Ihterested In Argentina? TheAtnerIcan Chamber of
�Commerce wilt be happy' to provide information; asistanCe �
'and. guidahde.
Letter from Argentina Page 3
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CVMSIMM21 8\218M218
_October was quite a Special month fort
Argentina. It began with the chase and
Capture of 'pirate Russian and Bulgarian.
fiShing .boats isee separate. report in this
. Issue).. The boats had flagrantly and re-
peatedly violated the:200-mile continental
sea limit, accepted by every country in. the
� world after the III Conference Of the Seel
� � ThelArgentine Navy's attitude in not ad-
� muting even, the slightest violation of Ar-
-geritirieS-OTiefelpty was unanimously ap-
plauded by the public. It meant giving.
practical and unmistakable forth to every'
.thing that had always been said regarding.
the defence of our heritage, material or
spiritual either when threatened'openly,
as in: the case of the fishing boats, or
obvertly,. as in 'the case of subversion and
itsmanycOlered activities. � -
The Foreign Minister, Vice-Admiral Os-'
car Antonio � Monies, was also warmly ap-
� 'plauded when he spoke at the 32nd Ge-
neral Assembly of the United Nations (see,
separate story in this. issue). Ationtes ra-
. tifiect Argentina's traditional' support fon
all: fair causes', starting with Argentina's
claims on the Malvinas. Islands and con-
cluding with support for a Middle East
homeland for the Palestinians.,
*And the key'figure in national diplomacy
(the word is not a euphemism In this case)
warmly welcomed the treatment, given to
the Panama Canal questionby the govern-
ments of the United 'States and Panama.
He said it was' an example of the virtue of
negotiation instead of force in the solution
of international disagreements.
Meanwhile, statements by the new US
rn bassad or-Ttcr:Arge nti r-Ra4I�Cas _
semi, "rm-goitigio-feel-asiffwas-afhomer--
beciuse I. know the language and the en-
vironment. I have often visited that country
end- I like it because it is open, and� sin-
� Mr; Castro; former governor of Arizona,
"is in .no doubt that Latin American cOuns-
tries 'have agreat affection for the United
States. I hope that in the future the United
States will be able to accept that affection
In good faith". This is what everybody In
Argentina wants, too.
" In .COrdoba, Planning Minister General
Ramon Genaro Diaz Bessone said that "ii
is necessary to labor untiringly toWards
national unity, which means no conces-
sions to anything that could lead us to
stagnation and retreat".
�The general's statement was, nothing
more than the truth when he said that.
"there can be no democracy in:Arrientina
without. political parties, but it is neces-
sary to take into accoUnt the opinion of the:
Intermediate groups". It is necessary � to
,stress that those groups' lack of represen-*
fatNity led to a maze' of.disorganization in
Whicti this,party's cause became lost in the
narrow, confines of Individual ambition'
- �
ambition' Economy Minister Jose Alfredo:
Martinez de Hoz returned meanwhile from,
the. United States, where he' received as-
�surances of warm support for the April,
,1976 economic program. The support was
materialized � in financing and various in-
dustrial investment projects.
. .
Interior Minister General Albano Eduar-
Letter fromArgentina Page 4
Planning Minister General Raman Diaz Beason.
Foreign Minister Montes;always active,
was Meanwhile engaged in denying that
Argentina Intended to make a pact with
South Africa for the defence of the, South
Atlantic. This was another proof or the
AO of responsibility of understanding of
certain foreign news agencies,.but Monies'
denial clarified the situation. .: He made
the statement himself without interme-
-And General. Roberto Viola, Chief' 'of
Staff of the Argentine Army told a busines-
smen's meeting that it is imperative that
Argentine youth understand and assi-
milate the objectives of the National Reor-
ganization. Process and adopt them as
their own. �"An extended period Of .suc-
cessiVe crises in the recent history of Ar-
gentina was the factor which conditioned a
confused and confusing society," Viola
said: "Subversion, with its negative, des-
tructive and dissociative charge, pene-
trated this weakness, exaggerating con-
tradictIont,., Irritating': injuries, and ge-
nerating violence."
General Viola insisted in his idea of the
"moral recovery" 'which rules the. present
process and stressed that the future will
-belong to those who are mature and res-
ponsible enough to lead.
� In 'another, reception, Ali: Force Com-
mander-in-Chief Brigadier Orlando Renton
Agostk asked rhetorically, "What sad of a '
dictatorship is this, without a dictator, and
with an institticional mechanism. Which
guarantees the replacement of the men in-
the most important posts? What sort of
authoritarian governmdnt is this, in the
Aande.-.-.ot-theltfflatitcunshakably7-sepport. _
1=--L-Ahre-dirritNtireZdeln-O-dradY..-W,tiatZsbritliof. -
-.Meanness can-be laid 'at the foot 'of those
of Us Who have voluntarily cut short the
time in which We will exercise power?"
. And General lberico Manuel Saint-Jean,
Governor of the Province. of Buenos Aires,
said. emphatically that it "Was necessary to
do away with the myth that poverty is the
result of injustice, because poverty is In
fact the result of underdevelopment." The
farmer is the most important figure in the
development of the Argentine. farming
economy, said 'the governor. "The' farm
economy must be transformed" he said..
"We must cease sending bulk grains
abroad and in future send only processed
President of Argentina � Lieutenant'
General Jorge Rafael Videla meanwhile
received journalists from Iran and. gave
them a rundown of what conditions were
like in Argentina when the present military
government took over. He said that within
the regulations -of the "state of siege"
(built in to the National. Constitution), "we
have taken measures which for the ma-
jority of Argentines guarantee the full use
of these rights, like the:right. to-work, to
travel,' to study, and to. give an opinion,
even to those who, by virtue of subvertive
aggression, tried to restrict thoie, rights,
plotting against the freedom and dignity of
Argentina." � .
Monsignor Juan Carlos Aremburu.
do Harguincleguy also discussed political
organizatiOn. In Entre Rios he said that
- "dialog was starting at all levels, muni-
cipal; provincial and national."He said the
objective was a political project to be ins-
-trumented through the Economy Ministry..
There was an event Of spiritual signi-
,ficance too, in October, when over300.000
faithful marched on foot to the sanctuary
of. Our�Lady 'of LUjan. This was a Mature
'reply; lull of faith in the Patron of Argen-
tina. Monsignor Juan Carlos Arambutu,
Cardinal-Archbishop of Buenos Aires,'
prayed for the unity of the nation and the
church, for the success ;of the�Episcopal.
Synod' which at that time was meeting in
the Vatican, and for the intentions of Pope
Paul VI.
. in October the government rejected a
court appeal- by former President' Hector
Jos�aMpora (see story in this issue),
whoVried?liretnanded a life pensiOn. The.
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
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executile said. that this was net applicable.
in the case of persons "responsible for
damage to the- higher interests of Argen-
The military courts have ordered *court-
martial proceedings against eight-of. the
people connected..with the economic and
subversive Grahrer gibup, after the pre-
liminary Study of available documents and
statements by the detainees. The public
reacted with satisfaction to this Important
step Which will mean suitable punishment
for those Who used � for their benefit the
-political process which midst expectations
generated in the last 40 years, who ravi-
shed this process in their own criminal
cause, _ . �
At Mid-menth. President V.Idela told 'the
Christian Management. Association that..
the National Reorganization Process "did:
not have an established time limit, but that
"in politics, immobility is Costly". TheAr-
gentine President reminded businessmen
of their social responsibilities at these
critical times, and said that their present
living standards were "preserved by lives
offered up by heroes and martyrs". VIdela
stressed again that this time 'there would
be no repetition of the mistake Of guick�
elections based On unstable agreements.
He said the armed forces 'would submit a
.proposal to the ration "in due course. and
..In "dye form". To this end � he said the
government "needed to develop political.
responsibility with increasing-possibilities
for an active consensus". .
General Roberto Viola,
' a 'separate development the govern-
ment decided � to consider development,
production, use and control of atomic
energy "of high priority riational-interest".
Rear-Admiral Carlos CastrO Made-
ro;PresIdent of the National Atomic Energ-
�y Commission � ONE'A has 66 days in
Doctor Raul Matera, an eminent Argen- �4hich to suggest organic, functional and
ti�ne-neuros.0 rg eon-and-a-1. o rmer-Pe rOn I st.�..-admini ittellY.Q7-hleaaufea10:-Ptit-.!n_to-effect
Iona p no - n.- ea -o,-'� -gen main- e- e .0-s ra eg c-in us res
. _
the world, there is no robi, for excessive A 'significant October event was the trip
party influence, which' is the real sickness :tci Spain and Italy of navy Commander-in-
of democracy". When the time comes for Chief Admiral Emilio Eduardo Ma r -I-1
"a� new political period,", Matera said,
"severe�self-criticism will, b necessary'. At
.this time nobody:In Argentina is In a hurry
far elections". He went on, "we don't went
premature agreements nor Is eiectoral vic-.
tory.our only objective". �
was r'eceived In a special InterVIew by Pope
Paul VI.
AdmiraF Massera's trip to Europe was
specifically connected with navy subject's,
but the opportunity was seized for. him to
personally see Spanish and Italian leaders
� DeCtor Real 'Meters
. �
�representing the. two'
countries who'
provided the greatest amount of Immigran-
ts to Argentina. �
� - �
Masseia's statements abfoad pave a very
clear. pa.norama of the political and
titutionar situation of Argentina, with that
spontaneous frankness so characteristic
pronouncements. Almost at_the
- - �- -- � �
Latin American syippogium on busirTell
-cooperation in Montreux, Switzerland.
Some. important 'subversive documents
were discovered showing a psychological
Dian to spread .rumour and confusibn. in
Firome;Admiral Maisera said that the
National Reorganization Process"must
necessarily be an extended one" and that
the problem is not.dates but the shape that
� will be given to the turnover of power.
� ffi
� ;
,;-.-Vice:AIMIrante Oscar A. Months
Two, major personalities come to 'Argen-
tina at the end of the month: French
Presidential envoy Michel Ponialowski and �
President of Gabon Al Hoeg Omar Bongo,
-the' first African head of state to visit Ar-
gentina. -Both discussed areas of mutual
:interest and -reaffirmed their support of-
Western democracy. And Foreign Rela-
tions Undersecretary Navy Captain Gualter
,Allara went to.New York to present to the
United Nations Argentina's position on at;
lairs Of topical interest, and to coordinate
'details of the trip to Argentine of US
Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance on
.November 20. In,that period a partial trent-
portation conflict was worked out by
dialog between workers and the govern-
ment. The latter stressed the "patriotism" �
orthose who'returned to work in search of
s reasonable solution. The situation was
9xplOited ,by terrorists to cut down three
innocent people (a police seargenti a
sociologist and a retired air force major),
'and -to stage a bomb ' attack on khe Labor.
Ministry. There were nO casualties.
Letter from Argentina Page 5
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. _
�Letter frail?, Argentine interviewed Mon-
- signor Octavio Derisi; auxiliary bishop of La �
Plata .(1.3u_e*:4S Aires_province.),_university._
professor and rector, .of the "Santa Maria de �
los Buenos Aires Argentine Catholic Uni:
versity, *among �many other distinction
� asked Mgr. Derisi what he though about the
� subjects which are mainly in the news in Ar-
gentina today::
� -Nronsignor Octavio ponding member of tgiTh
Nicolas beds' was born Society of Philosophy of
�,PergaminO, .BA Louvain (Belgium), a
province .on- April. 27: : titular member of .the
1907.. During his. career . Philosophy,Seciatiee of �.
in the church, he has' Mexico and Peru, a' �
�, tield�the :highest po'- regular member of the ,
� sitiqns and has devoted National Academy of -
hiinsellto study�and: io:�.� Moral and Political
terpretatiOn of path-olio Sciences of the. St
� Th-eology :arid Thomas Aquinas Roman
sop*, . AcadeMY and
' Monsignor Derisi is a -a cories onding member.
' 'doctor- in Philos'ophy.: .of toe Roman Pontiticial
�:and 'Sciences" and in � ,.Acad.emy Of.Theology..
Sacred theology; a dec-. Monsignor Derisi has
_IL�to4in_RhitosqPtLY�and�Le"deti.'Ved . i41numer�e--
sor of Normal, and
, "Special Training. in
;������;�Philos.ophy� 'In that
univerSity, � ..
. He is the head of the
. Santa Maria del Buen
� .� ;Aire. ppntificial univer-
sity �and �DUCAL, the
Organization of Latin
American Catholic
Universities. He *has
presided over the Coun-
.� 01 of Rectors of Private
Argentine Universities.
and the Latin. American
Society. of Catholic
He is a regular mem-
ber of the Argentine
�Academy of Letters, a
titular member and
founder of � the . Tomfst
Argentine Society of
Philosophy, a corres-
29136Oks of his own and .
. Jour: .translations of
'philosophical works by.
Men 'such,. as Reginald
GarrigouLagrange. or ��
Jacques. -Maritaih,
' � �among : othOrs.��He � has
also written same '700 �
papers, on philosophy,
.published in specialized.
magazines all over the
world. He' has :touched �
on numerous subjects, �
-...apart from' philosophy'
and theology, including'
art, .psychology, the
history .of culture and' �
'others, St. Thomas.'
Aquinas', -AriStotle;
Benedetto Croce.'
Heidegger, John XXIII, �
St Augustine and others' �
are among tshose he has
Dialog with Mo.nsignor Derisi is easy
because "he ansWers questions 'gene-
rously, howewer difficult they.seem.
We asked him about. the role he envi-
saged for the church in Argentina at the
present, time,. and at all levels. �
1. He Said that "the church's role is deter-
mined by its Mission. St Thomas Aquinas'
said that whenever a society .was to be
considered, � it was necessary to meditate
on its purpose and its constitution. In the
Letter frdir Argentina Page 6
: . � .� .�
. � . � �
� . � � .
The Rector of. the 'argentine catholic University, MotisIgnoi
Octavio Modal': �
.case'of the church,' its' retie is. Clearly sal-
�villori, as it 'receives, arid �transMits,, the
..redempion of Christ. He built it up..a. a
hierarchical society, of which the: Pope is.
the' Vicar and the Bishop's the sucdesspti:
bUthe Apostles. GOing from the gsner0.111
the particular, 'in order to 'save�Mait�ifile
church mint take him Over .ciomPIA.tety';1 a
Christian must 'always. be a Christian,
whatever hts profession' -economist,,
politician, jurist, etc."
� �
� � .`
� .
''But,�': "he added, !'temporal activity is
the 'prerrOgative of the state,ahd catholic
-seglars, who have to transmit the Lorin-
-ciples of Chribtianity �daily, living: 'The
as such, should' riot 'rtitivd
a'plgthing to do nith temporal activity,
bVt":is' � should." incli.rectly.:
ac ti 566 oti�t Rai s h I fig
qh it" WO Weal...Weis pro-
cesses (politics, economy, culture, etc)
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Here the �church should Play its part be
:cause of Its principles. -The church does
�� not have, temporal solutions. because the
church's Social Doctrine consitts�precisely
In -those moral principles in all these ac-
tivities. But lay Christians have the-duty of
sating directly based- on the doctrinaire
technique.. For this .reason; at the last
catholic University graduation, .1 said that
We'. haiiiindertaken to cooperate, sits a
University With the government ot the ar-
med services, at this time which is se
� for Argentina. � � . � � ' �
�Oink' that' everybody in -Argon,
lina'shotild play his: part; becipae, as.1:a1-
. se. Said On that oC.caslon, the armed forces'
,are not.. a. 'party but *the expression of the
:Argentine PeOidle".. � ' �
:Not long agp�PresidentVidela said that
.national recoVery inust be based on.,the
ovatties-of Christianity for it to have any, per-
-Menet-foe. The Banta ,Marja de!. Buen Aire
Catholic tiniversitY-bris 'already, graduated
7,50 studente with...this, policy, and one of
-them-, ls . at ..the niothent Commerce Se-
cretary. And our graduates play *fief r;roles
every aspect of national life. .".
' ;. Speaking in general terrns.f think young
peOple 'have to play- a .rnajor� role. .They
'don't' have the 'prejudices adults 'have,
.40 . they, pan. embark :on .prOjects :with -a
muChAreaterpurity.of intentions.'
� ".theepriversation then a subjet
whl,t' is of fundamental importance everyz
Where', M. the :World; terrorist violence,-.
which appeared to �have increased again
Monsignor Decis( first: looked at the
problem frOm -the national angle when: he
said "organizationwise, the .guerrillat,
teefn!lo,hav,e. beep beaten.�"There's still a
lot to do, :thou'gh'. -He said, however, that
�Ahls upsurge because the terrerts-
'IS :feel i� they've: got lo react against the
beating �� got:oiter the hijacked airliner
. ,.couldfighthedonisrti, pornogrephy,letc.
�� Christ's appeal'it e real and'afervorotis.
one..' one has to achieve it. 'The
tions can get in via mass.CoMMUnicattont
Media: after that comes More SySternatiC
. ,The interview finalized, with a *staterrient
"by Monsignor'. Deriti, whicth, we have re-
prOducecl becaUse 'di: itilaritY 'and be-
cause it needs he further'comment:�;
."Argentina now has a wonderful oppor,,
.tunity to return to its road Of.grandeur and
� t evere, a.,decline that' started erdund
7 100. We needn't aSk ourselves why right
nowf.. the ;Important things is for Us to
. become ..powerful !again, building into:
logether drtMelence, itcould expand; 'but
ut .goyerriniehts' do Workout a common',
:policy *lents won't prosper".
('Speaking as' a Priest, , he enunciated:
another heoremt �"Youthf.must be '.given
ideals to' fight with�. very often the yeung�
haveseen nothing.round.theni,but violence!
and Marxism. If all 'those mistaken people the right' road they-Can Werk.;
for the,.gOod� *of 'humanity arid,
'country,".' � �-�' - � �
,., � ,
""Pastorally speaking there is an, event' �
which. has occupied, the, 'attention, of,�Ca- "
�thOlica all over�the 'world. The Synod of'
8;ishopt,rnet all through October in BOrne -
and its main Working._ subject Was�im-,
_Proving',theipropagOon Of Christianity In
this :Connection.. Monsignor Derisi con
Siders-that, "the Catechism our children
rebeiVe in � 'churches � and aohOof Is. still'
valid, because I think it's the'bestsway to
form their faith:.' Bat nowadays constant
use is required of 'mass communication
media to-reach 'out to as many people at
possible (radio, TV, newspapers, maga-
zines and other information sources). This
is the best way to get across to the bigger
social echelons.; by -doing things .the
traditional way the response is likely to be
More reduced. I thirik.that if mass com-
munications media were Used adeq,iately,
a double purpose could' be achieVe
one hand we could' get across witt4ur
Met segeAnd on't�helOtherz#e ci9,41d,ay..0
letting peopleoget tockgiftabgur
4 f ou nded-n,o-less-th a n-1-2-7.-years,ag 4.wateured4at-Aogadishii
- � . "
future generations a love for the Fatherland
Then we must try to imbue other social
. echelons � with �thYS sentiment. The re-:
quirement otthe day is for facts to blot out
the spurious image of a riven,defeated
,co-untry. We.are bio country an I'm con-. '
� vinced we: can progress. The tools that res-
ponsible peciple should use are the moral
reserves Of�faith:�This is. the, way to attain'
the material'values that are their, conse-
quence in any well-ordered society. .
Argentine history is limpid and: the
peopleare -magnificent�ristian and. Wes-
tern. They require education and 0. re-
Shaping Of , national consciende, love of
.country, work and sacrifice:.
Jesuit's opinions
. � �
',The Italian Jesuit ipriett Gioyanni� Rulli �
Weht through' auenos,Airet recently on his
way from Rome -tO7 visit several ti,atin
American ;countries, During hi S stay here
ha called on preminent;governinent and"
church persOrialities, � including foreign,
Minister NI:antes and 'Apostolic Nuncio Rib
� . �. �, , .
� Interviewed by_us,lhe told us hgPPY �
fe'was at .being. again, in Argentine., .this
is--his'foutth'..visit. He said he found that.
things herewetemoving up and that con-'�
ditions,�ware'rCertainly not-as bed as had
been said abroad. � � .
is one of the most [moor-
tent CathOlichurch joUrnalists .and 'his'
.6PiniOn� will therefore be. of, PartiCular in- �
terest�heyour.AMerican colleagues:
handles foreign informatibn and
neWS, .In the ;Jesuit 'magazine "La Civilta
Cattolica",: yjhith is' a prestigiout: ma- �
cribers-Werldwide; but its influence ; �
more than; its circulation suggests,' be- �
cause-it reflects the political, social and �
.cuitural Viewpoint of theChurcrftfierarehy,
. �
Very ofterf:Some issues are sold 'out and
have, to -he; re.pripted, particularly, when
they* dist.uss .fUnda mental prOblerns of ;the
time, its ..inflUerice la so Marked that its
subicriberS..include foverhment officials
arict,Oroiriithiio in Rmssia'and-othff iron
purtein.cOulitrieS. �
etkedliirn bo' he envisaged the role
Ofthristienity at the present time, as itap-
,peared to be on,t he way to being displaced
bOther currentS 'of thought ,which. held .vaseereat'Of the world,'"Chris-
tieriity' is 'very Much Rulli,
"betauie, it basically depends- ,on hu-
Maniern, net taken Into account
by:iriy�of 'the 'Other philosophies. Man, in,
the' Image of God, 'is the basis Of.,Chrlatian.
'doctrine, which is very much superior to
anything else.
"Pope .Paul VI has presented himself to
the world as a human apostle; as he said
addressing the United. Nations or speaking
in- his encyclicals. He has confirmed this
klithr his open rejection of. the German
terrorists when ..he offered himself as a
� hOstage a few day's ago. In effect, Paul VI
Was 'telling them 'as .yoU are incapable-of
21,ciroiVing these' innocent people, take my
� � ,
'''thrt,is, a teal and perfeCtact Of Christian.
� "love.:: nit generous' of fee-' produced Such
� an. that in Italy; even leftwing
*and anticlerical 'newspapers,strested. it
with unstinted praise..."'
We suggested 'to Father:Ruili that. it is
idoubtful whether Marxism and Christianity
can coexist. He 'Said 'that 'ideologically it
'was impossible: "I believe"; he said, "that
in the very long term Communism will lose
� its.athelsticbasis� and will return to Chris-
lien humanism. BO it Would take a long
time. Remember that Christianity operates:
in Communist countries, and even the.
scraps of freedom 'available there are en-:
j9yed by all .the inhabitants, even atheist;
Finally Rulli rejected dictatorships,
:saying that "Christianity emphasizes the
dignity of' man, his body and his soul, tn
-terpreting the' soul at intelligence� sen-
sitivity and dignity. International terrorist
m, a. cruel. form. of dictetorthip � of a very,
few Over an entire country, cannot conquer
the, world eyen though it may produce a lot
of noise in some, spec.tecUlar raids. But the
last word -will ial ways belong to the silent.
majority. And this is a .word of hope,
because that majority is.worki.9g to save
Letter from Argentina Page 7
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A nactrilber of Mille jnt1 e
Interview wit
rig kr GenerAl
elan cm gti
s �?,
'1 3
'Commander-In-chief of the Argentine Air Force, brigadier general Orlando R. Avon.
We interviewed the corn-mender-In-chief
of the .Argentine Air Force in his office in
the COndoy building, the air force's head-
quarters.' Brigadier General Agosti is a
member' of the three-man Junta which
governs Argentina since March 24, 1976.
We asked Brigadier Agosti about the air
�force's role at this moment in Argentina.
Hareplied: � ' �
"From.the site of political power in Ar-,
gentind which. we wield together with
the army and the navy in the junta, and
which we hold. by right of fundamental
docuThents � we defend the same values
we practice in Our daylo day living.
We had to give up part of our specific
� activity to govern the country. This is not
the sort of thing we like to do; our profes-
sional vocation isn't this".
P: The military junta has repeatedly
said that it achieved power without want- it. Do you agree?. .
� Absolutely. We certainly achieved
power without wanting it'. We made every
� effort; every day. to Prevent this obligation
from deyolving on military .power. We
wanted Argentine society in general to as-
sume the responsibility through the re-
presentative institutions as foreseen in the
National Constitution.
� But' it wasn't possible, and the armed
forces were Obliged to take the load on
Letter from Argentina Page 8
AS far as concerns how long the Junta
stays in-power, I can say that�the present
members- of the junta will stay on at the
most three'years as from March 24, 1976.
But we will. be replaced by- other com-
manders-In-chief and the junta will con-
tinue to hold the supreme authority-of the
nation until the objectives of the National
Reorganization Process-have been succes-
sfully achieved.; �
. 1N.hatmakes us feel easy In our mindais
the fact � that power will not crystallize
among 'the.-men who hold a now. This
enables us to acceptcriticism'and lack of
comprehension,' either -d.o.rnesticall$r or
abrOad, firendlyor
Without flo personalism, is dic-
tatorship unthinkable in Argentina?.
Ftf Exactly. What sort .of dictator-
ship-Fa this; 'without a dictator; an with
democratic. MethanIsMs whifh guarantee
rotatiOn'or men InIkey jobs? What soil of
an. authoritarian-government' is this one,
carried out by Men. Whose *reports- for
R.epresentatiVe Democracy. Is absolute?
How can: triviai ambitions, be laid. at the
door of people Who have voluntarily limited,
their time in government.? A. government ips
whioti we 'do not revel; whifh we simply
exert as' an act Of .serVic.e to Argentina; to
do .whatever, neceSsery. in Order to
achieve the lirenouncible objeatiyes the ar-
med forces set themselves on' March 24,
� P: � Abroad, and particularly 'In the
United States and Europe, where 'Utters
from Argentina" leaches out; we haie
heard doubts expressed about the future of
Argentina. And there are foreign busines-
Men .who vacillate about investing in our
� �
� R: Our stand' is with Europe and the
�UrlIted States, because- We're Western.
their shoulders. There rWaS�
other 'way oOt, and "such 'circumstances
� had. neVer. been seen' before in Argentina.
That's why our process Is a stable one why
we.have such confidence in it. � � �
P: Are.the armed. forces in agreement
on how to conduct all.this?
R: � Yes, the' proof is something which
can' be seen., The three armed forces wor-
ked on.ajoint paper befdre March 24, 1976
and this, has meant for 'us a degree of
cohesion which has proved indispensable
for the evils which affect our nationality
and the application of the sometimes bit-
ter remedies required. But this process Is
not 'exclusive to the armed forces, much.
less so to the Commanders-in-chief. It Is
the responsibility of everybody who lives
In Argentina.
P: � How 'long will the military junta be
In office? �
R: � The junta is the instrument of the
governthent which is based not on
persons but on the institution of the armed
forces. The unity between the three forces,
achieved as I said before, since a time
previous to accession to power, must be
preserved at any cost.We must-pay no at-
tention to differences of opinion as are al-
ways possible betweertmen who us_such
are fallible. We' must eliminate pers,onal
ambition, insidious criticism�I+II or
equivocal intentions. � �'�� � �
� pect for fredddm, creativity and pluraliSm.
The west is, vocationally aridtraditionally.,
unity in diversity. '
The value' of �man; ' as someone who
passing' thrOtigh, .Is the-root of�our Vision
of the cosmos, the Argentine Essence of
:Being; which' defines, us and Sets us apart
from the. Marxist Businessmen 'are, pe-
rhaps., the most representative in this
cOmmunity. Marxist countries. havepo-
intellectuals, wage-earners and
military men but' can't have business
Men, � .
The...agOregate Of the performandes of
businessmen who-operate in Argentina,
loCa(br �foreign,- is what. will enable the
productive apparatus to grow. It must�tie a
beefs for improving the levet�and quality of
life Of every inhabitant on earth...
Argentina will not be a healthy -and
thrusting nation until its companies gibe/
and. expand for the benef it' of those Who in-
tegrate them. This concept is applicable as
Much to Arge .me companies as to fore-
-ing companies already with �us or whet
.will be Coming in. the 'future with new 'In-"
The defence of free enterprise must be
coherent with business action, This Must
be done efficiently eriough 'to renOunco
sectorial or regional protection- or over-
protection: Competitivity is the only valid
premise for'Arg.entina, both for local corn-
panieS and l' 'those-M:16'188611dt in the
:P.P.,q:Afi rPYFWX.Pc.;�11tPiq.jr14'ieg Sga:tes.
. sfit id y�-�voib !Bev edt �
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
y of cat
- _
terrorist'. All this is a word of warning;-we are
A probing, introspective view .of the dangerous
jzsyropat4V which characterizes subversion. A no- still in time ,to. hold off those "armed moralists"
holds-barred analysis of a sick personality, the (whose only unconscious objetice is the destruction
of society.
A study of subversion poses a series of
questions�which it' is essential to ask..16
subversion basically individualistic or ia
essentially a group actIv4? Can supyer-
, sion be accepted as a behavior Mode
Within defined health standards � or is it
fundamentally pathological? �
There:is a basic answer to this. It Is lm:
possible to evaluate any action. as goOd Or
bad without a prior appraiser of whether it
IS psYchologically healthy or not.
It is not a question of subordinating
ethics to psychology butof giving behavior
the importance it deserves, ... �
Ari eminently urban �way of life has con-
tributed extensively tbi a feeling of ...rims:
sit cation, a lose of individuality, the lack
of communication so .prophettcally: put
forward, by Fellini in his�"8 1/2." oNcld to
this a general trend. towards '� de-
persOnaliiation and the � result is social
,disorganization , and. the � appearance of
costly social upheaval. .
.Haturaily:thie doesn't mean that the an-'
swer is to adopt a bucolic outlook making
an apologia for countryi life, or becoming
,mieanthropic "a la Jean-Jacques Rous-
seau." But we have to be able to unders-
tand the more frequent.manifesiatiOns of
thwyariolis forme of pathology at the level
..'of the Psyche in order to be able to Inter-
-:- �:-Ifpret.bur-own-personal_deficiencies._:, _
hat2a littt ccibIgnis.that z.we
e. .
really come from a type of education which
at times Originated in moral values Which.
Were ambivalent and sometimes even in-
consistent.. - ..�
. . � �
� Soidiers.Standirig Up
When we were children we playedwith
� toy soldiers and, the winner was�the one
wh.o Manacled to-keep his "men" standing
uti. The little soldiers arrogantly,, defiantly,
faced Their adversaries, Willing to advance
even if it meant trampling roughshod on
:the defeated In the other .group; soldiers
fell; or. friends, the -Other side, tried to
pick them up time'and time again.
This sort of�thing�happens tb us in life.
Weelways keep alew ?soldiers" to be able
to survive.and to'retairra coherent balance
between the Various areas our behavior is
mantfestest�in.. *. � �
. If there is .a balance and an�entirety in
these, three levels .we can:use to express
ourselves, it can be�said�that our conduct
is.healthy; and therefore our personality,
viewed as a whole, is healthy too. But if an
Imbalance appears in any one of the three
� levels the result Will be something akin to
.pathology In .its different levels of eirpres-
*0.� �
. �
� � ThgpeOttp.f.,Indlvidvally � : 519.11: IS
_ � �
, � :.?'11,3 c fig � � .1,
� . inU ��
. Human behavior Nitrates' in Triree'arees.
This Is the great discovery of the 20th cen-
tury. Joie Ortega y Gasset says, with great
wisdom, "I am myself and my circumisten-
ces." We are not defending a determinism
of the environment ove.mankind, but we
understand perfectly how it influences our
behavior and the lifestyle we adopt.
Sutherland, d iscOs!sing modern cri-
minology, says that "criminal behavior Is a
conduct Which Is learned." Today we can
state that sex is more acquired than
inherent � astonishing, isn't It? If one of
these three areae, 'Cif 'behavior predomi-
nates, then we're. ilk The cure will depend
on just how deeply the disequillibrium
goes. � �
Subversive behavior is pathological and
� at individual level can ,be qualified' as an
excess of influence of the .environment.
!1iessman would- have referred to it as
behavior directed' "from outside." Indi-
viduality is Wet Than aptcinishing. fashion
and gives way to' grew'', requirements.
Behavior becomes more dependent. On
sentiment than rationale. There is-noi place
for special affection nor for personal yin-
ciderations: The sliahlest deviation from
the standards imposed-by the subversive
group,. any 'form, even if elemental, leads
to the most terrible Punishment; The !ell
3MOtili is to destroy individuality, anything
'Aline particular or idiosyncratic. . � '
3' htherqest of the world, which adapts to
established standards; to the status qtfo,
becomes abnormal and negative to the
subvereive mentality. Immediate. "pairs",
the nearest direct action group and some
elementary form of semi-idealist mysticis-
m, combine to achieve the perfect subver-
sive � a dangerous psycopath.
� "It's Everybody Else's Fault"
He entered the�consulting room, sat on
,the analyst's chair and 'looked attentively
,at him. The analyst said. "I'm afraid you're
really psyccipathic. you're sitting in my'
place...this couch Is for you".
The boundaries were clearly depicted.
For a psy.copath it's the other one who is
sick and the victim. The dangerous part is
that they'll �execute him even if he isn't to
�There is no such thing as blame from the
-psychopathic- viewpoint. The greatest
atrocities are Committed without the.sligh-
test remorse. The others are the bad ones.
The-psycopath analyzes his own problems
but projects them�onto everybody else.
So subversive behavior includes psy-
copathy and certain forms of paranoia
(persecutipn mania). This Includes rebel
conduct with scanty innovation �nor com-
prehension of reality. The enemy is every-
where, persecution is constant and Im-
pWable. In Ille final analysis, a subver-
sive's enemy is himself. He sabotages
himself with innumerable sanctions which
originate in the most demanding "mora-
. Letter from Argentina Page 9
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. . . .
This is why there is such a strong rela-
- tibnship between having been educated in
terms. Of strict � and absolute values and
-being able to go over to other groups; also
with. "absolute values" which are extreme
. and in -which demands; and control, are
hard; and to be able, to operate comfor-
.tably therein as a "family." The subject has
gone over to the.' other extreme with the
greatest of ease.
� A Dangerous Extreme .
� �
Muctrmore dangerous, however, is the �
extrerrie:- in -which-control appear.
.most Absolute freedom, the complete Ab-
sence of restrictions, tharnOstefined form
of "justice., the best-marketed: Messiah
� . � �
rale. At aliMe like tlii.the�personality Of
�tha skveriivetecornesorrinipotert in the
riidat eleitientary simblicitY: Reality shrin-
k a to un-toriiseep levels. There is only one'
real :world, 'the. world of the group' he
b'elongs 'Theirs are the only iniths. HIs
"justice" is the.bestiEverything that hap- �
penejemie. to a single cause, follbwed by
a single effect*.. ��
. effect asubversiYe is one Who has lest
the Concept' of. fallibility,, of the necessity
te,�Self-itnPoSe. some. form of limitation,
'and alsdno longer retains the capacity for .
.dePahderide on' anybody' or anything. -
Paradax 'call y., sub.versive. psycopatilygoes.
to,such remarkable extremes, that They try
to convince us that they are really 'clean"
and thatw.eare the undleartones .�
. � � � .� �
Agon.. �:ii. n. d. ,
� . ... (1973.-75) .:., �, . _
.. . . .. , . .ratiOn.Front..,with a right to "free exPres-
. . .
� .. .
. .. . -sion", which condemned -whet. it 'Called
Southern Argentina. Shortly before, A month. before the disacivery of a sped- i" phallocentri.c" capitalism ' and the. ape
Roberto Quiet� (leader of the Armed teduler guerrilla jungle operative in 'T6- nating bourgeoisie, which apParently exis-
Revolutionary Forces; FAR). and Roberto ,c1:Irnah, a bomb killed police inspector-. ted, under permanent 'subjection .to ne-
�Matio SantuchO (head Of the- *People's general Alberto Villar, head, of. the Argen- buldus i.nternationalConspira6ies: � .,. �
Revolutionary Army) had got away. ' ' . tine federal police,- and one of the reid- Naturally the exponents of these fillet of
Infiltration � and downright occupation lutionary left 'S most hated targets. .- -policy- had prominent 'government' pasts
'continued in fectoriei, centers oflearning When:Peranism went inta government in: and "coexisted 'peacefully" wifr!:000ultist
of all types,- 'hospitals; radio' stations .� 197: it was strongly influenced by the ex- cells and had an efficient .messenger ser-�
Huge ransom's for kidnappings swell the; . treme-left wing. This led to an unrestricted vice with the major: foreign: revolutionary
coffers af subversion and' those who at-. form Of amnesty..yoder which hundreds: of War centers., . . � .... . .
tempt to resist the advance at anarchY are - terrorists; who had been, arrested in. the In 'the dais iminediately following ' to
,subject to. threats"and coercion. The inten--
.sity of the inter-terrdriSrbower struggle
was highlighted in dramatic relief by the
. : Ezeiza Massacre" on joie 20, 1973 when
former President Juan Domingo. Per6n
previous military government, were set 'May.- 25, 1973; terrorism�which already
free.- This amnesty was rejected by healthy held' :captive rear-admiral � Francisco
public opinion e.nd springboardfor Aleman..and geridarrnerie � commander
violence Unprecedented in the history of JaCobO Was active Murdering
Argentina, union :leader Dirk Kloosterman briefly
---2-returnedto-Argentina.- ,���� . . . _ As the democratization process advent- taking over th_e.working-class-suburbGerli, .
But m ea n tsFeu eta i f1S-if Or",�:,-H cto eri r;19iAnotQriously antileftlabor - �
Campo ra , Altwrit f1rS7f1ust rated'Kerent ; ten I y-Pedarn e. eyid en t af ter the. Ma r--laader-,--7-pe nerallz:aboU f ederation .
� On OctOber-'12,. PerOrl-beeame President ch 24, 1976, military takeover), the subver- Secretary-Generel JoselgriaClo Rucci.. .
for the third time and Sharply disasso slOn machine girded itself for the final bat- Of courselhese-weren't the fir-St murders
� 'dieted himself from. terrorism - � of this tyPe. Years before Agusto Timotiio
presented him with Ffudci's dody. Bookstores and newsstands were in-. Vendor and Jose AlonsO had been Cut
The: degree." of Marxist infiltration. in ..v r
.aded by thousands of "popula.rags, in down, :too .Sey nothing Of industrialist
. .
eiery. sphere of life,.. including � provincial fested with Marxist cant. Defenders and Oberdan SallastrO� and Admiral Hermes
.governments ; was -reflected ,in murders, representatives of terrorism took over the .Quijada.-The. latter had been "fingeredt!' by
kidnappings:and-attempts at taking Over universities �and primary,i high. school and subversives* because of his performance
� army units, such as the attempt in which technical education Many religious bo- during a massive jailbreak by. -Argentine.
Colonel Cann! Arturo. Gay 'and his wife dies,. protected. by the� national consti- -and Chilean terrorists from-the Trefew
�were murdered: � � .�
� Montonerd� leader' Merit). FIrmenich
.-claimed�he-Was a."socialist- but it was the
ERP which Was.outlawed first: The govern-
ment toppled not .by the.moStorthadox
of methods � provincial- administrations
in Buenos-Aires, COrdoba and Mendoza,
and embraced the university with a grip of
Steel,- under- the administration of doctor
Alberto Ottalagano: � � � �
FerOn died 'op July 1, 1974, and the ins-
� titutional' prOdess began to decline.. The
Military had tried to Support it- with real
heroism,: but -without the minimum 'sup-
port necessary to be able. to fight- subver-
sion, The' next' step Was 'a lraVesty� of
AOVerriMent 'under Maria Esteia "Martinez
Cartes, the ex president's third wife-Here
the level of corruption' reached :'unprece-
'dented' heights: Marxiam.received valuable
contributions from- excesses; of power,
unbridled trades unionisrn and widespread
corruption. '
In September Arturo Mom. Rolg, an in-
'tenor Minister under the military govern-
ment of General Lanusse, Was murdered.
� �
Letter from Argentina. Page 10
tution, also became. rostrums for reyo-
:lutionary oratory. �
There even was a Homosexual Libe-
, 'peeler Sltvio,Fronrifii,
ganIzed terror.� .
Penitentiery in' -
Others Were also Murdered, like Co-
- !oriels Jorge. Grasei and -Jorge .1par-zit:oat,
Lieutenant Colonel Jos�ardon.,_ Majors
JOrge.Glmeno la biochemist) end Hared�
Lopez, 'Captain Humberto Viola and hlalit-
tle�daughter; and other. devoted 'officers,
tiUtineSsmen and intellectuals -of a mar-
kedly. anti-Marxist standing, like prafes-
sors Jordan Bruno Genta� and Carlos Al-
berto Sacheri. This Was a .reply. to the
.violent death of Important practical, And
doctrinaire figureheads of.aubverdion.
On � February. 9, 1975; the ormed*.fOrce.8
.were authorized to carry' out l'Operationln-
'dependence in TUCurnari. in order to invest
gderrilla strongpoints 'in- Lu.les,. Famailia,
. MonteroS and Tafi def.Valle. � �
.' The army* put 3:800.rnen, including other
security' forces, � under .the �command of
:general- Atdel.,Edgardo Vilas, commander
.,:iafi:the-5th Infantry Brigade, who carried out
Elhis dUties.very.efficiently.. ..�
of.. or. ���rl(NeictctInsiaimentmPereecutio-kand go-
. triPmi3nt".
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'Alberto Miguel Camps; "the man of braes"
.Arggrktin:to...The.end of
a .ifioOtitineitti,-c.algain
. .� �
4 :).f.n
vv-7 atiiyedqorpre*.irttel.ligentheSitfof4tirsig i-e.o.rg pixel Con :that
ce officers and a young woman �,-�,nt in � JO time wag�cOnSidered.the most powerful'
,to.a.baker's.Shop In-Lomas de 4arnora; a In Latin America; the MPntonerOs.-
���:suburb.of Buenos-Aires. They�asked--for a : LIVING DANGEROUSLY
countries. in Latin America and Europe on
"public relations" before Making a clan-
destIne return to Argentina. One of the
countries -where '"Captain"- Camps ap-
peared to have been most active was Fran-
ce�where he Interviewed Regis Debray for
the latter to include a pro-Montonercik
chapter in his book "Cristicism of Arms."
Camps' group was very worried because of
the significance in. Paris .circles of re-
presentatives of the rival 'People's Re-
volutionary Army, ERP, group,. which
seemed- to have the. "Solidarity' .of the
European left wing.
� ' They felt that. this Was in part due to a
'particular View.of.Argentina as-represented _.
-by Alain Labrousde,. "Revolution and
Counter-revolution in Argentina.' Debray
� had agreed to "study"- the Montoneros
more profoundly, but- an even greater suc-
cess.was an interview between Camps and
'Fran'cols . Mitterrand, .obtained thanks to
Another story, which has been definitely
confirmed, mentions. Camps' interviews
With PLO representatives based in Madrid.
These contacts were made thanks to. the
Cuban embassy in France and enabled a
summit meeting to be held with Abu El Es,
.� the PLO man in Madrid.
Back in Argentina, Camps took over the
Military Secretariat of the South Colurrin,
� -from where -he planned and directed do-
.zens of raids: At this time .the Montoneros
declared "a war, of extermination" which
coneiddrod any member of the armed for-
ces or the police to be a suitable target,
. without .distinction of rank or respOnsi-
just because they wore uniforms.
.. � This got so far that they even murdered.
railroad security personnel (in Camps' area
:of responsibility specifically) fire depart-
ment NC0s. �
. .
--,.1.Atmid-.4.ear_CarnosJ_Degathe_the bead' of
subordinate-to--live with hi m�The-vlsit-had--
:.,..;ther.cp turn m.etn-May,..4).had4akep,a.f emale�
been "compartmentalized"; the girl didn't �
� know where the house was. Butat break-
fast they all had these sandwich rolls with.
a very special flavor: And they. mentioned
they were from "the bakery' round the dor-
. ,
The following month the girl- was-arres-
led by' security fordeS��and decided to
'small' sandwich -roll called � .a pebete in
'Buenos Aires. The girl-bit Into it and�nod-
� ded.."The taste's the same." she . .
The .intelligence .men� looked at each
other, with an expression' of �relief:: New
they seemed to be getting somewherO; at-
' ter� three' months Methodically going
� �' terrorist career had begun in
1969 with attacks on the Nuevo Banco
Italiano branch :in Ramos Mejia. and the
Q.uilrnes� branch of the Bank of the PrOvin-
ce of Buenos Aires. He was arrested for
� � the first time in 1970 in'a failed attempt to
through every bakery in 0:e Greater
:break Into the AleForCe branch of the Bank
. .
Buenos Aires area. �
. of the Province of COrdoba. FroM there �he
� -was taken to the Rawsop prison, in 0�1 far
� � �
. � "Them armed civilians-discreetly began ,-sduth, frorn Whence he escaped on August
fanning Out around the neighborhood The ..13,�,.1972. Hewes immediately recaptured
last piece missing In the jigsaw puzzle - fell �� and on August -22 Was seriously injured in
Into Plade. When they approached a peat, -1�-a new escape attempt at the Airpiranje Zar
well built house at Beltran N9 451 which Navy Bade. �Sixteen detainee's were killed
.had twohigriblerhOmes beside it. This was 'there andia'fur1her threeinjureci. �� "
the hideout of Alberto Miguel carrips,...Aido. �In 1973 there was a general and
known as GervadiOiCietente,�or Felipe ,..a �Camps became an almost ledendanjfIgure�
."captain " of the M.ontonero "army" and a .�(they.dalled..h10. The Man of Bretd.3 In
'secretary of . that guerrilla OrganIzatron's 1 974 The waearrested again' and -a,:re#ular
"Southern Coliptur." .� � ' � ' arsenal was found in his home. �
�Atthat �� time Juan Domingo Per:in Was
� predlderit, of Argentina,. and, the .Monto-
�nergs had been 'able tocOntinue topperete
The-momprieras' concept of war
� WaS,wh'at.they called. '."1"otal-an.d impjltd
sc.tlipphrenic. practice of being legat and
:illegal-at the -same Urnei then' Inspiration
-.was -'d phrase by PerOn'hirnself. WhOI�had
�small -children; "MiradulouSly iUririawlwere �:�-�,'S'aid''If I've got tWo 'hands; -I'll strike With
sobbing � in a' nearby; room. One& sthe . � ;. . . �
major figures-In Argentina guerrilla warfare '�rfrAPril, 1-975, Camps wes allowed to
hadlliki�ecifffsirde-s-ifiried!endqIGarrrIpSt'grianner � -leave Argentina and traveled .over various
,Thvir �
Now was, the-tIme for unIfOrmed troops
lo sUrroUnd the house and to demand the
-Occuoaritd to surrender. They were "met
With a hall of machinegun.fife:�Thesecurl-
ty forces fired. back � and � then invested
.the home. Inside they found the bullet:rid-
'died bOdy of ayound� man, still clutching
srPoking 9�rnm' Uzi- machine-gun. -Two
'The death of this major terrorist figure
;seems to mark the end of a period in Ar-
gentina,. the definite end to: guerrilla war-
- fare. This was been mere or less implicit in
the hurried departure of, the top than, �
� i"Commander" Mario Eduardo Firrnenich.
"Hid was the firstof a series Of departures
"which went down to "Assistant Comman-
der' and "Major" levels, Including the
leaders themselves, their families and their
, bodyguards, it Is edUmated thatabout 200
Montoneros have left In what they. call a
_"tactical withdrawal." This has brought
� them serious *difficulties With the rank and
'file. There is a contradiction between the �
-.demand that all -.militants, and-even au-
xiliary figures, -carry at all times a cyanide
� pastille. to. eliminate,- themselves, and the
fact that theguerrilla summit all decamped
Eastern Europe and Cuba: Camps was
the last of the "historical chiefs" to remain
in. Argentina. �
� Debray himself, In .his book,. said that
Latin American revolutionary movements
� �
Letter from Argentina Page 11
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began to acquire notoriety in�Paris when
they wire destroyed in their own coun-
tries. This %happened - too with the Vene-
zuelan FA.LN., the Bolivian ELN,. the
Uruguayan Tupamaros. and the ERP and
Montoneros in Argentina. The defeat of the
latter was the end of a cycle, not Only fOi
Argentina but also for Latin America. This
Is something which started in. 1960 with
the bush wars; their first big defeat was in
1967 when Che Guevara was killed in
Bolivia. �
The bush war principle failed miserably
and urban guerrilla warfare was then resor-
ted to. The Tuparnarqs 'and the MOntd-
neros, convinced-they had. learned-from
Ches �thistakes, became the new star fi-
gures of the South ArrieriCan uliraleft.
iit . �
the�"policy of the tale, whether
ruraior urban, made the same mistakes. It
Was generated by young Men and women.
of the bourgeOisie and the petit bourgeoi-
sie, imbued With a romantic spirit Of
deliverance. They decided that armed 'con-
flict was the only, possible means of social
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
expression. "Armed policy is the most sig-
nificant . form of poliCy... � This was their
own, �ferocious definition. Curiously
enough their cult of ;direct action, their
conscient and exclusive choice of violence
and its glorification, made them brothers-
in-arms of another philosophy whiah Is al-
so the. product of the frustrations pf a petit
bourgeoisie in crisis. The other is, of cour-
se,' Fascism, another way of "living dan-
gerously." �
But unfortunately the similarity was not
. only in the-opposites of their philosophy-
_ b.utalso_in:_their .c.oncrete.methodology an-
', worse. still, in the result of those me-
thodotOgies. .The sucCession of bombs,
kidnapping, murders and-raids of all kinds
was endless, Just as endless as. the list of
widOws and orphans of those who died at
the hands of these "liberators'. �
There is still cause for concern in the
operation of their remaining structures"
abroad. There are many Argentine guii
riillas in various parts. of the world. Op:
and Campora:
Jacobo Tirnerman, former editor of
;Buenos Aires' La Opinion newSpaPer,
. now in' the hands of a government trus-
tee, has now been included in the InS-
:titutional Respbrisibility.Act by order of
-� � _
- 7. 5i- On April 7-last the SpecIal-Stabl
Council of War No: 1 deCided 'thathe 'is
.arrested at the disposal of the national
...exe6Utive; outside the Jurisdiction of
�that military tribunal. Apart from Timer-
man, the:junta inCluded 'Lydia Playa*
Brodsky de Graiver and Eva Gltnach de.
..Gralver in the Institutional Respon-
sibility Act. ..
As was reported at the time, this fact
I . prevents the said suspects . from
1 free use 'of their property 'until the
National .Assets Responsibility Corn,
mission shall have issueda verdict-on
,-the legitimacy of-the assets. .
Another crook: Campfire
*- feated, .but unwilling to admit defeat, frus-
Arated and charged with hatred. The Argen-
tine guerrilla is probably the world's best
urban fighter at this time. The commando
raids here-could have been the envy Of the
ETA, the IRA, the IRGUN or the EOKA.
And the worst thing is that these sta-
teless revolutionaries not only know how
to emply a method, 'they have also got
,used to it. Violence, living with the gun
and by the gun, can be a style of life or,
even worse, abad habit. They can find ,lus-,
tlfications anywhere �
.A proof of all this can be found in the
group which kidnapped ReVelli-Beaumont..
These-were-merely the survivors of a,
previous group, much less developed than
Montoneros, knoWn as FAP (Peronist Ar-
med Forces.) �
. What can be, expected with the tech-
nically qualified, . military efficient and
numerically larger Montoneros? Inter-
national terrorism is getting reinforceCnek
ts right now. Undoubtedly, Europe will be
_hearing about them soon.
A crook: TImermen
� Hector J. Campora was president of
Argentina less than to months. Bac-
ked by Perini, he won the elections
defeating the Radical candidate Ricardo
Baibin. But those two months were
enough' to very, nearly turn Argentina
over. to Communists and ultraleft
guerrilla organliations who wanted to
create a Leninist-Marxist state.
Per6n obliged him to resign' and his
post was temporarily taken over by Raiil
Lastiri, .chairman of the Chamber of
Deputies, until new election time, when
Penton was reelected. . .
Now Campora, from .his golden as-
ylum in the Mexican embassy, 'has
petitioned demanding the pension
granted by law to former Presidents, �
even if the "ungoverned... the country for
a few days only. The !Social Welfare
Ministry suspended payment-of thia lite
pension and then Campora, taking carer
of his interests, appealed. The -envie
t.: .
cutive has deniedthe request again tak-
ing into account spirit of Article II of
the Act, considering the conduct of
people responsible for harming the
'� higher Interests of Argentina,, which
can only be rescinded. by the Military
. Junta.
It says that, furthermore, "this ins-
titutional act prohibited administration
. and disposal or. assets in operations
between living persons, as the result of
the lack Of observance of basic moral
principles, a manifest perversion of his
mandate, and complacency in the face
of increasing corruption in the civil ser-
vice. It is therefore self-defeating to ap-
prove payment of a pension which was
instituted by law so that those who'
'carried out executive responsibility may-
cOntinbe to live' their � normal lives,' in
��dig,nity and decorum as imposed by the
untablidations Inherent In ,the positions
tte'y formerly held ii
� .Letter from Argentina. Page 12
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Division General Luciano ;
Benjamin MenendeZ)Com-
mander of .the Third Army.
Group, said.: "We.,.the sok
.diees, can fight the present
ones. You, will have to fight
the futures ories.
� �Division Generall,uciano. Benjamin
.Menendez, Commander of the Thirld Army
;Group, lectured recently In the Arglintina
Pavilion of the COrdoba-University.Cty; 700
kilometers (450 miles) north' of Buenos.
.Aires, on the battle against subversion. . �
Menendez has been comthander COr-
doba for three years, the. time When a fron--
tal assault was made on�subversivos who
had set up in some villages in the sugar-
growing province of Tucuman. �
ponsibility to general. Acdel Vilas, replaced.
:at the 'end of 1975 by General Antonio BO-
si, now governor of Tucuman. � � �.
h :pat tje_wksit g
'This is why subversion will be definitel-
y.defeated Only when both roads to power
are closed to it, when' the Armed Forces
vanquish' them Militarily and when the
unanimous. rejection of our people blocks
any attempts at mass insurrection. This is
our responsibility at this crucial stage in
the history of our country. Part of the
solution of the problems of Argentina will
be .born of the creative capacity and pa-
triotism of yourselves. The object is to
prevent new subversives appearing.
the military-front MenerrdelTelegath4e-S- .
... . � -
� � -
. This- soldier's courage is proverbial, and '
in many antiguerrilla operatives he': vas,, . the head of the cblumn.
During the lecture,' General Menendez
addressed hundreds of people represen-
ting many community sectors to make a.
series Of considerations'. He said: "The ar-
my and its sister forces are' engaged in a
�military pursuit campaign. The results:are'
excellent and victory is on the way.. But'
.peace must be won and this meant that all.
of us must 'work, civilians and soldiers. If
.not,.this military viotory which is already in
.our hands, will be ephemeral because-we.. .
shall not be, able to consolidate Peace, �
which must be something achieved by all: .
of us and whidh will give victory a final And,
lasting character.
"The erienly", Menendez continued, "af-
ter the defeat of his armed�columns; has
tried to Infiltrate himself, and to hide in the
deb-. fig reeent
ones. You Will have to figr�Tribi�ftiture
ones. This will close th'e doors to Marxism
In Argentina and prevent any possibility of
its .appearing in the future, which is the
basic condition on'whlOh peace and gran-
deur will be erected' in Argentina.
"The commitment and the responsibility
I have mentioned are fundamentally impor-
tant to hard-working, educated people.
"Employers' responsibilities are to: .
a) Find out what ;their employees'
problems-are and heti) to solve. !barn. .-
b).'telk Only to genuine labor leaberds
and, not to agitators; even, Is "semi-
official". �
c) Increase production and create' more:
wealth. .
� 0) Make less of a profit and distribute
more.. � � -
� -e) Reinvest 'profits to create more, and
better;amployment opportunifies:
f)- -Apply 'whatever administrative
measures are required..(both encourage-
ment and .punishment)
� -g)8upply-precise information on 'activis-
ts and agitators. .
h.) peter' differentiation with middle and
upper echelons.
.i).Face pressure, threats and sabotage
with courage. � � � .�
. �_ � . ,
e- general Menendez advised employees
nd,workinen to: . .
a) Exchange views with their employers.
b),Not strike, walk out, slowdown, etc.
public. Ttiey are trying to attack, weaken
� and infiltrate everything they can
� y, club, factory, school, etc. They Want to
replace them by other organizations,which
will 'produce � constant exciternKind :
mobilization and whic.h�, Ih,sy� ti2keadWill a
lead them to power After A ciesis 'of au- '
. thority�
DIVIelon General
Luciano Benlemln Menendez,
c) Produce. Inexistentwealth cannot be
� .0) Show respect for rank and obey ins-
tructions from foremen, supervisor's,.
chiefs., etc.
e) Reject unofficial action 'by- so-called
f) Reject and denounce agitators.
g) Face:threats and pressure' �
h) Be serious and responsible 'abOut
trade unionism.
i) Realize the gravity of the situation that
was inherited, and understand that -to
emerge from this ills necessary to carry
out temporary sacrifices so that the coun-
try is'able to realize its potential wealth.
Letter from Argentina Page 1 3
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..unite" Compors ruined the country atter 45
days In government.
zWho wants to
kill Campora?
- A' Usefui idiot, a fellow traveler, a mouth-
1itin'a4fir??,YO-Catkinid-r-traitor :1'16-7:Perot:and
� PerortiOni; Poliler2cidiy, the scapegoat, of a
special -Moment for Argentine 'youth,'. stan-
dard .bearer :of ,"revolutionary yoUth.' All
--.these ePithets,. so setf-contradictory, so
.abundant,'. surround ,the image of Hector Jose
� (ampora, the former president who. took re-
fuge in the BuenOs. Aires Mexican embeissy..
Extremes sometimes touch, trice- this is � an
'exception in. the case of this' famous "uncle".
This. study ,of Cainpo. ra as ,a man is
-necessary in order to gain mOre insight into
ihis- real dimension and, his pallid chances' of a
political revival which .ii .any case would
'':carry with it an.inex. orable death sentence.
. _
in Mistime of modern Communications, In which psycho-
logy and sociology have made such. tremendous stride for-
ward, and when there has been such a marked cultural impro-
vement in mass education everywhere Intheworld, it seems
strange that some people should still strive tO create an idol
with feet of clay � an idol quite (unable to grasp important
. problems for � himself within the Confines of his Simple', lus-
treless soul. There are people who try to do this relying. on
the leak of' knowledge of Argentina which is so Manifestin
manyinternational opini6n:forniing centers.' �
These people feel rio qualms in introducing Hector Jose
Ca.mpOra, 32nd former president of Argentina, as the "victim"'.
Of an historic injustice, as the "standard-bearer" of a lea-
derless popular cause. They think that in this way'they will be
.Letter from Argentina Page 14
able to make progress in the slander campaing they have
embarked on against Argentina., � � � . � : - .
.*: But this requires, an examination of what Campine is and
What he isn't.. His nationality is so obtuse that it,ls.easy to�
use his name with impunity and for any purpose not requiring
a broad scope or too much Intellectual effort.,
Campora has. been. exiled in the Mexican Embassy. Since
the .military uprising or March 24, 1976. 'Atter having been.
president three years ago, Campora still believes he wields
political clout. This in itself is just nonsense. But behind the
nearly septuagenarian figure of Cimpora is a shadowy web of
interests dedicated to the return of Marxist terrorism' to
government-in this country. . �
Campora, the' last personal delegate of Juan Domingo
Peron (and who onlyeOcceeded In clumsily imitating some of
'�"his-defects) has also managed to -attract -the ettention:Of.
worldwide "human .rights" Specialists, making things on-
cOmfortable for his Mexican hosts. The Mexican's every now
and again have to Mediate Un acrimonious dispute over "suc,
' cession".between CarnPOra and his former N.� ?..rnan,':Juan
-Mamie!. Abel Medina and at, other times have to try..and
. soothe the ex president's fits of melancholia: These difficul-
ties are understandable by checking back a bit in history. If
there ever was somebody tied down, by his past end so reluC- progress that even his problems are static' that person
is Campora. ,
. � .
.Hector Jos�ampora was born into a conservative 'family
San -:Andres de Giles', in Buenos Aires' province and, his
chief concern seemed to be not to stand out. He spelled Well,
and even showed some proficiency in mathematics:, but his
reportcards show deficiencies in intellectual achievement.,
..Very probably there was some sort of psychical ortphy-
.siolooical dauSe for all this. baCkWardness, but there 16 no
� .prootof this: But he was able to�scrape through on four poin-
.tp (out of ten). �
� � "graduated" from grade school and then high
school and succeeded in getting in to the unhiersity. Nothing
was to become this open-mouthed sleepwalker as a career�M
dentistry, although even in adolescence there was nothing
' -very remarkable about his. own teeth.
Campora was ;not .so much doricentrated *as neat �and
thorough. Hefted ho imagination. He was always punctilious
-.+-..:WittrhiSleachers'.-abd-souldmot �he-made-toThurry:- He went
badlai'd I lea'W '
��� His Universe *at Orderly and 'Spherical. His readirig Was
confined to the local newspaperand he married Ns' first: girl
friend --later on he was to earn an undeserved'reputation as
a ladies'-man. Politics were a �closed subject to CarnpOra
then, like classical music or foreign languages.. H.e..�.ni. ere.iy
. ...sided with power, and in those days power was conservative
and relied on.caudillos.
� �
.:This patrician cairn wee disturbed On June, 4., 1943, by a
, .military.thuo which deposed preSident Dr Ramon S. Castillo
and put -thiqugh,a seileS'of popOlistically-motivated popular
soc.16-.6conOrrii.b reform's. Right behind the Main. "putsch"
' �figures,was .a 'certain Colonel Per6n, who rejected spedta-
cular pasts and opted Instead for the Labour and Social Wel-
fare Department. People from all Walks of life guessed hewas
the man of the future and called.on him for all, ierts of tea-
sons. All of them had something to suggest, something to
ask�for,. something they wanted to change. There Was a wave
.of coinpliahcewhich 'included thecon4eniatives �:*and Many
of them were professiOnal men. . . .
� CaniPora, who. revealed: himself a . professional in . self-
advancement, lloated.along with the current and then star-
ted to climb' within. what Was first the Unifiesd Revolutionary
. .
