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Publication Date: 
May 3, 1977
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 OONTROIs 3260 3 mAr 77 1745 DEPARTMENT OF STATE ctot.t-K VULLE IN TE COLLECT I= CHARGE TO E.O. 11652: TAGS: SUBJECT: ACTION: AMB DCM 40000". important conversation with the Economy Minister on the Graiver POL3 POL/R investigation. Martinez de Hoz labelled the Graiver affair as Ecm DSIS an attempt by high ranking military officers, ubom he did not RF CHRDN wish to identify, to discredit and eventually oust President Videla from the government. However, Martinez de Hoz thought that Videla had regained control over the situation and would be able to ease the conspirators out of their present posts by the and of the year. Many if not most of the people publicly accused of having links to the Graivers are not guilty of anything more than illegal foreign exchange transactions-which is a rather common offense. Martinez de Hoz. also doubted that the police had discovered the alleged financial transactions between the Graivers and the Montoneros in the manner they have DRAFTED BY DRAFTING DATE TEL. EXT CONTENTS AND CLASSIFICATION APPROVED BY IEGAT:RScherrerdr 5/3/77 121 DCWMChaplin CLEARANCES POL:AGFreamaner+ AMB:RCHill FROM AMEMBASSY WENDS AIM CLASSIFICATION CONFECOTTIAL GDS SHIM PINS AR Minister of Economy Jose Martinez de Hoz comments on the Graiver case SECSTATE WAC CONFIDENTIAL BUENOS AIRES REF: Buenos Aires 3052 3260 1. SUMMARY. This cable reports the Ambassador's lengthy and 60163-101 CONFIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 OPTIONAL FORM 153 (Formerly F3-413) January 1978 MmtotState, S. Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 CONFIDENTIAL Ameil_of Classification- MRN claimed, i.e. through a slip by Juan Graiver when he allegedry-I mistook a group of police officers for Montoneros. On the brief arrest of Herald editor Cox, this action had been carried out an the orders of Interior Minister Harguindeguy who decided that the government could not allcrd Cox's viola- tion of the press law to go unpunished. With regard to the missing Edgardo Sajon, Martinez de Hoz assured the Aubassador that no goverment agency was responsible for his disappearance. He did not rule out the possibility of legal action against ex- President lanusse for his alleged illegal activities. END &MARY. 2. Accompanied by Legatt Scherrer, the Ambassador paid farewell call upon Economy Minister Martinez de Hoz April 26. The Ambassador thanked the Minister for his friendship, understand- ing and assistance in matters of mutual interest to the USG and GOAL The Minister told the Ambassador that he personally, and the GEVL, appreciated the Ambassador's efforts to improve US-Argentine relations. 3. The Ambassador then showed the Minister andnEographed handout in the Spanish language captioned, "Infanne Sobre el Caso Graiver" which had come into the possecsian of the Embassy. The Ambassador noted that this handout contained a volume of data on the Graiver case, which by inference connects various Percnist politicians and businessmen, incumb- ent and former military leaders, the hierarchy of the Raman __] CONFITRATFTAT. Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 OPTIONAL FORM 153A (Formerly FS-413A) January 1975 Dept of State 50163-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 , War .1.1.M.LILLEU, Classification r--,, Catholic Church in Argentinefilumbent GOA officials, including the Minister and Ricardo Ybfre, the Sub-Secre- tary General of the Presidency, with illegal financial transactions linked to Graiver. The Edbassador expressed his concern with regard to the accuracy of information contained in the pamphlet and the possible repercussions that it might have on the GOA, and the Minister personally. The Minister asked whether the handout presented to him by the Ambassador was "the infamous report an Graiver" put r 4 41 out by the StatejitTeatterniceiga (UDE). Legatt in- formed the Minister that there was no apparent connection to SIDE but that several sources had reported that the handout in question might have been prepared and distributed by the Argentine Army First Corps in Palermo. 4. After scanning the handout, the Minister stated that it was part of a. plot or conspiracy led by "an active-duty Argentine Army General and a retired Argentine Army General" for the purpose of discrediting President Videla, as well as other members of the GOA, with the eventual goal of ousting President Videla. (IIUTE: Martinez de Roz made no attempt to identify the two officers further, but we believe he was referring to General Carlos Willem� Suarez Mason, the incumbent Commander of the Army First Corps, and 'retired General Iberia� Saint Jean, the Governor of Buenos Aires Province.) The Minister indicated that CONFIDENTIAL Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 MRN OPT1ONALFORM 153A (Formerly F8-413A) January 1976 Dept of State 60183-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 LUDIY.WEN.U.LAL NOD Classifrratiror MR* 1-- the President, upon learning of the plans of the afore- --1 mentioned two Army generals, promptly took action to take personal control of the situation in order to insure that a fair, impartial, yet thorough investigation of the Graiver matter would be conducted. The Minister indicated that President Videla ncra had complete control of the situ- ation and that Army G-4. General Gallino, whom he described as a reasonable, intelligent Army officer, would control the investigation and prevent sensational-type innuendos and inferences from appearing in the future. 