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PDF icon RABBIS VISIT TIMERMAN[15515203].pdf337.61 KB
BUENOS AIRES* - 2 44(79-111 43 VEL Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 GN 2585 14///tht 0101,6 021943Z APR 78 villie.ATE C3 COLLECT _ MARGE 'TO 12065: E.O. =FM TAGS: SUBJECT: ACTION: AMB DCM POL 3 POL/R DAO ECOM USICA CHRON RION AMEFSASSY BUENOS AIRES CIANWICMMW CONFIDENTIAL Man GDS 4/2/85.(HALLMAN, WILLIAM H.) SHUM AR (C) RABBIS VISIT TIMERMAN SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY CONFIDENTIAL BUENOS AIRES 2515 REF: BUENOS AIRES 2513 1. (C - Entire Text). 2. Rabbi Theodore Friedman of South Orange, New Jersey (presently residing in Jerusalem) and his son Rabbi Hillel Friedman of Spring Valley, New York, visited Jacobo Timerman on the afternoon of March 30. They found him in reasonably good spirits but determined to begin a hunger campaign on April 16 if he is not released. The visitors and Rabbi Marshall Meyer, who was with them, tried to dissuade him. (Embassy Comment: They generally share Embassy view that if indeed the Argentine Government is about to free Timerman action to force this quickly might lead to a negative decision -- rather than GOA's - appearing to bow under pressure.) OR-P 3. 44eore Friedman said he planned to telephone Pat ! DRAFTED BY: POLCOUNS:WHHallman: CLEARANCES. 50153-101 DRAFTING DATE 4/2/79 TEL EXT 278 CONFIDENTIAL CONTENTS AND CLASSIFICATION AFFROVI33 BY: DGM:MCh CLASSIFICATION Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 aPTIONAL FORM 153 Wannedy FS4131 Apsuarv1915 Dept of State all 60152-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 CONFIDENTIAL 2 Page of Classificatoon PAM Derian on his return to New Jersey Che left 4/1) to discuss his visit and the Timerman case further. Timerman commented during visit he would also like to see Ambassador Castro. CASTRO CONFIDENTIAL Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 .������� OPTIONAL FORM 152e(H) (Formerly FS-413(I4)a.) January 1976 Dept of State Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 ..)JJ ( 0 4 Mr. Long. Thank you. The gentleman from Massachusetts. Com Mr. Sma 109 N.OAJAk \J2-0.10.A Al ad :211-v.o..4 ci-Acikt\ )Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I won't take but a minute. I understand that no one has asked Mr. Irving Tragen a question today. (Laughter) And I just want him to justify his salary. Mr. Long. You might ask him how much his salary is. (Laughter) Mr. ,figa-th. At least it will show in the record you were here. Mr. Tragen. Thank you. CoArr Mr. SmTtft. That is the only reason I am asking it. (Laughter) He caught me as I came in. But on page 2 of your statement, you say human rights is a major preoccupation of the OAS and American Declaration of Rights and Duties, the plan was adopted in 194S the:. ,onoral Amoriran Commi�.;Ion of -an 1" 't �Itoe Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 �a. Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 110 5 invested tens of thousands of complaints and violations of the rights of groups and individuals and you mention reports on Chile, Uruguay, Nicaragua. I don't see anything in there about Argentina. As you may know, I have been \\ '1 77/714A n41/ very interested in TimMrmans, who has been incarcerated for a long period of time. I went-to visit him in jail. He is out of jail. He is incarcerated in his home. It is one of the worst violations I think of human rights I have ever seen. I have done everything humanly possible to try to get this man out of the country. U.S. News and World Report, one of the magazines last week, had a feature story on it. What is OAS doing if anything to get that man released? Mr. Tragen. I can't respond specifically to Mr. TinTkrmins' case which I happen to 1-now fairly Won, too, Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 111 6 but after substantial negotiation the Government of Argentina has now extended an invitation to the Inter- American Human Rights Commission to come to Argentina,. The visit is scheduled for the last week in May and the first week in June. It is the first visit of its kind that this government has permitted. It is the Inter- American Human Rights Commission which has full authority in accordance with the terms of reference of the Commission to deal with any of the problems that exist in Argentina. What trmentioned, sir,AW the American Declaration of itiza Human Rights in 1948 wee signed by all of the mombPr countries. The Etl.mmissaAran�wa-s�se3/4-3.1p,---ty.e3 Inter-American Human Rights Commission was set up in 1959. CONTe_ Mr. Sarth. I am familiar with that. I just want to know what are you going to do for Jacob� Timmermans and if you over get down to Argentina, start investigating humln r3qhts, you will nevor get out of then,. They Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 112 7 will keep you busy for the rest of your life and everybody -) else's life on this Committee; thousands, thousands of people who have been incarcerated, taken out of their homes late at night, never to be seen again by their families. It is one of the worst blatant countries against human rights in the world.. Just before :his bill is marked up in April or May, maybe May, I want a report on what you people did down there in Argentina to get Jec000 Timmerman, out of that country. Somebody has got to make thoso people listen. That man has done nothing. He was found not guilt. by a military tribunal. What more does he have to do? I am aerious. I am sig.:, of these clubs we've got around here, pull down the shades, have a couple of martinis and say how great they are. I want to sec how great you are getting Jacobo Timmermans out of ArconLina. � Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 _ Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 8 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Long. Thank you. Mr. Tragen: In response to your question about what the US Government has done about the situation of Mr. Timmerman, I submit the following: The US Government has made repeated efforts on behalf of Mr. Timmerman. President Carter raised his case with President Videla when the latter was in Washington for the Panama Canal Treaties signing ceremony. Secretary of.State Vance reviewed his case in detail when he visited Argentina in November of 1977. Since then,*our Ambassador and Department of State officials have continued to press for the resolution of Mr. Timmerman's case. At present he is under house arrest, and Argentina's Supreme Court has ruled his detention under "Poder Ejecutivo Nacional" illegal. Mr. Timmerman is seeking his immediate freedom and is challenging his continued detention under the "actos institucionales". As the Subcommittee knows, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IAHRC) is scheduled to visit Argentina at the end of may and the beginning of June 1979. In view of the Commission's mandate, and its specific interest in freedom of the press, Mr. Timmerman's problem is the kind of case in which Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 _ - Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840 �2� the US believes the Human Rights Commission will take an active interest during its on-site visit. We remain hopefulthat the Government of Argentina will release Mr. Timmerman, and will continue our efforts to encourage that end. ���� Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626840