Party and then betaine the National Justicialist MOvemeht:
. 'Campcirat rise was a vendetta against the village doctor 'and
'the village priest, a chance to swap his yellowed dentiePs
'.'diploma for a brandnew deputy's' certificate, the trade the
white smock for evening dress. And to lead his unassuming
wife and two children to' the 'glittering circle surrounding'
these two- c.hildlees beings, Peron (now president) and his
ChatisMatiesecond wife, Eva Duarte. � . .
� � Campora � preteiritib'd t-Pidolatrize the so-cal led.�'!Standird-
Bearer of 'the Humble". lie' carefully read her speech.0 and
.fnade a s@ritcria:-diff ififf-tiiillearrtriberIepaSsagesbyrhearti93ut
the "Senci74".'oriiy.reorista-13-6auh'cfafilyto:faluthlsr..1NIP Ong
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before she had fled from a country environment full of bump-
kins who wanted to make the headlines, Just .like Campora,
whorri��she often referred to contemptuously as a "remorse-
Itil'aristo." � � � �
This hiimillation was suffered in silence by ..Campord who
had :become president of the Chamber of Deputies (lower
house); He preferred instead to revenge himself on the unfor-
tunate oppOsition deputies.. �
'On' A:Jae �
16 1955 part Of the Navy rose again-s1 Peron who
was by this time a widower and was surrounded by a group
qt..worthles whom he himself later called "field-marshals of
defeat." Rebel aircraft bombed i Plaza 'de Mayo and Peron
went to the Army Ministry to control repressi6n. Just as well
that he didn't try to call CamPora,�thotigh; The ex-dentist
sought "refuge" for the firsttime in his life,..notin an embas�-
Sv but in'a Government House basement. Aftelthe air raid he
stood with sewer water up to the knees because.a bomb had
daMaged, some of .the conduits, shaking in unalloyed terror.
After telling him repeatedly' that everything was. over he
grasped the situation and dashed' to reaffirm his
"everlasting loyalty"-lo the Leader of the Workers. -
Ex'a'ctly' three month's later there wasanother military coup
which unseated-PerOn from his second presidencY. But this
time,,Ca.rnpora was unable to spirit himself 'away. He was
arrested with Jose Antonio and other exponents of the de-
feated, regime, and taken to. the Ushuaia jail, In the extreme
South of, the continent .back to Buenos Airesand finally to
Rio Gallegos, Where we find -him and his sorry group in
January.. 1956::� � �� �
...A ,year later the .groUp decided_ to flee to chile:A Peronist
Coup in June, 1966, had been 'put doWn and-the interne were
afraid .t hat' some-Jetaliatbry� 'action might .be taken against -
them... Initially Campora: wasn't on the list: His co-reli-
gionaries considered him to be "Yellow" and were afraid he'd
do .something wrong at the worst pOesible.moment::The one
-;Who most disliked the former 'dentist was Guillermo�PatriCio
Kelty, the former head of the. Nationalist Liberating Alliance,
, known.'. for his. temerity. But Kelly was in the same cell as
C.a,mpOra,. and .he though �up a trick to make him perform a.
"useful function.
of the ,,prison inmates were .Communists' the'
,Pe-rOn supporters _instinctlyelytmistrusted� themA:They-,con- "
� ,c,eiVed the idea of-knocking:them out-with a.sleeping'potidh:'
Without the ."remorseful .'aristo's" khOwledge, Kelly . ex-.
Derimentally putsleeping potion in his food an.d watched as
Campora snored 'beatifically. ,They decided to tell 'him no-
thing tip to the very moment offlight, In case "yellowbelly"
'revealed the. Whole thing, . Despite his �protestarlon he was .
dragged to Punta Arenas, where the Chilean police preven-
tively arrested them. Then' they were taken .to .Santiago 'de
Chile; where Campora emoted even further: He swore by the
.-Virgin of L'ujan" never to have anything more to do with
politics,(now, as, a guest.of thetyiexican embassy in Buenos
,Aires,, he can ponder on how things would.h.ave gone if :he'd
kept his promise.), For unexplained reasons he Was afraid
he'd be called a Communist and he. panicked When he heard
, that the temporary president, General' Pedro Eugenfo Aram-
buru, intended to ask,forthe'extradition of the fugitiVes.
.'Between 1958 and 1971 his existence went completely
unrecorded. He had nothing to. do' with Peronism's lengthy
struggle to return to power,. nor;did he have anything to do,
,kith the so-called "special formations" which later, magical-
ly, 'became his main support in. his dispute over .powervith-.
Per6n himself. In union .circles, !he spinal -column of the.
Peronista movement, Carnpora's name was also mud.. The .
only way' toresuscitate this Weatherbeaten Lazarus, was-with �
personal Intervention from' the Leader himself; .hawas then
-living in Madrid and had for the third time married, to-a girl
who had been his secretary. imPanama. � �
't�/Ieanwhile PerOn's 'tpersonal delegates" came and. went,
from the exquisite former foreign affairs minister JcrOnirno
Remorino (like CampOra, , a former -conservative) to -.Jorge
Daniel. Paladino, whose independent I.,s_p.j0,was -disliked by
the OA Man. . :, � � -� �
i-PenonnW,as,aLMasterpat,the,qurprlaptic,anOldecided to
calil art4Cantportta fo,r,,tbe,:_letigthy ifOageouvre,in volved .in his
return to Argentina.
The ex chamberlain accepted With'alacrity, and his arrival�
in- Buenos, Aires proved 'equally. mystifying both to friends
. and foes. But that bewilderment turned to horror when Peron,
held in check by events, refused to be presidential candidate
and bestowed that honor on Campora. To make matters.wor-.�
se, 'Campora won the 1973 elections and later went around
telling his friends that it was a personal victory for him'.
But the Campora who never really knew what to do With.
himself nbw had two sons who did the thinking for him. And
they had a cohort of crypto-Marxists who collared a number
of ministries, provincial governments and universities. They
decreed an insane "amnesty" which turned loose on the
streets the most notorious figures in crime (including one of
them; Francois Chiappe, linked to the French Connection in
drugs). They also tried to kill Peron on Jure 20,1973, (accor-
ding to a statement by Horacio Calderon) when he came back
, to Argentina and was about to land in Ezeiza airport. The
man who was once afraid to be called a "communist", the
:one-time devotee of the Virgin of Lujan, now called "Uncle"
� by thousands of young boys deliriously dreaming of "na-
tional socialism" made.' Argentina look remarkably, and
_unhappily; like the Red Communes in Paris in 1871 and 1968.
.Campora's smiling face, with complete new false teeth and
. a smart blue-shirt, shone down from every city wall, just like
another "Uncle", Joseph Stalin, before 1953. Campora failed
to appreciate, as usual, that the ground was trembling be-
neath his feet ,and that Peron did not intend to tolerate any
disorderhe-was-unableto-control at-will., - - - �
'i-Ie had a-Violent-discussion with the Leader-in:his estate .
in :4,Jburban-Buenos Aires and realized that it was about to be
all over. Although the "New Left" fanatics identified with the
F.bOrth International urged him. to resist, he announced his
resignation.. On October 12 Peron, wearing his 'lieutenant
general's uniform and with his wife .Maria.Estela Elise Mar-
. tinez- as running mate, inaugurated his third presidential term-
after an election which was above'alLa plebiscite.
This was when trouble started for the professional Mar-
xist terrorists, who had infiltrated the so-called "special for-
mations." For Campora the time came to dress up as a martyr
and Wait for the death, expected not to delay too much, of his
- , patient benefactor. �
He was appointed ambassador to Mexico and began to
� receive the most conspicuous international Marxists, many
of them Argentina, In his, sumptuous residence in Chapul-
tepe.c, after a tour of- Panama. Campora at that time was ac-
, ting the part Of Heir Presumptive rather than ambassador �
�but luck still wasn't With him. The Peronist governing clique
'threw him out cif the party and Peran's.lbs1 official act before
. dying on July 1,1974, was to fire him. There were those who
. said the signature was a forgery. or that "somebody" forced
the dying man's hand. But even so the ."compulsive traitor"
� went to Peron's wake in Congress and made a typically
'oblique' reference to wishing to "cooperate" with his widow
and.heiress: _
He.was rejectedcbut pcobably expected to be. He returned
to Mexico .and published a manifesto full of adulation for
PerOn (the dead,Per6n, that is). He returned to Buenos.Aires,
almost ignored 'by the Peronist. press, and was in Buenes.
Aires on the day of the March 24,1976, coup.
-Nobody but Cameora himself believes that he has anything
to offer to an. Argentina devastated by the biggest deception
in its history. But he also knows, �and. this is the worst thing
for the former dentist,-that if he. is offered the chance of
political-rehabilitation (even-if nothing more than that) the
terrorists .who used him as a shield will sign his sentence of
� death.
Letter from Argentina Page 15
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New York Times, Juan de Onis
On Monday, November 21, the Argentine
Foreign Office and the Argentine news-
papers had a' cable transcribing an article
/published by th New York Times on Sun-
day, November 20,
The story, written by Buenos Aires
correspondent Juan de Onis, perplexed
everybody in Argentina, not only because
of what- the correspondent saldT-but-be--
cause of its notorious ill-will. It was a
masterwork of "intelligence" view a view to
hampering the results of the visit that US
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance made to
Buenos Aires the next day.
Weare the people best qualified to know
what is going on in our own country; this
is why we have to disapprove very strongly
of the lies disseminated by the feverish an-
d easily upset Juan de Onis.
What did he hope to achieve with this
story? What were his sources? Where did
he get the information he attributes to
well-informed sources? VV,here-does he-get-
the' idea that President Videla is not in
control 'of the military commands and that
they act On their own? Why does he refer to
Timerman's punishment as "severe"?
Where did he get the Information that
Timerman was tortured during "ques-
tioning"? Why does he call the fight-again-
st guerrillas "anti-Semitism?" Why does
he offend the armed forces which have
spilled so much blood in the battle against
the Subversive enemy?
Somebody-in Argentina, governed by the
armed forces, must put an end to "subver-
- sive-aggression" by Juan de Onis-,-a direct
accomplice Of the guerrillas, who have
spilled the blood of so many Argentines.
The government must be firm, in the face
of this "stab in the back" by a foreigner,
who i: infringing Argentine laws never
Severe Punishment of Publisher
Has Increased Alarm Over
Anti-Semitism in Military
�-� sped, 0Th. New Vert _
4, Jewish community, which for some
Vine has been alarmed about anti-Semitic
actions by members of the security
forces, Is further disturbed by the severe
punishment recently imposed by the mili-
tary junta on Jacobo Timmerman, a news-
paper publisher, who has been stripped
of his civil rights and property. ,
� . "Would this have happened if Timmer-
man were not a Jew?" asked a leader
of a Jewish_organization who requested'
that he no( to be identified, hut whose
question pointed up the widespread con-
cern among Jews about anti-Semitism
The Government of President Jorge Ru.
fuelVidela, the commander in chief of
the army, firmly disavows � any official
policy of anti-Semitism, and. has taken .
measures to prevent the circulation of
blatantly anti-Jewish publications.
Leaders of the Jewish community, such
as Nehemlas Hesnitsky, a lawyer who is
president of the loose association of Jew-
ish organizations known as Daia, have
ready access to high officials, such as
Gen. Albano Harguindeguy, the Minister -
of Interior, and Adm. Emilio Masses-a, the
commander in chief of the navy, who
is a member of the junta.
Sense of Insecurity
These relationships with highly Placed
Government offitials do not offset, how-
-ever, a sense of insecurity among many
lews that stems from many inaications
that some elements of the security forces
believe that Jews have been deeply In-
solved in the left-wing guerrilla groups.
The majority of Argentina's 400.000
:Jews have not been directly affected by
aecurity operations. But one Jewish
source said that about 600 Jews, most
6f them young , have been among the
)1000 people that the military says have
been killed arrested or kidnapped since
it took power In March 1976.
� There are many accounts from people
Sabo say they %.were taken into custody
sby security personnel because they were
aews. 1,some�-cases, there1lave.been-re--
-- orts -that �swastikas-and;photographi. of --
ie l,,
Jewish leaders who haValthought deeply
bout the problem feethat there mav
aye been an unusually high number of
ms among . the, stUdents,, physicians,
wyers and other-people who belonged
fo leftist political groups from Which the
guerrilla organizations recruit. This is
;lino true of the Communist Party, al-
gpough it has opposed the armed violence
of the guerrillas. _ . � . . - .
History of Anti-SernitIsm
; But there is also evidence that the se.
.curity forces include right-wing, anti-
;Communist and nationalist elements that
have a history of anti-Sernitic action in
In the emotionally' charged mood of
Ile security forces, who are fighting guer-
rillas, the suspicion of present or . past
embership in. grotips regarded as left,
wing" or_"subversive'l is sufficient cause
(iv a secreiive arrest, a violent interroga-;
Non undo summary execution.
Alejandrei Deutsch, his wife, Elena, and
their three daughters, who were arrested
Aug. 27 in Colorado, are Jewish. The army
says that a Son, whom they are seeking.
Was a member of a guerrilla,group. The
father is still in jail, along with one
aaughter. because he 'allegedly warned
his son to flee when army investigators
arrived at their home. .
Jewish leaders tend to ascribe the
threats against Jacob� Kovadloff, the rep-
resentative here of the American Jewish
Committee, who left Argentina with his
family in July, to a tight-wing group oper-
ating outside the official security force.
Links to the Security Forces
But It is now widely believed that the
Letter from Argentina Page 16
Government is unable to guarantee th
safety of person seriously threatenes
by such groups, which appear tolhav
close -relations with the security force:
and virtual Impunity to Oct.
Although President.Vwiela and his mili
tory collaborators have often spokes
shout the need to establish a "monopoll
of -repression" under high-level control
--tfieY- admit-that-this --has-not-beer� -
tinlalisher of-the newspaper La. Opinion
raises ;further questions about the Prest
ilent s control over military. decisions.
, -.Although he was seized -by military
;personnel April 15 and subsequently tar-
red Under questioning, Mr. Timmerman
,tes neVer been formally charged with any
tame In the investigation .of alleged
-EPancial links between his newspaper
Sind the late David .Graiver, a young Ar-
tine banker charged with having ac-
reptedlillegal funds from guerrilla groups
gdr investment abroad.
ail...Nevertheless, the military junta im-
tised its most severe punishment on Mr.
Umro erman last week by taking away
Nalpolitical rights,- placing his property
1.6-,state- custody, depriving him of the
Plitt to work as a professional, and in-
definitely extending his detention.
cllThere is a conviction in the military
that there is a connection. between Tins.
mermananclGraiver, and that makes him
ailsubversIve," said a Government official.
-President Carter expressed his concern
to President Videla about the Timmerman
case when the Argentine President was
in Washington in September, and Secre-
tary of State Cyrus B. Vance, who is
scheduled to visit Argentina Monday, Is
expected to renew the American concern
that he be given a fair trial. .
But for members of the Jewish comb
munity been, who regard Mr. Timmerman
with admiration as a committed Zionist
concerned with the welfare of Jews here
and. in Israel, the action taken against
him has 'reduced confidence in the way
the � Government handles problems when
a Jew is involved.
M r".L u an:A ntsi LB uenosL
Aires correspondent for "The-, -
New York Times" wrote an ar-
ticle on November-19 last
referring- to "alarm' over anti-
Semitic action" by the present
Argentine government. This
sort of journalistic adventure
is not exclusive to the govern- . �-
ment period Which began on
March 24, 1976. --
And there are many jour-
nalists like ourselves who are
engaged in a conetant and -
sometimes difficult. struggle
-to get this question sorted
Correspondent . Onis says
that Jacob� Timerman, former
editor of La .0piniOn news-
paper, to whom we have refer-
red in other,-pages- of Letters
from Arg'erritina,- has been
"severely - punished". by the
military junta, when in fact
this person is 'protected by the.
same rights and guarantees
available to all his country-
Always provided they do not
break the law or .make. an. at-
tempt on national security-and
The "Timerman -affair'-- is
being upc.onsotous),y-,-pro-
-, a .part Of:the; pkesa,
and by,certain-i.sectorscwhich
have been rejected by the
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and I
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mind how much of a journalist he is. But,
not to use his same methods, he must be
given an opportunity to defend himself and
to explain where he got the information for
his story. And then action must be taken
The New York Times has a circulation of
copies. It has great Influence in the U.S.
and. its stories are widely circulated in the
world press. This is why the harm done by Onis is so serious for the Image of
an Argentina we all want to preserve. This
is an opportunity for..Argentina to score a
goal in the fight for a better image.
patriotic. Argentine Citizenry,
to try and turn it into a ree-
dition of the "Dreyfus affair"
that 'shook .France at the
beginning of the century.
The difference is that the
Alsatian captain was innocent
and that at least half Of France
moved resolutely to his defen-
ce. This does not occur with
Jacobo Timerman, Who was
never popular, and for very
good reasons. -
This is an old divisionist�
The government has not and economic delinquency � �
strategy, born of the classic
wanted to turn this into an most of whom are not even �political montages" so often
emotional case. Timerman 's remotely Jewish � tends resorted to by agents of sub-
offences against the nation mainly to set an example to
are public knowledge and Ar- � youth,. a frequent victim of his � version
gentina, which once protected dissociating preaching. This is true not. only of Ar-
him as an immigrant, now And also to all those who 'gentina but also of the rest of
--:-wants justice. - �,-,-,--abuse-thetreedomotthe.presr.the world, such as is proven in
Merely justice which is s and other liberties of an es-- . Chile and .oft"TI_ rat-jiff-des-,
contrary to the reWnchistri t here' "intelleCt. I " lik �
- that he proposed from the and attempt- to undermine. the � Jacob() Til-nerman manage to
columns of his newspaper foundations of the social body ,monopolise an appreciable
against all thoseof us who did we live in or in which we want. degree of notoriety.
Anton}o Rodriguez Carmona
not believe in his 'socialist to continue living,
fatherland". But.Onis' story goes beyond
To confuse legal action a personal anecdote or a mag-
against Timerman with a s-o-�' ' nification of the odyssey of
. cal led oUtbreak of anti- the La Opinion ex editor.
Seimtism is, at the very least,. It also attempts to establish
to confuse the trees and the a dichotomy in the military
wood.. government, casting President
His inclusion' in the. Ins- Videla as Dr Jekyll and "mem-
tutional Responsibility Act, bers of the security forces" as
together with other nefarious a heterogenous collection of
representatives ,of subversion Mr Hydes.
A nightmare never seen in Argentine.
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Onis' attack on Argentine
nationalism, identifying it
with ideologi6 which 'neer
had any success among us,
has an emotional charge much
greater than what he-attritiuteS
to these elements.
We're so "Nazis" that we
let former SS 'men like Adolf
Eichmann (1961) and Eduard
Roschmann (a few month ago)
be spirited away from under
our very.noses, not to mention
the patience we show When
minoritarian sectors which
never assithilated-to a -pea-
ceful society, officially oblige
us to share in their centuries-
old rancour and persecution
And we're. about to pass a
special law against racism.
Naturally the Argentine
.Jewish community denies any
form of representativity to
those professional com-
plainers., . and -regrets' more
than anybody else � due to
the confusion which springs
from their errors and mistakes
� the fact that journalists like
Juan de Onis should gaily
spread this all about the worl-
d. �
We don't know if our co-
lleague is Jewish or not. ,
We only want him to reflect,
Which is what we'd expect of
any human being never mind
his family tree. ;
Nobody in .Argentina be-
lieves (and we have unvited
'journalists from all over the,
WO-H.6,10-6o m end -see-f orIL --
�thernSelVes) that.`!thi.:gOieiri;-=
ment is Incapable Of guarart-
teeing the safety of a seriously
.threatened person" by those
groups Juan de Onis refers to
in hmis extensive column.
The monopoly of, security,
more than of repression, is. in'
the hands of the military junta,
according to � the charter of
principles under which it took.'
over power nearly two years
The "New York Times"
correspondent is trying to
disassociate the action of an
armed force (in this- case the
w'my, commanded by Pre-
sident Videla) from the other �
,two. This is serious. � .
President' Videla does not
have "military associates" but
subbrdinates instead, just like
'Admiral MasSera and Bri-
gadier General Agosti in their'
respective areas.
Just as the real Argentine -
Jews are not a state within a
'state, and consequently obey
the law and don't expect
protection from "decided
Zionists" like Timerman and
his friends, as defined by Mr
A'. Rodriguez Carmona
Letter from Argentina Page 17
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The end of a misrepresentation
"Nobody persecutes
psychiatry in Argentina"
Dr Arnaldo- Rascovsky's --- --
professional career is such that
no further comment is called
for. In his sphere he is a per-
sonality of the first magnitude
due to his dedication to psy-
choanalysis and his partici-
pation in international scientific
events. His declarations dis-
pelling the ridiculous defa-
mation campaign generated
abroad alleging prohibition or
limitation on the exercise of ps-
ychiatry and psychoanalysis in
Argentina have therefore great
weight. They are also awarning
to those who allows themselves
to be 'misled by subversives or
people completely ill-informed
on realities in Ar g entina.
----0:-What does-"FIlluifi" mein? 0: Dies It operate only in-ArgentinaT
A: "FIllUrn" is an Interdisciplinary Ins- A: NO. It exists elsewhere, like Spain,
titution for the study and prevention of and branches are being organized In othe
filicide. By extension It covers the general places like Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela and
defence of the child. Peru.
Dr. Arnaldo liascovsky
�Hanorary .President of COPAL (Latin American Psychoanalysis Organizations
Coordinating Committee).
�Founder and former president of the Argentine Psychoanalysis Association,
�Founder and former president of the Argentine Medical Psychology, Psychoanal-
ysis and Psychosomatic Medicine Society.
�Faculty-teacher of the Buenos Aires psychoanalytical Institute.
�National .Honorary Member of the Argentine Medical Association Doctor In
Buenos Aires hospitals and Children's Hospital 1926-1949.
�Member of various domestic and foreign scientific societies.
�Secretary for Latin America of the International Psycho-Analytical Group for the
Study of Problems of Peace and War.
�Founder and former editor of the Argentine Psychoanalysis Magazine. .
�Co-author of Psychosomatic Pathology, Fetal Psychism, Psychoanalysis of.
'Manias and PsycoPathies, Profound Psychism Levels; Psycoanalysls of War.
�Author of:' Killing of Children and other essays, Fllicide, Knowing your Son,
Knowing Women, Decalogue of Good and Bad Parents, Notes on Mother-Child Re-
lationships, FIlicide, Violence and War, The Hidden Face of the Cinema. Being prin-
ted is The Foetus'Braln.
�Over 50 papers published In Argentina and Foreign magazines.
�Founder and President of FILIUM, Interdisciplinary Association for the Study and
Prevention of Filicide.
�Courses and lectures in many cities including Rio de Janeiro, San Pablo, Porto
Alegre, Santiago de Chile, Quito, Bogota, Barranquilla, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
New York, Mexico, Montevideo, Madrid, Milan, Bologna, Barcelona, Punta del'Este,
Caracas. Boston. etc.
Letter from Argentina Page 18
-07Was "Fillum" tiie result of an Argen-
tina Idea?
A: Yes, it was. It was born and deve-
loped In Argentina which has been the site.
Of two congresses, one in Mendoza and
one � in Rosario. There�was an international
congress In Paris in 1973;
Q: There are a lot of ideas � particularly
at. man-in-the-street level � about psy-
chiatry. How do you define It?
� -A: psychiatry is,the branch of medicine
which looks after mental diseases.
0: Who are the persons empowered to
practice psychiatry?
A: Whoever has studied and practiced as
necessary. There is a postgraduate-school
In Buenos Aires to obtaln.tne title of doc-
tor in psychiatry. �
0: Are their psychiatric consulting
rooms In national or municipal hospitals?
A:: Yes. Most of :them have consulting
rooms in psychopathology which are
generally in the hands of psychiatrists and
Psychologists. And psychoanalysts, too-,.
...Of What Sort of patients do psychiatrists
look after?
A:' Anybody whose -sickneta is mental.
Particularly to the Psychotic, � I.e. those
who have the disease of mental imbalance
to. an. advanced degree.
Q: Are their limitations on psychiatry In
Argentina? �
A: No, there are no limitations.
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Q: Is this speciality well developed in
A: Fairly wel developed. It has
deteriorated lately-because things in
general went through stich-a�bad phase. In
thp broad view, psychiatric sprviCes are
ddficient. There is no proportion between
services offered and the increasing amount
of metal disorders. There are too few
technicians for.too many doctors:It is to
be hoped that doncerp for mental patients
will increase in the next few. year,. �
particularly in the creation of more
technical men and of therapeutic
Cf: Is third Mass information on
I don't think so. Not any more than is
. available for other branches of medicine,
Q: What do Argentines feel about
psychiatry � are they afraid of it,
contemptuous of it, scared of it or ignorant
about it?
A: Argentines are not more
apprehensive about it than in other
Western countries, and perhaps less. In
many cases people try to.avoid contact
with psychiatrists because theyfeafraid of
being referred to as mental cases. But this
sort of prejudice is being overcome. More
and more people are realizing that a mental
disorder can be as temporary as any
clinical illness: .
Q: Is there communication with other
countries on psychiatric affairs?
A: Yes, intensely and permanently. We
Dr. Arnaldo Rescovsky
participate in international, Pan-American
and Latin American congresses. Argentine
training is very mitchin demand in many .
Latin American countries.Nany
American universities have Argentine
professors. �
.� Q: So what Is psychoanalysis?
'A;��� I'd need three,months to answer this.
I'd have to write ten books or give a foolish
rep IV.
0: Do you think your previous replies
A: No. Psychoanalysis is.tb elevate. to
patients' conscience the unconscious
motivations of their ideas, symptoms and
disorders. These generally spring from a
sum of inherited circumstances (developed
all through life) and events of the day.:All
this includes an interaction between the
.individual and pressure exerted on him by
the environment during his evolutionary
0: Who is authorized to practice
psychoanalysis? .
�A:. People who have trained according
to internationaily approved standards and
who have the approval ofia
psychoanalytical institute recognized by
the International psychoanalytical
Association. In Argentina, it is required by
some institutions that a potential
psychoanalyst must have formal medical
training. Formation includes an individual
psychoanalysisOf the candidate, lasting at
least four years with supervision of his
patients and theoretical study courses that
must be followed 'during 10 years at least
in the Institute..
0: Is there a `-`brain drain" in -
psychiatrists and psychoanalysts?
A: jo'a certain extent, to countries like
Spain i the U.S: and Canada.
Q: Why?
A: .For various reasons-. Some have
been associated with subversion or have
anonymously threatened: It's happened to�
me onCe or twice-, too. I think this could be
envy, professional rivalry or some patient
who vas upset. There are other people who
go abroad in search of more favorable,. .
.economic cinditions. And there are some.
who, because of the immense prestige of:
� Argentine Specialists-, have gone-abroad
because they have been offered highly
advantageous chairs and cohtracts.
Q: Are there limitations on the exercise
of these specialities?.
A: As I said bei;re, there no limitations
to.professionals who are genuinely'
qualified to preactice trese professions.
Q: Have you heard of the existence of a
slander campaign from abroad which
claims that psychiatry is forbidden in .
Argentina, and which has been heard even
in internarional organizations?
A: I hadn't heard and it seems
ridiculous. These people are completely at
odds with reality.
Visit by Michel
Ambassador Michel Poniatowski,
. special envoy of French PresIdeut
-.Vale-ry:-,D1Scard -WEstaing-, was In
B;uenos:Aires OCtober.24-thrdugh 26.
,The distinguished French diplomat,
whols One of the most prominent per-
sonalities of 'France, interviewed
President Videla, the Ministers of
Foreign Relations, Planning, and Cul-
ture and Education, he Air Force com-
mander-in-chief and the archbishop of
Buenos Aires.
On his departure he. offered 'a press
conference at the French embassy,
where he Said:-"my trip has been essen-
tially-political and it had two purposes:
I Wanted to transmit a message of Nen-
'clthiP and understanding to the,Argen-
.''tihe, government and also the concern
of the French government over some e-
ssential points In. International poll-
He was,'asked about the general
political drift of France in the power
balance between the superpowers. He
replied: Like most .intermediate, third
world, countries, were are trying to
keep alive the 1:3olicy qf detente of the
last few years. All of US have something
to' lose if the cold war starts up again."
�How do you feet dAtente is inserted
in the framework of' Carter's human
rights policy?- �-
-The most TimOOrtant, .thing about
.human rights,:,freedonfand progress is
to wipe: Out -the-ferrpriSM:all of us are
subject to
Terrorism is'a form of war and all states
are boundtogether to fight it. France
an ally of:all battles against terrorism.
We havetoordinated our action:1n this
respect with Germany and Britain. Sub-
version, which originates in 'certain
foreign powers, never. mind'which, is
diminishing in Latin. America and
Europe and' becoming more significant
in Africa. .Three,�weeks . ago, after.
SchleYer's kidnapping, German Foreign:.
Minister Schmidt said to me, 'I won't
surrender. In these conditions terrorists
will,. Only try' something worse. I won't
give in, because if I do, .1 destroy -law; �
and the. institutions, and I leaves the �
:weak in the violent
Letter from Argentna Page 19
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Maria Elena Iglesias de Ronan
Doctor Maria Azucena Carcamo
Three women
Three representative Argentine women
talk about their country, their hopes for it
and_their_hopes-for_1978.-Their approach was
p�iTnIliind-refrained froM_SkirtiiiglififfiCUlt
issues � which is what makes it so valuable.
Charming, fascinating, Maria Elena
Iglesias de Renan, 38,, two children; re-
sembles a figure of the Renaissance: She
is multiple, essentially, creative. She owns
the "Estudio del Bajo" advertising agency,
.celebrated in Argentina and. abroad. In the
agency, Maria is the guiding spirit, no-
thing happens that she doesn't know about.
She is the quintessence of vitality. Maria
can't stop creating, color, images, ideas,
viewpoints. Her husband is Sergio Renan, a
"La Tregua"' (The Truce) was in the final
round loran Academy Award.
1) Argentina is facing up to its reality
very painfully. We have a magical tendency
to think that change comes suddenly.. It's
hard for us to realize that change means
every one of us. We seem to be growing up
a bit, which is very good. This year indus-
try strode forward the most.
2) Yes.
3) Hopes for the National Project must
be entertained by everybody in Argentina
and not only by women. We've got to try
and be more grown-up, more responsible,
to have a more solid concept of the future.
4) In don't think all Argentine women
are the same. I think we're independent
despite ,being Latin Ameriban. On the
average,. I think it fair to say Argentine
women are intelligent we have an uncom-
mon capacity to "Help along."
Letter from Argentina Page 20
Maybe it's her biological makeup which
ensures that women have a great vitality
and a concept of the future. She needs
more self:assurance and on that basis to
play a greater part In whatever goes on.
"Dames with Jobs" (a very characteristic
saying in Ruenos Aires), are not all foo-
lishly feministic. To us, it is Important to
.preserve femininity, work and vocation. It
Doctor SilvIa Gil Arcay
Is important to appreciate that indepen-
dently of whether one faces economic
necessity, we have a role, in society and a
vocation. Women are partners with men in
whatever happens to the country.
5) What I hope for, my expectations for
my family are a climate in which everybody
can develop the best in him or her. I'd like
to be smart enough not to put obstacles in
their way, as I have so much to do with
their lives:-I'vergot-to-let-others--dpielop the
things7in them, even though they
don't seem the best to me. From the world
outside I ask for peace, stability and
mutual respect so that my children and I
can live in contact with "the outside."
6) think we're all hoping for an end to
violence, because it's a "Long Live Death!"
and I'M for "Long Live Life!" I'm concerned
about more than just getting rid of violen-
ce. I think we've got to look at it medically
and prevent subversion. The most impor-
tant thing we've got to do is to channel the
vitality and creative potential of youth to
avoid it being used, in good faith or in bad
1) 1977 Is nearly over; a year of sacrifice for sorne, of hope, of disappolntmen
even. How do you evaluate events In Argentina as from January?
,2) Do you think the future wIll.always be better?
3) What do ArgentIne.women expect from the National Project?
4) How would- you.rate the Virtues and defects of 'Argentine women in 1977.
Let's be realistic about this...
5) We think the most nearly perfect state which resembles a family. A
normal family, naturally. Can you. tell us what you want for Our family and for
the state In what is left of 1977?
. 6) Latterly violence has struck at many homes. There's been a lot of talk of
human rights, not always with a proper understanding of the problems that
were foisted on us. .
, President VIdela said we'd spend Christmas in peace, and pray God he's
Iright._What would you wish for our authorities so that violence, and lack of un-
derstanding should end in time for all 1978 to be Christmas?
7) Vihaf clO You tnink ordemagognery?
. 8) If you had to propose a subject for a national referendum, what subject
would you suggest?
9) Is anything superior to life itself?
10 Internationally, who was the person who most Impressed you, and why?_}
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faith, by people who think that violence,
can improve things.
7) Demagoguery is an evil which only
immature countries accept. I think we've
.got to grow and accustom.youth to grow up
without it. �
8) I'd ask them 'what .sort of a country
they'd really like to have, and then I'd
challenge them to create it.
9) No, life itself. .
10) These things are very difficult. I ad-
mire people for some of their qualities, not
necessarily all. I have enormous respect
for the late Malraux because he had thei
courage to suggest that culture was vital:
- and to predicate that ideological
ms, 'never mind of what-type, mutilate aid
inhibit an ample vision of life..
Dr Maria Azucena Carcamo is a lawyer, a
graduate of the National Buenos Aires
University. She specializes in Adminis-
trative Law, works. as an independent and
is 35. She has one child. She has traveled
extensivily and is distinguished for her
maturity and aplomb. She is.warm and ma-
kes everybody feel at ease.
1) I see It as a complex, critical process.
I think we're coming out of it slowly, with,
everybody's assistance.
2) In hope, I think so.
3) To be able to realize themsehies
� 4) In hope, I think so.
3) To to realize themselves. per-
4) I'm not referring necessarily,to
� women of 1977 but to Women of the
present time. I see them about to take off,
.about to open up, wanting to get. thing*
.done "end to show the world that they. can.
orm outsi a e kitchen. .1 see this
_ more; marked arriorig.. young. womMi; wbo7, ,
�� * �
� �
� Women are afraid Of breaking.thing's,.ot:
pitting their professions against their ch.ik
dren and husband. Argentine women will
have to learn to do some serious home-
work:, in order to win a Place in a compe-
titive market.. They'll have to face.challen-
ges and realize that that's the only way to
become a full human being;
5) For my family, and for the state, I
hope for understanding and mutual res-
6) I hope violence Is never necessary. I
hope we never again have problems or
trouble spots which can unchain violence.
7) I think. demagouguery is something
which takes hold in countries which are in-.
tellectual too Infantile to assume their res-
8) One of the questions would be reci-
ted to the economy:. 'What do Argentines
think of the economic process? I'd also ask
about the import and export. modus op-
erandi. Of Course I woulde3 ask everybody
that question. What do people think about
a gradual return to politics? Do � labor
leaders think that they will soon play a
major role in union life again? � .
91 I think so, but I've got serious doubts
'abOut a' borderline situation as related. to:
life. Any other answer would be, for me,
dishonest. �
10) Internationally I haven't got too
much time for so-called "leaders." I can't.
find .a single person I admire overall. I
could mention specific points In a.number
;of people..
Dr Silvia Gil Arcay is a doctor, two chil-
dree, the direater of the Medical Depart-
Ment of the Merck, Sharp 6 Liiiihme-phaF--
'maceuticals ddinpany. She IS brilliant,
talented, a well-known''journalist; very
categorial and sure In what she says. She
Is extremely femiriine andjias an almost
metaphysical desire to please. -
1) I think Argentina is going through a
transition Period: Wellave to come out of a
period which was :really dramatic for the
. Country.
We all hope that everything turns out for
the best for. the country and its
This year, and probably next year, will be
difficult ones. We 'already know about
economic problems but we're all resolved ,
to clO all we can for the country and we.
ourselves to be where We want to be � and be. . �
2) I forget who it was but somebody
said, "How. can I nor worry about the future
if It'll be the. present very soon!" I think
'we're all worried about the future. Per-
sonally what concerns Me most about it Is
my children. One always fights fora better
future. This is the best thing one can wish
for those that one loves and for the country
I much.
3) People like myself in their thirties are
riot waiting so much for projects or pro-
.rtilses as to be able to"work for the-thins
they want to achieve.. -I love my country:
that's why I think it's worth while trying to
support it in whatever Implies progress.
' 4) Argentine women., play a Major role
and this makes them a part of the country.
But th.ey're. not quite sure yet of the role
they .should- play. There are women who
support. feminism -and live in permanent
competition with -men. Others dwell In
,slavery. I think�that in Argentina, like ever-
tywhere-else,_there_are_wornen_who like, to
targets, and other that .
� . . � � .� ,� �� �� ,�
don, Y.--And-there-are --manr-gccupations�
barred to women: Women who try to climb
In a society bUilt. by Men are bound to have
a hard'time :att. ManY�.of us have to go out
and work today becaiise -things are: that
� way economically, but we still feel bound
by. housework and we want to get "perfect
scores" in everything. What woman
achieve will be the product� of capacity and.
willpower. This will be the only form of
discrimination among women. �
5) I've got a sole objetive in my life. I
want to.. be happy. To 'me happiness in-
cludes my home,, my friends, my
.country. I think most human beings have
the same objectives. My family and my
country should all "pull the same way" so
that we can be happy.
6) All Argentina -has been witness to
events in which not only was. a perSon
eliminated but: the whole-family-has-been
obliged to witness the horrible killings. My
wish is that the Argentine government
should continue to battle subversion and
produce a turnaround in a situation Which
It' has. inherited from a long time ago. I
hope it -achieves a social context which is
gratifying to everybody In Argentina.
7),Demagoguery and tyranny, or dic-
tatorships, are the result of socioeconomic
conditions In a country. There are times
when things seem to come together to
create demagoguery. Obviously nobody
likes living in demagoguery; thera' is no
doubt that it is preferable to 'live in de�
mocracy. Sometimes, demagoguery is,
necessary, in borderline situations. And
sometimes there are ad-honorem de-
8) Divorce; type of government . we'd
choose; should the university be indepen-
dent or not, and study Plans; . options as,
regards the health policy; general Ii-'
neaments of the econorrplan.
9) Living in happiness,' nothing is finer
than life,.
,19) As time goes by ond onei epos, my-
ths-fade-away -andLthe-choteebecornes
more difficult. I'd find It hard tc, give a
name, a person. In general I prefer people
who are working to improve conditions in.
the world and for the peace of the world.
Letter from Argentina Page 21
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The Semi(' s
notorious es criminals and have cast a
shadow on the Image Of those who share a
common ancestry with them.
In the third place it is necessary to study
the. condition ,of internal war that Is only
itist- coming to, an end in Argentina. Ex-
tremists caused to much death and des-
truction that many people in-Argentina had
had to suffer the consequences thereof.
And all communities have been represen-
ted in this quota of suffering, not least the
Jewa. But this does not mean that there is
any reason to single them out as having
, been particularly victimized in this con-
frontation. The reasons, explanations, and
-historic-- and -political-- origins- of-all- this
have nothing to dOwith anti-Semitism:
The . problems mentioned before, and
�which have not been properly understood,
are being used by subversion to support a
slander .campaign against .the National
Government. This is the reason -for.cons-
tent accusations of anti-Semitism in this
Dr. Magaidl, president at the Confederation _ of Welfare Societies, :addresses a group. of .0uAt'ry. �,-:. � - : -
. Jewish women who work for general social welfare.\ -
But there is an 'opinion ' which should
, carry considerable weight, except of cour-
. ,
... .
The National Government is .conscious The National Constitution our Magna .se in the case of people specially interes-
of the value and importance of the. sig- '.Charta, definitely excludes racial prejudice �. ted inslandering Argentina It is the
nificant role played' by the fecund and har- and governments since 1945 on, have beert�.--2,opinion� of Israel in thlsrespect and attitu-
Oworking Israeli community in Argentina," coherent in this respect. This coherence des by.the..national government which are
,says General Videla's message to the has also been observed in '..i.elations .with :�:_cluite eloquent as to the real situation of.
,-,Jewish community on the 25th anniversary the state of Isfael,_WhIchhave.always:been-,..,4eNia in Argentina. _
' of the Federation of Israeli Argentine Corn- cordial and fruitful '.
, as they have been With ,'.-.....QUIte. recently 'acultural, scientific and
. -munitibs, and it reflects the thought, of the other ethnic and migratorminoritieS1\technical:agreerrient :was signed with
. - the armed forces over the need to integrate that have contributed ,to the development , Israel. It tightens the already strong links
- the contribution of this, community into of Argentina. . r ,',F . _ -..
between both eduntries. There Is no doubt
� national development. And as this is more It should not be forgotten that.Argentina.;.�.i,othat_the Israeli government would not have
important than any other interest, nobody was the First . country-, to recognize..tha...:signed::this_agreement if. it felt that Jews
; � ' ' - - .
will able to modify the policy which has state of Israel In 1948.- , . ',L.'. were being discriminated 'against in.. Ar
been defined in this connection. � But recently, more concretely .Since the . . �'.-Ontina. ' � - : ' '
, The sentiments of the � Jewisch corn- Military Junta took, ever,. there have been :." ..� There have been recent press statements
_ .._mu.nity.are,sim ilar..On_the occasion,of_this____sOme_Rvents__,Which,_Jf_incerrectly_inter-.:7M--,-BuenosHAIres--by--spokesmentfor-the-
.;.;:-.anniversary.,--�-theirownr-ieadersexpresed-,,,-preted-,-.cOuld: leaditO7:sPme-Misteken'arid.,"?.fgrael I-T;erga-riliatibecs -Iii.-Ar-girriti iii:Teri
�their appreciation of the presidential mes ---unfair conclusions . '-'-national holidays like : Yom Kippur. On
'- Sage. "How can we fee) anything but love . . ' in the, first placti, one of the most 'those occasions, too, ; special � messages
for 'this land where we have been able to prominent bankers In , Argentina, David �of godd will have been ' received � from
. grow in ireedom? We want to live In peace, Graiver, has been' charged with economic President VIdela. and Admiral Massera,
... ,
In justi,;e and freedom. We are a corn- offences and .with connections with sub- This is adequate proof of the fact' that so-
munity that participates, fully in .the de- version Graiver killed in an air brash in called:. anti SemitIsm in Argentina is so-
...veloprri int of this beautiful country and August, 1976, was Jewish and represented mething which has - been invented, by
centrib le to it in spheres of activity Jewish banking interests in Buenos Aires people to _whom the idea- of a� reborn Ar-
' '.� However, mony press media taking ad- The other. directors. of group that gentina is distasteful;
vantage ' of events of a circumstantial. Graiver headed have been arrested and will' ' When Mr Jacob Kovadloff, president of
, nature, have insistently made the corn- ,be:tried by�a special tribunal of warmn order_i_t.he Jewish-American Committee In
� -pletely erroneous statement that there' is to. ascertain the. truth .of the allegations
Buenos Aires, was threatendd oyer the
that have been made against Graiver and ' telephone by extremists, the Foreign Of-
. . The statement that after the war many his associates. fice kept inconstant touch with him during'Nazis came to Argentina, is true, as is The detainees Include . Jacob�. Timer- his self-Imposed exile In the US., and of-
� ',proved by the ,capture here of Adolf Eich- man, a totimalist of Jewish , extraction and fared him special guarantees if. he wished
mann, subsequent proof that Joseph Men- editor .of La �Wien newspaper. He has to. return. In New York, foreign minister
,.gele had lived in Argentina for many years, been accused Of maneuvers to take Control Mentes met with members of the Jewish-
'and the recent death in Paraguay of Eduard of' the paper, formerly ,the property of American community. This is another.
... Roschmann, a few.days after having left -Graiver. demonstration of where official policy is
!: :Argentina when a police warrant was is- � 'Jos�er Gelbard, who died very recently heading and Ills a direction that will not be
� �-�sued :for his .afrest, .as well as other de- In the US, was for some time Economy given up.
mands by foreign coursts for German war Minister with the government of General Mention should also be made of several
. criminals presumed to be living here. Juan' Per6n.--His connection with the set- pro-Nazi publications which have been
' There, is no doubt that Argentina was a ting . up of. the country's first aluminum banned by the. Office of the President.
:� shelter for these men after the war, plant is being extensively probed. But the There had been a spate of these nublica-
: But does this necessarily 'suggest that Investigation has 'nothing to do with the tions in IBuenos Aires newsstands (an
-,there ever was an anti-Semitic policy In Ar- fact that Gelbard was Jewish. event which ,has also been observed in
'."gentina? - The fact that Graiver, Timerman, Gelbar- other countries. There seems to be a Nazi
..: ANALYZING SOME FACTS � d, Broner (Gelbard's right:hand and former nostalgia cult growing In many Western'
. president of the General. Economic Con- ,countries) And the Military Junta has
. -There Is no evidence that any. time the federation) are of Jewish extraction has decided to modify the Final Code Moor-
. goverement . ever imposed or suggested nothing 'to do with their arraignment on porating, a specific anti-racist statute.. It
.. ,any form of anti-Semitism of any kind. trial. The fact Is that they have committed specifies and establishes means of repres-
. _ �
, ,.This Is Independent of the_ _
government'S offences which are a disservice to the sion of anybody who tries to Introduce
outlook toWards ex-Nazia:. � Jewish community.. They have become racism in Argentina. �
-Letter fromArgentIna Page 22
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Rabbi GRAETZ lectures at a public session
� 10th Congress of
Jewish Communities
The Federation of Jewish Communities have developed had it not been for the
in�Argentinacelebrated'Iti Silver Jubilee spirit Of and 'mutual respect that
.last OP.tobler 8spY--cirgenizi,ng th'e'l 0 -th guides 1111-Sinatiori.- And- it_IS
Congress of' Jewish Communities In the this Argentine spirit of welcome that Jews.
Argentine Hebrew SOclety building: in Argentina feel free and are able to con-
serve their ethnic identity and their Zionist
links. This is Impossible. �in totalitarian -
countries which brutally suppress any ex-
pressions of .pluralism and pursue alt
minorities, whether ethnic or religious..
Totalitarianism excludes tolerance. This is
what, in our times, made the tragedy of the
,barbarous Nazi holocaust possible. This is
also .why we see Zionism persecuted in
Soviet Russia, which denies Jews the right
The ceremonies started In the morning
in � San � MirtirI Sguare.''Hundreds of chil-
dren. from Jewiah. SchbOls, Israeli diplo
'meta; and officials' from "the Federation
and from DAIA, the Delegation of Argentine-
Israeli Associations)' paid tribUte to Argen-
tina's hiStoricai hero, General Jos�e San
� Congress ceremonies began with the
Argentine and IsraelInational anthems and
message's were read from 'Argentine Pre-
sident Lieutenant '.Geheral Jorge -Rafael-,
,and from President Me-
�'-'�nahern� 'eg In and Foreign Minister General
Moshe Dayah.-All Were warmly applauded_ over 300 delegates representing the
country's 125 Jewish communities. " �
Dr Ram N irgad, the Jewish ambassador
Ito Argentina, stressed "the importance of
'this day in the historY of�the Jewish corn-
' ' munity in,
'A community which
!always ,played a major part in the develop-
ment' of this beautiful country,..contribut-
ing to all spheres of activity; agridulture,
colonization of the vast land'areas:' Indus-
. try, science Argentina already has
� four generations of Jews. �
','"This' form 'of community � existence,"
'Ambassador Nirgad went on, "is only pos-
sible In a free country; the communiTy life
of the Jews could not have been developed
Were it not for the democratic spirit of Ar-
gentina. Jewish institutions would not
3) The community donates a portrait al General
San Martin to Rio Negro's "State of Israel"
to emigrate and forbids � them the right to
self-expression In Russia itself".
Ambassador Nirgad added: "Tolerance
and liberalism has been always firmly en-
trenched In'Argentina. This Is why concep-
ts like 'digesting' minorities or cultures are
foreign to Argentine traditions of. freedom
of mam" �
DAIA President Dr Nehemias Resnitzky.
also spoke. - He stressed the "great love'
Jews have for Argentina, where we have
been able to work and have been able to
grow in the. exercise_ of freedom." speaker was Dr Mario Gorens-
tein, President of the. Federation-and of
AMIA, .The Argentine-Israeli Mutual As-
sociation, which organized the Congress.
Dr �Gorenstein 'referred to the work of the
125 organized Jewish communities In Ar-
..9entIna which have been operating' since
1881. "Today We can submit' to the 'con-
. sideration, of this Congress and of public
opinion in general, the existence of a net-
work of lc schools in Buenos Aires' and
surroundings and 27 inthe interior, includ-
ing primary and secondary schools and.
some tertiary organizations which form
'specialized teachers and some Rabbinical
Seminaries which �atsure the continuance
of leadership and spiritual orientation".
Dr Gol'enstein continued saying that
these communities are also proud of their
contributions Iry other fields, like tech-
-:nology, science, industry, commerce and
finance. They must no understand and
,give their reply, as the part of the country
they are, to the historic moments of the
He added, '"This Is why the community.
has never been indifferent to the way thin-
gs have gone in Argentina; thus it was in
the. pait,.. ri;mornents. w lc Pa! h.O. Os-
I t t riLt he
first place,, a firm vocation to live in a pea-
ceful Society, where genuine differences
In viewpoint are examined. within an appro-
priate, institutional framework, because
this .is a guiding principle of our cultural
� and . religious heritage. As Prophet. Za-
carias said condemning violence. "Justice
and freedom cannot be attained with force
but with the spirit.".
Dr Gorenstein continued to say that "we.
Jews therefore emphatically disassociate
ourselves with any effort to modify the
complex of social and Institutional rela-
tions of our country, Argentina, through
the use.of_force or subversion. Just asthe
other sectors of Argentine life, we are alive
to. the vital-importance of the struggle that
is being .Waged In order that our children
may inherit a greater and more peaceful
(Argentina. This is why we achieve
'this' sort' of country and why we will strive
'to attain It.
"Furthermore, we will also say today
that we have seen as very positive the ef-
forts made (by' the Argentine government)
Such as the ban on. various Nazi publi-
cations and' on harebrained anti-Semitic
propaganda, with the purpose of avoiding
further sterile division in Argentine socie-
ty. We will .also contribute with our effort
to the validity � of what President General
Videla said on his trip to the United States:
"Argentina does not have a Nazi-vocation;
it was born free With a vocation of freedom
end It will fight to maintain this vocation."
Letter from Argentina' Page 23
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One million argentine muslims
Many may be surprised on hearing that there are a million
Muslims here, who freely practice their religion without inter-
fering with anybody, or being interfered with in the pursuit of
their religious beliefs or their immensely rich cultural tradition.
_ Professor Ibrahim Hallar has a distinguished pla.ceamong the-
faithful to Islam, God's Revelation to Mohammed:Jn the 7th
century of our time. He occupies a privileged position as a
student of various disciplines related to this spirityal pheno-
menon 'Which originated in Arabia Felix to rapidly spread
through Asia Minor, the Levant, northern Africa and southern
Europe, where it established itself in Spain during its greatest
period of splendour.
This is where the gaucho gets his Arab stock; his name comes
from the Arabix "guacho", equivalent to free, savage or mo-
therless, rather like the desert Bedouin or the Russian Cossack.
This is what Professor Hallar told us.
�What are the foundations of Islam?,
�God's Revelation to Prophet Moham-
med has five fundamental pillars. The first�
is the testimony of faith. Prior to initiation
in Islam it is necessary to repeat this
phrase, "I testify that there is no God out-
side God, and I -attest that Mohammed is
the envoy of God." This is the meaning of
the word
Next comes prayer. We Muslims pray
diY- ri'd th-ele,i b I re .p7rajieF I t heTrribal"
styles of believers all over the world. This
'mayor assembly is held on the 10th day of
the month after Ramadan,. called Sulhiga.
The last pilgrimage to Mecca gathered
together two million Muslims from 63
�How many Muslims are there in the
�Well, I suppose that was a logical
_question._There.are.125.million Muslims.in_
�.: the7-22.:.countries.-.which:' form- the: Arab-.
'But- there -are
about 800 million believers all over the
world, many of them non-Arabic. This
should give an idea of Islam's force and
power of conviction. In Argentina there are
a million believers and the first mosque is
being built. They are grouped in various
celebrated religious, cultural and social
organizations of great prestige. In Buenos
Aires the rites of Islam are celebrated in
the Buenos Aires Islam Center.
r �Do Argentine Muslims ever feel that they
have been discriminated against for re-
ligious or other reasons?
. _
ques. -
Next comes oblation, lithurgical Pu-
rification. Giving alms is an obligation
towards the fellow-man, just as prayer is
an obligation towards God. Tradition has
established 2.5 percent of the permanent,.
productive capital for alms. It isadvisable.
to pay�this "lithurgical lax" after the month
of Ramadan in Order to receive the blessing
Of fasting. This is the fourth pillar of
Islam. In the ninth month of the Muslim
lunar year (Ramadan Calendar) fasting is
held to dominate the body and purify the
soul to take part in the sorrows and de-
privations of the poor. Neither solid nor
liquid food may be taken from dawn to
sunset. Carnal contact and tobacco are al-
so forbidden in that time. In that month the
faithful try not to commit sins of charity
and .to devote most of their time to adore
and contemplate God. The only persons
exempt from this are, naturally, children,
the 'sick, pregnant women and travelers.
But all of them must fast at another time of
the year or exert charity.
The fifth, and possibly the most widely
known, of the Islamic prescriptions is the
pilgrimage to Mecca, in Saudi Arabia.. This
has to be done in conscience at least once
in a lifetime. This Is a symbol of unity and
permanence for all Muslims, ap Islam, for
the first time in history, puts a value on the
importance of assemblies inspired in
reasons of faith. The pilgrimage to the
tomb of the Prophet permits the cultural'
and social interchange of ideas ;and life-
Letter from Asrgentlha Page 24
Left to right, Orthodox Archbishop of Jia_g_hdad
Cardinal Sergio Pignedoll.protessor Haller. ,
God. This dogma of the Inmaculated Con
ception of Mary, and of Jesus as the Mes-
siah and the saviour of the world; was a
dogma in Islam 1.100 years before it was
defined as such by the Catholic Church
when Pius IX was Pope. �
As for the Koran revealed to Moham-
med, this is the word of God transmitted
directly without euphemism or ommis-
_sion_l_t_is_the_b.o.ok_of_all_Muslims_and _the__
7 condensation previous-sacred ti-
���teratUreiheluding2--the 'briptures. Re-
member that it was dictated to the prophet
over a time of 23 years, according to va-
rious.circumstances and motives.
Going even more deeply into your ques-
tion, I had the same thing asked of me by
Cardinal Sergio Pignedolli during the
Islam-Christian Congress in Tripoli; in Lib-
ya, a year ago. At that time I felt proud of
being a native Argentine and. a Muslim and
I was able to show that there had never
been racial, religious or social discrimi-
nation in Argentina. There is liberty here
in its every expression, provided there is
no interference from interests foreign to
the interests of the nation.
Naturally there is interest, deep interest,
In Argentina over Islamic studies: The
gaucho -or guacho, originally, was the
product. of Andalusian soldiers (probably
the race most influenced by the Arab
presence in Spain) with the aborigines and
other races that settled down here. .There
are many Words which have been taken
from the Arabic, like chiripa (a cummer-
bund used by gauchos round their waist)
and alazan, a roan horse... The philologist.
Gonzalo de Reparas said that Whoever
spoke Spanish, spoke Arabic all -day. wi-
thout ever knowing it...
'Letter from Argentina thus left Professor
Ibrahim Hailer after an interview that was
more-like a lesson, .plus innumerable cups
of coffee and the bonhomie of one who is a
brother in nationality and respect to fun-
damental standards of Argentine life.
On the contrary. Nothing like that has
ever happened. Our relationship with other.
religions is friendly and constructive. We'
all believe in one God and in the destiny of
man,. beyond all temporal Considerations.
We can't find any reason for problems with
any other monotheistic faith (Muslim
means precisely that, monotheistic.)
Mohammed did not, as is-generally sup-
posed, found Islam. He was the last of the
prophets or, as we say, the "seal" of all
prophecies. Mohammed considered him-
self a follower of the monotheistic ideas of
Abraham, who was neither Hebrew nor
Christian, simply a monotheist. Moses, a
Hebrew prophet and legislator, is con-
sidered within Islam because he was, un-
doubtedly, a monotheist. And, to us,
Jesus Christ is Islamic, because he took
monotheism to its highest expression
the time, fulfilling the Scriptures as the
Son of the Virgin Mary and the Spirit of
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
"The way I think"
The following -', ques-
tion regarding crucial
matters of internal and
foreign affairs show
how much public per
sonalities In Argentina-
-. are interested ,in rea-
sonable solutions.
,doctor Silvia Oil krcey, director of the Me:
dical department of Merck Sharp & Dohme.
1) Should the Beagle Channel decision be accepted?
_ .Yes, insofar as it Is fair and respects our sovereignty.
I don't it has been and I think new conditions should be
negotiated. Anew arbier, for example.
2) How has the Navy reacted to the presence of pirate
Russian fishing craft? ,
Admiral Massera kept his word that our sovereignty
would not be violated. They should have confiscated the
ships as well as the fish.
3) What do you think about the controversy with Brazil
on the subject of 'taint"' !und Corpus?
� I don't see why it should be so difficult to work things
out in a Matter which is of priority importance for the three
-countries (Argentina:;�Paraguay-and-Braz11.)--
--4) yoO4hink:abbut
It should be carried out on all fronts. It isn't merely'a---'
question of armed fighting. It's also a question of der-
piving subversion of the social, cultural and economic
conditions which favor It.
I think it is fundamental to 'illustrate the public on how
.subversion is financed, In order to do away with the heroic
mythology surrounding it.
� , 5). Your opinion on the Videla-Carter Interview.
Obviously, in foreign policy It is necessary to hold con- ,
vereations with every 'country, buy only insofar as Other
countries show respect torus and for our liberty. .
1) I think that If this decision were sim-
ply rejected it would create a difficult
situation for Argentina's honor. It was
probably wrongly envisaged from the
beginning, but it's too late for regrets now.
As a decision, it is grossly unfair and ig-
nores bilateral oceanic ,agreements. If it,
were carried out it would imply a state Of
�permanent tension between two sister,
:countries. The solution is neither to reject
nor to accept, but to create a climate of
dialog with Chile so that a satisfactory
,'solution can be arrived at.
. 2j'It reacted In the only way It could react
in the defense of Argentine 'sovereignty
and the country's property.
3) Dialog between Argentina and Brazil
should be fluid and constructive. . There are
a lot of vested interests in action and the
profits are 'incalculable. The welfare of the
countries requieres that governments leave
no stone unturned to achieve -a peaceful
use of potential riches. The proverbial
. friendship of Argentina and Brazil will find
a Way to smooth over this conflict.
4) The government is obliged to create
conditions for .citizens to be able to live
and work ih peace and mutual respect. It is
'obliged to face anything. that can upset
peace and, perturb it. But this battle must
be fought with the gentlemanly spirit
which emanates from a love of freedom
and human rights, without adopting
_methods. that subvert this _same_ spirit of
;�gentlernanh.ness,--*.-. �
5) Any meetin-betWeen-well-intentioned..-
heads Of state is very conmendable. Par-
ticularly at this-time, When Argentina has.
to clarify an insidious international carri-
' paign against it. Naturally this doesn't
.mean giving expalanations submissively,
merely re-emphasizing our republican and
.democratic vocation. The Interview is fruit-
: fu I, because it breeds understanding and
because both countries submit,to more in-
tensive and creative trade.
Doctor Luis
Pedro Bucafus-
co, President of
Unelam (Latin
American Evan-
gelical Unity),
President of the
Argentine House
in Israel and for-
mer President of
the Argentine
Federation of
Evangelist Chur-
Doctor Eduardo Ottelageno, attorney and
former rector-interventor of the Buenos Aires
1) Should the Beagle Channel decisiou,
be accepted?
An appeal for revision should not be lod-
ged because the whole thing Is "an error of
'fact". which leads to "notorious injustice."
The finding is arbitrary and ignores
geography and history.
It is impossible to apply.
In, the solution of the conflict with Chile
an attempt must be Made to conciliate Ar-
gentine-Chilean brotherhood with the
irrenounceable intereste:of sovereignty.
2) How has. .. navy reacted to the
presence of pirate Russian fishing craft?
As is required by the defence of our sea.
The function of policing the waters cannot.
be laid aside. It is parE of the exercise of
sovereignty.. �
3) What do you think about the con-
troversy with Brazil on the subject of Italp6
and Corpus?
A slution must be found which contem-
plates continental solidarity, on a basis of
mutual respect for the sovereignty of the
parts and their highest naticinal interests.
4) What do you think ,about terrorism in
it should be more integral Subversion
must be fought everywhere.
It must be fought in culture, in religion,
in the family, the economy, in society, in
the judiciary; in the police force, in the ar-
med services, etc. Effects are attacked but
not causes. There is no point in the police
and the armed forces eliminating one
guerrilla, if schools, the economy, jour-
nalism and television manufacture five
more. �
5) Your opinion of the Carter-Videla in-
I hope it will have the function of illus-
trating the US people on the' drama of
terrorism and its repression in Argentina,
and so sweep away with misconceptions,
and tighten links with the U.S.
Letter from ArgintIna. Page 25
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10 years after
'Monsignor Doctor Antonio QuarracInociElishop of Aveilaneda
Ten years after Popuiorum Progressio,
Monsignor Dr. Antonio Quarracino, Bi-
shop of the Industrie( city of Avellaneda
(linked to Buenos Aires by variuos bridges
over the Riachuelo, little rivtr), writes in
"clarin" newspaper that that encyclical
was "a solemn call forrcarkete action in
favour of the iptegral development of man
and the joint development of humanity".
sence of the Church's social teaching. A
� curious, painful fault! To this, says
Quarracino, must be added extremist in-
terpretations, and .their concrete expres-
Even the Populorum Progressio name
was misused and played on in. such a
fashion that even its tittle Was invalidated
because "development" was presented as
a screen for dominating'' countries. The
word of the daywas "Liberating revolution"
and the rest WAS all "celdstial music". ,
.How many. young people in.. Latin .
America ingenuously and carelessly' pi-
-- irouetted- to -a ,macabre dance pjayed by
guerrillas; "liberating movements'', -fools-.
�m",- with a Marxist � inspiration that in-
troduced the drama of an island in the con-
Ur-lent:as its ,opus magnum!