5. The Minister noted that the two generals who conceived the aforementioned conspiracy believed that they hadunre support than they really did. In addition to miscalculating their support, the Minister noted that the plotters made two other serious mistakes in launching their campaign against President Videla and other members of the GOA; namely, President Videla has an untarnished reputation for honesty and integrity in the Argentine military establishment. Also, the accusations by inference connecting other GOA officials with the Graiver scandal were patently absurd and easily recognized by the majority of ranking Argentine military leaders as such. The Minister indicated that President Videla did not desire to create a scandal by relieving the two generals of their current positions L__ and that the President would wait until the end of the CONFIDFRTTAT. Classificanon Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 OPTIONAL FORM 163A (Formerly F8-413A) Jenuary1078 Dept of State 60159-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 CCUFIDENTIAL Page of Classrficativir WIN � � year to quietly ease these two generals out of their --1 present posts. 6. The Minister indicated that he understood frau Army sources that the Buenos Aires Provincial Police (BAPP) had instituted an investigation into Graiver's financial activities quite same time ago. According to the Minister's information, officers of the BAPP approached Juan Graiver in order to interview him concerning his son's financial activities. The Minister said that Juan Graiver mistook the BAPP officers for Mbntoneros and indicated that he Tiould make good the money entrusted to David Graiver by than. The Minister reported that subsequently Juan Graiver pro- ceeded to make a complete confession of Montonero involve- ment in the Graiver financial empire. The Minister noted that it was incredible and extremely difficult for him to believe that someone as astute, cautious and experienced as Juan Graiver would make such an obvious blunder by blurting out and asking unidentified individuals who approached him whether they were Mbntoneros. 7. The Minister indicated that apparently the BAPP had identified a foreign exchange dealer nand Francisco ("Paco") Fernandez, the former Chief of Foreign Exchange at the Banco de Galicia, as having handled illegal financial transactions for the Graivers. The Minister noted that L__ through Francisco Fernandez the BAPP was able to connect __J CONFIDENTIAL Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 OPTIONAL FORM 153A (Formerly F8-413A) January 1976 Dept of State 50153-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 NFIDWEIAL 6 CO Page of ,302 Classification MIN � � other wellrknown money changers, Ernesto Estrada and Dante Marra. The Minister noted that many, if not the majority of persons whose connections have been publicly linked with the Graivers, had simply conducted illegal financial transactions through the aforenentioned exchange dealers. The Minister offered the example of Monsignor Adolfo Tortolo, the Vicar General of the Argen- tine Armed Forces, whose name had been publicly connected with the Graiver affair. In the case of Monsignor Tortolo, the Minister stated that the only evidence against him was that apparently he had cashed 000 (US) through one of the above-named currency dealers and a record of this trans- action had been discovered. 8. The Minister then madealengthy comment on the informa- tion linking him with the Graiver scandal. The Minister noted that Dr. Martinez Segovia, a menber of the Board of Directors of Papel Prensa, was actually a member of the Minister's law firm. Martinez Segovia, through his Papel Prensa connections, was linked to former President Lanusse's Press Secretary, Edgard� Sajcm., who was connected with "La Opinion." It was further alleged that Martinez Segovia, through his connections with the Minister, had obtained a questionable credit for Papel Prensa through the Banco Nacional de Desarrollo. The Minister noted that Papel L__ Prensa had on its Board of Directors at all times since CONFIDENTIAL Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 OPTIONAL FORM 169A (Formerly F8-413A) January 1975 Dept of State Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 WiltrlIZALIAL Page 7 of cfrunfingthor MRN its founding, at least three members of the GOA, in that --1 GOA funds were originally invested in the founding of Papel Prensa. The Minister zahcbind also said that Martinez Segovia had never been arrested but had merely beenninterro- gated to ascertain any knowledge he had concerning Sajca. 9. The Minister claimed that literally hundreds of indi- viduals fran all walks of life and different political persuasion had apparently utilized the services of the abovementioned currency changers to conduct illegal currency transactions; i.e. black market exchanges during the pest several years. The Minister jokingly commented that at least 70% of all persons in Buenos Aires having foreign currency dealt through the above-Immned exchange dealers. The Minister pointed out that the conspirators desiring to discredit the President and other individuals, such as former President Lanusse, were drawing connections between individuals who could be linked with past or present governments to illegal financial transactions with exchange dealers who allegedly linked the Graiver family to the Montoneros. 