The man who called for 'lair develop-
ment or world suicide" is. not, says
Quarracino; An ecciesiatic buta man of the
economic and financial world, Aurelio Pe.-
ccef, 'president of the Club of Rome. He
calls for a fairer society "or � we will not be
able to carryon..." He says present con-
ditions are complex and the balance is-so'
delicate that even marginal, irrational for-
ces can subvert it or paralyze It. "Violence
will continue to succeed and we will con-
tinue to �fight it without understanding it,
fighting its effects while its causes are the
ones that should be fought against.
Quoting monsignor LOpez Trujillo, hei
said -Mat "the inspiration of Popqlorum
Progresslo circulated through all the chur-
ches. Perhaps there was some vacillation
in taking these ideals and 'giving then con-
crete form, due to errors of reception and
planning mistakes. One of its causes was
wakness in forming "agents" of change,..
according to the foundations and the es-
Argentina against discrimination
The Executive has sent the CAL (Legislative Advisory Commission) composed..
of members of the three armed forces, and which meets In Congress, a draft law to
repress what would be .a new offence on the books, racialism.
'Reliable sources said the Executive has "given Instructions to the committee,
-which is working on the reform of.the Penal.Offences Code, to evaluate repression�
Among, offences against the public peace,�of:
1) Participation in organizations based on Ideas or theories which. Imply .the
superority of a race or a group of persons of any determined religion, ethnic origin .
or color.
. 2) Propaganda or publications based .on those postulates, with the object of
justifying or promoting this type of discrimination.
3) Incitation to violance or realization of acts of violence individually or taking"'
part. In organizations specified in 1), against persons or groups or persons because
of their race, religion, ethnic origin or color,
4) Carryng out acts which imply hatred or discrimination against persons or,
groups of persons based on, their race, religion, ethnic origin or color, as well as
instigation to carry out those acts.
The project stipulates that racial hatred In general will be severely punished, in-
cluding up to prison terms.
Letter from Argentina Page 26
What to say about Argentina? it looks like
a developed country but is partly unde-
veloped. It has all the conditions to zoom,
but it is underpopulated 'and the popu-
lations growth rate is very low. And de-
velopmente has been postponed by po-
litical,An-dcolOssa-finitak�esf or
-years. -
There are two- temptations to be fought,
says Quarracina. One is to fall back into
thinking everything' should. be "easy", the
other is to submit to "frustration". And
there � are other temptations, to; dema-
goguery, mIthicism, the parvenue syn-.
"A lot of lost time has to be recovered",
Monsignor Quarracino says:: "Above all,
the people of Argentina must be encou-
to look ahead and work for the f u-
� tura. We can't do this with words and ges-
tures.' To do it we've got to build roads, im-
prove conditions in the University, indus-
traliZe,' imp`rove farming conditions, work
on national health, on education, and. on
� culture. And� we've got to do this all ,over
the country, not only in Argentina. The
country Is a whole and not only a part."
"This is'a job all of us"; he says. "loan
mention one key, Word, Participation. We
have to 'find* new and efficacious ways to
channel participation. �.. � � .
"Democracy must be vigorous to defend
itself from.chaos, demagoguery and Wes-,
ponsitility. Without going, into the'realms
of fantasy, creative ,imagination needs to
think up ways to participate.
''And Argentina cannot afford to feel a
point In space, in isolation and solitude.
Above all, it must think withits neighbors,
. cooperate with its neighbors; they need us
and We need them. Argentina cannot be
absent: it must receive and give. Anything
to the contrary would be selfishness and
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'Buenos Aires, October, 1977
Mr James Earl Carter,
The United States of America,
Washington, DC
Dear Mr. PresIdente:
We have seen In a Buenos Aires newspaper, an artIcie.sig,ned
by you on your conceptorhuman rights.
To us-these words of yours seemed clear, simple and cou-
rageous, written in almost an Evangelical style, with the as-
sUredness and limpidity that can only spring from profound
convictions. .
You say, Mr President, and you are very right in saying. It, that
there is no such thing as "a typical American". (We like to call
you, pereaps-overofficiously, "North Americans") YOu say that
your compatriots are as diverse as humanity itself. You add that
If there is something ,which links them all in. a bond, it Is a
universal belief in some basic human rights, suctv- as a person's
right to life or to physical Integrity, to freedom and to the pursuit
of happiness . As you very rightly point out, none of these
desirable rights can be -attained in countries subject to totali-
tarian rule, and the United States certainly has the right to claim
that those �rights have been Inflexibly observed for 200 years,
permanently maintaining alive the vitality of the country's ins-
Y have lives in the United States and I konw that all this is true,
and I also have to admit, not without of nostalgia, that
the conditions under which our respective countries have lived
and have developed, ensure that it is Just not possible to apply
the experiences of the one to the other.
To -put It another way, less diplomatically, the United States
suffers from a inability to export its way,of life, which is in itself
a genuine and constant revolution, a revolution of 'cul-
ture and the spirit and never one of coercion, while Other coun-
tries can export exotic models of redemption whose only target
is to,establish the aberration of a system of tyranny and Iniquity.
For many years now, Mr President, we have been one of the
main targets of this shadowy psychological. action, often ex-
pressed In criminal violence, and which In latter times has found
ample support from overseas. In; this Way, not even the best-
inspired of governments has In this time been able to escape the
slander campaigns underwritten by those whose arnbition it is
to dominate Argentina. �
This article was originally
published in the Baltimore Sun
and was reproduced by the
Buenos Aires Herald on sSep-
tember 22 1977. It expounds
views ideas held by President
,Carter on human rights. This
views is our democratic answer
,in Letter from Argentina.
Just like North Americans, we Argentines, Mr President, are a
People of mixed ethnical, cultural and religious makeup. Our
principles on the subject of human rights are the same as yours.
They are Inspired In our Christian and Evangelical conception of
'life rather than in the sayings of a father figure, even one as
prestigious as Thomas Jefferson (whom you mention in your ar-
'tide.) As you know, Mr Jefferson had slaves on his plantation.
Argentina decreed the end of slavery in 1813, even If It only
existed before that In a very _mild form; this was 50 years before
the'-United -States and,Brazil;.:and-not- a drop-df,blood-was shed .-
tO achieve- IL-Meii-froinealtplaCe.siiikeuLifayetti:and-Ko.iclusko�
In the United_ States, contributed to shape Argentine Indepen-
dence, and, unlike other "traninational" heroes, stayed behind
to form families which have .enrichened our history with .their..;.
descendants In the most diverse walks of life. ,
Then the turn came for- waves of Immigrants to iOnize those,'
parts of the country that were still wild (like the conquest.of the --
West in your country) and the mere fact that they were foreigners
ensured that they were treated with the maximum consideration
by the people. _ ,
Working together, they built up something moie,
than merely a race. Because there is no chauvinism here and'
because its origin of generosity is mantalned constantly latent;
there is a veiled, surprlsiong national Identify, which Is con-
tradictory but-sure of its basic values. So much sq, Mr Presiden-
t, that our Founding Fathers very little time to write up 'the Con-
stitution of 1853 which still in force. The instituticliS, laid down �
in this document already existed-in the national conscience and
it was not necessary to improvise on them, or, has very mis-
takenly said to give way to a fascination for importe' precedent's
This enabled Argentina to subscribe, without-being either.By- ,
zantine or hypocritical, and without any weighing of pros and
contras, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human ,
Rights and develop a foreign policy which Is one of friendship.
with the entire world; on the basics of the postulates of 'non-
intervention, respect for sovereignty and territorial Integrity of
other countries and eschewing the use of force to settle any for- '
m of conflict whether permanente temporary..
In 167 years we have only three foreign wars: the .War of In-
dependence, a Contkibt. With Brazil and another with Paraguay
(almost at the sometime as the US Civli War) and none of ,them
were born of. a desire for conquest nor using the�old saw about:
consolidating our security. '
in fact, it has even been said ironically that Argentina:Wins the-,
war and loses the peace. For us, Mr President, this is-a�rtiatter
por self-congratulation, because our outlook is humanistic and
we not believe In grandeu based on force or abusing the weak:
Letter from Argardina Page 27'
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is on our side
. by Jimmy Carter
IN most ways, there is no such thing as a
"typical American";
In ancestry, religion, colour, accent. cultural
background�even country of birth�we are as
varied as humanity itself But if any one thing
does. unite Us, :it: iS,a ecirninOtteliefi:ineertain
basic human rights
In the eight months LhaVe been ikofficej.have.
sought to Weave a dile regard for those rights intor.
the fabric of our fdireigniblieY; One Of the
incidental effects of this somewhat
deed worldwide--debate on.thenatureof human*.
rights and how best they May be advanced?!: ': �
Defining human rights is a hazardous �
:� business There is the danger of leaving out �
something essential: there is the equal danger Of
including things which, however desirable they
may be, are not rights at all: The best definition I
--know�and certainly the most Succinct�is the
phrase,.Jefterson used in the Declaration of
Independence : Life, liberty, and the pursuit of
The most basic of these is life-the right to the
integrity of the person. This is the right of each
individual to live unmolested and free of
arbitrary execution, torture; or imprisonment.
There can't be any argument about this right
an ' g people of good Will, no matter what theirq.
political ideology may be. *.
It is the irreducible basis Of the social contract,
and a regime that systematically and repeatedly
violates it ultimately forfeits its own legitimacY..
Jefferson's second "unalienable :right", 'liber-
ty, encompasses the civil freedoms enshrined in
many :great doeurnents, from our own Bill of w3
Rights to.the,,fitst half of,the United Nations.
UrciyetSatiLlee at ioriz-ofLiii_glitS",,The2rriciet.')..!:-
� important of theee. freedoms is freedOim. of: con-
science, with its corollaries, freedom of
and freedom* of the press.:. j..7; � -
The third right is the-pursilit of happiness, and
it is a mark of Jeffersort'eliarticulat-geniuS that
he phrased it in just this Way, instead of using the
rather cold* formulation of his day-the pursuit
of property' : � � . � .
In a modern context,most of us would under-,
stand the pursuit of happiness to include theright-
to _a_basic standard of material existence�to
food, shelter,- health care, and education. In
international law, this third right�which is not
so much a freedOrn. ?sit is a Matter of social and
economic justice�finds expression in the second
half of the universal declaration.
If defining.fiurnan. rights is difficult, finding
ways to 'advance-them is even more so. Human
rights cannot. be-:the only..goal.of our foreign
!policY�not in a�Weirld in which peace is literally
matter of Survival. We are circumscribed by
the fact that a'. &bite that moves us towards one
.'of ,our goals* may move us farther away from
r�andther, and by the limits of our power. In this
*imperfect world, the results of our actions Will
'usually be' rniked , even when our motives are
Through public discussion and Private per-
suasion, some progress has been made But we
cannot expect quick or easy results in the
struggle for 'human rights, a struggle which has
been.going on for many centuries.
� In the end, the best many we ca n advance the
cause of human rights abroad is to do all we can
to advance it at home. There is no comparison
between the human rights Situation in
totalitarian countries and in our own. The
systematic destruction of liberty by an
all-powerful state has never been part of the
American story,
Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that as
recently as 15 years ago, American citizens were
Still being deprived Of the right to vote on account
of colour. And even today, Jefferson's third
freedom is still imperfectly fulfilled as far as
many Americans are concerned.
The struggle goes on here at home. And if that
remains true of the United States, whose
demberatie.freedoms.havea..history that..stret, ,
-etieS aerbee.-tVibleentbrie8; it iSctrtierzstill.of the -
whole 'world, Many Parts of which have never
.known those freedoms.
In the long run, I am optimistic. Changes will
not come quickly, but they will surely come.
History moves slowly and fitfully; but as long as
we are true to ourselves, history, where human
rights are concerned, is on our side.
Ist.This article was originally written by
.President Carter for the Baltimore Sun. It is
reproduced by courtesy Of the Inter-American
Press Service.
Our mot Important historical figure, General Jos�e San
Martin; aft* having freed 13 South American countries, chose
the hard ro' of the exile with his little daughter rather than
using his mil tary genius to overpower other lands or to ensure
the victory of political party in his Own country.
For this i-eas n, and for-Many others, Mr President, I feel that
reason is on oi.r side, that God is in our humility to
get over our gr wing pains which have a concrete expression in
disagreements, except � fortunately� those which are the
result of the sy tematic violation of human rights.
And those w o at one time had no hesitation In setting them-
selves up as t e owner's or the omnipotent:- custodians of ever-
yone else's lif , freedom, and pursuit of happiness, were soon
crushed,. byhe universal rejection of Argentina's conscience
before than y sheer weight of arils.
This is h w we have now reached this difficult-Stage In our
history in >hlch we are eager to seek our structural defects, our
.difficulti in understanding, and to consolidate our identities
so that ur children do not haveto go through the trials that we
have fated.
Our battle is, Mr President, just as yo'u.say yours is, one of
survival. We know �as you say� that the results of whatever
we do seeking internal peace-will usually be mixed even if our
Letter from Argentina �Page 28
motives aren't. And we don't believe in easy or quick results in
our battle for authentic human rights. This is why, applying your
words again, we are struggling to consolidate them at home,
where everybody has always had the right to vote without color
In this, naturally, I hope we will have the understanding. of
your government and of your notable men, so that they are not
hoodwinked by the faliacius claims of adventurers whe pose as
victims instead of executioners, and who forsake their own flag
to seek shelter in your noble and generous country.
Terrorists, vocational murderers, the sick in mind and spirit,
those who ravished -Argentina's coffers, the despoilers of our
culture, cannot advise anybody on human rights. Coming back
to your remarks, Mr President, human rights are put Into prac-
tice between men of goodwill, never mind their political ideolog-
I am sure, Mr President, that the illustrious Jefferson would
have agreed with this attitude.
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Yours sincerely,
Martin Atka,
Chief Editor Writer
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US Chamber of Commerce
Ever since 1918, when it was founded �
'with C. W. Whittemore as its first presi-
dent, C. F. VVelherrer as vice-president,
G. Cobean as secretary, and 'R.:C.-toile-as
treasurer � the American Chamber of
Commerce in Argentina has actively
promoted development df trade links bet-
ween the United States arid the Chamber's
host country.
AmCham's task in this respect has
'become markedly more important since the
advent of a new administration and a new
government philosophy in March 1976. The
new authorities ,have, reversed the ..trend
towards economic and social anarchy of
the immediately preceding years,. and the
statist and 'anti-foreign (and particularly
anti-US) stance which., with variations In
intensity and emphasis, dates back several
decades. In its place they have given their
backing to a policy, favoring private enter-
prise, an economy relying on untrammeled
operation of the marketplace, and a wel-
come to foreign investment. This, official
.adoetion� of an outlook identical ,in prin-
ciple to that which had always 'been ad-.
.vocated by the American Chamber of Com
merce (and by its sister Chambers in the
� United States and around the world) could
not fail to revitalize the operations of the
Chamber.- It has responded by, redoubling
its activities of fering,whateveraid-jtcaryin,...
policy is gradually being implemented by
the new authorities.
"news-letter, frOntlining economic news
but also, providing services like listings of
trade opportunities and �an employment
exchange.. - , -
� The Chambers various committees carry
out specialized functions. Recently incor-
porated or newly planned activities and
services include industry-wide wage level
surveys; sector-by-sector economic sur-
.veys and forecasts based on member com-
panies expertise in the various fields; the
award of an prize to the best annual report
published by a company, vvhcitther it is a
Chamber Member- or not, (this Is an in-
ducement to improve the quality of such
an -important company tool as the annual
report) and other ventured.
Alexander Perry Jr. president of de Chamber
those two institutions, and "alsO corres-
ponds with other American Chambers of
Commerce around the world, keeping up a
steady cross-fertilization of ideas.
For the benefit of its members in Argen-
tina � and, in the case of many of its ser-
vices, also for that of the public in general
AmCham Argentina functions as a
storehouse of trade information, economic
statistics, legal information on trade mat-
ters, etc. Its specialized directories and
istincis of trading and, industrial adresses
in the United States are consulted by
many interested parties daily, while its
employment �service helps individuals to
locate jobs and member companies to fill
.One of AmCham's � major functions,
carried out in various ways and .using
diverse forums, is to explai,n the virtues
and advantages of the free enterprise 'sys-
tem and disseminate this. information as
widely as possible. The proniotiO Of-trade'
has to go hand in hand.with arredUcationat,
drive iri which the merits of the free enter-.
prise system are expounded insiStentlY.
the other .point of view has received
enough covera�e -already. Large segments
iof the population have probably.never bein
exposed to the thinking that seed the best
guarahtee of prosperity in the .free'opeT �
ration of market f orces..,AmCham:A.rgen-t�:�_
tins is helping to bridge this�.;ideofogiCal
information gap with'. articles,' speeches,
committee work �and the, example of its
own operations, organizing seminars,
conferences and other events for the study
and promotion of specified segments' of
trading activities.
The Chamber publishes every year a
"Directory of American Business in'Argen-
tins". It also produces a monthly Maga-
zine, "Comments on Argentine Trade'.',
dedicated not only to .exploring the eco-
nomy sector by sector, but also to fur-
thering the cause of free enterprise, and
orovidinq information and guidance in
such areas as management and marke-
ting: Finally, it also brings out a weekly.
Exporters Symposium
ArriCham Argentina seeks to further not �
ohlY the advancement of United States
companies, theirsubsidiaries, agents and
representatives,' and vs citizens, in Argen-
tina, but also the interests Of Argentina in
the United States. It represents and voices
to the opinions of the US !business com-
munity in Argentina, availing' itself. of its
experience in dealing with Argentine
authorities; � and, through 'press releases,�
speeches by Chamber authorities and
other measures, explains and Clarifies Ar-j
gentine realities abroad, where severe mis-i
conceptions about � Argentina abound," .
apart from equally damaging part-truths
which the Chamber 'tries to Correct by
giving the full picture.
The American Chamber of Commerce in
Argentina is a member of the Chamber of
Commerce of the United States (COCUSA)
and of the Association of Arnerican Cham-
ber of Commerce in Latin America (AAC-
CLA), maintaining constant contact with
vacancies ranging from office boy to
general manager.
One of the keenest endeavors of the
American Chamber of Commerce in Ar-
gentina is the furtherance of Argentine ex-
ports � not only by its member companies
and to the United States but by all Argen-
tine industry and to all parts of the world,
in theconviction that a sound foreign trade
sector is the cornerstone of a successful
economy. For years now � ever since it
Was founded in �1971 � one of the most
enterprising, effective, and widely ap-
plauded aspects of the Chamber's activity
has been the constant effort carried out in
this area by a specialized committe of
AmCham's, the Export Managers' As-
sociation (AGEX).
Every year, AGEX awards prizes to
member companies which have especially
distinguished themselves in the exports
fi.eld, whether by earning the greatest
amount of foreign exchange,exporting to
Letter from Argentina Page 29
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tfie. greatest number of new markets,carr-'
.'ying. out. the most unusual or imeo,inatiVe,
export operations,or similar achievements
At the same time, AGEX announces the
, Year's new additions to the "Million Dollar
:Club", an exclusive inner group formed by
-� those companies. which have managed to.
export one million dollars' worth of goods
Within thetwelvemonth. .
All of this is done to develop an export-
conscience arming Argentine business-
men' and industrialists, but AGEX's ac-
tivities are far from circumscribed to this
kind of action. .. Alone or in conjunction
� with other institutions:which:are interested.
in the promotion of the country's/exports'
�. both state,: and private concerns
�AGEX orgenizes'prestigious seminars and
conventions: zeroing in on one or more
',..,specialized 'aspects � of the expbrt trade.
Working luncheons and conferences com-
plement this steady educational drive. Nor
does AGEX concentrate exclusively on the
Buenos Aires area, a megalopolis which
contains� a full third� of the population of
Argentina; it also organizes special se-
minars in the interior, which .have earned
widespread praise for making the export-
'in skills Of its experts available to bu-
sinessmen in the provinces' who would
gladly participate In, the country's export
drive but .have, previously not done so sim-
ply for lack of detailed knowledge of. its
procedural ins and outs.
:Aqx likewise seeks to maintain a per-
manent contact with government officials
running the pertinent areas of the economy
in order, to express the point of.view.of the
exporting sector on current and prqposed
measures ,which affect it, see ng to
streamline ,and improve procedi.4s and
operations generally. In this AG reflects
the task2Of theCharnberas.amhoite, which
New US Ambassador to Argentina
Kalil IL Castro
New US ambassador to Argentina, Gov. Ratil H. Castro (left), chats with ?nem-
bres of one Senatorial Committee in Washington DC. second from right Is Sen.
Barry Goldwater.
At the close of. , November; Governor
RaUl Cas tro. , the new US ambassador to
Asgentinaave. hi, first_ press-conference ;express business's. andAiscussed-subjectslof:great importanr
view-in favor of-dynamic, reSponsive�
.rulings,, h Celto the"relationehip between Washington
and,BuenosAires' ' ' .
nical experience and, aid � to whatever
Mr Castro, the first Latin American to
government dePartment may request It in represent the. White House in Argentina,
drawing up and perfecting regulations.
referred to -human rights and to the -ra-
The American Chamber of Commerce tification by.. Argentina. of th,e Tlate101co
will-shortly be moving to more spacious Treaty to denuclearize the hemisphere:
premises in the.same downtown Buenos Q: What was the position adopted, by
Aires. area., where it ,currently has its Of- Secretary of State'Cyrus.Vance on human
fiCes, -a move which will 'allow it to expand rights during his recent -visit to Buenos
some services such as, for example, the Aires? � .
.,64-ze of its .reference library on trade and .
46"gal affairs, specialized publications, etc. A: The subject was discussed of people
.A4 the same time, it will ,continue .� as 'under arrest and how to speed Up. their
throughout its ,almost sixty years of eXis- trials within the framework of the country's
fence � to., promote the, contribution tif laws. . . .
United States companies, their represen- Q; .Could you specify some of the
. . . . .
tativeS and.agents, . to the economic problems which led tri ia..coolness in re-
progress of Argentina, carrying out its ac- lations between Argentina and-the US?
tivities within .a framework, of respect for, .A: That coolness, as you call It, was un-
the established laws and regulations:. doubtedly provoked by the human 'rights
coordinating, the US bOsiness'communit- question, as the US Congress attaches
�V's interests and channeling its concerns great importance to this subject in relation'
and communications with the. Argentine . to foreign policy Congress has just ap-
government, with other trade associations proved an amendment which will come in-
end tbranches of industry and business, to force on October 1, 1978, which says.
and with the public in general; and helping that no type of aid nor cooperation, nor an-
to establish sound and prosperous rela- y type of military support, will be given to
tionships between its member companies, countries which violate human rights.
and between the latter and othe business In any case. I think that the present Ar-
concerns In Argentina and abroad. . .� gentine government has been very patient
A steady .drive for self-improvement, for with us. It has understood us, it has made
the laUriching of new Services, and the ex- efforts and it has a great wish to tighten its -
tensibi9Ot existing ones, will, the Chamber links with the American continent,
trusts, enable it to carry out ever more ef- Q: What does the US expect' fro.rn the
ficiently- its task In support of improved ratification of the Tlatelolco Treaty?
trade and, through it,�a better life for all; A: Your country produces a lot of na-,
- . .
Letter froin rgentine Page 30
, �
tural uranium. Enriched uranium is neces-
sary in order to continue nuclear develop-
- ment. We are willing to- supply this ura'
mum, in. order to- cooperate with Argentina
and for' this country to-be within the- Lon-
don Group. This Is a very. select group Of
countries that is outstanding in the-nuclear
field. �
If this process continues as. we�expect,�
Argentina. will become an exporter of
nucleartechnology. -
Q: Will the United States .adopt any
stand regarding our national claims on. the
Malvinas archipelago?
A: As far as I know my Country has not
taken a stand on this problem. This is a
question which must be worked out bet-
ween Argentina and Great Britain, with no
intervention or interference from the
United States.
Q: Mr Vance has given our government a
list of persons supposedly vanished or
arrested in Argentina': What is this all
about? Does the government give credence
to this list?
A:. Unfortunately there has been a lot of
confusion in this case.
The Secretary of State brought a list
drawn up by three groups, One of 'them
Jewish, .one of them Catholic and the other
independent. Better said, the list was
brougnt by assistant secretary Terence
Tod man and Miss Patricia Derian. Mr Van=
ce 'stressed to the Argentine foreign
minister that our government had abso-
lutely nothing to do with preparation of the
Consequently the United States cannot
give any guarantees. that the, names in-
cluded In the list are either adequate or'
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Argentina enforces
its rights
Seven Russian and two Bulgarian fishing boats were cap-, _
tured recently by the argentine navy. It was necessary to use.
firepower, in order to ensure that the fishing boats,particutarlY
the, bulgarians, obeyed orders and 'surrendered. They, were
fishing in argentine waters without a licence, attracted by the
welth in fish of those waters, a genuine reserve for the world.
Argentina has been a pioneer country in the proclamation of
rights to offshore seas. A serious warning: sovereignty will be
defended in every case and using every available means.
With astonishment, but not withou.
pride, Argentine newspapers for days�
related the saga of the pirate fishing boats.
The pride was due to the firm attitude of
the Argentine authorities, who' were deter-
mined to see that ships from every country
in the world respected Argentina's off-
shore limits �200 miles.
The astonishment was originated in the
audacity and insistence of the intruding
fleets, who continued to fish illegally even
after the capture of the -first boats �end
when they were about to be captured they,
In turn, attempted to flee. These attempts
were unsuccessful; the navy .was. firm and
caln in its- resolve to reaffirm -.national
ces. Warning shots were 'fired, but when
the intruders persisted In flight, shots with
thirnmy 'ammunition were fired, aiming to
hit. One Bulgarian sailor was wounded,'
and was immediately looked after by the
navy, which honored the best marine
tradition. Three Argentine navy petty of-
ficers, Carlos Gonzalez, Jos�uras and
:Ponciano Gonzalez, were drowned whitle,
attempting to board one of the Soviet
fishing_ boats: thus the intruders' irrespon-
sability cost theree young lives, offered up
as 9ar!rifice,for the nation.
The Disputed Wealth
Argentina has committed itself to�
protecting its fishing wealth which is enor-
mous in a sea which has about two million
square kilometers of area (over 750,000
square miles). The world needs more and
more food, particularly proteins. A country
with concern over its own future cannot
overlook protecting the biology cycle of
marine species and restraining depre-
dation of renewable resources. The sea's
riches are being protected so that they
remain available to the whole world.
Plans for Intensive fishing, which, will
guide an industrywide expansion over the
next five years, are actively under way.
Help is being sought from private capital
plus the know-how and financial support
from countries which have ample expe-
rience in fishing, like Japan, West Ger-
many an Spain. The fishing capacity of
Argentine fleets is only 400,000 tons to-
day, but it is projected to 1.000.000 tons in
1980. For Argentina this will mean belri-
ging in around 500 million dollars a year,
rom the sea. Even in this case Argentina
will only have fished the surface .of thelm-
mense potential of Its offshore sea. The
total capacity is estimated as. at least
3,500,000 tons per' annum of marine
species, without any. redUction Of its re-
plenishment capacity.
The Argentine offshore Sea is one of the
world's biggest reserves and Argentina is
determined to see that it, continues that
These . riches are What the Intruders Without paYing.f fshing-righ-
- t�;--without-any-alithOrizatitifti-theyi'makea�
brilliant business out of , ,other people's
riches; and as they fish furtively, operating.
at top speed and withdrawing hastily, they.
have no, qualms about fishing forbidden
species.. This was proved by examining the
catch'in the holds of the captured ships. A
private company bought the catch and
..unloaded. it in Puerto. Madryn.
It is most remarkable that seven of these
boats should come from the Soviet Union,
a country which less than a year ago an-
nounced various measures to protect its
own continental, sea. Its laws several
punish clandestine fishing and heavy fines
can be levied for every unit fished, wha-
tever. its species. While they adopt these
means of defending their own interests an-
d riches, the Soviet authorities �nobody
else can be held responsible in a country
Admiral Emilio Eduardo Massaro
Without any form of � free enterprise
�allow, and even encourage, its ships to
fish off other countries'stocks.
.Argentina pioneered the proclamation of
'the 200-mile . offshore limit. It has sus-
tained this right from time immemorial in
the most 'important international forums.
In 1966 it put this thesis into practiCe, but.
precedents go back to 1946, when _It
proclaimed its ,sovereignty over the can-
tinental shelf and the corresponding
epicontinental sea. �
Irtis tladltion of a right born in Latin.
America and adOpted. by more and more
countries in the world, cannot belgnored
by. any, flag, without accepting the risks
implicit in this attitude. Nine fishing boats
captured .in Puerto Madryn were, fined for
their. f urtive attitude which violates Argen-
processed (processed fish, fishmeal) was�
confiscated., They have lost the product of
their catch and each individual boat is now
liable to a fine of between 5,000 and
100,000 dollars:
But if these fines are a lesson, even.
more so are the vicissitues through which
the intruders 'went through. They surely
did not expect such a decisive attitude on
the part .of the �Argentine boats. Now it
should be very clear to them how deter-
mined' Argentina is that its sovereignty
and its wealth should be defended. Argen-
tina is 'firmly on .tne way to .Intensive ex-
ploitation of its maritime wealth and there
can be no hesitation in protecting 'these
reserves. Argentina has always respecte,
the 'rights of others, but has also always
gallantly defended its own
alentine Fishing Reserves
Species Reserves Allowable Catch
(tons) (tons)
. Squid
Southern cod
Black hake ,
Sea salmon
Tail hake
Letter from Argentina Page 31
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Interview with the foreign minister
'Letter from Argentina. recently Inter-.
viewed Vice-Admiral Oscar Montes, Fo-
reign Minister of Argentina, asking him for
_._ replies on present-day, events in Argentina
for the benefit of 5.000. US newspaper and
magazine journalists.
He acceeded with pleasure and his
replies were easy but firm.
"Argentina's relations with the US have,
always been good.
There may have been ups and downs,
but after presidente Videla's trip to Wa-
shington when Latin American. president
Carter, things have improved 'remarkably.
The U.S. has already accredited a new am-
bassador, Dr Raul Castro, and with his
presence in Buenos Aires we hope the
relationship will continue at its present top
level. And the ralationship will be :con-
solidated when Secretary of State Cyrus -
.Vance come here on November 21".
"What are you going to talk about with
Mr Vance?". , Foreign Minister Mantes with "Letter from Argentina".
Anything of a bilateral or multilateral nesses. They refuse to recognize symbols "Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral.
nature between Argentina and the United of nationality. What's the position Emilio Eduardo Massera has already said
States. But fundamentally two subjects, here?" . �and public opinion backs him irrespec-
human rights and nuclear proliferation. "There's a perfectly clear court decision five of ideologies or standes� that no
We'll discuss these two in-depth." this, maintaining complete independence mutilation of national territory will be
"After the Videla-Oarter interview there between the government and the courts. allowed: Is this what the Junta thinks?"
was a lot of talk about 'Christmas in Whatever the courts decided will be ap- . "This has been cleared up perfectly.
Peace.' Does this mean . any agreement, plied by, the executive. The U.S. has al- We've said that Argentina has every res-
with the. U.S. on a status. which mould . ways claimed that human. rights are a pect for international law, but can't allow
enable the guerrillla fighttobelet up,r �� Audicio._projtern-7.hererwhat.: is. being .ap-- -any 'infringement of soyereigRty-on.theAr., .
�Th-et..sdrt of thing can t .be interpreted�pliWTS-a-firdi-diardecisionit can't-be-in==�gentlne-sea-and-territories." . ' ' . � ------ '
exactly at Its face value. President. Videla terpreted as unconstitutional because it "Why. does Chile want . a road to the
has expressed his hope'. that everybod- comes from the same source charged with Atlantic, but won't give Bolivia free pas:
y in Argentina will spend Christmas in jealously guarding the' effectivity of the sageway to the sea?. What's Argentina's at:
peacp, beacauce he feels that will be the constitution." titude?" _, ,
end of terrorism. But if terrorism isn't "According to information from abroad, , "On many occasions, and for many
wiped out by then it's terrorists who will. It seems there's a reguler campaign in Ar- years, we have been in favor of 'a passemae- sure that we don't spend Christmas gentina against, professional persons, geway to the sea for 'Bolivia, always in
in peace." more specifically psychologists and- psy- agreement with the countries involved."
"What can be done about the European chiatrists, and even more speficially Jews "Is the Russian fishing boat incident
and North American slander campaign Ar- or Communist party members. What can over?."
gentina's battle with subversion?" we tell the' American press through Letter "The intruding fishing boats agreed to
"The world anti-Argentine slander cam- from Argentina?" �. pay the fines without waiting � for court
paign Is organized by undesirable, anti- There has been no anti-Semitism nor an- proceedings to be substantiated. "Their
'national elements. It is being conducted ti-Communist party' action in Argentina.
cargoes were impounden and sold 'to third
not only in the US but also in Western Eur- Argentina is a country 'without religious,
parties, so it hasn't been a very profitable
ope. The Executive has given the Foreign racial or political discrimination. ' trio for them."
Office responsibility in giving a realistic There has never been racial "Will they fish in our waters again?"
'image of Argentine abroad. A few days persecution here, now or at any.other time., 'The Navy is always vigilant and will al.-
ways act when our sovereignty is endan7 gered."
ago we set up an Argentine Information Like all the otherpollticelparties in �Argen-
Center in Paris which is coordinating ac- tina, the Communist party has been sus-
tion in other European countries. We're pended, - but there is no, form of perse-- '
going to put up another center in the U.S., cution against it just because it'sCom- "What are our relations with Brazil like?"
too, to coordinate action in the US and sis- munist. "The third three-cornered meeting ' has.
ter Republics In the Americas wherever In the United Nations,Argentina has ex- been held with Paraguay for technical dis-
necessary. . plained what international terrorism mean-. cussions..Later other rounds will be held
"Political and cultural organizations in s, and will' continue to toke whatever and I hope that everything will have been
Europe are continually demanding the measures are necessary to wipe it out sorted out by then, so that the two reser-
freedom of former President Campora. Are here." . voirs �Itaip0 and Corpus� can be corn-
there any developments in this sense? "Public opinion in Argentina is also con- patibilized and the waters which God us,
"Argentina is strictly fulfilling its inter- cerned about bilateral :talks in the Far used in the best fashion."
national commitments. Campora, his son South. What is going to be done about . "Did the talks with Paraguayan Foreign
and. Fernando Abal Medina are exiled 'in this?" Minister Nougties satisfy you?"
the Maexican embassy and their situation : After the second .round of informal "Yes; certainly. We discussed bilateral,
is continually under review." . conversations I personally told the Corn- economic, political, cultural and other
� "There's another difficult problem in Ar- mander-in-Chiet what had been discussed, subjects. It has all been very positive for
gentine-US relations, the Jehovah's Wit- and new steps are under consideration." Paraguay and, Argentina." _
Letter from Argentina Page 32
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
The Colon Theater,
Acropolis of Music
Nueve de Julio, reputed to be.the widest
avenue in the world. One of � the streets
which border' it is Cerrito. On Cerrito,
majestic, imposing, Is the Buenos Aires
Coltin Theater, one of the IndispUted
glories of Argentina.
Letter from Argentina was received by
the theater's artistic advisor, conductor
Juan Emilio Martini.
Martini is a conductor of world repute
and also professor of orchestration at the
Argentine Catholic University. He was �
recently appointed Musical Education Area
Director for the OAS (Organization of
American States).
- Martini has directed innumerable operas
and concerts,-in all the types of music per-
formed in the Colon. He has an inner dis-
cipline, a vocation and a capacity for self-
criticism which distinguishes him as much
as the, ease and affability with which he
replied to our questions during the inter-
1) I have been the ColOn's artistic advisor
since July, 1976.
2) l� have cOnducted in the US., Europe
and nearly all the Latin American coun-
:3)--The COIOn�was. built 1908.. It.,is.69
� � - -
4) The Colon's total seating capacity is.
.3,432 spectators.
The. main floor seats 632 and there are
2j100 seats at the other levels. All those
spectators can be seated in complete com-
Buenos-Aires' Colon Theater is
a cultural center of first mag-
nitude; its acoustics are magic,
and it opens its mysterious
doors to us in this article.
1) What is your present position in the Colon Theater?
2) Tell us something of your professional career?
3) How many years old is the Colon?
4) How many people can it seat?
5) Is it a replica of any European theater?
6) How many people work there?
8) What sortof performance Is held at the Colon?
9) What type of activity Is carried oirt therer
10) Is it true that the Colon is like a city and that one only sees .10 percent of
what Is going on?
11) Which are your favorite operas... ballets... concerts?
12) What do you hope for in 1978 for the Colon?
5) Not really. The entrance is similar to the
Paris opera house, but the general style of
the building is French Renaissance. The
architecture is closely inspired in Italian
and French theaters.
The Colon's acoustics are famed every-
The stage Is 32.25 meters (106 ft) wide
and 34.50 meters (113 ft) deep. It has a
'rotating platform of 20 meters (65 ft). This
makes scene-shifting easier. Really, it's a
most impressive stage.
6) Including artistes, 'technicians and ad-
ministrative personnel,, about 1,300 people.
work at the ColOn
7) All the major figures in music have per-
formed. here, as. well �as, some of th.e�lop
. . _
Toscamm conducted here twice. It's hard
hard to mention any more names because
there are so many.
.6) Opera, ballet, ,and concerts. 'There are
four Or five performances a week, 10 mon-
ths of.the year. .
- I Splendor of one of the most famous opera houses In the world.
The Colon has regular personnel including
two major orchestras, the regular Colon
Orchestra and the Buenos Aires Philar-
They have 100 performers each.
We also have a 120-voice choir, a chil-
dren's choir and a regular troupe of 60
opera singers. They:constitute the basis of
the performances and are reinforced by
major figures from abroad. .-
9) Decorations, costumes, footwear, hair-
dressing, etc., are all done on the pre-
mises. These- workshops are immensely
:valuable, and so are the Illumination shops
'and the sculpture ateliers. The theater also
has rehearsal halls.
'10) It is reason able to say so. The ba-
Seinent of. the COIOn is a _regular _city with
its own induStry. It is.self-supportingif-----
11) Naturally_when I conduct I put my
whole body and soul into it. I have par-
tiaularly pleasant membries-of the first
works l.vercOnducted, naturally!
'Among the earliest operas i directed I
remember a. "Boherne" by Giacomo Puc-
cini. But my most poignant-memories
are for Serguei Prokofiev's "Peter and
the Wolf".
As for ballet, I prefer it to be either very
classical or 'very modern. Concertwise, I
have a preference for Mozart and Haydn.,
don't think anyone has, yet come near the
genius of Igor Stravinsky. I think that
Maurice Ravel is the most perfect of com-
posers in what refers to technique, par-
ticularly instrumentation.
12) In general', I hope that the national
authorities realise the importance of the
theater in Argentine culture. I hope the
people who Work there_ will be pais suf-
ficiently to be able to live free of excessive
worry and work hard.
I would like the ColOn to have a much
.wider appeal and not necessarily cater for
an elite. Mind you, nowadays many Colon
performances are cheaper than going to
the cinema. This encourages people to
love art and also generates future regular
Colon patrons. Young people thus begin
developing an aesthetic taste.
,Every Monday morning secondary school
pupils visit the Colon and get an insight,
into what goes on there. And there's never
any lack of applicants to get in!
Letter from Argentina Page 33
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F4,rtolorne Mitre, founder of 'la NaciOn"
"Editor Doctor Bartolome Mitre
"La NaciOn"
� La � NaciPn _.newspaper, foulided on
January :4,-1870: ,by Lieutenant General
!fa rtoldme_holitre,,js one_oLthe.,most.distiN
g u ished.:exponents of -Argentine joUrnalls-
m. Its millions Of..readerslind in its pages
the. most objective information, an edl-
terial� philosophy which- isidentified with
the imperatives of -national and interna,
tional reality,' and -a .vast � selection of ar-
tidies and commentaries on the .Widest
range of subjectS. - . � �
Mitre was more than a.joUrnalist. He OC-'
typies:a place In nearly a century of 'Ar-
gentine history (born in Buenos Aires,
1821, died 1906) and shone as a soldier, a
politician,. an historian, a poet,, a coin
collector and even a translator � he
produced a magnificent Spanish version of
the Divine Comedy.
� "Don Bartolo", as he was familiarly
knOwn during-the fundamental stage ofAr-
gentine institutions, became president of
the republic in-1862. He governed In a dif-
ficult time but he was successful in his ad-
ministration nevertheless. . �
His, spirit lives permanently on in "La
NaciOn" where all he' taught in journalism
Is profoundly borne in mind.
.� Ever since its foundation La Nacion of-
fered its readers abundant information and
commentaries on the most. important
events and their., influence-on politics and
on nations.
As the cable services expanded and their
operational speed increased, Mitre's paper
began to devote itself to creating a cons-
cience � Of citizenship in Argentina. The
paper's efforts have produced a person
who is alive to events everywhere in the
Letter from Argentina Page 34
But more Was to come. In 1962 La
Nation bought two sophisticated Chemco
photogravure machines, which increased
production speed and plate quality con-
�siderably. They were also cheaper to
Seven years later the paper inaugurated
three Fairchild perforators and two Interty-
pe C-4 readers in its shop. Subsequently
they added three Monarch composers and
eight new perforators.
� -.La Naciori Introduced another revolution
in journalism by featuring comic strips in
Its pages. At first they seemed lost 'among.
the type, bUt in�their way they anticipated
� what was later to become a. regular fa-
shirr, as. in the U.S.
One of the first really successful car-
toons in'the 20s was Betty, created by U.S.
humorist. Charles A. Voight..The first car-
toon:to appear in LS Nacion, however, was
a self-caricature of tenor Enribo. Caruso,
published with his autograph in July-, 1904.
� Naturalty enough culture has always
been important In Mitre's newspaper. At
the time of its foundation the paper -re-
ferred to the visit to Buenos Aires of star
violinist. Pablo de Sarasate. The, editorial
offices were visited by, another music
great, Francesco Tamagno, when he came
to Buenos .Aires to sing La Traviata � and
�Othello,. In the Colon Theater: Almost at
the. same time La Nacion reviewed Julian
Gayarre, one of the most beautiful � but
forgotten � voices of the opera.. Years
� later, the insuperable Adelina. Patti, .fresh
from her triumphs in Europe and Broad-
way, came'to the Coltm.. -
world; essentiallY.a universalist and above . And so in time La Nacion.'became..the
all person used to. comparing: opinions .most ,� important witness..of-,arti.Stic 'events
andweighing-thelr-r'elativeValue. in_Suenes�Aires-,--net-only-in-musit'b.ut'alSO
in literature and the visual-arts..'The papers
� � cultural supplements' included -contri-
� o THE FORM AND THE ESSENCE outions from figures as significant as Leon _
_ . Tolstoy, Emile Zola,.Anatole,France,, Mark
.After the initial stage; ' in the 20s the Twain Ruben Dario, H.. G..-Wells Gilbert
.paper adopted its present format, the full K.., Chesterton, Rudyard 'Kipling, Luigi
size, .or broadsheet as �distinct from. the Pirandelfo, Paul ..Claudel,: Miguel- de
tabloid; broadhseet is the size '� used by, Unamuno,, Thomas Mann. and Ernest.
say, the New York Times or the London Hemingway, together with the most
Times., trious Argentine writers like Leopoldo
So when La NaciOn .Changed centuries it Lugones, Victoria Ocampo,�and Jorge Luis
also changed its format and adapted it to Borges.
technical convenience at the time. One of Ever .since it Started.; La .Nacien dedi-
its advertising slogans was ."a paper that dated ample space to the cinema and its
always. has something new".. So It turned files. contain information of -incalculable
Out to be. value on movies 'of those early days, both
. Up to 1901 .the paper was-,set.byliand, It Argentine and international. �
was necessary to form the types and build �
up the page line'.by line with the composer O PAFER.ANDELLULOID
in order to fill�the enormous' pages. Then it �
all had to be stripped down'again a the ty- In May 1920 the paper Inaugurated its
pe boys put the type back into its cases: � snow section with a headline*on the wed-
IncidenatIly La Nacion bought one of the ding of Mary Pickford and Douglas Fair-
first linotypes to come to Argentina. The banks. This was a really "princely', event
rotaries which had been used in the "pOdy- which took place in Los Angeles, Califor-
graphic establishment" (so it was called in nia. And shorthlyafterwards the Seethearts
those days) had previously come from of America became feature writters�for La �
France and Germany. Nacken. Fairbanks wrote "Does personality
Then came the time for offset printing depend on physical- aptitude? How exer-
and in 1931 La Nacion started � Its roto, else helps:the brain.". And the protagonist
gravure.SUnday supplements, which were of,Don-Juan certainly had both! � .-
an important step forward forArgentine -Meanwhile, his Wife Was, writing The
journalism at the time. � setret� popularity.asa.moVie:star,'; in
This marked the first time that all Sun a. Yery, Melancholy trine, 'Another.- news
day's sports, events could appear on' Mon- paper.:'sceOp,w-as when; �Charlie,thaPlin
day with this new system. spoke by overseas telephone to the news-
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
paper's critic, of whom he was a personal
friend, and after "City Lights" assured him
that he would continue to make only silent
Years afterwards, In an entirely different
order of things, astronauts Neil Armstron-
g, Edward Aldrin, and Michael Collins per-
sonally told La Naclon about their ex-
periences and sensations on the moon.
But La Naci6n is more than just a news-
paper or a company.. The present editor is
Dr. Bartolome Mitre, a direct descendant
of the founder. Under- his-leadership- the
paper offers its employees various services
of a social nature; a free medical clinic, for
example, with general practitioners 'and
There also a free medical attention in-
surance plan; the employe can Include his
family by paying a small fee.
There is also a�very low-cost collective
life-insurance scheme, of which the news-
paper carries half the cost of the premium
AS the job in most cases requires rapid
lunching, afternoon coffee or dining "news
can't wait", La Nacion has an internal res-
taurant and a quick-lunch service in the
shops, in a recently inaugurated building.
The library and the record collection are
free and Of the lending type.
So La Nacion has fulfilled its creator's
wish for it to be a platform for the enun-
ciation of doctrine. And it is also a warm
and responsible home for those who work
in it
The paper's circulation is 220.000 Mon-
day through Saturday, and it increases
considerably, � on 'Sunday, when the issue
appears with the full-color La Nacion
The dal ly..ed ition.costs: 80 pesos (15 US
- � -Cents) There-arel 50, journalists- Working
on It and the total staff is 1,500
The widest street in the world
Porteflos (inhabitants of Buenos Aires)
have a lot of things in their city to be proud
of;, thls is the biggest Spanish-speaking
city in the world, for Instance, 12 million
population (with environs).
One of ,the things that always interests
them Is progress of 9 th July Avenue, the
widest street 'in the world, 100 meters
(about 110 yards) sidewalk to sidewalk, a
street with leafy shade trees and popular
outside cafes.
There are only two city bloks of old
houses left to go down before the Street
can be linked up with aristocratic 'Avenida
del Libertador, from the Retiro Railway
Station north to Palermo and Belgrano, the
premier districts of Buenos Aires. �
-Municipality �public works-secretary �Dr
Guillermo Laura has announced that the
final stretch of the avenue will be finished
hef ore the start of the World Soccer Cup.
3) Thelacedeolp the beef Spantsh style.
Letter from Argentina Page 35
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
"Cinema is a means
of expression"
Leopoklo Torre Nilsson has his own style, a restlessness in
the search for subjects to make pictures about. He is probably
the only Argentine director who has really been successful
abroad. His pictures are lucid, intelligentn sirnificaNilsson is
_ one of those who continues_to believe that cinema is an art and a -
reflection of reality.
"I think there's a recurrent theme in all
turns. They have social, psychological and
moral stories to tell, when those events
conspire against what I conceive as the
nature and the development of the indi-
vidual. I've always tried to depict the
prison cells man and society invent for
These words are a reflection of Leopoldo
Torre Nilsson's views on the cinema or
what he is trying to do with it. A Creative
universe as dense and complex as Torre
Nilsson's can't really be encompassed in a
few words. But they do represent an ap-
proximatien to his view of the cinema..
Torre Nilsson is restlegs, often makes
his spectators feel restless too. He is
probably the only Argentine director to
have really made a name for himself
abroad and his art is often mentioned in
Europe and the United States:
. .
IrrArgentinaTTorreT�N I ss s:sti I I:a-man
of the present time, even though there
have been many talented filmmakers here.
Perhaps the best days are over, but many
are still showing now and again what they
can do; one of them is Torre Nilsson with
his most reeent work, Piedra Llbee.
Torre Nilsson was born in Buenos Aires
on May 5� 1924, the son-of Leopoldo Torres
Bios and May Nilsson. His father also was
a film director, who specialized in showing
the day-to-day world as he saw it, and who
put a lot of warmth into his task. His wife,
Beatriz Guido, Is a prolific writer and one
of his children. Javier, recently. directed a
play � although the reception from the
critics was lukewarm. The whole family- is
Torre Nilsson's career started with three
shorts, El Muro (The Wall), Precursores de
liMusica Argentina (Pioneers of Argentine
Music) and Los Arboles de Buenos Aires
(Trees of Buenos Aires.) He used these in
his search fora distinctive style. In 1950 he.
codirected with his father .,El Crimen de
Oribe (The Crime of Oribe) with script by
Arturo Cerretini_ based on Adolfo Bioy
Casares' "El la Nieve" (The Per-
jury, of the Snows).. This experienbe with
-full-length films taught him. how to handle
extended scripts.
After this he made El hijo del Crack (The
son of the star), based on an Idea by actor-
Letter from Argentina Page 36
director Armando Bo (also codirected with
his father), Dias de Odio (Days of Hate),
based on a story by Jorge Luis.Borges, La
Tigra (The Tigress), which was banned for
'a long time, Para Vestir Santos (The spin-
'ter), with a powerful figure; Tita Merello,
Graciela, El PrOtegido (The Protege) with his
own script.
These films, including the shorts, were
produced in the period 1947/56, and later
in his full-length pictures there Is a trend
to greater clarity and less complicated
subjects: for instance, Para Vestir Santos
'and El HU� del Crack are clearly for mass
consumption. �
, In 1957 he started to work closely with,
his wife Beatriz Guido on scripts based on'
her books. He started to turn out his-Own
highly personal, intellectuV, -often , her-
metic cinema, always rich in form, always
� � . _
Films in this period include La Casa del
Angel (The House of the Angel), El Se-
cuestrador (The Kidnapper), where Leonar--
do Favlo, later to become a clever and in-
tuitive director In his own right, first ap-
peared as an actor. Films like Le Caida
(The Fall), Fin de Flesla (End of the Party),
La Mano en la Trairipa (Hand in a Trap),and
Piel de Verano (Summer Skin) are all
coherent in their subject matter, he
said and we transcribed at the beginning of
this story. And there is an evident reluc-
tance to give in to conventionalism. There
is a strong tendency to a stable team, too;
during this stage he worked' on his wife's
story ideas and often used the same per-
formers, too, like Elsa Daniel, Laularo
Murua, Favio, and Graciela Borges. The
stories had a lot to do, with politics,.
prejudice, taboos, the awakening of
adolescence, the loss of a spiritual pa-.
radlse which faded away in the face of the
realitj, to which he subjected his charac-
Pschoanalysis was Important In all this,
because there was an evident attention to
the inner being of everybody and to mo-
tivations. This part of his career appears
obsessively devoted' to fanaticism, lies,
sterile pride, disenchantment, frustration.
And in this time, too,' he -acquired inter-
national repute. Many prominent Perab�-.�
nalitles';of the time were-interested in On, �
others admired In him a type of Cirlerria
that was.familiar to them. � �
Leopoldo TORO Nilsson
In among all these titles it is also neces-
sary to name Un. Guapo del 900, (A 1900
Tough), a film which didn't seem to have
too much to do with the rest of his produc-
tion,_ because it was a theatrically written,
realistic drama. But there were elements of
Torre NilssoWs inner mind in some of the
contact with an excellent actor, Alfredo Al-
con., later to make eight more films with
Torre Nilsson.
� Sitenta siete .(Seventy times
� .
seven) was another film which didn't seem
to be very much in the Nilsson style, par-
ticularly as it starred. vamp Isabel Sarli,
identified with superficial and simple
cinema. Torre Nilsson himself said later:
"It was quite an experience using a comm-
ercialized star and a powerful, interesting
book like this one by Dalmiro Shenz. I
thought Isabel Serif would be usable...I'm
not -unhappy about the film. I think it has
its own validity."
Then came a time when it looked as if
his best days.had gone by; some of his fil-
ms were good', others bad. His production
at this time includes -Homeneje a la Hora
de- ta Siesta (Tribute to Siesta Time), La
Terraza (The Terrace), El Ojo de la Ce-.
rrathira (The Keyhole), La Chica del Luries.
(Monday Girl), and Los Traidores de San
Angel (The Traitors of St Angel),.. .
But he then embarked on his "historic
period", including "Martin Fierro", "El
Santo de la Espada" (on General Sap Mar-
tin), both very good films and La Tierra en
Armes (The Land in Arms) a less success-
ful recollection of a colorful personality,
MartinGiiemes). �
Iligent, probing cinema! with La Mafia (The
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Alfredo Alcan In "El pibe Cabeza"
Mafia), Los Siete Locos (Seven Madmen),
Boquitas Pintades (Painted Lips), and El
Pibe Cabeza (Big Heag kid). Torre Nilsson
was. back to uncovering dreams and de-
liriums, meannesses, violence, hope and
despair. .
He has made two more pictures so far,
La Guerra del Cerdo (The Pig's War), and,
Piedra Libre (No holds barred). The latter is
a retUrn to The House of the Angel days,
his most significant period. He has had his
ups and downs, but he has always been
We might close Aith something Torre
Nifssdn himself said in 1959: "I think that
the cinema has a fundamental social and
aesthetic duty. By fulfilling this duty
give some sense to its structure as an in-
dustry and a craft. Cinema can be a bu-
siness...but essentially it is a means'of ex-
A permanent drive for
cultural improvement
Luis Pan, 58, is an Argentine who has
spent much of his life going round the
world and visiting out-of-the-way places In
Argentina. He has been in journalism and
writing for over 35 years and is a leader
writer for La Prensa newspaper, a lecturer
and an essayist. Pan is now executive
director of Buenos Aires' University Press
(EUDEBA), and Cartas de Argentina inter-
viewed him.. EUDEBA is a first-class:
publishing house, possibly the most im-
portant of its type in Latin America.
,What's EUDEBA's significance in the
development of university culture in Ar-
I visualize EUDEBA as an off-campus In--
centive to research and student infor-
mation. But it has to relate with what the
faculty Is saying, too. Overall we like to
think of it as keyed to the major cultural
movements of this century.
LI-Ijow many books does EUDEBA have In
its 6italog since lb foundation in 1959?
What about editorial plans for this year'?
We have 1,600 titles in our catalog,
about 60% Argentine authors and the rest
other nationalities. We're working now on
reprinting the complete works of Sarmien-
to and Alberdi. The country's been going
through a lot of mixed-up thinking. We feel
it's time to refresh people's memories
about how meaningful these two really
We're also working on three collected
works, one on problems of the sea, aimed
at enlightening people on What's going on
seawise. Another compilation will discuss
atomic 'development in Argentina In the
last 25 years of the 20th century. A third
will be on Modern Military Thought,_on
the armed forces' role in history. We think
this. is very important because of what a
well-known strategist said recen*ly � that
for the first time in. history the. m]litary
have the function of preventing war instead
of generating it and fighting it.
We also want to complete the "Conquest
of the Desert" series, an 18-volume collec-
tion which has been published under
Colonel Junan Carlos Walter. 1979 is the
100th anniversary of General Julio A.
Roca's desert campaign. This was a sig-
nificant milestone in the history of Argen-
tina and I think paved the way to the
&Does. EUDEBA have any exchange
agreement with other countries?
Naturally, and I think this is very impor-
tant. Our cultural reach Isn't restricted to
Argentina, because our material goes to all
Latin America, to Spanish-speaking US
and tp Spain. Quite a number. of Latin
American uliversIty� study courses are
'based on our textbooks.
I,What has EUDEBA published.about apart
from scientific subjects?
We think we have contributed signifi-
cantly to,other. subjects-. One,-forins.tance-,-
_ _ .
is visuaharts. We've:published-many-of the
moat important Argentine painters: I could
name Quinquela Martin, Basald6a, Alon-
so, Castagnino, Seoane, Uruchtia, Spilim-
bergo and others.
1,How'do you think we, shape up with other
. intellectually I think the answer Is good;
even though a long process of economic
deterioration has hampered our keeping
more closely In touch with the major talen-
ts of our times. Other countries have been
able to keep up to date with less difficulty
� but in Argentina we've been stymied by
price 'increases in--paper (In dollar terms),
in industrial costs, expensive financing
and the fact that a major proportion of Ar-
gentina's printing equipment is obsolete.'
We can see this in the internatibnal book
-fairs and exhibitions held round the world,
What's production -like so far?
So far in 1977 we've published 150 titles,
some new, some reprints. Students and
jacuityteacners get a 20.pereent discount
on cover prices by showing their identi-
fication cards. And EUDEBA also operates
a ''ermar,ent Long Distance School which
operates by mail by an agreement with the,
Adult �Education Board (DINEA).� '
The three main subjects we,are working
on now. are Modern Mathematics, General
Accounting, and Introduction to Computer.
Techniques. We have other subjects ready
for 1978. We're the, only people who are
doing this sort of thing in Argentina.
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Jell something about what you and your
team have done in EUDEBA's executive
Well, it hasn't been easy. We've tried to
restore order, clarity and method In a com-
pany which had been chiefly used as a
springboard for subversion. And for wild
flights of imagination. There were 165 on
the payroll when we took over; we've pared
Ahem down to 100 now. Production and
salesare onthe upswing.
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Things were managed very badly here...
you can say that all the problems of Argon-
tins' were reflected in ELIDi� BA. But were
�vor the hump now. Ever since EUDECA
was founded it operated with huge
sit.ies from the Buenos Aires university.
-We took owl: in September, 1976, and we
'agreed with the university to eliminate
subsidies. 3ince� then we've managed on
Our own.
� Argentine Letters:
the pioneers
Jose Hernandez and Leopoldo Lugones are two of the outs-
tanding figures in Argentine poetry. Hernandez wrote the Martin
Flerro, which has become a standard wort In Argentine
Lugones also dealt with gaucho subjects. His poetry is
exalted, lyrical. Both of them have a strong nationalistic, ge-
nu Inely Argentine essence.
. � "We derive the greatest benefits from mad-
ness, which we undoubtedly receive from a
divine source.. .which comes from the muses,
which occupy a pure and tender soul, awaken
It and transport It to Bacchic heights expres-
sed In odes and- every type of poetry and
which, celebrating thousands of ancient ges-
tures, educate posterity". -
Plato, "Phaedre."
Leopoldo Logone,
Letter from Argentina Page 38
Jose Hernandez
Plato had that to say about poets. And it can safely be said
that two Argentine poets, Jos�ernandez and Leopoldo
Lugones, live fully up to the Greek philosopher's description.
They each have their similarities. And their differences.
Jos�afael Hernandez y Pueyrred6n was born November 10,
1834. He was more than a poet; he was also a soldier, a jour-
nalists, a legislator, a businessman and a farmer. During the
period of National Organization, Hernandez worked tirelessly at
all this. His one objective was the unity of a bitterly fragmented
In the beginning writing Martin Flerro was just another project,
fOr him. He could hardly be expected to know that it was to be-
come the consular work In Argentine literature. The author Plum-
bed deeply into the gaucho; how he lived, how he thought,how
he expressed himself.. eSsentidlly;11A1rtin Fier& Is a collection
of couplets:
' Fierro is-a man -who is persecuted, hunted down, by other
'men: But alrha'aildhe Is to be a gaucho, a solitary man, an
:outlaw. He wants freedom and justice. With them come peace,.
the only thing that keeps the world balanced. "Heroism, that Is to
say fighting, for liberty and justice, Is the human activity of this
:harmony; and it is therefore something spiritual; so that epic
poetry essentially becomes something religious". The quote Is
from Lugones In El Payador (literally The Minstrel") where Lu-
gones made the first critical evaluation of the Martin Flerro.Lu-
gones went through aseries of ideological phases which gradually
revolutionized his conception of the world. He was aSocialist first
and a rightwinger at the end. There were many stages In between,
all of them reflected In his love for his country. Lugones Is the
genuine poet of Argentina. He expresses the essence of the coun-
try. His writing is synthesis of proper use of the language, man's
poetic capacity, and local flavor. His personal development can be
traced througb his literary output.
His two' best prose works are i no gentlemanly Ideal and The
Writer's Mission. His poetic output is vast (not counting all he
wrote during his modernistic phase) and the most Important of
his offerings here Is Romanza of Rio Seco (Rio Seco Is the
llage in C6rdoba where Lugones was born, in 1874)
. In this work Lugones unrolls his poetic thread to reveal his
Own guiding lifeline, the Icing-suffering soil of his countary. This
Is a return to the land and to everything connected with it.
There is a waeith of information on his home town, on tradition
and how people lived there from day today. Romanza Is epic poetr-
y, "something religious" us Lugones himself was looking for.
There Is a profound knowledge of country life, its people and its
animals, its uses and customs, how they lived. It was written In a
time transition: lugones had repudiated religious liberalism buta
had not yet become a practicing Catholic. Nevertheless religion,
buried in him from thetimeof his youth in COrdoba, appears here.
,ILugonesI,poety springs from an inner harmony depicted aus-
terely and-descriptively. The environment conditions the writer
.pf;i3 the vi,riter makes the environment live... just -like Hernandez
had done�with Martin Flerro.
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1930 was the heroic age of the radio. A multitude In Avenida de Mayo listens to the World
Soccer Cup final between Argentina and Uruguay In Montevideo..
Monientoes of the Past
Juan -Carlos- Lightower Stahlberg is a
degree holder in :Economy and Vicepre:-
sident and General Manager of Casa
America, one .of the most prestigious Ar-
gentine names in music, with an 80-year
career in music and imported and locally-
made instruments. -
Stahlberg, who is married (to M6nica
Echandi) and has three. sonS (Balbino,
Juan Ignacio and Alejandro), tikes all sorts
of music though he confesses .to.a pre-
dileation for Bach. He likes the open air
but doeS-not -practice sports.; and he is a
devoted fan of-the River Plate soccer club.
To be able. to talk about a company
which has.been operating for 80 years � it's
necessary to delve into, the files a little. this case we hadadditional support..
At we-searched through yellowing sheets
of paper, we were told that we woule also
talk to a living archive, as it were: JoSe
Lightower, a sprightly.95 and Juan Carlos'
grandfather. The elder Lightower lives, with
his daughtAr Elena in a smart apartment in
northern Buenos Aires' residential Bel-
"Casa America," says Lightower, was
founded by my father, my brother Tomas
and myself., In 1897 we set up as GA:.
Stahlberg & Sons on .B.uen- Orden street
(they call it Bernardo de lrigoyen today),
number 430, and we called the shop Bazar
Edison.. I remember.we used to sell Edison
phonographs which we'd imported from
the .United States. They had been created
by.the great Thomas .Alva Edison, but their
sound reproduction was pretty rudimen-
tary, with earpieces and wax cylinders.
. "But' when Other-compariies in Europe
and the U.S. .begartworking on the system
it. Was. soon develbped.arid earpieces were
�replaced - by speakers-with more .sensitive
membranes.; __These deVices, began to be
known as..gramophones and soon became
Florenctcr,'Perravicini, the inimitable comic of
Buenos Aires' theater of years ago.
Jos�tahlberg SO years ago.
Junto Suarez, "the Little Butt of Mataderos",
was one of Argentina's first Idols of the ring.
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very popular here. They were our biggest
sales Item." � -;; .
"What sort of Music did they record In
those days?";
."Classics and U.S. music. Buta market
built up, Particularly in Northern ,Argen-
tina, for local' music, Which naturally we
weren't getting from abroad: So then; we
toOk a very big step. We set up.a facilitylo
record on blanks that we imported from the
United States. � Mind you, we; were.. all
foreigners, but we felt very identified with
Argentina. Soon We built up a local selec-
tion with figures like Villoldo, the Podesta
brother's, Navas,: Munilla; ,Gabino Ezeiza
and many others:: � -
wasn't so easy in those days. We
could only record one blank at a time, so if
we wanted 50 blanks the artiste had to sing
50 times. It was pretty hard work, but
that's' the .way the, recording industry got
started in Argentina....
. "Then we imported.duplicatars.and later.
metal matrices � so.. we, could areas: hun,
�dreds of. records . with ,one oi;ginal. We
.Were doing well,. -buA one day � the shop
caught fire and there was nothing left but a
few charred ashes. And thPflameSalso b-
urnt Out our housing quarters on topof the
shop. There- was an insurance policy but
the company refused to pay up for some
..reason or other."' ; �
"So what did you do then?" �
Well, we worked hard and made'a lot of
sacrifices. I was 20 then. A friend of mine
sold hardware and umbrellas on Avenida
de Mayo. :He suggested 1-sellrecords.and
phonographs in a�corner of his, shop:
Meanwhile,. cylinder were being repladed
by discs and reproduction was 'being im-
proved. That way recording houses were
able to pay huge surns.for the topSingers
of the moment and yet sell records at bar-.'
gain prices;
. ,
; "Haw Was CaSa America born?"
."Thatwasio,191.7, -at the closing�stages
of World War l'anctfafter a- trip to-Europe.
We hired the Shop , at Avenida. de Mayo
979.1. and that v7ias the start. of Casa
America. The company was.Stahlberg and
RIgotti; my brother Tornas, myself and
'Back, then, in time, to.197.7;, to a huge,
bLiStling Buenos Aires andlo.Juan Carlos
Stahlberg, .grandnespheW. of Jose Stahl-
pUt uPthe preSent building-in 1924.
After that came the depression of the early
30S' 'It.-.Vvaa-prettY difficult and we had to
Sell 'a radidatatiori we hadthen, also called
Casa;AreriPa.� But-we.sUrViVed and once
the depression was over we became the
rhoSt� important company. in Argentina in
the ;Sale -We 'became the ost important
cr.3i-ripany.irr,Argentind in the tale of
Musical instrunierits.' and other activities
related to muatd:"-
"Casa America is'an industry leader both
in home. appliances and in music," Juan
Carlos says. "We've been' cal led 'The Home
of Good ..Music'. 'We import all sorts of
musical instruments, particularly organs,
which.are'very popular here.
�And; � this is something we're very
proud of we've spenryears promoting
good music with special courses, piano,
vi^!in and song recitals and other activities
in �uilaborati�on 'with the Education-and
Culture Ministry."
This part of the business is handled by
the Musical Development Division,
headed.. by_ 'the l_ridef atigabje Ana Lucia
Frega. Arridn-g recent prominent perfor-
mances ;'are recitals by top Argentine
pianist Antonio de Raco,. �
We witnessed-one of the habitualfriday
7..45 pm concerts' in.-the 'basement; of the
sales room after' the shop closes. ;Pianist
Miguel Angel Rosado played for an.hour
and a half delighting the'audlence of music'
Beniamlno 131911mnd Tito Schipa autograph recordings In Casa America.
Italian ,composer Ottorino Respighl visiting "the
home of good music".
Letter:from Argentina Page 40
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The tango, a synonym
for Buenos Aires
The tango is Buenos Aires' folk music. It was always asso-
ciated with the history of the city. It was born in the last stage
of last century, and was "forbidden music" for many decades in
the more fashionable part of town. It was only when ssuccess
came abroad that tout Buenos Aires welcomed it. The pioneers
insisted, the Parisian adventurers were successful and Carlos
Garders voice charmed a generation.
Then came a tune of great orchestras and celebrated singers,
until tango fell into a trough in the 50s. Astor Piazzolla started
the long way back, achieved with considerable effort. Today
the tango has made a comeback in Buenos Aires and is played in
the most sophisticated night spots for local enthusiasts and for
Borges. said that "tango is what Buenos
Aires is, and shall be what Buenos Aires
shall be: Tango always had something to
do with Argentina's biggest city :Students
of the subject' argue about how tango was -
born, but there are points of agreement;
the tango, they all say, began in the last
pail of the 19th century with massive im-
:And 'tango became identified with its en-
vironment, the city,,, just as�the carnavalito
became identified With the.wild and rugged
north where it .was born. At one time an
outcast- of society, 'tango soon- burst its
original boundaries and ventured out into.
thiel,Worid-. -But .before_this the prim and
proPer:B-Os had Called the tango "dirty: and
This stage lasted about 20 years and the:.
tango perforniers. usually holed out in the
sybiirbs � originally,. the4Jsed to be
violin, guitar and piano trios. �
The tango at that time had no lyrics yet,
not in their present form, altough now and
again .a few lines, of dOggerel were sung
with the music.- Singing, in thb-se days
before recordings, was by the payadores,
the-, latter-day equivalent of the 'Greek.,
The tango. pioneers used Buenas
Aires'.13oca district 'as 'a springboard for
their attadk on the . center. The earliest
musicians' played there in dimly lit, smoke-
filled halls filled with, the hubbub of a
dozen tongues. Their names were Samuel
Castriota, Francisco Caner�, Roberto Fir-
po and Eduardo Arolakamong others. And.
bit by bit people came drifting, in from
other areas and the dingy cafes With their
waitresses ,gradually: turned into night
The ,carnival atmosphere soon'-attracted
the high-society 'toughs who went slum-
ming with results that usually called for
police intervention. -
Towards the end of the century the.tant
go.settled down In Palermo and seyerarqt.
the more celebrated cafes started up ifie:riH,
� tiarisen;,`El ,Tambito Arand - El Tarana,,�
music. But the tango's way to downtown
Buenos Aires was still barred. .
Still, the tango perforates weren't about
to give up the fight. As 'the 20th century
came round the 'tango Moved out Into
Europe. Paris received It With open arms
and it it became the:rage in the best night
spots like Pigalte, L'Abbaye, Maxim's Sans
Soucl and La Feria. �
That was the time whenknowing how to
dance the tango properly l could be worth
money and 'young beaux 'charged to "do
the tango" with the ladies.1
At -that time no dance hallin. Paris was
� _
complete without its tango and dress-
makers used to leave a slit in the skirts so
that women had freedon of movement,�
and the fashion was referred to as the
'tango fashion." ,
Tango was successful in Paris. But, how
did it get there? Who exported it? The story
is an interesting one. The tango first went
to Europe on board an Argentine Navy ves-
sel. The celebrated fleet- training frigate
"Fregate Sarmiento" took 1,000 Copies of
the Music of La Morocha to the "other
. :It is .curious that while in Paris tanao
openedevery door, in Buenos Aires, where it
was �Porn, sciciety .still. deprecated, it,
calling it "undignified and corrupt." The
Pope. banned the' tango and pOrtenos in-
vented '.a rhyming .phrase about 'it. Some
people said the tango Wasn't elegant, and
yet poet Ruben Dario always said, "In or-
der to � be elegant have' to be
familiar with the Argentine tango."
These arguments .. and counter-
arguments take, us- to 1916, when Carlos
Garde!' recorded his first. song,. Mi Noche
-Triale by PasCual Conturii. From then on
tango had it Made and. became instantly
fashionable In Buenos Aires.too. No lon-
ger�Was it "forbidden music.",
Frorn'then-on there was no Stopping: In
1920 'three young ,musicians, Osvaldo
Fresedo, Enrique Delfino and David Roc-.
catagliata formed.the Trio Select and Went,
to play In the U:S. And. not only to play;
.they also danced tangos, in the approved
Rodplfo Valentinostyle.
. Now success ,followed success. In 1925
Francisco. -,Canaro made his triumphal
t's" a ritual: violins, bandoneons the bass. A microphone and a singer In
itittlenbs- Aires, the tango beat fills the night. Various tango spots are the attrac-
liOri cif Buenos Aires: for Agentlnes and for tourists as well.
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debut In Paris and Gardel did so a year
later in Madrid. He later went to Paris too,
-and in 1931 the Criolio Nightingale made
his first picture, Lights of Buenos Aires,
for Paramount.
This was all tango needed to forge
ahead. The film traveled .all over the con-
tinent and gained more and more suppor-
ters for this type of music. Porterios began
whistling tangos in the street and some
caf�later to be historic, like "El Nacio-
nal," appeared on Corrientes.
Orchestras began to appear: Pedro maf-
fia, Julio de Caro, Osvaldo Fresedo, Fran-
cisco. Lomuto, and Pedro Laurenz. Ten
came the Forties and with them Carlos Di
Sarli, Miguel Cali', andAnibal Troilo among
May others.
NO rest .for the mUsicians. They played
in caf� on tour and in night clubs. The
foremost singers were fought over by.the
Orchestras began to appear: Pedro Mat-
- fia, Julio de�Caro, Osvaldo Fresedo, Fran-
Angel Vargas and Francisco Fiorentino.
:Tango was to reveive a serious blow in
the. 50s The recording studios' enthu-..
siasm began to wane and there was an in-
vasion of foreign music:
. About this time a young bandoneon
player appeared on the scene with ideas
about renewing the tango by stressing its
musicality. His name was Astor Piazzolla
and .he'appeared on the scene at a difficult
time. Cabarets had,closed, there Were, no
more live performes on the radio, and
neighborhood clubs stopped offering their
traditional dance evenings.
� Plazzolla began a new, stage. The in-
tuitive period .was over. "Just as ,in jazz,"
Plaziolla says., "to play the have
to. know music, and know it well."-H is new
lines of thought i were, evident in his very
first -combos-,--arounth-.1946:----syncopated --
refrains on the bandoneon; changes of
tone and counterpoint violin solos. � Edniurido Ffivero and
. But it wasn't the instruments but the
music itself that made Plazzolla so po-
pular. Some professed to distinguish over-
tones of.Mozart, others hated;the new form
because it.was.a departure from the old.- ,)
There was no stopping Piazzolla. In 1965 1.
he played in New York's Lincoln Center, I
invited by the Pan-American Union. The
results, of all his years of effort' reached I
climax. seven years ago when he created .
his. New Tango quintet, which summarised
his previous experiences: and projected
new forms. While retaining the musical es-
sence of .the: traditional tango, he added
things like "Adios Nonino"' and "Verano
Porteno." in" .a new musical definition of
the city. .
Astor Piazzolla is composing and per-
forming abroad now. But he has some im-
portant followers now, like , Atilto Stam-
pone, , Leopoldo. Federico, Enrique Mario
Franchini, Osvaldo Piro and the Bite-.
nos Aires B musical group. �
And now, nearly 100 years after its birth,.
tango is reappearing into fashion in
Buenos Aires. A sophisticated group of
spectators, many of them. foreign tourists,
meet every night in Viejo Almacen and
Cao 14 to -hear the major combos and .In1925 Francisco Catiaro m,ade his triumphal debut /aid
soloists perform. So it all goes back to the
beg inning' and . what . BOrges' Said, comes
Evolution has also reached Buenos
Aires and it is not logical for it to live as it
did 30 or 40 years ago; there are no street-
cars, no more � riverside toughs, no more
yellowish street l'arrips -guttering in the
And tango had to' change, too, with in-
flation; pollution and. skyscrapes. Com-
posers:and lyrics writers have something
else to create with now. They would have .
frightened the people of an older.age, but
not the people of today...,
"Viejo Almacen"
Letter from Argentina Page 42
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"Caracole", by Manuel Clara BetlInelll
Argentine visual
arts in 1977
The closind!monins of 1977 are the right
Moment to take a 'look at what went on in.
visual 'arts in Buenos Aires-. Not that .this
year; was substantially, different to others
in-thelaSt decade or so. painting, scu.10--'
lure,- and associated !arts .nave achieved -
locally a level ensure their con-.
tinUitV for many years.. !
1977 stressed this once more. There are ,
cirCumstantial-events! � a sales recession:,
lately; for instance � .and a gradual
Modification in styles and techniques, !
which tend .to emphasise certain art forms
sometimes to the detriment of Others!. But;
as usual, this year Buenos -Aires saw a
great :number of art shows, various forms-.
of Interest- In the visual arts,. experiences,:
competitions and retrospectives of great -
value!: Marketing has developed acceptably
within :buying power expectations and,.
local artists have, been Successful.
rious 'events. Argentine artists tfigured.
prominently in the Maldonado (Uruguay)
Design Competition!, AntOnib Segui won a
major distinction in .Paris and the Sao
Paulo, Biennial gave a significant award to
a group of Argentine artists who originally
studied in the active CAYC, Buenos Aires
Art and Communications Center � �
These awards have in general been given
id:_the! work : of highly 'respected Indivi-
duals. But the individual is the product of
his environment and the artistic ambience
of Buenos Aires helps the aspiring creator
to 'improve himself. This, of course, has
been the situation for many years and is no
different from other periods In artistic
creativity. Naturally, there is a difference
between an artist like say Benedit or Teata,
whal ive and create within, the ambience of
the Argentine, and Segui, for example,
who lives In Europe and IS recognized
there as an eminent figure. But even so
there,are cultural constants which appear
On the domestic scene there have been
no events Which have made any significant
change in this situation. The' importance-of
a well-defined group ,of artists has grown,
but this has been !a:. natural process-of'
evolution over many years.. There -is: no:
suggestion of new -trends � a situation
which has been observed, for years � but
there -is a persistence of an. eclecticism
which draws Inspiration from various
philosophies, and in the final-analysis
relies orrpre-modern painting in Argentina
and abroad.
This eclecticism, is..also being preferred
by marchands and by critics.and. judges.
This�aesthetic.position.was represented in
the well-deserved National Salon distinc-
tions to Carlos Cans, Manuel Claro Bet-
hnal and Arturo Irureta. These three ex-
cellent artists synthsize modern and,
perimental trends. They have an original
and sympathetic,. but .balanced, , view of
human life and adventure.
Canes, Bettlnelli and lrureta have trod-
den very .similar pathways in local painting
arid there Is !a .netural :diStinction and i
natural selection between the three..
The one who has most improved in 1977
has been Bettinelli,' whose real value has
only been recognized relatively recently
despite' his yeteranship; His Oolor is ex-
cellent' and his vitality is reflected in his
pictures; he seems to be better at depict-
ing- the happier moments of life:than the
draina.! Rather silently, as it were he has .
become One Of the most iMpOrtant names !
in artin-Argentina. ,
Actually, the same' could- be�said for
Canes and !Irtireta. But- they have been
celebrities for a long time and saying hoW
good they are Isn't news. �
Claro Bettinelli
Letter from Argentina Page 43
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Landriti: Humor
always in fashion
Juan Carlos Colombres, uniyersalmente co-
nocldo y celebrado por su inquietante seudO-
nimo, Landru, es uno de los humoristas,poll-
ticos m�famosos de la Argentina. Dias atras
ha reedltado "Tia Vicenta", un semanarlo donde
todo_ se _lo_ ye .tras. lo s cristales detormantes,
pert) respetuosos, de este artista singular. Por-
quo, ademas de dibutante y periodIsta, Landru,
es uno de los m�finos y populares criticos de
costumbres quo han existido en este pals.
Juan Carlos "Landrir Colombres
Q.; When did you start to be a humorist?
A: When I was five. I started to draw on
school copybooks. � I drew. my own car-
tina, read by all sectors of society, and
Gente magazine, which also aims for a
wide-ranging market.
Q; Can you use a cartoon or a strip .to
A:. In the States they call a cartoonist �
domestic, international or economic � an
editorialist. His cartoon is virtually a new-
spaper editorial. In Argentina:they call him
the funny man",
humor so there Wasn't any. It was replaced Q: Are there any limitations on political
by nonpolitical:humor. If you ban printed hurnor right now?
political humor, somehow it'il turn up in A: Well, yes, there are some. Some sub'-
newspapers and in the Music-hall, jects had best be left alone on .�asis of
Q: y_o_u thj_n_k_hurnor is a human right? sheer_gp_o_d_taste.N.V.e.ourselves_hold_back..
a human condition. I remember a For instance, it isn't very funny to make+
humor fair in Madrid. Theslogan. It used okes about subversion, which has killed so
-was: "Laughter sets humans apart from many people.
animals. Don't be an animal �laugh!". . Q: Do humor schools exist?
0: Do you believe In the time element in A: VVell, art schools exist. They teach
humor? how to draw, but they cant't teach..ina-
� A: Some humorists specialize in up-to: ipiration..It's just like poetry or any other
the-minute humor. In 'my case whatever I art. I call inspiration the "little flame". I'm
read about in the papers I examine:under going to start a school for clever phrases.
my personal viewpoint, the amusing side. The sort of thing you can say in a cocktail
There aren't many on-the-spot humorists party or your famous last words.
because you've got to read all the papers Q: What do government officials say
and a lot of magazines, too. Every day I about your drawings?
take along to "Clarin" newspaper 10 or 15 A: Economy Minister Martinez de Hoz
cartoons on local or international events collects my .drawings of him. He's got
and he chooses two or three, them under his glass desktop. So do Vice-
Q: What's .the difference between your' Admiral Bardi (social welfare Minister).
humor and aggression? - � � � Buenos Aires city major Cacclatore, labor
A: I don't' make jokes against people but Minister General Liendo, Navy Comman-
about them. All I do Is exaggerate reality. der-in-Chief Admiral Masserai,.. and . lots
0: Is there a Special way to make people' more, even though I don't know them per-
laugh? �I. do know Interior 'Minister Ge-
A: I think it's surprise that makes people neral Harguindeguy. He told rne he likes to
laugh: Always provided it isn't a (lisp- be associated with polo � he played fairly
greeable surprise.. That s where laughter well atone time.
comes from.�
' Q: Do you have faith In Argentina?
0: What's the relationship between A: You' bet I have! I'm 100 percent 'Ar-
humor and freedom of expression? gentina and my forefathers came here with
.A: Total freedom of expresaion doesn't the Conquistadors.
toon,s_and.Made_up.rpagazinesi which I dis exist.anywhere.._The_humorist.hasitaadapt �0: What world figure :do- you respect
tribTutedamong. the other kids. This went to circumstances and to the disposition of most?
on in high school and In college. I used to
draw for the college "wallimagazine".
0: Why didn't you graduate as an ar-
A: Well, all the houses were built alread-
y. But there were a lot of cartoons still to
be created!'
Q: How do you define humor?
A: I don't. There are lots of definitions
but don't like any of them. My humor is the
logic of absurdity.
Q: What's Argentine humor like?
.. A: There are lots of varieties of humor.
the men up top. Or the indisposition... A: ldi Amin, so he doesn't eat me if he
When limitations are greater, a mere hint is comes across me one day..
0: Why -do you use the Landru pen-
Q: Why do Argentines laugh - Is it being name?
childish, escapist or very mature? ,- A: When I wore a beard I lookeda lot like
A: 'People all over the world want to the famous murderer Landr6. BeSidesit's a
laugh because it's a Condition of the short name, easy to remember. �
human being. It's a 'safety valve. The big-..
ger the problems, the' greater the wish, to
escape. �
0: Do Argentines laugh at themselves?
A: Yes. So much so that when I.Organize
"championships" I get. letters from-People
But humor's the same all Over the world explaining why they .voted that way, or
when you take into consideration defferen- laughing at tics and mannerisms of people
ces in language, ways of thinking, etc. mentioned. -Some 'people even vote. for
There are a lot of cartoonists in Argentina themselves.
� many of them are working In other 0: What is "Tia Vicente"?
countries. A: It started out as a name that appeared
0: How about political humor? very often in the. things I wrote. Then I
A: We have a tradition I think we produced a magazine featuring a character
inherited from the Spaniards. When I was a called Tia Vicenta (Aunt Vicenta). Actually
child the covers of Cares y Caretas ma-. I tobk her from a real aunt of mine, Cora �
gazine were political Jokes. PBT Magazine she's dead now. She had the Tia Vicenta
had done political humor even before that, mentality, thought the Tia Vicenta though-
Going back in history there was a publl- ts. TiaVIcenta's personality and outlook are.
cation called El Mosquito, which Was always the same. Only the characters
founded. by a Swiss cartoonist, Enrique around her change.
Stein, at the time of national organization. Q: Do all social classes have the same
There was a lot of political humor then, awareness of humour?
too. Mosquito lampooned many prominent . A: Well, I didn't think so, at first. Every-
figures in Argentine history, like Sarmien- body kept on telling me my humoriwasifor
to, Avellaneda, Roca, Pellegrini and many an elite' only. But it just hasn't workedibut
others. They all bore It very well. At other that way. I'm a contributor toClariA,' the
times, the authorities didn't like political biggest-circulation newspaper in Argen-
Letter from Argentina Page 44
Era �� uora
Vicanta,!Lendry's 'Aunt!, ,!
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CONIFER courses
It ,is an undisputable fact that the so- the bare bones of information, every hour
called "electronic communications media" on the hour, always the same amount of
(Radio ah,d TV) have created a new type ot words and hardly any dramatism at all.
journalism. The first people to write for the P: So what's the future look like, then?
airwaves media were journalists culled R: If we don't do something the dullness
from newspapers or the movies. Time we obsbrve today will be a death certificate
showed that their approach was not really for communications media of this type. Or
keyed to the airwaves. Today this Is a otherwise the hunt 'fOr information will
crisis area; Radio and TV newscast� tend deform everything so much that what we
to be dull. Quite apart from concessions saw in the film "Network" will become a
which it necessary to make in the fight for fact. This is in TV... in radioat ttiie rate the
rating, or to please Advertisers, the impor- stations Will turn into cassette players.
tent problem is a lack of specialization. P: Was the course a success? What
To talk about this we interviewed Fer- about the future?
nando Salas who directed a finishing cour- R: I'd say the result was two-pronged.
se for radio and television journalists, or- We compatibilized results between stu-
ganized by COMFER, the Federal Ra- dent expectations and Course possibilities
diodiffusion Committee, which was held in and we have nowdetected real reguiremen,
the Higher Rad,iodiffusion School. ts and areas of shortcoming. The future
P: What was the objetive of this COM- means applying everything we have �lear-
FER course? ned.
_ R: The primary objective, within the area
of 'mass communications, has been, from
COMFER's point of view, to begin ra-
tionalization of something which could in
time turn out to be a university career. We
detected a,need for finishing among news-
casters, journalists, and other people as-
sociated with radio and television. We
think that the common or garden "speaker"
has to. give .way to a different person, the
"radio man", and thathe needs finishing. in
� order to achieve this. .This course has
pay,ed Ole _Ach.ievi_ngLa .num der of.,,
Luop je41,i.Ve4tiLi f-,-:2,--ato.O.v0-4Itit43, fitighted.
Many deficien.eies-. So the objectives are,
to awaken interest, attract. people with �
potential and establish'how we're going to
work out the definitive course.
P: -There certainly Is a lack of specia-
lization among radio and TV men. Why is
In Argentina anybody can be a jour-
nalist; it's just a formality. Theimplication
therefore is that the level , of. professional
capacity of these people has to be cons-
tantly upgraded. Many radio-TV men came
from newspapers, others have years of air-
wave experience. Some are good, some
aren't. There are some who get jobs 'be-
cause they have a good voice and an at-
tractive appearance. But then they get tired
of reading news and decide they want to be
journalists, which .iS where the trouble
starts. Ideally,.the man who goes on the air
'should be the journalist. If we can't
achieve this, then let's have good speakers
and good journalists. Otherwise, we get
good journalists Who can't talk properly or
good speakers who don't know anything
� about journalism. And a badly read' radio
news item is like a badly printed item iria
paper. .
P: What's the present state of radio-TV
Information? � .
.9: There's a basic ,problem we have to
discuSs first. I think that the spectacularity Cacho.Fontana's "VideoshoW" Is the rn-ost oustanding TV news ser-
of,te. medium affectS balanced TV.z,:k,Oeviis- in Argentina. -
ca04'L,;.,Nowaday... people want:..�et,SOW CONFER 'S nisslon is to provide with Its experience to replace old
f fashioned. machines, such as the one shown below by TV reportes
radio has self-reStrioted:�itSelf-ito:IsS'ulng Eduardo Tarnassi
Letter from Argentina Page 45
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The challenge of health
�What did things look like when you
took over the National Health Department In an interview exclusive to Letter from Argentina, Public
in March 1976? .
--I'd say that a common denominator Health Secretary Rear-Admiral Manuel Iran Campo talked
for'hOSOitals.,'.inStitutee and other facirties
Was disorder and a lack of even the most
abOut the problems of his jOb. He discussed the condition of
Laic essentials. *A leek Of food, even, let hospitals. at the present.time, distribution of resources and the
, ,
alone -basic equipment. Whatever there brain drain( particularly to the United States). The interviewer
was available was in bad Condition. So our
St job was to get everything going again.
. was Dr... Silvia Gil'firArcay; director of the Medical Department of
We were able to ,do this without spending � Merck Sharp.8./ Dohme Argentina.
fOb. much. of the government's money by
reSchethiling personnel, starting up inope-.
rat ive equipment and also trying to rebuild
tearrispirit among the hospital personnel.'
'Thihgs li.ave 'changed now. Now equip-
ment is .fully operative. 'The stock of
medicaments. is first-rate. and they are
freely' handed out to interns and outpatien-
' tsi., are no limitations on food sup-
plieS. within the requirements o,f eabh hos-,
-..When, we took .over the 'situation- was
really, tragic and We. found patients corn-
pletely.:undernourisched,:� particularly
chronic cases. Now all that is Changed and;
noSpitals:are really operating
.,1�What's the answer to the problem of
the uneven distribution of doctors and nOr..,.
sing personnel in Argentina? It effects
ruxili� staft:,OurOe.Stt'tpt.ctu re;in
medicine'-has-beent7-diStoeteld-fOr-a. -long
tirne, But things aren't,getting any better:' �
in ;recent �years there' has; been .a tremen,-.�
dOUs.influx�of students and at the moment
we have More doctors and paramedicals'
than we can deal with. And the distribution
picture hasn't improved at all. This is the
most. serious problem. The -government
has never supplied the Education Ministry
with,.the Information necessary. to know
how and how much to redimension human
.So What we have 'to 00 first' is find out
exactly what the country. needs in terms of
nurnan resources and where to optirnize its
location. To do this we employed a team of
experts who worked on its for six months.
For the. first time the Education Ministry
hes.a 10-year projection of requirements in
--What's the shape Of the future Argen-
tine sanitary policy? Are we heading to-
wards state, private, or social medicine?
!,'�There's one aspect of medicine in Ar-
gentina which unfortunately occurs in
other countries too. I mean a lack of coor-
dination between sectors of medical atten-
tion; state-operated, semi-state and
private. When I say semi-state; I mean the
labour union and other mutual Welfare or-
ganizations. We have to correct this
problem. Which, as I say, Occurs in many
places. The important thing is also to
maximize employment of resources to the
fullest possible extent. This is another
thing that is usually very difficult to do,
Letter from Argentina Page 46
Rear-AdmIral.(Meilc'el) Manuel Irfin Campo
not onlY in Argentina but in other more
developecicountries as weif
,Within the present context in Argentine
and of the revolutionary Process', our aim
is to direct medicine to mankind, make it
human race-Orientes. Philosophically,
that's the-problem. Any -sort ,of state
medicine which doesn't look on man as the
main objective, is bound to go wrong.
We've seen it go wrong elsewhere and we
can't run the risk of importing mistakes.
Man must be the fundamental objeative,
and the: doctor, . who is the tool of the'
operation, must: have an individual rela-
tionship with the patient. We can't afford
to massify medicine. We can't have patien-
ts being Carelessly or indifferently treated.
The patient ha's to be aware that ht's being
personally and individually looked after,,'
that his problem is understtood, his famil-
y's problem too, and the relationship with
the envoronment. We need a mediCalprac-
tice keyed to the realities of Argentina. We
must reschedule things so that state,
social and private medicine operate ef-
ficiently in their own areas without ove-
rlapping. State medicine should deploy its
�resources and its installed capacity. Social ,
medicine should orient itself basically��
towards financing medical care. Private
medicine should develop its capacity
within its specific sphere of action. This
means that we need centralized planning,
countrywide, for the health problem. The
'Health �Department should have the legal
right to carry out this planning.
�As is well known all over the world,
Argentina has a massive brain drain
problem. There are very many Argentine
doctors who graduated here and go on to
distinghished careers in other countries.
The United States, for example, has a great
number of Argentie doctors who are con-
sidered medically very prominent there.
How can we 'stop the drain of talent we
need so badly?
�pus is a problem which affects a lot
of. _professions, 'and not only medicine.
We've had it for 'a long time. Graduate doc-
tors are attracted by countries with a
degree of development like the US. And I
don't think all of them realize just how
muCh prestige they can gain simply by
staying, home. In research, high com-
plexity medicine, teaching and other
philosphies, Argentina is very prominent.
There' is' Scope here as well as abroad for
.aspiring young professional Mind
you, it true that 0 lot of, peoPle are
coming back now and findings th,ngs
were much tieffer than they were before.'..
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
The economy of Argentina
'Martinez, di Hoz reviews his performance In office shows year ends half.
The Argentina Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 53rd an- _
niversay with a banquet presided over by its chairman,. Dr -
� �
The guest of honour was Argentina's Economy Minister, Dr
Jos�lfredo Martinez de Hoz, who-spoke on' his own perfor-
� � mance as Economy Minister of Argentina since MarCh, 1976.
Martinez 'de Hoz said important steps had been taken In this
period for Argentina to be a great country again and for its
inhabitants to recover their standards of living. "There are lots of
things that, cost us effort now and didn't before, and adaptation
costs time, but we're On the right road. and we can already_ see -
the end of it.
"In the. private sector employees now 'collect more, in real ter-
ms, than what Inflation had taken away from them. Nobod who'
wants to work can claim that unemployment exists. Nobody who'
wants to make more money Is barred from doing-so, either working
harder or seeking a new job. The employer who can't pay higher
wages loses hisstaff le others who have a more_dynamic view of
"But civil service wages have fallen behind," Martinez de Hoi-
said. He announced, that a program would soon be put:into ef-
fect to upgrade these workers as from January I,
Under these conditions,- the minister said, things have im-
proved for .wageearners. Previously he had said that the prograrn
started on April 2,1976, "han demanded sacrifices from every-
Farmers now have to pay much higher taxes on land" said
fvla'rti'ne"' de -Hoz. "Manufacturers were first asked not to dis
charge e�nnel Later whei.V:the'ffrst ieceg�diOn had gone by
and the economy was recovering, tariff:protection was reduced
� because it tended to make them .lose Interest in growth. Higher-
income sectors were taxed harder. And the working groups were
asked to .make efforts commensurate with their levels of re-
If inflation still survives -said Martinez de Hoz, This is Par-
' fly because producers and consumers have lost the will to fight
� it. In the first stage the government also contributed to an uP-
ward. price drift by eliminating subsidies and political fare struc-
tures, which were one Of me causes ot inflation."
He added; "A lot has been done in this sense and we are op;
timistic about the future. Next year we will be able to fight In-
flation much-more effectively with more order in public finance,
greater control over monetary expansion and increased Com-
petition from abroad..
The current policy of genuine Interest rates has prevented in-
-flation from discouraging savings and Incorrectly assigning
'resources, with its result on the. distribution of productivity in
Argentina. in thismay; national saving has increased 50 percent
In real , terms. and Is about .30 percent of the .gross. national
The Economy Minister finally Said that the current economic
program calledfor a gradual reversion of the tendency to con-
centrate �resou roes in-the metropolitan area. Ninety-two percent
- � of iinduatrial promotion projects ,approved totalling 2,500 million
dollars, have been for projects in the Interior, outside Buenos
Aires and in the cities of C6rdoba and' Rosario. These three are,
the most important cities in�Argentina including their industrial'
Letter from Argentina Page.47.
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Investments in Argentina
Foreign Trade
At the present time Argentina is the
most attractive and brilliant opportunity
.for foreign investment. Industrial Develop-
ment Secretary Flaymundo Podesta said
�recently stressing that "our people, to-
, .. gether with the armed forces, have wiped
out guerrilla-organizations."
The Argentine off iciar-was-speaking- in
Montreux, 'Switzerland,- at the First Eu-
ropean-Latin � American Business Coo-
peration ..SymposiUm, held in that city in
The last week of October. .
Addressing .,delegates from Latin
American and European countries, the In-
dustrial. Development Secreta'ry said that
be gross national product. of Argentina is
. about 42;500 million dollars' a year and its
per capita income, 1.700 dollars, is among
the highest in Latin America.
He then Summed upthe outlook for the
various economic sectors.
Power: Uranium deposits are sufficient
for a predicted life of 20 years assuming an
installed nuclear capacity of about 4.000
megawatts. The inveStment.ViSualized un-
der the electricity plan is 12.000 million
dollars, with the accent on hydroelectrici-
ty. The later is .projected- to supply
5.000MVV out of a total of 8.000 towards
1985. Anoter 12.400'million dollars will be
spent on oil and gas �so that self-
sufficiency in these fuels is reached by
1980. �
Foodstuffs: The drive to increase overall
farm production is two-pronged, i.e. exist-
ing productivity per acre and � increasing
acreage to be worked. Two to three million
hectares (about 7.5 million acres).will
be taken on by recovering flooded acreas.
Conversely, - irrigation will fertilize another
five million hectares (over 12 million acres)
and brush-cleaning Will,recycle
hectares (about nine million acres) more.
The yield per acre can ,be boosted 30 'to
200 percent: by 'Using the appropriate� levels:are im-
proving. "Inve.stor's have. an ample scope
for intensive -or .extensive �production of
foodstuffs:and their processing."
Fishing: An international 'tender, has
been opened here. The target is a'catch of
one million tons-a year ter 1980.
Industrial Development: Major hy-
droelectric works under construction mean
that new cement. plans Will be required.
The outlook for these is very..goodi. Basic
industry deficiencies are in steel, cellulose
and' 'paper, heavy chemicals, petroche-
micals: aluminum and copper.� � .'
Steel: Four million tons per annum more
than present production .is required � to fill
the flat laminates spectrum of demand.
Petrochemicals: This areawilltake a .big teristIcs which, afer muth indecision, has
step forward when the Bahia Blanca Pe7- decided to embark on a policy of gran-
trochemical complex is operative.. A plant deour; to occupy again the position of
will' be required to produce 1,009 tons of . preeminence in readiness for den- .
fertilizer a day from ammonia, plus two fury."
smaller plants for domestic consumption:
. The priority' use of hydrocarbons, with
priority over their use as fuel, has been
reserved for the petrochemicals industry.
Cellulose and paper: Plants which are
being installed (long fiber cellulose, ce-
llulose paste and paper) imply an invest-
ment of 300 million dollars, the highest
private investment in history. A loompo
ton .newsprint plant is being built and two
more are under way. Another project,
which has been initially okayed, is for 400
million dollars in paper of various types. �
Mining: Argentina will become "an expor
ter. 'of copper instead of importing
"When-the f utUre-E1' Pach6n'and La. Alum-
brera fields are started up.. The Secretary. .
said that the new mining, code and .the
new mining � promotion law opened up
brilliant . prospects .for foreign. investment
in 'a 'sector which up to now had not been
f011y exploited.
In his. address the Industrial Promotion
Secretary also summed up the objetives of.
the new Foreign Investments Att .and the
Transfer of Technology Act'. He said that
the, new Industrial Promotion' Act �"does.
not distinguish between foreign and
domestic investment, except' for certain
indispensable. formalities. At. the present .
time, Argentina is the most attractive and
brilliant opportunity fOrfOreigh investmen-
t, for the financier the businessman, the .
technician, the worker and the immigrant".
He also stressed "the opportunities
inherent in a country .with, these. charac--
� -� � :� � � .�
Trading.'wit tit:world
The possibility of exporting is considered by many small and
medium producers and manufacturers as something of the ex-
clusive domain of large enterprises. They see it like this because
they-Consider it is necessary to have-a' specilized staff which
devotes itself exclusively to the' promotion Of their products
through correspondence-, generally in a foreign language, which
keeps itself constantly up to date regarding regulations in the
matter of exchange, customs treatment of the products, packing
systems, handling and forwarding of the goods, a.s.o.
Besides this staff would be idle at the times there Is' no
specific export work, as would the case with agricultural pro-
ducts which are seasonal.
These manufacturers or producers have been contacted many.
times by foreign persons interested in their products, but do not
know' how to carry out the transaction when they have to-cal-
culate their prices in foreign currencies, pack in a form different
from the usual, contract freight, negotiate the shipping do-
cuments in the banks, etc.
There is a solution to this problem as ther,e are firths who
make a specialty of promoting international business and carry -
out everything related. to the forwarding of the goods, bank
procedures. a.s.o.
Such firms, acting as exportagents for various manufactures
and producers, promote the articles, look out for clients abroad
-or establish contacts with interested persons already known by
the manufacturers, in the name of these, replacing them in the
action, but acting always in their name.
That they act in the name of the producer is fundamental, sin- .
ce buyer and seller must know each other. The first one has a.
right to know how and by whom the merchandise- he buys Is
made. He may even visit the manufacturers establishment. The...
by Robert Bertha
seller in his turn wishes to know the one who uses or distributes
his product even if it is done abroad No one can know better
than he (ides how it is to be Used or how it can be adapted to dif-
ferent circumstances' or ways-. He can even make modifications 7
in accodance with the needs of his purchaser. . . � �
� Besides, when there are special benefits for exporting (e.g.
tax credits, preferential bank loans, etc.) it is the producer who
is entitled to them. That is, the export agent has simply to offer,
a service; put at the producers commend his-specific' know.led-
ge, advise him in certain cases and replacing him` in othes, like:
the search for the most convenient packing, the best ways of
forwarding, his products at the lowest rates. Also to conciliate
theconveniences of the buyer,with those of the seller. � �. �
On the other hand It is the export agents duty to keep himself
up to' date of 'all the regulations concerning foreign trade, like
rulings about exchanges, customs', banking, as well as about all
news.concerning packing,loading and freights.
Another function which these 'service firms perform is the in-
-verse work. That is, in the presence of an inquiry from abroad
search for the prOducers andsubmit the most convenientoffers.
In many cases the producers are surpirsed by the inquiries from
abroad for which they, are not prepared. In such cases they must
be advised' in order to be able to comply with the requirements of
the foreign purchaser.
In, conclusi6n these true bonds between far away buyer and .
seller must be andowed with a great versatility and a commercial
turn,, of mind, besides acting with total-impartiality, defending
the interest of both parties. Very often the producers do not
know. the problems of theirpurchasers,.and the latter ones do
not imagine the difficUlties.,Which�often turn up In a production.
The agent generally can cathOdSe the Ides and the requirements
of both. - . �,�����-.,-:, � �
Letter from Argentina Page 48
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� Atanor, a furnace
supplying argentina
Atanor Is an Argentine company which
astorilshes everyone by its lightning
progress in, chemicals, particularly pe-
trochemicals, so essential to modern In-
dustry. � � .
Atanor's a growing thing, It started in
1938 and now it operates a number of
businesses under its control. For instance,
Petroquimica Rio Tercero., a TDI factory;
Hoganor, which -produces and markets
home' appliances; Tecnor, a consulting
engineering service; � Duranor, which
makes raw Materials for the plastics and
agrochemicals industries, .Atanor Entre
Rios, chemicals and agrochemicals:
Fadecor, mosquito repellents, and Abetos
Atanor., forestry and the recovery of arid
Argentina needs more companies like,.
this, which' is why Letter from Argentina
went to the company to find out something
about. its development.
Atanor, a crucible for industry
The name chosen for the company was
prophetic. Atanor is. a Spanish word of
Arabic origin which means a_crucibie and
is symbolic fora company like this. Atanor
started operations in 1938 and in 1940 was
producing hydrogen peroxide. It then went
Into bleaching textiles and soon built up a
reputation for itself. The reputation .gra-
doalty improved and Is. maintained in
A s everyday production. -
In. the Mbnro,' Buenos Aires province,
plant, production. started in 1941 with
acetic ..aldehyde and acetic acid. From
these. beginnings the company then went
Rio Tercerorpordoba province plant--
on to dissolvers (ethyl,, butyl and amyl
Later Atanor set up an alcohol distillery
in Tucuman and then produced esters
which were bought up by the paint, foot--
wear, cellophane, rubber, oil, textiles,
Soap and other industries.
In 1944 Atanor won a Military Industries
Board competition an became a mixed
company manufacturing chemicals essen-
tial to national defence. It became a mixed
joint stock company for the-chemical in-
The company than moved In to synthetic
rubber and accelerants. The Rio Tercero,
COrdoba, plant works on the synthesis of
Atanor and the war against the Insects
Few companies can have attained a
degree of technological development
similar to Atanor's In pesticides. The com-
pany has an agreement With J. R. Geigy. of
Basle, Switzerland, for the production of
DDT (di-cloro di-phenyl tricloro-ethane)
basic pesticide raw material. Atanor
products also include the results of
processing HCH, MCPA and sodium salt
and, particularly, pentachlorophenol.
In a farming country like ArgentInaipeS-
ticide production is indispensable as well
as complete consumer c.onfld.en.ce in
products. � Atanor j has worked :harct. I n'the
development of chemical produets. In 1957
It entered Into an agreement with Olin
Mathieson Chemical Corporation an the
result was Mathieson Atanor SAI. The
merger has proved fruitful to farmers and
to the country in general.
Atanor In the Home
. All these products are raw materials for
chemicals used In the. home, like repellen-
ts against mosquitos. and other insects,
paint. and varnish removers, alcoho),
cleaning fluids and various types of hy-
drogen .peroxide, from 20-proof for me-
dicine to 40-proof for other professional
applications. �
This line of:goods for the home began to
be produced in. 1965. Since then the-line
has been developed remarkably.
Atanor in the world
Argentina is a vigorous country and its
industry is growing. It needs to devote
more than efforts to export. Atanor is com-
peting very well on the international mar-
The company started exporting to Latin
America four years-after the company was
founded and its market expanded when the
Latin American Free Trade Association
(L,'AFTA).came.into being.
-rAt''the present time the company Is a
regular exporter to Brazil, Chile, Peru,
Colombia, Venezuela and Uruguay. These
Munro, Buenos Aires province plant
countries buy methanol, formol, hexa-
hy lentetramine, ethyl and butyl
acetates, DDT, 2.4-D acid butylic ester,
MCPA and its amino salt, hydrogen pe-
roxide and many others.
' Atanor sends Colombia and the US 2:4-
'D acid, an excellent and complex herbi-
The Latin American countries In general,
particularly Brazil, buy hydrogen peroxide
from Atanor. Its plant, the first of its type
In Latin America has a production of 7,250
tons per annum- at 100 proof. Obviously
there is no further need to comment on an
Industry, which can expand at a rate like
',Atanor has branches all over the country
and is. 'Internally speaking an excellent
channel of communication
Atanor is' a school where people learn a
trade.. There. are daily--training sessions
for Atanor personnel-at all the company's
facilities-but particularly at the Munro,
Buenos Aires province, plant.'
In 1970, employing 825 persons, pro-
duction Was 106,000 tons, and in 1972,
with 850 persons, it was 121,000 tons.
Atanor is permanently concerned With.
deyeloprnents in science and technology,
which is Why it concerns itself through its
training Centers with the genuine inter-
pretation of the word technology which Is
so related to the word "art".
Atanor has achieved the difficult balance
between organization and productive
capacity. They should always go together,
but they .don't... This ieader coNpany has
-achieved this, to everyone's benefit.
Atanor has proved that its rapid growth
is not the product of improvisation but of
conscientiously developing its facilities in
an industry as complicated as chemicals.
It IS ,Interesting to note that most inter-
national' companies have had some 'con-
nection with Atarior and its capitals. .
Steel giants, complicated piping,
cleanliness, order, and efficiency without
limits. A -capacity -for research and or-
ganization, application of sicence, What
more can be asked of a company? �
This Is why so many people who believe
in Argentina, have put their trust In Atanor.
Letter from Argentina Page 49
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"For things to be
more than things"
The Integral Service Center
Braun International's Industrial plant Is
In San Martin, one of the cities of the
Greater Buenos Aires complex. The visitor
is astonished by the organization and or-
der in this company which for 50 years has
.been manufacturing sophisticated electri-
cal equipment.
Braun was founded by Max Braun In the
20s in Frankfurt, West Germany. Initially it
devoted itself to producing radios and in-
dustrial components but in 1930 it added
home appliances, consumer durables and
personal bare aids.
In 1930. Braun took on design specialist
Dr Fritz Eichler. He was a technician in er-
gonometrIcs and devoted himself to the
study of objects and their relationship to
man. That's how the company slogan, "For
things to be more than things," Started.
Braun wants its products to be part of
the home, almost like people, like assitan-
ce or Integration to man's corporate sys-
tem. This makes products indispensable
Letter from Argentina Page 50
for their efficiency and�thelr utility. Braun
also wants its products to be agreeable to
sight and touch, to be easy to handle, to
have plenty or color.
This philosophy makes Braun a leader
company in interior and exterior design. At
present the company makes shavers, elec-
trical apparatus of all types, personal care
appliances, audio, film cameras; flash at-
tachments and the Celebrated Braun ligh-
Braun's five German plants and overseas
branches all think hard about consumers.
This has availed the company numerous
prizes awarded all over the world. The
chain of distinctions started in 1957 when
first prize was won at the Milan Triennial.
The maximum distinction achieved was
one of the world's most important, per-
manent exhibition of Braun products in the
New York Modern Art Museum.
These awards are being won every year
because of Braun's efficiency\ and dedi-
cation. Braun's products are on permanent
exhibition because, for the company,
design is an obsession.
Braun's success in the consumer mar-
ket is due to the daily use Of technology
with first,class productions.
Braun's first approach to Argentina was
in 1972 when it exhibited a range of Ger-
manmade products in .Bonino art gallery.
.And the _first.:Argentine-made - Braun-
product was announced in that year, too, it
was a coffee grinder, later followed by a
fruit juice crusher.
This celerity. In keeping up to date with
events is 'a feature of Braun. The local
branch :has announced 21 absolutely
original products, much more than the
usual industry one-per-year rate, because
Braun has only been in Argentina five year-
s� None of the 21 products has any com-
mon component. That's dIversificacation!
Buenos Aires is Braun's bridgehead to
Latin America, particularly because of, its
Brazilian and Mexican plants. AS we have
said before, Braun's Argentine plant is in
San Martin, in Buenos Aires province, a
.busy,.active Industrial center. � '
in Argentina the company has a Tauber
division which r manufactures home se-
curity appliances. These include a che-
m ical powder extinguiSher which can
elimInte all forms of combustion and a
visor with a chain lock and-an alarm.
In, 1.975 Braun started to export, parti-
cularly home appliances, personal care ap-
pliances � and shavers. Exports go out
through Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, Vene-
zuela, *Panama and other countries in the
Any organized and productive comp-any
'has to, have' well-defined objectives. Braun,
top, has its objectives ancEWork's 'hard to
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achieve them. Basically the company is In-
terested in sqpplying the market with
something new all the time. Every one of
its products so far has been entirely dif-
ferent from the other and it has never
'repeated itself. In the second place Braun
wants to be sure its Argentine products are
genuinely made in Argentina. And in the
third place its products are not simply
faihionale, their styling is of the type
which endures. -
This is an interesting viewpoint, be-
cause It ensures a certain permanence
even if the company obviously Is 'devoted
to-the philosophy of-consiimption. This is
commendable within the Structure of sup-
ply and demand in Argentina.
. Braun products don't "age" easily. This
� is because Of design and because quality
is really looked for.
About 350 staff work at Braun's .San'
Martin. plant In at .atmosphere of comfort
and cordiality. But braun has a lot to say
. about service. .
Normally if an electrical appliance
breaks dow,n getting it serviced is a com-
plicated process involving seemingly in-
terminable waits until the customer gets
the repaired appliance back.
Braun have a customer service center in
Buenos Aires which has personalized at-
tention and Instant repair thanks to top
technology in diaggosis and highly quali-
fied personnel. Sometimes it isn't pos-
sible, but usually appliances are repaired
right then and there.
, We really think that Braun honors Its
leitmotiv, "For things to be more than
things". For Braun, man is first, which .is
prodUcts_work.' well:and -bedOrrie-a-
part of the home just like another memem-
ber of the family.
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Letter from Argentina Page 51
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By President
of Argentina
Gt-neral -
Jorge Rafael
During .an Iranian TV interview, Presi-
dent Jorge Rafael Videla reaffirmed the ar-
med forces objective to reestablish in Ar-
gentina an authentic democracy in which
value is given, to freedom and human dig-
nity. Although he admitted that to achieve
this some formal adjustments might have
to made. He also referred to Latin
American integration. ,
, The interview, by Iranian government TV
(NIRT), journalist Djadad Alamir, began
With a question on Argentina's role in Latin
A rnerica in the next few years.
�VVe��shall have an *portant role to
play. Argentina has geographical borders
with five countries and an'an-iple seaboard
which !inks it with practically the entire
world. We don't have any ideas of leader-
ship or of making up a supranational bloc
or axis. But we want to push for Latin
�Americarhinteg ration
.L.___Tbus;:_integration.,.haS.- Many sides: a
concrete side, the economy, physical
communication with our area neighbors,
and on the other hand the interchange of
Cu Itu re". �
After .this President .Videla referred to
the way the government found things after
� taking over government. He said a power
vacuum had been �tilled. He added that a
year and a half had gone by, not enougt to
entirely forget what things were like be-
fore, .but short enough because what had
been done in that time was a kiracle.
"But we can say that With the effort of all
Of us, Argentina, which .was in a state of
near-collapse, is now on its feet again,
ready to start on the long and difficult road
towards .an authentically democratic
government". - � � '
� "We want a strong and stable democrac-
y: Stability means a periodical change in
governments.w.hich are�stable in themsel-
ves in order to avoid further, military inter-
vention. This-doesn't mean there wont't be
military representation in the military
presence is inevitable in any modern
goVernment". .
When the Iranian jOurnalist asked when
and � how-constitutionality would be retur-
ned to, General, Videla said:
"The armed forces have established their
Objective: they want a modern, strong and
stable democracy. So we haven't finished
our job until that objective is achieved. But
we have called for national unity. This im-
plies winning the war against subversion
and also winning the peace. A peace based
on unity.. This means that the citizens are
going to take part gradually in this proces-
s. There are a group of ideas, of concepts,
which the armed forces want to give con-
crete form to so that democracy can have a
structure as we know it.. And we want to.
enricher' it with profound communication
and joint efforts between civilians and
military men. This is why we all. want a
stable, modern, strong democracy".
Asked about his US visit, the President
said: "It was important in an American
relationship context. The Panama treaty
climaxed a lengthy discussion period and
opened the doors to better understanding
between the Americas.. .We had thecon-
viction that the best Way to understand
each other was. to talk face to face. We
think that talking is a way to settle troubles
Asked about human, rights and indivi-
dual freedoms, Videla said: "I can't say
categorically that human rights and in-
dividual guarantees have been revoked. We
are. In. an emergency situation and this
necessited emergency measures, such as
the state of siege, which is a condition
provided for in the National Constitution.
Within the state of siege framework we
have, taken measures that seek to guaran-
tee the free exercise Of those liberties for
all Argentines. -This includes freedom to
work, to travel, to study, and to give an
opinion, even in the face Of-those whose
aggressive subversion�implied a restriction
of ,this type of right". �
� . ; )
Letter from Argentina Page 52
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The first part of the dam, facing the Uruguayan aide, has been finished �
Salto Grande
There are times when man's sensitivity
Is put to trial by the most unexpected
events. When one travels over the tourist
attractions of our territory, be they lands-
capes or seascapes, prairies or mountain
slopes, our perception is heightened and
we cannot but admire Nature's magnificent
job. But human .effort can also.. .heighten:
-peroeption and--Can'also-call forth-- -unex----
pected superlatives.
There is no doubt that the Argentine lit-
toral is an ecological marvel. One of the
-places most frequently visited in Argentine
territory is the area of the-ViTazu Falls. But
now the mighty rivets, the rushing Parana
and the peaceful Uruguay, the natural
frontiers of this-territory, are set off by one
of the most important hydroelectric corn--
plexes ever to be initiated by Argentina.
We. refer to the Salto Grande dam, a
monumental construction that has been
jointly started by Argentina and Uruguay to
utilize the river's hydroelectric potential.
� The site chosen for the project is known as
� El Ayui, 18 kilometers (about 11.5 miles)
from Salto (Uruguay) and Concordia (Ar-
gentina). In turn, Concordia is 520 .km
(about 330 miles) from Montevideo and 370
km (about 230 miles) from Buenos Aires. -
Argentina is used to thinking in terms of
the integration of Latin America. San Mar-
tin, the father figure of Argentine history,
left us this historic mission more than 100
years ago and, physically at least, we have
. been doing this for a long time. For exam-
ple, there are many electrical interconnec-
tions with neighboring countries: This Sal-
to Grande complex is, however, the first
major energy integration project in. Spa-
nish-speaking America.
. Construction began on April 1, 1974, ad- .
ministered by the � Salto Grande Mixed
Technical Commission. Since then wOrk
schedules have not only been fulfilled bUt
are .30- days-ahead, despite- the' inevitable
difficulties associated with a project -so
The first major Job was to divert the flow
of the Uruguay river. Two huge retaining
walls were built on the Uruguayan side,
700 meter (about 2.200 ft) long and athwart
the river. The two walls, which retained an-
d diverted the waters, were complemented
by'thidWall. parallel to the river's flow.
This formed a closed container after which
the waters poured through a narrow, .300-
meter (1.000 ft) gorge. Once the closed cell
was pumped but, the subsoil was exca-
vated in order to set up the pylons and
basements. The next step is to built the
generating turbine housings. A project of
this 'type calls for large number of people
and plentiful equipment. There are over
5.000 men working in Salto Grande. in-
cluding' engineers, technicians and wor-
kers, Argentine and Uruguayan. Right
from the beginning of the project the
Comrnission was faced with the need. to
build housing, as ob .viously the capacity
of the s mall cities of Salto and Concordia
would soon be overflowing. The required
accommodation was duly built on both
banks. It was- also necessary to carefully
work out food suppliesas the contracts
required feeding of personnel to be looked
after. The dining�hall is huge and can 'seat
4,000 persons. It is vastand its equipment
is modern. �
Due to the 'type of project it was neces-
sary for much'of its equipment. to be built
on-Site. A central Concrete plant has been
build: it is the Most up-to-date in South
America and has been designed for. a
capacity of 100.000 cubic meters (about
3.5 million cubic feet) per annum. It is
'completely automated and receives raw
-material from the Paso El Terrible pits, and.
the, Cement in. bags comes from a Uru-
guayan factory In Paysandu (about 400
tons a day.).
The processing is carried out' in this
plant in three stages. ' First the basaltic
rocks is crushed into sand. Then the crush
is conveyed for its classification-and then
two mixers, which turn:' over 200: cubic
meters (about. 7.000 cu. ft.) a time prepare
the concrete. This then . goes to an ice
cooling plant and is ready for use. Struc-
tures in steel and wood are built up on si-
- le, and building installations also includ
equipment for , clasification, washing,
loading, transport, placing and cOmpac-
ting for construction of the dam walls.
The civil engineering on the Uruguayan
.side is almoSt ready, and the retaining
walls have been installed on the Argentine-
Side where excavation of the lodgement
has started.. So Jar. 650,000 cu.m: (23mcu.
ft.) of concrete has been placed ihsitu
Italian, Argentine and Uruguayan com-
panies have been Working jointly on cons-
truction of the dam, the engine � hall, the
navigation channel, -etc. Turbines and
generators are being built by the. Soviet
Union, Argentina and Uruguay, Other
countries taking part in construction .of,
vital .parts are Japan, Austria and German-
There are two main financing sources for
the Salto Grande project. About 60% of
-the project is domestically financed
.through funds supplied by govern-
ments. They have put up.40 Million dollars
each- in five-million-dollar yearly. . install-
ments. Another. source of .datheStie finan-
ce is the energy' funds,- the National Great
electric Project-Fund of Argentina and the
Uruguayan Energy Fund.- Thirty-four per-
cent of the project has outside 'financing
from two main sources, the Inter-American
Development Bank (BID) and supplier
credits. In the period -1977/78 investments
will exceed 59./0 of the project. So far the
total liweiftherit fOtSalto-Gea'rideliaSteert -
estimated at 1,243 million dollars. �
What does Salk) Grande. comprise? in
the 'first -place a dam', 39 meters. (128 tt)
high which will form a 78,300 � hectare
(nearly .200,000 acre) lake. Two ancient
towns, -Federacion (Argentina) and Santa
Ana (Uruguay) will disappear under -the
waters. -Nevertheless, predictions concer-
ning the tourist value of the complex-are.
very optimistic. There will be two intercon-
nected hydro power stations with a total �
installed power of 1,890,000 kilowatts
Each power' station, one on the Argentine
side and the other on the Uruguayan side,
will be equipped With seven 135.000 ki-
lowatt turbines. There will 'also be an inter-
national bridge. for railroad and ��Motor
vehicle use. The rail netv..orks of. the. two
countries will be connected for the first
time. . . .. -
Another attractiOn will be a�12-kilometer
(about 7.5-mire), navigation 'channel on. the
Argentine side. It will extend the �-navi-
gability of the river Uruguay to 144.'krn -(90
miles). upriver of the reservoir. There will
be an extensive electricity' network '.whieh
will fully supply the Uruguayan electricity �
demand prid will sae both countries 120
million dollars a year. in outSide energy
purchases. And. 1.30,000 hectares (well
over .300.000 acres) .will be adequately
irrigated. . . � -
Salto Grande is an exponent of tech-
nological potential and proof of what men
can do in the major works in this part of
South America.. � .
� Letter from Argentina Page 53
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Province of Buenos Aires
"We've got to put an endto the myth that
'poverty � is born of injustice," Buenos Aires
.,province governor General (retired) Manuel
,lberico Saint Jean said in a speech recentl-
y. "Poverty- Is solely...the. result-of- under-
,development." �
.; This - was during an open-admittance
'gathering in El Rosario faun, in Poblet,
,about 15 km (9.5 Miles) from La Plata city
;'and (38 miles) from Buenos Aires.
:The meeting was organized by the
�Agricultural Extension Foundation.
(FUNDEA). and the Holando-Argentine
.Breeders'Asociation (ACHA).
Governor Saint Jean expressed his.
,satisfaction at the repercussion of agricul-
tural extension programs. He urged
,producers to revolutionize farming. "We've
,goi to. stop sending bulk, food abroad,"
Saint 'Jean .said. "only processed foods. in
'the future.."
But. he said this change was up, to the
producer.. -He just can't load. bulk On a
truck and forget about it." '.
."I believe in- men of goodwill.," the
.,governor said. "Not in people who today to
the governMent but .in.those who want, to
'make:Argentina.. an efficient and modern
�'country. We must achieve a brilliant living
.standard for ourselves and ourchildrec..-
The -armed forces government has �en-
trusted. governor Saint Jean with adminis-
tering 'Buenos Aires, the biggest of all. the
r60-km-from-Buenos-Aires. -�
The province has a population of
,000,500 inhabitants and most of them
'live .in the so-called metropolitan_ area.
SeventV eight- percent of them (8.612.400
lpersons) plus Buenos Aires city's three
. million, make up . Greater -Buenos Aires
with a population of .nearly 12 millions.
This makes it one of the biggest urban
; concentrations in the world.
� Of the - remainder,- 11.5 percent
(1 ,262,400 � inhabitants)- live on the Me-
diterranean axis and 3.4' percent (370,900
persons) on the Pampas axis'. Some
410,100 people live in the great seaside
resort of Mar del Plata and 344,700 in
Bahia Blanca, a big' naval base and grain
The province's population density is
36.1 inhabitants per square kilometer (92,4
per square mile.)
An interesting figure is the life expec-
tation of the person born In Buenos Aires
. province. The general average is 6944
years and the breakdown is 66.13 men,
72.92 women. . � .
According to .1976 figures a total of
1,295,633 students registered in schools at
all levels�in Buenos Aires. The,aggregate
teaching. staff was 93,788 persons. Of this
total, 104,555 students .were pre-primary,
971,936 primary, 60,285 high school,
16,444 'in technical training schools,
11,888 college, 23,816 adult schools,
Letter from Argentina Page 54
Governor Manuel Marko Saint Jean
29,425 adult schools, 8,945 in art schools
and 16,452 in. schools for the, mentally
Health .
-":ThereThrel--,691 health establishment's in,
Buenos Aires province; either-provincial,
national, municipal or private. They have in
total 38,358 beds. The average is thus 3,48
beds per 1,000 inhabitants.