10. The Ambassador noted that he hoped that at the appro- priate time in the future the GOA would issue a complete factual report of its findings in the Graiver case clearly separating the purely illegal financial activities frail the alleged subversive ramifications. The Minister __J CONFIDEMAL Classtficatson Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 OPTIONAL FORM 159A (Formerly FS-413A) JwmarY1975 Dept of State 60153-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 CONFIDENTIAL Page -IL� Of Clasnfication PARR � r-- replied that he, too, hoped such a report would be issued --1 by the GOA, but noted he believed that the issuance of such a report would not be in the immediate future. 11. The Ambassador showed Martinez de Hoz copies of letters which the Ambassador bad signed in 1975 informing the banking superintendent of the State of N.Y. that the Eabassy had uncovered no derogatory Information concerning the integrity of W. Craiver or of his financial institutions. The Ambassador offered to make copies of these letters available for the Minister's files, but Martinez de Hoz showed little interest in the letters and declined the opportunity. 12. The Ambassador also nand asked about the arrest of Herald Editor Robert Cox and its serious consequences. The Minister stated he thought that Cax's detention by the Federal Police of Argentina (EPA) was extremely ill-advised and unfortunate. The Minister noted that President Videla, Foreign Minister GUzzetti and he were all in Paraguay when Interior Minister Harguindeguy authorized ('ox's detention. The Minister advised that upon his return to Buenos Aires he immediately contacted General Harguindeguy to inquire as to the details of Cox' s arrest. Can. Harguindeguy told the Minister that Cox had clearly violated Argentine law and that if the GQA did not proceed against Qxt then every newspaper and magazine editor in Argentina would be free L__ to violate the law. The Minister stated be thought that ass! scat on Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 OPTIONAL FORM 153A (Formerly FIII�413A3 January 1975 Dept of Mete 60163-201 er� Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 UMWENTIAL Pe90 �9_. of ClassIficatron- e:NZ MRN same other milder form of action might have been taken --1 against Cox to avoid the sensational publicity which was afforded his arrest. The Minister noted that Gen. Harguindeguy assured him that the Ministry of the Interior had "no axe to grind" with 03K and that he, Harguindeguy, had informed the judge handling Cox's case that it would be in the best interests of all if Cox would be released on his personal recognizance as soon as possible. 13. The Minister then raised the case of Edgardo Salon and affirmed to the Ambassador that he had "personally verified" that Sajon had not been taken into custody by any entity of the GOA. The Minister offered the possibility that Sajon a had carried out/"self-kidnapping" or that possibly he had been kidnapped by the Montoneros and killed. The Minister solid explanation stated he could offer no gligintfor Saion's disappearance. 14. In connection with the Salon case, the Ambassador asked the Minister whether in his opinion same form of legal action would be taken against farm= President Lanusse, based on widespread allegations appearing in the Buenos Aires press and from rumors freely circulated in Buenos Aires connecting the former President with illegal activities. The Minister answered by stating that former President Lanusse had made many enemies in Argentina and that some type of legal action against him in the future might well L__ be possible. --1 CONFTnEZTIAL_ Classificatron Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 OPTIONAL FORM 159A (Formerty F8-413A) January 1975 Dept of State 80183-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 CUNFIDMEIAL 10 Pape of Chunftratarar � 15. The Minister closed the meeting by wishing the Ambassador well upon his return to the US and indicated he hoped that the excellent working relationship established by the Ambassador with all sectors of the GOA would con- tinue after his departure- 16. Martinez de Hoz' comments are the first admission we bevelled from a reliable government source that President 'Videla views the Oraiver case as bediabeelnefntended by those behind the investigation and the attendant publicity cam- paign as a means toward toppling Videla frcmpcwer. We had suspected all along that that was the objective of General Suarez Mason, Governor St. Jean and other high- ranking Any officers, but we have been surprised that the this usual =nor mills have not played up ihmtitheme to any great degree. Martinez de Hoz' comments also tend to substantiate the flimsiness of the information on which guedingett the disgraceful rumormongering deliberately Jhas bee based. unleashed in this case/ Ubere we are uncertain is the degree of control Which Videla is alleged to have regained in this matter. CONFIDENTIAL Classefication Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626852 MRN OPTIONAL FORM 183A (Formerly FS-413A) January 1975 Dept of State