A total of 20,584. doctors practice in the
province. The .average is 1.89 per .1,000
In regard to social security, 1,300,000
students get school insurance and
834,285 persons receive medical 'assistan-
ce and free medicaments, The number of
pensioners and retired persons who re-
ceive aid from the' Provincial Secdrity Ins-
titute, is considerably lower, 87,095.
The province has 28,298,084 hectares
(6.98m acres). under farming (crops or
livestock.). There are 93,478 producers so
the average is 304.86 hectares (753 acres)
per farmer. .
Livestock and crop farming, are the most
highly developed, activities. There are
44,953 livestock farmers and 20,356 crop
farmers, while 7,704 go in for both types.
Others are dairies (8,860), kitchen gardens
(1,505) orchards . (876), forestry (1,642),
beekeepers (41-3), poultry formers (876);
livestock feed farms (2,823) and 534 "sun-
The most highly -developed 'crop 'is
wheat,..3.1m hectares (7.6m acres) sown
and 2.95m, hectares ..(7.3m .acres) harves-.
ted, with a 1975/76 prodUction,-1 of .
4,300,900 tons. The yield is 1,459kilo.,:
grams per hectare (1,299 lbs/acre).�
Corn has- a higher yield - 2,870- kilo-
s/hectare, 2,555 lbs/acre and is the
second most important crop in Argentina
A total of 1;402,50.0. hectare's ,of..cOriV.i.s
sown (3,46m acres) and the production. is
3,240,000 tons. -
After this come oats, 899,300 hectares
(2.22M acres) and 390,600 tons; sunfloL
werseed, 725,400 hectares (1.79m acres);.
rye 594;700 hectares, (1-.47m acres), beer
barley 316,300 hectares-. (0,78m acres);
feed barley 206,500 hectares (0.51m.acres)
and birdseed 35,400 hectares (0.08M
acres) � -
As-concerns livestock Buenos Aires has
1,157,621 hogs and 601,626 horses. : � �
GROSS Internal Product:.
At current cost factors the Gross Inter-.
nal Product of the Province, is, 339,752
million' pesos according to .1975 figures::
The' most important . this
total is manufacturing; with a highly sig
nificant 48.1 percent.- Other major items
are wholesale and retail trade, restaurants
and hotels (11.3 percent) farming, hunting,.
forestry and fishing (10.9 percent) and per-
sonal and � community services (13.1 per-
cent;) Much smaller are activities like
mining, power; gas, water and health Ser-
vices, building,. transportation,. storage
and communications, and finance - in-
cluding insurance companies.
On the basis of..constant-cPst figures
the GIP total. is 5,423 million peeps and the
!manufacturing _industry accounts ..for 51
percent. The GIP per inhabitant ie thus
28,326 pesos in Greater Buenos' Aires;
43,298 in the rest of the province and
34,153 average for the entire territory.
Other figures: � � � - � �..
The roads of Buenos Aires province are,
used by 873,.796-cars, 348,974 trucks and'
107,4747-cinf he-r Work. is:
-139;633 km (86;764 friigi)-1-6Fg. -,. � '
One hundred and seventy 'six ne-,
wspapers; 30 magazines, are printed in the
province as well as 60 operating radio.
stations; 46 theaters and 76 cine-theaters;
Education_ exchange with the United
An educational exchange .program has
just been signed between, the province of
Buenos' Aires and .the American Asso-
ciation of State Colleges�und Universities,
according, to an announcement made by
Governor Saint Jean.
The agreement seeks to improve unders-
tanding between the US and .Argentina;
transfer of technology to support BA
'educational programs; teacher; training,'
administrative personnel training, plann-
ing technician training, implementation of.
cultural and scientific programs and�a con- -
tribution of technology for productive sec-
Five rectors from the,U.S. were schedu-
led to arrive in Argentina on December 1 to
establish guidelines for .program � imple-
mentation, according to both- parties'
needs and reqpirements: �
It has also been agreed to organizestudy
journeys and excursion tours to places of
tourist interest in Buenos Aires-and: in the
.United States. The first. contingent from
-- 30 to 40 teachers - Is:expected to
leave around March, 1.978. The Methci-.
dology 0, be. employed in ,their selection
in,c19R&4_)Wso e�-) .
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The Buenos Aires National
Academy. of. Sciences, In a public
session held in thetalons of the Ar-
gentine Medical Association, Incor-
porated Dr Ren�. Favaloro as a
regular member. He _ had been ap-
pointed on October 16..
The vicepresident of the academy,
Dr � EgIcilO Mazzel, introduced the
new academician with a word-
picture of his personality and ac-
complishments which have made
him a privileged international figure
in medicine. .
1Dr Favaloro then lectured on "The!
. past, the present and the future in'
heart. surgery", which is his spe-
ciality and in which he has achieved
his immense prestige..
A significant cycle In Argentine
sculture was closed on October 20
. last With the death Of Jose Fioravan-
.! 'ti, 81, in his house in Olives, an aris-
tocratic locality three . kilometers
north of Buenos Aires, where he had
his atelier:
Fioravanti was .one of the most
importantartists. in Argentina. His,
statutes are defied all over Argentine
.and are a tribute to. Roque Seene
Pena ("America for humanity"),
� William -ShakeSpeare;. Nicolas
Avellaneda, Simen Belivar,.Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, .Walter Owens,
Ulrico Schmidel,. Ruben 'Dario. and
Carlos LOpez Buch.ardo.'.He is the
sculptor in Argentina with most wor-
kS:available for public-viewing.
Also Fioravanti's .is the most
majestic monument , in Argentina,
the Flag . Monument, on the shores
of the Parana 200 miles from Buenos
FiOraVenti was self-taught.. At 12
he. came circumstantially into con-
tact with Altaic) Yorls, owner of . a cast bronze sculpture. When
. he realized how good the child was
� naturally, he put hint on to sculpting
laurel and oak leaves fpr statues.
At. 16 he had already produced
some :heads, including a self-
portrait, but it � was 1912 before a
sculpture of his was accepted by the
National' Fine Arta ..Salon. But. in
.191,9 he -won 'first place with his "My
..sister 'Maria'', in marble,' nearly five
feet high.. !!�. �
_in 1924, Fioravanti�went to Spain
and received, an accolade from the
most celebrated critic of that period,
-Edgenio � D'Ors. :He continued to
work intensely and � in 1937 came his
definite . recognition'. with his
"Woman with a book.", He 'went
abroad again and on. his return star- �
.-ted .working pUblic:menuments,
Which. remain-the most eloquent ex-
pressions of his capacity and
p1 ratIon
don't bellevethere's-a.resurgen-
ce of =vialehte," interior tvlirilbter
Doctor Ren�. Favaloro
GenerarAlbano Harguindegiry said
recently in a press conference. "As
long as a lunatic wants to set off a .
bomb, he can set it right herein the
ROral Harguindeguy was _
speaking in Coronel, Suarez, -a city
1280 miles frorn!Buenos Aires which-
is in a den- farming area and is the'
site of the mostfamous polo team in
the world � all four of its members
have 10-handicaps, the highest pos-
sible.' Harguindeguy� insisted in his
contention that subversion is under
� "Yes, there May be some selective
terrorist- attempt, a man � ma-V.' be
'killed. But generalized violence�and
massive operatives, where subver-
sion could make a display of streng-
'.th, have disappeared long ago.
Asked aboul an agreement bet-
ween. Israel and Chile by which the
Chileans would receive missiles and
Military training,. Hargulndeguy
said, �my answer would be that
every country bah arm itself as it
wishes to defend its sovereignly
and to establish its political outline.
don't Know if Chile is rearming now
'or whether- Its "--getting instruction
from Israel. Everybody buys where
he prefers-to-buy, to get instruction,
etc. So de we have the right to make what we need on -
world markets:' �
The ambassador of the. UnitedI
States to Argentina, Dr Flea!' H. Ca's-
trci, *presented his credentials.- to
President- Videla On Wednesday,
November 16. Oh�arriving in Ezelza,
Buenos .Aires' international airport,
Castro 'said -that "Argentina and the
United .States share the same Values
and ideals. We have a mutual con-
viction of human dignity and justice
as the bond that best ,links us to-
gether. I have, listen and to
learn aboutthe country. I don't come
as -a learned man. I come to get to
know the Argentine people, to work
Josh Floravantl
General Mena Hargulndequy
in a positive and not negative way:"
"There is no doubt that a new age
is starting -in Argentine-US relation-
ships for the good of, both coun-
tries." The new ambassador was
bo-rn in _1916 in ,Cananea,
Mexican state of Sonora. He became
a US citizen and performed .as TUc-
ma County state attorney and later
Supreme Court Judge in, Tucson,
Arizona. Former President Lyndon-
Johnson appointed him-ambassador
to El 'Salvadoriand, four years tater,
to Bolivia. In 1.974' he was' eleCied
governor' ofArizona. He resigned
that post to* take over the ambassa- �
!dorship in Buenos'Aires.
Doctor Osvaldo Loudet heard over
the radio in hiS own home that he �
Letter from' Argentina Page 55
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had been awarded the Grand Prix
d'Honneur of the Lutece Interna-
tional Academy's Science Section,
hors concOurs, for his work in psy-
chiatry, criminologyli and legal
� He was born on April 3, 1889, and
is still as lucid as ever. At. 88, ..
Lou'det says vcontinUed activity
keeps -me-in an-excellent-physical �
and mental state."
He spends several hours a day on
the. job in the National.-Academy of
Medicine,- the Argentina Academy of
Letters, and the academies of Scien-
ce, of Moral and Political Sciences
and of Biochemistry and Pharmacy,'
of all of which he is'amactive.mern-
ber And he still has time to see a few
private patients. He perpetual
student and is permanently. concer-
ned ;with anything that has anything
to do with legal-medicine:
For 20 years he directed the
Buenos Aires :institute- of Crimi-
nology, Psychiatry and Legal Me-
dicine, founded py_philosopher Jos�
Ingenieros.- � � . � � . � �
The worst thing that could have
happened to the university in Argen-
tina, says Loudet,- "Is that it became
infected by politics. 'Every govern-
ment tried to seize it and use-it as a �
political instrument. If the University
wants to retain. its 'essence it cant
afford to be paralyzed either on the
left or the right."
At 88, Dr. _Loudet isstill �working_
�On:the-.-organilaticrii-of the rialaCtiti-i.:
� gress:, oi.'History 'of -�MiClicine-lcr- be -
held shortly in'La- Plata, the capital
� of the province of Buenos Aires, 40
'miles by road from ..Buenbs, Aires
City: � � �
" :The celebrated Argentine wilteri
Jorge Luis Borges Was awarded the'
Vermeil Medal, of the City of Paris,
in a ceremony in the Modern Art
Museum in that-city: French govern-
Doctor Raul H. Castro
Letter from Argentina Page 56
� ment culture advisor Pierre Bas
made the presentation to the�half-
blind Argentine Author, who has
several times been a candidate fo.
the Nobel Prize. ,
Bas warmly praised Borges whose
surprising genius was celebrated in
1933 ,by Drieu de la Rochelle, but
Whom France took too icing to re-
- cognize. Paris now-has-the honor-of
distinguishing ,this. writer whose
decisive influence on French lite-
rature can now be measured quoting
philosophers and novelists like
Michel F.oucaUlt, Alain Robbe-Grillet
or Miahel Butor. The-fact that the in-
spiration for all these writers 'is an
Argentine author, born in Buenos
Aires, educated In Switzerland, who
developed with British and French
literature, proves how universal his
writings are. Borges is a citizen of
-the world; his literature- Is the ex,
pression of .cosmopolitan Buenos
. ,Aires but his' universal stature Is
beyond the' bounds of nationality.
A man whose hknOwledge of Victor
Hugo would astonish a' Frenchman,
.whose .knowledge of Dante would
enthrall an Italian,' whose knowledge
of Shakespeare would enchant an
:Englishman." '
Borges, his blind eyes full of
'tears, with the weight of his age on
his shoulders, listened to the speech
seated.-He was too overcome to
reply ad only said emotionally.
.."Thankyou... I'm. very happy...
'Ernotion-7'preVents-i'me'-'Saying _how-
An eXpansion and. modernization
plan forlha Loma Negra cement fac-
tory in .0Iavarria, Buenos Aires
province, (200 miles from Buenos
Aires city) Was announced in a press
conference by company president
Amalie Lacroze 'de Fortabat. Mrs.
Fortabat also announced the ins
Doctor Osvaldo Loudet
1allation of a new plant in Catamar-
ca, in northwestern Argentina, to ex-
pand the capacity of the present
plant In Frias (Santiago del'Estero.)
"The expansion of the CilaVarria
'plant Is under way," Mrs iFortabat
said, "and it includes modernisation
of 'production lines and � their tech-
nical transformation, including the
most s'ophisticated progress- in
world engineering' in cement pro-
duction. This- Will 'increase produc-
tion to 500,000 tons a_year With the
'same quality, thanks to automation
of the brindlnig, process and per-
rnanente computerized chemical
tests wich are today only tote seen
in some of the most up-to-date plan-
ts in the world." �
He said that the cost of the frroject
was 32' million dollars of which 2/3
was to be spent locally technolo-
gy, machinery and equipment, ciVil
'works; labor and 'electrical supplies',
which would' represent major con-
tracts -for domestic suppliers when
they are qualified to make the neces-
sary components. .
She also announced the expan-
sion of the Frias: plant and the incor-
poration of a complete plant in the
province of Catamarca, near route
157 and 20 kilometers from Frias.
The factory is. to be Set up in a desert
area, which will ensure prospects of
development for the region. The area
where the plant is to be installed is
on the western side of the Ancasti
. .
hills. in Catamarca. Togethe.r..with.,the_l_..L.,�
Fries' plant IfWill constitute a
500.000' ton yearly productive com-
plex. The investment Is 60 �mtIllonsi�
dollars, of which 70 percent-Is to be
spent locally i��
Juin M. Courard, President of
Ford Motor Co., Argentina, presided
over the press launching of a Cycle
of historical short films under- the � �
-gkW-171'7-4-R-774, 14:1-
Jorge LuIs Borges
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Amelia !AcreZs de Fortabet.
Juan M. Courard,
"History of the Nation" bannerhead.
The series was introduced in a down
'town BA hotel and 'six our of a
series of -20. five-minute :films were.
shown, in 35-mm colour: the ci-
nema.and 16-mm black and white for
television. The films are on early
days in Argentina.
� Introducing :the series Courard
said,:th,at it_ reflected :"an. historic
__pas1�...wi1h._hercieszand4olorles._vvhich- -
are an example to those who. inherit
them. The idea of the greatness 'of
the motherland, which has inspired
some of the' mcist glorious 'Cages. of
our history, should be. remembered'
even at times of relaxation so that
then, in. the serenity of the circums-
tances, it can be felt that the
inheritance' Is .received faithfully and
in the necessary spirit of emula-
This ambitious Ford project took
nine months to finish. A team of his-
torians an&advisers mulled over 200
subjects befpre selecting 20. Some
of- the' anecdotes are almost unk-
nown, such-as that of a British gun-
boat which,:, during the invasions of
the early 19th century, was boarded
In the River Plate by. horsemen un-
derensign Martin Guemes. -It also
recalls anonymous heroes ,.like the
women .of Ayohuma in northern Ar-
gentin . .children during the British
invasion, up to the great civic and
military upheavals.
Courard said that the effort re-
quired to produce this cycle was un.-
precedented in Argentina an.d that it
was the first -such .series -produced
here: One hundred _actors were em-
ployed plus-.2,000 extras. Two hun- �
dred Period uniforms were made as
well as 300:wigs.and. toupees. There
Were 72 people in the production
team, led by Horaclo Casares. The
filming �was. principally in- Lujan; -70
kilometres 'west of Buenos Aires.
Tons of earth were strewn on the city
streets to Make them look . un-
paved. A twin-Masted, square-
rigged barquentine was also built
according to the original layout. Fif-
ty-to Make-thern,ioOk-unpaved:-Fifty -
cannon arid:150 rifles were used, 20
Remingtons and a .dozen 19th cen-
tury pieces; plus the original ca-
rriage in which General Manuel Rel-
grano � creator, of the Argentine
flag � made .his last, _deathbed trip
'from the north to Efuenos Aires.
Dear US Colleagues:
We Want to be sure that "Letter from Ar-
gentina" reaches you regularly. We'd be
very arateful if you acknowledge receipt or,
better stipp, send us your publication on
an exchange basis. Write "LETTER FROM
ARGENTINA", Avenida Santa Fe 4132,
0, 1425 BUENOS AIRES, Argentina.
gentine Press Information Services pu-
blication for the US. Ills sent completely
free of charge to 5.000 papers, magazines
and periodicals in the United States..
Please write us for extra copies: "LETTER
FROM ARGENTINA", Avenida Santa Fe
4134, 8/0, 1425 BUENOS AIRES, ARGEN-
We hereby authorize our US colleagues
to freely reprint, completely or in part, any
of these special reports. We would be hap-
py to receive the publicaiions which "Let-
ter from Argentina" is sent to, on an ex-
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8/0, 1425 BUENOS AIRES, Argentina.
For additional Information on Argentina,
please write "LETTER FROM ARGEN-
TINA", Avenida Santa Fe 4134 8/0, 1425
Letter from Argentina Page 57
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The Steersman -title fon our interviewee
isn't just something we made-up. Carlos A.
Lacoste- is a navy captain, and is -to be�
promoted.. to, rear-admiral in a month's
time; LecOste� is the key man EAM
the Work!. Cup-. organizing -department,
which is' Coordinating the thousand- and'
one things that have to be done to get the
cup 'under way. Held once every four years,.
..the-1978.World Soccer Cup be held in
Argentina:-. � - �
LaCoste is working 14 to 15 hours a day
at thiS event which Argentina is Spending
400. rnillOfl dollars on�and. which eill make
cuntrylhe capital. of the-world for a
month...At least, for 1,500 million people'
who' be,:hinging. literally onto their
television sets to follow their favorite
team'. - �
Lacoste' H48, �'six children, eldest
daughter married, youngest son age four�
gets a-�barrage-of domestic problems from
his" wife every time he comes home. "Adult
problern's.Keep me-awake at night," Lacos-
te says, "and adds philosophically, ."So I
prefer to listen to children's problems
which evaporate guitker.".
:�EAMT-isn't�,Lacoste's only.,job; he's, also
adviser-to Vice-Admiral Julio Juan Bardt
nbw the;Social Wilfare..Minister. And just
to keep .his hand in,' he's president of the
Naval Industry comrniSsion which checks
, outddty-free import of parts necessary for
I the-local shipyard industry.: . �
� Lacostre -talks. passionately but sounds
entirely sure,of �
a-. Are the stadiums going to be ready in
time for the World Cup?
A,90 percent of. the civil engineering
and the basic structure of the stadiums
will betready by the, end of March, 60 days
before ..the' .Cup starts and. 30 to 45 days
beforethat we'll be running.through everything,as it's going to be On June. 1,
Inauguration Day. r
0. There'll be a record number of foreig-
n journalists here. With accredited local
representatives they'll total over, 6,000
Whatlatilities are going to, be available?
A. HOtel. abcomodation'S been 'looked
after.; AS' far- as concerns their specific
Missi.on, � they'll. have the Press Centers
which. Will be operating 30 days earlier. In
Buenos Aires they'll be in the San Martin
Cultural Center; in Mar del. Plata, in the
Provincial Hotel; 'in COrdoba, in the J-
ockey Club.and, in Rosario and Mendoza,
special sites are being built - they'll be
ready a month beforehand, too.
*.Q.:-"There's an estimation that 35,000
people will be coming from abroad- Have
wegot enough hotel-roorn for them?
More than- enoUgh.- We ban-turn out
120;000' beds without any effort at all. It's
Letter from Argentina Page 58
The World Cup
Rear-Admiral Carlos A. Lacoste, the World Cup Steersman
stadium seats which, are keeping our
availabilities down. The biggest, is River
Plate, but it has only 45,000 preferred seat-
s apart from the bleachers. We'�ie kept
15,000 for Argentina and the ,rest for fo-
reign visitors. We can't have a than travel
thousands of miles and then find he can't
get a plaCe. I think-we'll-be able to take In
30 to 35, Many of them will come
with their wives who- probably won't got�
the marches-. _
Q. Where are the principal teams going
to play?
A. Argentina, as the host country, will
be playing in Buenos Aires. West German-
y, the current champion, will play in COr-
doba and 'the team will be put up In the Air
Force hotel in Ascochinga, 70 km (45
miles) from C6rdoba' city. The Football
Federation, FIFA, will establish the sites
for the other area heads: But it's almost
certain that Brazil. will play in Mar del
Plata, and Holland �or' Italy �assuming
they classify�.in Mendoza.
Q. What transportation medium is goin-
g to be used to carry players, team direc-
tors, journalistp and the public?
A. The distances are pretty big so. We'll
be using the airlines. Of course June is
winter and the weather might affect air
travel. This, year we had 12 riOnflying.days
In June.. The railrOads.will be a backup and �
it won't be vary difficult for them to carry
30,000 fans from one Subsitelo the orher.
And each delegatiOn will 'also have a,
special bus. We've worked �et interiste
flights with � Aerolineas.. Argentines and
Austral. Given good.. flying' weather they
shOuldn'i have. any difficulty' In transpor,
lation. Both companies have. bought new.
planes.- Just to ensure the best �possible
utilization of .flying time, _we'll :gibe top
priority to. a' carter flight for. players, au,, �
thorities, referees and journalists, to leave-
twO hours after every march. Or If not, as
soon as the weather lifts. And thateharter
will have- top � landing priority even' if Other
aircraft have to be diverted.... �
Q. What about color TV?
A-. No problem-. Most color .TV equip-
ment, for BA and the subsites, is already. �
'in Argentina. Germany Is training Argen-
tine technicians and will send top men
here to supervise operations.
Q. Do you have a message for readers.of.
'Letter from Argentina?'
A. The message Is for them to come
here . with confidence. We're preparing
everything very well sO. they can live with
us for a,..Month. without any trouble We
think they Ii an�unfOrgettablettrne.'
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
Peter Heinlein: Argentina Is a normal country
Peter Heinlein and the
WORLD_ cup
Peter Heinlein isn't a soccer player but
even so his World Cup already started,
last September. When West Germany kicks
the championship off in' River Plate
stadium, oh J-une 1, 1978, at 3.30 pm,
several.thousand of their countrymen will
be able to, watch in comfortable seats
thanks toth.e.efforts of Peter Heinlein. '
Peter, 26, unm.arrled, gooldlooking, is
the Buenos Aires correspondent for NEUE
REVUE, 'a general-interest magaiine
prOdUted by Heinrich' Bauer Verlag, Ham-
burg, Germany. The company also pro-
du'ces "Quick" and a German "Playboy",
aggregates*about 10 million copies a week
(Neue Revue, 1.5m).
. .
_ . .
Like -Letter� from Argentina, we also
reach out to German journalists, 3,000 of
During a working breakfast Peter,
looking out -onto .Buenos Aires'Palermo
Park, 'told us that German. esthuslasm for
the World Cup was such that a charter
flight to Buenos Aires was sold out in two
days. Preters should ,know: he's generated
part of the enthusiasm himself by. p b-
ducing 10-page supplements for is
magazine. � � �
Ther:PtAtscher Fussball7bund allotted:
Neue.Reyip aecade Of:0: ticWetCdttel."
and alabilun C.'V erSitor 1:600'dermanS.
They are being sold at 3,150 DM (1,400
dollars), will travel in DC-.10 operated .by
" the 'Dutch company Martin Air, and in Ar-
gentina will stay at hotels:commiSsioned
by Hapag-Lloyd (Bremen, branches all over
West Germany).
This operation (AKTION WN 78)-is spon-
sored by the German League, organized by '!Do you think Argentina's organizing the
:Hapag Lloyd and includes various German WorIctcuo properly?"
commercial companies (like Foto Quelle "Yes, I do. By Cup time everything'll'be
International, the biggest photo vendors in ready. A tremendous effort iS being made-:
the world). Nuts chocolates,�Grundlg and in 'communicatior's, for example. think' '
the German Renault company. Argentina was 20 years behind. But' every- -
thing..will be all right.
"Will terrorism hamper. the World Cup in
any way?";
"What are you going to tell the other
"I'll tell them it's worth while coming,
that they'll never see anything like it. But
I'll have to tell them to come in an adven-
turous spirit... I don't think they'll find
everything as orderly as in Germany. But
they'll be very well received because
there's a great capacity for improvisation
in Argentina, and-enormous hospitality,"
"Germany will be working from COr-
doba. What do you think of that city?!'
"COrdoba is a 'city of one million
inhabitants-, traditional, in the colonial st-
yle -but with all the modern comforts. It
doesn't have too many attractions of its
own, .but 'the surroundings are beautiful.
There's Villa Carlos Paz, 36 .1010metres (22,
miles) from COrdoba, on Lake San Rogue,'
with beautiful hotels, plenty of fishing, an
d the hills. La Falda is another major -
place, 90 kilometers away. Alta Gracia is.
30 kilometers away and has a fine gcilf lin-
ks. There's the Anizacate river, for fishing...
For we Germans; there'll be reminiscences.,
of the Black Forest in Villa General Bel-
g rano, 90 kilometers away. It's a little town,
of 4,000 inhabitants, almost all of them
German. The Belgrano Germans have or-
ganized the Beer Festival for the World
"What can you tell. us about your. im-
pressions of Buenos Aires?" ..-
"Well, if you come to Buenos Aires, the.
city's got everything. It's a world metro-
polis.' The hotels are good, restaurants fir-
st-rate. Anything you can ask for. .Mind
you, they shouldn't expect amusements
like they'll get In Chinatowns in other parts. .
of the world. But there's any arnot.M of
shows, oight-clubs, caf�oncerts:"
"What. w.ill German. tourists _be %doing ,
apart f rorn.watching_thematthe's?_"_...____ _
"As far as concerns those who come
from Germany, we Won't let them alone a
single day. When there are no matches to
be played we'll organize launch trips in the
Parana Delta; we'll visit farms for- tar-
becues (grIllfest) with the best beef in the''
world Argentine wines are excellent, too.
We'll put on night shows, folklore shows.
We'll organize reunions with German club-
The Germans (1,600 in this operative,
about 3,000 are expected) will be coming in
four flights. 'The first flight will come for
the Inauguration Otis two -matches. The
second Is to fly straight to COrdoba to see
first-round matches. The third tomes to
Buenos Aires for tWo second-round mat-
ches; and. the fourth flight Is for the final.
"You've been here two months, already,
Peter. How do you find things?".
"I . was here in 1975... this country is
beautiful and rich. It has a brilliant future "What about 'Germany's World Cup
because of. its size, its climate, its inha-
prospects?" -
bitants". -. �
. "Germany's the favorite, but it's always
"Do,you find things very upset here?" been difficult to work through to first.
'AfdpOlina is a normal country, Just like' place. Everybody will be out to beat
the 'ret of the world. I haven't Seen any- many. Butt think Germany will be inbrieof
thing exceptional represslonwise. I've had . the first fourplaces,logether with Hollan-
no difficulty In going wherever I wished." d, Poland, Argentina and Brazil.
Letter from Argentina Page 59
"I don't think so. Three months ago'the
Montoneros told Der Spiegel, the pro- '
minent German weekly, that the World Cup
was a festival of the people and they would
see that no type of problem was created.
Besides, I think a lot of responsibility Is
being put into doing things properly. Ever- '
yt h ing's absolutely normal."
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Champions three times and Uruguay
The World Cup has been a challenge
since 1970 when Argentina was nominated
by Fifa, the World Football Federation. A
-lot of things went wrong after that. There
was a lack of continuity In preparations. �
Nobody really got. down to work until
comparatively recently, when when the
special organizing body (EAM 78) was set
up, including civilians and military officer-
s; all of whom work for nothing.
EAM handles organization and adminis-
tration, while the sporting side is handled
by the Argentine Football Association or
AFA, which In turn is runty the presidents
Of the aff II lated league clubs.
"The Cup," Munoz says, "has political
Implications, because it's the only way
that Argentina can project a favorable
image to the entire world this century. For
a month there'll. be 1,500 million' persons
watching us every day. They'll find us on
the map, they'll hear that our constitution
is 100 years old, they'll hear about our con-
cern for human rights at a time when the
world has lost its sensitivity. We're a free.
country. and we live in freedom of credo, of
right, and of color.
ask Argentines,". Munoz says, 'to be,
.their natural, kindhearted � and hospitable
selves as is typical to us. There will be
.The voice of the "commentator of the Americas" is even heard in cafes and bars. He Is 'thousands of tourists here for a month and
risen. ' here with his .son, � andfellow commentator, Carlos Alberto. they will be sharing with. us the admirablebeauties of our country..
If anybody thinks conditions in Argen-
tina aren't peaceful enough to celebrate
these, events,' I can guarantee that every-
thing will go well . In 1973 Germany proved
that it was able to organize things with
Maximum security after the terrible events
of Munich, in the Olympic Games. That
was a tragedy for the world, not for Ger-
many alone. Then the 'Germans made up
for it. all with the World Cup. And Chile
h`ail -1U�st7-coThe 'through a terrible 'earth-
Champion at Cup time in 1978.
If- the authorities expect the World Cup
to be a shopwindow which reflects the
reality of a country where the war and the
peace are being Won against guerrillas and
against 'disorganization, Munoz is without
a doubt the greatest supporter Of the event
and the person who has always been one
hundred per cent for its realization. Even
during moments when the world wondered
if Argentina could handle it.
This enthusiasm and this defense of Ar-
gentlna's World Cup organization take
Munoz altround the world on his whirlwind
travels, commentating preliminary events
in Europe and the Americas. Wherever he
goes, Munoz does his bit for "Argentina
Letters from Argentina interviewed him
in a publicity meeting in the deposit of a
furniture shop one Saturday at noon.
There. were 200 people in the room when
Munoz boomingly told us that, he'd been
advised the day before that Spain had
awarded him its own TV Oscar, the Ondas
Prize, for his performance at the mocro-
"This award isn't tor me," he said, "it's
for all Argentina and its effort at organizing
the World Cup."
Munoz addressed those present and
retold the history of how Argentina was
appointed. the site for the World Cup,, He,.
told of previous frustrations and the po-
pular wish to be World Champions someday. Neighbors Brazil have been World
In_ Argentina the passion for foottball Is
almost overpowering. It used to be "men
but in the early 70s;the Lanusse
government instituted the PRODE pools
system and woman are also now interested
in.this worldwide Sport. ,
' First diVision soccer Is played in Argen-
tina on �Wednesdays and Sundays plus a
Friday�nighit_ match for. TV._ Hundreds.. of
thoUSaridS,-:bf---:WorneKL-Sit �b Irerisiater-
iadiOS Or watch .on 'TV as--the scores tot up -
and they �speculate, how near they are to
getting a winning pools card.
SO most Buenos Aires radios transmit
:soccer games live. One of the most active
is Radio Rivadavia, "the sports fan's
station", with its inimitable sportscaster
Jos�aria Munoz, "the sportscaster of the
Americas", or as his friends more simply
call him, "Fatty."
� He has a personal unusual style, very
different-to the other sportscasters, even
Including the revered veteran FioraVanti,
'affectionately known by everyone else as
"the maestro." . �
But -Munoz is unique. Many people turn
On the TV set, turn down the volurria, and
switch on the radio so itiye get TV, video
plus Munoz audio. Then come thoSe
moments of sheer fantasy 'which have
� made 'Munoz so popular. Suddenly both
teams are fighting inches away from a
.goalMouth, literally millions of viewers are
hanging on to their chairs, and Munoz
.serenely babbles on about the need to vac-
cinate children or how he's going to link up
With an Antarctic station so they can hear
�the results.
'But Munoz makes up for its as soon as
he. realizes what's going on and suddenly
.builds up the next event in the game, even
if. it 'doesn't have any importance at all.
Some people claim, that ,his popularity is
due to the fact that e doesn't merely com-
mentate, he talks to the crowds in .the
.Letter from Argentina Page 60
stands, of which nearly all of them carry,
transistor radios with them. Munoz has
soothed the crowds on many occasions
and prevented spot fights from becoming
generalized, and while many think Munoz'
cycle Is waning, others are sure. he's still
got a long way to go. And many of his sup-
porters feel that Munoz is so Identified
with his work that he is struggling hard to
_ ensure. that Argentine
. quake when it organized the Cup in 1962'�, �and organized it well.
"The World Cup is by now a formidable
_instrument for peace. Together with the
Olympics it\is -the most important sporting
event in the world and attracts more and
more entries every time. It is a factor which
works for world unity and peace.
"It is easy to see that soccer helps to
keep people on friendnly terms in a world
increasingly agitated by terrorism. Look at
the US Cosmos team, which was wildly
acclaimed by the Chinese."
Munoz went on: "In � Argentina we're
going to invest � .not spend, invest :�
hundreds of millions of dollars, which
we'll get an excellent return. from. Apart
from the fact that I hope we win the Cup...
Argentina's image in the world will benefit
and we'll prove that we're living In peace
and working hard to forge ahead.
"The World Cup also paves the way for a
communications infrastructure,, which' is
so necessary in a country like Argentina,
to be terminated. We'll be buying the most
modern color and black and white equip-
ment, which we'll have seven years to pay
for. We'll be Improving roads, reinforcing
our commercial air fleets and.expanding
the airports, in Buenos.Aires and in the in-
terior:�And we'll be 'able to show Argentina
'live' to millions who will appreciate its
beauties and its travel possibilities. This
will decisively influence postlCuP, travel,
the industry without smokestacks, which
has meant so much to so many countries."
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River Plate Metropolitan Champion
The Metropolitan Football Champion-
ship came to an end in mid-November with
a victory for the River Plate club, which has
its stadium in Nunez, in northern Buenos
Aires city.
River Plate, the traditional rival of Ar-
gentina's other great, Boca Juniors, played
the most consistent game of all the teams
in the championship and won deservedly.
Its fervorous supporters had already felt
the championship�was within their grasp
when, a day before the end of the sche-
dule, they beat. their arch-rival Boca. 2-1
with a last-minute goal.
lndependiente was second. The "Red.
Devils'' have their facilities in Avellaneda,
an industrial city just across the Riachuele
or Little River from Buenos Aires.
After a major triumph for Boca Juniors
when they won the Liberators of America
Cup, the team lost its competitive edge
and many championship games were
played with substitutes.
Even if River Plate has had its ups and
downs (18 years. without a championship)
it is a very�powerful and influential club. Its
stadium is being remodeled and will be the
principal site of the World Soccer Cup to
be held in Buenos Aires in June, 1978.
The club practices-not only football but
also 40 sports more, on a 10-hectare (25-
acre) complex just by the banks of the
River Plate.
River Plate have always been known as
the millionaires" because of its aristo-
cratic' location and because many of its
fansiare_eniddletor high;ClaseLasagainst
the more popUlar social classes which
make up the -Boca supporters. Further-
more, River Plate has always paid enor-
mous sums for of key players.
Its present strength features, goalie
Ubaldo' Fillol, one of the country's best,
'together with "blackie" Juan Jos�bpez, a
fine midfield player with a strong kick.
Their Number Nine is a national selection
player, Jacinto Luque t;-,e team's top
scorer and one of the, best players in Ar-
River Plate's fans celebrated gaily on
this .occasion which was the club's 14 th
championship, although perhaps not as
wildly as Boca fans do. when their club
wins. The Metro touney is played every
Wednesday and Sunday.
B.oth th.e...president - of. River .
which means that, they're playing three o
four matches every Week. � � -
So River Plate and Boca Juniors want a
'reduction in the amount of teams taking
part. They firmly.- support the present
relegation .system which _sends down
three teams. a 'year (Ferro Carril .Oeste,
Temperley and Lanus this -year.) But Es7
tudiante-s, an old4ime, second division
club, is to play in first fivisibn in 1978.
The level of ploy in, this championship
left �too much to be .d.esired and boded ill
_ .
for Argenttna.s._chances_in_thei.W.orld;Cup:.
AragOn_Valera (see in.terview_in_this issue) �The national selection is ted by g'erfOtti-';_a
and his Boca- opposite number of teams former soccer player. It has been criticized
because a really.- effective plan has not yet
been evolved. A number of. international
games played at mid-year with Paraguay
and European teornS and the results were
frankly 0.eploradk..
taking part. They say the present situation
obliges players to exert themselvesv
unduly and also costs spectators too much
money. And the teams that win the cham-
pionships also play in the Liberators Cup,
I C 4
Baires S.A., the distributor for Argentina
and the rest of the world for the 1978 World
Soccer Cup commemorative coins,
showed � these coins to journalists in
Buenos Aires at a press conference which
included representatives of the Argentine
Centra.-Bank, the National�Mint and EAM
78, the utility created to oversee World.Cup
This is the first time that a World Cup
organizing country issues commemorative
coins. The values minted were all in 900-
grade silver and the face values are 1,000
peso's (two dollars), 2,000 pesos (four
� dollars) and 3,000 pesos (six dollars).
This is not only the first World Cup coin
issue but also the first time that Argentine
issues a silver coin in 93 years. The last
. time was in 1893 when � a 50-centavo coin
Was mintedY''
Dr Enrique Waterhouse, president.of the
Balres S.A. company. presented inter-
national specialist Luis .V1gdor, who had
traveled specially to Argentine. Mr Vigdor
said that "Argentina has taken the first
step to create a series to commemorate the
1978 World Cup and I am sure .that from
now on this example will be rePeated'by
every host country. This will automatically .
turn the coin series into a collector's rarity,
because it will have been the first .inthe
worldo and, more ' important still, the
amount of coins minted is limited in com-
parison with world population and interest
in the event.
Mr Vigdor showed guests several U:S:
publications in which reference was made
to this issue, and also mentioned how.
eager some collectors had been to acquire
sample coins.
Letter from Argentina Page 61
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normal availability," Reynal said.
"Together with Aerolineas we've
plotted out every .day in June.
i We've foreseen all contingencies,
all shifts from to the other.
This .includes players, delegates,
journaliSts and public." .
`You said Austral was to buy
new aircraft; What type?" *
� "We're looking at the A. 300 Air-
bus, a 245-bassenger aircraft built
by a conglomerate of European fir-
ms; Douglas for the DC-9 Super 80
(155 , passengers) and Boeing for
the 727-200, 160 passengers."
"Will you be taking these planes
on in time for the World Cup?"
"The manufacturers can't suplly'
them in time but we'll be leasing
three aircraft. We plan to buy 15 in
� five years." ,
Austral, the biggest Argentine "Does Austral make money?"
privately-owned airline, Which "Argentine fares are below inter-
operates dornestic,flights, is going national levels, but even so we're
through a process of change. growing. We've got 2,020 people
Miguel Reyna!, its Director and working directly for Austral and
Commercial Manager, spoke war- 900 for other group companies.
mly of ,developments in Austral. That makes about 3,000 people."
"We're building .a new terminal at Austral's history starts in 1956
the Aeroparque metropolitan air- with another company, Aerotrans-
port, "he says. "It's being dimen- portes del Litoral Argentino (ALA).
sioned, to handle 1978 World Cup Austrai was born in February,
traffic." 1957. The two companies used.
He said they were also corn- Aero Commanders and C-46 Curtis'
puterizing reservations and traffic Commuters. Gradually they grew
flow to improvestustOrner service. to --ctiVe-r-the- entire country. Then
"We want to change the entire they began to operate jointly.
company image, he said. "We're 1967 was jet time and British-
getting new aircraft, new logos, made BAC One-Eleven jetliners
new staff uniforms. We're renwing were purchased. They can fly at
the company's outside and internal 550 itph and operating costs begin
image." to come down. Seven were bought,
He said they would be doing plus three YS-11 Japanese tur-
their own catering for the company boprops.
passengers to be able to enjoy the The two companies merged
best in meals. They were also buil- legally in 1971 creating Austral
ding up the fleet. Lineas Aereas. The chairman of the
We asked them how they were board is William Reynal with vi-
preparing for the World Cup. cecommodore Rogelio� Balado as
"An Air Transportation Commit- President. Titular board members
tee has been set up" he says. are Eduardo Braun Cantilo, Felix
"Aerolineas Argentinas (the de Barrio, Roberto Servente, Raul
state carrier) is represented on it, Palma, Enrique Stegmann, Miguel
Vice-Commodore Pellegrini and Mr Reynal, Carlos Mongiardino,
Mattenet. For our company we Ricardo Solana, General, Manuel
have vice-president*Balado and Mr Laprida and Dr Guillermo Lousteau
Alvarez." Heguy.
Both Companies are Keeping The commercial manager is
constantly in touch with EAM, the Miguel Reynal, and his closest as-
World Cup organization, on sociates are regional manager
availabilities for 1978. , Carlos Iglesias Matheu, traffic and
"Will the requirements of the en 7 sales Manager Horacio Alvarez,
tire contingent of travelers be freight manager Juan Jos�lmos
covered, we asked and rnarketong manager ,Joaquin
"We'll be working at 400 percent Pichoriviere.' '. . ',
, .
Austral planes are high-speed, Ideal for domestic commuting.
Wings for the -world cup
Austral president William Reyna!
Letter from Argentina Page 62
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Boca Juniors
soccer 18 hours a day. .And 'when he think's
asleep he's really working out new ideas..."
61s0 it dangerous for Boca to play in a
country where seccer is only just starting?
� .Not 'really. I wouldn't take a single
step Unless I had the backing of a serious.
business organization worthy of a club like.
Boca Juniors. You can't afford a afilure in a
country like the � U.S., with 240 millions
inhabitants and television so powerful it
can pay. Cassius Clay 10 to 15 millions.
dollars for .a sideshow. Imagine what will
be like in a few years' time when soccer is.
popular coast to coast.. Remember. the --
concentrations of Latin Americans' in Ne,w
York. California, and Miami, the Italians,
people from other Europeantountries,..
-,Can Boca make up two teams, one to �
play in Argentina and the other for. the 1'
'United States?
.� Right. noWwe have '38 players-under�
contract and 32 more ready to become
pros. But a Boca play in the States would
be a South'American selection,
1,0o you think Boca could be successful
in.the US? .
- Well win the first championship' we
play in.. Look at it this way., Soccer has
takentimeto'catch hold in the US because.
thefirst coaches they brought in were En-
glishmen...And these coaches brought With .
them � English players, most of them at.the
end of. their careers. � But what they need
are young players, hungry. players'who:runt
all over the field, like in Boca. And we've
provecrthat we:ve got them. . ' .
And BOca is a major team here, in the
To play in the American- � world,, because it' grip, its supporters
United 'States, or anywhere else in the
� have grip, its coach, Lorenzo, has got grip,
and its president, myself, has grip. We'dSocc:er Ch�ampiOnshi . . right away They fightears,theiboxers.
haVe :the. Americen public rooting. .fOr- us
. .; �.��� .� . ..� �- _ ....,..
� . � � . � - � - ������ ��-� � who hits�dutand gets hit back, and'Bdca is
Vin. ready' to start talking on behalf of Boca 'Play in the U S championship and
Boca .,Juniers. With :any . serious-minded he was interested too when he. heard that
business organization in the United States Letter lircLmtArgentina went to journalists
so thatvve cart�cornpete in the U.S. soccer. in that � country: He _told us, then that he
championship. The ideaislO take along an hoped 'something would materialize very
Argentine and South American selection; it soon. - -
could be an unbeatable team." . � "Look at these figures,". he says; coming
-.This � is .the big news item, which will right to the potnt. Cosmos spends three
make front-page news in Argentina and the million -dollars on a player '.like. Pete, a
sports pages of the newspapers. in 'the magnificent player' but one already On the.
U.S..;. this country is now . seriously 'wor- decline. And another three million on pec-
king towards promotion of socCer; the kenbauer. And you need II men to make up
most popular sport in the world.... a team.. Boca Juniors needs-a.solid back-
Anying and three million .dollars and we can
� .j,o,urnalist who interviews..Alberto.d.
Armando has to be ready to be surprised at go .and play .in �the ' States w.ith. a regular
any .time,. even ..though it may look like', a South American Setet Hon (Argentine
routine l story-. You never can tell.what.this players from Boca plus people from Brazil;
remarkable man, as much a .faniiidO-as he Uruguay arid. Peru.) We would' be simply
is the club president, will out.of his unbeatable, he a.dd.s enthusiaStIcally... � ,
hat. For years nOW Armando has been the ,Has this been talkettabout already?. -
president Of. Boca Juniors; the most po- � It certainly haS,- we warit to do things
puler club in Argentina and orie of the",Bes-. in a businesslike fashion as befits Boca
t4noWn In the world-.. Juniors. l'rrtready to:pit my experience and
. In fact it is exactly 23. years-since he the experience of Juan Carlos Lorenzo, the
became club. President (a case unique in world's best soccer technician. I think he's'
history except for the. Spanish. Club Real the closest thing to a real colossus or the.
Madrid's ,Bernabeu). Armando was the art, Helenio Herrera. �
most prominent dealer for.the Ford ,Motor (:,Would you .leave the . presidency of
Company, but later transferred to Dodge Boca to play in the US? .
cars, built �like the Fords� in Argentina. No, . definitely not: I've. been doing
Boca Juniors has 22 national champion- this for 23 years' and .Lorenzo Is a.m,an.wiho
ships in its history and Boca.anctArmando knows all there is to know about soccer
have now-achieved:another singular vic-:. and then some. We're working now on a .
tory: winning- the Liberators of ..America� Soccer Board to run things. in Boca, which .
Cup after having beat Brazil's' CrUteirO:". � could start in 'straightaway on a.. team to
We knew of Armando's interest in having play in North America. Lorenzo works on
ideal for thiS-. We've gbt all the mystique of
Boca, some 20�year�old players., others -
aged 22 or 23, some 27. or 28. The average
age for the team is 24: This would' enable
us. charnpionship� or.two -.right
away and. later go �adding".'new majOr.ti-
gures. Imagine the children who go to the'
US's 40,900 high schools, watching us.'on
television. We'd have fanaticos by the tens
:Armando left us. with the impression .
that'Boca's participation in the US.cham-
pionship was a distinct possibility. So we
went on to'. the local, Metropolitan. Cham-
planship,- which is coming to an end, With
Boca well-placed but chance *of
� The' team are unmotivated in this first
championship . of the year after having
achieved their supreme objective of win
fling the- Liberators of America Cup.. Re-
cently they've made a lot of money and
they don't care about a domestic cham-
pionship where they get about 50 to 60,000
pesos every time they play. Boca fans
should learn, that their players have been
making about 2.5 million pesos a month .
and (goalie) ,Gatti much more, � because
Gatti alone can fill. a stadium. In twelve
months Boca has won .three champion-
ships. Now we're headirg for the National
Championship and we hope to Win ih a.
canter with some' new players we've goton
the sidelines. And we hope to take thelft�
tercontinental Cup off _Germany's Borus-
sia. We'll play Cosmos too, if they beat
Veracruz (Mexico). In two matches against
Letter from Argentina Page 63'
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Cosmos well show we really are the best
in America.
You say that Boca has some reserves
lined up. Who are they?
7-- Boca is taking on four top players,
three forwards and a midfielder. Right now
I'm not releasing any names, but there is
one player. that the fans and I would like to
see on our First Division team: Daniel Ber-
toni, well offer lndependiente 300 million
He's got to get -65 million out of this. I
thinks its feasible..
The former most expensive transfer in
the .history of Argentine soccer was when
Villa was bought by the Racing Club. One
wouldn't- think- Argentine-soccer-was in �a-
.condition .for a club to pay 300 million
pesos for a player.
But Armando seemed to guess at our
surprise and said smilingly, "Don't worry
about the money. With Bertoni and the
other people we take or, we'll collect-the
money in two matches. We've got to play
two games, on March 21 in Buenos Aires
and March 27 ,in Germany. Then well play
off the real Cup of the Three Americas with
Cosmos or Veracruz. And we're already
classified for. the 1978 edition of the Li-
berators Cup. ,There we'll collact at least
200 Million pesos a match."
js it true that you and Gatti will both
give up soccer this year'?
� I've�had every scirt of satisfaction in-
,cluding 14 championships as president of
Boca:- want-toduit-but they wont let me. -
If Gatti leaves, the only club that could buy
him is Cosmos. He costs three: million
Reutemann's last chance
. Many people .in Argentina were sur-
prised when the legendary Enzo Ferrari
confirmed Carlos Alberto Reutemann on
�his team for 1978. The Santa Fe� (Argen-
tina) born driver is now, in fact, the teams
Number One driver after the departure of
new Warld�Champion Niki Lauda (who will
new drive from Brabham-Alfa Romeo) and
the rejection of offers from drivers like
Mario Andreotti and Jody Scheckter.
True enough, Ferrari did try to fill the
'gap Lauda left. But when his feelers were
unsuccesful, he didn't-seem to worried
about it all. It was as if he was convinced
healreadyhad the ideal man In Reutemann.
And; looking for a reserve driver, he signed
on the thrusting young Gilles Villeneuye
whose first Ferrari performance ended
up .with_ a spectacular crash in the Ca-
thls year wasn't a very brilliant one, as the
Severe Italian critics claim. This deduction
can .be arrived at on the basis of the wide
gap' in points between -Lauda and Reu-
.temann when the year was over � and
everybody Insistslhatboth cars had equal
care and attention lavished, on them. They
Said-the cars were the same but the drivers
weren't. �
'An incident which helped to keep the
controversy alive and which probably
Worried Ferrari himself was, for Instance,
Reutemann's apathetic performance in the
Austrian GP. The Argentine driver tucked
in behind Hans Stuck's Brabham In third
place With only four laps to go. In 1977
Stuck proved to be a good but not a first-
rate driver, and besides, his Brabham was
not operating at 100 percent efficiency at
the�time. It seemed a good opportunity for
Reutemann to' pass and seize third place.
. But he stayed behind. An Italian commen-
tator ..said incisively: � !'There is no doubt
that _Reutemann. looks after his car, but
that isn't enough to drive a Ferrari: it needs
bravura, itoo...''
After Austria it seemed certain that
Reutemann would be leaving Ferrari. But it
wasn't so. Now, at 36, Reutemann will be
. playing perhaps his decisive card (and he
has already hinted 1978 might be his last
.year) in an attempt to win the 1978 Cherry-
pionship.And the season starts in January,
, in Buenos Aires precisely. In Buenos
Aires 'Reutemann will have a new Ferrari,
Letter from Argentina Page 64
will be Number One driver, and will or Will
not ,give Enzo.the:satisfaction of .another
first place. Reutemann himself has ,said
that this is the moment. It may be, too.
o Two Medium-;heavyweights on the
scales � .
. The' only two. current -boxing world
-Champions In Argentina,. after Carlos Mon-
zoo's � retirement are, curiously enough,
-both Mediutli heav.yweights. Victor Ern!lio
Galindez is the World Boxing Association
(WBA) champion and MIgGel Angel Cuello
holds the World Boxing Council -,'WBC)
crown .
Both can' Le said' to hold different cham-
pionships but both seem to agree exactly
on a set of problems which has them trap-
ped. -
Galindez's case is. the most widely pu-
blicized. The first two times he defended
his title his; physical training was at least
80 percent satisfactory. After that Galindez
appeared to have turned over anew.'-life
hew lifestyle which didn't leave too Much
room for physical training. In 1977 he
defended the title twice, both times in
Rome. He was succesful but disappointed
his fans with lackluster -performances,
mainly due to a lack of form. His first 1977
defence was against Richie Kates of the
1J,S �whom he had roundly beaten In
South Africa� and in August faced Me-
xican-born, US-resident Alvaro Lapez.
Despite LOpez obvious lack of expertise,
Galindez found�things pretty tough going:
The judges voted far the champion but it
looked like a draw to many people, .Galin;.
dez's 'excuse was that 'the climate of
Rome isn't' good. It wasn't good enough
. _ . _
His supporters smiled rather ruefully and
his manager, Juan Carlos Lectoure
,(operator Of Buenos Aires's Luna Park
stadium) was furious. "If .Galindez con,
tinues to act in this undisciplined way," ha
said," the future looks pretty. grim. He's
being self-destructive now...lf he.doesn't
face reality, .nobody, nothing-Is going to
save hirh from a crash:" � . �
After the more recent experience in the
,Rome Sports Palace; and Once back. in
Buenos Aires. GalindeilC)rganii&l'a pres
.conference with Lectoure seated ,at his
side. He admitted many of his- mistakes,
although in a way he transferred the
blame to his trainers Juan Caries Cue-
Ile and Carlos Canete, both of whom
were fired right then. �
Galindez stressed that "from now on,
everything will be different, everything
will be,as it was when. I. was in my best
moment", said that Lectoure was to be the
only person responsible for his performan-
ces in the future. His first real test Is to be
on. November 19 In 'Milan,'facIng Eddie
Gregory of the US. Galindez Willa be defen
ding his future here 'instead, of his title.
Will Milan's Climate be more favorable 'to
him than Rome's? �
Cuello case is envolved too. Lately he's
'had a bad'streak of injuries, starting while
ne was training to defend against Mate
.Parloy of Yugoslavia. The fight had tobe
put off twice because.o/ muscles pulled In
both legs in a two-month period. It seems
that after the. second � incident ,the orga-
nizers of the fight threatened to withdraw
Cuello's title because they feared his
motivatioh was a schemata delay Meeting
ParloVWalkiOg 'painfully-and with difficul
ty,' Cuello flew to Rome where the doctors
verified the injury and put the match back
to December. This was .always *provided
that Cuello remained in Europe so that
the promoters could keep an eye on him.
Obviously, faced with the chance otlosing.
his crown, Cuello-fulfilled all the condi-
tions obediently.
But Cuello's worst problem may be an
entirely different one. Cuello can no longer
depend on manager. Amilcar Brusa (the
man who "made" Carlos ManzOn) for him-
self. The two split up quite recently for
reasons which never were, satisfactorily
explained. One theory may be as put for-
ward by friends. of "Brusa: "Amilcar
managed Cuello whenCuello won the title;
but he's got his eye on somebody else
now, -�
Norberto I Cabrera, has been 'one of. 1 s
favorite� pupils for some. time back, and
Amilcar. wants him to fight for the title
MonzOn.left vacant, before the end:of 1977.
'Brusa _wants to devote himself entirely to
Cabrera, Cuello's different , he was a fulk
yfledged professional- already when Brusa
took him under his �wing., But Cabrera is,
Brusa's best pupil today. � And he's fight
there in the wings for ,MonzOn's vacant
title...". .
:,Cuello hasn't Said anything, but Brusa's
departure was as good as a knockout pun-
ch: We II to wait�tu,Dpeernber to see
Cuello gets cirr'witribuf�Brusa:
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A crucible for champions
Ricardo Was Roberto De Vicenzo
played In many countries. Golf is an entirely different thing. In
the Thirties, Jos�urado nearly won the British Open and
Roberto De VIcenzo made sure of first place in�the Sixties. Ar-
gentina has won the Canada Cup.
De Vicenzo twice won first place in the individual classifi-
cation of the World Cup. De Vicenzo, a well-known veteran, Is
asymbol. He comes from a working-class family and his first
contact with-a golf links was to fisch lost balls out of the pond.
Later he became a caddie. Once he started to play he quickly
worked his way up to being the most significant Argentine golfer
of all time. He has been. several times round the world and he
was been first In international competitions in many places
There are other excellent players, like Vicente Fernandez,
Fiorentino Molina, Martin Posse, Antonio Gera, and others. All
have competed regularly round the world.
� The number of golf clubs increases, and new schools are
being opened all the time. And many smaller clubs can't afford a
regular links so they make do with a putting green and a training
Argentine girls recently placed second in the world grass hoc-
key championships. This Is less surprising than It might seem at
first glance; hockey Is played In English-language schools and
Sportswise, many people associate Argentina wits football,
there are Innumerable clubs devoted to this sport. In men's hoc-
boxing, an occasional _champion racing driver, a tennis player key, the Argentine team Is the best In the Americas and has'even
like Guillermo Vilas. defeated India. The Argentine rollerskate hockey team was
Not that this Image is an entirely erroneous one in a first anal-
. second In the last world championship. In other world tourney's
ysis; the quality of Argentine football Is proverbial and nu- it always finished In the first five places.
A '
merous Argentine players are performing In teams all over the And Argentine rugby is reaching for the stars, too. Its most
world. Two of the most outstanding are, perhaps, Alfredo Di outstanding performance was In 1965 when Argentina beat the
Stefano and Enrique Sivori. ' Junior Springboks in South Africa. In Argentina, the Argentine
There is a lot of truth in boxing, too; Argentine world cham-
team has beaten Wales, Scotland, Oxford-Cambridge, Romaniapions include. Nlcolino Locche, Pascual Perez, Carlos Monz6n, and Ireland, plus a draw with France in 1977.
,Victor,..Galindez,MigueLAngeI Cuello, -Miguel Castellini. and
The Pumas are by now, celebrated worldwide. But, funnily
.HOrtiCio Accavallo..
..enough,--they.. never lntendedto call thernselvespumasT1'-The-
ps. --Argentine'llugby-Union-escUtcheon hai-on --it _rin-oth-er.-tipti 'of
Juan Manuel Fanglo's five world motor racing championships
nor the fact that Carlos Reutemann is one of the foremost for-
feline, a yagUarete or "South American tiger." When the'Argen-
mula one drivers of the present time. tine selection arrived in South Africa, in 1968;. 1008I Joumalis-
TennISwise, Vllas is too Important, too recent, to be left out of ts thought the yaguarete, which they had never seen, was a
puma. From that day the Argentine team has always been known
any list of celebrated sportsmen,But there are other sports, too,
which are important, which deserve their place in any mention. as The Pumas.
A detailed -list would be too long, too boring, but a few highligh-
There have been other sports in which Argentines have ex-
ts may be selected. celled, too. Luis Nicolao won the world 100 metres-butterfly st-
yle and only lost the title to Mark Spitz.
oTHE WORLD OF POLO Electronics engineer Horacio Iglesias was five times world
open sea swimming champion. Jorge Batiz won two world
Everybody knows that Argentine polo is the best in the world, speed cycling championships and Carlos Delia was second in
Argentina won the 1936 Olympics and has always beaten the US. riding. Also in show jumping. Carlos Muratorio won a Silver
Argentin': players and Argentine ponies take the lion's share of Medal in the last Olympics. Both are army officers.
victory wherever the game is played: Britain, France, the United Argentina .has had many world -champions. in the Spanish
States. The polo seasons in those countries are regularly visited variety of squash known as pelota vasca.. Argentine-players have
by Argentine players, who have played in most of the major often beat the Spaniards at their own game; An another
events, variety, paleta argentina, was invented here. It Is uses-a thinner
There Is a reason for all these victories, all these frontline but wider bat than the Spanish variety.
players. Polo Is something 'which comes naturally In the prai-
ries, the pampas of Argentina, and people who star In the game
usually started with a stick in their hand while they were chll-
In the fifties Argentine basketball was the world's best. It went
Polo is played by farmers, agronomists, warehouse owners, through a time of. crisis after that but Is now recovering and there
livestock merchants, and their friends. Hardly surprising, then, are several Argentine players performing very well in the highly
that training should be so good, and that players are on top form competitive Italian championship, which also has US teams In
even when the season is long past. Another point is that the It. The Argentine team performed very well during the 1952 and
polo season is expanding and is no longer restricted to spring. 1956 Olympics; 1950 didn't happen by chance.
In the Palermo grounds the Argentine Open. Championship Is The list of Argentine performances in other sports is too,ex-
held every year and spectators get their regular chance to see the tensive to be detailed. We have always been outstanding parlor-
. mars in the: Chess Olympics which Argentina will organize in
best polo in the w^ orld. One of the teams, Coronel Suarez, ag- 1978: Argentina had two Juvenile champions', Oscar Panno and
�gregates 40 handicap, the highest possible team total. Carlos Bielickl, and adult players NaJdorf, , Rossetti, the
Bolbochan brothers, Gulmard, Eliskases, Ouinteros 'and San
a DE VICENZO, A SYMBOL guinetti, are celebrated everywhere.
The organization of sports in Argentina is different to other
The world of polo is a restricted one and the game is not countries.. Almost all activity begins in Clubs, who usually have
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Installations and equipment Impossible to achieve with private
enterprise. There are clubs_ like Buenos Aires' Glmnasla rEs-
orna, por example, which have 50,000 members and where 40
different sports can be-played. �
Other major clubs are Voilez Sarsfield, River Plate, Comunl-
caciones and many others.
Mere may be a tendency to visualize sports As relaxation.
rather than competition, but the figures do appear from time to
time. For example, -Buenos-Aires has more tennis courts than
any other city In the world. And yet, Vilas is not a Buenos Aires .
man at all -= he was born in Mar del Plata, 250 miles south. The
Buenos Aires resident is. Enrique Morea, a prominent player of �
the 50s.
This should afford a more comprehensive view of sports In Ar-
gentina. True: football, motor racing, and boxing still continue
to be very .pdpu tar. But there is more to It than that: Thousands
of people practice sports every day, and there will always be a
figure, a champion, ready to appear. �
Eduardo Moore
Polo: -Moore's School
� "award� Moore is a distinguished 9-
.handicap polo player for the Nueva Esco-
cia. team. an unusual and very good-
idea, a,first-class polo school for aspiring
players from all over the wOrld..In Carlos
Casares, in -Buenos Aires province, he
built a fine country house for overseas
visitors and started his . day � or one-
month cOurses, two pupils at a time..
Tuition was held. in Moore's farm, which
has plenty of .horses, several polo fields
and 2,000.-hectares_(ab9ut 5,000 acres) of:
land; nearCarloS Casares. -
TVeanwhile, Moore's- polo.' playing con-
tinued uninterruptedly and.he continued to
gather friends and . trophies overseas..
Moore won five Gold Cups in Britain, � two
in France and two in Spain. He also sold 25
purebred ponies to King. Hussein Of Jor-
dan. . ,
Five years .after the house was built
last year, to put it another way Moore's
dream was realized. In brief, intense study
courses, 40 people from 25 countries. lear-
ned the elements and the major secrets of
Chief instructor was. Daniel Debriand, a
Briton, with a,. profound knowledge of
technique and horsemanship, skill with
the sticks and interpretation and appli-
cation of the rules. Moore himself was ac-
tive in the instruction courses, as the
-guests came -and went, from October
through January. They came from many
countries, particularly Hawaii, Britain,
France, Australia, South Africa, Colombia
and Venezuela.
The polo pupils' day starts at 8 am when
a pickup comes by the country. house and
drives them to the farm. There\they chan-
ge, select'd horse, pick up their`sticks and
go out to the grounds., Debriand, and
perhaps Moore as well; will be waiting for
rthem there They start practicing hitting,
starting easily and working their way up, -
�tor an,hour or two. The, pickup comes by
again and they are driven back to the house
for lunch. Then. comes rigidly observed
Letter from Argentina Page 66
siesta time, and at half past three they're
back On the groundS for practice matches
� Moore is always present here. After five,.
exclusively horsemanship Is taught. And
so another day comes to aclose.
There are over 100 horses available for
use, and the house in Casares Is run to a
very high standard, including peons;
grooms, gardeners and house staff, there
are over 25 people employed by the school.
The house. is similar to some of the more
palatial, residences In Buenos Aires' re-
STderitial San Isidro: It, occupies about a
city block (some '2 142 acres) and is en-
tirely surrounded by green lawns.
The house itself has a thatched roof, and
the visitor is greeted by portraits of polo
players in action. There are two large living
rooms on the ground floor,, a dining room
and the kitchens. Upstairs there is a more
Informal lounge with cushions on the floor
and It .is here that an inforinal tea is.drunk
eVery. afternoon.. There are eight rooms,
soberly furnished In rustic style; the fur-
nishings were all made in the Moore �
home's carpentry. There is a swimming
pool in the. garden, with sunshades and
deck chairs, a thatched barbecue tent, a
brick tennis court -and facilities for the
school's administrative staff. All these are
wired for electricity which can be turned on
at any time of the day or night.
But there is more to it, too. There is an
open 'gymnasium, with a sauna and four
rooms-, a projection room using old-car
bucket seats in genuine London style, and
a handball court. Is the course expensive? I
don't think so says Moore. "As soon as he
-gets here the pupil has everything he wants
Lodging, board, transportation to the farm
(and sometimes we have to use the Cessna
aircraft for urgent business) People who
come to .these courses are used to a high
standard of living and they often need an
aircraft. If you look at the service we give,
200 dollars a-day doesnl seem so much. A
Class A hotel like the Sheraton costs 100
dollars a day without board, without hor-
ses, without transportation and without a
polo school. And in- Casares we also have
two very high class cooks. We can be sure
of what we serve at table." Moore looks af-
ter the horses and their care every day.
"The stables, he says, "are looked after by
people who live here and who know the
animals from the day they were born.
Nobody can expect to handle them better
than them. I buy and sell horses apart from
playing polo � we sold 150 in 1976. It was
a good year and an exceptional result; nor-
mally we don't go over 60 or 70. I try to of-
fer nothing but the best, and that goes for
the school too. That's the only way to keep
customers... There are no secrets about
this. One really can't talk about prices...
they vary according to each individual
specimen. I suppose the average is about �
2,000 dollars."
Eduardo Moore has been riding since
ageten -L. and he had a polostick in his hand,
too. At 18 he played his first "official" mat-
ch, and at 36 he has already won-all the
trophies mentioned before his handicap is
an excellent nine and he has traveled to
'Europe over 20 times in order tocompete and
demonstrate the world superiority of Argen-
tine polo. He is a frequent visitor to Queen
Elizabeth (she has already handed him three
Gold Cups) � and to many other Important
world personalities. No wonder he is the ex-
clusive supplier of thorough breds to no-
tables in othercountries.
� Eduardo is the son of Diego Roberto
Moore, of British descendance. He was
born in -Bahia Blanca and settled down in
the country. It is a singular fact that in a
country replete with 10-handicap players
�the Harriot brothers, the Heguy brothers'
the Dorignac brothers and the Tanoira
brothers� Moore has "only" nine. His
team has fought gallantly in National Polo
Championship finals in Palermo, the
most Important pologrounds in Argentina
But Moore has 'had 'a brilliant career as a
man and a sportsman. And mention must
also be made of his unpublicized work in
the polo school. One is forced to admire
Moore's personality. And to offer the
facilities of the school to visitors from
overseas to want to learn polo the proper
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The gallant dogos have already spring the wild boar. What
follows is a fight to the finish which comes to a climax when
the dogs pin the boar down. Then the hunter stabs him
through the heart with his knife
Hunting the
ferocious wild boar
-"The_pack held �thiwn the wild boar and, in a synchronised move, the hunter
stabbed the beast twice through the heart". This is, in a word, wild boar hunting, a
sport which has more and more followers In Argentina. This story is told by one of
two brothers who had a foreing tourist as a guest. The visitor said he was really im-
pressed and spoke glowingly of his hosts' courage and valour. Stalking Is the most
usual type of hunting, although some people consider it to be'too easy, too com-
"We were ambling along on horseback
near the province border between La Pampa
an San Luis. Close behind us was ourguest,
on his second trip to Argentina, attracted by
what he'd heard about this surprising way of
hunting big game. For an hour we'd been
following in the tracks of a wild IcrOar �and,
Judging by the spoor, It was quite a big one,
too. The five-dogo pack was following
closely behind. . . twice already they had
given a false alarm.
More than once my brother and I had
looked at each other disappointedly. We
did want to put on Some sort of show for
our companion, who was making a ge-
nuine effort to ride cross-country in his
desire to see this remarkable spectacle.
But luck was on our side. First one of
the dogs barked, then suddenly they all
tore off, baying frienzedly. Galloped to
small clearing in the scrub, where the pack
.had cut off a wild pig. The sus-scrofa, to
use his scientific name, had no option but,
fight,, and desperately tried to skewer
one Of the dogs with his tusks. But the
bravest dog seized him by the snout,
enabling- the others to hang on to other
parts of_hls body.
"After .several minutes of bloody fight-
ing, and sure that the boar could not get
iway. Bruno Jumped off his horse. Silently
he crept .up, seized a leg, and toppled him
over. He whipped out his sharp knife and
twice stabbed it into the boar's, heart, kil-
ling him instantly. The next Job was to
calm down the furious dogos. And then we
had time to look at the trophy; it must have
weighed200 kilos (440Ibs.).,
"When we turned round to look at our
.co.mpanion we saw ,that he was pale. But
he recovered-right away, ihook, our hands
and said he was really impressed. 'I never
expected to see hunting this way, so�en-:
thralling, so dangerous', he said."
This.story told by Sergio, who together
with his brother Bruno were the prota-
gonists of the adventure, is eloquent.proof
of the Interest that hunting wild boar with a
knife awakes in sportsmen' from other la-
There are various ways of hunting the
wild boar. The most popular way is at the
.same the most unorthodox. It Is the "stalk-
ing" method, the easiest and less tiring.
All the hunter has to do settle in before
.night fell somewhere near a pool Where cat-
tle .drink. Naturally, 'precautions must be -
taken -for man's presence to be completely
hidden away..
The site is a cavity in the ground, co-
vered � over with shrubs and branches.
Naturally, every precaution must be taken �
for the hunters to -locate themselves up-
wind, as the wild boar has an extraordinary
sense of Smell. After this it is only neces-
sary to, wait and press the trigger at the
right time. -
The other Way is to use a pack, as told In
the . story, and this custom. has been fo-
llowed in Argentina since long beforelhe
wild boar, was introduced. In the..old.days
the big'-felines-,--the pumes-and-yaguaretes,--
were'htinted 'in. this-lashion:'-T-hey':-1;Yere--
hunted -by.the gaucho who used .a pack of
dogs for this purpose.
Later the brother Antonio and Agustin
Noret Martinez got the idea of producing a
special breed for pack hunting. After leng-
thy-cross-breeding the dogo argentin� was
born. Its origin is a fighting pug, with in-
numerable bloodstreams mixed into it; a
dogo Is the product of a cross between
bullterrier, bulldog, Great Dane, boxer;
'Pyrenees mastiff, Irish greyhound, Pointer,'
Bordeaux dogean Mastiff.
The pack must always be at a peak ot
physical training.''Qf this ner:Pssity, Nores
Martinez says mat "suppose we train pu-
rebred, tine pedigree race horse for gene-
rations, but � We never let.
frig we undertake the time Wilrcome when
a.carthorse will beat them." -
This remark is eloquent enough: noth-
ing must be left to chance in a battle to the
death Where a .step back may mean a gory
There is a third system but it is prac-
tically never used in Argentina � hunting
on .horseback and with spears. This Is as
old As cavalry itself and as "plg-stickirg"
was mainly developed in India. by British
army officers.. The boar Is flushed out of -
.his mountain sanctuary and the-hOrsemen
wait to see which'way'he runs before start-
ing, out after him and, when the time is
ripe, spearing hini from the saddle.
This requires places where the bbar can
hide and also flatlands where the Chase
'can be carried out: It Is difficult to find
.both together in Argentina.
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Tourism Undersecretary Antonio Torrejen
� An:iiiterdieW TourIsM:
Undersecretary of Argentina;
Antonio Torrejrin, a man who
has devoted most of his life to
promoting natural attractions
and to improving standards of
comfort for visitors.
What's a good way to define tourism?
In a word we can say that tourism in
generated by seasonal traveling. It is
voluntary and persons leave their habitual
places of residence. For their expenses
they use resources not generated in the p-
lace where they are spent.
What are the objectives of tourism in the
current year?' ,
Domestic and international objectives.
have been defined Nationally tourism, in
Argentina, is viewed'as a way to distribute
.the gross national product within the phy-
sical boundaries of the country. This is a
way to help level out the imbalances be-
tween the richer and the poorer provinces
and help the latter to develop.
This generates a constant need for skil-
led labour in developing. goods and ser-
vices which travel itself requires. And, as
you know, travel is influential in everything
connected with human life.
Why is tourism a strategic area In gover-
Travel is one of the finest ways to im-
prove mankind spiritually and socially. It is
Letter from Argentina Page 68
a. wayto 6COnomic expansion and con-
tributes materially to an improved awa--
reness of nationality. Travel has no fron-
tiers. Travel is a unifying agent. Travel is a
silent but effective way to defend natio-
Why is the promotion of tourism so im-
Travel links the whole world in brother-
hood. Every time foreigners come to Ar-
gentina they learn more about it. They
know more abqut gur people, Our scenery,
our industry. Each one will have his own
message to bear when he gets back to his
'native land. International travel induces
reciprocity among countries. It promotes
new customs, new styles of life. It enri-
chens living. It teaches men how to live in
a world with a safe and longlasting peace
as its only banner.
What. Is to be the policy of the Tourism
Our policy has been designed after a
careful, precise study of conditions na
tionwide, regionally and sectorially.
Nationally, we want to classify and im-
prove travel legislation, The objective is a
National Tourism Law. We want to clearly
define government and private respon-
Argentina is ir the South American
tourist area and most visitors come from
the so-called "Southern Cone." Statistics,
compiled from 1960 onwards, show that 80
percent of foreign visitors are South
American. This points to a need to Inten-
sify travel promotion in North America,
iiarticularly. In ,thiS, context. we're giving_
top priority to anything connected with the
1978 World Football- Cup. Cup organi-
zation is run by an independent body, set
up at the instigation ,of the Social Welfare
' Ministry. Our Undersecretariat is a depen-
dency of this ministry. .
What tourist areas are priority this year?
Development plans for the More sig-
nificant areas are evaluated daily. We are
also building intensely, to preserve and to
improve. For 1977 the priority area is the
Iguazb Falls in Misiones province. The
government feels- that it should concen-
trate its efforts on the less developed areas
and leave private industry to operate in
zones which are already self-supporting.
The objective of sector policy is to con-
centrate on building up the groundwork,
the infrastructure. Hotels; transportation
and travel facilities are the real priority Reins
but not the only ones.
And tourists use more-public transpor;
tation than any other sector, so we feel
that we should have a share in planning its
development, we want to be able' to get
better air fares for the Southern Cone and
we want to key fare structures to the im-
portance of promotion on an area-by-area.
What are the Tourism Undersecretariat's
main activities?
Telling about the things we.d.p may give,
a broader idea of the scope of our efforts,
which are all directed at Improving things
for Argentina.
We instal reception centers for travelers
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In places where people come in from
abroad. We design and produce promotion
'material for travel. We advise on coordi-
nation, counsel, study and execution .of
subjects associated with. the development
of the hotel industry. We survey hotels on-
ce a year in order to keep our records up to
date. We support Antarctic cruises by Ar-
gentine vessels. And we constantly.liaise
regionally and rnationally � with provincial
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tourist directors to ensure that travel gets,
the right priority and to evaluate results.
obtained so far.
What would you like to see travelwise
from now on?
I'd like everybody in al I areas to real ize that
the time for improvization is over. Now we've
got to analyze, toevaluateeverything,indep-
th, Travel is one of the wonders of the mo-g
dern world, but it has to be properly looked
Argentine National -Parks
nificant culturally, socially and scienti-
z,What are your department's plans?
Basically, we are�concentratIng on sup-
port structures to make it easier and more
pleasurable to visit the parks. For instan-
ce, we have gone to a lot of trouble to put
some order into skiing in Cerro Catedral.,
The slopes have been improved and a ten-
der has been put out bra new hotel. There
are a lot of improvements for travelers.
. How is all this financed? �
Ninety percent of our overall budget,
. is. a 'pretty - big one, -comes from the �
government and we generate the remaining
10:Percent ourselves'. Many people thing
.that We could. make the parks self-
'supporting by charging an admittance fee.
as in, the U.S. But it doesn't work here.
We've'breated a number of special federal
taxeS,..such as on photography equipment
and on camping gear, which. go into a
.national parks 'maintenance fund. The
existence of reserves like these is .of
tremendous importance to tourism. For us
the classic example is Bariloche, one. of :
the most prosperous cities in the interior
and the third in traffic density. This winter
Bariloche has had up to 49 planes a day.
That should give an idea of how .active it
is.:. and all because it's in the center of
Nahuel Huapi National Park: But we don't
turn them into profit-making concerns.
They don't make money, but there's
another kind of profitability,- too.
One of the major areas of concern for the
modern world is the deterioration of the 'en-
vironment due to technological and economic
development. These, and other concurrent fac-
tors, are constantly encroaching on space and
on the natural resources that belong to all
The National Parks are beautiful reserves
-created both to protect nature and to educate
and recreate the population. In Argentina the.
parks are under the care of the National Parks
Department. Letter from Argentina inter-
viewed Department head Dr. Felipe C. La-
riviere recently.
The objective of the department you run
Is to preserve, maintain and expand Na-
tional Pow. -p-rtajip_Rajlpcwity objec
�tive.'.'_How_manyitatincinal parka are 'there?
How is this national resource being looked ,
At the moment Argentina has 18 na-
tional parks running all the way from the
frontier with Bolivia in the north' to the:
:Beagle _Channel in the'far south In,1934,
_theYLweradecreed_iorbestate:prOpeify for-
ever and may not be sold or leased: They
are to be successively- left for futiire ge-
nerations, Just as our generation can enjoy
them now. This is what makes them Sig-i
Letter from Argentina Page 69
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1. IGUAZU: 55.000
hectares (135,000 acres)
in the northweet of
Misiones province. The
river Iguazii, almost
- where it meets the river
Paraguay, forms these
world-famous falls,
against the fantastic
backdrop of the- Mi-
siones jungle.
60,000 hectares (150,000
acres) on the south bank
of the Pilcomayo river in
Formosa province., Jun-
,gle, rivers, streams and
.marshes. There are
islands covered-in hard-
wood, palm trees, and
the lapacho which
produces beautiful pink
flowers In September
and October (spring).
3. CHACO: 15,000
hectares (nearly 40,000
acres) of varied and
exuberant jungle.
Animal species found
here include wildcat,
grey fox, tortoises,
alligators, lizards and
Main Features
reta or Priodontes. surroundings is enhan-
Giganteus, a throwback ced by the arrayanes
which is on the verge of trees, a variety of myr-
extinction. tle. These trees have a
5. EL REY: 441,000 cinnamon-colored bark
and-can be as-much as
-hectares (about 110,000-- - �
40 to 50 feet tall. Some
acres.) The jungles are
untrodden by man and of them are. over 300
many are impenetrable. years old. .The only
The area is .a natural am-
arrayanes in the world
are to be found here and
phitheatre surrounded
by elevations 3,000 feet in Chile.
high. 9. NAHUEL HUAPI:
765,900 hectares (1.9 m
6. LAGUNA BLAN--acres). It has sheer
CA: 1,1,250 hectares mountain drops, rushin-
(about 28,000 acres). It g rivers which are fed by
includes almost all the melting snows. lakes
lake bearing its name. and forests. It is one of
This park was reserved the best-organized
mainly to save black- tourist areas in Argen-
neck swans from extinc- tina. .
tion. 10, PUELO: This is an
7. LANIN: Occupies area of valleys and
some 400,000 hectares mountains near Lake
(about a million acres). Puelo. Its waters are
Dominating the su- blue-green, blue so-
rroundings is Lanin vol- metimes, and link up,
cano, 3.774 metres after a rivulet, with
(12,400 ft) tall. The sum- Chile's Lego Inferior.
mit of Lanin is covered 11. LOS ALERCES:
in an icecap many feet � The alerce tree is a
thick. Sport fishermen variety of the larch, and
come here for trout, sal- this national park is
4.- -FORMOSA NA mon and the local
� --
--T U-R A-L=R-E &ERN E-: - - pejerrey - `--.:- � - -
, _
10,000 hectares (25,000 8. LOS ARRAYANES:
acres). The area is reser- 1,100 hectares (about
ved mainly for the 2,750 acres) on the
protection of the giant shores of Lake Nahuel
armadillo, the tali! car- Huapi. The beauty of the
The park is named in
tribute to an explorer
and a pioneer of the
National- Parks. -This -
park has an eight-lake
system, all eight inter-
connected, massive
peaks, and rushing
rivers. Fossils and
traces of early Indian
cultures can be found
here. There is also cave-
art with pictographs of
animals (the guanaco, a
member of the llama
family) and handprints.
This, area abounds in
enormous, slow-moving
masses of Ice and snow
amid towering moun-
tains. These glaciers are
the biggest in the entire
Andes system..
FUEGO: This is the
world's most southerly
national park and, the
only Argentine national
park to have its own
-..celebrated --for� its seaboard.-Its-location is
1-specimens, 'some-of on-the-Beagle-Ch-annel
them 100 feet tall and and the frontier with
others as much as 150 Chile. There is sport
feet. Trunks hace a fishing Jiere and an
diameter of 10 to 12 abundance of camping
feet. spots.
Southern Lakes
Argentina has a treasure of incalculable value in its tourist
attractions in the South. They, include snowcapped peaks,
woods with trees which arelhousands of years old, and the ty-
pical mountain landscapes. Not to mention first-clase hotels, ski
runs, and rivers bursting with salmon and trout, for the benefit
of tourists who liketo combine a vacation with their favorite
Every year more and more people como to visit Patogonia,
more specifically the, southern lakes. This is eloquent 'proof of
,the attraction exerte by the national. parks. As civilisation
'progressed in the more closely populated areas of the planet, it
had the side effect of modifying or 'destroying primitive flora,
'fauna and geomorphology. Many. once-fertile areas then gra-
dually dried up and became desertic. Fortunatelly, this has not
happened in Argentina, and our country was one of the first in
the Americas to institutionalize. natural resources. The results
.are evident: � forests, lakes, snowcapped peaks, .glaclers and
Letter from Argentina Page 70
jungles which are an unequalle introduction card" for travelers
from all over the world.
Much of this is due to the explorer, geographer and naturalist
Francisco P. Moreno. In the early years of the century he turned
ver to the state three square leagues of land which-constituted
the basis for Nahuel Huapi National Park, the country's most
important and one of the most beautiful in the world. But the
policy of defending flora and fauna began to take on greater im-
portance in 1934. In that year an Act was passed by Congress
creating the National Parks Department to administer and main-
tain natural resources which are inalienably public property.
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This park is located In the Cordillera area, to the west of the
provinces of Neuquen and Rio Negro. The Nahuel Huapi Na-
tional Park Is undoubtedly the most Imoor1ant from a travel
point .of view. Its hinterland contains slopes which are ideal for
skiing and the Nahuel Huapi lake, covering 530 square kilo-
meters (over 200 square miles). On the shores of the lake Is pic-
turesque San Carlos de Bariloche, which in the last few years
has turned.into a, tourist complex not very.of ten matched In the
i,vorld. It has. paved reads, railroads and modern Jet-age airport
to link the rest of Argentina and the world. The city has
everything to offer the traveler during his stay, like first,Class
hotels, 'restaurants,. night clubs, golf links, casino, iCe skating
rinks,, and Most iMportant,..a springboard for dazzling tours all
over this wonderousbr scenic part of the world. One place the
travelershouldn't miss is Victoria island, which astonishes the
tourist and fascinatesthe student of natural sciences: There the
faunals peculiar: many of the species that live there 'were saved
from extinction, like the local variety of ,deer called the-humul,
pumas,.blackneck swans and many others of scientific interest.
Another very special attraction is the wealth in fisheries. All the
lakes and rivers contain members-of the Salmonidae family and
the area Is a paradise for the game fisherman. It will be enough
to tempt devoted fishermen to mention,that last season several'
brown trout weighing from eight to 10 kilos (18 to 22 lbs. ap-
Prox.) were taken. , �
The world's only arrayan forest (the arrayan is a member of. the
myrtle fan-illy) .is to 'be also found within the confines of the
National-Park. The.arrayitn. is a slow-growing tree and Its. bark
takes on a cinnamon colour. The forest is located in the .Que- �
trihue peninsula and�'was the inspiration for Wilt. Disney's
"Bambr. � � � �
. The weather is moderate at all times of the year. In summer
the median 14 degrees C: (57.2� 9:and in winter
2� C (35.6� F).' Prevailing winds come from the west-southwest
at an aVerage of about 18 kilometres per hoUr (about-I 1.mph).
Rainfall varies. between 900 and 4,000 millimetres (35 and 160 in-
ches) a year. Snow falls betweeen May and September as a rule.
Lenin, Park is. to a certain. extent the geographic continuity of
.Nahuel.HuapLand th-ere is�a similarity. in'flora-and-fauna,--The--
name:;'corries:.frorpiMi._,Leriiniant_exiinci,v_orcan-O.::(1vir. , [TO ft
high (Lawn is an Indian word for "dead. rock"). The terrain Isty-
pical .for the. south:cordillera, with abrupt mountains, forests,
and lakes.. San Martin de los Andes, a Modern, upcoming town,
is located on Lake Lacar, one of the area's most beautiful.
� Prolific in this the pehuen, a tree of prehistoric origin
with its branches boughed down to the ground like a sunshade; �
Cutting it' i's strictly forbidden. The area also has excellent hotels
and hot springs and-the Chapelco ski run is one of the continen-
t's best..
� Hunters come yearly from various parts of.the world, attracted
by to species which' are abundant here, wIldiboar and the red '
deer. There is a good chance of obtaining an Impressive side-
board trophy, here. In 1964, a cast-away 14-point antler was dis-
covered In Canadon Leen, Neuquen province. There is reason to
believe that the deer who brought It down had 22 points. For
years after, the most prominent hunters tried to find and bring'
down this colossal stag without any success. Had they found
him, Argentina would have surely beat all the hunting records up
to the present day. Near the frontier with Chile, Baron Meinoff
Mayr brought down a stag rated at 243.52 points; he became the
highest-placed hunter in the Austrian classification and the third
Further south, in Chubut province, there is another Magni-
ficent park which has every sort of atraction that could be de-
sired. Los Alerce's 263,000 hectares (650,000 acres) 'conserve
the.forested, primeval nature of the Andean-Patagonian lands-
-cape. This area.has numerous lakes, withan exuberant variety of:
fish which make it rresistibly tempting to sports fishermen,
Lake. Menendez is particularly attractive due to two features; one
of vithich is Mt Torrecillas, one of the niOst-Coveted peaks' with
its .colossal glacier, and the aierce (hardwood) forests after
which this park has been named. These huge trees are believed
to lie 3;000 years old, which would make them the oldest- sur-
viving forms of Vegetable life except for the California sequoias..
The traveler will find something to enchant him everywhere he Los Alercespark. , .
These three parks are a major trilogy'which Argentina.can of-
ferto world travelers. The setting Is ideal for visitors frornother
parts of the world, because of natural attractions and because of
a stjtle.oftiullding simlI�o the mountains of�Central.EurOpe.
Letter from Argentitia Page 71
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� Aragon
Hotel chain
Rafael Aragon: hotels, insurance, travel agencies, and River Plate
. � .
Thii wit FoUra: a 0-6-61,t 6-6 p o rlint .h-Ote I :b hal IT rn-A
. .
Una." -
It was founded thanks to the vision and tenaciousness -Of ,
Buenos Aires-born Rafael AragOn, 66, who currently spends:12
hours a day looking after his multiple interests like hotels, in-
surance companies, travel agencies, finance. corporations, bull- '
ding enterprises, etc. And he Still has time to. experience the'
joys and the agonies of sport. -.�AragOn is .President of River
:Plate, one of the biggest soccer .Clubs in Argentina, 'which re-
cently won the Metropolitan Football Championship. � .
� Now AragOn has an extra set of problems: his-club's soocer
stadium, one of Argentine's biggest, Is to be used for the 1978
World Cup. This means enlargement and a millIon-extra things
to do. � �
Aragon thinks, like Lettersfrom Argentina, that Argentina
comes first irrespective of the government in power. He. says
with pride that his group has always reinvested profits in the,
country never mind what the situation, was at�the time. That,
says AragOn, is what makes us leaders in most of theflelds we're
Because of the Wrid Cup AragOn strongly supported Updating
the hotel network. He has worked very hard to get them Up to ln
ternational standars and now owns 11 hotels all over the countr-
AragOn Cadena de Hoteles is the biggest company of its type
in Argentina and one of the biggest in Latin America.
The Hotel Continental, in the heart of- Downtown Buenos
Aires, a block away from Florida, the street "everybody" walks
down, had been closed for four years. AragOn bought it and tur- ,
ned it into one of the best hotels in Buenos Aires, together with
the other three he owns in the city.
In C6rdoba, 700 kilometers from Buenos Aires and a World
Cup subsite, the company owns the 'Crillorr. the NOgar6,
lo of the city's best; the latter had also been closed for two
AragOn Hotel chains owns an aggregate of 11 hotels, 1,510
rooms, 3,451beds, 11 snack-bars, five restaurants With a ca- "
pacitY'of 980 diners and a hotel staff of 1,763.
Letter from Argentina Page 72
Continental Hotel
. .
�--..H..Al.IL-Arag6n!pl-staff-receive fraining..coursee-,sO.-they. can.:-sper
� _ .c lz.e.and:'-iM rfrOve-ree;li Ce:-Ara g On-d 660 hi ir-b y.L h ri ng=fri-strub-L --
tors from Argentina and from other countries as well.
The cOmpany Is very interested in looking after travelers from
abroad. The-company, working hand in hand with the govern-
ments -tourist Board, ....omotes visits from travel agents who,
the company feels, are the-best promoters of trade from their
countries. .
They. also have representatives dotted all over Europe and the
Americas!andlalso connections with foreign hotel enterprises..
Apart from exchanging know-how they develop joint tourism
campaigns: .
Nation!! Hotel School.
The AragOn company is Interested in much more than just.
-operating .hotels, though: It runs, a comprehensive personnel
f-training scheme; Sdme go abroad for. final instruction and then
-Come back to pass on-what they have learnt.
Carlos Jellan Suitrez,.34, married,: two daughters, Is manager
of the company and'the..reciplent of. this year's Tourism Depart--
. ment award for hotel administration for his paper on "Establish-
ment of a National Hotel School in Argentina", Presented during
the SIMCATUR 77 Tourism instruction Symposium. Suarez has
Studied the matter deeply-and has carried out courses in various
.universities over "Hotel administration and .management". Nets
also a frequent visitor to international congresses. He holds
chairs in Hotel Administration and Management-at. the Salvador
and MOrOn Universities.- �
AragOn and-Suarez,-both believe firmly - in the need to train �
qualified hotel men to be able to-conduct hotel business scien-
tifically. Up to quite recent times hotel administration has been
more acquired than the: result of formal-instruction in Argentina,
except- for some foreign groups. Tourism Is expected to con-
tinue being a major source of income over the years, which Is .
why both strongly support a National Hotel School. It could. be
based-on Suarez' prizewinning paper.
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The World Cup Restaurant
200 'years of memories
Flashback to a narrow street,. a cart
iabbriously tracking over the bumpy pave-
ment; a yellow, guttering street lamp lit
with a candle. A wall, some of its plaster
gone, and a huge Iron grating. Behind the
grating a woman, eating her heart out for a
lost love. BehInd-a-patlora-well-,-two
mon-treee. The Year 17907-----
That c-Ould be the settlif-g-foTin ��ient
house. Which is still standing In Buenos
In San Telmo district, to be exact, Carlos
Calvo street number 319. Today It's one of
the-city's five best restaurants.
It was bought by an architect, Jorge
Jimenez-Marcos. He felt there was too
much history in it to keep it all to himself
and wanted to open it up to visitors and
residents. The Antigua Tasca de Cuchl-
Ileros has been appointed ''The 1978 World
Football Cup restaurant."
Jimenez Marcos Is an expert In Colonial
architecture. He says its name comes from
"a tavern that operated there in 1790 It was
patronized by the cattle drovers who came to
the Plaza de los A ltosde San Pedro (Dorrego
Square today). And the most famous 'tas
cas' In Madrid are in Calle de los Cuchille-
The building was entirely restored -In
1974 using photographs supplied by the
National Archives. Its. style Is entirely
colonial and it-was rebuilt from rubble ob-.
tamed after other houses of the same
period had been torn down.
The attractions include a 300-foot tunnel
which surfaces in the San Telrno church
and which was used as a hideout during
the British Invasions (In the early 19th cen�-
tury). Two hundred years after it was first
built, the house now offers three different
spectacles: its own mysteries, the cooking.
and the spectacular shows that are put on
there. For the 1978 World Football Cup the
mane ment Is to put on shows of the
1820-189b period and typical Buenos Aires
city music.
The house was first built In 1790 and it is
�assumed-that-It-was-commissioned -by
�SOme-wealthy-busine-seman:, In. the' tithe' of
-the-c-ATidill-o-Juan Manuel de Rosas (around
1840) the Oliden family lived thereand one of
'the family's constant visitors was the feared
Colonel CultIno, head of the Mazorca secret
It Is said that Cuitlho fell In love with
the beautiful Margarita, the daughter of the
'house, and proposed to her, out Margarita
,preferred one Juan de la Cruz Cuello and'
both: escaped to, the. Interior. Not for long,
though, because the Jilted Cuitino hurled
his secret police after them and both were
� exquisaas comidas
, � exceocional show
Carlos Calvo319
The house was shut up for several years
,until a Basque called Gorrichu put up a
tavern there. It gradually turned Into a
house of ill repute. Then it became a
theatre and a rooming house.
In 1974 the present owner refurbished
the building and laid down the Tasca de
Cuchilleros, more or less on Gorrichu's
ground plan.
The most celebrated dish on the res-
taurant's bill of fare is probably the.roast
suckling with pepper. Jimenez Marcos
uses cereal-fed sows to produce sucklings
which are fed on milk only and are served
when 15 days old. The are slowly roasted
over 12 hours and seasoned with herbs and
Cayenne pepper.
There are other things to eat, too, like
cantimpalo cold cuts, ham, or a seafood
-docktell-The garlic soup, cooked--Spanish-
Style- is -agreeable7ancrheatteriifig-:- The
paella, another typio-allYiSpanreh dish, is
prepared according to the classic tradition
and the rice is always au point.
And for the more demanding of gour-
mets there is a fritter of seafood which Is
out of this world, sole prepared with
cheese, sprinkled-with cognac and covered
in white sauce, and another fish (the
besugo) with seafood on the side:
There are also several exotic, types of
desert, many of them embodying local
fruit, or the ever-present omelette surprise.
And the cellars are magnificent!
;Let's go eat out!
o A stimulus to imagination, on every-
thing you have to know about eating out in
Buenos Aires. Secrets of Argentine cooking
and exclusive places for exclusive readers.
.The greatest temptation for visitors to
Argentina is food. People say Argentina is
one of the few countries of the world where
you can sit down to the table four times a
Menu cards have every possible selec-
tion from the most simple to the most
highly sophisticated, and restaurants ran-
ge from the most worldly to smaller,
'home-cooking" establishments which,
the connoisseurs aver, is where you really
eat well,
Among the latter are the places where
taxi drivers and truck operators eat out,
whether in town or on the road. There's a
well-established cliche: "If truck drillers
eat there, you can be sure the food is good
and cheap!"
In Buenos Aires' aristocratic north the
most favored district is La Recoleta, The
Letter from Argentin'a Page 73
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names to conjure with there are "La Biela"
and its simply incredible oysters, "Mu-
nich" (German in name add furnishings
only � its cooking is international), or "El
Norte" a little less fancy, with an excellent'
grille and well-flavored salads.
One of these places really stands out.
because of its decor, its intimacy and its
.cuisine; "Clark's". Some delicious dishes
can be had here, Particularly marinated
meat, seacrab, pears a la Burgundy, left to
soak for hours in liquor, and, of course,
the most celebrated wines..
Argentine wines are, of extremely high-
quality, whether red, white or rose: Argen-
tine champagnes have also achieved Inter-,
national repute, particularly the most
prominent of them, ."Baron B" ideal for ac-
companying caviar.
Other top win -brands include "Rincon
Famoso", Chateau Vieux", "Chateau Mon-
.Ch.enot", "Don Valentin:', "Carcassone",
and "Dos Estribos"..-in red wines. White
wine ice buckets seem to glitter more with
"Castel Chandon", "Suter Brown Label",
San Felipe", "Colon", -."Soleras del Ci-
garral"..and many others.
To continue- our good food selection,
"Pepa", also in the.Recoleta, is a-gay,
de-si�e place established in a fine 'old
house. It had split levels and gaily Oainted'
walls. :The service is firSt-class add there
are fine meats and .exquisite fresh cham-
pignon canapes � which are a. pleasure for
conoisseurs. � .
Not far from there is another old home
which has been turned .intb.a restaurant,
"Robertlno", .with brilliant international
cooking. Ten points for its chef. and for the
marvellous 'condiments used In its, secret
,dishes.. . -
B an Chem", ._his_700.71yarleties..-of-'pizza.
rand.inLaCriolllta" the visitor cansav�
one of the mOst popular Argentine deli-
cacies the meat patty or empanada, hot
out of the over. They come with various
sorts, of filling and each Ardentlne provin-
ce has its particular "touch" to turn them
out; whether in condiments or the pastry.
Another local speciality that can be or-
dered in "La Criollita" and many other res-
taurants. is IOCro, from-inland .Argentina.
Locro Is a stew with beef, corn, and others
. ,Or try humita and carbonada both of:
� 'Which are delicious. The visitor 'will find
that Argentine cooking is wholesome,
uses a lot of beef, is lightly peppered but
may have a fair.sprinkling of seasoning,
and requires sympathetiC handling for the
taste to-come oUt right.
. There is a splendid; typical district in
Buenos Aires' south: San Telmo. It would
:be. almost impossible to make a list of
'eating -places in this area because there are
too many. But one can't refrain from, men-
tioning. "El San Telmo", with
excellent .service, fine tableware, drapes,
first-class wines, a "six-fork" rating, and
Its specialities: almond trout, exquisite
desserts and an exchisive drink to lighten
the time of waiting before a table becomes
available. And on leaving, the ladies re-
ceive little presentation, jugs in ceramics,
and,. gentlemen an ashtray with the res-
taurant's escutcheon.
�� :Others- are "La Tasca de los Cuchille-
ros", "La � Posada del Trio Los Panchos",
Letter from Argentina Page 74
and "AwCoin de.Marsailles". All of them
have fresh-picked flowers on the table,
delicate, candles, and a night there Is dif-
�ficu It to forget. �
Avenida del Libertador General San
Martin (Palermo): On the one side parks,
lakes, and more parks. On the other bars
and more bare. The bars' are huge,. elegant
.in steel and acryclic,,in imaginative styles.
"Sabot" and "Fondue" specialize in beef
and are attended by attractive and plea-
sant waitresses in equally attractive cos-
tumes. There are grilles which are the.
quintessence of Argentina, particularly "La
Tranquera", ideal for Buenos Aires Sunday
noontimes. There is a mystique about all
:this too, :sundrenched sidewalks, a de-
licious fragrance coming from the bar,
tecues7--gsuchoS. with- sharp, .dangerous-
looking knives.
Some people say you need know-how to
make .a barbecue and others Insist that
there's something mysterious about it.
� The ceremony starts fairly early in the
morning; when they start-making the fire, a
low, glowing ratner man Blazing me --
-don't burn the beef, but don't let It get too
low either because you don't want to broil
�It. An asado should be grilled slowly. The
'longer the better, and when meter cooks
turn the beef around on the grate, better
still. The best-known barbecue restaurants
In Buenos Aires are "La Cabana and "La
'Still In Palermo', there's "Bistro" and "La
Vleja Casa del Conde" which attract vi-
.sitors from everywhere in the world. -
And back downtown are the giant
Spanish-inspired stews known as "pu-
cheros7: Tropezon" and -"Pedemon-
All around the city of Buenos Aires Is a
marvellous chain of restaurants of all ty-
pes, ranging from "Mangiami", "Los
Miqueles" and "Perigord" to "The Embers"
in the U.S. style with giant hamburgers.
And there are teashops- and Ice cream
parlors,�too, enough to astonish anyone: If
you walk by "Freddo" or "Via FlamJnia" be
-careful because the sidewalks 'are full of
ice cream cones and the "pinitos" (cream
cones bathed in thick hot chocolate) melt
rather easily. �
So you've got to be careful when you.
nibble pinitoS. They're, very popular on hot
summer nights and also provoke pcirtenos
to humor, like when a very attractive girl
swayed past licking a pinito and a young
man went right up to her and said, The ice
cream hasn't done you any harm so why do
you stick your tongue.out alit?
And if you want to organize a party your
guests will love you for it If you go to.
places like "Ritz7,,"Oesly" and particularly_ _
Chinos!'=for.� yo-Ur catering.,
. .
�They've-beert-in-the--business-tor.-half a -
century. .'
This should be enough to stimulate your
appetite. There's lots more, too, to find If�
you explore Buenos Aires with a healthy
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24A T-4-48111
Franzosi, master of masters An
excursion to the universe of coiffure
This is Franzosi, an international coiffeur ex-
pert who came to live in Buenos Aires 30 years
ago after having set the hair of such prominent
personalities as Marlene Dietrich, Mistin-
guett, Elvira Popescu, Marie-Beatrice of Sa-
Franzosi was a pioneer in hairstyling, makeup
and costumes for the Italian cinema. This was
after studying at the Sorbonne. He took a
75�year-old Dame aux Camelias and made
her look like a young girl. Now he talked for us
about women in Argentina, women in the worl-
d, his own indefatigable creativity and his
gratitude for the country which received him
and enabled him to develop his esthetic genius
freely and without hindrance.
It was a alight man, Of nervous character
but self-assured, who that day received the
slim, blonde woman, with-an Indefinable
air of class, somewhere in Europe. The
Second. World. War, with Its stark horrors',
was yet to come.
The-hall was furnished-according, to-the
seem- to�wOrry-�-the. Mari to`o� Mu-ch.
Nor did -they seemingly. concern the'wo-
man, who nodded a brief greeting and slid
smoothly into an easy chair, facing a.
The man was Franzosi. Celebrities
don't, lonesco doesn't.' The lady was
Marlene Diet rich She uses a front name...
but that's because of cinema directors who
demand it, Men who have directed people
like Emil Jennings, Charles Boyer, and so
many -others famous in the .UFA and in
Both .are -artists. Franzosi was born in
Venice but When he was nine his parents
took him to Paris -ter Schooling. Going
back to the Middle Ages, this was the ac-
cepted routine, and that's when the Sor-
bonne was founded. Franzosi enrolled in
decoration and �architecture, treading the
same pathways used by some of the
greatest thinkers of all the ages. .
His dynamic spirit found an expression'
In the dynamism of university itself.
Wherever he turned There� roads
to explore in art; in literature. He felt. the
urge to create,'�to make something new, to
open up new horizons'in a world-of cons-
tant change..Then'Franzosi found his real
'niche inn life. One of his_predecessors, the
� Meat Antoine, was revolutionizing .coif-
fure. and breaking away from the long,
tortured arrangements that, endured- as a
relic of the belle epoqUe. Short hairstyles.
were associated.with..Joan of Arc, with the
artistic and personal 'eccet-ntriOities, of
,George Sand.� so regreted by Musset.
Creator Franzos1
From Italy with love
Chopin, Alexandre Dumas the younger ancV figures- neorrealiSm were associated
so many other unhappy personalities -of_ with it. Franzosi met and enjoyed a wor-
'�the time! � � king relationship with them all.
That was the end of the Sorbonrie's � Destination Buenos Aires
dampness and academIcIty. Franzosi In 1947 things were difficult in. Italy and,
became a hairdresser and felt it was worth Franzosi wanted 'to. make his way. Like so,
more than. a university degree. His .clien- many of his compatriots, he set 'sail for Ar:
tele gradually built up to inalude..the most .gentina, specially invited by the Mar-
prominent women in European art and chibness Teobelli, cultural attache to the
society.. Marlene 'bietrich was a frequent Italian embassy in Buenos Aires.
Customer. He also: hairstyled -for Mistin- The first' thing- they demanded of him
guett (she'd got over Maurice Chevallier by was a to say the least: to Make
that time!), the princess, Marie-Beatrice-of �a credible Dame aux. Camelias out of 75
Savoie, and Elvira pOpeacii, the diva of the year-old Emma Grainmatica. But he- was
a. Comedie Francaise succesful, and-Marguerite Gauthier was as
1942 was a. year when big things were beautiful as-ever as she tripped lightly over
happening to. Italian cinema- iii Cinecitta, the stages of Buenos 'Aires.
and Franzosi 'obediently-went back to his But Franzosi didn't want to go back -to a
native land. He began hairdressing and Europe torn apart by six years of war. He
costuming stars and often suggested, eh- stayed in Buenos Aires and became an Ar-
tire characterizations. He may have had gentine citizen.
nostalgic memories of Montmarte when This is the Franzosi that Letter from ArL
he worked on costumes and makeup Ifor gentina 'interviewed as he counselled his
Dumas.' Les deux orpheline, played by-the clientele � women from the immense
seductive Alicia Valli and- Valentina Cor- Middle class or Argentina as well--as the
tese.- Later; in those studios hallowed by members of the moneyed classes.
Bertirti: Boren': Efoonora.Duse. and poet � Informal conversation.� �
Gabriele..D'Annunzio, FranzOsi. worked on Franzosi is an easygoing, cordial man.
stars like Amadeb .Nazzari, Clara Cala- No need to set up an interview, with care
mai, Aldo Fabrizi, and the hapless Luisa and meditation. Replies., come naturally
Ferida, dead as 'the result of postwar re- fro'm him. His. memory Is Impressive. His
prisals. .F.thnzosi was one of the. key �fi- humor springs forth like the novelties from
gures In what has become an Immortal of his beauty salon at Juncal 835. in resideri-
the cinema, Rome Open City.- Alessandro tial Buenos Aire. �
Biassetti directed and Vittorio De sica, What sort of style are you influenced by?
Luigi � Zampa and many 'other consular I create fashion a year before... that's
Letter from Argentina-Page 75
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why I travel 'so rntich to the ,States, to
Europe, to the Caribbean. Wherever I go, I
find something to add to my styles for Ar-
gentine .women. They're so individualistic
in their tastes. �
How would you describe 'Argentine �
women? � .
There's been a lot of Immigration to Ar-
gentina... the Argentine woman Is like
Italian � women, French women,. British
women. I think Argentine women are a .
beautiful blend of all these races. And they.
want to be up-to-date in .fashion, too, par-
ticularly young girls. Right now Argentine
_ 'women arenostalgically:going beck to the
30s. It was such an elegant; feminine st-
yle. That makes It easy for we hairdressers
to recover the femininity that other Circum-
stances seem to have cast away.
You use your Memory a lot. Has tra-
veling around the world constantly taught
you very much?
Travel always helps creativity. You leam
things from folklore, from mannerisms,
how they walk, how they eat. All this pain-..
Is a picture to me. I learn to live more and
More intensely. I learn to translate all
those wonderful. things .1 . see into my
creations. I want everything I create. to
be once only; Onarepeatalile.
What do, you think about women from
other places?
In the US women are very practical and
hard-Working. Frenchwomen, are chic, but
they enjoy being housewives. I can't tell
you much about German Women, because
I don't know enough about them. �
Italian women are like Argentine women;
they Want to marry, 'to build a solid; stable
home, as God wishes., In sentiment they
are loyal, with a healthy, well-profiled
outlook. Englishwomen are marvelous...
and what a .._ountry _they_ have to be mar-; furious, and savagely I. replied Just look
velous-inLAnd,everywHere,you_see..those.... h b d th'ng � are' In your country' that
sexy beautiful colored women ---- - 4Oii:hajteTiO,Call-an-sometiody-Who comes'
We Just had to break off. Eranzosi'S cus- from a place where things are so bad.
torners kept asking for him. We left and Things in My country are fine. Otherwise
felt that the whole thing was a melange of we wouldn't be 'representing It abroad as
charleston, tango and beat. Something we're doing noiiv": I cancelled the press
which springs to' life in the hands of the conference right then arid 'there and stal-
great FranzOsi . ked
Argentina. fashion as
a sentiment
Paco Jamandreu, one of the best-known of Ar-
gentine dress designers, is creative, has an un-
doubted sense of aesthetics. And above all he is
a pioneer. He doesn't like interviews, but is
worth trying hard to convince him.
Paco Jarriandreu 'we's educated In Eu-
rope but he has a particular vocation for
everything Argentine. His fashions, for
example, are largely based on Argentine
folklore. ,
Jamandreu is a. smallish man, very'
refined. He has class. And bespeaks very
�fast. So much so, that he Isn't easy to in-
terview, because of that speed and that dy-
namism which throw the Interviewer off
If he's as talented as he is dynamic (we
think he is), Jamandreu must be pretty fir-.
He doesn't like Interviews and at best
has organized a press conference or two
during his tours.
There is a story he tells about a time he
was in Venezuela that says a lot about him.
"I vvas about to stage a fashion parade in
Caracas and I called journalists in for a
press cOnference. ,We'd barely started.
when' one journalist sald, "Is it true that
things are so bad in your country?" I was
Argentine actress Elena Sedova
and a Fran zosl reminiscence.
Letter from Argentina Page 76
How long ago was Jamandreu founded?
Twenty-eight years ago.
How did , star?..
I alwayS loved design and then I learned
the career. I used tossell.,my drawings In'
the street. .� �
Which are the most important fashion
shows you've held in Argentina .and
In 1951 I started with a monster show in
Buenos Aires in the Embassy Casino,
which was one of the better spots of the
time. Then I took it to Punta del Este In
Uruguay. At that time I had with me several
distinguished show business persona-
lities, like Miguel de Molina.
In the united States I worked a lot at
designs for textiles and I organized a very.
pleasant fashion' show in Miami. In 1958
traveled all over Brazil, from Sao Paulo to
Manaus, then Colombia, Lima, Chile...
In Paris I remembered I dressed the
Countess Castellane. She was a descen-
dant of Fouche, Napoleon's feared police
. Which would you evaluate as your prin-
cipal creations?
Theatrewise, I think the costumes for
The Taming of the Shrew, in the Cervantes
Theater with Fanny Navarro. A cinema ac-
tress- 1 always ..designed for was
Moreno. And' I think that 1,977's my year;
despite its ups and downs.'. I did all the
'costumes for "Simplj,,;a-1Bourgeois", with �
Alberto Closes in the read InTrOle.,
Which kind of materiel do you prefer to
work with? �
I think all, modern materials are splendid
to work with. If I've got to use Wool, I use
Argentine wool. But I use imported ma-
terials, too. A good percentage of my of-
ferings are in cloth from France.
Hindu weaves fascinate me and I work a
lot with them.
Do you like present-day fashion?
Yes, definitely so, because it represents
a return to luxury and to age: In the Sixties
fashion seemed to concern itself � did
only concern itself � with teenagers.
Adult women, after a certain age, had to
limit themselves to jersey dresses with
wide sleeves.
Today fashion has innumerable pos-
sibilities for all ages. It has. gained in
femininity and in nostalgia. .
What is fashion?
Fashion is science, art, mystery and an
economic and social phenomenon. It has
everything that it can have. It even lets us
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be merciful and lets us make somebody
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who's on the way out, think that there's
still a chance... I'm about to publish a
book on that. Miss Ylang: suppliers
What will 1978 fashion trends be?
Well, I'm always looking for something the mid
new. The fact that.I'm a draughtsman helps ..,._,
me to get things into perspective. My ins-
piration is whatever ii native to countries, 1937 in Argeniina Wes.PresidentAgustIn
particularly Argentina. I've had terrific suc- :P. Justo's last year in office. Not long
.cess in shows with my "Gaucho Look". ,before, the president of the US, Franklin
I select hand-woven cloth and on that' IDelanonoosevelt,had visited this country
basis I Make my.designs. �for. the Peace Conference Which signified
I hate fashion shows. which are �tradi- the end of the war between Bolivia and
honer; the mannequins almost stock-still.?: .Paraguay '� over the Chaco region. Later the
I 'like originality. Fashion should be a... Foreign Minister of Argentina, Carlos
�show, with. music, singing, something of Saavedra Lamas, was to get .the Nobel
the ballet. � Peace Prize for his efforts.
I have thirteen models and they go with . Elsewhere, the world tensely wondered
.me wherever we go. � r if another world war was inevitable or coul-
, .I'm also interested in fashion based on d be avoided.
the tango. Listening to tangos makes me Audiences, as if sensing an end to
creative. I began to think about a tango; peace, filled theaters and � clnerna halls to
Which says, "Hey, Madame, you who, see Greta Garbo, Ca?ole Lombard, and
speak in French..." I suddenly realized that 7: Josephine Baker.
die class
there would- be a special fashion for show
business. Elegant, but special. So I
dreamed up a long, flowing black dress
with collar and cuffs in genuine white fox.
A brilliant, spectacular dress for a woman
tango singer. �
I don't like 'designers who .trade on a
country's misery. I have noticed that when
a country' is going through the most ex-
traordinary�difficulties is. when its fashion
becomes more spectacular, more costly. A
sort of contrast. . �
�� I devote myself to going round the world
giving a genuine image...of _Argentine
women, who are among the best-dressed
in the world.
In Argentina women looked as elegant
as ever and were preoccupied as ever about
looking attractive., The competed to see
who looked Most like the stars of the stage
or the "Silver screen". One.of the gimmicks
was colored stockings' to add tone to the..
Argentina. was known at the time as the
granary of the world" but the crisis
manifested Itself In ways other than foods-
tuffs. The shortage, for instance, of nylon,
almost totally used In the manufacture of
At this, tirhe a new laboratory, Wang,
which was making face powder,
'!.investigate alternatives to stockings.
Here you find ordinary women, dressed ,.,:.Company technicians delved Into ancient
_for everyday and,not.for parties,.have,a-Balr4history booksgping-right-back-to Roman -
for wearing exattly-the-reight thing, fe-Se-arctipro
'The tyiiical-Afgeritirie'IWOr2ftans-tAll-,--dar- vided the groundwork for "Enamel for Leg-
s", a spray which was a Complete novelty
in those and became an instant sales
cess. Later, the comOgny expanded In-
.troducing other products.
In 1962, Laboratorios Ylang sponsored a
Miss Argentina .competition and Norma
Beatriz Nolan was elected. Miss Nolan
went on to the Miss Universe Contest and
.won it, This was the most beautiful evett
of the . in. Argentina and �put Norma
Nolan right up among Ithe prominent
iwornen. of 'the time, like Jacqueline Ken-
nedy, Soaya and Elizabeth II,. whose at-
tractions are perhaps not comparable.,
k-haired, light-complexioned and has well-
defined features. Argentine women ' are
pretty almost by definition. Look -at these
pictures of my last fashion show and you'll
see vv hat I rnean.
I don't socialize, except for press con-
ferences before my shows.
A part of fashion is that climate of rhys-
,tery surrounding the people who make
fashion. I try to preserve that mystery.
The history of the company was given us
by its v'jcepresident, Carlos Weinstein, a.
�young and busy executive who took a short'
time out from .his labors to see our inter-
The interview was punctuated by te-
lephone buzzers,. Consultations by other
company staff members, and a check on
export prices of Miss. Ylang products for
other Latin American countries. The com-
pany has been exporting to the area more
than 10 years.
' Then he slowed down and.we shot some
questions at him. His reply was instant,
sure: "Our products go to a wide middle
.class echelon where is no competition
from the International brands. Our produc-
ts use dom, eetic raw materials and are less
costly. We use very little imported ma-
terial. Our development men are conti-
nually seeking new ideas in our labora-
tories, which incorporate equipment which
we ourselves have designed and built.
Usually their findings are presented as
papers in international congresses. 'Our
Art and Advertising Department also
designs our own packaging. We've also
been successful in marketing in the last 15
years. Now we offer very high quality, ex-
cellent prices and, fundamentally, new
products all the time. We've got about 500
products in our line now.., we sell more
than,anybody else in Argentina!"
Lighting another cigarette, VVaipstein
tells us that in the last decade cosmetics'
have progreAed so rapidly in Argentina
that women here are as up to date as any-
where else in the world. And their cus-
tomers are always on the lookout for new
developments, which makes them among
the most demanding customers in the
"Argentine ,women have a well-defined
personality. They know what they want an-
'd .Ibey want something new all the time.
They are hard to please because they know'
a lot about quality and about caracteristic-
s. They have taste but are hard to please.
They only will accept something which is
,really forward-looking.
:Efefore-coming on the market with 'a new
product or "look" a lot of research is made
Into. customer preferences, whether the'
new product justifies being made and.
Whether it is viable to produce it well. The
clirnetedamt57 not:very cold,_ hot in, Snrrt-
Jrier--lihii6"ti`d taken iiitd'EOFisideTatiOri:
"We have a. new product: committee' to
_approve, modify or reject neWlooks�,
Wainstein says. "The committee is made
up .of directors, managers or heads of the
departments in the company."
Beauty Director Claudia Baritello says
that "all of us are responsible for the Miss
.Ylang line. There's a special pace to laun-
chings of 'looks' or other new products,
which are, made every six months. This in-
6iudes sales promotion in outlets. We
select girls for these campaigns who must
be.attractIve; pleasant, have a wide-based
culture, must find it easy to communicate
and must be elegant."
They have to sell beauty, illusion. They
have to be convinced that fantasy can in-
vent .forms that are turned into reality by
.cosmetic treatments. It requires talent and
sensitivity to find this out.
There are differences in the various Miss
Ylang looks, says Claudia. The current
fashion Is "Moda Floo" which is absolutely
new in Argentina. It consists of a double-
effect product, one color and reflections of
another. It's a sophisticated, brilliant,
tone, as compared to the "Blue Line"
.which is classical and uses traditional
colors. Style is achieved harmonizing
"look", coiffure and footwear, says
Laboratorios Ylang is one of most im-
_portant Argentine companies in the field of
cosmetics and is. an example of how
people work in Argentina to improve their
product and contribute to the country's
growth. This is our style of doing things.
Letter from Argentina Page 77
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Casares, Grey & Associates
"Creatives in everything." This was the
:slogan used by. anAdvertiSing Agertcy
which set itself the task of getting to the
top and did so in only eight years. ,Ca-
sares, Grey � Associates was founded in
October, 1969, and has fOr some time been
the most prominent of. 1,000-registered Ar-
gentine agenaies (of which 51 belong- to
the International Advertising Association.)
One of he major milestones In this
growth. Was the agency's,1972 association
with Gray Adverting, Inc.; the fifth big-
gest agency in the world. Grey's share of
thercapital is 13.25 percent emit supplies with international services. Ar-
gentina has representatives of J. Walter.
Thompson, McCann-Erickson, Llhtas,
Benton � Bowles, and Ogilvy. Many of
them are well-positioned �and, have been
operating in Argentina for many years, but
all have been surpassed by Casares, Grey �
Asociados. .
This agency is expanding in every area,
from staff (16 to 130) to customer size and
importance. Many clients are interna-
tionally renowned, like Gillette, Citroen,
,,,tSinger,. Revlon, Martini, Kent, 'Wrangler,
��-.. ?peckitt and Colman, Corn-.Products, and
.4Others are powerful local enterprises like
-:'Fiirlotti (a huge vintners), Molinos Rio de
La Plata (foodstuffs), Federal (home
,-,cleaning), Alpargatas (apparel and foot-
wear), Bagley (cookies), etc.,
- ---�� � �-� � -- ---� �-� . �-�.----�-,-� - � �� -
'.-This 'accelerated- growth is 'due, to five
basic premises which all the Casares
executives bear carefully in Mind:
1) Our business is helping to sell
products. This sounds obvious -- but of-
ten its forgotten in the day-to-day hustle
of advertising. And the only .way to help
our-clientes to sell Is not .to lose sight of
what an agency should sell: .useful
creativity. � �
2) The consumers are our clients: This
premise is "obvious," too. But it shouldn't
be forgotten. campaigns by Casares; Grey
.� Associates are designed,. for receptivity
by the, consumer and not lust to make
a customer happy. . ... : - '- . �
3) We grow as our accounts grow. Facts
have borne this out time and time again.
The Agency grew first with small custo-
mers, who grew in their turn. Then it re-
ceived big' customers Who at first allowed
them to handle minor produts. Now' OUr
big customers give�us.their entire account. '
5)- We don't believe in "a man" but" a,
team." Theis..P.rofession Is now so soohis-
tiCated technically that It Is
expect one or two men to be. The best In
' ,evey.,,area, from. creativity to f Inance.- The
�St4;it .'ipg Is to have real' specialists. 'So
an.1:,,, customer has a. specific area
1),1,.:.1-te can discuss' It with the agenc
most talented expert. And the pro-
blem Is solved better. �
There Is a Casares style, a 'touch",
Lette44rom Argentina Page 78
which can be detected even in attention to
� customers. The Account Directors them-
selves personally stay in touch with cus-
tomers. The -"contacts", in this case,
follow-up campaigns Internally, metho-
dically CheCkIng progress. The difference
Is perceptible.
But the agency's principal characteristic
Is creativity, which even competitors ap-
plaud. It Is ,certainly true that Casares,
Grey. -� Associates employs the best
professional in the �field," and that their
output is multiplied by the polished ef-
ficiency of the agency Itself.
The question a creative person must ask
Is, Is what we did, different enough, and
fresh enough, to stand out from other ad-
vertising on the market? IS creativity
useful? Do we think big and say it small?
"Do we talk about advantages for the con-
sumer and not the product characteristics?
Or, to put it another way, are we telling the
consumer about what interests him, i.e.
the benefits he gets from the product? An-
more important than anything else,
does he have an Idea?: But creativity does-
n't end here, nor even, when the customer
approves the plan. It goes on until the ad-, the leaflet prin-,
ted, the commercial oh the alt. And let's
remember that Casares, Grey is the N�. 1
agency in TV spots per annum.
. � � �
Casares �G reY-�-contr I n ual ly=probes -con
sumer attitudes and expectations with the
most advanced reseajch and., testing fa-
cilities. The agency knows all that can be
.known about that elusive being, the con-
sumer. And can reach him using media
which � like everything else in this sin-
gular agency � have .been carefully
though! out. For instance, Media planning
and 'Media Purchase are separated: Plan-
fling works out the best plan to achieve the
desired objetives; then Media covers the
objectives as cheaply as possible.
And media strategy are worked out join-
tly with creative' strategy to obtain greater
message coherence.
Hugo Casares (president), Elias Bensig-
nor (vicepresident), Cesar. Badinl, Antonio
Barreiro, Ruben Marll and Horacio Rival.
(associate, directors), Hern�Valenzuela,
Miguel Marinelli ,and , Oscar Glrol la, (as-
sociatee) are the "basic" team and also
nine key men In the business.: Each one
handles his specific area but has a part In
the oyerall output. Each one Is conscious
of the main objective, which is defined as
"To bathe most professional agency in the
market, with an, adequate amount of front-
line customers, so we Can look after them
with more and more front-line associates."
It is astonishing to see how these objec-
tives have been achieved in only eight
years. And how the process.goes on des-
pite the incredible rate of growth.
Hugo Casares �
"Creativos en todo". Con
,ese slogan comenz6 el fe-
n6meno producido en Argen-
or una Agenda de Pu-
blicdad: ascenderensoloocho
atios desde la nada al to-
. _oe,,deljanking.,'.Casar,esGrey
� �&.-ASociadOe-se-Iundo' en
tubre de 1969 y desde hace ya
tiempo.11eva la delantera entre
. mas de 1,000 agencias argen,
tinas registradas (51 de ellas
pertenecientes a la Asociacion
_Argentina de Agencies de
Uno de los hitos importan-
tes de ese crecimiento es su
asociacitin, en 1972, con Grey.
Advertising Inc_ la 5a. agen-
pia del mundo. Grey participa
actualmente. con �un 13,25%
:del- 'capital, y provee nece-
sarlosservicios Internacio-
- nales.'Pero'en Argentina estan
presentes taMbien J. Waiter
:Thompson, McCann Erickson,
Lintas, Benton & Bowles,
Ogilvy;-y, pese aocupar pues-
tos de privilegio y contar al-
gUnas ellas Con muchos
ahos en el pals, se han visto
sobrepasadaS pot la .joyen
Casares, Grey�& Asociados..
. La expansion de esta agen-
cia atierca todos los 6rdenes,
desde su. nOmero de ern-
pleadoS (16 al. prindipio, 136
..ahora) hasta la cantldad y
. inagnItud de sus clientes. En�
tre ellos se encuentran mu-
chds conocidos internacional-
mente �corno Gillette, Ci-
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'troen, Singer, Revlon, Martini, tras Cuentas depends nuestro por los mlsmos competldores. esta singular agenda� este
Kent, Wrangler, Reckitt and crecimiento. Esta afIrmacion Clerto es que Casares, Grey & cu idadosamente . pensado.
Colman, Corn Products� y se ha vista, en el caso, lar-
Asociados emplea a los Asi, Planeamiento, de Medios
poderosas empresas locales, gamente comprobada por los mejores profeslonales del y Compra de Medios ester'
coma Furlottl (una enorme hechos. La Agencia creole � mercado, y que su rendimlen- separados. Planeamientaha0e
bodega) Molinos Rio de la junto a clientes pequenos to se acentua por el aceitado el plan 6ptimo para alcahzar
mecanismo de la agericia. los objetivos planteados;
Plata . (comestibles) Federal �que crecian tan o mas
, ,� '
(articulos de limpieza), Alpar- aceleradamente� o grandes, Alli un creativo debe recien despues, Medics cubre
gatas (Indumentaria y calzado que al prInciplo sOlo le con- rpreguntarse: ,Lo que hiclmoe .ese plan de la manera m�
deportivo), Bagley (galletitas), 'fiaron un producto poco im- es suficientemente diferente y econ6miCa posible.
etcetera. portante, y terminaron 'asig- fresco como para distinguirse
nandole la totalidad o la de - los dernas mensajes del .Por otra parte, las eOtra-
CRECER Y COMO LOGRAR- mayoria de la cuenta. mercado? LES creatividad Util? leg las de med los se esta-
LO 5) No creemos en "El Horn- LPiensa en grande y.lo dice en blew en forrnaconjunta con
bre". Creemos en "El Equlpo". chico? -LHabla de los bane- las eatrategias creativas, para.
Los motivos de tan ace- En una profesi6n tan soils- tidos para el consumidor y no Ileyar el .mensaje a su. forma
lerado desarrollo hay que bus- ticada tecnicamente, es im- ,de loo atributos del producto? mas coherente..
caries en las clnco premises, posible tener uno o dos horn- ;es clecir Lie corrtunicamoS al
que todos los dIrectivos de bres que sean los mejorea en .Consumidor lo que le interesa, FINALMENTE, GENTE . .
Casares tienen blen presen- .todas la's areas, desde los beneficios que le Oritida el
tes: Creatividad hasta Finanzas. produato? Y. ante todo, lo que Hugo Casares (presIdente);
. 1) Nuestro negocio es .Lo optimo es contar con los bedimos Ltlene una idea? Pero Elias Bensignor (Vicepresl-
ayudar a vender produclos. Mejores especialistas. �Asi, el trabajo de los creativos no dente) Cesar Badini, Antonio,
Esto, que parece obvio, es a cuando un bliente- tiene un term ina aqui., n1 cuando el Barreiro, Ruben Mani y Flo-
veces olvidado en el trajin problems especifIco de un cliente aprueba lo presentado; racio Rival (Dlrectores Aso,-
-diarlo de la publicidad. Pero la area, habla con la persona que contimia haste que el aviso ciados) Hernan . ValenZuela,.
Unica manerarie ayudar a ven- mas sabe de es0 dentro de la este publIcado, el toilet�. im- Miguel Morine111 y. Oscar
der productos es no perder de agenda. Y el problema se preso, el comercial en el aire. G.IrbIla (Asoblados) consti-
vista que es lo que vende una resuelve mejor. Y hay que tener en cuenta.que tuyen no selo. el "equIpp"
agencia: creatividadirtil. Casares, Grey es la Agenda basic� sine . tamblen (y ac
2) Nuestros Cllentes son los H� 1 en cantidad de spots tivamente) nueve de los pun-
Consumidores: Otra premisa, UN TOQUE DE ATENCION � top claves de la empress ; cada
anUaleS en T.V.
''obvia". Pero tambien impres- uno desenvolviendose en su
cindible. Las campanas de Hay un estilo, un 'toque' DEL CONSUMIDOR AL CON- area . especifica. pero partl-.
Casares, Grey & Asociados Casares, y.. ello se advlerte SUMIDOR cipando de la totalidad; cada
estan hethas para que las desde el trato con los cllentes. uno ,consclente del objetiv0
reciba un consumidor y no De hecho, son los Directores 'principal, asi 'definido: "Ser la
para satisfacer a un cllente. de Cuentas quienes tienen el Casares, Grey trabaja con- agenda m�profeslonal del.
3)Nuestro imico capital es contact� permanente con los tinuamente con las ekpec- mercado, con una cantidad,
nuestra Gente. El constituir clientes. Los "contactos" tativag y actItudes del pUblico adacuada 'de, Clienteo de",
una agenda de Asoclados �.que en otras agendas cum-comprador, utilizando todas priinera linea,-que nos permlta
practIcamente elimina el turn- plen .esa mislOn� se dedican las. tecnicas.mas avanzadas de atenderlos siempre a � _ _
over an- los-primer.Whivaja.O1 . aqui .al -Se4uirriianto:fritertio --trii.e-sti dac len . y. tests.- Asl.-� n uestra-gepte de mayor niver. .
. - al- eiriPlear a la.mejor gentadel______minuclos0,�_deli_materiall-decon.oCe-todo-16-que-hay-;que--��ASombra-;ver-Comor.ien-S6lo 8
mercado para cada puesto, trabajo. Una diferencla que se conocer sobre este slempre .. anoS, esos objetivos se. han
por pequeno que sea, asegura nota. - � evanescente personaje, el alcanzado. largamente; Y
la profesionalidad de los Pero la caracteristica sa- consurniclor. Y-puede Ilegar'a . c6rnp, a pesar del pasmoso
resultados. liente de la agenda es su el a traves de un manela de 'crecimiento, se siguen cum-
4) Del crecimiento de flues- creativIdad, aplaudida hasta medlos -clue �como todo _en pllendo al pie de la letra. -
Antonio Barreiro; Marketing Director
Elias Bensignor, VIcepresident
arid Financial Director
Ruben Medi, General Creative Director
HoraciO Rivet,
Media Planning Director
General Accounte Director
Letter from Argentina Page 79
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Decoration class
hit search of dialog
with mankind
Buenos Aires has a private center de-
voted to graphic research and audiovisual
arts, like cinema, photography, deco-
The School constantly receives requests
from companies and advertising agencies
for suitable graduates in advertising and
other lines.
The School's academic level can be
deduced from the fact that it was the only
one of its kind in Latin America to be
represented in the art design school
exhibition held in Edmonton, 'Canada, in
July 1975. Its drafts for teaching material
in food education, figure in the Canadian
National Design Council catalog and it al-
so took part in the "Design for Necessity"
Congress organized by the London Royal.
College of Arts.
But the activities Of the Pan-American
Art School are not restricted to art design.
The building also has a very modern photo
lab with the latest equipment, where
students can learn every phase of the
profession, from studying, the object to
developing, fixing and printing. There is
also a film set, with high-precision equip-
ment. Productions by students are projec-
ted in .the School's viewing room, after
which teachers and pupil discuss the vir-
tues of the film.they have seen.
The School has ambitious plans for the
future. It is planned to expand to other
Americarrcountries whicIthave this type of
requirement. The first experience was very
successful in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Locally speaking the School is working
on a contribution to the community of
which it forms a part. This contribution is
an accident prevention campaign for
Buenos Aires, using the most recent visual
techniques. When the project is finalized it
will. be turned over to the Buenos Aires Cit-
shop) for posts of responsibility In adver- y Hall.
tising, layout, sighposting and identifi- Next year the school plans a Labor Ex-
cation systems, television art and many change for students and graduates. It is
ration, painting, engraving and associated_ _other. applications.. The objective in all .hoped to considerably improve conditions
- ..techniques, �which-can-be..considered. sig,�these relate..theorywhichjs
--nificaritLwOrldv.vide-initsspeciality-thankirldiSpenSable-for-a:systematic_training,_to_L.Seeing that type of work the students
practice, either In the school or outside it, are turning out, and observing their
so that the trainee can familiarize himself thusiasm and impetus,- it is clear that the
with ,area problems 'while he develops per- Pan-American School is honoring Its
sonally. Projects chosen to work on are declared objective to "train professional
taken from real life in order to maximize men and women to give things a language
their functionality. so that they Can dialog with mankind:"
to the dedication that has been put into
everything it does.
We refer to the .Pan-American Art.
School, which in 1970 inaugurated a five-
storey building specially built for the pur-
pose. It has about 500 students, not only
Argentines but also from other countries In
South America like Peru, Chile, Ecuador,
Venezuela and Colombia.
, Letter from Argentina recently inter-
viewed School President David Lipszyc,
and Nicolas Gimenez, both of Whom are in
great measure responsible.for the school's
excellent reputation. Mr Gimenez is the
president of the Argentine Association of
Graphic. Designers (iDISENAR"), which
exchanges information with similar, or-
ganizations in Many parts of the world on
the Subject of modern graphic art.
� The .International Council of Art Design
Associations recently *named the Pan-
American Art School as one of 10., in the
. World which will tarry. out a study on
uniform International signposts. Their ob-
jective is to boil signs�,down to about 30
which will be readily, understandable no
matter what the language of the viewer.
The symbols developed .will first be tested
In various parts of the world .in order to
grade receptivity and then will be submit-
led for final approval to international or-
.Returning specifically to the School, it-
Art .Design and Advertising Department
preqSaTes junior designers (a three-year
study course and a postgraduate work-
Letterfrom Argentina, Page 80
The school's photo lab -
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4 lk
On � an�ls del cornpor-
tamiento sdbversivo provoca
algunos .interrOgantes qUe
resultan de interes espe-
cialisimo pare conocer M�y
mejor este tip� de actividades,
,Es Ia conducta. subversiva
una acci6n�puramente grupal
o tiene una dimensi6n eStric-
temente individual?, e:,Se
puede pensar en at compor-
tam iento subversivo coma una
conducta admisible deritro de
ciertos patrones de salud, o en
cam bio Puede hablarse de una
conducta eStrictarnerite pa-
tolOgica? -� �
Aqui se parte de algo ba-
sico.' Ninguna acci6h- puede
ser,LConsiderada' eticamente
buena o mala, Si antes no se.
conode si es psicolOgiCamen-
te sane', No se trata de subor-
dinar lo n)vel psico-
16gico siriode,atribuir al corn-
portarn lento su justo'valor.
La .sociedad con estllos de
vida emlnehterriente -urbanos
ha contribUido; en :gran parte;.
a la .masifiCaCi6n, la perdida
cre,i1:10 idad .esa forma
tali.Zada Por Federico Fellint
.en su .profetica �"8 y Medic)"
Asi como a.problemas de des-
personalizaciOn en -general,
que contribuyen a la desor---
ganizaciOn- social y -*a la
aparicion de problemas SO-,
dales de gran costo humano.
Es equivocado colocerse en
una postura bucOlica,. hacien-
do la apologia dela vidayural
o en una posiciOn misan-
trOpica at estilci de-Jean jac-
ques�Rbusseau. Sin embargo,
nos toca cornprender cuales nalidad �se. acercara a lo Pa-.
son. las manifestaciones m�tolOgico- en sus diferentes
frectientes de as distintas'for- niveles de expresiOn.
mas *de- patologia en' el nivel.
ps,iquico para saber tambien MUERTE DE LA INDIVI-.
con que deficiencias con-. .DUALICiAD
tamos en nuestro nivel per-
sonal,- .. Las areas en que se divide el
Tar vez, los problemas que� comportamiento humeno son
hoy atribuimos a la sociedad tres: menie; '.cuerpo y mundo
industrial y Urbana tengan su exterho. Este Ultima es la gran
verdadera raiz en todo Un novedad del siglo XX,Jose Or-
proceso educativo. que partici lege 'Gasset �dice, y con ra-
en -'determinadas, de zOnt. "ifo soy yo y mi -circuns-
bases morales ambivalentes y tanela".. Si bien es cierto que -
a veces hasta inconsistentes. ,no es nuestra posici6n la de
un . determinismo del- medfo,
LOS SOLDADITOS DE PIE �sobre, el hombre, sin embargo
'conocemos perfectamente su
Cuatiao influericla sobre nuestro corn-
'gabarh'-dSLI dqo& SbldeiditbS-"Jr(3ortamiento y hasta sobre el
ganab4indegae'qbego'CeP-601 (Jest ilo,de Oda que adoptamos,
conseguia mantener de pie su
ejercito inc6lume. Los sol-
daditos se clantaban ante el
adversario arrogantes, en-
teritbs, capaces de avanzar
aun a costa de la.presencla de
-los derr'otados.
- �
En el grupo opuesto varios
soldaditos han caldo, sus'
cuidadores, nuestros ami-.
guitos, "los . contrarios"
apurados, tratabah de levan-
tarlos upa y otra'vez. �
Algo parecido nos sucede
en nuestra vide, en la que, ala
.largo de su trayectoria, vamos
-dejando algunos "soldaditos"
con les que contarnoS para.
poder sobrevivir y mantener un
equilibrio 'coherente entre las
distiritas areas en .que
manifiesta nuestro corn por-
tam lento.
SI.e.stOs tres niveles en. que
podemos expresarnos se
rnantienen incalumes y
equilibrados. puede decIrse
que nuestra conducta es
sana; entorices lo es tambion
nuestra personal idad comb un
Sutherland, dentro 'de las
formes de criminologia
moderna decia que "el corn-
portamiento delincuente es
� una conducta aprendida". Hoy
estamos 'en concilciones de
afirniar que .hasta 'el sexo es
ma's una conducta.aprendida
que una coriducta adquirida
6Asombroso, no? . �
Si una de estas tres areas de
nuestro- coMportarniento
predomina. sobre las dernas
estarernos .enfermos � y del
grado desequilibrio exis
tente dependera lacuraciOn. �
El .comporiamiento subver-
sivo es patologico y califi-
.cable, a nivel individual, por
un. exceso de inflUencia . del
area mundo externo. Riess-
man lo califIcaria como un
.comportamiento dirigido.
"desde fuera". La indivi-
dualidad se . pierde,. en_ forma
asombrosa, para dar lugar
.los requerimientos del. grupo.
Importen mas los compor-�
tamientos afectivos quo- los
instrumentales o racionales.
No hay lugai.para afectos es-
bec.iales, ni 'pare conside-
raciones de indole personal.
- . valores_estric.t.os�.abs.olulp_s,_y_
� Uni�simple
� . � pocier;.--pasarluegO-a:otiO,tipo.-.
norrbei�impuestas .-=oupo
grupo�subveraiio, algune -. �
me,* aunque elemental de
terror,. Revere. al mas ternible
de los castigos. La san.cion ae-
hare. sentir. La tonsigna:.
"Destruir la individualldad, le
peculiar, lildiosincrasia".
El resto� del,- mUndo, que en
parte se adapts a las no.rmas
Impuestas, al ."statu quo",
sera para el .sustantivo .un
mundo 'anorrhal y negativo.
Los "pares" inmediatos, el
grupo de acciOn rpas_cercano
y alguna forma elemental de
m isticismo semi-idealists
lograran subversivo perfecto:
un peligroso psicopata.
ma's peligroso:. 10. ejecutara
sin la menor culpa.
Para un
.tipo psicopatico la culpa no
existe. Las atrocidades mos
grandes se .cometen.-sin el
menor remOrdimiento. Los
malos son los dernas�. El
psicopata contempla sus.
propios problemas pert)
proyectados en los denies.
Por eso en el comporta-
mientO subversivo aparecen la
psiCOpatia y algunas-. formas
de paranoia (delirios perse-.
cutorios) en una conducta
rebelde con pocas caracteriS-
ticas de innovaci6n y re-
creaci6n de la realidad. El
enemigo este en todas.partes,.
la persecuciOn se le hace
constante e � implacable. El
enethigo no es otro, en .de-,
finitiva, que el mismo. Se
sabotea a .si mismo con in-
-numerables sanciones ra-
yanas en el rues exigente
Es por eso que existe una.
relaci6n tan fuerte entre haber
sido educado. en terminos de
Pslcopata FIrmenich
todo. Si uria� de las tres areas
.se desequilibra, la perso-
Entr6-, se sent() en el sill6n
de Su, psi'quiatra y lo mir6
ateqamente, .rhientras el, ler dijo: "me temo
que es Ud. una psicOpata a
todes lucet. Esta Ud. sentada
en m(lugar, su,asiento es este,
divan.- � � �
�� 'Los lugareS-estaban cla-
ramente delimitados pero para
Un pSiCOpata el enfermo es el
citrd. y rapidamente Jo coloca
�en SituaciOn de victima. Lo
"valores absolutoa"- yes-
tremos on los .que la exigen,
cia. y el control son muy fuer-
tes, para asi sentIrse "c6-
modos, como en "familia". Se.
ha pasado al otro polo con la
mas absolUta comodidad. Un
peligrosO extremo.
Mucho m�peligroso earl,
es el extremo en el que el con-
trol aparece balo las formes de'
la mas absoluta fiber-tad, la
mas completa escasez de
limites, mas acabada forma
de la lusticia", el meSianisrno
mejor vendido. En -ese
mento, la personalidad del
subversivo se ha ,vuelto om-
nipotente hasta CI ries el&
mental de los �simplismos. -La.
realidad se le reduce, enco7
giendola hasta estrecheces
sospechadas, El Calico mundo
verdadero es el de Su grupo
.pertenencia.. No hay. verdades
como las suyas, La "justicia"
que reclama es � la mejor.- Los'
ten6menos-, todo8,.
lican.por una sola-causa ara
quo' sucede un solo efecto.
El subversivo, en..suma;
alguien que. ha Perdido la
preclosa conciencia de la
falibilidad, de la necesidad de,
Letter from Argentina Page 0
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limitarnos por alguien y por
algo, asi coma la capacidad de
depender de algo y por al-
Parad6jicamente, la psi-
copatia subversive !lege a ex-
treMos tan grandes, que
spretende convencernos de que
la escoria total cone por cuen-
te .nuestra y de "que ellOs son
una "pura limpleza".
-.Senor James Earl Carter
Presidente' de los Estados
,Uniclos de America
ton D. C.
Estimad6 senor Presidente:..
� Hemos leido en' un peri6-'
'clic� de Buenos' Aires un ar-
'ticulo firmado por Ud., re-
ferente,a su concepciOn de los
derechos humanos.
A mi criterio, son palabras
claras, sencillas. y valientes,
'escrit,as en un estilo casi
evangelic�, con el aplomo y la
chafanidad que � sOlo.:dan 'las
conviccioneS profundas. ,
Senor Presidente: Ud. afir-
� Ma, y'con razorr, que no existe.
.como, tal .un "americano. ti-
pico" (nosotros. decirno-s
aqui, Un tanto .excesivamente,
"norteamericanos"), y ,que sus
-coma la- Misma- hbmanidad.
Apurita:tambien�que�Si hay al-
go que los �une a todos,.es la
creencia � comun en algunas
..derechos hurnanos basiCos,
tales como el derecho a la vide
o la integridad de' la persona,
el derecho a la libertad y el.
derecho a aspirar a la felicl-
dad. Ninguna de estas notas,
como Ud. bien senala, es ob-
servabte en los paises sO-
metidos a un regimen tote-
litano, y Estados Unidos tiene
suficiepte ,autoridad como
'pare proclarnar que .durante
dos centuries esos derechos
rigierbn alli permanentemen-
renovando asi el, Vigor de
sus instituciones.,
Por haber yivido alguna vez
en Estados Unidos se que
todo eso es valldo�y clerto, y
debo.admitir (ambler) �no sin-
Cierto grado de nostalgia_
� que/ las _diversas,.condiciones
en que se han desarrollado:las
vidaa. e ,historias de nuestros,
respectivos paises 'no nos per- .,
rniten intercambiar algunas ,
.experiencias fundaMentales.
�,Dicho en 'otras palabras algo
ma's duras, Estados Unidos
tiene la desventaja de .no
poder � exporter su "modelo
nacional", que en si ednsti-
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
tuye una genuine revoluciOn
permanente desenvuelta en el
ambito de los espiritus y la
culture y jamas el de lai
coercign, en tanto que .otros
paies pueden exportar
ex6ticos prototlpos de reden-
ciOn cuyo objetlyo es implan-
ter un sistema de aberrante
tirania e inlquidad. .
Nosotros, senor PresIdente,
so-mos desde haCe ,muchos
an os uno de' los blaneos
predilectos de esa �acciOn
.psicolOgica solapada gue a
menudo se expresa. tamblen
President. Jimmy Caner
por la violencia .criminal, y
que en los Ultimos tiempos ha
encontrado apestoles 'en el
exterior, de tal manera que
ningun :,00bernante bien ins7
pirado ha podido en eSe lapso
sustraerse a as campanas de
desprestigio subvencionadas
por qUienes acariclan proyec-
tos de dominaciOn sobre �la
Los argejitjjos, _ Se f)19 r_
Ifresidenle; , (al :.igual-
que- los nbrtearnericarios) un
pueblo de. variada compo-
siciOn &nice religiose y. cul-
tural, y nos guiamos por iden-
fleas ideas acerca de los'
derechos humanos basicos,
que surgen de 'nuestra con-
cepci6n cristlaria y evangelise
de la vida antes que de los
principios enunciados por ,
ningim procer, incluso de la
estatura de un. Thomas Jeffer-
son (cited� justamente por
Ud. en su articulo), quien,
como Ud. 'sabe, tenia esclavos
en . su plantaciOn.
La Argentina sancion6 el fin
de la esclavitud, que Par otra
parte habla asurnido formes
harto atenuadas durante el
periodo colonial, en 1813, m�
de medio slglo 'antes que Es- ,
tados Unidos y que el Brash, y
'sin que pare ello hayamos
tenido. que derramar una sole
gota de sangre .en guerras
civiles.. Hombres provenientes
de todas las. latitudes, como
La 'Fayette. y Kosciusko en Es-
tadOs Unides, contribuyeron a
funder nuestra independencia
y, a diferencia de aquellos
heroes "transnaclonales", se
quedaron aqui pare former
families que .han dado lustre
Letter from Argentina Page 82
con su descendencta_a- aueS-
tros � anales' histerlcos ejer-
ciendo las mas diversas ac-
tras ellos, arribaron en
sucesivas oleadas.Mmigrantes
pare colonizer nuestros te-
rritorios. airn salyajes
comb ocurr16 con la epopeya
del Lejano Oeste de su pals�
y el 'solo titulo de extranjeros'
-los hacia acreedores a la Ma's
alta consideraciOn de nuestros
:gobiernos y de -la poblacien
au toctona. �
'�Juntos, arnasaron._no.L.una
� raze sino mhs importante
porque esta de
, chauvinism� y mentlene en
consiante latencle su .raiz
generosa; una identidad
.nacional multifacetica y sor-
prendente, contradICtorta y
segura de sus valores basicos.
Tanto es est, senor Preslden-
He, que tb.m6 muy escaso
tlempo .a nuestros Padres
Fundadores redactar en 1853
.1a Constitueien que nos rige,
ya que las instituciones que
� eSe� documento consagra ya
existian en el espiritu nacional
y no fueron, por consiguiente,
fruto de la improvisaci6n. o
�coma err6neamente se
� Suele decir� de lalascinatiOn
par ,cie.rtos .,modelos �impor-
Asi, .1a:Argentina pudc. sus-
crIbir sin apelar. a ningOn
bizantinismo, sin hipocresla y
sin . 'calculo . de: ninguna �.na-,
tureleia., la . Declaraclon .
Universal_ de DereChoS.Hu�-_
141-a cl o n e
i dasy '
_ . .
politica exterioramistoSa con
,todos' los pueblos del mundo.:
sobre a base de los. Oostu-.
lados de. no intery,enci6n,. de
respeto a la soberania e ,in-
Yiolabilidad territorial de�otros
paises y de no recurrencia ala
fuerza para
de � .conflicto, permanente o
. Hemos tenido en 167 anos
solo tres guerras exteriOres: la
de. la 'Independencia y Otra:
contra el Imperio del Brasil y
le Ultima contra el..� Paraguay �
�casi "contemPoranea de. ,la
Guerra- de Secesi6n de Es-
tados Unidos� y ninguna de
ellas fue suscitada por el elan
de � expansiOn o de conguista,
O �con el antiguo pretext� de
ConSolidar nuestra seguriOad.
Suele 'decirse incluso, con
un dejo de. ironie;.�que Ia Ar-
gentina gene les guerras y.'
pierde la paz, pen) ello; senor'
Presidente, es un � molly� de
Orgullp para nosotros porque
soinos hUmanistas y no
'creemos en la grandeza que se
apoya sobre la preOotencle o
el abuso tie los mie,debilesi.:��
.N ues tra herdge max I rriel
general Jose -ideeSan fftrtlin, _
luego de� haberdad 0 la �,likiepta.�1
. .
a tres naciones de America.del
Sur, eligi6 el duro sender� del
eXillo junto a su pequeria,
antes ,que emPlear sO sable
victorioSo en. arrogarSe el
Poder sobrelienas.extranas o
en irnponer la voluntad de un
partido ensu propiaPatria..'
POr esas y muchas .otras
razonbs, senor Presidente�nb
solamente.pienso que la his-
toria esta de nuestro lath),
como reza el �titulo de su ar-
.ticulo,. sino que Dios, nos
ayuda en. nuestra: .humildad
para.superar nuestras crisis de _
crecimiento, traducidas en
diferentes discordias, menbs
que. errier-
gen de la violacign sistematica
de los derechos humanos. -
Indus� quienes alguna.vez
Oretendieron erigirse ..en
duenos o custodios om,ni-
potentes y providenciales,de
la vida, la libertad � y la bUs-
queda 'de la felicidad de los
den-las, no. tardaron en ser.
abatidos, antes que por la
fuerza' de las.. armas, .por el
repUdio generalized� . las
conciencias argentinas.
Ash es corno.hemos .1Iegado
a esta dificil etapa de nuestra
historia en que anhelamos
descubrir. ;nuestros � defectos
'estruttUrales, nuestros viciOs �
de entendimiento y consolidar
nuestra identidad .para 'que
nuestros .hijos no tengan que
PerloOlsta Martin Attica
.padecer as pruebas que
noSotros estamos
Nuestra lucha; como dice
Ud. de la suya, senor Presi-
dente, .es de supervivencia,
sabemos �como Ud. senten-
cia� que los resultados de
nuestras acciones en procure
de la paz interna serif) usual-
mente mezclados atin cuando
rriotivos no lo sean. Tampoco
creernos en resultados faciles
o rapidos en la brega par los
autenticos derechos huma-
nos, 'y es por eso, siguiendo
und vez mas sus'Palabras, que
nos empenamos por este-
blecerlOS en caSa, donde
siempre hubo libertad de yoter
para todos, sin distingos de
Para pito; desde luego, es-
pero le tomprenSion- su
g,9bierng;, y.-dp sFl8,nbres
'nolaqile'g, Parra aide 268uver-
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
. miter! ser enganadoS .por las
CapcidsaS falacias de clertos
averiturerbs que siendo viC-.
�timarios posan�de victirnas y.
,quo, renegando de su .bandera.
.buscan escOdarse en su
noble y generoso pais.
Lbs terroristas, los asesinos,
P01 vocacion, los enfermos de
merit& y espiritb, los sal-�
teaderes .de las finanzas�
publicas argentinas, los
agreeores�de nuestra culture,
no pueden ser brienos ase,
sores sobre derechos hu-�
manos. EStos se ejercen,
retomandO .sus .donceplos',
senor Presidente;entre gentes
de buena %/blunted, no impor-
tarido dual sea su ideologia-
EStoy� seguro, senor Pre-
sidente, de que el gran Jeffer-
son dompartiria esta actitud.
.5iri- otro particular, to. sa-
ludo�don toda.consideraclon.
Martin Allica
La exaltaCiOn de la vertlente�
liquierdIsta del peronismo al
dobierno, en 1973, consagra
una' amnistia. irreStrIcta -quo
Verrnite salir a le cane a ceri-
-tenares de gUerrilleroS:presos
- - -
por el general Alejan-.
clto 'Lanusse,.:provocando un
;Sofocado sentimiento de-
-repUlsa en la cludaddrila y
:desatendo .una er�upciOn de
iiolencla � desconocida haste.
entonces enlos anales de la
historia nacional.,.
Al socaire del proceso Ins,
titucionalizador y de. clertas
infiltraciones que desde. el 24
de marzo de 1976 COrrilenzan a
tomar estad.o. pbblico. el
-aparato- de chocitie" Insu-
rrecional este Ilsto para librar
la batella final por el poder:.
Miliares de publicaplones
"populates", .cargadas .de.
farhosa lista inteledtuai -Mer:
kiSte, inveden las librerlas .y
los puestos -de yenta calle-
jerOs..La Unfversidad,y-el con-
trol absoluto de la enSenanza
primaria, media y tecnica son
. asumidos por notorios epi-
.gonos de la guerrilla-La prac-
tice jacobina del psicoanalisis
.subyuga a vastos sectores de
la clase media ansiosa de
."concientizaclOn" y. nurne-
rosos.pulpitos de las diVersas
�confesiones religiosas am-,
.parades par: la Constituci6n
Nacrierrate .convierten,:en
,tribunas .,reVO.IVJ-
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
Alberto Villar
Hasta un desmariado Frente
de Liberacion Homosexual
tiene pie de imprenta y acceso.
a la "libre� expresion", . con
condenas al regimen "falocen-
.trico" del capitalism� y la
1"biirguesia alienante" - so-
metida al dictator de nebu-
loses conspiraciones , Inter-
Desde ya que cripticosa-
deptos a tales monsergas
revistan con wos puestos en el.
goblerno, en "pace coexIsten-
cia" con cenaculos ocultIstas
y un eficiente servicio de men-
-sajeria con as grandes cen-
trales de guerra revolucionaria
en el exterior,
En las Jornadas inmedla-
temente anteriores al 25 de
mayo de 1973, la guerrilla, que
mantiene cautivos al contraal-
mirante Francisco Aleman. y
al comandante de gendarmeria
Jacobo. Nassit, produce
demostraclOnes de fuerza
-asesinando.- al. _ _dlrigente_
.,O.rerrr I al1,-,D I rk7:..K lbost Orme n7 -
-gaPtO�rando-fugazenenteGerli, -
un suburblo obrero de "Buenos
Aires, y amenazando de.muer-
te al notorlamente antlizquier-
dIsta Jose- Ignacio Rucci,
secreted� general de la Con-
federaclOn General del � Ira-
Hay antecedentes: aflos an-
tes han acribillado a' sus
predecesores AUguito TI-
moteo Vandor y.Joso Alonso,
sin. habter -del industrial lta-
Ilano Oberdan Sallustro y del
alrhirante -Hermes OulJada, a
quien -sulaVersiOn vincula
cor2- la muerte, mientras se
fugaban de la surena ciudad
de Trelew, de un drupo de
terrorlstes argentinos � y
chllenos. Poo� antes se
habian evadldo a Chile Rober-
to Ouleto (FAR) v Roberto
Mario, Santucho (cabeza del
ERP)! .
Las ocupaciones de plantas
industriales, de centros deen-
senanza de lodo -nivel,- hos-
plfales y radlodlfusoras, sl-
guen a pleno ritmo. Las.finan-
'zas� g.uerrilleras: continuan in-
cremlerfrandose� Merced a)
cobettilithfr sifstancibsos res-
tatbsY 9e3Th6ltiplican las
ralrheneies�Y�ddreddiones' Contra'
quienes rehusan�sOmeter-se al
.Imperio de la anarquia p,revia a
la'sdyietilaciori del pais. �
La "mesicre de Ezeila".del
20 de Junk) de 1973, cuando
� regreso definifivo del 'ex
. . .
presidente Juan-Domingo
Per6n, � muestra in .trag ico
despllegiie a .i'odas las or-
ganIzaciones aubvereivas dls-
Putandole. la: h,egerricinia a
otros sectores del movim lento
- instalado en el Poder..
.ES el canto de cisne ,para
Hector JOsVcainpora, frus-
trado� Kerensky argeniino. El
12 de octubre PerOn accede
por tercera vez ai�residencia
de la Republica y marca un
brusco divorcio, ton la gue-
rrilla, la cual Ic "Obsequle,e1
cadeyer de Rucci. � �
. Los asesinatos, secuestros
e' tritentos` de iOma de 'ever-
lefes� (como-�que direste la
vide a! coronel Camilo Arturo
Jose Ignacio Rucc1
su esposa, en Aiul a--
- comienzos do 1974-revelan--eI
nificativo valor PSicologlco ala
guerrillamarxista. ' �
. En setiernbre es aSesInado
Arturo Mor Roig, ex minl_stro
del Inter'itir del gobierno
rnilitar-del Gral. LanOsse y, un
mes antes del descubrimlento
de' un fcico subversiQo en� la
zona selvatiea de Tucuman, Se
produce la espectacular vo-
lad ura del -comlsario-general
Alberto Villar, Jefe de la
'.policia federal: argentine, y,er-
dadera �"13ateneire" de la iz-
quierda revolucionaria.
.-Caen tambien los dotoriele-t- -
Jorge Grassi,Jorge
el teniente coronel .lose Gar-
'd6,ri, los; may.ores Jaime :GI-
meriO -(bioquimico) y'Horacio
Lopez, .el capiten , Humberto
Viola y su y_otros ab- r
hegados Jefes militeres, ern-
presarlos e IriteleCtUales
ncitoriamente antitnarxistas,
comp los profesores Jordan
Bruno Genta y CaFlos Alberto
Sacherl; como replica a-la
Muerte violenta de conspicuos-
testaferros practiccis y doc-
.trinarloS dela subversign.
,i 9 de febrero de 1.975, las
fuerzas armadas obtienen.per-
rniso.pera real izareh Tucuman
el .!'Operativo Independencia"
pare batir a la guerrilla rural
focalliada. en Lules,:Farhaille,
Montergs y Tall
Los..500 efectivOs_del gjer-
Pit' y fuerzas de .eegurldad'
Son corifiados al-general- Adel
.Edgardo Vilas comandante. de
la brigade de infanterie�quien
merxista' en les gobiernos
_ . �
FIrmenich, al frente desus
MOntorieroS, muestra, sir.
cethila identidad
� � .
c)aliste" pero�s es el ERP "el
Priihero en ser puesib fuera de �
'la ley. El gobierno d.erriba, nb
sie.mpre Ortodoxamente,.a las
admInistraciones izqulerdis-
les de Buenos Airea, COrdoba
y MendOza, y pone dentro de
un guantelete de' hierro a la
,Universidad -en la adminis-
tradiOn del-doctor Alberto Ot-
El falleCimiento del pre-
sldente Per6n. el 1� de iullp de
1974, Inicia :la airya, clescen-
dente del. prOceso. iristitu-
clonal., al que las fuerzas ar-
madas han servido don una
leaned rayana en el heroismo,
pero sin poder contar con los
instrumentos idOneos 'pare
erradicar la sjitiversiOri.
Asi se inicla la parodia gu-
bernarriental de Maria Estele
Elise Martinez Cariat;�tercere �
eSpOsa" del ex mandated�, en
que et inusitado nivel de
corrupclOn adrninistrativa, la
dernagodia trasnochada, y Jos
excesos de la" demarille sin-
dical prestan 'arMaS de
(Pr�xima nota: "Persecucion y
"El. gobierno naclonal cons-
ciente del valor :y' dicande
del trascendente papel dum-:
plido por Ia laboribaa y fecun-
� de dornunidad Israelite argeh-
tine" �segim rem :la salu-
tadion presidencial ' erwleda
'po.'r general. Videla a' la do-.
�murrided �jOdia al cumPlirse el:
vioesjmo quint� aniverserio!de'eaCiOn de 'la FederaciOn
de. Comunidadis israelitaS
gerltlnas_ resume el Pen-
sarbierit6 de las fuerzas ar-�
madeS� sbbre la necesidad de
intedrar el importante aporte
:de la rnencionada comunibad
�al.desarrollo de la naCiort:
Hacla el Mismo lugarapun-
Letter from Argentina Page 83
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
tan los sentimientos de la
comunidad judia, que en boca
de sus propios dirigentes y
ton motivo del aniversarlo
referido anteriormente, sti-
pieron agradecer el acogi-
miento argentino: ",como no
nos a quecer este tierra si
ii hemos podido nutrirnos
ejercicio de la libertad?,
piramos fundamentalmente
vivir en paz. Somos una
colectividad que participa
plenamente en el desarrollo de
este hermoso pais, contri-
...buyendo en. todas_las_ramas,
de actividades", afirm6 Uno de
sus dirigentes mas'notorios.
Ciertos circulos de la prensa
internacional, valiendose de
algunos hechos circunstan-
ciales, se apoyan para lanzar
el infundio de que en la Argen-
tina existe una "tradiciOn" de
an tisemitismo.
La captura de Adolf Elch-
man en Buenos Aires, efec-
tuada varios anos atras por el
servicio secreto israeli, las
comprobaciones posteriores
de que Jose Mengel� habria
:vivido en la Argentina durante
.bastante tiempo, y la reciente
muerte de Eduard Roschmann
en Paraguay� a pocos dias de
haber salido de la Argentina
requerldo por la policia mas
otros ejemplos de peticiones
de la justicia extranjera contra
criminales-de guerra afincados
en nuestro pais, aparentemen- 4.1110 Broner ex C.G.E.
. te ser..virlan debase..pAra
-7.7-71.G:ile-rra'ESPe-t la l-,;.-t'cinS"t iturd3 a �
naturaleza menclonada. los 'fines de dar una soluci6n
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
que reconocio al Estado de'
:Israel en 1948.
. � Sin embargo desde la ins-
talaciOn en el poder deaJUn-
ta Militar, han ocurrido
'gunos hechoS que incorrec-
tamente interpretados e injus-,
ttamente encuadrados puedeh
;Ilevar. a conclusiones equi-:
En primer Iugar, uno de los
.banqueros m�encurnbrados
del pais �David Graiver,
desaparecldo en Mejicb a
causa de un accidente de
aviation en agosto de 1976-
que reconoce su origen judio
�en razen de lo cual repre-
sentaba ala banca israeli en
Buenos Aires� ha sido ha-
Ilado culpable de delitos
3conemicos y vinculaciones
subversivas. En consecuen-
cia, los directives del grupo
econ6micO que comandaba
han ido a parar a la cartel y se
hallan actualmente bajo
up Cbnsejo de
proceso de
Ahora bien, es saludable
preguntarse Si esta referencia
histOrica configura una su-
ficlente sustentaci6n Corn-
probatoria sobre la existencia
de una politica antisemita en
la Argentina.
Antes de responder, veamos
algo mas.
No existen pruebas de que
desde las esferas oficiales se
haya impulsado en algOn-
Moment� politicas que tengan
relation con el racismo.
.La ConstituciOn Nacional lo
aclara expresamente y las ac-
titudes de los distintos go-
biernos, desde 1945 a la fecha,
ha sido coherente al respecto.
Coherencia tambien manifes-
tufa en is relaciones con el;
Estado de Israel, que slempre
han sido cordiales y fructi-
feras, al igual que con as
demas. rninorias etnicas y
corrientes inmigratorias que
han abonado las roices de la
poblaciOn .argentina. Cabe
recordar aqui que la Republica
Argentina fue el primer pais
ecuanime y rapida a tan es- �
pinosa cuesti6n. Entre los.
detenidos se halla el periodis-
ta de origen Judi� Jacobo
Timerman, director del diarlo
La Opinion, . acusado de
manejos ilegales sobre el
paquete accionario del' men-
cionado periodic� para
aproplarse de el, dado qua era
propiedad de Gravier.
En vinculacion 'con lo an-
terior, y tarnbien motivado per
manejos turbios, pero esta vez
referidos a is instalaciOn de la
primer planta de aluminio en
el pais, el ex Ministro de
Economia del ultimo gobierno
.civil �Jos�er Gelbaid re-
(cientemente fallecido en
Washington, ha sido inves-
t igado por cliches causas que,
obviamente, de su apreciation
no dan a entender que tengan
que ver con su origen semita.
El hecho de que Graiver,
Timerman, Gelbard, Julio
Broner �mano "derecha" del
anterior y Ultimo presldente de
la CGE (Confederacion Ge-
neral EconOmica)� proven-
gan de families judias no sig-
nIfIca que la justicia lea haya
Letter from Argentina Page 84
caido encima por eso. La
razen . as haber delinquido y,
por eso mismo, flaCo servicio
le han hecho a la.comunidad
Judie, haciandose famosos
como delincuentes, deslu-
clendo la imagen de quienes
reconocen su tram� origen
En tercer lugar, y entrando
al ahalisis del fenOmeno de la
guerra interna que este con-
cluyendo en la Argentina, es
verdad que entre tanta muerte
y terror provocada por el ex-
-trernismo; muchos argentinos
han _tenido que sufrir las con-
secuencias. Entre ellos,
thiembros de las .diferentes
comunidades extranjeras
radicadas en el pais, 'Flan per-
dldo su cuota de_sangre. Los
judios� tamblen hap sufrido,
cual no. implica que: haya
existido alguna razOn especial
para ublcarlos en los puntos
de mira de una situacien de
enfrentamiento que tiene sus
fundamentos, explicaciones y
origenes hIstOricos-politicos
en razones de estricto orden
privado para la RepUblica Ar-
Los malentendidos pro-
blemas anterlormente plan-
teados, estan slendo�utill-
4ados por'la sub-versiOn para
desatar desde el exterior una
campana -de desprestigio. con-
tra el gobierno .nacional. Es
asi que_se_acusa-concreta�
i. rtiente,-cler-nrotegerse---7oficiak
: m_ante e la. A-rgentinaru-na--
. ri: .
� Para averitar toda duda,
nada m�partial pero no en
,el sentido deseado per los
.detractores del pais� que-la
opinion de los Israelites. al
respecto, y las attitudes de
-nuestro goblerno sobre el par-
ticular, que .hablan a las tiaras'
de lo que realmenie pasa en la
Argentina cop los judios.
Antes que nada, se debe
tomar en cuenta un reciente
convenio cultural, cientifico-y
tecnico firmado par Argentina
e Israel donde pasan a es-
Itrecharse mas aun las yin-
culationes entre ambas na-
clones. Hay que hacer notar
que la diplomacia judia no fir-
maria dicho acuerdo si es-
tuviera convencida de que el
.gobierno argentino es adverse
su raza.
Las Ultimas declaraciones
.recogiclas per la prensa de
.Buenos Aires vertidas per los
lepresentantes de las . orga-
�nizaciones. israelies en nues-
tro pais, a causa de aniver-
sarios como .1a fecha.del,.`ccim
.Kipur, tanto. cor:po..:lassalu-
taci:ones enviadas nor el
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
Presidentt- Videla y el Al-
mirante Massera a tales re-
presentaciones, son una
prueba mas que efectiva para
poner de manifiesto que el an-
tisemitismo en-la Argentina es
un invento de quienes estan
contra el resurgimiento del
pais, producto de una ima-
ginaciOn enferma y mal inten-
La especial dedicaclan que
la cancilleria. argentine le ha
dado al exilio en los EEUU del
senor Jacobo Kovadlof
_presidente del Comite_Judio
Norteamericano en Buenos
Aires� quien fuera amena-
zado- telefOnicamente por
elementos extremistas,
iratando de of recerle garantias
especiales para su regreso, asi
como la privada entrevista en-
tre el canciller Montes en
Nueva York con miembros de
la colectividad judia nOr-
teamericana, es otra demos-
tratiOn m�de cual es el.
camino que se ha emprendido,
per el cual seguira transitando,
la politica of itial.
En tal sentido, hay que
remarcar la prohibiciOn de cir-
culation, decretada por el
Poder Ejecutivo, afectando a
ipublicaciones pro-nazis que
habian comenzado a proliferar
en los- kioscos de Buenos
Aires, como tambien la de-
cisiOn de la Junta Militar de
modificar el actual C6digo
Penal, Mcorporando a la le-.
gislacion una especifica ley
_antirrac_i_sta ._g.g.e part icu lar.-
:diosamente,. intenten intro-
ducir dicha enfe.rmedad en el
cuerpo social argentino.
Per disposici6n de la Junta
Militar, ha sido incluido en el
Acta de Responsabilldad Ins-
titutional, el. ex 'director del
diario "La OpinlOn" que se
edita en la Capital Federal y
que se halla intervenido.por el
Gobierno, don Jacobo Timer-
Como se sabe, el Consejo
de Guerra Especial Estable
No. 1, decidi6 recientemente
que se halla detenido a dis-
posiciOn del Poder Ejecutivo
Nacional, desde el 7 de abril
fuera de la competen-
cia de ese tribunal militar. Jacobo Timerman,
la Junta incluy6 en el Acta
Institucional a Lidia Haydee
.Brodsky de Graiver y a Eva
Gitnach de Graiver. Tal si-
tuaci6n, como se infOrrpO am-.
pliamente en su oporturiidad,
. ' \
impide a los comprendldos en
esa medida, el Ilbre uso y dis-
ponibilidad de sus bienes, en-
tre otras restricciones, haste
que la Comisi6n Nacional de
Responsabilldad Patrimonial
se expida sobre la legitimidad
de esos bienes.
Campora quiere que le
paguen la pension vitalicia
como Presidente.
Hector J. Campora fue
presidente de la Argentina por
menos de dos meses. Respal-
dado por Peren, gan6 as
eleceiones derrotando al
radical Ricardo Ba!bin. Pero
en dos meses escasos, Cam-
pore puso a la �naciOn casl en
manos de los comunistas y
.crgarlizaciones guerrilleras de.
ultra-iz.quierda que querian
instalar un estado leninista-
PerOn lo oblig6 a renunciar,
slendo su puesto ocupado;
;provislonalmente por el pre-
sidente de la Camara de Di-
putados, Lastiri, hasta que
convocadas nuevas . elec-
clones, fue elegido el anciano
Ahora CampOra, desde .su
dorado asilo en .1a embajada
de Mexico, peticiona cobrar la
pensiOn que la ley otorga a los
ex presidentes, aunque hayan
desgobernado el pais por
_pocos. dias.._El_minIsterlo de
;..Btenester...Sopial.:1e s up pend i
gd'd e=d e n's
vitalicia y entonceS Campora,
cuidandO su bolsillo Interpuso
recurso jerarquico, el que
ahora le fue denegado por el
Poder Ejecutivo, "teniendo en
ctienta el espiritu del articulo
2�. del Acta, para considerar
ia conducta de las personas
responsables de lesionar los
supremos intereses de la
Naci6n, y cuyo levantamiento
compete Cinicamente a la Jun-
ta Militar. Agrega que "poi.
�otra parte, el citado acto Ins-
titucional ha establecido la
proMbiciOn de administrar y
disponer de sus bienes por ac-
tos entre 'vivos, a personas
comprendides, como resul-�
tado de la inobservancla de
principios morales basicos,
Manitiesla desviaciOn del
mandato para el que se los
habia convocado y la corn- �
placencia en el avance de la
sorrupciOn en la funciOn
publica, resultando un des-
prop6sito entender proceden-
te el pago de una pensi6n que
fue instltuida por la ley con el
objeto de que quienes desem-
peharpn responsebilidedes
ejecpW.e.s, puedan continuer
desarr011riddIsUS activ.idades
siudad'ahas.cOn la mistna dig-
nidad � y decoro, que le im-
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
pusleron las oBligaclones
inherentes a los cargos que
Dos medicos latinoame-
ricanos, la doctora Silvia Ber-
man de Argentina y el doctor
Hugo Behm de Chile, denun-
ciaron hoy que la toma del
poder por los militares en sus
paises empeord las condi-
clones sanitarias.
En una rueda de prensa aus-
piciada por la convenci6n
nacional de trabajadores de la
saiud de Estados Unldos, Ber-
man y Behm serialaron que en
sus paises ha aumentado la
desnutricion como resultado
de la .politica economics
adoptada por los gobiernos
m Illtares.
Ambos medicos denuiv
ciaron tambien que en Chile y
Argentina empeorci gravemen-
te la situacion de la sanidad
publica, al privatizar el gobier-
no la asistencia medica.
-La�doctora- -Berm nTco�
persecucion que sus cblegas
sufren en Argentina.
La junta militar piensa que
los psiquiatras somos pelf-
grosos y que el psicoanAlisis
es glithversivo declare, Silvia
Como ejemplo puso la
quema de libros de Sigmund
Freud decretada por las au-
toridades militares en la
ciudact de Cordoba.
Berman hao ptiblica igual-
mente una lista de trede
psiquiatras argentinos de-
tenidos por las autorldades
adquieren proyecciones
de denuncia. Y de alerta pare
faquellos qua se dejan.engaliar
por subversivos o desubi-
'cados de la realidad que vive
nuestro pais.
P: 6Que es "Fillum"?
R: Es una instituclan Inter-
disciplinaria para el estudio y
prevencidn del filicidio y por
extensi6n, para la defensa
general del hijo.
P: 4Funclona enicamente
en la Argentina?
R: No. "Filium" existe en
otros paises, como Espana, y
se estan organizando filiales
en algunos otros, como
Brasil, Bolivia, Venezuela y
P:L"Filium" es producto de
una idea argentine?
R: En efecto. Es una idea
nacida y desarrollada en nues-
tro pais, donde se han rea-
lizado ya dos congresos, uno
aquelias -personas que pa-
decen la enfermedad 0 de-
sequilibrio mental en estado.
. P: LHay en la Argentina
limitaciones para el ejercjclo
de la psiquiatria?
R: No hay ninguna limi-
P: 1,Que desarrollo ha alcan- especialidad en
nuestro pais?
R: RelatiVamente importan-
te. Ha sufridd el deterloro. de �
la critica situaciOn que
atraves6 el pais en los ultlmos
an os. Universalmente,,los Ser,
viclos .psiquiatricos son
deficientes. No hay propor-
ciOmentre la debida asistencia
prestada y dl creciente nUmerci
de perturbaciones rnentales.
Hay pocos tecnicos para ex-
cesivos enfermos. La Argen-
tina no escapa a .esa regle
mundial. Es de esperar que en
los prOximos arias se in-
cremente la 'preocupaciOn par
el enfermo mental, sobre todo
'en la formaciOn *de mayor
mirnero de tecnicos (profe-
sionales) y de comunidades
Pi GSe difunde masivamente
la psiquiatria?
R: . Creo que no. En -tOdo
caso, en los mismOs term inos
que; el restb de las especia-
lidades medicas.
P: 6Cual es la actltud de los
uoctorAmaldoRascovsky argentinos ante la psiquiatria:
le temen la �desprecian le
clenunclo eri*. le; provInciaide�Mendoza-y - _ �
HotsienteprenSion-'6-- la ig-
La trayectoria profesional
del doctor Arnaldo Rascovsky,
creador de "Filium", debiera
eximir de cualquier comen-:
tario adicional. Su dedicaciOn
a la esOecialidad psicoana-
litica y su participacion en
acontecimientos cientificos
internacionales acreditan en el
a una personalidad de.primera
linea en su ambito de acti-
vidad. Asi, sus declaraclones
contrarrestando la ' absurda
carriparia� difamatoria gene-
ra'da rrs-e el '.exterior sobre
'al ejoiciCio de psiquiatria
del psicoanallsis en la .Argen-
sari�. Pero hubo otro, de' naran? -
cardcter internacional, en R: No mas que en el restd
Paris, en 1973. de .Occidente, y quiza m.enos
P: Existen diversos concep- en la Argentina. El temor aque
tos sobre psiquiatria, parti- �se le adjudique el rOtulo. de
ctilarmente a nivel popular. enfermo mental hace que el
i,Cual es su definicion? publico, salvo en condiciones
:R: Psiquiatria es la rama de extremes, trate de.rehuir el en-
la medicine que se ocupa de la f rentamiento con la � psi-
enfermedad mental. quiatria. No obstante, es un
. 0: LOuienes pueden ejercer prejuicio que se este superan-
ia psiquiatria? do. Se acepta sada Vez ries la
9: Todos los: que hayan posibilidad de una alteraci6.n
realizado Una formaciOn y mental como la de cualquiera
.practIca adecuadas. En alteraciOn organise.
Buenos Aires funciona una . .
escuela de postgradO para ob- P:. 4Existen interdambios
terier el titulo �do medico con otros paises en materia
psiquiatra. psiqUietrica?
. P: 4Existen en los hospi- R: Si, muy intensos .y per-
tales nacionaies o .munici- rnanentes Se concurre a con-
pales consultorios psiquia- gresos internacionales, pe-
trices? namericanos o iatinciameri-
R: Si, existen. En la 'gran canos. La formaciOn argentine
maYoria de �ellos funcionan ha .sido muy solicitada en
consultorios de psicopato- diversos paises de America
logia, quo ester' generalmente Latina, en el plantel de cuyas
a ' cargo de psiquiatras y uniVersidades se encuentran
psicOlogos. Y tambien. de Muchos profesores argen-
psicoanalistas. . tinds.
P: A que clase de enfermos. P: 4Cuales son las diferen-
atienden los psiquiatras? cias -entre psiquiatras, psi-
R: A todos los que se con- cologos V.psicoanalistas? :
sideran afectados dentro de la R: Psiquiatras son los
esfera mental. Especialmente medicos que se ocupan fe-
a los psic6ticos, es decir, nomenol6gicamente del . eh- �
Letter from Argentina Page 8.5
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
fermo mental, recurriendo
,preferentemente a metodos
biolOgicos (medicaciOn,
tratemiento por shock, ci-
regie), 'aunque. much6s , de
epos.' adquieren formacionea.
pit,c,olOgipas o Psicoanaii-
ticas. ' En' .cuanto a. los psj-
.cOloges, actUan con metodos
exclUsivamente p.sicolOgtcos:
tei.ts,:persuasibn, teraples de
ay:uda, .loatarsls. Elto.&;. a
Veces,- trabajan en opmbl;
riaCjOn Opri, los psiquiatraS.
'per fin, los psicoanalistasson
_ las. 'matt-
vaciOn Inconsciente de los
trastornos del paclente. USan
.07 metodo' psicoanalitico con
exclualvidad; constituldo,'Oor
un procedtmiento: mea.
fre-cuente', 'orotund� y
duradero. Mks que e la' cu-
,racitin de los. sintomas, el
Ps.icoanalisis tiende a,. erre-
dicer el cenflicto que sufre el
, pacterite ,en so inconsciente
que desconoce. �
P:IQGG as, en sumG el
Para: responderie. ten-
quei venir ustedes tres
meses. seguides. Precisaria
� diez� volUmenes ode lo con- '
.irario, contester come urrton-
ii 4Entonces usted supone
que ha-contestado hasta.ahora
� como un tonto?
No.- Psicoanalisis es
- never 'a la conciencia-, del
paciente as motivacienes in-
conscientes de sus ideas, sin-
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
que hace quese encuentren en
Espana, Estados UnIdos�
'Canada y otros poises algunos ,
psicOanalistas, pslqulatras y
P: i,PorqUe? , � . �
� R: 'Por.diferentes 'rezones,
Algunos por haber estado yin-
culados con la subversibn o
por haber sido amenazados
anenimamente, cosa que me
acurr16 a rni tambion:OMpar de
veces: Entlendo que' puede
tratarse: de 'envIdia, Avant:lad,
profeslonal o- el, desporde de
aig�n''Paclente � dascontento.
-Creo que el-que qtt(rt.rri 'per- ;
judicar a aigulen no se lo 'avisa
de antemano. Stguiendo con
le -del &Oda, existen lambkin .
los que procuran en,elexterier
, panprama econamico mas
. favorable. Y finalmente hay
quienes; dada ia-gran far- ,
macien que poseen los
profesionaleS argentlnds, - se
han ido etraidos por ofreci-
mientos de paiaes'Oue les
propusleron � catedras y ho-
norarios. muy supertores a los
que se pueden percibir *nor-
malmente en nuestro pais.
, � P;;.i,Existen Ilmitaclones
pare el ejercicio de estas es-
peclalldades? � .
Ft; Los protestonales con-
� venientemente capacitades
. pare' el estas es-
pecialidades, com�. ye' lo
geanale anferiormente, no
.tenon limitaciones dentro de :
sus respectivea camPos. ,Alberto Armando
� P:El terrorista, i,es un
sujeto de la s uiatria o del Prafundamente..fanatico de
He aqui la noticla bombe,
.que indudablemente sacudira
el amblente futbollstico argen-
. tine y porque no, tamblen &del
gran pals del.Norteique esta
comenzandoa dar sus primeros
pasos muy firmes para pro-
mocionar el deporte mas
popularen.el mundo: el fOtbol.
EntrevIstar a Alberta J. Ar-
mando es pata cualquler pe-
riodista-una verdadera caja de
sorpresas, aunque aparen-
temente la, note sea de rutine.
Nadie sabe loqueestevIgoroso
y apasionado "dirlgente-
Pintlia" del mai popular de los
deportes, va a sacar de su
galera. Presidente del club m�
popularde la Argentinay unode
los m�conocidos en el mun-
do, cargado de hazallas, cam-
peonatos y .honores, ya no se
sabe si Armando es Boca 0
B oca es Armando. "
q 'general Ine'rife7rebo-noden:-.;-
rnaciOn de factbres
' heredados mas � los factoresd
histericos� .(que son.os - de-
lsarrollados a lo largo de su
vida) maS las circunstanclas
� actuates': En todo esto�'existe
uria interacciOn entre el An-
dividue y las presiones cRie el
aMblente: ha. ejercido sobre,et
darante todo proceso
P: 40isienes puede!) ejercer
� el psicoanallsls?
' Las personas formadas
' acuerdo - con las: regula-
".alenes. que rigen�interna-
'cianalmente y que exigen.el
� aval de on instituto-psicoa-
nalitico reconocido. por la
AsociaciOn Psicpanalitica
ternacional. En la. Argentina,
'lOsinstitutos requieren -quo el
' 'candidata a p.sicoanalista'sea
' -medico). La (ormacian'consis-
- -tei ,en psicoanalisis
vidua/ del candidate, gee dura
por lo menes cuatro ones, en
� supervisiOn de sus paclen-,
�'tes y .en curses tegricoa. que
'debe seguir durante Aproxl-
madamente cuatro altos en el
.� Institute. �
P':. ,Hay exodo psi-
- quiatres y pelcoanallstas?
R: Si, hay on relattybexodo,
_ desde hace 23 arias en _
qUe le 041 direCclOndeBoca
ides� C
unIe en el mundo des-
P: panOce li,. la exIstenCla pees Bernabeu en el Real
de una campana difematarla �Madrld, de Esparta), Armando,
provenlente del exterior segun
cuyos voceros, isdirchados
Incluse, en organismos' Inter-
nacionales, la pstquiatria este
protdbida en Is Argentina?
- DescOnozco esa cam-
pana,..oLie me resulta a0Surda.
Es'o.s senores estan des-
ebicadoS' per completo
la realidad.'
-"Yo estoy dispuesto a traves
de Boca Juniors, a entraren
converSaciones con cualquier
empresa seria de los .Estados
Un ides para competir en el
campeonato de 40tbol de ese'
pais con una verdadera selec-
clan argentinay sudarnericana:
el equip� imbatIbie",
Letter from Argentina Page 86
..ex primer vendedor de la Ford
Motor Company, es ahora laes-
trella de la Chrysler, batiendo
todos los records de yenta de
los autos Dodge, construldos
en Argentina.
� Armando-Boca Juniors
acatian de lograr el:mas pre-
ciado iauro de so historia
deportiya (22 campeonatos
hasta ahora) al derrotar al
equip� brasilefto del Cruceiro
Yr conqufstar. la Cepa Liber-
tadores de America. ,
Conociendo la preocupa-
clan de Armando de meter
baza en el carnpeonato de Hit-
' bol de los EE.UIJ., y enterado
TINA liege a 5.000 period1stas
de USA, Armando nos confir-
.' ma de entrada so deseo de
participar a la mayor brevedad
posible directamente en la
competencia � futbollstica de
---"Fijese usted �entra
derecho en materia-- que el
Cosmos invierte en an jugador
:gloriosa; pero,yaeoglkAspde
su .carrera)LpgrAqi,ReAki, fres
millones de ddja�resx:eAual
Approved for Release: 2018/10/ni
� -1 r.)
a suma en un solo jugador, Bec-
kenbauer, cuando en el equipo
son 11 jugadores. Boca Ju-
niora, insisto; con un respaldo
empresario serlo y tres mi-
Hones de 'dOlares, va a Ira
,competir, 'A Norteamerica con
una verdadera selecciOn
sudamericana (argentinos
tegrantesde Boca, con ref uer-
zos brasilenos, uniguayos,
paraguayos' y peruanosy Y
tormariamos mi .querido ami-
go, el equipO Imbatible".
�,Hay iniciadas gestioneS
� �.=-Si-fas hay,-pero queremos
hacer las cases con_ shriedad
empresaria, conic) es la que
exists en Boca Juniors. Yo es-
Loy dispuesto con mi experien-
cia y con,laexperienciadeJu,an
Carlos Lorenzo, el mejor tee-
nice en ci mundo, el mescer-
cano eniConocirnientbs depOr-
tivos y personalldad a ese gran-
de,que se Ilarng Helenle He-
rrera. , .
zAbandonaria Boca Juniors
paralugaren EstadosUnIdos?
�DeningUnamariera. Mi ex-
-periencia de 23anosal.frente de
Boca Juniors,. sin duda una de
las Instituciones.mas pede-
roses del mundo y lade Loren-
zo, que es el hornbre.igee sabe
todo lo qua hay que saber en,e1
. fOtbol y.un�poquIto m�, la
repartlremos entre Argentina y
Estados Unidos., Lorenze este
trabejando para pacer una
DIrecclOn General de Fetboren
Boca que-podila epliCaree de
inmedlato'en el petiole! Norte.
�Larenzo,trabaja:18 hare� d iOes
jra-rer'arf 1)113151--;Y:ti.ierfdriieller'.6e-
q ue�duerme, en las 6 horasrts-
tantes, sigue elaborando
, planes Para& equipo"..
Jaen Canoe Lorene*
. .
aorta on peligro para
Boca Juniors participar en un
media que reCten Se inlcla en
--En absolute. No daria on
paso sin el respaldo de una eM-
presa seri, acorde con la
categorie'y fame internacional
de Soca Juniors. No se puede
fracasar en USA, con 240
millOnesste habitantes, servida
poruna televislOn que puede
pager a Casle.a.Clay 10 0 15
lones,derdplarAI;Bara on
c�e P v �
-Is st; aonls)etnD ,?0rris-�
imaginese lo que resultaria
cuando en muy pocos anos el
fUtbol tome un arraigo de costa
a costa, ayudado por las grandes concentraclones de lett-
noamericanos en Nueva Yerk,
California, Miami y de otras
coiectividades como la itallana
y dedlstintos paiseseuropeos.
--LBoca podria formar dos
equipos para cornpetir simul-
taneamente en Argentina y en
los Estados Unidos?
.�Actualmente teneMos 38
jugadores con contrato y 22
m as que pueden ser prof e-
sionales en cualquier momen-
ta, y que pueden integrar am-
bos planteles. Pero insistoque
el Boca Juniors que actuaria en
ese pais, seria una verdadera
�Le ye poslbilidades de
exitoa BocaJunlorsen USA?
�Yentas a salir campeOn en
el primer certamen que dis-
putemos. Permitame una dis-
quisiciOn. El fUtbol demor6 en
imponerse on Norteamarica
porque los prirneros directores
tecnicos que importaron,
fueron, ingleses. LOgicamente
estos tecnicos Ilevaron ju-
gadores de su pais, la mayoria
de &los ya acabados. Para
triunfar�alli hay que Ilevar ju-
gadores jOvenes, que se maten
eni la cancha, domolohacen los
de Boca y tambien a algUnos
experimentados para orientar
ese est uerzo. Y Boca ha de-
mostrado que los thane. Pero
-5en cu'alqUiei partadel mundo
pat Cualro rezones: es un
equipo. de garra; tiene una hin7
chada do ,garra;:tiene un trio-
nico, Lorenzo, de garra y.tiene
up president., yo, de garra. Al
pOtilico ,norteameripano to
conqulatariamos de inrne-
diato. A ellos les gusta el es-
pectaculo de garra, el bo-
xeador qUa day reciba el que
se brinda. Y: Boca es el equip�
Ideal en ese estilo. un equip�
pon 1a mistica de Boca Juniors
y con varies jugadores de 20
an os, otros de 22 a 23 anos y
algunos con 27 028 &los. Una
edad promedio de 24 anos en
et equip� que le permitiria ob-
teller Un.par de campeonatos
.entrada y luego In indor-
porando nuevas flguraS de
relieve. Usted se imagine
cuando � los chlcos de los
40.000 coleglos secundarios
de Norteamerica per rnedio de
la televlai6n vean jugar, a
nuestro ,equipo, las decenes
de mIllones de "hinchas" que
vamos a conquistar alli.
Apabullados por, la segu:
ridad de la .participaciOn de
' Boca,..lentors en unteturo mas
o menos, preximo en el _que
podHa ser erdempeonato mas
lmportante del mundo,
queremos enterarnos de al
Approved for Re/ease: 2018//0/0
gunas novedades que flotan
en el'amblente local sobre la
actuacien en el Campeonato
Metropolitan� de Buenos
Los jugadores ban ganado
'mucho diner� y fatalmente no
se interesan much� en los
'partidos locales donde ob-
tienen 5/6 millones por ac-
tuaciOn. Sopa la hInchada de
Boca que cada integrante del
plant& ha ganado en este alto
un promedio de 250 rnillones
por mes y Gatti ha ganado
m�a�n, porque se lo merece
ya que el sOlo es capaz .de
Ilenar un estadio. Bocaen es
(Os Ultimos 12 meses ha
ganado tres campeonatos y el
Nacional lo ganarernos al
galope .
Borussia de Alemania tambien
to ganaremos la Cops Inter-
continental. Vamos a jugar
tambien con el Cosmos, si es-
te le gana Ia seccidn nor-
teamericana at equipo me-
lt:can� de Veracruz. Y. asi..en
dos partidos contra el Cos-
mos.. alli y aqui, demostra-
rime's que somos realmente
los mejores de America.
�Sr. Armando. Red&
menclon6 que Boca incor-
porara ref uerzes. tquales
son? � , .
�Boca .va a incorporer a
cuatro jugadores de primera
file: un medlocampista y tres
delanteros. :Por ahora me
reservo los nombres, aunque
:Iray�Jun jagador
hapla46:..querernbs Vet en
riuestro Omer equiOo: as
Daniel Bertorp. Ofrecerernos a
Independiente 30.000 Mill:ones
de pesos viejos, Y como al
jugader is corresponderian
6:500 mIllones,. creo que la
operaci66 puede hacerse
El cronista piensa que la
transferencle mes cara del ft'at
bol argentin� fue la del ju-
gador Villa, adquirido el 'ano
pasado par el Racing Deb y
piensa si hay en el tutbol ar-
gentin� un iub que puede
pagar 30.000 millones de
pesos. Arimando -parece
adivinar nuestro pensarniento
y nos aclara con rotunda con-
vicciOn: "No se aflija par la
plata. Con Bertoni y las otras
incorporaciones recaudamos
ese dinero en dos partklos. Y
no olvide que .Boca jugara dos
partidos, el 21 y 27 do marzo
prOximo, en Buenos "Aires �y
A lemania resOectiyamente.
Despues jugaremos rc00 el
Cosmos o el Veracruz la ver-
dadera Cope dales 3 Americas
y que edemas ya estamos
clasificados -pare la edIclOn
1978 dela Cope Llbertadores
OK& Mita Juniors. recaudara
coal� nitni?no,20.000 millones
- �Una Ultima pregunta. LEs
cierto que Alberto J. Armando
Approved for Re/ease:
y.el arquero�Hugo "Loco" Gatti
,.� dejarian el fetbol a fin
�Yo ya recital todas las
glories, 14 campeonatos como
presidents de Boca juniors.
Culero retirarme pero no me
quiereiv dejar. ir. En cuanto a
Gatti si se va de Boca; el UnIco
club' en el mundo.que puede
,comprarlo es el Cosmos. Vale
tres-millones de dOlares,
Sever� Castigo a Editor
Aumenia Preocupacion sabre
Antisemitismo militar ,
Especial pare el,Ne,w York
19 �La conninidad judia en la
Argentina, alarmade dasde
tiernpo Was poi acciones an-
tisernitices do integrantes,�de
les c,uerpos 'de seguridad, se
encuentra ahora m� preo-
cupadaaenpcir el severo cas-
tigo impuestb p9r la junta
� militer a JaCobo Timer-Man, un
editor de diarids, a quieri se le
_he-p_riVedo: de-sus-derechos-
�-.Civiles, bierieS.'"
. . �
ocurrido esto sr
Timerman: no �fUera judio?"
preguntO Un .dirigente judo
qUe pidie, no ser, rdentificado,
pen) cuya pregunta subray6 la
.preoCuoaci6n. :de los judios
sabre antisemitismo en la Ar-
El gobierno. del 'presidente
�Jorge Rafael. Videla, coman-
dante en- jefe del ejercito, fir-
mernente.niega que exists an-
tisemitisnio Oficlai, y ha
tornado rnedidas para evitar
clue Circulery publicaCiones- de
cote muy antisemite,
Dirigentes de la colectividad
judia tales coma Neherbies
Reseitsky, ebogado y pre.-
sidentis de laasociaciOn infor-
mal Cle organizaciones udias
conocida como DAIA, tienen
pronto acceso a altos ofi-
elates,. tales como el general .
Albano' HargUindeguy; Miriis-
tro.del Interior, y el almlrante
'Emilio Massera, comandante
en ,jefe� de la.armada, un.� in-
tegrante a la ,vez de telunta
Sin embargo, -estoe contacz
tos con al.toS funcionarios no
sirven para contrarrestar Is in-
segieidad que sienten muchos �
066268 78
judioa ante las. I repUenteS
indiCaCiOpea que ,algapOS
eleinentos de, las fueriaa,: 'de
Seguridad conSiderpe que he
habido judios profundartiante
irnplicadoS con los :gruPda
guerrilleroade izquierda.
La, mayoria de los:400:000
ludiot ,argentinos nO ha.,SIOO
directamente. afectada pot
operativos de segurldad; Pep.
seg(in'. ,pna .fuente � j,i10,1e,
aproXiMedarnente '600 judibs;,.
la .rnayoria giyehres, hen. �es;7.,
tadO entre 8.000 personas que,
segUrr, los militareS, had sido
matados, farresta:doS,',*Se=
cuestrados .desde marZo de
1976. �
Hay rpu:p,hos relatda de gen-
te _gee dice habersidoarl�
tada.' por las fuerzaa de Se:
guridad 'por ser �judioa,"Eil
gurios casos se ha cornentado
gee en centros do Interro-
. gacion Se han vista suaStieas
y fotos de Hitler. ' �
Los, dirigentes judios que
han estudiado el problemaia
tondo piensan que ha'habidra
un: nurnero inusualmente alto
de' judibs entre los estudian-
tes, medicos; -abOoados
otroepertenecientes a'grupos
politicos de Izquierda que les
-sirVerf a les- guerrtilerOS COMO
�hientea'de retursos:-humenos,
Este vale tambien para el per-
tido comunistaHaunque.este
se ha, opuesto ala violenciade
loS,ouerrilleros, '
Pero'tambien- hay evidencia
que as fuerzas de seguridad
rnciuyen elementos,.nacio-
naliStas.�y"anticomunistas, de
derecha que barren un his-
tonal de, antlsernitlsrna on la
'En et context� emocional-
mente intenso de as fuerzas
de seguridad -que .estan Hu-
Oland� contra los querritleros,
,la ,'sospecha de actual o� an-
tenor participaciOn en',grupos
considerados "de izquierda"
"subversivos" .es caqal
-suficiente� de arrest�, semi-
secreto,. un :violen'to'�inte-
rrogatorio y una surparia
ejecucion. �
Alejandro Deutsch., .S11
mule? Elena, y sus tres, hijas,
los.quefueron arreStados;e1.27
de agosto en Colorado (????)
son � judios: El -ejercitof dice
que un hijo, a quien aun bus-
can, ea un guerrillero. El padre
airri esta en la carcel; junto
con'una.hija,,porque se alegp
que advirti6 a su hsjo quo so
escapara: cuando la patrulla
del ejercito Ilee6 a�.-
SegUn dirigentes,judios, las
amerfazas... contra Jacob�
Kovadloff, representante en
este de. la ComisiOn
norteamericana, quien se: ft&
del pais cansu larnilla en
Letter from Argentina Page 81
julio, obedecen a un grupo
derechista que opera fuera de
las fuerzas regulares de se-
Vinculos con las fuerzas de
Pero ahora se cree en forme
generalizada .que el goblerno
no puede garantizar la se-
guridad de una ' persona se
riamente amenazada por esos
grueos, que aperentemente
tienen una estrecha ligazon
cOn las fuerzas�de'seguridad-e --
impunidad virtual para actuar.
Aunque el presidente Videla
y sus colaboradores militeres
han habledo muchas veces
sobre la necesidad de este-
blecer un "monopolio de la.
represiOn" bajo control de alto
nivel, adniiten que est� no se
ha logrado.
El caso del senor Timerman,
ex editor del diario La 01*
nion, crea dudes aUn mayores
acefca de hasta que punto el
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
un joven banquero argentin�
acusado de haber aceptado
fondos clandestinos de
grupos guerrilleros para su in-
version en el extranjero.
Sin embargo, la junta militar
impuso al senor Timerman su
castigo m�severo la semana
pasada al retirarle los dere-
chos politicos, poner- sus
bienes bajo custodia oficlal,
privarle del derecho de trabajar
como profesional, y extender
su arresto en forma indefinlda.
militares estan conven-
cidos que hay Uria-VincUlaciOn---
primer mag 'sired� controla las
decisiones militares.
Aunque fue .detenido por
personal militar el 15 de junio
y subsiguientemente tortu-
red� durante interrogatoriOs,
al senor Timerman jamas se lo
acus6 formalmente de fling&
delito en la InvestigaciOn
sobre supuestos vinculos
financieros entre su diario y el
desaparecido David Graiver..
entre Timerman y Graiver, y
eso lo convierte en "subver-
sivo", dice On funcionario.
El presidente Carter expres6
, al presidente Videla su
preocupaciOn por el. caso
Timerman durante la visite a
Washington en septiembre del
presidente argentino, y el
secretario de estado Cyrus
Vance, que debe� Ilegar el
lunes a la Argentina, renovara,
a no dudarlo, la preocupaciOn
estadounidense pare que se le
haga un proceso justo.
� - Pero los integrantes de la
'colectividad _judia en la A-
rgentina, quienes contemplan
al senor Timerman con ad-
mired& como un dedicado
sionista preocupado por, el
blenestar de Judios 'aqui y en
Israel, consideran que la ac-
ciOn contra el no contribuye a
mayor confianza en cuanto a
la forma en que el goblerno.
maneja las cosas cuando hay
un judio de por rnedio.
Algunos corresponsales extranieros afIrman que en la Argon- -
Una hay 'una .sistematIca persecuclOn contra los Judloa
(secuestros, tortures y asesInatos). Nosotros, los argenti-
nos, sostenemos que no es asi. Esta es parte de nuestra
� c,11.1 0011.11
_Mina Page 88
Siete�pesqueros, sovleticos
y dos pesqueros, b6flperos ha/2
sldo apresados recientemente
por la armada argehtina. Deb16
hacerse uso de les armas de
los. buques de guerra, para,
_ ,
lograr quelos barcos, es
. � �
pecialmente los bulgaros, se
Cometieran a la autoriaad ar-
gentine. Motivo: pescaban en
el .mar jurisdiccional argen-
tino, sin licencia, atraidos por
la riqueza icticola �de esas
aguas, verdadera reserve mun-
dial. La Argentina ha sido un
pais pionero en la� procla-
mad& del mar patrimonial.
Una seria adVertencia: la
'soberania sera defendida
slempre y por todos los
medios. �
Durante varios dias, los
Utiulares de los diarios argen-
tihos se refirieron, con or-
pero tamblen con es-
tilpor, al caso de los pes-
queros "pirates". Con orgullo,
inocultable, por la decidida
actitud de las autoridades ar-
,, derea1l-e1=1Sat's so b
mar �jurisdicciori5t-'4=(20- �
Ilas), sean respetados por
todas las banderas del mundo.
� Con estupor, por la audacia
y la pertInacia puesta de
manifiesto por as flotillas in-
trusas, que persistieron en la
pesca.ilegal atin despues que
hubieran sido apresados los
prlmeros buques y que, mien-
do a su vez lban a ser cap,
turados, trataran de huir
poniendo. distancia con as
naves de la Armada Nacional.
Estos intentos no les dieron
resultados: la serenidad y fir-
. meza exhibidas en su apre-
.samiento entranaban la deter-
mined& de la Argentina de
imponer �su condiciOn de
soberana hasta las OltImas
.consecuencias. Se dispare
modo de advertencia y, cuan-
do la respuesta continu6 sien-
' do la fuga, se dispar6 a pegar
con municiOn inerte. Hubo un
bulgaro herido, atendido con
la celeridad del caso por la Ar-
mada, que hizo gala de as
mejores tradiciones, marinas.
Carlos Gonzalez, Jos�urac y
. � Ponciano Gonzalez., tres
cabos de la Armada Argentina,
, yr. desepamcieron en el mar al
intenter abord'arUno- de' los'
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
pesqueros sovieticos; la irres-
porisabilidad de los�.intrusos
cost6 el precio de tres vides
jevenes, tres vides ofrendadas
en acto de servicio a la so-
berania de la Petrie.
La RepUblica Argentina estal
empenada en proteger sus
riquezas icticolas en su vasto
mar patrirnonial, de dos
millones de kllemetros
cuadrados de superficle. En�
un mundo cada vez m�
necesitado de alimentos, es-
pecialmente proteinicos, la
proteccien. del equilibrio
biologic� de as especies
marinas, la lucha contra la
depredecien de los recursos
renovables, resultan tareas
irrenunciables para un pueblo
con conciencia de futuro. Se dades sovieticas �a nadie
p.rotegejariqueze del Ter
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
importancla y los argentinos
estan dispuestos a garantizar
que continOe siendolo.
Estes riquezas son las que
los intrusos vinieron a buscar.
Sin pager �derechos, sin au-
torizacien, realizan pipgires
negocios explotando riquezas
ajenas; y lo m�grave es�que,
por su condiciOn de furtivos,'
que les exige' operar a full y
retirarse rapidamente de la
zona, no vacilah en capturar
especies y tamenos cuya pes-
ca esta prohibida. Asi, lo
demuestra !a pesca acum.u-
lada en las bodegas de las
barcos capturados, que fue
adquirida posteriormente por
una empresa privada que hizo
la Gorrespouliente descarga,
en Puerto Madryn, una ciudad
co.stera de la Patagonia.
to singular del caso es que
siete de ellos proVienen de la
Union Sovietica, un pais que
ha promulgado, .hace menos
de un ano, distintas medidas
para proteger. su propio mar
patrimonial; sus leyes penan
severamente la pesca clandes-
tine y. Ilegan a imponer. ele-
vadisimaS multas por unidad
capturada, de cualquier es-
pecie que sea. A Is vez que
adoptan esos arbitrios para
defender sus propios inte-
reses y riquezas, las autori-
latoria de. la soberanie argen-
tine. El producto de su pesca
(Pescado procesado,
.pescado), de gran magnitud,
.jfue conliscado..por. las -au-
toridades argentinas.A cada
� uno le ha correSPandtdo
edemas una multa que oscila
entre.. 5.000 y 100.000 deletes.
A estos perjuiclos deberan
sumar.el del lucro cesante por
la prolongada interrupcien im-
puestaa sus actividades.
Pero. con � Ser estas san-
ciones .ejemplanzederas,Ia
nan der ser mas las a que se vieron so
met dos � por su irresponsabi-
lidad'. Segurarriente no espe-
raban una actitud tan decidida
por parte. de la Armada Argen-
tina. 'Han comprobado ahora,
con total clariclaridad, hasta
donde ha de Ilegar la deter-
minacien de los argentinos en
la defense de su soberania y
de sus riquezas. En una Ar-
gentina que encara con fir-
meza la explotackm Intense de
sus riquezas maritimas, no
puede haber lugar para las ac-
titudes vacilantes en la
proteccion de esas riquezas.
La Argentina ha sldo slempre
Un pais respetuoso de !Qs
derechos de las otras na-
ciones; pero tambien ha
sabido .siempre defender con
gallardia sus propios derechos
via) Derilsi
Con el proposito de conocer su pen-
samiento en cuanto a los temas wind-
- pales del quehacer nacional, CARTAS AR-
GENTINAS entrevisto a Monserior Ociavlo
Nicolas Perisi, obispo auxillar de La Plata
(provIncia de Buenos Aires), profesor
universitario y rector de la Universidad
Catolica Argentina "Santa Maria de los
Buenos Aires", entre otros rnuahos titulos
que jalonan una vida de estudio y docen-
iodo el mun o, de manera-in- I l'bm Dersi resulta facil dada -Sit' del criStianisMo. La interven-
crementada y permanente. .
arnabilidad .y� aptitud para no:.
presa� permiten .y aim es-
Los .planes de explotacien
timulan a. las naves bajo su dejar temas sin abordar, por
. pesquera, que impulsaran una bandera a depreder las ri- . eSpInosos que.ellOs�parezcan
importante �expansien para el q_uezas de otros.peises. , Ante Una pregOnta acerca.
preximo lustro,. ester) acti- . 'del paper que el cOnsidera
vamente en marcha; Se ob- . ..
debe .desempener la Iglesia ar- '
tiene el concurso del capital LAS 200 MILLAS, TRADICION
gentina, en lodoe sus niveles
privado, el aporte tecnologico ARGENTINA' - .
, y jerarquias, para con el actual
y f i n a n c i erci de palses con am- p.receso� naciohal, monsenor
plia experiencia en la materia, Drisi puntualizO .que "el pap&
com.o el Japen, Alemania de la lglesia esta determined�
Federal y Espana. La caps- /Dor elfin de la misnia: Santo
cidad de pesca delas TOrnas de .Aquino ensena que
gentinas, que es hoy de selo siempre que so. deba consi-
400 .mil toneladas anueles, derar una sociedad, ha de
Ilegara�al miller) de toneladas pensarSe en el fin y en la con-
en 1980. Para el pais signi- 'stituciOn de ella..En el caso de
ficara el ingreso de alrededor la Iglesia, st.1 fin es eminen-
de 500 m Welles de &flares por temente � salyific6, ya que
ano, en concepto de expor- reaibe y transmite la redenciOn �
taciones de frutos del mar. .Y
de JesucriSto. El la Constituye
air n asi, todaVia se estara lejos como socieciacf. jerarquica; de
de poder aprovechar en toda �1a .que el Papa es Vicario y los
su magnitud la capacidad de ObiSpos, sucesores de los
ese mar patrimonial, que qp6Stoles: Yendo pues at
ofrece la posibilidad de cap-
/caScr-COncreto, para salver at
turar, cuanto menos, 3,5 hi:m*6 �-fa I.glesia debe. to-
rri illones de toneladas anuales marl�, totalmente; el cristiano
de distintas especies marinas,
debe' serIO siempre, sea
sin. alterar su potencial icti-
ecOnomista, politico, jurista,
cola. . . . �
De esta manera, el mar ju-
y agregO'.' "Ahora biert: la
risciccierjel argentino, conS7_
actrividad temporal le compete
al 'Estado y a los seglares
cat011cds,- qUe. deben� Ilevar a.
La Reptiblica Argentina ha
sido. pionera en la procla-
macien de la extension de las
200 millas como mar.jutisdic-
cional. Ha sostenido este.
derecho desde hace tiempo en
los principales fobs mun-
diales; ha apoyado esta tesis y
la ha efectivizado en 1966,
pero sus antecedentes deben
buscarse ya en 1946, cuando-
proclame su soberania sobre
el zecalo o plataforma con-
tinental y el mar epicontinen-
tal correspondiente.
Esta tradicien de un de-
recho nacido en America
latina y adoptado.por cada vez
mas naciones del mUndo, no
puede ser desoonocida por
ninguna bandera, sin aceptar
los riesgos que tal actitud ert-
tranaral_os Neve buques pes-
queros capturados en Pue-
tituye 'boy .por rtoVadryn fueron sancionados
reserva: rnundiales- de mayor;),
Oso' actitud furtive vio-
ci6n de la Iglesia, como tal, en
'la actividad temporal no
corresponde: Si la indirecta,
es decir, debe actuar activan-
do a las concienclas, dando
los principios morales para los
distintos procesos (politicos,
econornicos, de la culture, et-
c.). En ese sentido si le toca
actuar a la lglesia, porque
esos principios son suyos. No
tiene soluciones temporales,
ya que la Doctrina Social de la
lglesia consiste en, justamen-
te, esos principios morales
que infunden a todas esas ac-
tividades; pero los cristianos
lalcos tienen el deber de ac-
tuar directamente, en base a
Letter, from Argentina Page 89
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
esa tonics doctrinarla. Pre-
cisamente por ello, en la 61-
titha colaciOn:digrados de la
Univesidad CatOlica, posluvo
. � �
que esta _se coninromelie a
coiaborar,. como. Univer.sidad,
con el gobiemo de la Fuerzas
Armadas esta hora 'moor-
tante de-la Patna: � ,, ,
. Entiendo que. todo argen-
tino este en la obligaciOn. de
colaborar, ya que, come tam-
bien, dile en esa Oportunidad,
las Fuerzes Armadas no cons-
tituyen Un /partido, sino que
encarnan.y..expresan al pueblo
argentino", .
'conversaciOn derive
luego. hecia su � condiciOn de
responsable de la formaciOn
de rnuetios .jOvenes con va-
caciOn 'universitaria. Se le in-
quiri6 ei a su juicio los j6venes
tienen papel -especial
que'curnplir en estas circuns-
tancias. La respuesta no .,se
hizo.'esperar: "Las univer-
sidades-,�catOlicas deben for-
mer jOvenes en un doble sen-.
tido: en la especifico de cada
carrera,-y a la vez integrando
ese saber en una formaciOn
sUpertor,- con- una..visiOn fi-
lodO, le yida.
De 'eda.1-nanera, la universidad
caiOliba cplabora de
pertante..con.:el. proceso,'�na
ciOnalt-ya.que da al pais horn--
'-rnyjeres. asf fOrrriadOs
para .que puedan �cumplin, en
stie -Tesp'ectivoe carnlios;
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
guerrilla, como organizacion,
parece quebrada.- Por supues-
to, queda aim much� por
hacerse en .este terreno":' Pero
entiende que "el recrudeci-
miento puede atribuirse a la
necesidad de esas: organi-
zaciones de dar una respuesta
a su derrola.en el episodin del
avion..ateman secuestrado y
retomado en el aeropuerto de
MogadIsclo.- Asi, las bandas
pretenden asentar su presen-
cia en el mundo". Agrega
nuestro entrevistado que "SI
no se unen todos toe paises
contra la violencla, estepodria
propagarse a�n mils; per� sl
los ,gobiernos se ponen fir-
mes, la violencia no 'pros-
. Su condiciOn de 'pastor le
hace agregar un aspecto riles a
lo que cree viable como so-
luciOn a tan terrible flagelo:
"deben. .darse ideales. a Agt
jnventud, ya que en algunos
casos esta no ha visto m�
que violencia y marxismo a su
alrededor. Si .se logra inculcar
valores positivos en esa por-
ci.on. de. eqUivocados, segu-
ramente .muchos de..ellos
pueden Itegar a trabajar po-
sitivamente por su Patney por
la humanidad toda".'
Dentro del terreno�pastoral,
un acontecimierito ocupa la
atenclOn de los .medios ca-
tolicos -de todo el .mundo: el
Ob' d
eConomistas, juristas,
, � . liber6 durante todo el nies de
-E4greeidente Videlaxitio_, no octubre�en-Rorna, y-cuyo-terna
Ilegar. La primera palabra
puede Ir por la via de los
riled ios masivos; despues
Ilegara la formaciOn siste-
La entrevlsta finalize con un
pensamiento de monsenor
Derisi que, por su claridad ex-
positive, exime de comen-
tarios e invite ala reflexiOn:
"La Argentina tiene ahora
, una gran oportunidad de en-
cauzarse por el camino de
grandeza que antes tuvo, y�
que, por niter una fecha,
comenz6 a declinar a partir de
1930. No es el caso ahora de
analizar las causes; es si el
mornento de rehacer nuestro
poderio, por medio de la for-
-maciOn de nuestres gene-
raciones nuevas en el amor a
� la Patria. Luego se tratara de
difundlr ese sentimientO a las
restantes capas sociales. La
conslgria es guitar con hechos
la -false irnagen intema de un
pais denoted� y deshecho.
Somos un pueblo grande, y
estoy convencido de que
podremos sallr, adelante. En
las reserves ,morales de la Fe
este la herrarnienta idOnea a
utilizer por .parte ,d los res-
pondables. De ese modo y a
traves de ello, habremos de
Hagar a los valores rnaterlales,
consecuencia de aquellas en
tada comunIded nacional
debidamente estructUrada.
La. historia argentine es !Im-
ola, y el pueblo es magnifico,
imbuido de la concepcion
y una verdadera recreaclon de
la conciencia nacional; amor
autentico a la Patria, trabajo y
salife. la- bases de 'valores -cris-
lianbs tenga'per-
manencia. La 'Universldad
Catolica Argentina "Santa
Maria del Buen Aire" ya ha
dado 7.500 4raduados"con esa
impronta .formativa, y. noy
vanos de ellos ejereen fun-
cio'ne8 como' ininistroS en las
provinCias, e ,inctuao unit es
acivalmante Secretario�de Es-
tado de Comercio de la NA-
ciiin.-Ademis, en toc,Ios.- los
sectores de la vide' harCiOnal
. , --
acttian-..nyestros� -egresados
coin� _ferment� de esa..eicala
de'Vatores. '
En cuanto a lo general,'..e-
to)0 que los j6venes deben
desempener� un -papel .pro-
tag'Ohico,. puesto que, bien
formados, come no arraStran
la. carga de prejulcios que
stiel.e..,Condicionar a los ma-
yoireS, � pueden lomat corno
puraia 'de. intenciones los
grandes.ideales patriOticos.".
:El rurnbo de la cOnversacion
paSa.luego a-un tema acucian-
te en todo. el mundo: la viole-
ncia terreirista, que parece
haber recrudecido. Monsenor
Dersi enfoca el problema, en
prirrier lugar, en el contexto
naCienal� donde,� dice "la
tiano entrerlos pueblos. Moo-
senor.Derisi considera, en es-
te sentidd; que catequesis
dada a. nuestros n.lnos en
paroquias y colegios. sigue
teniendo plane vIgencia, por,
que a nil entender,es� la mejor
manera de .forrnarles en la Fp.
Pero la epoca exige el uso
consciente de io,s niedlos
rnasivos de comunicaciOn,
que permiten flegaNal .mayor
nUmero de personas . (radio,
televisiOn, dlarios, revistas y
todo otro informativo).
Asi se puede .Ilegar � mas y
mejor' a .los grandes "dectores
qua cog la forma tradicienal,
ya que a veces los: grupOs de
ninos. y javenes que se acer-.
can a recibir la formaciOn 'es-
piritlial son reducidos,. Estoy
seguro de que, Si se 'apro-.,
vecharan debidarnente los
medios de cernunicaciOn
masiva, se podrialOgrarufl
doble.propOsIto; per un 'add,'
Ilegar con el .mensaje, y per el
otro, evItar la perniclosa en-
senanza de .la vide tack del
hedonisrno, de la pornograhia,
etc. .
El mensajc de Ctrista,
edemas de ser verdadero, en-
fervoriza. La cuestian es poder
Letter from Argentina Page 90
En primer lugar contesta el
ex rector-interventor en la
Universided de Buenos Aires,
Dr. -Alberto Eduardo Ottala-
1) No. Se debe interponer
recurso de revisiOn, por baser-
se en "error de hecho que
conlleva a injusticia notoria"
Es un fallo arbitrario, que ig-
nore la geografia y la historia.
Es de aplIcaciOn Imposible.
2) Como lo manda fa defen-
sa del Patrio Mar. Su funciOn
de alta policia maritirna es de
cumplimlen,to Inexcusable.
Hace at ejerciclo de la so-
berania. --. �
3).. Se debe buscar una
soluclOn que .contemple la
colaboraciOn solldaria en fun-
ci6n continental sobre la base
del respecto mutuo de las
soberanias de las tres na-
clones .Intervinientes, que se
concilie con sus mas-elevados
intereses nacionales.
este ablerta a que todo ciu-
dadano argentlno o extranjero,
de su opiniOn sobre temas es--
pecificos, que son de interes
pare la comunidad:
Hoy publIcamos las res-
puestas a cinco preguntas:
1) Se debe aceptar el Laudo
sobre el canal de Beagle?
2) C6mo califica la reacciOn
de la Armada frente a los pes-
q ueros pirates rusos?
3), Que opine sobre la con-
troversia con Brasil sobre las
represas de Itaip6 y Corpus?
4) Que pienda sobre la
lucha antiterrorista en nuestro
pals? ",', ls
5) Su OPIniOn' sObre la' en-
trevista Carter-Videla
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
siOn en todos los ambitos:
cultural, religioso, - familiar,
econOmico, social, judicial,
policial, minter; etc. Se atacan
los efectos, pero� deberian
atacarse m�las causas. No
se -trata que la policia y las
FF.AA. eliminen un guerrillero.
y que la escuela o la econo-
mia, por ejemplo, fabriquen
5) Espero que sIrva para es-
clarecer al .pablico nortea-
mericano sabre el drama del
terrorlsrno-y su repreelOn en la
Argentina, para dIsipar malos
entendldos; y estrechar yin-
cubs con la gran naci6n del
La doctora Silvia Gil Arcay
as directora del Departamento
medico deun Leb.oratorio
1) Si, -en 'la medida que se
ajusto' y respete nueStra
soberania. Creo que no lo he
sidci y por le tanto deberiamos
negeciar nuevas coridiciones
p.ej.: cambiar de erbitro.
2) El
cunipi16.cdri. s'iPPAidieS'a que'
no iba a .permitir .que nos
hagan una .mdti-
lacion de nuestra soberania
Yo les_habria confiscado no
solo la carga, sino tarnbien los ,
3) Supongo que no debe ser
tan ctificii conciliar opinlones
en un'asunto.que es de.interes ,
prioritarlo Para Argentina,
Paraguay y
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
de dialog� fructifero con Chile .
a fin de Ilegar.a soluciones
satisfaCtorias para ambos. - �
� 2) �En Verdad ha leaccip�-
nado de la Unica Manera coma
podria hacerla en represen-
tacion .de la soberania argen-
tina y fiel,. custodio de los
bienes de la patria.. "
.3) La dialog� .
entre Argentina y Brasil debe
ser fluida y constructiva. Los
intereses en. juego � son muy
grandes y los beneticlos incal-
culables. El ,bienestar de los.,.
pueblos ,exige de sus gober-
nantes extrema(' todos los �
ti) Debe desarrollarse en
todos los. frentes: no solo en
forma de lucha frontal, sino.:
especialmente en prIvar Ec la
subversiOn de las condialones
soclales, econ6micas y cul-
turales que la puedan favo-
recer. Yen ml opini6n, es fun-
damental .ensenarle al pueblo
coma. se, mantiene- finan-
cieramente lasubversiOn, para
destruir el mito,de.los.heroes:
--5)-En,:.polilica-exterior -
�los'paises, pero en la medida
en .que la conducta de las.
demas� naciones hacia no-
sotros' sea de reciproco res-
peto por nuestros derechos y
nuestra libertades.
recaudos que posibiliten el
pacifico...usufructo de: las .ri-
quezas potenciales. Argentina
y Brasil en su reiaci6n. de , deseues de la vista del
proverbial. amistach.encon- presidente .Videte a West-king-
rletrOaTIT.1:osmedios_para.superar.�,,,J..911,...g,9,r0.1.2t con-ct1 -
- - - - ,,_vo,catorjafaTiojef e-Sfde:estacto�i-
pare ,enmarcar a auspicios-a'
finita. del tratado con' Panama
y 'con la :posterior entrevista
con el' presidente Carter, las
relacioneS, fueroh mejorando
senSiblemente: I Los Estados
Unidos.,yehan acredltado su
n'uevci embajadOr, el doctor
fael Castro y esperamos que
obi) � su� presencia':.eri -Buenos
Aires; el alto nivel actual de
relaciones se-mantenga, .
� -Se' ha-habledO:luegO'de la
entrevista�Videle-.Carter, sabre
"la.Navidad eh pai". Indiearie
que hay Un cornpromiso con:.
Estados .Unidos �sabre un
statue que permitiera Un
�aflojerniento de la Iiiche Corti
Ira la'guerrilla? "
-No hay eue tomarlo al pie
de' la letra. El presidente'
Videla ha. Manifestado'su
deSeb de �que la � proxima
NaVidad Sea pasada en nal por
todos' les .argentinos, porque
constdera que' pare ese enton;
c,es. el terroriSmo estara,
anulado on el pais. ,Si des-
greciadamente el terrorismo
no es 'anUlado, los terrOristaS
se encargaran- que losargen-
tinos no pasemos la Navided
Impusimes el Ministro de
RelaciOnes ExtePOres ,de la
Argentina, vicealmirante OS-
car Mbntes de la actividadqiie
desarr011a "CARTAS DE AR-
verdad,..pacionel, ante' 5.000
periodistaS norteeinerieeno
pertenecierites a otros tantos
diarios, periOdicos y revistas:
�'Se rnostr6 rnuy cornplacido
y con absolute tranquilidad no
exenta de firtneia,respondi6
nuestras pregUntas'sobre dis-
tintos te,ma5'relacionados con
lei.ectividad exterior.'de la
Como� 'legit-nos_ principal-.
rnente. a los medics de
fusiOn ao USA, nuestra primer
pregunta: se refiri6 al: estado
de :las relaciones argentino-
ribrtearnericanas. �
relaCiOnes -"de Argen�-�
tina con Estades- Unidos
siempre han sido buenes." Si
bien c.ounturalmente puederi
haber pasado por algtin
moment� de disminubion;
contra la subversi6n; que. se
eSta .desarrollando en Europa'
y EstadOs'Unictbs?- � ' '
-1A`'eaMpana Mundial �de'
deteriOrd de la imagen eigen.1
tine en el exterior es dirigida
pot' elementos 'indeseableS y
antiargentinos. Esta cempana-
nO 5-Olo es Ilevada a a cabro en
USA '.sino tarnbien en vario's
paises de Europa Occidental.
El- Poder- �Ejecutivo ha 'tras-,
ladedo a la Cancillerla la res.,
porisabilidad de � der la Imagen.
real'del pais en elexteriOr'y eS-
asi como hemos inStrumen-
tado hace pocos mesas un
Centro. de DifusiOn Argentina, -
due 'este' coardinandO, 1.3.2'aC-
cion esclarecedora. sobre..1a.
realidad argentina -en todos.
esos� paises europeos. A este
CentrO'de DifusiOn Argentina
de Paris, le seguira otro-en los
Estados Unid,os para coon-
dinar la accien en ese. gran
Pais. y .-tambien en aquellas
naciones hermanas de
El Dr. Luis .Pedro.Bucafus-
co, presidente-de la Casa Ar-
gentina en. Israel.; presidente
de UNELAM � (Unidad Evan
gelica Latinoamericana) y ex
presidente de la Federacien,
Argentina, ,de.,. Iglesias- Evan-
gelicas, resume � su � opinien
1) Creo que este Laudo
plantea up serio problema al
honor argentino, en caso que
lisa y Ilanamente se rechazara.
Tal .vez fue errOneamente en-
carado deSde un principio,
pero xaes,-"tarde para los la-
mentos. El LaUdo en' s�como
pronunciamiento importa una.
real, .injUSticia y Un -desco-
notimiento .a acuerdo,s
oceanicoS bilaterales, y ,5u
cumplimien,to traeria ape-
rejedo,creaciOn de. una.'
zone de.EurrIcienertte,, teriSjOn
entre dos�pmelt)10's.',,,
La soluciOn no eslr'echear'hi
aceptar.sino crear un clime de
4). El gobierno 4iene la
obligaciOn de &ear las.' Con
diciones para 'clue � la ciOda-
dania se�ejeria enun clima de
paz y respeto mutuo. � Por lo
tent� esta obligado-a, oponer-
se a todo .aquello que pueda
alterar la. tranguilitlad,Yqueln-
tente perturbar la �paz:. Pero
esta lucha debe realizarse con
la hidalguia que da el amor por
la libertad y por los derechos
humanos, sin caer en�metodos
que�desnaturalicen esa. :mis-
ma hidalguia...,
5) Tpdasentrevista entre dos
gobernantes bien
nados es muy saludable. Par:
ticularmente en.esta hora,, en
que nueStro pals tiene que .
disipar .o clarificar, el . clima
creado por una insidiesa cam- ,
pana en, su contra, en :el am-
bito Internacional. .Por ,
puesto que n.0 significa, dar, ',come ex-
presien cle.sumisiOn, sino re-
afirmar .nuestra Posiclon
republicene y.dern,ocratica. Le'
entrey,i.s9, epo:fociemas de ser
fructifera por el enlendirniento
que,a, ocp.,,,s,tarabie.rt_porque
perrnite que,los � d.osaiSeS.Se
,�.�, �_
apresten a Uri mas intenso y
creativo intercambio.
America ,en: que: sea necesariO
haterlo, , �
.-Peri6dicamente Ilegan
paireOl.a,rnac.lone,s,, de al,..,
gUnos.grupos� politicos y cul
turele.s .de, Europa;
libertad del. ex president
CarnPora. Hay algupa�novedad,...
en-ese senlido?
;Argentina sigue ourripijeri-,:�
dq-..estrictamente. todos ,sPs.
corripibmiSos internaCiOnaleS.,-
Tanto Campora, como.pir hijO
y Abal Medina sigUen esilados
en la empajada de;Mexico y
perrnanentemente se estudia,.,1
la Situaci6n de 'eStos tres per
sonajes. ,
-01r6 tema urticarite en ,las
. �
relaelones argentin,onbr7:;.
teamericanas, lo constituye le
situaciOn .de.,los�adherentes
la ,secta religiose denominada '
Testigos' de Jehova .qUe 5e ,
niegan a reVerenCiar los sm
bolos pathos. Cual es' la ,i-'-
tuaciari actual de ese
-Sobre este asunto hey,un
LQue se puede hacer'frente a. dictamen juridico perfecte-
la-cempana de descredito don- mente .claro de la justiCia
tra la Argentina en su lucha manteniendo la total:indepep-
Letter from Argentina Page 91
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
dencia entre el Poder Eje- �Esto este perfectamente
cutivo y & Poder Judicial, lo claro y lo hemos dicho que Ar-
resuelto.en ese dictamen sera gentina es muy respetuosa del .
aplicado por el Qobierno. Los Derecho Internacional, pero
Estado.s Unidos sierripre han no va a permitir que se afecte
sostenido que los derechos nuestra soberania sobre te-
humanos estan basados en el rritorio y mar argentinos.
problema juridi'co y en este
caso justamente lo que se este . �Porque Chile quiere una
apticando es un dictamen salida al Atlantico y niega
juridico 'que no puede ser categOricamente la salida at
tornado como atentatorio .a mar, que anhela Bolivia?
ninguna de las libertades que (:,Cual es la actitud argentine?
establece� nuestra Consti- �Nosotros heroes apoyado
- -tuci.6n,.._ya _que..ese_.d.i.cternen_ en reiteradas oportunidades y
nace justamente del Poder quo.
vela. el fiel cumplitniento de
nuestra ConsituciOn. .
-Cables recientes del ex-
tranjero sostienen que habria
en nuestro pais una represiOn
contra profesionales y mas
especificamennte de la . psi-
cOlogka y psiqpiatria, espe-
cialmente de la colectividad
israelita,, o de miembros del
Partido Comuniste. Que
podemos informer a la prensa
de Estados Unidos a la que
Ilegamos con "CARTAS DE
-No han surgido ideas ni ac-
titudes antisemitas o contra el
partido Comunista .en Argen-
tina.. Puedo declarer con or-
WI� que en nuestro pais no
hay discriminaciOn .alguna, ni
religiose, ni de raza, ni per
MOti.vos politicos. No solo
ahora, sino que nunca han
exiStido violencies ni per- �La Armada mentiene una
secuciones raciales. Por Ora permanente vigilancia y con-
parte, el partt.d.o_Comunista trol sobre nuestras 200 millaS
.y=siempre,que, sea violada-su
tidos�politicos ergo
tierten suspendida su ecti-
vidad politica, pero de flirt-
gun'a manors son persegui-
dos, por el solo ser
cornunistas. .
Argentina ha dicho en � las
Nacidnes Unidas, que sig-
nifica el terrorisrno interna-
cional y ha tornado y. sigue
tomando todas las medidas a
fin de que desaparezca y sea
aniquilado en nuestro pais.
-Otro tem-a que. 'este in-
dUietando a la opini6n pUblica
es la actitud a tomarse en las
conversaciones bileterales
sobre la zona austral. Que se
plensa hacer?
-Terminada la segunda ron-
da de conversaclones infor-
males yo he informado recien-
teniente a la Junta de Coman-
dantes en Jefe., sobre los
resultados de. .la misma y se �Satisfecho de las conver-
.estan estudiando los nuevos saciones con el 'oancilier
pasos a dar. paraguayo Nougues en la
-Ya el Comandante en Jete visite que finalize en Buenos
de la Armada, almirante Aires?
Emilio Eduardo Massera
habria -adelantado, inter-
�Si muy satisfecho. He-
pretando el general reclamo, mos anal izado los.; temas
popular, sin distinciOn de bilaterales, econernicos,
politicos, culturales y como
banderias, que no se admitire
a mutilacion del territorio evaluaciOn yo dire que ha side
a -
riacional. Es ese el pensa-
ltamente positive para Pa-
miento de la Junta Mutter? rag uay y Argentina.
Letter from Argentina Page 92
desde'riaCe muchos anos una �
salida al mar para la hermana
repUblica de Bolivia, siempre
de acuerdo y satisfacciOn de
los paises involucrados en es-
te problema.
�Argentina considera ter-
mined� el incidente con los
pesqueros rusos?
�Los pesqueros intrusos
se han avenido a pagar las
multas que estableceran los
correspondientes sumarios,
aim no concluidos y en cuanto
a la carga 'fue confiscada y
vendida a terceros, per lo que'
dichos pesqueros no han
podido beneficiarse de nin-
guna manera.
�Podren reincidir los pes-
queros pirates extranjeros
dentro de nuestras aguas?
que considere adecuadas para
que nunca sea violada esta
�Corn� estan nuestras
relaciones con Brasil?
�Ya se ha realized� la
segunda .roncia tripartira
(Brasil, Paraguay y Argentina)
en la que se han efectuado in-
tercambioS de caracter tec-
nice. El 17 de este roes se
Ilevara a cabo la tercera rO.nda,
donde espero se terminen de
analizar todos estos dabs,
para iniciar ya los estudios en
profundidad .a fin de poder
compatibilizar ambas represas
de Itaip6 y Corpus, con la idea
del mayor y mejor aprove-
chamiento del ague que Dios
ha dado a estos tres pueblos y
en beneficio de los mismos.
Aunque ya no es ninguna
estrella del futbol, para Peter
Heinlein la Cope del Mundo ya
comeriz6 en septiembre 61-
timo. Y cuando Alemanla Oc-
cidental inaugure el cam-
peonato en la cancha de River
Plate, el 1� de junio de 1978, a
las 15.30 hores, varies miles
de alemanes cOmodamente
instalados en las platees del
estadio, veran a sus favoritos
gracias a la labor previa de
Peter Heinlein.
Peter, 26, soltero, "pintOn"
corn() decimOs los portenos,
este destacado en Buenos
Aires por NE(JE REVUE, revis-
ta de interes general de la
editorial Heinrich Bauer
Verlag, de Hamburgo, Ale-
mania. Las publIcaciones de
este complejo editor, tiran
unos 10 millones de ejem-
plares semanales, en ver-
siones germanas de "Play
Boy", "Quick" y otras. "Neue
Revue" tiene una circulaciOn
de 1.500.000 ejemplareS.
De acuerdo con la politica
que tambien liege" a 3.000
periodlstas 'alemanes a traves
NIEN" invitamos; a Peter a
desaynar en nuestro hogar.
Confortablemente insta-
lados, y a la vista del hermoso
parque de. Palermo desde
nuestro octavo else, Peter nos
cuenta que el entusiasmo en
Alemanla por el Mundial, es
tat que en dos dies se ago-.
taron 'los pasajes para un
"charter" que Ilegara a Buenos
Aires para el partido final. Y
Peter este contribuyendo a ese
entusiasmo con suplernentos
de 10 pagleas..que redacta
.desde Buenos AIres.
Su re v..i.'s,t.adAt Olio: de la
Deutech'er..F.U1S-Stiall+Bund, .un
cupo de' 'aborioSi-.--(pasajes
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
aereos, hoteles y entrada al
estadio) para 1.600 alemanes.
Se venden a 3.150 marcos (u$s
1.400.�). Viajaran en un DC-
10 de la Martin Air, de Holanda
y toda su estadia en Argentina
este preparada por Hapag-
Lloyd, operadores de Bremen,
-con sucursales en toda
Este Operative, denomlnado
AKTION WM 78, es patro-
cinado por la Liga Alemana,
organizado per Hapag Lloyd e
Intervienen con el propbsito
de bajar los costos, varies fir-
mas comerciales como Foto
()thane International,. la m�
grande casa de fOtoS en el
rnundo; Chocolates Nuts;
Grundig y la Renault alemana.
Los 1.600 alemanes (en total
viajaran m�de 3.000) Ilegeran
en 4 vuelos: el primero Heger&
para la inauguraclOn, con ac-
ceso a otros dos partidos
m� el segundo volara direc-
temente a C6rdoba, para ver 4
partidos de la primera roncla;
el .tercer "charter" estara on
Buenos Aires para dos par-
tidos de la segunda ronda; y
el cuarto vuelo sera para la
Le preguntamos a Peter
Heinlein, come ye a la Argen-
tina en estos dos meses de
- habia estado en 1975.
Es un pals muy lindo, que grandes riquezas y con
mucho futuro, por su exten-
siOn, sus climes, sus habitan7
riorttr ste..eL. aiS.rfiu
�Argentina es un pais nor-
mal, igual al resto del mundo,
En todos los paises hay
pOlicias y militares en guardia.
No he visto nada excepaional
en cuanto a represiOn.. He
tenido la m�amplia libertad
para trasladarme 'a cualquier
lugar. �
�,Que les dirias a los
�"Que vale la pena venir,
que nunca habran vista alga
parecido. Eso si, le stengo
que advertir que vengan con
animo de aventuras, ya que no
les puedo asegurar que van a
encontrar todo tan ordenado
come en Alemania, pero la
capacldad de improvisaclOn
de los argentinos, en su mente
latina, y con gran hospltall-
dad, hare que los alemanes
sean muy bien recibidos.
�Alemanla va a iniclar su
trabajO en CCordoba, ,que
impreslOn tienes de esa
�XOrdoba, la sede inicial
para Alemaeia es una ciudad
de 1.000-.000 de habitantes.
Antigua, de estp, colonial,.
con.:todo..el.confOrt .de la vide
oderna.�N.O,0 rece en si
muchos atractivos, pero las
villas y localidades de los
alrededores . son hermosas.
Villa Carlos Paz, a orillas del
lago San 'Rogue, a 36 k116-
metros, of rece hermoSos
hoteles, el lago, pes6a, as
sierras. La FaIda es otra lo-
calidad importante a 90 ki-
16metros; Alta Gracia a 30
kilOrnetros, con buena ho-
teleria y cancha de golf, y Rio
Anizacate, para la pesca.
Tambien los alemanes varnos
a tener reminIscenclas de la
SeIva Negra, en Villa General
Mitre, a 90 kllOrnetros de Cer-
doba,, un pueblIto de 4.000
habitantes, casi todos ale-
manes. Para el mundlal nues-
tros compatriotas de Villa
General Mitre han organizado
la Fiesta de la Cerveza.
--z,Y qua impresiOn podas
adelantar de Buenos Aires?
�Los que vengan a Buenos
Aires, la ciudad les of rece
todo. Es una metrOpolis mun-,
dial. Hoteles buenos, res-�
taurantes de'alto nivel, todo lo
que puede ofrecer una de las
cludades mas importantes del
Mundo. Eso Si, que no es-
peren diversiones como as
que ofrecen los barrios chinos
de otras cludades. En cuanto a
shows, night clubs, cafe con-
certs, hay cUalquier cantid-
�,Se ve el esfuerzo argen-
tino en la construcciOn�de los
yucclOn, el m�Undo es el de
Mendoza, y el estadlo prin-
cipal de River se asta corn-
pletando como una obra gi-
gante al lado del. Rio de la
�Aparte de ver los parti7
dos, Lque van a hacer I s
turistas alemanes?
�A los que vengtan desde
Alemania, no les vamos a
.d.ejar solos ni un solo minuto
del dia. Los dias que no haya
partidos organizaremos excur-
slones en lancha por el Delta
del Parana, visitaremos estan-
cias para dIstrutar de suculen-
tos asados (grillfest) con
lamejor carne del mundo. Los
vinos argentinos son tambien
excelentes. Tendremos shows
nocturnos y folklOrIcos.
Ofreceremos encuentros con
clubes de la colectividad
�tCrees que la Argentina
este organizando bien el Mun-
�Si, por supuestO. Para el
Mundial va a estar todo list&
Es.pecialmente en as co-
municaclones. se esta hacien-
do un esfuerzo tremendo, ya
que creo-q.ue Argentina estaba
atrasada 20 anos..Pero todo va
a estar a punto y bien.
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
Argentina '78
Enact. d. taitol a .1 Mr Inal�
-A mediados de 1978, la Argentina sera -sede del XI Campeonato
Mundial de FUtbol por la Copa F.I.F.A. Las ciudadessde Buenos
, Aires, capital clp la RepUblica, Cordoba -capital de la provincia
� homOnimam Mar del Plata-la m�importante ciudad balnearia del
pais, sobre la costa atlantica de la provincia de Buenos Aires-,
Mendoza -ciudad capital de la provincia del mismo nombre
ubicada al pie de la cordillera de los Andes- y Rosario de Santa Fe,
a orillas del rio Parana, son las cinco que haran las veces de
r La Argentina se .prepara aceleradamente para este importante
acontecimiento deportivo, consciente de la respdnsabilidad que
entrana el organizar con seriedad y eficrencia, una justa detamana
magnitud. La aguarda, asimismo, como una valiosa oportunidad
Raja mostrar, ante las cielegaciones concurrentes, su importante _
infraestructu ra deportiva, entre la que se destaca particularmente
la aplicada al futbol, uno de los mas populares deportes en el pais.
Y, tambien, para exhibir a los visitantesque Ileguen con motivo del
torneo, todo su potencial turistico, como el apropiado
complemento que Cl Campeonato necesita para ser inolvidable.
, u e
Letter from Argentina Page 93
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
Letter From Argentina
OBJETO: Difundir'en et exterior, -aspectos posItivos de la realidad ar-
gentine, mediante informes especiales de nuestrb cuerpo de redacclOn.
_ ..LOsinfOrITIes_que integran ''CARTAS DE ARGENTINA" abarcan Po-
. .
Utica, EcOnomia, Trabajo, CulturarEducaciar,-Clentia, Arte, Politica Ex-
terior, Derechos Humanos, Lucha antisubversiva, Turlsmo, DeporteS,
Mundial "78",. Personalidades, Empresas, ExportaciOn, La Mujef Argen-
tina, Belleza, Modes, ReliglOn, Llbros,�Perlbdismo, ACciOn de goblernos
Nacional y Provinciales, etc.
Tor via aerea yen forma totalmente gratuita.
Nuestro lnformaciones es UNICO, EN EL MUNDO, pues va
dirigido exclusivarnente a periodlstas de los diarlos, periOdicos y revistas
de Estados UnidoS,, inglaterra, Francla, Espana, Italia, Portugal, Paises
Bajos, Paises Escandinavos y Suiza.
"BRIEF AUS ARGEN,TINIEN" se distribuye en Alemanla Federal,
Republica Popular-Alemana y Austria, exclusivamente a periodistas.
FO8MTIVO EN EL MUNDO,,.que Ilega a lainesaide trabajo
, de 5.000 periodistas norteamericanos, perteneclentes.a otros
tantos diarios,iperiOdlcos y revistas de esa naciOn.
No sOlo informamos a los directores, jefes de secclOn y
periodistas de esas 5.000 publicaclones, sin� que tambien
Ilegamos a los despachos oficiales del presidente Carter y su
"staff" .en la Casa Blanca (80 funcionarios)�' a 50 goberna-
dores de los Estados de la UnI6n, a 100 senaderes, 435 re-
presentantes, a 146 altos jefes m 'Mares del Pentagon�, a 156
11.113, New 2.759.182.
Erihune ,.
fimen '
rime- ' 803.123
:Slobs .
Pree Frees 620.541
News �
Poet 614.849
, 443.097
Herald American
Register .
Star-lStar edger
Newark 425.161
The Washington Star Washington 385.240
.. Bansaa City 396.457
Plain Dealer Cleveland
News Chicago 358.550
Star Indiandpolie
Sun Baltimore
gilwauEse 338.597
Herald 2maminer.
News Dallas Clev 321.801
eland 347.463
Journal Loa Angeles
Arizona Republic Phoenix 317.939
Nueva Orleana
Chronicle Houston 303.459
I Rodeo rates dierioe con mis de 300.000 ejemplaree de tirade,
a ctras 5.000. puelicaciones (diarios, periddicos y revistae) de
los EE.OU., llegamoe con .CARTAS DE ARGENTINA., para mostrar la
realided positive de nueatro pale. NUestro partial� de informs-
clones en Taco rri la, MUNDO. I es argentine...
_MUNDIAL, "Yr: Es cada vez mayor la atenclOn que las
� reVistas deportivas dedlcan al fCitbol en los Estados UnIdos.:
El trato preferente.que damos al Campeonato Mundial, puede
ser reproduCldo por algunas de las 400 publicaciones.nor-
teamericanas dediCadas a deportes. Algunas de alias son:
The College Game . 4.909.000.e emplares�
Sports illustrated 2.310.879 e emplares
. OutdoorLife 1.782.773 e emplares
Sport � 1.373..952 e emplares
- :.brigadieres-y-generales-de-lwFuerza_Aerea_a_148,gener_ales ,,Sports Afield . , _ .. 1.110.464 e emplares,
ifilfailt&deArrnad_s7cle-4-,.S.q\=7--"---_--==--i-----T--,TAZA-7=YESt.RESCAUmle-dacTtOr�Tespeciallpdbgle "C4A R IN"
$ nHiirirtfermicib-n-trel;rtibro. Argentine-ea-7
Nueva York
Los Angeles
Nueva York
San Francisco
San Francisco
Garden City
Dee Moines
mlembros de. la Defense �Logistics Agency, a 22 altos fun- un pais Ideal para la practica de ambos deportes.pnas 50
cionarios civiles y rnilltares de la ComislOn de 'Derechos publicaciones del pais del Norte-son destinatarlas de nuestro
Humanosi a 61,m iembros del United States Secret Service y a
las princIpales autoridadeS dela-Central Intelligence Agency.
Estos envios alcanzan a 1.500 funcionarios, con lo cual el
total de:distribuciOn en USA; alc,anza a,6:500.ejemplares.
� Distribucion en Aleinania y Austria
Los. 3.000 ejemplares en aleman de "BRIEF AUS ARGEN-
' TINIEN" seran distribuidos a los periodistas de Alemania Oc-
cidental, A Iemania orientaly Austria. �
'i,Clue es et"efecto mulliplicante"? �
La firma argentina SOMISA declara haber construldo el
mayor edificio en el mundo, integramente en acero. Esta',
noticia .publicada por.nosotros, Ilega entre otras a unas 500
. publicaciones norteamericanas dedicadas ala Industrie de la
construcciOn, una de las cuales "MODERN STEEL CONS-
TRUCTION" tiene una circulaciOn de 25 mIllones de ejern7
plares. Si la noticia de SOMISA es. interesante para ellos o
cualquier otra publicaciOn especializada, la nota sobre-
SOM ISA puede alcanzar. tIradas In imagInables an el mercado
editorial argentino: muchos millones de ejemplares.
OTRO CASO: A mediados de octubre Ultimo, se reunIO en
Buenos Aires, el Congreso Mundial de Flebologia con. las
asistencia 'de numerosos cientif loos argentinos y extra')-
(eros.- Nosotros publicamos dos paginas sobre dlcho evento
queen este mes denoviembre Ilegaran.a unas 400 publi-
caciones especializadas ,en Mei:Ile-Ina -en USA, una 'de- las.
cuales "Round Up" tiene una circulaciOn de 4 miliones de
ejemplares. Es pesible que eeta� notIcia sea reproduclda en
millOnes de copies.
ServIcio Informativo, entre ellas, "Field and.Stream" que tira�
2.000.073 ejemplares y "American Rifleman". dcin una
culaclOn de 1.-.032.164.copias, que tienen en nUeStro material,
'un aporte muy interesante -para reproducir en mIllones de
L ejemplares. �
, RELIGION: Es blen sabIdo dile' la pampana contra Argen-,
tine' en el terna de los Derechos Hurrianes es hablImente
. airigida.pOr grupos subversivos argentinos y extranjeros que
explotan, la buena fey los naturales b,uenos sentimientos del'
pueblo hortearnerIcano, uno de los mas�rellgiosos del mun-
' do. El ,poder de la Prensa religiosa en lOs EE.UU es enorme,
;proporcional a sus tirades millenaries. La inforrnaclOn veraz y
positiva-que les enviamos por medlo de "CARTAS -DE AR-
GENTINA" Ilega a- unas 400 publicaclones rellglosasi entre
que se destacan:- ,
- Watchower 10.200.000 ejemplares .
. Awake . 10.050.000 ejemplares
Decision 4.000.000 ejemplares
Mission. 3.200.00aejemplares
Guideposts -2:100.000 ejemplares
Abundant Life 1.300.000 ejemplares
Noticias publicadas en "CARTAS DE ARGENTINA" pueden
ser reproducidas por mIllones de ejemplares en USA, alcan-
zando una difuslOrijqUe supera la totalldad del Wale de la
su ma de todas las-publIcaciones argentinas (dlarlos, pe-
TIOdlcos y 'reylstas),e.g�unagolaediplOn. i,-�
� �
Letter from Argentina Page 94
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626878
Viva 15 dias en Buenos Aires � GRATIS.
El grupo de periodistas argentinos que hacemos CARTAS DE ARGEN-
TINA, no queremos solarnente darles inforrnacion veraz sobre el acontecer
dirio en nuestra Patria. Vamos mas alla. Deseamos que algunos de ustedes
nos visiten en nuestras propias casas, que se abriran-fraternalmente para
Si algunos de ustedes -pueden'viajar a Argentina, nos cornprometemos a
alojarlos en nuestros hogares, compartiendo nuestra vida familiar durante
quince dias, con todos los gastos de estadia, desplazamientos en la ciudad,
y espectaculc:Is por nuestra cuenta. Tambien les acercaremos a las perso-
nalidades que ustedes deseen entrevistar, para lograr "in situ" una verdadera
imagen del pais. Escribanos de inmediato, piles por razones obvias las
vacantes son limitadas. AcerqUenos sus datos y en que fecha podrian venir y
de inrnediato les contestaremos para concretar su visita. Les vamos a recibir
Qon los brazos abiertos, como argentinos que somos... Dirijan su corres-
oondencia a: Sr. Antonio Rodriguez -- "Cartas de Argentina" Av. Santa Fe
4134 - 8� "0" �Buenos Aires, Republica Argentina y a vuelta de correo, ten-
dra nuestra conforrnidai.
_ �LIVE 15 DAY JN QS j� .iGRATIS!_
The group or Argentine journalists who produce LETTERS FROM ARGENTINA want to
give you more than just information about what goes on in Argentina. Our objectives go
much further than that. We'd like some of you to visit us In our own homes. You'll be wel-
If you want to get a first-hand look at Argentina we'll undertake to put you up completely
free for 15 days, and transportacion, entertainment, and lodging are all on us. We'll also
help you to contact the personalities you want to interview so that you can get a better
image of Argentina. Please write at once; obviously places are limited. Give us your name
and address and tell us when you could come, and we'll reply to you right away. You'll be
able to see for yourselves what an Argentine welcome is. Write Antonio Rodriguez, "Car-
tas de Argentina", Av. Santa Fe 4134, 8� "0", Buenos Aires, Argentina. We'll reply by first
Letter from Argentina Page 95
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Letter from Argentina Pogo 843
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